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常见症状评估(Assessment of common symptoms)


常见症状评估(Assessment of common symptoms)常见症状评估(Assessment of common symptoms) 常见症状评估(Assessment of common symptoms) Assessment of common symptoms I. self test training questions (a) multiple-choice questions Type [A1 questions] 1., the body temperature is above 39 degrees Celsius, and within a...

常见症状评估(Assessment of common symptoms)
常见症状评估(Assessment of common symptoms) 常见症状评估(Assessment of common symptoms) Assessment of common symptoms I. self test training questions (a) multiple-choice questions Type [A1 questions] 1., the body temperature is above 39 degrees Celsius, and within a day fluctuations of more than 2 degrees Celsius, the heat type called C A. B. C. undulant fever relapsing fever remittent fever D. E. continued fever irregular fever 2. endogenous pyrogen is present in (A) A. leukocyte, B., bacterial endotoxin, C. antigen antibody complex E. platelets in D. red blood cells 3. moderate fever with oral temperature range of B A.37.3~38 DEG C, B.38.1~39 C, C.39.1~41 C D.41 is not over E. above 4. the common fever pattern of sepsis is (B) A. D. C. intermittent fever remittent fever continued fever D. regression, fever, E., wave heat 5. the axillary temperature of normal subjects was A.36.5 - 37 B.36~37 C.36.3 to 37.2 DEG C D.36.5 - 37.5 DEG C E.36.5 - 37.7 DEG C 6. the common febrile type of typhoid fever is Irregular A. thermal B. C. melitense enecia D. E. intermittent fever remittent fever 7 the most common cause of fever is A.. Aseptic necrosis, absorption of B. antigen, antibody response, C. central fever D. infectious fever E. endocrine metabolic disorder 8. the most common cause of infectious fever is A. virus, B. Rickettsia, C. fungi D. bacteria, E., Mycoplasma pneumoniae 9., the cause of non inductive fever is A. Rickettsia, B. allergy, C., Chlamydia pneumoniae D. helix E. virus 10. ultra high fever means more than body temperature A.42, B.41, C.40, D.40.5, E.41.5 11. the normal body temperature is slightly higher in the afternoon within 1 days than in the morning, but generally not higher A.0.1, B.1, C.1.5, D.2, E.0.5 12. high fever means temperature in the body A.37.4, 38, B.38, 39, C.39 to 41 D.41 is not over E. above 13. precordial regions and pain in the back of the sternum, sometimes to the left shoulder and left hand, are common in radiation A. dry pleurisy, B. spontaneous pneumothorax, C. lung cancer D. angina pectoris, lobar pneumonia, E. 14. chest wall disease that causes chest pain is common A. lung cancer, B., intercostal neuritis, C., spontaneous pneumothorax D. pleural tumor E. pleurisy 15. does not belong to the description of the nature of pain A. stabbing pain, B. knife, cutting pain, C. burning pain, D. colic, E. involve pain 16. of the causes of chest pain, which is not a chest wall disease? A. pleural tumor, B.., non suppurative osteochondritis, C., intercostal fracture D. intercostal neuritis E. zoster 17., the cause of chest pain such as myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism is A. inflammation, B., vascular embolization, C. trauma D. thoracic space occupying lesion, E., neurogenic 18. what is the nature of chest pain in shingles? A. knifelike pain B. C. D. pressing pain dull tearing pain E. pectoris 19. typical appendicitis pain characteristics are A. right lower quadrant pain, B. lower abdominal pain, C. left lower quadrant pain D. upper abdominal pain, E. metastasis, right lower quadrant pain 20. the pain caused by peptic ulcer is A. upper abdominal pain, B. lower abdominal pain C., peripheral pain, D., upper abdominal, rhythmic, periodic pain E. the sword hurts 21. can be found in the abdominal pain and tenesmus A. colon cancer, B., acute bacillary dysentery, C., typhoid fever D. paratyphoid E. intestinal tuberculosis 22. right upper abdominal pain, jaundice, and hepatomegaly are seen in A. fatty liver, B. hepatitis, C. cirrhosis, D. liver cancer, E., schistosomiasis liver 23. of upper abdominal pain with jaundice seen in A. pancreatitis, B., chronic gastritis, C. cholecystitis D. peptic ulcer, E., pancreatic cancer 24. abdominal visceral organ lesions cause abdominal pain may be caused by A. myocardial infarction B. diabetic ketoacidosis C. lead poisoning D. acute gastritis, E. or more are not 25. abdominal pain accompanied by chills and high fever is the most common cause A. common bile duct stones, B. ureteral calculi, C., acute suppurative cholangitis D. acute appendicitis, E., acute pancreatitis 26. the cause of acute abdominal pain is A. reflux esophagitis, B. chronic gastritis, C., stomach and duodenal ulcer D. intestinal obstruction, E. hepatitis 27. about abdominal pain, the right thing is A. stomach and duodenal ulcers are mostly painful at the umbilicus B. acute appendicitis pain at right lower quadrant McBurney C. the pain in the small intestine is mostly on the right upper quadrant D. cholecystitis pain in the left upper abdomen E. liver abscesses are more painful in the lower abdomen 28. headache causing brain lesions are common A. skull base depression, B. skull tumor, C., cervical spondylosis D. trigeminal neuralgia E. brain tumor 29. which is a systemic disease that causes headaches? A. trigeminal neuralgia, B., migraine, C., hypertension D. cerebral insufficiency, E., sequelae of traumatic brain injury 30. which is a extracranial lesion that causes headaches? A. cerebral concussion, B. subarachnoid hemorrhage, C., cerebral embolism D. skull tumor E. meningitis 31. headache accompanied by jet vomiting can be seen in A. B. acute gastritis Helicobacter japonica resistance C hysteria D. acute pancreatitis, E., intracerebral hemorrhage 32. the main cause of low back pain caused by chest cavity, abdominal cavity and pelvic visceral organ is A. involves B. involvement in the psoas muscle and C affects the skin C. affects the spine more than E. is not 33. the site of the perforating pain in the posterior wall of the duodenum is A. neck, B., right lower limb, C., back, D., left upper limb, E., left lower limb 34. joint pain accompanied by fever and local redness and swelling, hot pain, more common A. rheumatic fever, B. rheumatoid arthritis, C. purulent arthritis D. reactive arthritis, E., traumatic arthritis 35. joint pain accompanied by low fever night sweats A. ankylosing spondylitis, B., gout, C., osteoarthritis D. joint tuberculosis E. hereditary disease 36. the most common cause of dyspnea is A. respiratory diseases, B., cardiovascular diseases, C. poisoning D. blood disease; E.; neuropsychiatric factors 37., expiratory dyspnea may occur A. B. C acute laryngitis trachea acute epiglottitis D. bronchial asthma, E., laryngeal edema 38. sudden dyspnea or (or) wheezing is most common A. septal muscle restricted motion, B. neuromuscular disease, C thoracic disease D. lung disease, E., airway obstruction 39. the cause of dyspnea when left heart failure is A. pulmonary circulation, congestion, B., congestion, liver, large C., systemic circulation, congestion D. jugular vein engorgement E. elevated pulmonary circulation pressure 40., three concave sign is most common in A. B. trachea right heart failure C. hysteria D. emphysema, E. fever 41. can appear toxic breathing difficulty is A. B. C. heart failure in diabetic ketoacidosis hysteria D. cerebral hemorrhage, E., severe anemia 42. may cause mixed dyspnea A. foreign body in trachea, B., laryngeal spasm, C. pneumothorax D. bronchial asthma, E., chronic obstructive emphysema 43., cardiac dyspnea is characterized by A. aggravated the B. sitting position, the C. of the bronchus was heavier than the decubitus D. pulmonary infection, E. systemic circulation congestion 44. inspiratory dyspnea is more common A. diseases of the throat and trachea, B. after strenuous exercise, and C. after mental stress D. lung tissue elasticity E. hysteria 45. expiratory dyspnea is most common in A. large airway foreign body B. chronic obstructive emphysema C. diabetes ketoacidosis D. atelectasis is caused by E. after mental stress 46. respiratory problems associated with bronchial asthma are A. exertional B., expiratory C. mixing D. paroxysmal nocturnal E. aspiration 47. mixed dyspnea is due to A. pulmonary extensive lesions, ventilation dysfunction, B., right heart failure, C. acute left heart failure, pulmonary edema, D., hepatic congestion, ventilation dysfunction E. bronchospasm 48. paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea is due to A. sympathetic nerve excitability increased, B. vagus nerve excitability increased C. after strenuous or strenuous activity D. cold, fever, E. lung infection 49. shallow, slow, rhythmic breathing is seen A. metabolic alkalosis, B. respiratory alkalosis, C. respiratory acidosis D. metabolic acidosis is not more than E. 50. dyspnea with chest pain is common in A. tuberculosis, B., tracheobronchial foreign body, C., bronchial asthma D. Acute myocardial infarction, E., pulmonary infection 51. dyspnea accompanied by fever is seen in A. spontaneous pneumothorax, B. mediastinal tumor, C. lung abscess D. trachea foreign body E. angina pectoris 52. can cause metal tone cough is A. B. C. mediastinal tumor chorditis D. laryngophthisis laryngitis E. laryngeal carcinoma 53. large amounts of foul sputum are found A. bronchial asthma, D. lung cancer, C. lung abscess D. acute bronchitis, E., tuberculosis 54. cough accompanied by hoarseness is common in A. lung cancer, compression of recurrent laryngeal nerve, B., vocal cord paralysis, C., trachea foreign body D. cachexia, E., tuberculosis 55., the most common cause of hemoptysis in China is A. bronchiectasis, B., tuberculosis, C. pneumonia D. bronchial tuberculosis, E., epidemic hemorrhagic fever 56., a large amount of hemoptysis refers to the amount of hemoptysis is greater than daily A.100ml, B.500ml, C.400ml, D.300ml, E.200ml Characteristics of hemoptysis in 57. patients with left heart failure and pulmonary congestion A. rust colored blood sputum B. brick red jelly like blood sputum C. serous pink frothy sputum, D. thick, dark red blood sputum E. serous frothy sputum 58. pink, foamy, bloody sputum is most common A. lobar pneumonia, bronchiectasis, B. C. rheumatic heart disease, mitral stenosis, left heart failure, D., pulmonary tuberculosis E. lung cancer 59. hemoptysis accompanied by high fever is common in A., mitral stenosis, B., cirrhosis, ascites, C., duodenal ulcer D. bronchiectasis, E. lung cancer 60. palpitations, accompanied by low fever and emaciation, are common in A. heart dysfunction, B. hyperthyroidism C. three degree atrioventricular block D. coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, E., anterior systole 61. palpitations associated with syncope or twitching are most common A. acute blood loss B. ventricular fibrillation or paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, sick sinus syndrome C. hyperthyroidism D. heart neurosis E. one degree sinoatrial block The description of the 62. cyanosis, is wrong A. certain drugs or toxic chemicals can cause cyanosis B. is due to increased by cyanosis reduced hemoglobin content of the blood in the absolute C. cyanosis is due to abnormal hemoglobin derivatives in the presence of blood D. severe anemia, sometimes difficult to find cyanosis E. of certain drugs or chemicals poisoning can cause cyanosis, after oxygen therapy can improve the cyanosis The formation of 63. peripheral cyanosis is due A. oxygenation increased by less than B. and the oxygen consumption of surrounding tissues increased C. circulating venous blood is mixed with arterial blood, D. arterial blood oxygen saturation is insufficient No more than E. 64. there is central cyanosis A. thrombophlebitis, B. tetralogy of Fallot, C. constrictive pericarditis D. severe shock E. right heart failure 65. patients with cyanosis acropachy seen in A. congenital heart disease, B. shock, C. pneumonia D. pleural effusion, E. pneumothorax 66. does not belong to systemic edema is A. renal edema B. hepatic edema C. nutritional edema D. cardiac edema, E., allergic edema 67. eyelid edema, gradually spread to the whole body is A. renal edema, B., cardiogenic edema, C., hepatic edema D. endocrine edema, E., malnutrition, edema 68. edema of the body accompanied by hydrothorax and ascites is not considered A. pulmonary heart disease and heart failure, B. advanced cirrhosis, C. uremia D. nephrotic syndrome, E. Sheehan syndrome 69. the etiology of systemic edema does not include A. heart failure, B., renal failure, C., advanced cirrhosis D. hypothyroidism, E., syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion 70. nephrogenic edema often first appeared in A. lower limb, B., whole body, C., eyelid, D., chest, E., abdominal cavity 71. cardiogenic edema usually occurs first A. ptosis, B., whole body, C. eyelid, D. chest, E., abdominal cavity 72. the mechanism of edema does not include A. sodium, water retention, B. capillary filtration pressure increased C. capillary permeability increased, D. plasma colloid osmotic pressure increased E. obstruction of lymph or venous return 73. the main causes of mucocutaneous bleeding do not include A. abnormal coagulation function, B., abnormal platelet function and abnormal vascular wall function of C. D. platelet count was abnormal, E., and WBC decreased 74. is not acquired acquired hemolytic jaundice is A. autoimmune hemolytic anemia, B., marine anemia C. hemolytic hemolysis caused by primary quinoline D. hemolytic hemolysis resulting from hemolytic E. of the newborn 75. does not belong to cholestatic jaundice A. intrahepatic bile duct stones, B. long-term use of methyl testosterone induced jaundice C. capillary biliary viral hepatitis D. cirrhosis E. recurrent jaundice in pregnancy 76. can cause liver cell disease, jaundice is A. broad bean disease, B., primary biliary cirrhosis C. capillary cholangitis, D., common bile duct stone E. toxic hepatitis 77. body jaundice, stool was seen in white color, A. carcinoma of the head of pancreas, B. hemolytic anemia, C. leptospirosis D. cirrhosis, E., severe hepatitis The 78. is easy to cause hemolytic jaundice A., chlorpromazine, B., carboplatin, C., primary quinoline D. methyltestosterone E. 6-methyl-2-thiouracil 79. liver cell jaundice can cause A. indirect bilirubin decreased in blood, B. bilirubin negative in urine C. decreased urine cholesterol levels E. elevated free bilirubin in blood was not correct above D. 80. total bilirubin, unconjugated bilirubin increased, combined bilirubin decreased, stool color deepened A. hemolytic jaundice B. hepatocellular jaundice C. cholestatic jaundice D.Roter syndrome, E., nuclear jaundice 81. obstructive jaundice can occur A. was positive in urine, B. in urine, increased in bile, C. in urine, and negative in bile D. stool increased by no more than E. 82. vomiting large amounts of overnight stay visible in A. peptic ulcer, D., chronic gastritis, C., acute gastritis D. acute hepatitis E. pyloric obstruction 83. vomit contains a large amount of bile, indicating obstruction in the plane A. above B. duodenal papilla, C. below duodenal papilla D. above cardia, E. below pylorus 84. vomiting accompanied by vertigo and nystagmus can be seen in A. brain concussion, B. cerebral hemorrhage, C. cerebral infarction D. vestibular organ disease, E. ophthalmopathy 85. vomiting with abdominal rhythm and periodic pain is seen in A. gastrin, B., chronic gastritis, C., peptic ulcer D. gastric carcinoma, E., acute gastritis 86. more vomiting and fecal odor are more common A. B. C. in gastric cancer and duodenal obstruction of small bowel obstruction D. gastric retention, E., pyloric obstruction 87. can cause reflex vomiting is A. pyloric obstruction, B. meningitis, C. encephalitis, D. pregnancy, E., uremia 88. jet vomiting is common in A. acute gastroenteritis B. increased intracranial pressure caused by central disease C. biliary ascariasis, D., pyloric obstruction E. small bowel obstruction About 89. of the following is not true of hematemesis, The most common etiology of A. in peptic ulcer bleeding B. to vomit C. blood mixed with food residue, gastric juice, D. acid-base reaction is alkaline E. has epigastric discomfort, nausea, and vomiting before bleeding The 90. is the most common cause of vomiting A. peptic ulcer, B., esophageal varices, C., gastric cancer D. acute gastric mucosal lesion, E., acute hemorrhagic gastritis 91. hematemesis is bright red, the amount in common A. gastric ulcer bleeding, B., gastric cancer bleeding C. cirrhosis, gastroesophageal varices, D., acute gastritis E. duodenal fever 92. mucus pus and blood stool with tenesmus is seen in the A. peptic ulcer, B., acute bacillary dysentery, C., intestinal tuberculosis D. small bowel vascular malformation, E. colon cancer 93., and spider nevus and liver palm can be seen A. rectal cancer, B., gastric cancer, C., ulcerative colitis D. cirrhosis, portal hypertension, E., bile duct carcinoma 94. with visible tenesmus hematochezia A. gastric cancer, B., sepsis, C., small bowel disease, D., liver cancer, E., rectal cancer 95. fresh blood in common A. anal fissure, B., acute gastritis C. cirrhosis, esophageal varices, D., gastric ulcer E. duodenal ulcer with bleeding 96. acute diarrhea is common in B. C. syndrome nonspecific colitis bacterial infection A. comprehensive malabsorption D. intestinal tuberculosis, E., hyperthyroidism Ninety-seven Chronic diarrhea is common in A. typhoid, B., hyperthyroidism, C. cholera D. germination, potato poisoning, E., intestinal parasitic infection 98., about diarrhea, the wrong thing is A. patients with chronic disease over 2 months are chronic diarrhea Some of the pathogenic factors of B. diarrhea are reciprocal causation C. allergies can cause diarrhea D. secretory diarrhea is caused by excessive secretion of fluid from the gastrointestinal mucosa The mucosal histology of E. exudative diarrhea is basically normal 99. mucus pus and blood stool with tenesmus is seen in the A. typhoid, B. rectal polyps, C., acute bacillary dysentery D. amebic dysentery, E. intestinal tuberculosis 100. diarrhea with severe dehydration can be seen in A. B. syndrome C. cholera malabsorption comprehensive intestinal tuberculosis D. chronic bacillary dysentery E. ulcerative colitis 101. non infectious diarrhea is seen in A. schistosomiasis, B., chronic amebic dysentery, C., typhoid fever D. ulcerative colitis, E., intestinal tuberculosis 102. constipation refers to less than 7 days of defecation A.1 to 2 times B.2 - 3 times C.3 - 4 times D.4 to 5 times E.6 times 103. constipation and diarrhea alternate most often A. intestinal tuberculosis, B., schistosomiasis, C., chronic bacterial dysentery D. ulcerative colitis E. irritable bowel syndrome 104. the cause of functional constipation is A. intestinal adhesion, B.Crohn disease, C., irritable bowel syndrome D. intestinal obstruction, E., lead poisoning 105. the cause of organic constipation is A. eating less and food lacking fiber, B. irritable bowel syndrome C. colon, long D., Hirschsprung's disease E. application of morphine induced intestinal relaxation 106. oliguria means less than 24 hours of urine A.100ml, B.200ml, C.300ml, D.400ml, E.500m1 107., the cause of hematuria is common A. septicemia, B. epidemic hemorrhagic fever, C., urinary calculi D. prostatitis, E. gout 108., the whole hematuria is common in A. ureteral disease, B., urethral disease, C., triangle lesion D. renal disease, E., bladder disease 109. urine three cups, in experiment such as three cups of urine, all blood, the pathological changes possibly in A. bladder trigone, B., bladder neck, C., posterior urethra, D., kidney or ureter E. anterior urethra 110. hematuria with urination pain, urinary flow suddenly interrupted or dysuria A. pyelonephritis, B., bladder stone, C prostatitis D. nephritis, E., kidney stones 111. hematuria is the most common cause of disease A. urinary trauma, B. pelvic infection, C., hematuria after exercise D. urinary calculi, E. leptospirosis 112. because the number of urination increases, and each time the amount of urine is normal and cause urinary volume increase A. diabetes insipidus, B., bladder calculi, C. cystitis D. prostatic hyperplasia, E. neurogenic bladder Over the age of 113.40 painless hematuria or frequent urination, urgency, dysuria and hematuria after in A. cystitis, B., renal tumor, C., bladder cancer D. prostatic hyperplasia, E. neurogenic bladder 114. seizures accompanied by meningeal irritation, which of the following diseases? A. meningitis, B. meningoencephalitis, C., pseudo meningitis D. hepatic encephalopathy, E. subarachnoid hemorrhage 115. about twitching, wrong is The pathogenesis of A. seizures may be caused by abnormal discharges of motor neurons in the brain B. tics manifest as generalized, symmetrical, or without loss of consciousness C. major epilepsy is similar to the concept of convulsions D. minor epilepsy, also known as convulsions E. tic refers to involuntary rigidity and clonic twitching of the limbs, trunk and facial muscles, and causes joint movement 116. consciousness disorder with mydriasis, visible in A. belladonna poisoning B. C. morphine poisoning barbiturate poisoning E. D. mushroom poisoning of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning 117. consciousness disorder with pupillary narrowing visible in A. belladonna poisoning B. C. alcohol poisoning of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning D. cyanide intoxication, E., epilepsy 118. the most valuable difference between a deep coma and a moderate coma is that A. no response to various stimuli, B. does not wake C, and there is no voluntary movement D. deep and shallow reflexes disappeared and E. incontinence occurred 119., there is a disturbance of consciousness, Disorientation, loss of understanding and judgment, and failure to give an indication of the circumstances, accompanied by hallucinations or restlessness, should be judged A. lethargy, B. coma, C. coma, D. unconsciousness, E. delirium Type [B1 questions] Question 120~121 share alternative answers A. B. C. enecia irregular remittent fever heat D. intermittent heat E. undulant fever 120. typhoid 121. patients with sepsis Questions 122 - 123 share alternative answers A. pulmonary infarction, B., dry pleurisy, C. lung cancer, D. angina, E. esophagitis, 122. burning pain after sternum 123. suddenly severe chest pain, dyspnea and cyanosis in patients with angina pectoris Question 124~125 share alternative answers A., neurological headache, B., brain parasites, C., glaucoma or brain tumors D. migraine, E. increased intracranial pressure 124. headaches accompanied by visual disturbances are visible in 125. headache accompanied by neurological disorders can be seen in Questions 126 - 127 share alternative answers A. ureteral calculi, B., acute cholecystitis, C, duodenal ulcer D. angina pectoris, E. intracranial pressure increased 126., the precordial pain is squeezing, and there is a sense of suffocation can be seen 127. headaches are increasing, accompanied by vomiting tips Questions 128 - 129 share alternative answers A. increased intracranial pressure, B., duodenal ulcer, C., acute cholecystitis D. angina pectoris E. ureteral calculi 128. right upper quadrant pain radiating to the right lower scapular region 129. vomiting accompanied by epigastric rhythmic periodic pain is seen in Question 130~131 share alternative answers A. airway spasm, B., severe anemia, C., uremia, D., heart failure, E., cerebral hemorrhage 130. dyspnea due to bronchial asthma 131. nerve factors cause dyspnea Question 132~133 share alternative answers A. airway obstruction, B., heart failure, C., uremia, D., severe anemia, E., intracerebral hemorrhage 132. respiratory problems caused by blood diseases 133. dyspnea due to cardiovascular disease Questions 134 - 135 share alternative answers A inspiratory dyspnea, B. expiratory dyspnea, C. mixed respiratory distress D. cardiogenic dyspnea, E. toxic dyspnea 134. laryngeal diseases or tracheal diseases 135. decreased pulmonary elasticity and (or) minor obstruction of tracheal stenosis Question 136~137 share alternative answers A. inspiratory dyspnea, B. expiratory dyspnea, C mixed dyspnea D. cardiogenic dyspnea, E. toxic dyspnea 136. severe pulmonary tuberculosis or extensive atelectasis 137. acute left heart failure Question 138~139 share alternative answers A. neurological disorders, dyspnea, B., hematologic diseases, dyspnea C. inspiratory diseases, dyspnea, D., heart disease, dyspnea E. mixed dyspnea 138. severe dyspnea in severe brain diseases Dyspnea caused by 139. severe hemorrhagic anemia Questions 140 - 141 share alternative answers A. neurological disorders, dyspnea, B., hematologic diseases, dyspnea C inspiratory diseases, dyspnea, D., heart disease, dyspnea E. mixed dyspnea 140., hypertension, heart disease, coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis and other respiratory problems caused by 141. severe pulmonary tuberculosis, diffuse pulmonary interstitial fibrosis, alveolitis, pneumothorax, pleural thickening Question 142~143 share alternative answers A. diabetic ketoacidosis, B., acute left heart failure, C. lobar pneumonia D. acute exudative pleurisy, E., bronchial asthma 142. recurrent dyspnea with wheezing 143. dyspnea with fever, cough, rusty sputum Question 144~145 share alternative answers A. diabetic ketoacidosis, B., acute left heart failure, C. lobar pneumonia D. acute exudative pleurisy, E., bronchial asthma 144. dyspnea with frothy sputum or pink frothy sputum 145. dyspnea with coma Questions 146 - 147 share alternative answers A. cough sounds low or silent, B. cough, hoarseness, C., metallic tone, cough D. series with paroxysmal cough (cough crow suction high-profile echo) E. cough, pink foam phlegm, high breathing difficulty One hundred and forty-six Extreme debility or vocal cord paralysis 147. recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis Question 148~149 share alternative answers A. cough sounds low or silent, B. cough, hoarseness, C., metallic tone, cough D. series with paroxysmal cough (cough crow suction high-profile echo) E. cough, pink foam phlegm, high breathing difficulty 148. vocal cords, laryngitis 149. laryngeal tuberculosis and laryngeal cancer Questions 150 - 151 share alternative answers A. cough sounds low or silent, B. cough, hoarseness, C., metallic tone, cough D. Chen primary series with high-profile inspiratory echo (cough cough Crow) E. cough, pink foam phlegm, high breathing difficulty 150. mediastinal tumor or lymphoma, sarcoidosis 151. whooping cough Questions 152 - 153 share alternative answers A. slightly sputum with blood, accompanied by coughing, B. continuous sputum with blood, accompanied by Horner syndrome C. massive hemoptysis accompanied by low fever, D., intermittent hemoptysis accompanied by massive purulent sputum E. periodic hemoptysis 152. endobronchial endometriosis 153. bronchiectasis Questions 154 - 155 share alternative answers A. massive hemoptysis with low fever, B., persistent sputum with blood, with Horner syndrome C. periodic hemoptysis, D. intermittent hemoptysis accompanied by massive purulent sputum E. has a bloody sputum accompanied by coughing 154. Pulmonary Tuberculosis Cavity 155. bronchogenic carcinoma Questions 156 - 157 share alternative answers With the increase in red blood cells of B. A. cyanosis cyanosis with clubbing finger (toe) C. cyanosis with conscious disturbance with dyspnea and cyanosis failure D. E. with cyanotic heart murmur 156. acute poisoning of certain drugs or chemicals 157. cyanotic congenital heart disease Questions 158 - 159 share alternative answers A.. Edema is non depressed, accompanied by local coarse skin, large pores, and nodular B. C. edema edema with splenomegaly with distended neck veins D. edema suddenly occurs and involves the glottis E. edema with massive proteinuria 158. constrictive pericarditis 159., vascular edema Questions 160 - 161 share alternative answers A. Rotor syndrome, B., hepatocellular jaundice, C, cholestatic jaundice E. syndrome hemolytic jaundice D.Crigler-N cut ar 160. serum bilirubin increased 161. serum conjugated bilirubin and unconjugated bilirubin increased Questions 162 - 163 share alternative answers A. pyloric obstruction, B., bacterial food poisoning, C., early pregnancy, D., E., intracranial hypertension 162. vomiting accompanied by vertigo and nystagmus 163. a lot of stale food vomiting Questions 164 - 165 share alternative answers A. B. C. after blood mucus pus and blood will wash the meat watery D. jam like pus and blood stool tarry stool E. 164. piles 165. acute hemorrhagic necrotic enteritis Questions 166 - 167 share alternative answers A. wash water meat stool B. jam like bloody purulent stool occult blood will be C. D. mucopurulent stool E. mi Ganwei watery stool 166. amoebic dysentery 167. acute bacillary dysentery Questions 168 - 169 share alternative answers A. mi Ganwei watery stool B. wash water meat C stool egg white stools D. mucopurulent blood E. jam like pus and blood 168. cholera 169. Candida albicans enteritis Questions 170 - 171 share alternative answers A. exudative diarrhea, B. secretory diarrhea, C infiltration diarrhea D. malabsorption diarrhea diarrhea E. 170. Oral Mannitol 171. subtotal resection of small intestine Questions 172 - 173 share alternative answers A. oliguria with hemorrhage, oliguria of B., dysuria C. oliguria hematuria and proteinuria, hypertension, edema, oliguria, back pain, dysuria with D. E. oliguria with massive proteinuria 172. urinary calculi 173. hypertrophy of prostate Questions 174 - 175 share alternative answers A. B. C. meningitis seizures hysteria D. acute infection with E. hypocalcemia 174. seizures accompanied by dilated pupils and tongue bites were seen Tetany in 175. Questions 176 - 177 share alternative answers A. severe shock, B., intracranial hypertension, C., morphine, barbiturates poisoning D. epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, E. hypertensive encephalopathy 176. disturbance of consciousness accompanied by slow breathing One hundred and seventy-seven Disturbance of consciousness with bradycardia (two) noun interpretation 1. fever 2. dyspnea in 3. patients with dyspnea cough expectoration haemoptysis in 7. 6. 5. 4. 8. palpitation cyanosis (also called cyanosis) 9. central cyanosis cyanosis around 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. recessive edema jaundice jaundice hematemesis in 15. 16. 17. 18. stool tarry stool diarrhea constipation 19. 20. 21. 22. delirium convulsions convulsions consciousness disorder
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