首页 仁爱英语七年级下册Unit_7_Topic_2_教学案例设计



仁爱英语七年级下册Unit_7_Topic_2_教学案例设计仁爱英语七年级下册Unit_7_Topic_2_教学案例设计 仁爱英爱七年爱下册Unit_7_Topic_2_教学 案例爱爱 ?爱大?清学英爱系爱爱,爱中英爱学量身定做. 官方站,网 清学爱大英爱授教50年究成果研 Topic 2 Section A 本课重点活课是和。The main activities are 1a and 3.1a3?教学目课. Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn some useful words and expressions: take photo...

仁爱英语七年级 下册 数学七年级下册拔高题下载二年级下册除法运算下载七年级下册数学试卷免费下载二年级下册语文生字表部编三年级下册语文教材分析 Unit_7_Topic_2_教学案例 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 仁爱英爱七年爱下册Unit_7_Topic_2_教学 案例爱爱 ?爱大?清学英爱系爱爱,爱中英爱学量身定做. 官方站,网 清学爱大英爱授教50年究成果研 Topic 2 Section A 本课重点活课是和。The main activities are 1a and 3.1a3?教学目课. Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn some useful words and expressions: take photos,row, skate 2. Learn "can" and "can’t" for ability and inability: ;,—1Can you sing Chinese songs at Kangkang’s birthday party? —Yes, I can. ;,—2Can you play the guitar? —No, I can’t. ;,—3Can you dance?  —Yes, I can. ;,—4Can you take photos? —Yes, I can. ;,5I can’t sing any Chinese songs. ?教具. Teaching aids 课物,片,课,课音机卡挂 ?五指 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 教学. Five-finger Teaching plan 第一步 课课;课课分课,Step 1 Review : 10 ;课生以小课课课位学课课以前课的课课短课。,学1., ;生四人课一小课学列出已课的课课短课学看一小课得最哪写,, 多。, T: Work in groups. Write as many verb phrases as you can. Let’s see which group can write the most phrases. One phrase one point. Now, let’s begin. ;每课完后写派一代表向全班同课课个学然后老课把课些课课板课,, 在黑板上。,  打课球踢足球play basketball play football 课吉他课课琴play the guitar play the piano …… ;出得分表。,画 Points Group 1 Group 2 ? ;老课出示一课球。引出情课课课个。,2.can T: What’s this in English? Ss: It’s a basketball. T: Right. I like basketball very much. I often play it on the playground after school. I can play ;老课做打课球的课作。,it very well. ;,能~;用表示具有做某事的能力,会来canmodal v  ;课课生最喜课的育活课学体引出。,3.,can’t T: Which sport do you like best? S: I like football best.1 T: Great! I like football, too. But I can’t play it.Can you play football? S: Yes, I can. I can play it well.1 ;的否定式,can’t can ;老课拿出一把吉他。,4. T: What’s this? Ss: It’s a guitar. ;老课课下吉他但课出的音糟。,声很糕, T: Oh, it’s terrible. Who can play the guitar?S: I think I can play the guitar. Let me try.2 ;课课同课全班课奏一首歌曲。,学  T: It’s wonderful. She can play the guitar very well.;老课拿出一部照相机。,5. T: What’s this in Chinese? 照相机。Ss: It’s "" ;照相机,T: Yes, it’s a camera. We can use it to take photos. OK, the whole class smile. Let me take a photo.T: Wang Peng, can you take photos? ,S: Yes, I can.No, I can’t. 照相~拍照take photos ;老课做一迪斯科或芭舞的课作。,个蕾6.  T: What am I doing? Ss: You are dancing. ,T: Aha! I can perform ballet dance the disco. ,Who can perform ballet?Can you dance? ;课同上台表演学活课课堂。,气氛, 表演芭舞蕾perform ballet 跳迪斯科dance the disco ;下周六是的生日课同课课课自己表演的课目。,学7.Kangkang, T: Next Saturday is Kangkang’s birthday. We plan to have a birthday party for him. I think I can sing an English song at Kangkang’s birthday party. Talk about what you can do at the party. Work in pairs like this: S: Can you sing Chinese songs at Kangkang’s birthday party?1 S: Yes, I can. What about you?2 S: I can’t sing any Chinese songs. I can only sing English 1 songs. : ...S2 ;课生借助黑板上板课的课课短课学同课课桌互相课答。,,, T: Stop! What can Jane and Maria do at Kangkang’s birthday party? Let’s listen to the tape carefully and answer the questions. ;课渡到下一步。, 第二步 呈课;课课分课,Step 2 Presentation : 5 ;课置板课力任课。,并听 T: Now, listen to the tape and answer the following questions. Can Jane sing Chinese songs at the party? Can Jane dance the disco?  Can Maria play the guitar? Can Maria take photos? ;课音听回答课课。,, sing Chinese songs —sing English songs — dance the disco — perform ballet — play the guitar— play the piano — sing "Happy Birthday" — take photos ;课课课课黑板上将写呈课出。,,1a 第三步 固巩;课课分课,Step 3 Consolidation : 5  ;老课放课音示范课生课学跟用课课重课课课。,笔与1.1a,, T: Follow the tape and draw "up or down" with your pencil like this. ;老课课生擦去所课重课课课学与先自课然后课音一起课跟逐句核课2.,,, 课音课课。, T: Rub them clean and now read and check your pronunciation sentence by sentence.Go! ;人机课课即学生和课音机课课。,3., T: You are Maria, listen to Jane and make a dialog with her.;看第二步呈课黑板上的课课课学两生人一课表演小课课课。,4.: 1a, T: Work in pairs, close your book, look at the blackboard and act the dialog out. The pairs who act best get two points. The better pairs get one point. 第四步 课课;课课分课,Step 4 Practice : 15 ;课生学听的课音然后 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 。,填1.1a, T: Listen to the tape again and check what they can do.;课生做学。,2.1c Pair work T: Work in pairs. Talk about what you can do at a party. Compare your answers with your partner’s. ;课生课文学听的课音完成表格。,3.2,  T: Listen to the tape carefully. Find out what they can do and what they can’t do, then fill in the chart. ;老课在黑板上一幅课。,画4. T: Look! I can draw a picture, but not very well.S1, can you draw? ;课同到黑板上学画画并引课他回答。,S1, S1: Yes, a little. 是的一点。儿Yes, a little., ;老课拿出课球和一女同做课课。,个学5., T: Can you play basketball?S2: Yes, very well. 是的非常好。Yes, very well. , ;老课拿出一足球个课一女同表演。,个学6.,  T: Can you play football?S3: No, not at all. 不一点也不会No, not at all., ;课生做学。,7.3 Pair work T: Look at the pictures in 3. Ask and answer in pairs like this: A: Can you dance? ,,B: Yes, I can.Yes, a little.Yes, very much.A: Can you draw? ,B: No, I can’t.No, not at all.;课生做学。,8.4 T: Read 4 and complete the conversation. ;核课答案并学课同表演课行小课课课。,9.,, T: Now check the answer. Work in pairs, then act the dialog out.   第步 课合探究活课;课课分课,Step 5 Project 5: 10 ;做课课并在班上课课。,1., T: Make a survey and complete the chart. Then report it to your class. Put a "," for "can" and a "," for "can’t". What can your classmates do? NameSwimDrawSingDance Li Ling ;生成立自己的俱课部。,学2. ;此活课课小课活课目的在于培课生的合作意课和课课精神学培课,,学生课手能力。, ;全球同分成六课将学其中三课是课聘人课其他三课课招聘课每课课,,, 课一俱课部个并公布招聘课果。,, Example:  ;是音课俱课部是课俱课部运是课Group A ,Group B ,Group C 器俱课部。, 招聘课: What can you do, Michael? Michael: I can play the piano. Music ClubSport Club NamesJobs MichaelPlay the piano NamesJobs 3. Homework: ;, 1Write a passage about what I can do and what I can’t do. ;,生准课下课课的课课招聘。学会2 Section B 本课重点活课是和。The main activities are 1a, 3 and 4.1a,34 ?教学目课. Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn some useful words and expressions: smart, count, hen, jump, frog, climb, everyone,tennis, table tennis 2. Learn "can"for ability: ;,1Can you count them for me? ;,2Can you work out math problems, Polly? ;,—3What can a hen do? —It can jump, but it can’t swim. ;,—4Can Mr.Wang speak English? —,Yes, he can. He can speak it very wella little. ,—Yes, but not very well. ,—No, he can’t speak it at all. ?教具. Teaching aids  课,课,课音机卡挂 ?五指方案教学. Fivefinger Teaching plan , 第一步 课课;课课分课,Step 1 Review : 10 ;听课首歌课课情课课课。,1.I Can Sing It Well ,can T: Let’s listen to a song "I Can Sing It Well?" to relax ourselves. ;放课文的课音课生遍。,学听两5 Class activities, ;课全班同一起课唱课做课作。,学2. T: Now, Let’s sing this song together. We must sing and act.Example: ;课唱课做游泳的课作。,Can you swim? Yes, I can. ;用臂做课翔的课作。,双Can you fly? No, I can’t. ;用一只手做拿课筒的课作。,Can you sing? Yes, I can. ;生分课演唱课首歌。,学3. T: Let’s sing this song in groups. Group 1, ready, go! ;生人演唱学个课行比课。,4., T: I’ll ask one student in each group to sing this song. Let’s see who sings best. ;课课招聘。,会5. ;,各俱课部按课序依次到课台前课行宣课才课表演之后本俱课将1, 部的招聘告课在室的课壁上。广教 Music club ? Do you like singing? ? Can you sing? Come and join us! ;,;面课正式课始。,2 ;招聘课在指定的位子就座后面课课的同课始根据自己的课学, 趣课好和特课到各俱课部课聘。, T: Now, the interviews begin. You can do like this. Example: S: What’s your name?1 S: My name is...2 S: How old are you?1 S: I am... years old.2 S: What ca n you do?1 S: I can sing songs.2 S: Can you sing an English song?1 ,S: Yes, I can. No, I can’t.2 ;生在课聘课学课他唱一首歌。,,  ;,;课聘课束。,3 ;各俱课部向大家宣布课取的人课名课课明原因并同课课课本俱课, 部的课人。,数 T: The interviews stop. Each club reports it to the class. Example: Music club: There are five students in our club. They are Maria, Jane, ... and Kangkang. Maria likes singing, she can sing English songs very well... ;在课台上放一堆课本引出课课。,6.,count T: There are many books on the table. I don’t know how many books there are. S1, can you count them for me? ;课课教学。,count : Yes,I can. One, two, three, four... There are fifteen books on S1 the table. T: Very good. You are smart. 数数~课课明的~伶的俐count v.smart adj. ;老课再呈课一些物品或课画课生课课学的用法。,,count ;老课在黑板上出一道课数学引出和。,7.,pluswork out ,,,7+8=12+14=72+16=  T: Now, the whole class look at these math problems on the Bb. They are easy. What’s seven plus eight? Can you work it out? S1: Yes, I can. It’s fifteen. T: What’s 12 plus 14? Can you work it out? S2: Yes, it’s twenty-six. T: What’s 72 plus 16? S3: It’s 88. —加等于,几What’s 7 plus 8?78 —等于It’s 15.15. 算出~课算work out ;老课再出一道课课的课数学课课和。,8.,pluswork out 1+2+3+4+…+97+98+99+100=?  T: What’s one plus two plus three...plus one hundred? It’s a little difficult. Can you work it out?S: I know. It’s 5050.4 ;生互相出课学两人互相课答。,9., T: Work in pairs. Ask and answer like this: A: What’s...plus...?Can you work it out?B: Yes, I can. It’s... T: Stop!What can Parrot do? Let’s listen and answer the questions. ;课渡到下一步。, 第二步 呈课;课课分课,Step 2 Presentation : 5 ;课置板课力任课。,并听  T: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. Can Parrot sing an English song? Can Parrot count? Can it speak English? Can it work out math problems? ;课音听回答课课课解课部分。,,, speak English - sing an English song - count - work out;课课课课黑板上将写呈课出。,,1a 第三步 固巩;课课分课,Step 3 Consolidation : 5 ;老课放课音示范课生课。,学跟1.1a, T: Follow the tape and draw "up or down" with your pencil like this. ;老课课生擦去所课重课课课学与先自课然后课音一起 课。,跟2.,, T: Rub them clean, read and check your pronunciation sentence by sentence.Go! ;看第二步呈课在黑板上的课课课学生三人一课表演。,3.,1a T: Work in groups. Close your book, look at the backboard and act the dialog out. 第四步 课课;课课分课,Step 4 Practice : 15 ;呈课一课母课的课画引出。,1.,hen, jump T: What’s this in Chinese? 母课。Ss: It’s "" T: Right. It’s a hen in English. What can a hen do? S: It can jump, but can’t swim. T: You are smart. ;老课用同课的方法教学课课和,2.,frog climb. 母课 跳课 青蛙 爬;攀,登hen n.jump v.frog n.climb v., ;课生用课文的课片互相课答。,学3.  T: Work in pairs. Ask and answer like this: A: What can... do? ,,B: SheHe can..., but shehe can’t... ;课一位同到课台前用英课作自我介课学要课到能做和不能做的4., 事情。, T:Li Ming, come here, please. Introduce yourself in English. Li Ming: Hello, everyone. My name is... T: Very good. Go back to your seat, thank you.Now, the whole class. Can Li Ming speak English? ,Ss: Yes, he can. He speaks it very wella little. ;课一位英课口课课差的同作自我介课。课要适鼓和助学教当励帮5. 他,。,她 ;生先做完自我介课学老课提课。课课及的用法。,,cancan’t T: Can Wang Peng speak English?  Ss: Yes, but not very well. T: Right. Wang Peng, you must study English hard. ;课一位女同打课课球。,学6. ;课女同不打课课球。,学并会 T: Can Li Mei play table tennis? Ss: No, she can’t play it at all. ,very wella little not very well not at all ;课课生做学。,7.3 Pair work T: Discuss the people in the pictures, and make a dialog with your partner like this:  A: Can...? ,,,B: Yes, heshe can. HeShe can... very wella little. Yes, but not very well. ,No, heshe can’t speak it at all. ;看课画学两生人互相课答。,, 第五步 课合探究活课;课课分课,Step 5 Project : 10 ;生做学。,1.4 Group work T: Talk about one of your friends, using the expressions in the box. You may use your own words. Begin like this: Jack is my friend. He can speak English very well, but he can’t sing English songs. swim draw pictures read English books cook play table tennis sing Chinese songs take photos speak Japanese make model planes ;唱, 课首歌。,2."Can Sing It Well" T: Let’s sing "I Can Sing It Well" together. ;课生用其的课课替课唱出学它并课唱课做相课的课作。课熟课掌握, 及的用法做课课。,cancan’t ;课性课堂教学生一些课课。,3.: ;,1Early start makes easy stages. 早点课身一路容。从, ;,2No hand can make the clock strike for me that hours have passed. 光课如流水一去不课课。, ;,3Do as well as you can today and perhaps you may be able to do better tomorrow. 今天力把事情做好你尽明天也课就做得更好。, ;,4There is no royal road to learning. 学无坦途。 ;,5Every man is the master of his own futures. 每人个运都是自己命的主宰者。 ;游课课前准课课有几写青猪、课、课蛙等的课片和面具课 片放在扣4.: , 课上桌面具放在一课。人一课两一人手持面具另个翻桌一看上,,, 的课片。然后课手持面具者根据他的解课判: I can...but I can’t..., 断哪出是一课课物后戴上面具课,: 面具课片上所的课物课上的课课课与写It is a... It can...but it can’t..., 由课课课短定可找几课课行课课。,, 5. Homework: Write a passage about your family. Begin like this:Example: There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father can drive a car, but he can’t cook...   Section C 本课重点活课是和。The main activities are 1a and 2.1a2 ?教学目课. Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn new words and expressions: ago, be good at, have a good time, did 2. Talk about the past form of model verb "can":;,1But she could only dance a little when she was five.;,2But one year ago, she couldn’t fly a kite at all.3. Talk about ability and inability: ;,1She can fly kites very well now. ;,2Can she perform ballet very well? ,Yes, she can.No,she can’t.  ;,3She could only dance a little when she was five. Zhang Jun can ride a bike this year, but he couldn’t ride a bike a year ago. ;,4Michael is good at basketball.?教具. Teaching aids 教学卡笔画片,课,课音机等 ?五指方案教学. Five-finger Teaching plan 第一步 课课;课课分课,Step 1 Review : 10 ;课生共唱一首歌,1. T: Let’s sing a song. Can you swim? Yes,I can... one two, go. Ss: Can you swim?Yes,I can... ;课教卡快速更课课课片学生快速课答。,2., T: Look at my cards, the first one, please. Ss: Draw pictures. T: The second one.  Ss: Speak English. ;展示上课课的课课片。,卡 ;在前面句子的基课上回答课加入3.,a little, very well,not very 。,well,not... at all T: Please make sentences with these verbs when you see them on the card. Example: T: This one. : I can draw pictures very well.S1 S: I can’t write books at all.2 ;课渡到下一步。,  第二步 呈课;课课分课,Step 2 Presentation : 10 ;老课课课课去课课课课板课状并用课出课去能做某事用来及不能1.,could做某事 的用法。,couldn’t ,T: Suppose could do something one year ago ?when I was five, how to express? Look at the blackboard. I could swimone year agocould not ride a biketwo years agocouldn’t fly a kitewhen I was play table tennisfive yesterday ;课生自己课出课去能做学达什课的表方式然后再板课。,, Example: S: I could swim one year ago.1 S: I could fly a kite two years ago.2  S: I could ride a bike when I was twelve.3 … S: I couldn’t speak Japanese when I was four.1 S: I couldn’t sing songs when I was three.2 … ;课引课生自己教学造句子分男女课课课两造句呈课,: Section C 1a 部分的句子课课和。,,couldcouldn’t Boy: I could play the piano when I was five.1 Girl: I could dance when I was five.1 Boy: ...2 Girl: ...2  ;看课画听课音回答课课。,2.,, When couldn’t Jane fly a kite? How old was Maria when she could dance?What is Kangkang good at? What is Michael good at? T: Look at the picture. Listen to the tape and answer the questions on the blackboard. ;课课短文圈出短文中的课课短课抓住重点活课。,3.,, T: Read 1a on page 65 and circle the activities. ;课合课表再课一遍找个出四主人公的主要活课。,4.1b1a, T: OK,now read again, find out the main activities of Jane, Maria, Michael and Kangkang. 第三步 固巩;课课分课,Step 3 Consolidation : 5   ;生自完成学独。,1.1b T: Fill in the form 1b by yourselves. ;课课生所做的答案。,学2. T: Let’s check the answers. Who would like to answer the questions? Volunteers? : Maria __________ __________ __________ S1 S: Michael __________ __________ __________2 S: Kangkang __________ __________ __________3 S: Jane __________ __________ __________4 T: Well done! Wonderful! __________ __________ __________ ;根据自己的课课情况课出自己课去根本不能做课在却能做得很3.,, 好的事。, T: Please make sentences like this : ? I couldn’t speak Japanese at all, but now I can speak Japanese very well. ? I could dance a little when I was five, but now I can dance very well.  S1: I couldn’t perform ballet when I was seven, but now I can perform very well. ;人课课。一生课双个学另个学一生课4.: I can swim now.: You 如此反课课课次或课课生到课几找几学couldn’t swim two years ago. 台前来一生课个学另个学一生课,: I can play basketball now.,: ,But you couldn’t play basketball three years ago. 第四步 课课;课课分课,Step 4 Practice : 10 ;看课课片猜他课所做课作。,1.66, T: Now let’s look at the pictures on page 66. Can you guess what they are doing? the first one?Ss: Singing songs. ;课生学通课个句子然后搭配句子课片。,与2.4, T: Read the sentences and then match the sentences with the pictures. ;课课答案课出课并价。,3. S1: Picture A matches to 1.T: Let's check the answer?S: Picture B matches to 4.2 S: Picture C matches to 2.3 S: Picture D matches to 3.4 ;根据自己和家人的课课情况运用课课句 4.,can...but...couldn’t...型课行课课两人一课课行课课。,, T: Well done! Use "...can...but...couldn’t..." to make sentences, practice with your partner. Example: S: I can take photos now, but I couldn’t take photos a year ago.A S: I can fly a kite now, but I couldn’t fly a kite when I was ten.B ... S: My mother can sing English songs now, but she couldn’t sing C any English songs two years ago.S: My sister can dance now but she couldn’t when she was ten.D S: ...E S: ...F  T: Next one. Ss: Ride a bike. ... ;口课课答课课课。,听5., T: Think it over, can you tell me what you could do when you were four? S: I could write when I was four.1 S: I could sing when I was four.2 S: I could dance when I was four.3 ... T: What couldn’t you do when you were four but now you can? S: I couldn’t play football when I was four. But now I can.1 S: ...play the guitar...2 S: ...sing English songs...3 ... T: What couldn’t you do when you were four, and you still can’t now? : I couldn’t speak Japanese when I was four, and I still can’t S1 now. S: ...2 第五步 课合探究活课;课课分课,Step 5 Project : 10 ;根据自己的课课情况课出笔写培课课能力。,写1.,3 Written work, T: Please write your own abilities and inabilities. could,couldn’tWhen I was four. ,1I could write ,2I could sing ,3I could draw 1,I couldn’t ride a When I was four, but now bikeI can. ,2I couldn’t play football ,3I couldn’t fly a kite 1,I couldn’t speak When I was four and I Japanesestill can’t now. ,2I couldn’t swim ,3I couldn’t play golf  课上所缺内容。2. ;课生回家课课自己的课课学奶奶、或爸爸哪、课课在年课的课候能做3., 些活课不能做些活课。,哪, T: Interview your family members, ask them what they could do at your age. Report to your class next time.Section D 本课重点活课是和。The main activities are 1, 2 and 4.1,24 ?教学目课. Teaching aims and demands 1. Review some phrases and useful expressions:  perform, ballet, take photos, row a boat, fly a kite, play soccer, ,make model planes, play table tennisbasketball 2. Review ability and inability: ;,1I can play the piano. I can’t play the guitar. Can you play the piano? ,Yes, I can.No, I can’t. What can you do? I can play the guitar. ;,2I could sing a song. I couldn’t sing a song. Could you sing a song? ,Yes, I could.No, I couldn’t. What could you do?  I could dance the disco. ?教具. Teaching aids 课片 ?五指方案教学. Fivefinger Teaching Plan , 第一步 课课;课课分课,Step 1 Review : 10 ;课把课课短课教卡制成片课本课元的相课课课短课课行课课。,1., ;课教卡快速呈课片大家课答激课课课情。,学,, T: Look at my pictures, who can speak the most quickly?Ss: Play football, fly a kite, play basketball, perform ballet.;做个接课游课课课的肯否课答形式。,2.,can T: OK,Good. Let’s play a game, begin like this:  ;,1S1: I can play soccer. What can you do? S2: I can fly a kite. What can you do? S3: I can play basketball. What can you do? S4: I can perform ballet. What can you do? ... ;四人小课加入否定句课行操课。, ;,2S1: I can play soccer. S2: I can’t play soccer, but I can play basketball. S3: I can’t play basketball, but I can sing a song. S4: I can’t sing a song, but I can dance ballet. ... ;老课在黑板上一幅课。,画笔画3. A:  ;板课,: I could play basketball when I was ten years old.T: I can draw a picture. Look at my picture. I could play basketball when I was ten years old. Can you draw a picture?Ss: Yes. T: Now I’d like you to draw pictures by yourselves and talk about them to one another in groups, understand?Ss: Yes. T: OK.Let’s begin. ;老课可课生呈课以下学启学素材~课课生想像。, ;生课合成课小课学学每课人。老课注意课课使每小课有课人课个画,6,, 然后老课课每课课课一课课个要求互相合作完成自画像并写出句,, 子。, ;生课学笔画画写句子大课分课。,,,5 T: Have you finished your drawings? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Let’s talk about the pictures in groups.;各课成课根据自画几像;有课课作的,课课自己在课课能做或不能 做的事。课堂活课大课分课。,,5  T: Time is up. Let’s see which group does well.;每课课派代表上台演课。,两个 ;展示自画像,Group 1: S: Look at my picture. I could make a 1 model plane when I was ten years old. ;展示自画像,Group 1: S: Look at my picture. I could play 2 the piano when I was seven. ;展示自画像,Group 2: S: Look at my picture. I couldn’t 1 draw when I was five years old. ;展示自画像,Group 2: S: Look at my picture. I couldn’t fly 2 a kite when I was twelve years old. ...  T: Wonderful! Each group did well. Whose drawing do you think is the best? Whose speaking is the best? ;生课课课出最学画学佳课作品、课演者以及合作课中表课最好的 小课。, S: I think Mike’s drawing is the best.1 S: I think Tom is good at drawing. I like his drawing very 2 much. S: I think Wendy’s speaking is the best.3 S: I think our group is the best. We all work hard.4 S: ...5 ;老课引课生课课学的课去式与课课到课去激B: cancouldcouldn’t,, 课想像力。, T: Let’s go back to the past time through time channel, what could you do? S: I could play the piano. What could you do?1 S: I could draw pictures.2 ...  : I could play the piano.S1 S: I couldn’t play the piano, but I could write when I was five.2 ... T: You are the best! ;课渡到下一步。, 第二步 呈课;课课分课,Step 2 Presentation : 5 ;由课去能做或不能做的事情介课出第一部分的主人公1.,Jenny 看能做她什课。, T: Now I’ll introduce a new friend, Jenny. What could she do? Do you want to know? Ss: Yes. T: Let’s listen to the tape.;课置力任课板课听并再一遍课音听回答课课。,2.,, What could Jenny do at her different ages? Where does she live? T: Let’s listen again and answer the questions.  S: She could play the piano when she was three...1 S: London.2 第三步 固巩;课课分课,Step 3 Consolidation : 5 ;看一遍文章填写表格学生自主完成加强理解。,1.,,, Jennythreefivesix years now ago T: Read the passage and fill in the form by yourself. ;课着课上的课课再课课一遍短文做课。,2.,, ;?, T: Read again and check the answers. S: Jenny may be ________ years old now.1 35 ?15 S: When Jenny was five, she could _________ .2 课 ? draw?play the piano, writeS: In the passage,"hard"means . 3 happy,? difficultboring S: What do you think of Jenny?4 课 ? Great. ?Smart. Alone. 第四步 课课;课课分课,Step 4 Practice : 15 ;用板课课课课课运述课文培课生学迁移能力。,1., Jenny—London—three—five—six—ago—help—write—A Smart Girl—greatT: Use the key words on the Bb. Try to retell the text. S: Jenny lives in London with her parents. When she was three, 1 she could play the piano.... ;课生根据学独例子立做。,2.2 T: Do it by yourselves,write your answers. ;核课答案。,3. T: Let’s check the answers.  S1: Maria can perform ballet. Kangkang can’t perform ballet, but he can sing songs. S2: ... S3: ... ;课置课课和一人的课课个来课课。,4.,Useful expressions T: Now look at the simple blackboard drawing,what do they say? 第五步 课合探究活课;课课分课,Step 5 Project : 10 ;课课一个老课课课生课课学疑课句及否 定回1.chant,Can you...? 答。, T: Let’s chant. Can you ride a bike?Yes, I can. Can you row a boat?No, I can’t. Can you fly a kite? Yes, I can. Can you play the guitar?No, I can’t. Can you sing a song?Yes, I can. Can you perform ballet?No, I can’t. Ss: ...  ;做游课培课合作精神。,2., ;,1Divide students into four groups. ;,2In each group one student writes down "I can do..., but I can’t do...",the other three guess the answers. Each of them has three chances. You can write down the answers like this: ride a bikerow a boat ... ... ...... you can ,but you can’t ;,3Each group shows the answers to the class. The students who guess correctly are the winners. Example: dance~ play tennis. play basketball~but I play volleyball. can'tfly a kite. ride a bike~S: I can1 S2: ... S3: ... S4: ... ;一写篇短文课于自己成课的课课多用至少个3.,can, could60 课。,  T: Here is your homework. Write down a passage about your growth, use can or could as many as possible. Example: My name is Wendy. I’m eleven,I have a happy family. I could perform ballet when I was six, and I could play the piano when I was seven, but I couldn’t draw pictures. Now I can draw picture a little... ?爱大?清学英爱系爱爱,爱中小生英爱学量身定做. 官方站,网 清学爱大英爱授教50年究成果研 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱 想学好英,首先要培英的趣。“趣是最好的老”,趣是学 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱英的巨大力,有了趣,学就会事半功倍。我都有的:喜的 爱爱爱爱爱事,就容易持下去,不喜的事,是很持下去的。而趣不是与生 俱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱来的,需要培。有的同学:“我一看到英就疼,怎能培英 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱的趣呢,”有的同学:“英我今天了明天忘,我太笨了,唉, 爱爱爱爱爱我算没治了。”都是缺乏信心的表。初学英,没有掌握正确的学 爱爱爱爱爱爱方法,没有立必的信心,缺乏了克服困的勇气,失了上的力, 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱稍遇失,就会向挫折,向困低。你就会感到英是一枯燥无味 爱爱爱爱爱的学科,学了一段之后,学极性也逐降低,自然也就不会取得 爱爱爱爱爱爱好成。但是,只要在老的帮助下,到学英的必要性,用正确的 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱度待英学,用科学的方法指学。始多参加一些英方面的活, 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱比如 ,唱英文歌、做英游、英幽默短文、口等。了,懂得 爱爱爱多了,就有了趣,当然, 学起来就有了力和欲望。然后,就要 爱爱爱爱爱爱像民一勤勤,不辞辛苦,付出辛勤的和汗水,一定会取得成 爱爱爱爱爱功,收丰的成果。竟是No pains, no gains。 好基本功是学好爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱英的必要条件,没有扎的英基,就不上学,更不上有所成 爱爱爱爱爱每爱爱爱就。要想基本功扎,必全神注地真听,上好一,提高堂效 爱步率,脚踏地、一一个脚印地,做到以下“五到”: 一、“心到”。爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱在堂上聚精会神,一刻也不能懈怠,大要始于极状,思要爱爱爱爱每爱每爱爱每活、思路要,心随老走,听懂一句,抓住一个,理解 爱爱爱爱一个知点,多想、多思考,做到心神会。 二、“手到”。学英,一 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱定要做堂笔。因人的力是有限的,人不可能都目不忘,本身 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱就是不断与忘作斗争的程。常言,“好筋不如笔”。老的知 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱可能在堂上住了,可 是了一段,就会忘,所以,做好笔很 爱爱爱每爱爱爱爱有必要。英知也是一点点累起来的,学到的一个、以及句型爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱构,都在笔本上,甚至是的空白或字里行,以后的巩固 爱爱爱都是非常方便的。 三、“耳到”。在堂上,真听是十分必要的,不 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱但要心听老知的解,而且要真听老英的音、、重音、、 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱失去爆破、断句等音要,以便培自己正地道的英口。听听懂老爱爱每爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱授的一个知点,在里形成反以帮助,理解会老提出的爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱,以便迅速作答,比同学的回答,以加深的理解而取人之爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱自己之短。 四、“眼到”。在真听的同,要双眼随老察老爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱的作、口形、表情、板、、教具展示等。大里形成的信息和听信 爱爱爱爱爱息相合,印象就会更加深刻。 五、“口到”。学言, 不嘴不口 爱爱爱爱是学不好的,同学最大的毛病是不出声,害羞不敢嘴。尤其是早 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱,同学只是用眼看或默,就只有信息,而没有听信息在大爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱里的反,当然也不会太深刻,口部肌肉也得不到,也就很 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱就一口正的英。所以,要充分利用早晨清醒的,大声朗,堂 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱上要勇回答老提、极参与同学和,下不清楚的及提出, 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱要克服害羞心理,不耻下。学的文要多、勤、苦,可以跟音机爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱,竭力模仿其音以正音,要得抑挫朗朗上口,一些精典文 爱爱爱爱爱爱章最好能背得爪熟。利用一切可能的机会,英口,比如,与外 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱教交流、参加“英角”活、与同学行、英故事、唱英文歌曲、演爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱英短、行歌朗等。除了本中的范文要精之外,要多看些适 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱合我中学生的外物,既可增知,又了我的野,也提高了我爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱的水平。  学英,的是必不可少的,是学好英的基, 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱没有了,也就不上句子,更不上文章,所以我就得极其 爱爱爱爱爱爱每爱爱爱爱爱爱重要。有二: 一是持之以恒:天持一定量的,几天 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱再回一次,周期循,反,常使用,就会短并牢 爱爱爱固掌握。需要注意的是,一旦始,就要持下来,千万不能半途而, 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱切不可三天打,两天晒网。 二是良好的方法:的方法很多, 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱学无定法,但学有良法。我,思中的“集中,分”不失一 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱适合中学生的好方法。把中学生掌握的3500个集中,分,爱爱爱爱爱爱爱先,然后再学教材,在本中使用和巩固它的用法。分的方法 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱有多,同一元音或元音字母合音相同的一,根据形性、同爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱反等集中,把相同根、前、后、合 成、化、派生等构法相 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱每爱同的或列在一起集中印象比深刻,效果也比明。天 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱40,80个,持不懈,多想,多思考,多使用,不就解决了, 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱在学的程中多注的用法和的搭配,牢老的用法和句 爱爱爱爱爱爱型,不有助于我解,而且在写作也会信手拈来,运用自如。 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱把住,了解性、,掌握其固定搭配与用法,背会、从句的爱爱爱爱爱爱各用法,工作只是完成了一半,我得将它用到践中去。就像学 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱游泳,光学理,不下水用,不等于掌握了技。不必要搞海, 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱但一定量的典型来巩固所学知是必不可少的。先重基,如后爱爱爱步爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱,元同,些是堂知的巩固性,不能好高,光想着 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱一口吃个胖子。基知掌握后,有的放失地做一些法方面的和爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱考型的。特提倡同学准一本“集”,把平做的具有代 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱表性的或言点下来,以将来漏缺,知的掌握可以达到 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱事半功倍的效果。 英是一言,不是住了、、句型和法目就 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱是把它学好了,在于使用言,所以在学英一定要注意听、、、 爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱写、全面展。英学首先是一个程,然后才是践程。学英,爱爱爱爱爱爱无如何,勤是不可少的,它是一个日月累的程,是没有任何 爱捷径可 走的,也没有所“速成”的灵丹妙方,急于求成,不做踏爱爱爱爱工作,是学不好英的。任何成功的得都要靠自己的努力,要踏踏爱爱爱爱爱步爱爱爱爱爱、勤勤、兢兢、一一个脚印地学,端正度,真待学中的挫 爱爱爱爱爱爱折和失。失并不可怕,可怕的是自己失信心而一蹶不振。考的爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱爱失,冷静分析,真思考,只要利充信心,善于教,不断 爱爱努力,不断追求,利一定是属于你的 ?爱大?清学英爱系爱爱,爱中小生英爱学量身定做. 官方站,网清学爱大英爱授教50年究成果研   ?爱大?清学英爱系爱爱,爱中英爱学必爱利器 官方站,网 清学爱大英爱授教50年究成果研 课于英课作文课美句子 1.Burn one's bridges. 破釜舟沉背水一课. 2.Great minds think alike. 英雄所课略同 3.No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息 4.One picture is worth a thousand words.(One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.) 百课不如一课 5.Nothing ventured, nothing gained. (Nothing brave, nothing have.)不入虎穴焉得虎子, 6.Life is full of ups and downs.生活充课起伏 7.It's no use crying over spilt milk.覆水课收 8.Hunger is the best sauce. 课课是最好的课味品 9.Better late than never. 课做课比不做好.  10.God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者. 11.Love me, love my dog. 课屋及课 12.Don't count your chickens before they hatch. 小课孵出之后才算数 13.He bites off than her can chew.(The eye is bigger than the belly.)课多嚼不课 14.Everyone has a skeleton in his closet.人人都有不可告人之事 15.To teach a fish how to swim.班课弄斧. 16.Rome wasn't built in a day.课课非一日建成 17.Well begun, half done. 好的课始成功了一半, 18.Every cloud has a silver lining. 课云背后是课课 19.Look before you leap. 三思而后行 20.Birds of a feather flock together.物以课聚 21.A little knowledge is dangerous.一知半解最危课 22.Clothes make the man. 人要衣装佛要金装. 23.A good medicine tastes bitter. 良课苦口. 24.History repeats itself. 课史会重演 25.strike while the iron is hot.趁课打课 26.as poor as a church mouse.课得一文不名 27.Where there's smoke, there's fire.无课不起浪事出必有因. 28.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 千里之行始于足下 29.A rolling stone gathers no moss.课石不生苔课课不聚课. 30.Many hands make light work.人多好做事. 31.A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘差之千里,. 32.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患课课情真. 33.A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善课. 34.A young idler, an old beggar.少壮不努力老大徒课悲,. 35.Do as the Romans do. 入课随俗. 36.Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there. 有心栽花花不课无心柳柳插成课,. 37.Misfortunes never come alone.课不课行. 38.Never too old to learn, never too late to turn. 亡羊课牢课课未课,. 39.No one can call back yesterday.昨日不重课会. 40.No sweet without sweat.  先苦后甜. 41.Still water run deep. 静水流深. 42.The pot calls the kettle black.五十步笑百步. 43.The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up. 水能课舟亦能覆舟,. 44.Think twice before you do. 三思而后行. 45.Time tries all. 路遥知课力日久课人心,. 46.To save time is to lengthen life.课课课课就是延课生命. 47.Troubles never come singly.福无至双课不课行,. 48.Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away. 滴水穿石. 49.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.入国课禁入课随俗,. 50.Where there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在不怕没柴课,. ?爱大?清学英爱系爱爱,爱中英爱学必爱利器 官方站,网 清学爱大英爱授教50年究成果研  
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