首页 电影金刚狼3殊死一战Logan.2017台词剧本中英文对照



电影金刚狼3殊死一战Logan.2017台词剧本中英文对照电影金刚狼3殊死一战Logan.2017台词剧本中英文对照 0,0:01:25.25,0:01:26.83嘿 别把螺帽丢了 兄弟 0,0:01:29.52,0:01:30.56快点 都放车上去 0,0:01:31.56,0:01:32.59行了 动作轻点 0,0:01:33.55,0:01:34.58得走了 伙计们 0,0:01:35.58,0:01:36.58动作快 动作快 0,0:01:37.54,0:01:38.53好了 好了 快好了 0,0:01:54.94,0:01:58.70找死 继续干活儿 0...

电影金刚狼3殊死一战Logan.2017台词剧本中英文对照 0,0:01:25.25,0:01:26.83嘿 别把螺帽丢了 兄弟 0,0:01:29.52,0:01:30.56快点 都放车上去 0,0:01:31.56,0:01:32.59行了 动作轻点 0,0:01:33.55,0:01:34.58得走了 伙计们 0,0:01:35.58,0:01:36.58动作快 动作快 0,0:01:37.54,0:01:38.53好了 好了 快好了 0,0:01:54.94,0:01:58.70找死 继续干活儿 0,0:02:00.26,0:02:03.72片名:金刚狼3 殊死一战 0,0:05:59.48,0:06:00.81我需要像你这样的英雄 0,0:06:02.78,0:06:03.94你到底经历了什么, 0,0:06:04.53,0:06:06.52为什么要躲起来 0,0:09:16.11,0:09:17.20阿尔卡利 基因改造研究所 安全部主任 唐纳德?皮尔斯 0,0:09:38.54,0:09:39.54你即将离开美国境内 0,0:20:46.50,0:20:48.50两名乘客 自由汽车旅馆 0,0:23:13.24,0:23:13.75由于缺少新生变种人 研究人员备受困扰 0,0:23:13.75,0:23:14.12水中是否被添加了某种物质 0,0:23:14.16,0:23:14.87基因改造 儿科癌症研究 0,0:24:38.54,0:24:39.57- 请快点 - 在路上了 0,0:26:04.23,0:26:05.86他们来了 请你… 0,0:29:17.21,0:29:18.63我们一直都在等你 0,0:31:19.37,0:31:20.62没事的 只是火车经过 0,0:31:20.75,0:31:22.68小火车 只是火车经过而已 0,0:31:22.78,0:31:24.52别担心 火车而已 0,0:32:07.78,0:32:10.11只是另一辆火车经过而已 0,0:36:36.36,0:36:37.36打死那个变种人 0,0:54:35.52,0:54:36.52《原野奇侠 1953》 0,0:55:43.16,0:55:45.14基因改造 儿科癌症研究 0,0:56:00.12,0:56:02.17已植入艾德曼金属 0,0:56:06.09,0:56:08.11基因源:詹姆斯?豪利特 0,0:56:21.12,0:56:23.14《非凡X战警》 0,0:58:12.11,0:58:13.16暂停营业 0,0:59:42.37,0:59:45.38伊甸园 还是终结, 0,1:00:00.36,1:00:03.34北达科他州 0,1:47:40.37,1:47:41.37这个是什么 0,1:52:28.31,1:52:29.31能给我一个吗 0,1:52:29.36,1:52:31.28- 给 - 谢谢 0,1:54:34.14,1:54:37.14不要一次用尽 0,2:11:08.35,2:11:12.56金刚狼3:殊死一战 0,0:00:58.14,0:00:59.72卸了轮子 拿了钱就走We get the wheels, we get la feria, 0,0:00:59.81,0:01:01.81继续 别捅娄子we keep moving on. No messing around. 0,0:01:01.97,0:01:02.98这次再把轮子搞坏You mess those wheels up this time, Chong, 0,0:01:03.06,0:01:04.06我一定要你们好看I'm gonna have your ass. 0,0:01:04.14,0:01:05.14动手Move! 0,0:01:05.81,0:01:08.31- 去那边 伙计 - 都没吃饭吗- Right there, homes. - There's nobody, homes. 0,0:01:08.32,0:01:10.40- 你是来开派对的吗 - 把收音机关掉- Where's your party, boy? - Turn down the radio. 0,0:01:10.94,0:01:12.32你想把警察引来还是想怎样You inviting the cops, too, or what? 0,0:01:12.40,0:01:13.49看来这次能赚不少钱 伙计们I want el cromo. 0,0:01:15.11,0:01:16.57快点 快点 快点Gonna get some green 0,0:01:16.66,0:01:18.16能赚不少钱 伙计们for this shit right here, homes. 0,0:01:19.83,0:01:20.83见鬼Fuck. 0,0:01:24.16,0:01:25.16嘿Hey. 0,0:01:40.39,0:01:41.43伙计们Uh, guys? 0,0:01:42.68,0:01:45.10这些螺帽全是镀铬的 都被你们磨坏了Those are chrome-plated lugs. You're gonna strip them. 0,0:01:45.27,0:01:46.27看看这家伙Look at this guy, eh? 0,0:01:46.44,0:01:48.10镀层都被你们刮花了The plating flakes off. 0,0:01:48.27,0:01:49.36是吗,Yeah? 0,0:01:49.52,0:01:50.94这车是租来的 没人会花钱开一辆…This is a lease. No one's gonna pay to ride... 0,0:02:04.50,0:02:05.50该死Shit. 0,0:02:10.00,0:02:11.13快Come on, man. 0,0:02:15.71,0:02:17.17伙计们 伙计们Uh, guys, guys... 0,0:02:17.34,0:02:18.51怎么会What the fuck? 0,0:02:18.72,0:02:21.22伙计们 说真的 你们会后悔的Guys, seriously, you don't wanna do this. 0,0:02:24.85,0:02:26.23摆平他Take him out. 0,0:02:32.86,0:02:34.07打死他Fuck him up! 0,0:02:42.74,0:02:44.58不 别朝车开枪No! Not the car! 0,0:02:48.41,0:02:49.71打死这个基佬Get that puto! 0,0:02:50.04,0:02:51.08打死他Fuck him up, man! 0,0:02:53.54,0:02:54.55打死他Fuck him up! 0,0:02:57.26,0:02:58.42打他Get him! 0,0:02:58.59,0:02:59.88往死里打Hit that fool! 0,0:03:04.89,0:03:06.02混蛋Motherfucker! 0,0:03:36.46,0:03:37.63该死Shit. 0,0:03:58.57,0:03:59.86见鬼Fuck. 0,0:04:50.37,0:04:52.29所有人都睡了 伯特Everyone's asleep, Burt. 0,0:04:52.37,0:04:54.21或者在梦游 就像冰川融化Sleepwalking. Between the ice caps, 0,0:04:54.29,0:04:56.67色情小说作家 有毒的水源 变种人the pornographers, poisoned water, mutants... 0,0:04:57.21,0:04:58.29其实他们都有联系it's all connected. 0,0:04:58.38,0:05:00.80嘿 克莱德 都已经2029年了Hey, Clyde. It's 2029. 0,0:05:01.05,0:05:03.51为什么我们还要提起变种人Why are we still talking about mutants? 0,0:05:04.63,0:05:07.05是我 我在车上Hey, it's me. I'm in the car. 0,0:05:07.22,0:05:08.55对 旅途很愉快Yeah, it was a good trip. 0,0:05:09.51,0:05:11.22干完就走人Killed it up and down the fence. 0,0:05:11.39,0:05:13.89美利坚 美利坚 美利坚USA! USA! USA! 0,0:05:16.98,0:05:20.65美利坚 美利坚 美利坚USA! USA! USA! USA! 0,0:05:47.93,0:05:49.26金刚狼Wolverine. 0,0:05:51.22,0:05:52.22我知道是你I knew it was you. 0,0:05:53.22,0:05:54.93- 见鬼 - 请别走- Oh, fuck. - Please! 0,0:05:55.02,0:05:56.56我有事相求I'm in trouble! 0,0:05:56.81,0:05:58.94你是唯一能帮我们的人You're the only one that could help! 0,0:06:01.11,0:06:02.69有多远给我滚多远Get the fuck away from me! 0,0:06:08.01,0:06:09.16求你了Please! 0,0:06:09.87,0:06:11.20罗根Logan! 0,0:06:16.46,0:06:17.41那人是谁Who was that? 0,0:06:17.50,0:06:19.46不知道哪儿来的疯女人 不必担心I don't know, some crazy lady. Don't worry. 0,0:07:21.90,0:07:25.57真是百闻不如一见 金刚狼As I live and breathe, the Wolverine. 0,0:07:26.19,0:07:27.86可惜他成了瘾君子And he's a junkie now. 0,0:07:28.03,0:07:29.49你又是谁Who the fuck are you? 0,0:07:30.78,0:07:33.16你车门上怎么有弹孔啊You know, you got some buckshot in your door. 0,0:07:33.53,0:07:35.03我听说你在凤凰城I heard you was in Phoenix. 0,0:07:35.83,0:07:38.04可昨晚 我德州的朋友But then, last night, some friends of mine 0,0:07:38.12,0:07:39.29打来电话in Texas HP called... 0,0:07:39.46,0:07:43.00说在54号公路旁的水塘里发现3具墨西哥人的尸体and told me they found three dead cholos in a pullout on 54. 0,0:07:44.04,0:07:46.30很平常 对吧Not unusual, I know. 0,0:07:46.46,0:07:48.96不过有具少了只手 还有具少了条腿Except one was missing a hand, another one a leg. 0,0:07:50.05,0:07:51.55这让他们觉得So they was thinking... 0,0:07:51.72,0:07:54.72可能是脱逃的老虎 或者《猛鬼街》里的佛瑞迪干的it was either an escaped tiger or Freddy Krueger. 0,0:07:55.51,0:07:57.31可是他们不可能会开车啊But neither one of them can drive... 0,0:07:57.47,0:08:00.48一个是电影虚构的 另一个已经灭绝了one being fictional, the other one extinct. 0,0:08:00.64,0:08:04.81而且他们找到的车轮防滑钉是克赖斯勒上的And since the wheel lugs theyfound belonged to a '24 Chrysler... 0,0:08:05.81,0:08:06.98刚好and, well... 0,0:08:07.48,0:08:09.57你开的就是克赖斯勒this is a '24 Chrysler. 0,0:08:11.53,0:08:13.49她找到你了吗She found you yet? 0,0:08:13.66,0:08:14.82加芙列拉Gabriela? 0,0:08:16.91,0:08:18.08听着See... 0,0:08:18.24,0:08:20.75我要找的不是你 狼叔I'm not looking for you, Wolvie. 0,0:08:20.91,0:08:24.75确切的说 我要找的人恰巧在找你Well, not really. I'm looking for someone who's looking for you. 0,0:08:25.58,0:08:28.75她趁我不注意时带走了我的一样东西She took something of mine when I wasn't looking. 0,0:08:28.92,0:08:31.76一样我要担责任的东西Something for which lam responsible. 0,0:08:33.26,0:08:34.51一个墨西哥女人Mexican lady. 0,0:08:35.51,0:08:37.39她正在找你Has her sights on you now. 0,0:08:40.02,0:08:41.23没想起什么吗Doesn't ring any bells? 0,0:08:41.39,0:08:42.48我不认识什么加芙列拉I don't know any Gabriela, 0,0:08:42.56,0:08:43.94所以赶紧给我滚so get the fuck out of my car. 0,0:08:46.77,0:08:47.81知道吗You know... 0,0:08:48.77,0:08:50.78我知道你把谁藏了起来 朋友I know what you're hiding, amigo. 0,0:08:51.36,0:08:54.03你把老光头藏在了墨西哥边境The old cue ball south of the border. 0,0:08:54.78,0:08:55.95你想怎么样What do you want? 0,0:08:56.11,0:08:57.70我只想你合作A little co-operation. 0,0:09:06.46,0:09:08.63差点忘了 你是我的偶像I'm a fan, by the way. 0,0:09:17.34,0:09:18.35该死 该死Fuck, fuck! 0,0:09:20.14,0:09:21.81不 爱斯佩兰萨先生 不No, Mr. Esperanza, no. 0,0:09:22.81,0:09:24.98是说好六月 可我现在就需要那艘船I know I said June, but I need the boat now. 0,0:09:25.14,0:09:26.65为什么这样就得涨价Why would that mean the price go up? 0,0:09:26.81,0:09:28.90听着Listen to me. 0,0:09:29.06,0:09:30.90我知道你想要7万I know you wanted 70... 0,0:09:31.07,0:09:34.40好吧 如果我能一次性给你4万5现金呢Okay, what if I could put together $45,000 cash right now? 0,0:09:34.57,0:09:36.15喂 喂Hello? Hello? 0,0:09:36.32,0:09:37.45见鬼Shit. 0,0:09:40.66,0:09:41.91嘿 山姆Hey, Sam. 0,0:09:42.08,0:09:43.08早上好Morning. 0,0:10:32.63,0:10:35.38我知道您有那样内心的美德 勃鲁托斯"I know that virtue to be in you, Brutus. 0,0:10:35.55,0:10:38.05正像我知道您的外貌一样"As well as I do know your outward favor. 0,0:10:38.22,0:10:40.51好 光荣正是我的谈话的 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目"Well, honor is the subject of my story." 0,0:10:40.68,0:10:42.14他今天情况不太好He's having a bad day. 0,0:10:42.30,0:10:43.68哪天情况好过了They're all bad days. 0,0:10:44.72,0:10:46.68六个小时前他就该服药了He needed these six hours ago. 0,0:10:50.19,0:10:51.73你知道这些根本不够This is not enough, you know. 0,0:10:52.81,0:10:54.19一星期都撑不过Won't see us through the week. 0,0:10:54.36,0:10:55.53我会想办法的I'm working on it. 0,0:10:57.86,0:10:58.86轮到你了Your turn. 0,0:10:59.57,0:11:01.16我都折腾了一晚上了I've had a rough night. 0,0:11:02.74,0:11:03.87好吧 你可以的Poor you. 0,0:11:08.41,0:11:10.33还有件事 他昨晚和我说In other news, he told me last night 0,0:11:10.42,0:11:11.67他在和某个人神交he's communicating with someone. 0,0:11:11.83,0:11:13.75没人和他神交He's not talking to anybody. 0,0:11:13.92,0:11:15.21话别说那么绝对Don't be so sure. 0,0:11:15.38,0:11:17.38他还交代了很多细节He's got all these details. 0,0:11:17.55,0:11:20.09我还以为那个蓄水箱能把他隔绝起来I thought that tank was supposed to act as a barrier. 0,0:11:20.26,0:11:21.43可他发作起来根本不管用It's got them cracks in it. 0,0:11:21.59,0:11:22.76求你消停会儿Just please stop. 0,0:11:23.43,0:11:24.43左边下面Bottom left. 0,0:11:31.10,0:11:32.52你没在听我说话You're not listening. 0,0:11:32.69,0:11:35.94他又开始不停地问问题了 问为什么我们会在这儿He's been asking questions again about why we're here. 0,0:11:36.11,0:11:37.78我觉得他还想钻进我的意识里I think he's trying to read my mind. 0,0:11:37.94,0:11:39.24所以我们才要给他喂药That's what these are for. 0,0:11:41.78,0:11:43.45他正吃着奶油点心Eating his curds and whey 0,0:11:43.62,0:11:46.28然后一只大蜘蛛出现 坐在了她的旁边Then came a big spider Which sat down beside her 0,0:11:46.45,0:11:47.58吓了玛菲特小姐一跳And frightened Miss Muffet... 0,0:12:00.63,0:12:03.26朋友们 我有个好消息要告诉你们Friends, l have good news for you today! 0,0:12:03.43,0:12:04.80你们做什么并不重要It's not about what you do. 0,0:12:04.97,0:12:06.97做什么也不重要It's not about your deeds. 0,0:12:07.06,0:12:08.56你们只是无法按照You can't live up to God's rules. 0,0:12:08.72,0:12:12.73上帝的旨意而活 没关系 我们并非完人He knows that you can't. It's okay, we're imperfect. 0,0:12:14.90,0:12:16.48请让一下 先生Make way, sir. 0,0:12:17.61,0:12:18.82我说了让开I said make way! 0,0:12:18.98,0:12:22.11来自塔可钟快餐店的新墨西哥鸡肉卷The new Quesalupa from Taco Bell! 0,0:12:22.28,0:12:24.61加一份鸡肉 加一份牛排Get it with chicken! Get it with steak! 0,0:12:24.78,0:12:26.83还有包裹着浓郁芝士在火上慢烤的饼皮And with the cheese baked right in the shell... 0,0:12:26.99,0:12:28.79新一季的明星产品it's the next big thing! 0,0:12:28.95,0:12:30.95还不快来抢Go now while supplies last. 0,0:12:32.46,0:12:33.83你是谁Who are you? 0,0:12:34.33,0:12:35.58你知道我是谁You know who I am. 0,0:12:35.75,0:12:38.09你是那个总让我睡觉的家伙You're the man who puts me to sleep. 0,0:12:38.25,0:12:39.46我们都需要睡会儿We both could use some sleep. 0,0:12:39.63,0:12:41.01不 不No! No! 0,0:12:46.18,0:12:47.64你想对我做什么What are you doing to me? 0,0:12:47.72,0:12:48.72查尔斯Charles. 0,0:12:50.18,0:12:52.18别这样Come on, now. 0,0:13:33.89,0:13:36.35我待在这儿多久了How long have I been here? 0,0:13:56.92,0:13:58.08这是什么What are these? 0,0:13:58.25,0:13:59.42你知道这是什么You remember what they are. 0,0:13:59.58,0:14:01.50打针可以缓解痉挛The shots mellow the seizures. 0,0:14:01.59,0:14:03.26按时吃药就不会发作了The pills keep them from happening. 0,0:14:05.42,0:14:07.43不如你吹口仙气 愿上帝保佑吧How about you blow on them to make them safe? 0,0:14:07.59,0:14:08.72去你的 罗根Fuck off, Logan. 0,0:14:08.89,0:14:10.39所以你想起来我是谁了So you remember who I am now. 0,0:14:10.55,0:14:12.89我一直都知道你是谁I always know who you are. 0,0:14:13.06,0:14:15.56只是有的时候没认出来而已It's just sometimes I don't recognize you. 0,0:14:16.73,0:14:17.89快吃药吧Take the pills. 0,0:14:23.73,0:14:26.44你把我一个人丢给那个有白化病的家伙You leave me alone with that fucking albino. 0,0:14:26.61,0:14:28.11他根本不听我说话He doesn't listen to me. 0,0:14:29.11,0:14:31.41我一看就知道他们是新的物种I know a damn speciation when I see one. 0,0:14:31.58,0:14:32.58什么A what? 0,0:14:32.74,0:14:35.79新的物种 新的变种人 很年轻Speciation. New mutant, a young one. 0,0:14:36.58,0:14:37.71有势力想要屠杀他们There are forces trying to kill them. 0,0:14:37.79,0:14:39.62势力 他们需要帮助Forces? They want help. 0,0:14:40.95,0:14:42.29势力 势力Forces, forces. 0,0:14:42.46,0:14:44.80可惜你已经退出历史舞台了It's too bad you're not in that business anymore. 0,0:14:44.96,0:14:47.59他们需要的不是我 而是你They don't want me, they want you. 0,0:14:49.30,0:14:53.14好吧 他们还真是愚不可及Oh, yes, that's how fucking stupid they are. 0,0:14:54.31,0:14:57.14他们在自由女神像那儿等着你They're waiting for you at the Statue of Liberty. 0,0:14:57.31,0:14:59.56自由女神像早就没了The Statue of Liberty was a long time ago, 0,0:14:59.64,0:15:00.98查尔斯 都已经多少年了Charles, a long time. 0,0:15:01.56,0:15:04.15早就没有新的变种人了 明白吗There are no new mutants. Understand? 0,0:15:04.32,0:15:07.49已经有25年没有新的变种人出生了Hasn't been a new one born in 25 years. Not anywhere. 0,0:15:07.65,0:15:09.11你总是以为You always thought... 0,0:15:10.07,0:15:11.95我们是上帝 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的一部分we were part of God's plan. 0,0:15:15.83,0:15:16.83或许吧But maybe... 0,0:15:17.91,0:15:20.50又或者我们是上帝犯下的错误Maybe we were God's mistake. 0,0:15:30.13,0:15:33.09你太让我失望了What a disappointment you are. 0,0:15:35.93,0:15:37.14当年我找到你的时候When I found you... 0,0:15:37.31,0:15:41.14你还只是个做困兽之斗的拳手you were pursuing a career as a cage fighter. 0,0:15:41.52,0:15:44.52这对于杀手来说已经是个不错的归宿了A warm capper to a life as an assassin. 0,0:15:44.69,0:15:46.94靠嗑药为生Hooked on barbiturates. 0,0:15:47.11,0:15:49.36当时的你就是个野兽You were an animal. 0,0:15:50.65,0:15:52.03是我们接纳了你But we took you in. 0,0:15:53.20,0:15:55.83给了你一个温馨的家I gave you a family. 0,0:15:56.28,0:15:57.29可现在都没了And they're gone now. 0,0:15:57.37,0:15:58.37罗根Logan. 0,0:15:59.87,0:16:00.87罗根Logan... 0,0:16:03.04,0:16:04.54你到底做了什么What did you do? 0,0:16:06.88,0:16:08.21你到底做了什么What did you do? 0,0:16:08.38,0:16:10.47回答我 为什么我们会在这儿Answer me! Why are we here? 0,0:16:10.63,0:16:12.38这不是我该过的生活No one should live like this. 0,0:16:12.55,0:16:13.97在这破水箱里被药物麻痹Drugged in a fucking tank! 0,0:16:14.14,0:16:15.22这是为了你好It's for your own good. 0,0:16:15.35,0:16:16.39不 这不是No, it's not! 0,0:16:19.72,0:16:22.06你只是在等我死You're waiting for me to die. 0,0:18:03.33,0:18:04.66我不想吵架I don't wanna fight... 0,0:18:04.83,0:18:07.50但有些事情总得商量着解决but there's things we need to discuss. 0,0:18:08.83,0:18:09.92什么事What things? 0,0:18:11.71,0:18:13.96好吧 你别嫌我唠叨Well, would it be considered nagging... 0,0:18:14.42,0:18:16.76我之前就已经和你说过了if I was to repeat my previous observation... 0,0:18:16.93,0:18:19.51这些剂量太少了 没法抑制他的痉挛that the dose is too low to suppress the seizures? 0,0:18:21.51,0:18:23.26那家伙就给我这些It's what the guy gave me. 0,0:18:23.43,0:18:25.68我没什么资格讨价还价Wasn't in a position to make demands. 0,0:18:25.85,0:18:27.58今早我差点就死在这儿了I almost died this morning. 0,0:18:27.71,0:18:29.14- 每次他一发作 - 连一分钟都没到- That seizure was... - it was barely a minute. 0,0:18:29.18,0:18:30.59感觉根本不止一分钟It felt a lot longer than a minute. 0,0:18:30.66,0:18:32.52我都无法呼吸了 你受到的影响比我小I couldn't breathe. You're less affected. 0,0:18:32.69,0:18:34.53你知道该增加剂量了You know he needs a higher dose. 0,0:18:34.69,0:18:37.49我还知道你藏了不少钱And I know you got more money squirreled away. 0,0:18:37.65,0:18:38.78那些钱是用来带我们离开这里的That money's to get us out of here. 0,0:18:38.95,0:18:40.70不 不是我们 是你和他No, not us. You and him. 0,0:18:40.87,0:18:42.49你想买一艘"逐日号"游艇You're saving to buy a Sunseeker. 0,0:18:42.66,0:18:43.99"日"字是关键"Sun" is the keyword. 0,0:18:44.16,0:18:47.37我不觉得自己能像不死僵尸那样一辈子躲在船舱里I hardly see myself cowering below decks like Nosferatu. 0,0:18:47.54,0:18:48.54不是吗Do you? 0,0:18:48.71,0:18:52.46在那儿迭着你的短裤 给他做葡萄干布丁Folding your underpants, and making him spotted dick. 0,0:18:56.80,0:18:57.80在你口袋里找到的Found this in your pocket. 0,0:18:59.81,0:19:00.89艾德曼合金Adamantium. 0,0:19:02.55,0:19:04.18如果你想让自己的脑袋开花If you are planning to blow your brains out... 0,0:19:04.35,0:19:06.02请到了公海再动手吧could you wait till you're out on the high seas? 0,0:19:06.18,0:19:07.43我刚把地板拖干净I just mopped these floors. 0,0:19:07.56,0:19:08.89别和我说这些废话I don't need this shit. 0,0:19:19.07,0:19:21.99一年前 你找我来帮忙A year ago, you asked me to help you. 0,0:19:23.20,0:19:24.91我发誓我尽力了And God knows Pvetfled. 0,0:19:26.08,0:19:28.71可如果你不肯对我说出实情的话But I can't help you, Logan, not really... 0,0:19:29.66,0:19:31.37我想我没法帮到你if you're not going to talk to me. 0,0:19:32.88,0:19:35.04你晚上总是不睡觉 我能听见I hear you at night. You're not sleeping. 0,0:19:35.21,0:19:36.88你不想和我谈谈吗You don't wanna talk about that. 0,0:19:38.88,0:19:40.76还有你喝酒的事Or the booze you're drinking. 0,0:19:41.43,0:19:43.85还有手指间被你擦掉的脓水Or the pus you're wiping away from your knuckles. 0,0:19:44.55,0:19:46.93或者我洗衣服时看到的血迹Or the blood I wash from your clothes. 0,0:19:47.27,0:19:49.43又或者你胸口上的新伤口Or the fresh wounds in your chest. 0,0:19:49.89,0:19:51.94那些没有愈合的伤口The ones that aren't healing. 0,0:19:52.44,0:19:53.52以及我很肯定And I'm pretty sure... 0,0:19:53.61,0:19:54.61你已经看不清you don't wanna talk about the fact 0,0:19:54.73,0:19:56.61瓶子上的标签了that you can't read the label on that bottle. 0,0:19:58.28,0:19:59.53上面写的是布洛芬It says, "ibuprofen." 0,0:20:01.61,0:20:02.78那是我最喜欢的马克杯That was my favorite mug. 0,0:20:03.28,0:20:05.12不用你多管闲事Stay out of my shit. 0,0:20:07.29,0:20:08.75我知道你出问题了 罗根Something's happening to you, Logan. 0,0:20:08.91,0:20:11.50在你的体内 你病了 我闻得出来On the inside you're sick. I can smell it. 0,0:20:17.88,0:20:19.55这是我最嗨的一晚Best night ever! 0,0:20:21.76,0:20:22.97嘿 司机大叔Hey, driver. 0,0:20:40.49,0:20:43.57我爱你 我也爱你I love you. I love you. 0,0:20:43.74,0:20:45.41你太可爱了You're such a doll. 0,0:21:42.51,0:21:43.72罗根先生Mr. Logan. 0,0:21:43.88,0:21:44.92天啊Oh, Jesus. 0,0:21:45.01,0:21:46.68求你了 我们需要搭车Please. We need a ride. 0,0:21:46.84,0:21:48.72我没空 叫出租车吧Not available. Call a cab. 0,0:21:48.89,0:21:49.89我叫加芙列拉?洛佩兹My name is Gabriela Lopez. 0,0:21:50.01,0:21:51.01我不想知道 女士I don't wanna know your name, lady. 0,0:21:51.18,0:21:52.64有人在追杀我们There are men after us. 0,0:21:52.81,0:21:54.32我们必须离开这儿We need to get out of here. 0,0:21:54.44,0:21:56.41往北走 去加拿大Go north, cross to Canada. 0,0:21:56.46,0:21:57.73这活儿谁都能干Anyone can do that job. 0,0:21:57.90,0:21:58.90我可以给你5万美元I'll give you $50,000. 0,0:21:59.90,0:22:01.15你是怎么找到我的How did you find me, huh? 0,0:22:01.23,0:22:02.86你带给我的麻烦已经够多的了女士'Cause you are fucking up my life, lady! 0,0:22:03.03,0:22:05.24追你们的那帮人现在盯上我了The people after you, they're on my ass now! 0,0:22:05.40,0:22:07.53你被人认出来了Sightings were posted. 0,0:22:07.70,0:22:08.74劳拉 到里面去Laura, go inside. 0,0:22:08.87,0:22:10.07被谁认出来了What sightings? 0,0:22:10.16,0:22:11.91有人说看到一个长得很像金刚狼的人People said someone who looked like the Wolverine 0,0:22:11.99,0:22:14.00在厄尔巴索当司机was in El Paso, driving. 0,0:22:14.16,0:22:15.75还说他看上去老了Said he looked old. 0,0:22:18.92,0:22:19.96嘿Hey! 0,0:22:20.17,0:22:22.09我警告过你别再玩那个球了I told you to stop it with that ball! 0,0:22:22.25,0:22:23.38- 你这个臭丫头 - 不 求你了- Bad girl! - No, please. 0,0:22:23.55,0:22:25.09- 我警告过你 臭丫头 - 不 求你了- I told you, bad girl! - No, please. 0,0:22:25.26,0:22:26.26你可得赔钱给我Mamacita's gonna have to pay for that. 0,0:22:26.38,0:22:27.38求你了 别说了Stop, please. No. 0,0:22:29.64,0:22:30.76见鬼Shit! 0,0:22:33.10,0:22:34.52他们得赔偿我的损失They're gonna have to pay for damages. 0,0:22:35.93,0:22:37.39她身上有钱And she has cash. 0,0:22:37.56,0:22:38.56我看到的I've seen it. 0,0:22:38.73,0:22:40.27带着你的肥臀滚回你的办公室You should get your fat ass back in your office. 0,0:22:40.44,0:22:41.44她会赔你钱的You'll get your money. 0,0:22:44.36,0:22:46.36别让她打给任何人了 求你了Don't let her call anyone, please. 0,0:22:46.53,0:22:48.57他们会找到我们的 然后杀了我们They Will find us. They Will kill us. 0,0:22:56.70,0:22:58.12我是名护士I am a nurse. 0,0:22:59.42,0:23:01.79曾经是 在墨西哥城Was. In Mexico City. 0,0:23:03.29,0:23:04.42什么时候受伤的When did that happen? 0,0:23:04.63,0:23:07.97今天早上 在边界处This morning. Near the border. 0,0:23:11.64,0:23:12.97我逃了出来 不过I got away from them, but... 0,0:23:14.94,0:23:16.31现在他们认得我的车了...now they know my car. 0,0:23:19.98,0:23:22.40听着 我得走了Look, I gotta go. 0,0:23:22.56,0:23:24.77不 等等 求你了No, wait. Please. Here. 0,0:23:25.11,0:23:26.32等等 快看Please, wait! Look. 0,0:23:26.48,0:23:29.24给你 你拿着 这里是2万美元Look. Here, take this. It's $20,000. 0,0:23:29.74,0:23:31.57拿着 带我们去上面的地址Here. Take us to this address. 0,0:23:32.95,0:23:35.16等你到了那儿我再给你3万You can have $30,000 more when we get there. 0,0:23:36.49,0:23:38.62我朋友到时候会给你My friends there will give it to you. 0,0:23:39.12,0:23:40.58他们在等我们They will be waiting. 0,0:23:41.67,0:23:43.00你要什么他们都会给你的They will give you anything. 0,0:23:44.13,0:23:45.29这些钱哪儿来的Where did you get this? 0,0:23:45.46,0:23:46.80我男朋友的My boyfriend. 0,0:23:47.76,0:23:50.30他想要杀了我 然后带走她He wants to kill me and take her. 0,0:23:53.47,0:23:55.01那是你女儿And that's your daughter? 0,0:23:57.01,0:23:58.02是的Yes. 0,0:24:01.69,0:24:04.15我知道你是个好人I know you're still good inside. 0,0:24:04.31,0:24:05.36我知道你会帮我们的I know you want to help us. 0,0:24:05.44,0:24:06.44你根本不了解我You don't know anything about me. 0,0:24:06.52,0:24:07.53求你了Please! 0,0:24:07.61,0:24:10.86我保证 如果现在就走的话 不会有事的I promise, there will be no problems if we leave now. 0,0:24:11.03,0:24:12.95我不能就这么离开去北达科他州I can't just leave to North Dakota! 0,0:24:13.11,0:24:14.90- 我们必须周五前赶到那儿 - 否则怎样- We have to be there Friday. - Or what? 0,0:24:14.93,0:24:17.37否则我们就没法过境Or we miss our chance to cross. 0,0:24:17.95,0:24:19.00求你了Please. 0,0:24:20.04,0:24:21.21帮帮我们 求你了You have to. Please. 0,0:24:24.71,0:24:25.79求你了Please. 0,0:24:33.34,0:24:35.05我喜欢你的老花镜Ifikethose. Huh? 0,0:24:35.22,0:24:36.93这样看上去年轻点They make you look younger. 0,0:24:41.39,0:24:42.73查尔斯 听着 我得走了Charles, listen. 0,0:24:43.60,0:24:45.40我可能要离开几天 好吗I gotta go away for a few days, okay? 0,0:24:46.77,0:24:48.40我得跑趟长途挣笔大钱I got a long ride for some good money... 0,0:24:48.57,0:24:50.40回来后我们就离开这里but when I get back, we're gonna get outta here. 0,0:24:51.07,0:24:52.53我们开车去叶莱巴We're gonna drive down to Yelapa. 0,0:24:52.61,0:24:53.74然后再买艘船We're gonna get ourselves a boat. 0,0:24:54.41,0:24:55.91从此就住在海上And we're gonna go live on the ocean. 0,0:24:56.07,0:24:58.08到那儿就会安全了Will you be safe there? 0,0:24:59.70,0:25:02.54是的 当然 我们会安全的Yeah. We'll be safe. 0,0:25:02.71,0:25:04.29看罗根给我们带了什么 查尔斯Look what Logan got us, Charles. 0,0:25:10.71,0:25:11.92过几天就回来Be back in a few days. 0,0:25:55.13,0:25:56.26见鬼Shit. 0,0:26:27.62,0:26:29.00- 罗根 - 什么,- Logan. - Yeah? 0,0:26:29.17,0:26:30.33发生什么事了What happened? 0,0:26:30.50,0:26:31.88出什么事了吗Did something go wrong? 0,0:26:32.04,0:26:33.50这活儿一开始就是个错误The job was wrong to begin with. 0,0:26:54.03,0:26:55.03罗根Logan! 0,0:26:58.36,0:26:59.49罗根Logan! 0,0:26:59.66,0:27:00.70干嘛What? 0,0:27:03.33,0:27:04.87这些东西是谁的Who does this belong to? 0,0:27:10.37,0:27:11.54那是谁Who's that? 0,0:27:15.55,0:27:18.05你为什么没能预见这破事Thought you were supposed to see shit coming. 0,0:27:18.22,0:27:19.38我可以追踪变种人I can track mutants. 0,0:27:19.55,0:27:21.55我能嗅出很多东西 可我不是千里眼I'm a glorified truffle pig, not a clairvoyant. 0,0:27:21.72,0:27:23.39到里面去 别让查尔斯出声Go inside and keep Charles quiet. 0,0:27:23.51,0:27:24.85到里面去 快Go inside now! 0,0:27:34.11,0:27:35.98调头出去 混蛋You need to turn around, asshole. 0,0:27:36.07,0:27:37.07这是私人领地This is private property. 0,0:27:37.23,0:27:38.44是的 没错Yes, it is. 0,0:27:39.40,0:27:40.91事实上我记得这里应该属于In fact, I believe it belongs 0,0:27:41.03,0:27:42.57一家总部在上海的to a multinational smelting company... 0,0:27:42.74,0:27:44.12跨国冶炼公司based in Shanghai. 0,0:27:45.74,0:27:47.95你把老家伙藏哪儿了Where are you keeping the old man? Hmm? 0,0:27:48.12,0:27:49.58他在里面吗Is he over there? 0,0:27:52.25,0:27:53.42还是在这里Or is he there? 0,0:27:54.59,0:27:55.59点子不错That'd be smart. 0,0:27:57.09,0:27:59.38我想见见他I'd like to meet him. 0,0:27:59.55,0:28:02.18我听说国土安全局已经把他的大脑I'm told the HSA classifies his brain 0,0:28:02.26,0:28:04.30列为大规模杀伤性武器了as a weapon of mass destruction now. 0,0:28:05.76,0:28:07.26在东部发生的事真是可惜了Damn shame, what happened back east. 0,0:28:08.22,0:28:09.77他已经死了一年了He's been dead for a year. 0,0:28:11.89,0:28:13.06我需要那女孩儿I need the girl. 0,0:28:13.23,0:28:14.27什么女孩儿What girl? 0,0:28:14.44,0:28:16.48你手里那只球的主人The one that goes along with that ball you're holding. 0,0:28:17.07,0:28:18.61这里没有女孩儿There's no girl here. 0,0:28:18.78,0:28:20.44我知道你去过那家汽车旅馆I know you went to the motel. 0,0:28:20.61,0:28:21.82是的 有人订了车Yeah, I was called there. 0,0:28:21.99,0:28:23.91没有女孩儿 只有一个女人There was no girl. it was just the woman. 0,0:28:24.07,0:28:26.58只有一个女人 说得没错Just the woman. Such as she was. 0,0:28:29.45,0:28:30.91那么 你见过加芙列拉了So, you saw Gabriela. 0,0:28:32.25,0:28:35.50可你没有打给我 真是伤心But you didn't call me. That hurts. 0,0:28:37.13,0:28:38.63该不会是你朝她开的枪吧You didn't shoot the poor thing, did you? 0,0:28:38.80,0:28:39.92不 你呢No, did you? 0,0:28:40.05,0:28:41.13是我先问你的I asked you first. 0,0:28:41.30,0:28:42.38我不喜欢用枪I don't like guns. 0,0:28:42.51,0:28:43.63当然了Of course. 0,0:28:44.43,0:28:47.18真希望你有打给我 罗根I wish you'd called me, Logan. 0,0:28:47.35,0:28:48.51按照我说的那样Like I asked. 0,0:28:51.64,0:28:52.81看见没See? 0,0:28:52.98,0:28:55.02不是只有你一个人被改造过You're not the only one that's been enhanced. 0,0:29:03.28,0:29:04.95罗根 罗根Logan.Logan! 0,0:29:05.11,0:29:07.12这位是劳拉This is Laura. 0,0:29:07.83,0:29:08.83卡利班 快来Caliban, come! 0,0:29:09.33,0:29:11.79这位就是我一直和你提起的This is who I've been telling you about. 0,0:29:11.95,0:29:13.66这位是劳拉This is Laura. 0,0:29:14.46,0:29:16.21我们一直都在等你We've been waiting for you. 0,0:29:21.30,0:29:22.30过来 快过来Come, come here. 0,0:29:23.51,0:29:24.84没事了It's okay. 0,0:29:25.34,0:29:26.34过来Come. 0,0:29:27.85,0:29:29.05劳拉Laura. 0,0:29:32.22,0:29:33.68没事了 没事了It's okay. It's okay. 0,0:29:35.81,0:29:36.81过来Come. 0,0:29:37.06,0:29:38.06过来Come. 0,0:29:39.69,0:29:43.32来吧 没事的 你可以留在这儿 劳拉Come. It's okay. You can stay here, Laura. 0,0:29:43.82,0:29:44.82这儿很安全It's safe. 0,0:29:45.32,0:29:46.57在这儿我们可以照顾你We can look after you here. 0,0:29:47.20,0:29:48.20来吧Come on. 0,0:29:49.99,0:29:52.24看着像退役军人 也可能是个赏金猎人Looks like ex-military. Bounty hunter, maybe? 0,0:29:52.41,0:29:53.41更糟Worse. 0,0:29:54.71,0:29:55.87就他一个人,Is he by himself? 0,0:29:56.04,0:29:57.08对 但只是暂时的Yeah, not for long. 0,0:29:58.00,0:29:59.34把他搬上车You get him back in his ride, 0,0:29:59.42,0:30:01.05扔到干河床那儿去take him out to the wash and dump him. 0,0:30:01.21,0:30:02.88如果他半路醒了怎么办What if he wakes up before I get there? 0,0:30:08.05,0:30:10.18发消息告诉我你在哪儿 我们去接你Text me where you are. We'll pick you up. 0,0:30:23.90,0:30:24.90对Yes. 0,0:30:29.07,0:30:30.07罗根Logan. 0,0:30:30.91,0:30:32.62- 罗根 - 嘿 嘿- Logan. - Hey.Hey! 0,0:30:33.41,0:30:35.04等我搞明白You'll get it back after I figure out 0,0:30:35.12,0:30:36.75你和你妈妈的来龙去脉 我会还给你的what you and your mother have got us into. 0,0:30:36.91,0:30:38.12- 不 罗根 - 干嘛- No, Logan. - What? 0,0:30:38.29,0:30:39.29我觉得 你可能I think the... 0,0:30:48.63,0:30:51.35罗根 你遇到的那个女人并不是她的妈妈Logan, the woman that you met, that's not her mother. 0,0:30:52.26,0:30:54.64- 所以她会说话 - 我们一直都有交流- So she talks? - We're communicating. 0,0:30:54.81,0:30:56.06交流 好吧Communicating. 0,0:30:57.64,0:30:58.89快把这些药吃了Take these now. 0,0:31:00.31,0:31:02.48我们得马上离开 这里已经不安全了We have to get out of here. It's not safe here anymore. 0,0:31:02.65,0:31:04.73你不能在外面发作 明白吗And you can't have an attack out there, you understand? 0,0:31:05.36,0:31:09.11好的 可她就是我告诉你的那个新变种人Yes, but this is the mutant that I told you about. 0,0:31:09.28,0:31:11.03- 她需要帮助 - 她不是变种人- She needs our help. - She's not a mutant. 0,0:31:11.20,0:31:12.28不 她是变种人Yes, she is! 0,0:31:12.45,0:31:13.53那她的天赋是什么 查尔斯What's her gift, Charles? 0,0:31:13.70,0:31:15.16吃东西 还是扔钢管Eating? Pipe throwing? 0,0:31:15.48,0:31:16.55罗根Logan! 0,0:31:18.21,0:31:19.29没事的It's okay. 0,0:31:39.73,0:31:40.81好了Oh, yeah. 0,0:31:40.98,0:31:42.90拿着枪 把尸体扔了Take the gun. Dump the body. 0,0:31:43.06,0:31:45.15回来的时候发消息给我Text me when you're on the way back. 0,0:31:45.32,0:31:46.48还有什么需要的吗You have anything else you need? 0,0:31:46.65,0:31:48.32孩子吃的食物Food for the kid? 0,0:31:54.58,0:31:56.20这下你完蛋了 变种人You're fucked now, mutie. 0,0:32:06.87,0:32:07.71别担心It's okay. 0,0:32:10.16,0:32:11.68这次不是火车了It's not a choc-choc. 0,0:32:15.43,0:32:17.35没事的 坐下吧It's okay. Sit down. 0,0:32:17.51,0:32:18.85- 我们得走了 - 什么- We gotta go. - What? 0,0:32:19.02,0:32:20.56- 出什么事了 - 待在这儿 去哪儿- What's going on? - Where? Stay here. 0,0:32:21.00,0:32:22.88- 别乱动 - 我们要去哪儿- Don't move. - Where are we going? 0,0:32:23.10,0:32:25.73别担心 他会回来找你的Hey, don't worry. He will be back for you. 0,0:32:29.86,0:32:32.61罗根 那女孩儿 你得回去接那女孩儿Logan, the girl. You've got to go back for the girl. 0,0:32:37.70,0:32:40.04罗根 那女孩儿怎么办Logan, what about the girl? 0,0:32:41.71,0:32:42.87罗根Logan. 0,0:32:49.30,0:32:51.59罗根 我们不能丢下劳拉Logan, we mustn't forget about Laura. 0,0:32:51.76,0:32:53.09她不归我们管She's not our problem. 0,0:33:01.56,0:33:02.69见鬼Shit! 0,0:33:11.15,0:33:12.15见鬼Ah, shit! 0,0:33:40.89,0:33:41.97罗根Logan. 0,0:33:42.14,0:33:43.27嗯 我在想办法Yeah, I'm thinking. 0,0:33:43.43,0:33:44.48那个孩子The Child. 0,0:33:45.27,0:33:46.94罗根 我们不能丢下劳拉Logan, we mustn't forget Laura. Logan. 0,0:33:47.10,0:33:48.94- 求你别说了 - 罗根- Please be quiet. - 0,0:33:53.61,0:33:55.84- 查尔斯?泽维尔 - 卡利班在哪儿- Charles Xavier. - Where's Caliban? 0,0:33:55.99,0:33:57.95美国头号八旬通缉犯America's most wanted octogenarian. 0,0:33:58.12,0:33:59.62准确说我已经九十多岁了I'm a nonagenarian, actually. 0,0:34:08.54,0:34:09.54卡利班在哪儿Where's Caliban? 0,0:34:11.50,0:34:13.05不如你先告诉我那女孩儿在哪儿Why don't you tell me where the girl is first? 0,0:34:13.21,0:34:15.13或者我可以问老光头 他看起来比较友善Or I could ask Cue Ball. He seems quite friendly. 0,0:34:15.30,0:34:16.80我说了 她不在我这里I told you, she's not here. 0,0:34:16.97,0:34:19.22卡利班在哪儿 你这个混蛋Where's Caliban, motherfucker? 0,0:34:20.47,0:34:22.81我把他扔到了原本你为我预留的沟里Well, I left him in the same ditch he was gonna leave me in. 0,0:34:39.20,0:34:40.37天啊 金刚狼Jesus, Wolverine, 0,0:34:40.49,0:34:42.49看到你这副样子我真是太心碎了seeing you like this just breaks my damn heart. 0,0:34:42.66,0:34:44.54真不想亲手把你的心挖出来碾碎As soon as I rip it out of your chest, fuck-stick. 0,0:34:52.71,0:34:53.84把她带来Go get her. 0,0:36:06.95,0:36:08.08劳拉Laura. 0,0:36:12.46,0:36:13.96就是她Thata girl! 0,0:36:15.42,0:36:16.42嘿 宝贝Hey, baby. 0,0:36:25.76,0:36:27.01劳拉Laura... 0,0:36:29.98,0:36:31.02劳拉Laura! 0,0:36:31.44,0:36:34.19宝贝 待在原地别动Honey, you wanna stay where you are. 0,0:36:34.81,0:36:36.27你想见你的朋友是吗You wanna see your friends, right? 0,0:36:37.82,0:36:39.15指挥官 别这样Command, stop. 0,0:36:40.03,0:36:41.65你不是说无论生死吗You said alive or dead. 0,0:36:42.95,0:36:43.95劳拉Laura! 0,0:36:45.62,0:36:46.62劳拉Laura. 0,0:36:47.99,0:36:49.37劳拉Laura. 0,0:36:49.54,0:36:51.29不 不No. No. 0,0:36:52.96,0:36:54.54动手 快Move! Go! 0,0:37:00.30,0:37:01.47开枪 快Move! Go! 0,0:37:05.68,0:37:07.47停止射击Stop shooting! 0,0:37:07.64,0:37:10.72- 她能自愈 - 快追- She heals! - Move! Go! 0,0:37:12.48,0:37:13.85真该死Holy shit! 0,0:38:10.87,0:38:11.95快点 抓住她Come on, hold her down. 0,0:39:04.09,0:39:06.63我早就告诉你了 罗根 她和你一样是变种人As I told you, Logan, she's a mutant like you. 0,0:39:07.09,0:39:08.13坐稳了Hold on! 0,0:39:11.26,0:39:12.51和你非常像Very much like you. 0,0:39:34.62,0:39:35.83劳拉 你没事吧Laura, are you all right? 0,0:39:54.81,0:39:55.81快追Move! 0,0:40:04.73,0:40:05.73坐稳了Hold on! 0,0:40:11.57,0:40:13.37该死 快啊Fuck! Come on! 0,0:40:14.99,0:40:15.99快啊Come on! 0,0:40:23.04,0:40:24.17见鬼Shit. 0,0:41:16.64,0:41:18.47列阵 给我追Fall in! Let's go! 0,0:41:25.31,0:41:26.61哦 小心Oh, watch out! 0,0:42:10.69,0:42:11.78坐回去Sit back. 0,0:42:21.28,0:42:22.54把追踪者带来Bring me the tracker. 0,0:42:30.00,0:42:31.04你You. 0,0:42:32.88,0:42:34.30你到底是谁Who the hell are you? 0,0:42:35.72,0:42:38.64嘿 我在问你话呢 你是谁Hey! I asked you a question. Who are you? 0,0:42:39.80,0:42:41.47你知道她是谁 罗根You know who she is, Logan. 0,0:42:42.31,0:42:43.35不 我不知道No, I don't. 0,0:42:43.52,0:42:45.73你不觉得她很像谁吗Does she remind you of anybody? 0,0:43:17.34,0:43:19.55我小的时候读到过你的故事I read about you when I was a kid. 0,0:43:21.34,0:43:23.10我想你认错人了I believe you're thinking of someone else. 0,0:43:31.44,0:43:35.69如果我没记错 你曾经也为我们效过力吧Now, if I'm not mistaken, you used to work for my team. 0,0:43:36.19,0:43:38.90你帮我们围捕过那些变种人You were helping round up all those old mutes. 0,0:43:39.86,0:43:41.11现在怎么变了What changed? 0,0:43:42.45,0:43:43.53你信教了,You got religion? 0,0:43:47.54,0:43:49.25我需要你帮我们I'm gonna need you to do 0,0:43:49.37,0:43:51.08这样的好人再做一件事one more thing for the good guys... 0,0:43:52.92,0:43:56.38再帮我追踪一个特别的变种人and track one more special mute for me. 0,0:44:00.55,0:44:01.76我不会帮你的I'm not helping you. 0,0:44:02.43,0:44:03.93你知道你会这么说Of course, you'd say that. 0,0:44:04.60,0:44:07.47不过我总觉得人的本质是不会变的But I got a theory that people don't really change. 0,0:44:11.06,0:44:12.40小心光Beware of the light. 0,0:44:14.06,0:44:16.19卡利班 我猜小时候 你妈妈肯定Caliban, I bet that's what your mama told you 0,0:44:16.27,0:44:17.90每天都这么和你说吧every day when you was a kid. 0,0:44:24.16,0:44:25.45小心光Beware of the light. 0,0:44:31.33,0:44:34.08好了 别让我们互相撕破脸皮Now, let's not bring out the worst in each other. 0,0:44:34.17,0:44:35.75为了那女孩儿不值得The girl is not worth it, trust me. 0,0:44:36.00,0:44:38.25你们不一样 她生下来不是变种人She's not a natural fuck-up like you. 0,0:44:38.42,0:44:41.09他是公司犯下的错误 研发失误She's a business mistake, a R&D gone bad. 0,0:44:41.26,0:44:42.43就是个累赘There's liability. 0,0:44:42.76,0:44:44.22不能就这么让专利产品They can't have things with patents 0,0:44:44.30,0:44:46.10到处乱跑 伤害无辜不是吗running around, hurting people, can they? 0,0:44:47.26,0:44:49.02在她伤害别人之前We need to get her off the board 0,0:44:49.10,0:44:50.77我们得把她带回去before she hurts anybody else. 0,0:44:50.93,0:44:53.52或许下一个就是你在乎的人Someone you care about, maybe. 0,0:45:01.11,0:45:02.45好好闻一闻吧So, get to sniff in'. 0,0:45:06.95,0:45:08.95我叫做加芙列拉?洛佩兹My name is Gabriela Lopez. 0,0:45:09.54,0:45:10.62我是名护士I am a nurse. 0,0:45:10.79,0:45:12.41过去十年 我一直在为And for 10 years, I worked for 0,0:45:12.50,0:45:14.96墨西哥城的基因改造研究所工作Transigen Research in Mexico City. 0,0:45:16.17,0:45:18.84该研究所属于一家美国公司Transigen is owned by an American company. 0,0:45:22.22,0:45:24.68接下来你们看到的 在美国和加拿大What I am about to show you is illegal... 0,0:45:25.01,0:45:27.30都是非法的in the U.S. and Canada. 0,0:45:37.52,0:45:39.23当然 这都是骗人的But, of course, that was a lie. 0,0:45:39.40,0:45:42.65这些孩子都出生在研究所里These children were born in Transigen. 0,0:45:43.82,0:45:45.20他们出生在这里They were born here... 0,0:45:45.36,0:45:47.74然后就再也没离开过and have never left. 0,0:45:47.91,0:45:50.49他们从来没见过阳光和大海They have never seen the sun or the ocean... 0,0:45:51.33,0:45:52.83雨水或飘雪rain or snow... 0,0:45:54.16,0:45:55.87或者上帝的其它造物or any of God's creatures. 0,0:45:56.83,0:45:58.71他们没有出生证明They have no birth certificates... 0,0:45:59.21,0:46:00.67没有名字no names... 0,0:46:01.50,0:46:03.17除了我们给他们的代号besides the ones we have given them. 0,0:46:06.22,0:46:10.18他们都是在墨西哥女孩的肚子里孕育出来的They were raised in the bellies of Mexican girls. 0,0:46:10.35,0:46:12.22孩子出生后女孩儿就再也找不到了Girls no one can find anymore. 0,0:46:12.93,0:46:16.19他们的父亲都是些Their fathers are semillas geneticas... 0,0:46:16.35,0:46:17.85基因种子special seeds in bottles. 0,0:46:32.49,0:46:34.13- 有过生日吗 - 玛利亚- Birthday? No birth. - Maria. 0,0:46:34.87,0:46:36.62万圣节别给孩子打扮We do not dress them up for Halloween. 0,0:46:37.37,0:46:39.92别叫他们宝贝 也别叫他们亲亲We do not call them "baby" or kiss boo-boos. 0,0:46:40.75,0:46:41.84别把他们看作孩子Don't think of them as children. 0,0:46:41.92,0:46:43.00当他们是产品Think of them as things... 0,0:46:43.09,0:46:44.59有专利有版权的产品with patents and copyrights. 0,0:46:44.71,0:46:45.72明白吗Comprende? 0,0:46:45.80,0:46:46.80明白Si, senor. 0,0:46:47.55,0:46:50.47他们以为我们又穷又傻 根本不理解They thought we were too poor and stupid to understand. 0,0:46:51.14,0:46:53.06我们是很穷We're poor, yes... 0,0:46:53.22,0:46:54.27可我们并不傻but we are not stupid. 0,0:46:54.39,0:46:55.56运用你的能力Use your powers. 0,0:47:02.82,0:47:04.15这是桩生意This is business. 0,0:47:04.32,0:47:06.78他们在制造士兵They are making soldiers. 0,0:47:07.40,0:47:08.40杀人机器Killers. 0,0:47:14.33,0:47:16.45这些年幼的变种人These are babies of mutantes... 0,0:47:24.25,0:47:25.26北达科他州North Dakota. 0,0:47:26.80,0:47:28.76你拿了那女人的钱You took that woman's money. 0,0:47:28.93,0:47:31.30你答应会带那孩子去那儿的You said you would take the child there. 0,0:47:36.77,0:47:38.23他是什么人What is she? 0,0:47:39.60,0:47:41.27她是你女儿 罗根She's your daughter, Logan. 0,0:47:43.44,0:47:45.15阿尔卡利有你的遗传密码Alkali has your genetic code. 0,0:47:45.32,0:47:46.48不只是我的Not just mine. 0,0:47:46.61,0:47:47.57罗根Logan... 0,0:47:47.65,0:47:48.65我不想谈这事儿I don't want to talk about it. 0,0:47:48.78,0:47:49.79也不想听你再说下去I don't wanna hear about it anymore. 0,0:47:49.85,0:47:51.41- 罗根 - 别再说了- Logan... - Just stop. 0,0:47:51.95,0:47:53.24我想尿尿I have to pee. 0,0:48:06.46,0:48:07.46最后一次Last ride. 0,0:48:11.93,0:48:13.01不客气You're welcome. 0,0:48:19.60,0:48:20.81住手 看在上帝的份上Stop it. For God's sake, 0,0:48:20.94,0:48:22.27我自己能行I can do this myself! 0,0:48:22.44,0:48:23.48对 可你并没有成功Yeah, well, you're not doing it. 0,0:48:23.61,0:48:24.73赶紧尿吧Just get on with it. 0,0:48:24.81,0:48:26.36你站在那我怎么尿Not with you standing there. 0,0:48:26.52,0:48:28.11放心 我不会偷看的Trust me, I'm not lookin'. 0,0:49:02.06,0:49:03.06小姑娘Hello. 0,0:49:03.69,0:49:04.81你好Hi, there! 0,0:49:05.31,0:49:06.73知道吃东西要给钱吧You know you gotta pay for that, right? 0,0:49:08.86,0:49:11.40你爸爸妈妈在哪里Hey! Where's your mommy and daddy, huh? 0,0:49:14.82,0:49:15.82过来Come on. 0,0:49:15.99,0:49:17.08闹够了 这个给我That's enough. These, too. 0,0:49:19.37,0:49:20.41见鬼Shit! 0,0:49:20.62,0:49:21.70不能这样Not Okay! 0,0:49:24.87,0:49:26.04抱歉Sorry. 0,0:49:27.13,0:49:28.80呃 手机充电器有吗Um, do you sell phone chargers? 0,0:49:29.38,0:49:30.51呃Uh... 0,0:49:36.01,0:49:37.22快走 到车上去Come on. Get in the car. 0,0:50:03.79,0:50:05.71随着孩子慢慢长大As the children became older... 0,0:50:05.87,0:50:07.92劳拉 劳拉Laura. Laura. 0,0:50:08.42,0:50:10.25他们变得越来越难相处...they became more difficult. 0,0:50:12.59,0:50:14.38我们控制不了他们They could not be controlled. 0,0:50:16.80,0:50:20.10公司把他们变成了武器The company made their bodies into weapons. 0,0:50:20.93,0:50:22.93开始教他们如何杀人Tried to teach them to kill. 0,0:50:23.10,0:50:25.31可他们不想战斗But they did not want to fight. 0,0:50:28.10,0:50:30.90不想打仗的士兵对他们来说毫无意义A soldier who will not fight is useless. 0,0:50:32.98,0:50:34.94在这栋大楼里Inside this building... 0,0:50:35.11,0:50:36.28他们还在研究新的东西they are working on something new. 0,0:50:37.11,0:50:40.12一个比这些孩子更强的东西Something they think is better than the children. 0,0:50:40.70,0:50:43.12他们说那是个没有灵魂的东西Something they say is without a soul. 0,0:50:43.20,0:50:44.75莱斯博士 你看过完整的 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 了吗Would you like to hear my full lab report, Dr. Rice? 0,0:50:44.83,0:50:46.50这里吃不到寿司You can't get good sushi here. 0,0:50:46.75,0:50:48.79这里就像科罗拉多州的丹佛It's the Mexican equivalent of Denver, Colorado. 0,0:50:51.13,0:50:52.63他们肯定已经成功了They must have been successful. 0,0:50:53.50,0:50:55.97大约一周以前 他们告诉我们要停止项目About a week ago, they told us to shut our program down. 0,0:50:58.84,0:51:01.30他们开始对那些孩子实施安乐死They started putting the children to sleep. 0,0:51:04.68,0:51:07.64我们要救出尽可能多的孩子We are going to save as many children as we can. 0,0:51:07.98,0:51:10.06我知道一个地方 在北方I read about a place, up north. 0,0:51:10.48,0:51:12.27一个属于变种人的地方A place for mutants. 0,0:51:12.44,0:51:13.65他们称之为伊甸园They call it Eden. 0,0:51:28.16,0:51:30.29如果你看到了这段视频If you are watching this... 0,0:51:30.46,0:51:32.29那证明我已经死了it means that I am dead. 0,0:51:33.38,0:51:36.63我不知道还有没有其它幸存下来的孩子lam not sure if any other children survived. 0,0:51:36.80,0:51:39.13我们走散了We were separated. 0,0:51:39.30,0:51:41.34没有另一笔钱There is no more money. 0,0:51:41.51,0:51:43.18是我骗了你That was a lie. 0,0:51:44.64,0:51:46.22她不是我的孩子She's not my child. 0,0:51:47.73,0:51:49.14可我爱她But I love her. 0,0:51:50.35,0:51:52.69你可能不会像我一样爱她You may not love her. 0,0:51:54.32,0:51:56.69可她是你的孩子But she is your child. 0,0:51:57.86,0:52:00.40求你了 我请求你Please. I beg you... 0,0:52:00.66,0:52:02.87把她送到安全的地方take her to safety. 0,0:52:49.91,0:52:52.12我们要躲在这里吗Is this where we're hiding out? 0,0:52:52.79,0:52:53.88我们不躲We're not hiding out. 0,0:52:54.04,0:52:56.09找个地方睡几个小时We're gonna get a couple of hours' sleep... 0,0:52:56.25,0:52:57.84清洗一下 找几件新衣服clean up, get some new clothes, 0,0:52:57.92,0:53:00.09换俩新车离开这里get a new ride and get outta here. 0,0:53:05.60,0:53:07.05哈拉大赌场Harrah's Hotel and Casino 0,0:53:07.14,0:53:08.43欢迎您来到俄克拉荷马市welcomes you to Oklahoma City. 0,0:53:09.14,0:53:12.02要使用停车服务请靠右行驶Please keep right for valet parking. 0,0:53:12.10,0:53:13.14嘿Hey. 0,0:53:13.27,0:53:14.77欢乐尽在哈拉大赌场The fun never stops at Harrah's Hotel and Casino. 0,0:53:14.94,0:53:17.44就停在门口 好吗Hey, keep it out front, all right? 0,0:53:23.78,0:53:25.24快点 我们走Come on, let's go. 0,0:53:52.18,0:53:53.35嘿 劳拉Hey, Laura. 0,0:53:53.52,0:53:54.56我们走Let's go. 0,0:53:54.64,0:53:55.77我们需要衣服We need clothes. 0,0:54:08.49,0:54:09.70电梯上行Going up. 住手 这不是玩具No, no, stop. Not a toy. 0,0:54:11.83,0:54:13.83不 0,0:54:14.83,0:54:16.79不 不 不 抱歉 有轮椅Uh, no, no, sorry, chair. 0,0:54:16.86,0:54:17.50好吧Okay. 0,0:54:18.00,0:54:19.17谢谢Push up again. Thank you. 0,0:54:19.34,0:54:20.38电梯上行Going up. 0,0:54:20.54,0:54:22.67过来 站好 站好了Come here. Stand there. Just stand there. 0,0:54:23.71,0:54:25.76罗根 这个给你Logan, it's yours. 0,0:54:25.84,0:54:26.88什么What? 0,0:54:27.01,0:54:28.01现在不用I'm not gonna wear it now. 0,0:54:28.14,0:54:29.18等到了房间里我再换In the room. We'll get changed in the room. 0,0:54:31.56,0:54:32.97你这个卑鄙的美国佬You're a low-down, lying Yankee. 0,0:54:34.18,0:54:35.23拿出证据Prove it. 0,0:54:43.90,0:54:46.65这是一部很有名的电影 劳拉This is a very famous picture, Laura. 0,0:54:46.82,0:54:48.53都快有一百年了It's almost 100 years old. 0,0:55:08.55,0:55:13.39无论天上人间In life, in death, oh, Lord 0,0:55:13.56,0:55:18.27求主与我同住Abide with me 0,0:55:22.11,0:55:24.32我第一次看这部电影I first saw this picture 0,0:55:24.40,0:55:26.90是在我家乡的埃索达电影院里at the Essoldo Cinema in my hometown... 0,0:55:27.07,0:55:29.24当时我和你差不多大when I was your age. 0,0:55:29.41,0:55:32.74愿人都尊你的名为圣 愿你的国降临...who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name 0,0:55:32.91,0:55:36.29愿你的旨意行在地上Thy kingdom come, thy will be done 0,0:55:47.26,0:55:48.26见鬼Shit. 0,0:56:31.30,0:56:32.97美国佬Yankee liar. 0,0:56:33.14,0:56:34.43拿出证据Prove it. 0,0:56:43.44,0:56:45.15你平时就看这个,You read these in your spare time? 0,0:56:46.82,0:56:48.86看啊 查尔斯 X战警有新粉丝了Oh, yeah, Charles, we got ourselves an X-Men fan. 0,0:56:49.82,0:56:51.53你知道里面都是瞎写的吧You do know they're all bullshit, right? 0,0:56:51.61,0:56:54.57可能其中四分之一确有其事 但也不是这样Maybe a quarter of it happened, and not like this. 0,0:56:55.57,0:56:56.83在现实世界里人会死In the real world, people die. 0,0:56:56.99,0:56:58.83也没有穿着紧身衣And no self-promoting asshole 0,0:56:58.91,0:57:00.41自命不凡的傻子来救他们in a fucking leotard can stop it. 0,0:57:00.58,0:57:02.54这就是用来安慰失败者的冰激凌This is ice cream for bed-wetters.Logan... 0,0:57:02.71,0:57:04.00那女的一直都在给她灌输美丽的童话Her nurse has been feeding her some grade-A bullshit. 0,0:57:04.17,0:57:05.54我觉得劳拉不需要别人I don't think Laura needs reminding 0,0:57:05.63,0:57:07.04提醒她生命无常of life's impermanence. 0,0:57:08.55,0:57:10.88你不是说要找辆新车吗Didn't you say something about finding us a new ride? 0,0:57:12.22,0:57:14.01一个小时后吃两粒Two more pills in one hour. 0,0:57:14.93,0:57:16.05记得给他Give 'em to him. 0,0:57:16.68,0:57:17.93为什么 谢恩Why, Shane? 0,0:57:19.22,0:57:21.27人必须忠于自己 乔伊A man has to be what he is, Joey. 0,0:57:22.52,0:57:24.31不能违背自己的本性Can't break the mold. 0,0:57:24.48,0:57:26.81我试过了 可最终还是不行I tried it and it didn't work for me. 0,0:57:26.98,0:57:29.32乔伊 带着杀戮活下去很艰难Joey, there's no living with a killing. 0,0:57:29.48,0:57:31.40这条路没有退路There's no going back from one. 0,0:57:31.57,0:57:33.82是对是错 你都得背负Right or wrong, it's a brand. 0,0:57:34.03,0:57:35.49直至一生A brand sticks. 0,0:57:36.57,0:57:37.99现在快回去找你妈妈Now you run on home to your mother, 0,0:57:38.08,0:57:39.79告诉她一切都好and tell her everything's all right. 0,0:57:40.95,0:57:44.04山谷里再不会有枪声了And there aren't any more guns in the valley. 0,0:58:04.73,0:58:05.94你们是谁Who are you guys? 0,0:58:06.48,0:58:09.32又是警察,可我已经把我知道的都告诉了More cops? 'Cause I told the other guys everything that I... 0,0:58:19.24,0:58:21.58起来 到笼子里去 追踪者Get up! In your cage, tracker. 0,0:58:21.74,0:58:23.41已经没你的事了You did your job. 0,0:58:45.10,0:58:46.48伙计们Fellas. 0,0:58:59.74,0:59:01.28见鬼Shit. 0,0:59:02.83,0:59:04.16送你们了Knock yourselves out. 0,0:59:06.21,0:59:07.50最低8000I'll tell you what. Eight grand... 0,0:59:07.67,0:59:09.92我可以帮你喷新漆 换一下轮胎I'll have her freshly painted for you, new tires... 0,0:59:10.08,0:59:11.67安装调试好 再帮你把手续办了mounted, balanced, and complete paperwork. 0,0:59:11.84,0:59:13.05我给你10000I'll give you 10 as-is, 0,0:59:13.13,0:59:14.59手续的事就跳过吧if you can forget the paperwork. 0,0:59:16.42,0:59:18.63你还是需要换轮胎 不换不行Well, you still need new tires, man, they're bald. 0,0:59:18.80,0:59:19.93多久能办好How long will that take? 0,0:59:20.09,0:59:21.10一个小时An hour. 0,0:59:53.71,0:59:54.71搞什么鬼Jesus. 0,1:00:07.89,1:00:10.23这是在逗我吗You gotta be fucking kidding me. 0,1:00:20.53,1:00:22.57先生 你的钥匙 先生Sir, are the keys in... Sir! 0,1:00:22.74,1:00:24.74你的钥匙在车里吗 先生You have the keys in it? Sir! 0,1:00:29.46,1:00:30.83该死Shit! 0,1:00:54.40,1:00:56.02查尔斯 查尔斯Charles. Charles! 0,1:01:28.97,1:01:29.97电梯上行Going up. 0,1:03:47.90,1:03:49.07见鬼Oh, shit! 0,1:03:49.24,1:03:50.45你没事吧You all right? 0,1:03:52.53,1:03:53.66我们得赶紧离开We gotta get outta here. 0,1:03:57.08,1:03:58.58我很抱歉I'm so sorry. 0,1:04:00.25,1:04:01.63真的很抱歉I'm so sorry. 0,1:04:27.28,1:04:28.86紧急救护人员仍在Emergency personnel are still on scene 0,1:04:29.03,1:04:31.66俄克拉荷马市的哈利士赌场旅馆at Harrah's Casino Hotel in Oklahoma City... 0,1:04:31.82,1:04:33.74昨日至少400人出现where at least 400 guests were stricken 0,1:04:33.82,1:04:35.66暂时性麻痹症状with temporary paralysis yesterday. 0,1:04:35.99,1:04:37.62受伤情况大都Many are noting a similarity 0,1:04:37.70,1:04:39.41和一年前的韦斯切斯特事故十分相似to the Westchester incident over a year ago... 0,1:04:39.58,1:04:41.25当时有超过600人受伤that left over 600 injured... 0,1:04:41.42,1:04:42.627名变种人身亡and took the lives of seven mutants, 0,1:04:42.71,1:04:44.17其中包括几名X战警including several of the X-Men. 0,1:04:44.92,1:04:46.04别玩了Knock it off. 0,1:04:48.92,1:04:50.42让你别玩了I said, knock it off! 0,1:04:50.59,1:04:52.18她只是个孩子 罗根She's a child, Logan. 0,1:04:54.68,1:04:56.18事实上 她是你的And, point of fact, she's your... 0,1:04:56.35,1:04:57.76上次吃药是什么时候How long has it been since you took your meds? 0,1:05:00.27,1:05:01.31告诉我 隔了多久Tell me, how long has it been? 0,1:05:01.39,1:05:02.73我不知道I don't know! 0,1:05:03.40,1:05:04.73两天吧Two days. 0,1:05:04.90,1:05:07.57昨天发生的事你也看到了You saw what happened yesterday. If that shit had gone on any longer, 0,1:05:07.65,1:05:08.73要不是我及时赶到everyone in that casino... 0,1:05:08.82,1:05:11.07我只是尽我所能保护劳拉I did what I had to do to save Laura. 0,1:05:11.24,1:05:12.53你什么都做不了You didn't do anything. 0,1:05:12.70,1:05:15.12你只是受了惊吓发病了而已You just freaked out and had a fucking seizure! 0,1:05:15.78,1:05:19.16我想你更喜欢我吃了药像疯子一样I guess you prefer me pharmaceutically castrated, 0,1:05:19.24,1:05:21.12语无伦次的模样吧rambling on like a lunatic. 0,1:05:21.29,1:05:22.79这样你就能轻松些So much easier for you. 0,1:05:22.96,1:05:24.04轻松个屁Easier? Jesus! 0,1:05:24.21,1:05:26.42和你在一起就不会轻松 从来不会There is nothing easy about you, Charles, nothing! 0,1:05:26.59,1:05:29.05就像这世上其它人一样Yes, yes, please be like the rest of the world... 0,1:05:29.21,1:05:31.72把自己的过错都怪罪到别人头上blaming someone else for your boring shit. 0,1:05:31.88,1:05:33.63我懂 老爹 你对我太失望了I know, Pop, I'm such a giant disappointment. 0,1:05:33.88,1:05:37.72你真的打心底不明白You honestly derive no sense of purpose... 0,1:05:37.89,1:05:38.93我们为什么要这么做吗from what we're doing? 0,1:05:39.10,1:05:40.64好吧 那我们到底在做什么Okay, what are we doing? Hmm? 0,1:05:41.39,1:05:44.94有一个新生的变种人坐在我们的车上There is a young mutant sitting in our car. 0,1:05:45.10,1:05:46.15对 没错Yeah, I see that. 0,1:05:46.31,1:05:48.52而我们要去的地方还有其它的孩子And where we're taking her, there are others. 0,1:05:48.69,1:05:50.48难道你还看不出这意味着什么吗Does that mean nothing to you? 0,1:05:50.65,1:05:52.49是的 我看不出个所以然Yeah, means nothing to me. 0,1:05:52.86,1:05:54.24尤其是当我知道那个护士Especially since Nurse Gabriela... 0,1:05:54.40,1:05:56.82说的伊甸园是根据漫画胡编乱造出来的之后made all that Eden shit up with fucking comic books. 0,1:05:56.99,1:05:58.66你在说些什么What are you talking about? 0,1:05:58.83,1:05:59.91你把这个给他Give those to him, will you? 0,1:05:59.99,1:06:01.16该吃药了 拿两片给他Take out two pills and give them to him. 0,1:06:01.24,1:06:02.75- 罗根 罗根 - 把药给她- Logan!Logan! - Give 'em to him. 0,1:06:02.96,1:06:04.08快点Now! 0,1:06:09.00,1:06:10.05张嘴我看看I wanna see it. 0,1:06:33.86,1:06:36.03莱斯博士 我们马上就能Dr. Rice. It's under control... 0,1:07:03.18,1:07:05.64该死的无人卡车Motherfucking auto-trucks. 0,1:07:05.89,1:07:07.10别爆粗口 罗根Language,Logan. 0,1:07:07.27,1:07:09.40你冲着一台机器发火干嘛And you're screaming at a machine. 0,1:07:09.56,1:07:11.31干嘛 她可以杀人不眨眼Oh, what? She can gut a man with her feet, 0,1:07:11.40,1:07:12.77却听不得脏话吗she can't hear a few naughty words, huh? 0,1:07:12.94,1:07:15.53我们可以教她成为更好的人She can learn to be better. 0,1:07:15.69,1:07:17.15你是说和我比吗You mean, better than me? 0,1:07:17.32,1:07:19.03一点儿没错Actually, yes. 0,1:07:20.78,1:07:22.95还有 劳拉脚上的爪子And, by the way, Laura's foot claws... 0,1:07:23.12,1:07:25.70很显然是由于性别所致are the obvious result of her gender, you know. 0,1:07:25.87,1:07:27.08是吗Is that a fact? 0,1:07:27.25,1:07:29.17在狮群当中 母狮子In a pride of lions, the female... 0,1:07:29.33,1:07:31.79既要负责捕猎 又要负责照顾狮群is both hunter and caregiver. 0,1:07:31.96,1:07:33.05真长知识Good to know. 0,1:07:33.42,1:07:35.92她们用前爪捕猎She uses her front claws for hunting... 0,1:07:36.09,1:07:37.42用后爪防御and the back claws defensively. 0,1:07:37.51,1:07:38.51是吗oh, yeah? 0,1:07:38.59,1:07:40.22这样才能幸存下来Thus, ensuring their survival. 0,1:07:46.52,1:07:47.64嘿 嘿Hey,hey! 0,1:08:16.59,1:08:18.13我们得帮他们一把We should help them. 0,1:08:19.55,1:08:21.84不 我们得赶路 有人会来帮忙的No, we have to keep going. Someone will come along. 0,1:08:22.01,1:08:23.68不就是我们吗Someone has come along. 0,1:09:20.32,1:09:22.36嘿 要帮忙吗Hey, uh, you need a hand? 0,1:09:23.74,1:09:25.66准备好 推Ready? Go! 0,1:09:28.03,1:09:29.58很好 搞定了Ah. Good, got it. 0,1:09:31.37,1:09:33.42好了 我们回家吧 劳拉CXmTmaon, let's get home. Laura! 0,1:09:33.50,1:09:35.00谢谢你们的帮忙Thank you so much for your help. 0,1:09:35.08,1:09:36.98- 我叫凯瑟琳 - 詹姆斯- I'm Kathryn. - James. 0,1:09:37.03,1:09:38.23我儿子内特This is my son, Nate. 0,1:09:38.27,1:09:39.42- 嗨 - 嘿- Hi. - Hey. 0,1:09:39.55,1:09:40.67那是你女儿,That's your daughter? 0,1:09:40.84,1:09:43.01对 她叫劳拉 那是我父亲Yeah, that's Laura, and that's my dad... 0,1:09:43.76,1:09:44.93查克Chuck. 0,1:09:45.05,1:09:46.01好了 劳拉 该走了Come on, Laura, let's go. 0,1:09:46.09,1:09:48.01我想请你们Well, can we show our appreciation 0,1:09:48.10,1:09:49.60到我们家吃顿晚饭以示感谢and treat the three of you to a decent meal? 0,1:09:49.76,1:09:51.06我们家离这儿不远We don't live far from here. 0,1:09:51.22,1:09:53.27- 哦 不 谢谢 - 那真是太好了- Uh, no, thanks. - That would be lovely! 0,1:10:01.03,1:10:02.94我是莱斯博士My name is Dr. Rice. 0,1:10:03.24,1:10:04.95如果你喜欢也可以叫我桑德尔But you can call me Zander if you like. 0,1:10:06.20,1:10:10.08我同事告诉我你不太愿意配合我们My colleague tells me you've been somewhat resistant. 0,1:10:10.41,1:10:14.04他说你给他的消息总是不及时He believes you've been dispensing delayed information... 0,1:10:14.21,1:10:16.29所以你的朋友总是快我们一步to allow your friends to stay one step ahead. 0,1:10:19.75,1:10:22.26我现在是在给你赎罪的机会 卡利班I'm offering you the possibility of redemption, Caliban. 0,1:10:23.38,1:10:26.55去保护这个世界 同时拯救你的朋友To protect the world, and in the process, save your friends. 0,1:10:26.72,1:10:29.97而那个小女孩儿只是一个小小的代价而已The girl is a rather small price to pay for that. 0,1:10:30.14,1:10:31.93她不是你的同类Unlike you, she's impure. 0,1:10:32.10,1:10:33.81她不是天生的变种人She wasn't made by nature. 0,1:10:33.98,1:10:35.14她只是我犯下的一个错误She's a mistake of my own. 0,1:10:35.39,1:10:36.39我尽了全力I did what I could 0,1:10:36.48,1:10:37.73可他们用光照我 打我and they burned me and beat me. 0,1:10:37.90,1:10:39.61你的同事都是群野蛮人Your colleagues are savages. 0,1:10:40.15,1:10:41.48我同意I agree. 0,1:10:41.65,1:10:43.49那些掠夺者都是群废物The Reavers were very ineffective. 0,1:10:43.65,1:10:46.57不过我带了新的帮手来But I'm bringing new tools to bear. 0,1:10:46.74,1:10:48.82可我还是需要有人为我们指明方向But I still need someone to point us in the right direction. 0,1:10:48.99,1:10:50.24不 我帮不了你No, I can't help you. 0,1:10:50.41,1:10:52.08别激动 别激动Breathe, breathe. 0,1:10:52.24,1:10:54.25那个老头现在情况有多糟糕,Now, what does he have? The old man. 0,1:10:54.41,1:10:56.16老年痴呆症,渐冻症,Alzheimer's? ALS? 0,1:10:57.17,1:10:58.92世界上最危险的大脑A degenerative brain disease 0,1:10:59.00,1:11:01.42居然得了脑退化in the world's most dangerous brain? 0,1:11:02.25,1:11:03.34真是造物弄人What a combo. 0,1:11:06.17,1:11:08.30开饭了 我们有客人 规矩点Be nice. Now, you know we got company. 0,1:11:08.47,1:11:09.51真是太好了That's wonderful. 0,1:11:09.68,1:11:10.85各位 快请坐Everybody, have a seat. 0,1:11:11.01,1:11:12.31内特快坐好Nate, sit up. 0,1:11:12.47,1:11:14.02詹姆斯 你坐在桌子那边吧James, why don't you sit at the end of the table? 0,1:11:14.18,1:11:16.18你来做祷告好吗 来吧宝贝You wanna say grace? Say grace, baby. 0,1:11:17.10,1:11:19.77感谢上帝 赐予我们食物Uh, thank you, God, for this food... 0,1:11:20.44,1:11:22.98还有感谢我们的新朋友and for our new friends, the Howletts. 0,1:11:23.15,1:11:24.44感谢他们的帮忙Mmm. They came to our aid. 0,1:11:24.61,1:11:25.99- 阿门 - 阿门- Amen. - Amen. 0,1:11:26.36,1:11:27.53阿门 给你查尔斯Here we go. Here you go, Charles. 0,1:11:27.70,1:11:29.53多谢Thank you, sir. 0,1:11:47.88,1:11:49.47如果她想吃还有很多Oh, there's plenty more if she wants. 0,1:11:49.63,1:11:51.22不用了 谢谢She's fine. Thank you. 0,1:11:51.39,1:11:52.39菜的味道很好This is delicious. 0,1:11:52.55,1:11:53.81- 谢谢 - 真的很好吃- Oh, thank you. - It's so good. 0,1:11:53.97,1:11:55.35你们要去哪里,Where are you all headed? 0,1:11:55.52,1:11:56.89- 俄勒冈州 - 南达科他州- Uh... Oregon. - South Dakota. 0,1:11:59.85,1:12:02.23先去俄勒冈 然后再去南达科他Well, Oregon and then South Dakota. 0,1:12:02.40,1:12:03.73去度假吗Vacation? 0,1:12:03.90,1:12:04.90没错Uh... Yes. 0,1:12:05.32,1:12:07.07计划了很久了Uh, long overdue. 0,1:12:07.24,1:12:08.49我们住在城市里We're city folk. 0,1:12:08.65,1:12:12.07一直都想沿着公路自驾游 看看整个国家Always wanted to take a road trip, see the country. 0,1:12:13.37,1:12:14.74还有看看不同的风土人情Um... And meet the people in it. 0,1:12:14.91,1:12:16.16听起来很棒That sounds lovely. 0,1:12:16.33,1:12:19.04我一直都想说服威尔去度假 都好几年了Been trying to get Will here to take a vacation for years now. 0,1:12:19.25,1:12:20.75如果我们到处旅游Oh. If we go traipsing all over the country, 0,1:12:20.87,1:12:21.88谁来打理这个地方who's gonna take care of this place? 0,1:12:22.04,1:12:23.92没错 所以才让你卖了农场Exactly. I say, let it go. 0,1:12:24.09,1:12:25.09那靠什么养家And live off what? 0,1:12:25.25,1:12:27.01上帝会眷顾我们的The Lord will provide. 0,1:12:27.17,1:12:28.92我还在等上帝赐予我一台I'm still waiting for the Lord to provide me 0,1:12:29.05,1:12:30.26新的打谷机呢with a new thresher. 0,1:12:30.43,1:12:32.09反正总有一天我会去旅行的All the same, I'd love to travel someday. 0,1:12:32.59,1:12:34.76我相信会有那么一天的And I bet you will. 0,1:12:35.35,1:12:36.35我可以退学I could drop out of schooL 0,1:12:36.43,1:12:37.43行了 别说得像真的一样Okay, let's not go that far. 0,1:12:37.52,1:12:38.60我说真的I mean, I'll do it. 0,1:12:38.77,1:12:39.93- 不行 - 为什么不行- No. No. - Why not? 0,1:12:40.10,1:12:41.44你不是想去旅行吗 我也想You wanna travel, I wanna travel. 0,1:12:41.52,1:12:42.52行了 儿子Son. Son. 0,1:12:42.94,1:12:43.94正合你意对吧That sounds good to you, right? 0,1:12:44.11,1:12:45.40简直就是完美This is the perfect plan. 0,1:12:45.57,1:12:46.78为什么想要退学呢 内特Why would you want to do that, Nate? 0,1:12:47.69,1:12:50.11注意了 他可是个创办过学校的人Careful, you're speaking to a man who ran a school... 0,1:12:51.70,1:12:53.11还开了好多年对吧 查尔斯for a lot of years. Right, Charles? 0,1:12:53.74,1:12:55.62好吧 是的 那是一所Yes, it was a... 0,1:12:56.24,1:12:59.41一所为特殊孩子开设的学校 呃it was a special needs school. Um... 0,1:13:00.58,1:13:02.12呃 这个解释不错Uh-huh. That's a good description. 0,1:13:02.87,1:13:04.29他也在那儿He was there, too. 0,1:13:04.46,1:13:05.46对 没错Oh, yeah, no. Um... 0,1:13:05.59,1:13:06.63我还被开除过几次I got kicked out a few times. 0,1:13:07.92,1:13:09.55我也希望能夸你是个好学生I wish I could say you were a good pupil, 0,1:13:09.63,1:13:10.92可我就是说不出口but the words would choke me. 0,1:13:33.57,1:13:35.57真的非常感谢你们的款待Ma'am, I can't thank you enough for this. 0,1:13:35.66,1:13:36.99今晚真的很棒Uh, it was great. 0,1:13:37.16,1:13:38.95不过我们还得赶路But we have a long drive ahead of us, so... 0,1:13:39.12,1:13:40.12可你们总得休息吧But you need to rest, don't you? 0,1:13:40.41,1:13:41.91我们会找到旅馆的Yeah, we'll find a motel somewhere. 0,1:13:42.08,1:13:43.08最近的开过去也要两个小时The nearest one is two hours from here 0,1:13:43.16,1:13:44.17条件还不怎么样and it's not even that nice. 0,1:13:44.67,1:13:46.50我们楼上有个空房间We have a perfectly fine room upstairs 0,1:13:46.63,1:13:47.63可以给你父亲和女儿住for your father and your daughter and 0,1:13:47.79,1:13:49.34而你可以睡在客厅的折迭沙发上you can sleep in the living room on the convertible. 0,1:13:49.50,1:13:50.67凯瑟琳 真的很感谢Kathryn, it's very, very nice of you, 0,1:13:50.80,1:13:52.01不过我们还是不打扰了but we really should go. 0,1:13:52.13,1:13:54.30我们可以明天一早再走We can leave early in the morning. 0,1:13:54.47,1:13:57.76天一亮就走 你觉得呢Break of dawn, as it were. 0,1:14:00.47,1:14:02.43好吧 那我给你洗漱一下吧 老爸Okay, why don't we wash up, Pop? 0,1:14:02.60,1:14:03.60好的Okay. 0,1:14:03.69,1:14:04.69坐下Sit. 0,1:14:08.02,1:14:10.65宝贝 要来点甜品吗Um, sweetie, you want some dessert? 0,1:14:10.82,1:14:12.11两天的路程Two days on the road, 0,1:14:12.19,1:14:14.11就吃了一顿饭 还几乎没睡过觉only one meal, and hardly any sleep. 0,1:14:14.28,1:14:16.32她才11岁 而我90了She's 11, I'm fucking 90. 0,1:14:16.49,1:14:18.32可我们有101个理由继续赶路Well, that's 101 reasons to keep moving. 0,1:14:18.49,1:14:20.49我不是一盒牛油果 罗根I'm not a box of avocados,Logan. 0,1:14:20.66,1:14:22.29所以呢 过了今晚然后呢And then what? We stay the night, then what? 0,1:14:22.45,1:14:25.96然后我们带她去伊甸园找她的朋友Then we take her to her friends in Eden. 0,1:14:28.21,1:14:30.55然后 然后我们就去买逐日号And then we buy the Sunseeker. 0,1:14:32.13,1:14:33.47先吃药Take the pills. 0,1:14:37.89,1:14:38.89见鬼Oh, shit! 0,1:14:40.56,1:14:42.06- 怎么了 - 内特- What's going on? - Nate! 0,1:14:42.22,1:14:44.23趁还有点水压快去把浴缸放满Go fill up the tub before we lose pressure. 0,1:14:44.39,1:14:45.73亲爱的 检查下水槽Honey, check the sink. 0,1:14:45.89,1:14:47.31他们又把水给断了They shut it off again. 0,1:14:47.98,1:14:49.48他们就是不肯罢休They are just not going to let this thing go. 0,1:14:49.65,1:14:51.07你最好现在就去处理一下Well, you might as well handle it now. 0,1:14:51.23,1:14:52.98等到明天早上吧 昨晚刚下过雨It can wait till the morning. We just had rain last night. 0,1:14:53.15,1:14:54.49可家里还有客人We got three houseguests 0,1:14:54.57,1:14:55.57还有一大堆碟子没洗and a sink full of dishes. 0,1:14:55.74,1:14:57.36好吧 好吧All right, all right. 0,1:14:58.24,1:15:00.74供水站离这里大概一英里半The pump station that supplies us is a mile and a half from here. 0,1:15:01.20,1:15:02.87有的时候它会停止运作Sometimes it gets itself shut off. 0,1:15:03.04,1:15:04.04- 是那群混蛋 - 嘿- By assholes. - Hey! 0,1:15:04.20,1:15:05.21不No. 0,1:15:05.58,1:15:07.50我儿子可以和你一起去My son is happy to go with you. 0,1:15:07.67,1:15:09.42不 不 不 没关系No,no,no, that's fine. 0,1:15:09.58,1:15:11.42那些人有的时候不太…The men that do this, sometimes they can be... 0,1:15:11.59,1:15:13.34- 我和你一起去 - 不 你得做作业- I can go. - No, you got homework. 0,1:15:13.51,1:15:15.01我和你去All right, I'll go. 0,1:15:15.17,1:15:16.88让我先安顿好我爸爸Just, uh, let me get my dad settled. 0,1:15:20.72,1:15:21.72来吧All right. 0,1:15:23.39,1:15:25.77我是说我不在乎律师说了什么I'm just saying, I don't care what the lawyer says. 0,1:15:28.10,1:15:29.10可这样很危险But it's dangerous. 0,1:15:29.90,1:15:31.40我不会让他们伤害我们的I'm not gonna hurt our chances. 0,1:15:45.45,1:15:46.62有电视 要看吗Want TV? There's TV here. 0,1:15:46.79,1:15:47.79不用了I'm fine. 0,1:15:47.91,1:15:49.04好好休息Okay. Get some rest. 0,1:15:49.12,1:15:51.13知道吗 罗根You know, Logan... 0,1:15:51.71,1:15:53.88生活就应该像这样this is what life looks like. 0,1:15:54.30,1:15:56.92一个家 家人彼此相爱A home, people who love each other. 0,1:15:57.09,1:15:58.26安全的港湾Safe place. 0,1:15:58.42,1:16:00.97你应该花时间感受一下You should take a moment and feel it. 0,1:16:03.81,1:16:05.77对 这儿很好Yeah. It's great. 0,1:16:05.93,1:16:07.48罗根 罗根Logan.Logan! 0,1:16:09.44,1:16:11.56你还有时间You still have time. 0,1:16:14.11,1:16:18.24查尔斯 世界已经变了样了Charles, the world is not the same as it was. 0,1:16:20.66,1:16:23.32待在这里我们会有风险 你知道的We're taking a risk hanging around here, you know that. 0,1:16:23.91,1:16:26.58还有我们要去的那个伊甸园And where we're going, Eden... 0,1:16:27.45,1:16:28.83其实并不存在it doesn't exist. 0,1:16:29.75,1:16:31.92它是护士从漫画书上看来的Her nurse got it from a comic book. 0,1:16:33.79,1:16:36.17你懂了吗 都是假的You understand? It's not real. 0,1:16:36.84,1:16:38.92对劳拉来说是真的It is for Laura. 0,1:16:42.76,1:16:45.18对劳拉来说是真的It is for Laura. 0,1:16:48.14,1:16:49.48好好休息Get some rest. 0,1:16:52.98,1:16:54.94坎伍德饮料公司买下了这里的一切Canewood Beverage bought up everything out here, 0,1:16:55.02,1:16:56.19除了我们的农场except for us. 0,1:16:56.36,1:16:58.99我们不想卖 他们就想强行征用When we wouldn't sell, they tried eminent domain... 0,1:16:59.15,1:17:00.78然后断我们的水源then screwing with our water. 0,1:17:01.78,1:17:04.28几个月前有人下毒杀死了我们的狗Couple of months ago, somebody poisoned our dogs. 0,1:17:04.87,1:17:07.54所以今天在公路上也不是意外,So, out on the highway today, those trucks... 0,1:17:08.49,1:17:10.20我不知道 或许吧Who knows. Maybe. 0,1:17:11.37,1:17:13.37看看他们Hey, look at 'em. 0,1:17:13.96,1:17:17.21就像一只四肢发达头脑简单的恐龙Look like dinosaurs with their 20-ton bodies and tiny little brains... 0,1:17:17.38,1:17:19.55在给他们的超级转基因玉米剥壳shucking their cloned-up super corn. 0,1:17:19.71,1:17:20.97那玩意儿味道简直像屎一样You know it tastes like shit, too. 0,1:17:21.13,1:17:22.38那为什么还有人吃Why do people eat it? 0,1:17:22.55,1:17:24.89不是吃的 是用来喝的 玉米糖浆 加了那东西They don't. They drink it. Corn syrup. 0,1:17:25.05,1:17:26.80他们就能保持清醒It's in those drinks that everyone's having... 0,1:17:26.97,1:17:30.56很有精神 还能带来性欲什么的to stay awake, cheer up, feel strong, sexy, whatever. 0,1:17:30.73,1:17:33.56今时不同往日了 它能让你一杯解千愁Used to be a time when a bad day was just a bad day. 0,1:17:33.73,1:17:35.15可惜对我没用Mine still are. 0,1:17:57.09,1:17:59.84这些是套牛比赛赢来的Those are for breakaway roping. 0,1:18:00.92,1:18:02.67那些事绕桶比赛得来的Those are for barrel racing... 0,1:18:02.92,1:18:04.93还有这些 绕杆比赛得来的and right here is for pole bending. 0,1:18:05.09,1:18:06.93不过全是二三等奖They're all second, third place. 0,1:18:07.10,1:18:10.72我不是很在行 不过我爸爸硬要我参加I'm not too good at it, but my dad makes me. 0,1:18:19.44,1:18:21.40你想听吗Do you want to listen? 0,1:18:31.70,1:18:32.79喜欢吗Do you like it? 0,1:18:36.75,1:18:39.09给 借你听一晚Um, here, you can take it for tonight... 0,1:18:39.25,1:18:42.30明早你再还给我and I'll get it back from you in the morning. 0,1:18:55.14,1:18:57.23看来得弄一会儿了Looks like we're gonna be here a while. 0,1:19:30.68,1:19:31.97能撑一阵子Should hold it. 0,1:19:32.14,1:19:33.26没错Yeah. 0,1:19:33.51,1:19:35.10撑到下一次Till next time. 0,1:19:35.68,1:19:36.81谢谢Thanks. 0,1:19:38.77,1:19:42.82那么 你女儿那样有多久了Hey,so,uh, how long has your girl been like that? Huh? 0,1:19:43.19,1:19:44.36不说话Mute. 0,1:19:45.19,1:19:48.49从一开始就这样Uh, since the beginning. 0,1:19:50.62,1:19:52.70其实我还挺羡慕你的Well, in a lot of ways, I envy you. 0,1:19:53.79,1:19:54.95等她到了内特的年纪They get to be Nate's age, 0,1:19:55.04,1:19:56.66就不会说些蠢话了with the nonsense that comes out of their mouths... 0,1:19:57.96,1:20:00.29让你怀疑做父母的意义何在Makes you wonder the whole point of it all. 0,1:20:02.67,1:20:04.21见鬼Shit. 0,1:20:08.38,1:20:09.38别担心Don't worry. 0,1:20:09.55,1:20:11.01不会用上枪的We won't need it. 0,1:20:11.47,1:20:12.47待在这儿Stay here. 0,1:20:19.89,1:20:21.19晚上好 芒森先生Evening, Mr. Munson. 0,1:20:21.73,1:20:22.73什么风把你吹来了What brings y'all this way? 0,1:20:23.90,1:20:25.32你为什么不问问你的手下Why don't you ask your boys? 0,1:20:25.48,1:20:26.65芒森先生Mr. Munson, 0,1:20:26.73,1:20:28.32你知道你这样是非法入侵吧you understand you're trespassing right now, right? 0,1:20:28.49,1:20:31.07我和这里以前的主人签订过地役权I have an easement with the previous owner of your property- 0,1:20:31.16,1:20:32.49胡扯Huh. Bullshit. 0,1:20:32.66,1:20:34.66你也说是"前"主人了"Previous" being the operative word. 0,1:20:35.87,1:20:37.08他是谁,Who's this? 0,1:20:38.41,1:20:40.92劝你赶紧回车上去的好心人Just a guy telling you to get back in your nice truck. 0,1:20:41.08,1:20:43.75到别的地方去扮你的地痞流氓Go play Okie dickhead somewhere else. 0,1:20:48.21,1:20:49.26嘿 卡尔Hey, Carl... 0,1:20:50.01,1:20:53.18看来芒森先生雇了一个打手it looks like Mr. Munson hired some muscle. 0,1:20:53.34,1:20:54.68看起来是的Looks that way. 0,1:20:54.85,1:20:56.26他只是我的朋友He's a friend of mine. 0,1:20:56.43,1:20:58.10你朋友口气挺大A friend with a big mouth. 0,1:20:58.43,1:20:59.68这话我听得多了I hear that a lot. 0,1:20:59.85,1:21:01.35那你肯定也听过这个吧Then you probably hear this, too. 0,1:21:04.06,1:21:05.61多了去了More than I'd like. 0,1:21:05.77,1:21:06.94那你知道该怎么做了Then you know the drill. 0,1:21:08.11,1:21:09.94我数三下L'mma count to three... 0,1:21:10.11,1:21:11.45你们给我离开这儿and you're gonna start walking away. 0,1:21:11.61,1:21:12.61这里的水我有权使用I got rights to this water. 0,1:21:12.70,1:21:13.87- 一 - 我请了律师- One. - I have a lawyer now. 0,1:21:13.95,1:21:14.95二Two. 0,1:21:16.62,1:21:17.43三Three. 0,1:21:18.87,1:21:19.77头儿 你还好吗You all right, boss? 0,1:21:22.29,1:21:24.04知道该怎么做了吧You know the drill. Pick up my goddamn hat. 0,1:21:24.13,1:21:25.13赶紧给我滚Get the hell out of here. 0,1:21:25.29,1:21:27.13- 头儿,- 去你的- You okay, boss? - Fuck off. 0,1:21:27.21,1:21:28.21滚Go! 0,1:21:45.31,1:21:46.73你受过训练You've had training. 0,1:21:47.23,1:21:48.27算是吧Some. 0,1:22:08.00,1:22:10.13先别叫醒她Hey, don't wake her yet. 0,1:22:10.50,1:22:12.92让她再睡一小时Let her sleep another hour. 0,1:22:17.26,1:22:19.01知道吗 罗根You know, Logan... 0,1:22:20.68,1:22:23.68毫无疑问 今天晚上this was, without a doubt... 0,1:22:24.81,1:22:29.82是我这么久以来度过的最美好的夜晚the most perfect night I've had in a very long time. 0,1:22:37.82,1:22:39.87可我并不配拥有它But I don't deserve it. 0,1:22:41.79,1:22:43.04不是吗Do I... 0,1:22:46.46,1:22:48.79我做过一些事I did something. 0,1:22:51.46,1:22:53.88一些不可言说的事Something unspeakable. 0,1:22:59.80,1:23:03.39发生在维斯切斯特的事我全记起来了I've remembered what happened in Westchester. 0,1:23:08.02,1:23:11.36这已经不是我第一次伤害别人了This is not the first time I've hurt people. 0,1:23:13.36,1:23:16.65只是在今天之前 我一直都不知道Until today, I didn't know. 0,1:23:17.57,1:23:19.57你也不告诉我You wouldn't tell me. 0,1:23:21.74,1:23:27.75所以我们就这样一直逃避下去So we just kept on running away from it. 0,1:23:32.17,1:23:35.88我想我终于能理解你了I think I finally understand you. 0,1:23:39.26,1:23:40.55罗根Logan... 0,1:24:08.29,1:24:09.62他简直完美He's fantastic. 0,1:24:09.79,1:24:11.13你说过你只要那个女孩儿You said you only needed the girl! 0,1:24:11.29,1:24:13.42我也说过我带了新帮手来I told you I was forced to bring a new tool to bear. 0,1:24:13.59,1:24:14.80我给过你朋友机会Your friends had every chance. 0,1:24:14.96,1:24:16.13你也是And so did you. 0,1:24:17.30,1:24:18.38内特Nate? 0,1:24:22.14,1:24:23.47放下她Put her down. 0,1:24:31.94,1:24:32.98亲爱的Honey. 0,1:24:33.48,1:24:35.11别上来 威尔Stay down there, Will! 0,1:24:37.44,1:24:38.40住手Stop! 0,1:24:39.81,1:24:40.61凯瑟琳Kathryn! 0,1:24:41.41,1:24:42.57凯瑟琳Kathryn! 0,1:24:42.66,1:24:43.99凯瑟琳Kathryn! 0,1:25:12.48,1:25:13.52查尔斯Charles! 0,1:25:14.61,1:25:15.77查尔斯Charles! 0,1:25:29.12,1:25:30.12按住伤口Hold this. 0,1:25:30.29,1:25:32.46那不是我 那不是我It wasn't me. It wasn't me. 0,1:25:35.04,1:25:36.04他来了Here he comes. 0,1:25:36.96,1:25:39.21我可以过去接他 在半路上I could pick him up, meet him halfway. 0,1:25:39.38,1:25:40.84不 让他们过来No,no,no. Let them come to us. 0,1:25:41.01,1:25:43.13X-23很不好对付We struggled with the X-23s. 0,1:25:43.30,1:25:44.39我们本以为能把这些孩子We assumed, because they were children... 0,1:25:44.55,1:25:45.85从小培养成冷血杀手we could raise them without a conscience. 0,1:25:46.01,1:25:47.89可愤怒是无法后天培养的But you can't nurture rage. 0,1:25:48.06,1:25:50.39你必须从一开始就为他设定好You must simply design it... from scratch. 0,1:25:58.07,1:26:00.40那又是该死的谁Who the fuck is that? 0,1:26:05.32,1:26:06.57威尔?芒森Will Munson! 0,1:26:09.74,1:26:11.16坚持住 查尔斯Just hold on, Charles. 0,1:26:11.75,1:26:13.91芒森 该死的 给我出来Munson, God damn it, come out here! 0,1:26:18.25,1:26:19.25芒森Munson! 0,1:26:21.01,1:26:22.42快给我出来Come out here now! 0,1:26:23.22,1:26:24.76给我滚出来 芒森Come out here now, Munson. 0,1:26:24.93,1:26:26.22是刚才那个混蛋There's that asshole. 0,1:26:28.22,1:26:29.56你好 混蛋Hello, asshole. 0,1:26:29.72,1:26:32.60听着 过去的事我就不计较了Listen, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones. 0,1:26:32.93,1:26:34.77我不知道芒森那家伙付你多少钱I don't know what Munson's paying you... 0,1:26:35.35,1:26:37.94我们坎伍德现在给你5000美元but Canewood can start you out at five G. 0,1:26:38.06,1:26:39.11我指一星期A week, that is. 0,1:26:41.36,1:26:43.36你最好待着别动 兄弟You best stay where you are, pal. 0,1:26:43.53,1:26:45.28我就是这里的法律I'm the law out here. 0,1:26:47.19,1:26:48.55不 不 不No,no,no. 0,1:26:49.24,1:26:50.24天杀的What in high... 0,1:26:51.95,1:26:53.87- 什么 - 见鬼- What? - Oh, shit! 0,1:26:54.04,1:26:55.04快开枪Shoot him! 0,1:26:57.04,1:26:58.13我们得介入了We need to intervene. 0,1:26:58.29,1:27:00.54可他只听你的话 博士Well, he only listens to you, Doctor. 0,1:27:03.46,1:27:04.592424!\N 0,1:27:05.88,1:27:06.88快回来Get back here! 0,1:27:07.97,1:27:09.14住手 赶紧住手Stop! Stop now! 0,1:27:09.30,1:27:11.14快按住伤口 按紧Hold this down, right now, tight! 0,1:27:15.56,1:27:17.31- 我们的船 - 什么- Our boat. - What? 0,1:27:22.65,1:27:24.90逐日号The Sunseeker. 0,1:27:34.58,1:27:35.58不No. 0,1:27:44.77,1:27:45.46回来Come! 0,1:27:45.58,1:27:46.672424!\N 0,1:27:47.68,1:27:49.09快来人帮我Need some help out here! 0,1:27:49.80,1:27:51.30看来我们得出手了I guess we're gonna have to take care of this now. 0,1:27:52.64,1:27:55.02- 把那个给我 - 你到底在磨蹭什么- Give me that. - Get your lily-faced ass out here! 0,1:28:01.19,1:28:02.36听到没有Listen to me! 0,1:28:02.52,1:28:04.02你到底在干什么What the fuck do you think you're doing? 0,1:28:04.19,1:28:06.11我们绕过那辆卡车All right, we gotta go around that truck 0,1:28:06.19,1:28:07.49从侧面袭击and flank them farmers. 0,1:28:07.65,1:28:08.95听我指挥Follow my lead. 0,1:28:09.03,1:28:10.95多带点子弹 把这些弹夹都带上Bring extra ammo, take these clips. 0,1:28:11.03,1:28:12.07回来Come! 0,1:28:12.32,1:28:13.53立即Now! 0,1:28:14.37,1:28:15.70把她带上Pick her up. 0,1:28:26.55,1:28:27.72小心光Beware the light. 0,1:28:50.90,1:28:52.32你到底是什么What the hell are you? 0,1:31:19.30,1:31:20.55坐下Sit down. 0,1:31:39.87,1:31:41.16别乱动Hold still. 0,1:31:41.58,1:31:42.91别乱动Hold still. 0,1:32:04.93,1:32:05.93把他抬到卡车上去Get him on the truck. 0,1:32:06.10,1:32:07.10好Yeah. 0,1:32:08.77,1:32:10.02走吧Go. 0,1:32:15.73,1:32:17.53没事了 没事了It's all right, it's all right. 0,1:32:17.69,1:32:20.61你做得很好 24It's all right. You did fine, 24. 0,1:32:20.78,1:32:22.74你正在愈合 保持呼吸You're healing. Just breathe. 0,1:32:24.12,1:32:26.62严格来说 你还只是个新生儿You're a newborn, by any measure. 0,1:32:26.79,1:32:28.08保持呼吸Just breathe. 0,1:32:28.41,1:32:29.50你的身体还有许多工作要完成Your body has work to do. 0,1:32:29.67,1:32:32.25它需要止血 生成血管 还有 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 皮Hemostasis, angiogenesis, epithelialization... 0,1:32:32.42,1:32:33.75增生基质细胞stromal cell proliferation. 0,1:32:35.63,1:32:37.42这能帮助你恢复This will help you heal. 0,1:32:38.30,1:32:39.80让你变得更强Make you stronger. 0,1:33:34.90,1:33:36.06好吧Well... 0,1:33:42.03,1:33:43.86这里也算得上是傍水了It's got water, and... 0,1:34:07.03,1:34:08.22至少有水It's got water. 0,1:34:26.07,1:34:27.41该死 该死Fuck this. Fuck this. 0,1:34:48.30,1:34:50.10该死 该死Fuck!Fuck! 0,1:34:50.22,1:34:51.26该死Fuck! 0,1:34:51.93,1:34:52.93见鬼Shit! 0,1:35:05.61,1:35:06.78去死 去死Fuck! Fuck! 0,1:35:09.27,1:35:10.12去死Fuck! 0,1:35:10.28,1:35:11.91去你的Motherfucking... 0,1:35:16.25,1:35:17.29见鬼Shit! 0,1:35:18.46,1:35:20.50去死Fuck!Fuck! 0,1:35:48.36,1:35:49.95欢迎回来Welcome back. 0,1:35:50.62,1:35:52.37我刚才还在想 是不是该告诉I was starting to think I was gonna have to tell... 0,1:35:52.53,1:35:54.37休息室那小女孩儿that nice little girl out in the waiting room... 0,1:35:54.54,1:35:56.04她爸爸醒不过来了her daddy's gone. 0,1:36:02.17,1:36:03.38我一直希望I'd always hoped... 0,1:36:04.17,1:36:08.63能有机会遇到像你这样的人that I'd get the chance to meet someone like you. 0,1:36:09.01,1:36:10.68你的同类已经不多了There's so few of you left. 0,1:36:13.18,1:36:15.35我也很高兴认识你 医生Nice to meet you, too, Doc. 0,1:36:15.52,1:36:16.68可我必须得赶路了But I really got to get on my way. 0,1:36:16.85,1:36:18.06不 不 不 别这样No, no, don't do that. 0,1:36:18.23,1:36:20.69你需要休息 还有治疗What you need is rest, and treatment. 0,1:36:20.85,1:36:22.23你需要找个地方检查一下You need to check yourself in somewhere. 0,1:36:22.40,1:36:23.57我没事I'll be fine. 0,1:36:23.69,1:36:24.86不 你有事No, you're not! 0,1:36:25.03,1:36:28.03我是说 我知道你与众不同I mean, I know that you're different... 0,1:36:28.20,1:36:29.36不过这也无法改变but that doesn't change the fact 0,1:36:29.49,1:36:31.49你体内有东西在荼毒你的事实that something inside you is poisoning you. 0,1:36:31.66,1:36:33.87你得找家医院检查一下You got to check yourself into a hospital. 0,1:36:34.03,1:36:35.70看看到底怎么回事Find out what it is! 0,1:36:36.16,1:36:37.37我知道怎么回事I know what it is. 0,1:36:38.25,1:36:40.50求你了先生 如果你不想去医院的话Please, mister, if you don't want to go to a hospital, 0,1:36:40.58,1:36:41.58或许我可以帮你maybe I can help you. 0,1:36:41.75,1:36:43.00我可以帮你做测试Maybe I can run some tests. 0,1:36:43.17,1:36:45.55听着 医生 你看起来是个好人Look, Doc. You seem like a nice guy, all right? 0,1:36:45.71,1:36:47.38如果你想要救人的话 救你自己吧You wanna save a life, save your own. 0,1:36:47.55,1:36:48.59忘了我们来过这儿Forget we were here. 0,1:36:48.87,1:36:49.84我们走Let's go. 0,1:37:01.02,1:37:02.02嘿Hey! 0,1:37:02.56,1:37:03.56嘿Hey! 0,1:37:24.08,1:37:26.09你不能随便拿别人的You can't just take shit, you know. 0,1:37:44.60,1:37:46.82我不知道你怎么带我来这儿的 不过I don't know how you got me here... 0,1:37:47.61,1:37:48.78谢谢but thank you. 0,1:37:48.86,1:37:49.86不客气De nada. 0,1:37:50.07,1:37:51.24好的Yeah. 0,1:37:53.11,1:37:54.45你会说话You can talk? 0,1:37:56.58,1:37:57.83你会说话You can talk? 0,1:37:58.66,1:38:00.41见鬼What the fuck? 0,1:38:00.62,1:38:01.75那为什么Why in the fuck... 0,1:38:01.91,1:38:04.92我们开了2000英里你一个字都不说What's all this bullshit been for the last 2,000 fucking miles? 0,1:38:07.92,1:38:09.59什么 好吧What? Shut up. 0,1:38:09.75,1:38:10.92行了 闭嘴 给我闭嘴Shut the fuck up! 0,1:38:11.01,1:38:13.72约拿 吉迪恩 丽贝卡 黛利拉 瑞克特Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, Rictor. 0,1:38:13.80,1:38:16.09什么 他们是谁What? Who's that? 0,1:38:16.26,1:38:17.43他们是谁Who is that? 0,1:38:18.81,1:38:22.35约拿 吉迪恩 丽贝卡 黛利拉 瑞克特Jonah, Gideon, Rebecca, Delilah, and Rictor. 0,1:38:22.85,1:38:23.89北达科他州North Dakota. 0,1:38:24.85,1:38:26.15什么What? 0,1:38:26.27,1:38:27.65带我去北达科他州North Dakota, por favor. 0,1:38:27.77,1:38:28.94见鬼 让我看Shit, okay. Look... 0,1:38:29.02,1:38:30.19不行No. Por favor. 0,1:38:31.82,1:38:33.49这个地方 对吧This place. Okay? 0,1:38:33.65,1:38:34.78你的护士Your nurse, 0,1:38:34.86,1:38:37.16漫画书看多了 明白吗she read too many stories, you understand? 0,1:38:37.32,1:38:38.87漫画书看太多了Too many stories! 0,1:38:42.70,1:38:45.50我看了 我看过了 懂吗I've seen it! I've seen it, okay? 0,1:38:45.67,1:38:46.79这上面画的This all here... 0,1:38:46.96,1:38:48.96所有的一切都不存在None of this... No existo, okay? 0,1:38:49.04,1:38:50.05明白了吗You understand me? 0,1:38:50.21,1:38:51.50上面的伊甸园 根本不存在This Eden does not exist. No! 0,1:38:53.13,1:38:54.97那是虚构的 孩子看到没It's a fantasy, kid. See that? 0,1:38:55.13,1:38:56.09上面写着画这些漫画的Those are the names of the people 0,1:38:56.18,1:38:57.97人的名字who just made this... 0,1:38:58.05,1:38:59.85这些都是他们编出来的They made this whole thing up. 0,1:39:00.35,1:39:01.64懂吗 这整个Okay? This whole... 0,1:39:01.81,1:39:02.77整个故事It happened once, 0,1:39:02.85,1:39:04.68一小部分是真的 其它的都是他们编出来的and they just turned it into a big, fucking lie! 0,1:39:06.06,1:39:07.19仅此而已 不That's all this is. No! 0,1:39:07.90,1:39:09.02见鬼Fuck. 0,1:39:10.10,1:39:10.62不No. 0,1:39:11.48,1:39:13.36我知道 我理解I know, I understand. 0,1:39:13.74,1:39:15.65这条路非常远This is a long way. 0,1:39:15.82,1:39:16.78明白吗You understand? 0,1:39:16.86,1:39:19.24我不会送你去北达科他州I am not taking you to North Dakota. 0,1:39:22.41,1:39:25.71我撑不下去了 我没法送你去那儿I am fucked up. And I cannot get you there. 0,1:39:25.87,1:39:29.00还要两天的路程 我不会送你去的It is a two-day drive. And I am not taking you... 0,1:39:29.17,1:39:31.88够了 别打了Don't fucking hit me! 0,1:39:32.05,1:39:33.05别再打了Don't hit me! 0,1:39:33.88,1:39:35.05约拿 吉迪恩Jonah, Gideon... 0,1:39:35.17,1:39:36.22别再念这些名字Stop saying those names. ...Rebecca... 0,1:39:36.34,1:39:37.34黛利拉 瑞克特Delilah, Rictor. 0,1:39:37.43,1:39:38.93听到没 别再念了Right now. Stop saying those names. 0,1:39:39.05,1:39:40.22停下Stop it! Stop! 0,1:39:41.68,1:39:44.06好吧 好吧Fuck it. Fine, fine. 0,1:39:45.11,1:39:47.98你想要去是吧 我就带你去You wanna go? I'll take you there. 0,1:39:48.56,1:39:50.06你自己亲眼去看See for yourself. 0,1:39:50.40,1:39:52.65一起去你那该死的童话世界Let's go to fucking fantasyland. 0,1:40:05.58,1:40:07.96我们知道控制局势的重要性 莱斯博士We understand the importance of containment, Dr. Rice. 0,1:40:08.25,1:40:10.42可是不能像你之前在华瑞兹那样大动干戈啊But you can't leave a war zone behind like you did in Juarez. 0,1:40:10.58,1:40:11.71你可别忘了Well, try to remind yourselves 0,1:40:11.79,1:40:13.04这些都是杀人机器that these are all little killing machines. 0,1:40:13.21,1:40:15.17轻易就能杀掉你全家Machines who would've happily disemboweled your family. 0,1:40:15.26,1:40:16.26不都是啊Not all. 0,1:40:17.42,1:40:19.26我跟你说了把他们解决掉I was told you want these assets off-board, 0,1:40:19.38,1:40:20.47不管死活dead or alive. 0,1:40:20.64,1:40:21.89你改了我的命令吗Are you changing my brief? 0,1:40:22.05,1:40:23.10没有No. 0,1:40:23.30,1:40:24.60那还废话什么All right, then. 0,1:40:26.43,1:40:27.56提取他的细胞组织Save tissue from this one. 0,1:40:27.73,1:40:29.81他擅长追踪 具有高智商He's a good tracker and had a high IQ. 0,1:40:35.23,1:40:36.61拿去吧Here you go. 0,1:41:13.35,1:41:14.36嘿Hey. 0,1:41:23.36,1:41:24.66让我开Let me drive. 0,1:41:27.29,1:41:28.62那可不行Absolutely not. 0,1:41:34.29,1:41:35.84别盯着我看Quit looking at me. 0,1:41:40.26,1:41:41.51不知你说什么No comprende. 0,1:41:43.01,1:41:44.51你快死了You are dying. 0,1:41:47.39,1:41:48.85你想死You want to die. 0,1:41:51.73,1:41:53.23查尔斯告诉我的Charles told me. 0,1:41:56.36,1:41:58.57他还告诉了你什么What else did he tell you? 0,1:41:59.03,1:42:00.57别让你死To not let you. 0,1:42:12.71,1:42:14.54嘿 嘿 嘿Hey,hey,hey! 0,1:42:21.76,1:42:22.76休息吧Rest. 0,1:45:07.34,1:45:08.84稳住Keep it steady. 0,1:45:11.18,1:45:12.76往我这边来点Swing him toward me. 0,1:45:15.26,1:45:16.26好Yeah. 0,1:45:18.85,1:45:21.06慢点Easy.Easy 0,1:45:54.26,1:45:55.97这样可以吗 瑞克多Is this good, Rictor? 0,1:45:56.43,1:45:57.64不用那么多 少点儿No, not so much. Less. 0,1:46:03.94,1:46:05.40嘿Hey! 0,1:46:11.94,1:46:13.24我在哪儿Where am I? 0,1:46:15.11,1:46:16.78这是什么Hey, what is it? 0,1:46:17.16,1:46:18.45从哪儿弄来的Where did you get that? 0,1:46:18.62,1:46:19.95从我们来的地方Where we came from. 0,1:46:20.62,1:46:21.58战斗时他们给我们这个They gave it to us when we would fight. 0,1:46:21.66,1:46:22.66让我们变得更强it makes you stronger. 0,1:46:22.83,1:46:24.62那东西只会让你发狂It makes you crazy, is what it does. 0,1:46:24.75,1:46:25.75还会杀了你It'll kill you. 0,1:46:25.83,1:46:27.84不 如果你控制好剂量的话No, not if you use it in small doses. 0,1:46:28.50,1:46:29.80它会帮你恢复It's helping you heal. 0,1:46:31.30,1:46:32.63劳拉在哪儿Where's Laura? 0,1:46:32.80,1:46:34.76她在下面睡着了She's asleep down there. 0,1:46:34.93,1:46:36.80要我叫醒她吗Do you want me to wake her up? 0,1:46:44.44,1:46:45.65不No. 0,1:47:06.83,1:47:08.54你做噩梦了You had a nightmare. 0,1:47:12.38,1:47:14.17你会做噩梦吗Do you have nightmares? 0,1:47:15.47,1:47:16.47是Si. 0,1:47:19.73,1:47:20.90梦里有人会伤害我People hurt me. 0,1:47:23.35,1:47:24.85我的不一样Mine are different. 0,1:47:31.02,1:47:32.48梦里我伤害了别人I hurt people. 0,1:47:50.33,1:47:51.88你知道这是什么吗You know what it is. 0,1:47:53.71,1:47:55.59这是用艾德曼合金做的It's made out of Adamantium. 0,1:47:56.38,1:47:58.59就是他们在我们体内注入的东西It's what they put inside of us. 0,1:47:59.55,1:48:01.35所以它能杀死我们That's why it can kill us. 0,1:48:03.18,1:48:05.52或许正是它在要我的命Probably what is killing me now. 0,1:48:07.56,1:48:08.85总之Anyway... 0,1:48:09.44,1:48:11.19这是我很久以前得到的I got this a long time ago... 0,1:48:12.57,1:48:16.07我留着它是想提醒我 自己究竟是谁and I kept it as a reminder of what I am. 0,1:48:18.28,1:48:20.24现在我留着…Now I keep it to, uh... 0,1:48:27.12,1:48:28.41实话说Actually, uh... 0,1:48:31.88,1:48:34.13我想过用它来自杀I was thinking of shooting myself with it. 0,1:48:34.75,1:48:36.26查尔斯说得没错Like Charles said. 0,1:48:41.97,1:48:43.93我也伤害过人I've hurt people, too. 0,1:48:46.93,1:48:49.77你得学会如何面对这种感觉You're gonna have to learn how to live with that. 0,1:48:59.32,1:49:01.32他们都是坏人They were bad people. 0,1:49:05.12,1:49:06.79并没有差别All the same. 0,1:50:21.82,1:50:24.07不好玩 这一点都不好玩Not funny. That is not funny! 0,1:50:25.70,1:50:27.03嘿 小子Hey! Hey, pal. 0,1:50:27.20,1:50:29.54我睡了多久了How long have I been out? 0,1:50:31.16,1:50:32.37我在床上躺了多久了How long have I been in that bed? 0,1:50:32.54,1:50:33.83两天Two days. 0,1:50:34.00,1:50:35.17你们就在这儿守了两天,You've been sitting here for two days? 0,1:50:35.33,1:50:36.75进去告诉大家可以开始打包了Hey, go inside and tell everyone to get packing. 0,1:50:36.92,1:50:38.50你们不能这样 不能坐以待毙You can't do that. You can't just stay here. 0,1:50:38.67,1:50:40.55我们必须等待 计划就是这样的We had to wait. It was the plan. 0,1:50:40.71,1:50:43.05今天是我们集合的最后一天And everyone had till today to find their way here. 0,1:50:43.22,1:50:44.18再等下去If you keep waiting, 0,1:50:44.26,1:50:45.76阿尔卡利会找到你们 然后把你们全部杀掉Alkali will find you and they will kill you all. 0,1:50:45.89,1:50:46.93你们得离开这儿You need to get out! 0,1:50:47.01,1:50:49.10明天天亮前我们就走We're leaving tomorrow before dawn. 0,1:50:49.51,1:50:51.10我们会穿过边界去加拿大We're gonna cross the border. 0,1:50:51.27,1:50:52.89那里有避难所It's a safe haven. 0,1:50:54.10,1:50:55.35请确认坐标Same coordinates? 0,1:50:55.52,1:51:00.23是 已确认了正午到五点之间是卫星盲点Yes, between noon and 5:00. Satellites are blind then. 0,1:51:00.40,1:51:01.48你们的庇护要求已批准Your asylum approved. 0,1:51:01.61,1:51:02.69收到Copy. 0,1:51:18.75,1:51:20.42你往右边看 劳拉Swing it to your right, Laura. 0,1:51:23.92,1:51:25.76再往右一点 对A little more. Yeah. 0,1:51:25.93,1:51:27.26看到树林了吗You see the woods? 0,1:51:29.39,1:51:30.47是的Si. 0,1:51:31.06,1:51:32.47要走8英里才能到那儿It's an eight mile hike through there. 0,1:51:33.64,1:51:34.77看到那条通道没And you see that pass? 0,1:51:36.27,1:51:37.40那就是边界That's the border. 0,1:51:39.27,1:51:41.11到那里我们就安全了That's where we will be safe. 0,1:51:48.41,1:51:49.95进来吧Come inside. 0,1:51:56.79,1:51:58.33劳拉告诉我你为她所做的一切Laura told me all that you did for her. 0,1:51:58.79,1:52:00.84她很幸运有你在她身边She was lucky to have you. 0,1:52:03.30,1:52:05.26拿着吧 她说这是你的Take it. She says it's yours. 0,1:52:07.13,1:52:09.68这也是你送她来的目的吧That's why you did it, right? 0,1:52:11.93,1:52:13.68对 好吧Yeah, well... 0,1:52:14.47,1:52:17.31可我不需要了 你们留着吧Look, I don't need it. You do, okay? 0,1:52:17.64,1:52:19.31随你便吧Suit yourself. 0,1:52:40.96,1:52:42.63你的朋友们看起来不错Your friends, they seem nice. 0,1:52:42.79,1:52:43.84让我想起了当年Kind of reminds me... 0,1:52:45.50,1:52:46.96嘿 嘿 发生什么事了Hey, hey, what's going on? 0,1:52:50.01,1:52:51.39你已经找到同伴了You're with your pals. You made it. 0,1:52:52.39,1:52:53.89你要去哪里Where will you go? 0,1:52:55.01,1:52:56.52先去最近的酒吧看看Nearest bar, for starters. 0,1:52:57.85,1:53:00.31我已经把你送到了 我的使命完成了Hey, I got you here. That's all I signed up for. 0,1:53:00.48,1:53:02.35我还把钱还给你了I even gave back the money. 0,1:53:02.52,1:53:03.56你还真是个好人Such a nice man. 0,1:53:03.69,1:53:05.86这并不是我想要的Hey, I never asked for this! 0,1:53:06.57,1:53:08.36懂吗 这也不是查尔斯想要的All right? Charles never asked for this. 0,1:53:08.53,1:53:10.40这也不是卡利班想要的Caliban never asked for this. 0,1:53:11.20,1:53:13.24现在他们都躺在土里了And they are six feet under the ground! 0,1:53:14.37,1:53:16.37我不知道查尔斯给你灌输了什么Now, I don't know what Charles put in your head... 0,1:53:16.54,1:53:19.33反正我不是你心里想的那样 懂吗but I am not whatever it is you think I am, okay? 0,1:53:20.71,1:53:23.00我认识你不过一个星期I only met you, like, a week ago. 0,1:53:24.21,1:53:26.17你找到了你的丽贝卡 你的黛利拉You got your Rebecca, your Delilah... 0,1:53:26.34,1:53:28.05还有其它乱七八糟的人your blah, blah, blah, whatever. 0,1:53:28.21,1:53:29.84你想要的都已经得到了Everything you asked for, you've got it! 0,1:53:32.89,1:53:34.76而且这样更好And it is better this way. 0,1:53:36.22,1:53:38.18因为我总是搞砸Because I suck at this. 0,1:53:39.89,1:53:43.02厄运总会降临在我在乎的人身上Bad shit happens to people I care about. 0,1:53:43.19,1:53:44.86你懂吗You understand me? 0,1:53:46.94,1:53:48.44我不会有事的Then I'll be fine. 0,1:55:56.45,1:55:59.37快跑 往山里跑 快跑Run! Towards the mountains! Run! 0,1:57:09.48,1:57:10.77快跑 罗比 快跑Run, Bobby, run! 0,1:57:34.88,1:57:36.38快 快Go! Go! 0,1:57:37.00,1:57:38.01再快点Move faster! 0,1:57:38.17,1:57:40.26在他们越过边界前 我们得抓住他们We need to reach them before they get to the border. 0,1:58:57.08,1:58:58.34行动Move out! 0,1:58:58.50,1:58:59.50我们走 我们走Let's go, let's go! 0,1:59:01.34,1:59:02.80跑 快跑Run! Run! 0,1:59:02.97,1:59:05.55乔纳 快跑Corre, Jonah! Run! 0,1:59:12.14,1:59:13.68尽量呼吸I want you to breathe. 0,1:59:13.85,1:59:15.14只是皮肉伤 小子It's just a flesh wound, baby. 0,1:59:31.41,1:59:32.41她在这儿There she is. 0,1:59:32.62,1:59:33.66抓住她了We got her. 0,1:59:36.37,1:59:38.46后退 围住她Back it up! Contain her. 0,2:00:05.07,2:00:06.11躲在我身后Get behind me! 0,2:00:27.63,2:00:29.43你把药全用上了You took all the medicine. 0,2:00:31.01,2:00:32.22药效就快退了It's wearing off. 0,2:00:59.00,2:01:00.33到你朋友那儿去Go to your friends. 0,2:01:01.58,2:01:02.58去吧Go. 0,2:01:04.09,2:01:05.21劳拉Laura? 0,2:01:07.21,2:01:08.55我会告诉你时机You'll know when. 0,2:01:20.69,2:01:21.94九点方向Nine o'clock. 0,2:01:23.98,2:01:26.23绿色液体的药效快没了吧That green juice is wearin' off, huh? 0,2:01:27.23,2:01:29.78看来对于老变种人来说药效还真短You know, for an old mute, it's kind of a short high. 0,2:01:30.24,2:01:31.78很快你会连爪子都伸不出来Be hard to keep them claws out, soon. 0,2:01:31.95,2:01:33.78灭了这混蛋 罗根Waste this dick, Logan! 0,2:01:35.03,2:01:36.74请住手 豪利特先生Please stop, Mr. Howlett. 0,2:01:37.20,2:01:38.25不然我就得下令I'm gonna have to tell these men 0,2:01:38.33,2:01:39.37朝孩子们开火了to fire on these children. 0,2:01:39.54,2:01:40.87你也不想这样吧You don't want that. 0,2:01:41.04,2:01:43.38你也知道血清的药效很快就没了You can see the effects of the serum are wearing off. 0,2:01:43.54,2:01:46.13再受伤的话你就活不成了You will not survive further wounds. 0,2:01:46.38,2:01:47.92请允许我自我介绍一下Allow me to introduce myself. 0,2:01:48.30,2:01:49.30我叫桑德尔?莱斯I'm Zander Rice. 0,2:01:50.47,2:01:52.55我想你应在X武器项目中见过我父亲I believe you knew my father on the Weapon X Program. 0,2:01:52.72,2:01:56.26没错 就是那个混蛋把毒药注入我体内的Yeah. He's the asshole who put this poison in me. 0,2:01:57.31,2:01:58.77对 混蛋之一Yes, he was one of them. 0,2:02:00.18,2:02:01.94那他应该已经被我杀了I think I might have killed him. 0,2:02:03.27,2:02:04.40你说得没错I think you're right. 0,2:02:04.48,2:02:05.90放尊重些 变种人Why don't you show some respect, mutie? 0,2:02:06.06,2:02:08.03你眼前的这位可是消灭了所有变种人的人You're lookin' at the man who wiped out your kind. 0,2:02:08.61,2:02:10.53我的朋友唐纳德言过其实了My friend Donald overstates. 0,2:02:11.57,2:02:14.28他把事情说得过分残忍了He makes it sound more brutal than intended. 0,2:02:14.45,2:02:17.70我的目的不是消灭变种人The goal was not to end mutant kind... 0,2:02:17.87,2:02:19.16而是掌控他们but to control it. 0,2:02:21.29,2:02:22.41我意识到I reahzed 0,2:02:22.50,2:02:24.00我们不该放弃在饮食上的研发we needn't stop perfecting what we eat and drink. 0,2:02:24.17,2:02:26.29我们可以用这些产品来完善自己That we could use those products to perfect ourselves. 0,2:02:27.42,2:02:28.71从饮料到谷物早餐To distribute gene therapy 0,2:02:28.80,2:02:30.13在每样东西中discreetly through everything... 0,2:02:30.30,2:02:32.51谨慎地进行基因治疗from sweet drinks to breakfast cereals. 0,2:02:32.67,2:02:33.80而且成功了And it worked. 0,2:02:33.97,2:02:36.47随机出现的变种基因 就像小儿麻痹一样被扼杀了Random mutancy went the way of polio. 0,2:02:36.64,2:02:37.93然后我们开始了下一步We embarked on our next endeavor. 0,2:02:38.14,2:02:39.77培育你们自己的变种人Growing mutants of your own. 0,2:02:39.93,2:02:40.93- 正是 - 世道艰难- Precisely. - Dangerous times, James. 0,2:02:41.02,2:02:42.02世道艰难 你不能You can't... 0,2:03:01.04,2:03:02.04该你上场了 小子Showtime, boy! 0,2:03:38.74,2:03:40.62起来 小子 起来 小子Get up, go! Get up, boy! 0,2:03:45.54,2:03:46.75是他杀的 快起来He did that. Get up! 0,2:04:00.10,2:04:01.76劳拉 不Laura! No! 0,2:04:06.81,2:04:07.81劳拉Laura! 0,2:04:55.28,2:04:56.28饶命Please. 0,2:05:39.74,2:05:40.78快走Go. 0,2:05:42.57,2:05:43.57走吧Let's go. 0,2:05:44.12,2:05:45.12快走Go. 0,2:05:46.58,2:05:48.08快 快 快Go, go, go! 0,2:05:48.79,2:05:51.00快走 离开这儿 快Go! Get out of here! Go! 0,2:05:54.71,2:05:56.84快走 快 快 快Go. Go, go, go! 0,2:06:01.74,2:06:02.68快走Go, go! 0,2:06:02.88,2:06:03.93快走Go! 0,2:06:04.30,2:06:05.35快跑Run! 0,2:06:05.55,2:06:06.56快跑No! 0,2:06:07.39,2:06:08.85不No! 0,2:06:46.51,2:06:47.97不 不 不No, no. No. 0,2:07:12.91,2:07:14.62带上你的朋友 快跑Take your friends, and run. 0,2:07:14.79,2:07:16.00不No. 0,2:07:16.71,2:07:19.34快跑 他们还会派人来追杀你们Run. They'll keep coming and coming. 0,2:07:19.50,2:07:22.17听着 你们不必再战斗了Listen, you don't have to fight anymore. 0,2:07:26.43,2:07:28.51走 走Go, go. 0,2:07:36.06,2:07:38.10别成为他们所希望的那样Don't be what they made you. 0,2:07:46.11,2:07:48.32劳拉 劳拉Laura... Laura... 0,2:07:52.74,2:07:53.87爸爸Daddy. 0,2:08:01.34,2:08:05.76原来 死亡是这种感觉So, this is what it feels like. 0,2:08:08.27,2:08:09.22不No; 0,2:08:16.89,2:08:17.89不No! 0,2:08:31.57,2:08:32.70爸爸Daddy. 0,2:08:33.41,2:08:34.41爸爸Dad. 0,2:09:06.32,2:09:09.15人必须忠于自己 乔伊"A man has to be what he is, Joey. 0,2:09:10.53,2:09:12.20不能违背自己的本性"Can't break the mold. 0,2:09:15.08,2:09:17.58带着杀戮活下去很难"There's no living with a killing. 0,2:09:18.71,2:09:20.62这条路没有退路"There's no going back. 0,2:09:22.79,2:09:24.67是对是错 你都得背负"Right or wrong, it's a brand. 0,2:09:25.55,2:09:27.46直至一生"A brand that sticks. 0,2:09:30.51,2:09:32.84现在快回去找你妈妈"Now you run on home to your mother. 0,2:09:34.05,2:09:37.52告诉她一切都好"You tell her everything's all right. 0,2:09:39.10,2:09:42.44山谷里再也不会有枪声了"There are no more guns in the valley." 0,2:09:59.29,2:10:01.29走吧 继续上路Let's go. We gotta move.
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