首页 国家职业资格二级心理咨询师个人成长分析报告



国家职业资格二级心理咨询师个人成长分析报告国家职业资格二级心理咨询师个人成长分析报告 国家职业资格二级全国统一鉴定 心理咨询师论文 个人分析报告 环境与磨砺铸造的人生 摘要:通过对自我成长历程的回顾与分析~探究自我品质形成的原因~剖析自我的人格特征~客观地进行自我评价。通过职业行为分析~表达做一名优秀的心理咨询师的愿望~分析自己所具备从事心理咨询师职业的基本素质、条件以及所存在的不足之处~明确进一步改进和完善的目标方向。 关键词:成长历程 自我分析 职业分析 我叫***,男,出生于19**年*月*日。原籍**省**市**区**镇**村。19*...

国家职业资格二级心理咨询师个人成长分析报告 国家职业资格二级全国统一鉴定 心理咨询师论文 个人分析报告 环境与磨砺铸造的人生 摘要:通过对自我成长历程的回顾与分析~探究自我品质形成的原因~剖析自我的人格特征~客观地进行自我评价。通过职业行为分析~表达做一名优秀的心理咨询师的愿望~分析自己所具备从事心理咨询师职业的基本素质、条件以及所存在的不足之处~明确进一步改进和完善的目标方向。 关键词:成长历程 自我分析 职业分析 我叫***,男,出生于19**年*月*日。原籍**省**市**区**镇**村。19**年高中毕业后回乡务农,19**年大学毕业后到市医疗单位工作。 一、自我成长分析 我出生于**年代一个普通的农民家庭,父母都是地地道道的农民。 我的童年一直到高中毕业都是农村和那个特殊的年代度过的,经历了五年艰苦的返乡劳动之后,于1977年恢复高考时,考入了**医学专科学校,毕业后分配到原籍的一个医疗单位工作至今。 品质形成: 古典上说:桔树生于南为桔,北为枳。可见环境对事物结果的影a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Party Committee of the Party Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to the officers and men of the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAC against ourselves, behave yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact points responsibility at work, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent grasping ideological education leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clean" series of education, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture hall, issued to the officers and men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning education activities to further enhance self-discipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizations to carry out a diligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third national "ten outstanding fire-guards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in 响是毋庸置疑的。我出生于农村,家中兄妹众多,又是男孩,由于家境贫寒,温饱难以为继,加上传统文化思想的影响,男孩子的压力更大。因此,从小就感受到生活的艰辛和未来命运的困扰,面对生活的困境和未来的选择,幼小的心灵就埋下了自强自立和跳出农门改变命运的愿望,从而也培养了面对逆境承受压力的坚强性格。我成长于特殊的年代,童年经历了三年自然灾害,青年是在文化大革命时期渡过的。政治运动和自然灾害对我的身心发展提出了严峻的挑战,而对于一个农村孩子来说,要想改变命运,实现自我理想和愿望,要具有更大的承受能力,要具备坚韧不拔的克服困难的信心,要敢于树立挑战自我和环境的勇气。正是这特殊的环境,成就了我面对逆境超常的承受能力和坚毅性格。 我最难忘的一件事情,发生在我上小学五年级的时候。六十年代末,打、砸、抢成风,社会秩序混乱不堪。农村小学还能维持上课,但桌、凳明显不足。大部分学生需要自带凳子学习,各班仅有的几个凳子都被个子大、表现差的男孩霸占,我因个小、路远抢不到。后来我们班主任定了一条规矩,班里的凳子由他按个人表现(学习成绩)来安排,谁都不得抢占。从此一直到小学毕业,因为学习成绩好,我再没有从家里带凳子上学。这件小事对我的人生影响深刻,从而树立了自信和自豪感。 高中毕业后,返乡参加劳动,生产队里规定,中学生每天劳动工值为6分,妇女、老人每天计8分,青壮年男性计10分。这种规定沿袭了数年。我和几个同学认为按学生对待不公平,因为论年龄我们都已十七、八岁,应按青壮年计分;论干活,我们比妇女、老人贡献大,应比他们计分高。所以几个人一合计,就写了一张“大字报”——炮轰资产阶级旧 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,贴在村头宣传栏。此举得到队委会的重视和广大群众的支持,最后经群众评议,队委会研究决定,给我们几个高中生定为每天9分,这是我进入社会的第一次挑战环境、改变自己命运并取得效果。事隔几十年,现在想起这件事,依然还有挑战成功后的喜悦。 我一生最崇拜的两个人就是***和我的父亲。***驾驭全局的能力和对待事业的执着追求,对于我的一生有深刻的影响。从青少年时期a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Party Committee of the Party Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to the officers and men of the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAC against ourselves, behave yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact points responsibility at work, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent grasping ideological education leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clean" series of education, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture hall, issued to the officers and men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning education activities to further enhance self-discipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizations to carry out a diligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third national "ten outstanding fire-guards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in 至今,这种影响对于我的品质、性格的形成都起着重要的作用。以至于到现在,我仍然喜欢看有关***题材的影片和文学作品。我的父亲是家中长子,少年丧父,中年丧母,在战乱的年代和自然灾害以及家庭不幸的多重打击下,他毅然挑起了家庭的重担,先后为姑姑订婚、为两个叔叔安排外出工作并娶妻生子,他靠种地和做小买卖带领一家老小艰难渡日,直到五十年代奶奶去世后才和叔叔们分家另过。父亲的责任心和对家庭的无私奉献精神以及面对困境的坚强性格为我们做出了榜样,因此也受到全家人的共同敬重和爱戴。父亲的人生也是成功的。解放后一直担任农村基层干部,胸怀坦荡,为人传统正派,恪守孝道,做事公平、严谨,不甘人后。父亲的谆谆教诲和言谈举止深深地融入我的人生历程,他对于我品质的培养和性格的形成以及待人接物的风格都具有决定性的作用,也可以说,我身上有他的“影子”。 我崇拜***处理纷繁复杂事务的多谋善断能力和应对战场瞬息万变的机动和果断。但当我在工作中遇到重大决策或遇到和同事意见分歧的时候,时有犹豫不决和迷茫的表现。一方面想坚持自己的意见,以表现自信和实现自我价值;另一方面,又担心过于坚持己见会令别人的意见得不到尊重而产生误会,甚至怀疑自己的意见是否有问题,从而表现出的一种自卑心态。这种介于自信与自卑之间的优柔性格,是一个管理者,更是一个决策者的大忌。此外,有时对待外界事物或他人言行过于敏感,可能是唯美思想作祟,太在意别人的评价,也可能是疑心重,误解别人,也给工作和生活带来了一些不必要的烦恼。 我感受到父亲身上高度的责任感和面对困境的坚毅品质。父亲的人格魅力一直在引领着我的人生历程,但我在责任的驱使下,有时目标的设定以及对本人和他人的要求有些过高,无意间增加了工作的难度和压力,甚至产生一些怨艾情绪。面对较大的困难时,持续坚持的毅力和耐力不足,不时有“活思想”,总想找一些客观原因为自己开脱,甚至会产生放弃的打算。 总之,我认为和大多数人一样,我的人生经历培养和造就了诸多优秀品质,但也存在一些性格、认识上的一些缺点,我希望通过系统的心理咨询理论的学习,找到本身心理、性格上的问题。通过自身的调适和社会活动的锻炼以及人生观、价值观的改造,加强生活情操的a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Party Committee of the Party Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to the officers and men of the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAC against ourselves, behave yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact points responsibility at work, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent grasping ideological education leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clean" series of education, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture hall, issued to the officers and men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning education activities to further enhance self-discipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizations to carry out a diligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third national "ten outstanding fire-guards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in 陶冶,将自己培养成为一个心智健康、对他人和社会有用的人。 自我评价: 特殊的环境和特殊的成长经历磨练了我的意志,培养和造就了我的品质特征,即:责任感强,积极上进,承受能力强,处事敏感,固执和自卑;同时,也逐渐培养和形成了宽仁大度、勤于思考和富于挑战性的处事风格和性格特点。 二、职业行为分析: 我国目前正处于社会变革和社会转型期,随着高科技、信息技术的快速发展,社会生活节奏加快,人们普遍面临着失业、房价、健康、环境污染和地震、泥石流等自然灾害的威胁,由此产生一些焦虑情绪和生活压力,心智不健全者越来越多。另外,我国独生子女家庭是社会主流,由于独生子女的教育问题,一些独生子女在成长过程中养成的一些生活习惯、性格以及认识事物的态度所表现的偏差也逐渐显现出来。还有人们对待现实生活的不满足以及追求过高的幸福预期等等使情绪郁结,都会给正常的生活蒙上一层阴影。再加上我现在从事管理工作,天天与人打交道,管理者与被管理者的矛盾客观存在,在工作中不可避免地因为管理等原因与同事发生认识上的冲突,无形之中影响自己以及他人的思想情绪,甚至有时发生在要好的朋友之间。因此,我希望通过心理咨询专业理论的学习,完善自己的性格,调整面临的困惑压力,提高自己的应对能力,找到解决矛盾的正确方式和方法,既帮助了自己,也帮助了别人。 我期望做一名优秀的心理咨询师,在自助的同时也帮助别人,为人们排除一些心理负担和烦恼,为社会和谐稳定做些许贡献。我认为我具备心理咨询师的基本素质和条件。一是心智健全,人格完整,性格豁达开朗,乐于助人;二是看待问题比较理性客观,善于思考和不断总结完善自我,胸怀宽广,具有较强的逻辑思维能力和判断能力;三是善于倾听,有较强的语言交流技巧和表达能力;四是从事管理工作十几年,与各种人员打交道,积累了丰富的实践经验,培养了较强的洞察力;五是今年参加了冯特职业学校的心理咨询师专业理论学习和系统 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 ,理论水平有一定程度的提高。此外,对专业的热爱和社会责任感以及善于学习、勤于实践、勇于探索等优点,都将是我尽快a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Party Committee of the Party Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to the officers and men of the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAC against ourselves, behave yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact points responsibility at work, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent grasping ideological education leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clean" series of education, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture hall, issued to the officers and men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning education activities to further enhance self-discipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizations to carry out a diligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third national "ten outstanding fire-guards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in 掌握心理咨询专业知识和技巧的不竭动力。 当然,我清楚地知道,具备一些基础条件,并不等于就一定能够成为一名优秀的心理咨询师,诸如自身性格中的不足,面对压力的自我调适方法,对于批评责难和赞扬时冷静、理智的心态,由自卑心理带来的一些迷惘和困惑,还有专业理论知识的系统学习和具体实践操作技巧的掌握等等,都还有待在今后的工作实践中磨练、完善、总结和提高。 针对自我具备的优势和不足,在今后的学习和工作实践中,要善于总结经验与教训,扬长避短,用理论指导实践,在实践中不断完善自我;要善于向老师和同行们学习和交流,把他们的宝贵经验运用到工作中去;要坚持辩证唯物主义观点,严格遵守心理咨询师的 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 限制,坚持在咨询实践中保持中立态度,努力地在这一学科领域中学习、探索,不断地超越自我,让自己自信、自强,让求助者走出阴影,重建生活信心和快乐,为社会和谐美满做出自己的贡献。 参考文献: [1]郭念锋.心理咨询师(基础知识).北京:民族出版社.2005第1版.59页 [1]郭念锋.心理咨询师(基础知识).北京:民族出版社.2005第1版.398页 a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Party Committee of the Party Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to the officers and men of the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAC against ourselves, behave yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact points responsibility at work, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent grasping ideological education leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clean" series of education, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture hall, issued to the officers and men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning education activities to further enhance self-discipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizations to carry out a diligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third national "ten outstanding fire-guards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in
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