首页 山东省荣成市24中2013年初中学业模拟英语试卷



山东省荣成市24中2013年初中学业模拟英语试卷山东省荣成市24中2013年初中学业模拟英语试卷 山东省荣成市24中2013年初中英语学业考试模拟试题(无 听力录音) 第?卷(共70分) 一、听力测试(共25小题, 计30分) (一)听句子,选择与画面一致的选项。每组句子听一遍。(每小题1分) 1. A B C 2. A B C 3. A B C 4. A B C (二) 听句子,选择适当的答语。每个句子听两遍。(每小题1分) 5. A. Oh, that’s very nice of you. B. Congratulations. C. O...

山东省荣成市24中2013年初中学业模拟 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 试卷 山东省荣成市24中2013年初中英语学业考试模拟 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 (无 听力录音) 第?卷(共70分) 一、听力测试(共25小题, 计30分) (一)听句子,选择与画面一致的选项。每组句子听一遍。(每小题1分) 1. A B C 2. A B C 3. A B C 4. A B C (二) 听句子,选择适当的答语。每个句子听两遍。(每小题1分) 5. A. Oh, that’s very nice of you. B. Congratulations. C. Oh, I’m glad to hear that. 6. A. Can you get me some apples? B. Can you buy me a ticket? C. Can you get me some stamps? 7. A. By bus. B. Quite well. C. Reading a book. 8. A. I don’t believe it. B. Oh, no. C. Thanks. You, too. 9. A. Cabbages. B. Eggs. C. Oranges. 10. A. It’s not very cold. B. I like the city. C. The city is very beautiful. (三)听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 。对话和问题听两遍。(每小题1分) 11. A. It’s fine. B. It’s raining. C. It’s cloudy. 12. A. Yes, many times. B. No, she hasn’t. C. Yes, a few times. 13. A. 29. B. 14. C. 15. 14. A. Tuesday. B. Monday. C. Thursday. 15. A. No. 1. B. No. 11. C. No. 3. (四)听一段对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。对话和问题听两遍。(每小题1分) 16. What are they talking about? A. Their weekends B. Their relatives. C. Their planes. 17. What did the man do on Saturday? A. He did his homework. B. He played tennis. C. He visited his relatives. 18. Whom did the man go to the beach and play soccer with? A. His brother. B. His relatives. C. His family. 19. When did the woman study for a math test? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. 20. Why did Kate have more fun in the evening? A. She cleaned her room herself. B. She went to movies with her friends. C. She had a party. (五)听短文,用所听到的单词或短语完成表格。(每小题2分) The Water World Swimming Pool Open time: 8:00a.m Closed time: 21 Cost for students with the student card: 22 Wednesday mornings for mothers and: 23 Cafe’s serving time: 24 From the cafe you can watch the swimmers or 25 二、选择填空(共15小题, 计15分) 从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 26. Are you going to learn ________second language in ________ third grade? A. a; the B. a; a C. the; the D. the; a 27. —May I ________your CD player? —Certainly, but you can’t ________it to others. A. borrow; keep B. lend; keep C. keep; borrow D. borrow; lend 28. — Do you know when Miss King ________ for dinner this evening ? —No, but I think she ________when she is free. A. comes, comes B. will come, will come C. comes, will come D. will come, comes 29. Excuse me, waiter. We are leaving. Can you bring me the ________, please? A. money B. note C. bill D. list 30. —I don’t hear you come in last night. —That’s good. We tried ________any noise. A. not make B. not making B. C. to make not D. not to make 31. —What's one -fourth and a half, do you know? —Yes, it's ________. A. two-sixths B. three-fourths C. one-three D. three-sixths 32. —A latest English newspaper, please! — Only one copy left. Would you like to have ________, sir? A. it B. one C. this D. that 33. This key ________be Peter’s. His is still in the lock. A. may not B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t 34. — When shall we meet again? —Make it ________ day you like, it’s all the same to me. A. one B. another C. some D. any 35. —I came to your office yesterday morning, but nobody was in. —Oh, we ________ a meeting in the meeting room. A. have had B. had C. were having D. had had 36. We didn’t know ________ about Father Christmas. A. to ask whom B. whom to ask C. if to ask D. whether ask 37. —Could you tell me ________? —It’s about ten minutes’ ride. A. where is your school B. how far your school is from here C. when do you go to school D. how far is your school from here 38. A new wood bridge ________in the village last month. A . is built B. can be built C. will be built D. was built 39. —Look! The lights in the classroom are still on. —Oh, I forgot ________. A. turning them off B. turn them off C. to turn them off D. having turned them off 40. I must have my TV set ____________. Something is wrong with it. A. to repair B. repairs C. repaired D. repairing 三、阅读理解(共三篇短文,15小题,计25分) 阅读下面A、B三篇短文,根据短文 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ,从短文后面每题所给的四个选项中选择最佳 的一项。(每小题1.5分) A Beijing-Shanghai Railway was completed in 1968. The line runs 1, 462 km between China's two main cities and passes through five provinces and the city of Tianjin. Since opening, it has been one of the busiest routes in our country. The Beijing-Shanghai route is now served by 10 trains a day, five of which are non-stop. The journey time is just under 12 hours. Now trains are allowed to travel at 250 kph ( kilometers per hour) and the journey time is only 10 hours. With the sixth railway speedup, China has joined the ranks (行列) of countries with high-speed rail services. Trains are able to run at speeds of 200 kph on some 6,003 km of track(轨道), and on some sections, the highest speed can increase(增加) to 250 kph. The 6,003 km of track serves both high-speed passenger trains and low-speed cargo (货物) trains. Railway operators have to deal with the problem of the speed gap (差距) between the two kinds of trains to make sure they both run safely. 41. The Beijing-Shanghai Railway line runs 1,462 kilometers, doesn't it? A. Yes, it does. B. No, it doesn't. C. It's very far. D. We don't know. 42. How many times have the trains been speeded up so far? A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Eight. 43. When the Beijing-Shanghai train runs at 250 kph, the passengers spend ________ on the train. A. ten hours B. twelve hours C. one day D. two days. 44. Which of the following sentences is TRUE? A. Only one train is served on the 6,003 km of track. B. Beijing-Shanghai Railway passes through six provinces. C. All of the trains run without any stops on Beijing-Shanghai Railway. D. Since opening, Beijing-Shanghai Railway has been one of the busiest routes in China. 45. The passage above is probably from ________. A. a story-book B. a dictionary C. a newspaper D. an advertisement B Beethoven, a famous musician in the world, was born in Germany in 1770. In his childhood Beethoven didn’t have a happy life. His father was a singer. When he was only four, his father began to make him practise hour after hour on different musical instruments. If he did not put his heart into it, his father would beat him or make it hard on him. Beethoven loved music and he learned so fast that he was able to go around to give concerts, when he was only a boy of eleven. At the age of seventeen, he won high praise from Mozart, the great musician at that time. Beethoven was often poor and ill during his life. After one illness, he suddenly found himself deaf(At that time he was only thirty-one. It was a blow(打击)to him indeed. But he still went on working and writing music pieces. To people’s surprise, some of his best pieces were written after he lost his hearing. In 1827, leaving more than 300 pieces, the great musician died. But his name is still remembered to this day. 46. Why didn’t Beethoven have a happy life in his childhood? A. Because his family was poor. B. Because he had to practice a lot of musical instruments. C. Because his father was strict with him. D. Both B and C. 47. When were some of his best pieces written? A. At the age of 11. B. At the age of 17. C. Before he was deaf. D. After he became deaf. 48. What did Beethoven do after he lost his hearing? A. He never gave in . B. He stopped writing music pieces. C. He lost his heart. D. He went to see a doctor. 49. How many pieces did the musician write during his life? A. 200. B. 300. C. 400. D. 100. 50. Beethoven didn’t like music as a child, did he? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn’t. C. Yes, he didn’t. D. No, he did. C 阅读短文,根据其内容简要回答问题。(每小题2分) Canada Geese are large blue and white birds. When autumn comes, they have to move south where the weather is warmer. The winters are so cold in Canada that the birds will die if they stay there. Last spring, Bill Lishman found sixteen young Canada Geese on his farm. They had lost their parents. Bill thought, “These young birds won’t know what to do in the autumn.” He had a small plane and he decided to teach the birds to follow him. All through the summer, he went on short trips in his plane and the young geese near after him. When the cold weather arrived in the autumn, Bill flew to Virginia in the United States, 600 miles south of his home in Canada. The geese followed him all the way. Bill left the geese in Virsinia and he returned home. This spring, Bill was waiting for the birds to come back. They didn't arrive, so Bill flew to Virginia to get them. He looked for them for two weeks but he couldn't find them. When he arrived back home, he found the geese waiting for him. They had found their way home without him! 51. What will happen to the geese if they stay in Canada in winter? 52. Where did Bill find sixteen young geese last spring? 53. Is it 600 kilometer from Bill’s home to Virginia? 54. How long did it take Bill to look for the geese in Virginia? 55. The geese found their way home by themselves, didn't they? 英语中考综合训练题 第I卷答题区(70分) 1 ______ 2______ 3_____ 4_____ 5_____ 6______ 7_____ 8 _____ 9_____ 10______ 11_____12_____13_____14_____15_____16_____17_____18_____19_____20______ 21____________ 22____________ 23____________ 24____________ 25____________ 26_____27_____28_____29_____30______31_____32_____33_____34_____35_____ 36_____37_____38_____39_____40______41_____42_____43_____44_____45_____ 46_____47_____48_____49_____50______ 得分 评卷人 三、阅读理解56—60小题 ,10分~每小题2分, 51.________________________________________________________________________ 52.________________________________________________________________________ 53.________________________________________________________________________ 54.________________________________________________________________________ 55.________________________________________________________________________ 第II卷(50分) 四、单词拼写(共6小题,计6分) 得分 评卷人 根据句意和提示以适当形式填写正确的单词。 56. He had an exciting ____________/ : ,,: ,: , / in Japan last year. 57. Animals are our friends, so p__________ them is our duty. 58. Coffee is s_______________ in this shop. 59. Will you ____________ / / the same room with me tonight. 60. Zoos are ___________ / , , ,, / places for animals to live in. 61.I __________ / , / if it will rain tomorrow 得分 评卷人 五、动词填空(共7小题,计7分) 用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空 。请将答案填写在短文后面 的横线上。 Once upon a time, some children 62 (fish) at seaside when they caught a turtle. They beat it with stones. Just at that time, a young man came up and 63 (drive)them away. The turtle was very thankful and said, “Thanks for your kindness. I would like to invite you to a fantastic place.” The young man rode on the turtle’s back and 64 (take )to a secret place in the sea. When they reached the place, he was amazed at the sightseeing, “what a nice palace!” 65 (thank)him , the king of the turtles gave him a very big dinner 66 . He (not eat)so much delicious food before. He was pleased with everything. After the dinner, the king said, “I’m going to give you two boxes, but you mustn’t open both. Do remember it!” The young man promised that he 67 (open) only one. Just then, a large wave sent him out of the sea. After 68 (go)back home , he opened the bigger box. To his surprise, the box was full of gold shining brightly. “My God! I am rich now!” Then he thought, “There must be something more expensive in the other box.” He broke his promise and opened it. Suddenly he became an old man who was over 80 years old. He was so sorry for what he did, but it was too late. 62. ___________ 63. ____________ 64. _____________ 65. _____________ 66_____________ 67. ____________ 68. _____________ 得分 评卷人 六、完成句子 (共5小题,计15分) 根据所给汉语句子完成英语句子,词数不限。 69(看电视越多,你的视力越差。 The ________________________________ , ______________________________. 70(自从他出生就住在荣成。 He _______________________________________since______________________. 71(你姐姐记得去过威海一次吗, _________ your sister_______________________________________________ once? 72(这个孩子刚才量过体温。 The kid’s __________________________________ just now. 73(他想知道一位学生通常花多长时间做作业。 He wants_____________________________________________________________. 得分 评卷人 七、短文填空(共7小题,计7分) 根据短文内容,选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文意思完整。 每个选项至多使用一次,有两项剩余。请将答案写在短文后面的横 线上。 safe, safety, shopping, lose, home, advantages, service, parking, wait What do you think of 74 online? I think it has 75 and first, it’s convenient. You can do all your shopping at 76 . Second, it’s a 24-hour 77 . You don’t have to 78 to buy something until a store opens. Third, there are no transportation costs. You don’t need to spend money on 79 or train or bus fares. On the other hand, it has disadvantages. First, the products aren’t there. You can’t see, feel, or try things. Second, it’s not 80 to give your credit card number over the Internet. And finally, not all Web addresses are for real companies. You may buy something from a company that doesn’t exist, so a lot of money are lost in that way. 74. _______________ 75. _______________ 76. _______________77. ________________ 78. _______________79. _______________ 80. _______________ 得分 评卷人 八、 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 面表达(共1小题,计15分) 中学生学习时间长、压力大,专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当 的方式放松自己。某英文报“学生习作”专栏正在就“学生适当的放松方式”这一话题进 行征文。假设你是二十二中初三(3)班的班长,最近你对班上同学课后放松方式进行了调 查。请根据表格提供的调查信息和要求写一篇短文向该报投稿。 二十二中初三(3)班 对 象 60人(男:31人;女:29人) 人 数 1. 看电视(30人) 2. 玩电脑游戏(12人) 3. 听音乐(8人) 常用放松方式 4. 进行体育锻炼(5人) 5. 没有时间放松(5人) 哪一种(些)放松方式是适当的,为什么, 你的观点 注意:1.短文包括对调查相关信息的介绍和你自己的观点; 2.词数:80-100。题目和开头已为你写好,不记入总词数。 The Proper Way(s) for Students to Relax I am the monitor of Class3, Grade 3, No. 22middle School. Recently I have made a survey of the students in my class on ways to relax after class. ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 一,三大题 1—5 ACBAC 6—10 CBCAA 11—15 BCABA 16—20 ACCBC nd21. 7:30 pm 22. one pound forty 23. babies 24. June 22 25. enjoy a drink 26—30 ADBCD 31—35 BABDC 36—40 BBDCC 41—45 ABADC 46—50 DDABA 51. They will die. 52. On his farm. 53. No, it isn’t. 54. Two weeks. 55(Yes, they did. 四 56. experience 57. protecting 58. served 59. share 60. terrible 61. wonder 五 62. were fishing 63. drove 64. was taken 65. to thank 66. hadn’t eaten 67. would/was going to open 68. going 六、 69.The more you watch, the poorer your eyesight is. 70. He has lived in Rongcheng since he was born. 71. Does your sister remember going to Weihai once? 72. The kid’s temperature was taken just now. 73. He wants to know how long a student spends doing homework. 七、 74. shopping 75.advantages 76.home 77. service 78. wait 79. parking 80. safe One Possible Version: The Proper Way(s) for students to Relax I am the monitor of Class 3,Grade3, No.22Middle School. Recently I have made a survey of the students in my class on ways to relax after class. There are 60 students in my class(31 boys and 29 girls ).Different students have different ways to relax. Half of the students often watch TV.12students like to play computer games while 8 enjoy listening to music.5 students think doing sports is a good way and another five are busy to relax. (As we study too long every day and suffer from too much pressure, every student should choose proper ways to relax. In my opinion, watching TV or playing computer games is not a proper way to help us relax.)I thing taking exercise is a proper way because it can rest our brains and eyes. Besides, It can help improve our health.(Therefore, I often Play ping pong after class. It’s really helpful to both my health and my study.) 一、听力测试 (一)听句子,选择与画面一致的选项。每组句子听一遍。(每小题1分) 1. A. Miss Wang is a good English teacher. She always makes English class so interesting. B. Miss Wang is a good math teacher. She always makes math class so interesting. C. Miss Wang is a good Chinese teacher. She always makes Chinese class so interesting. 2. A. The little girl likes dancing very much. B. The little girl likes writing very much. C The little girl likes drawing very much. 3. A. Tony always takes the bus to work every morning. B. Tony always walks to work every morning. C Tony always goes to work by bike every morning. 4. A. Can’t you see she is crying? She didn’t pass the English exam. B. Can’t you see she is very happy? She has passed the English exam. C. Can’t you see she is very excited? She has passed the English exam. (二) 听句子,选择适当的答语。每个句子听两遍。(每小题1分) 5. I had a good weekend at my sister’s. 6. I’m going to the post office. 7. How are you getting on at school? 8. I haven’t seen you for a long time, you look fine. 9. Which is your favorite vegetable? 10. What do you think of winter in Melbourne? (三)听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。对话和问题听两遍。(每小题1分) 11. M: The weather today is rather wet, isn’t it? W: Yes. But the radio says that it may stop raining later. Question, What’s the weather like today? 12. M: Have you ever been to the Great Wall? W: Yes, several times. Question, Has Lucy ever been to the Great Wall? 13. M: I planted fifteen trees today. What about you ? W: Fourteen. Question, How many trees did they plant today? 14. M: Excuse me, what day is it today? W: it’s Wednesday. Question, What day was it the day before yesterday? 15. M: How can I get to the zoo? W: Take bus No.1. There is a bus stop just over there. M: Thank you. Question, Which bus does he take? (四)听一段对话,选择正确答案。对话听两遍。(每小题1分) W: Hi, Frank! M: Hello, Kate! W: So, how was your weekend? M: Saturday wasn’t so great. I visited relatives all day. W: What a drag! M: Yes, but Sunday was great. W: Really? What did you do? M: Well, in the morning, I played tennis with my brother. In the afternoon, I went to the beach with my family and then we played soccer. W: Great. M: Yes, it was a nice day. Then in the evening I went to the movies with my friends. How about you, Kate? W: Well, my Sunday wasn’t as exciting as yours. In the morning I cleaned my room. M: That doesn’t sound like fun. W: It wasn’t. Then in the afternoon, I studied for a math test. M: What a drag! W: Yes. But the evening was more fun. M: How come? W: We had a party at my house. (五)听短文,用所听到的单词或短语完成表格。(每小题2分) The Water World Swimming Pool is open from 8:00 a.m to 7:30 pm. every day. There is a special low price for students with the student card. The price is one pound forty. But you must bring your student card with you . On Wednesday morning the pool is only open to mothers and babies. Please leave your older children at home on Wednesday mornings. ndThe New Water World Cafe is nearly finished. The Cafe will open on June 22. In the Cafe you can watch the swimmers or enjoy a drink after you swim. Thank you for calling and we look forward to seeing you at the Water World Swimming.
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