首页 2013考研英语作文5天只背1个万能押题模板考试必过



2013考研英语作文5天只背1个万能押题模板考试必过2013考研英语作文5天只背1个万能押题模板考试必过 2013考研英语作文5天只背1个万能押 题模板考试必过 篇一:2015年4月外语类新书目 2015年4月外语类新书目 目录 翻 译........................................................................................................................................... 1 语言 学....................

2013考研英语作文5天只背1个万能押 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 模板考试必过 2013考研英语作文5天只背1个万能押 题模板考试必过 篇一:2015年4月外语类新 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 目 2015年4月外语类新书目 目录 翻 译........................................................................................................................................... 1 语言 学....................................................................................................................................... 3 英 语........................................................................................................................................... 5 法 语......................................................................................................................................... 23 德 语......................................................................................................................................... 23 俄 语......................................................................................................................................... 24 日 语...................................................................................................... ................................... 25 世界文 学 ................................................................................................................................. 29 俄罗斯文 学 ............................................................................................................................. 29 日本文 学 ................................................................................................................................. 30 德国文 学 ................................................................................................................................. 36 美国文 学 ................................................................................................................................. 37 英国文 学 ................................................................................................................................. 41 法国文 学 ....................................................................................... .......................................... 43 翻译 题名 借鉴与开拓:多元系统翻译理论研究 翻译的共性与个性 交替传译实践教程,教师用书.上 交替传译实践教程,学生用书. 上 国际经贸口译 责任者 孙昌坤著 穆凤良著 主编戴惠萍 主编戴惠萍 吕昊编 著 谢建平, 出版社 索书号 山东大学出版社 H059/271 国防工业出版社 H059/273 上海外语教育出版社 上海外语教育出版社 H315.9/841 H315.9/842 武汉大学出版社 H315.9/843 笔译新视角:理论与实践 陈芙等编著 王振国, 国防工业出版社 H315.9/844 新汉英翻译教程,教师用书,Teacher's book 李艳琳编著 孙万彪编著 主编赵濂直 高等教育出版社 H315.9/845 上海外语教育出版社 中级翻译教程.第4版 英汉翻译实用教程.第2版 H315.9/324/2 清华大学出版社 H315.9/346/1 翻译之技与翻译之道,翻译家卷 阎晶明主编 主编吴玥璠, 熊鹰飞, 王森林 耿智, 萧立明著 主编王天安徽文艺出版社 H059-53/43 汉英翻译教程 武汉大学出版社 H315.9/850 英译汉技巧十论 实用英汉翻译教程 国防工业出版社 H315.9/851 国防工业出版社 H315.9/852 翻译之道:理论与实践:theory and practice.修订版 同声传译 翻译项 目管理 語学力ゼロで8ヵ国語翻訳できるナゾ:どんなビジネスもこの考え方ならうまくいく 翻译中的创造性叛逆与跨文化交际 语用翻译探索 润 曹明伦著 主编邹德艳 吕乐, 闫粟丽著 水野麻子 [著] 刘小刚著 李占喜著 上海外语教育出版社 国防工业出版社 国防工业出版社 講談社 南开大学出版社 暨南大学出版社 H059/145/A H315.9/853 H059/284 H059/R9 H059/286 H059/287 语言学 题名 西方语言学流派.第2版 外国语言文学研究 语音平面实验录 借鉴与开拓:多元系统翻译理论研究 北京高校语言文化建设研究 基于上下文仲裁的语义信息集成研究 外国语言文化论 让孩子有副好口才 翻译的共性与个性 Statistical analyses for language assessment 「話す」「書く」「聞く」能力が仕事を変える! 話し方の技術が面白いほど身につく本 语言逻辑悖论解析:考考你的智商 认知语言学与二语教学 Meaning in language:an introduction to semantics and pragmatics: 语义学与语用学导论.第3版 最实用的演讲与口才 别让不会说话害了你 Pragmatics in practice = 实用语用学 / 责任者 刘润清编著 北京第二外国语学院编 石锋著 孙昌坤著 贺宏志, 周建设主编 周建芳著 主编雷来富, 高风平, 杨淑侠 蒋成龙编著 穆凤良著 Lyle F. Bachman, Antony J. Kunnan 池上彰, 櫻井弘著 黄斌著 文秋芳等著 Alan Cruse 王阔编著 张勇编著 edited by Jan-Ola 出版社 外语教学与研究出版社 中国传媒大学出版社 北京语言大学出版社 山东大学出版社 首都师范大学出版社 中国地质大学出版社有限责任公司 西南交通大学出版社 郑州大学出版社 国防工业出版社 外语教学与研究出版社 PHP研究所 中経出版 中国社会科学出版社 外语教学与研究出版社 外语教学与研究出版社 中国文史出版社 江西人民出版社 索书号 H0-06/4 H0-53/83 H01/18 H059/271 H0-05/145 H030/76 H0-05/146 H019/381 H059/273 H09/173 H05/R17 H09/R5 H0-05/153 H0-05/154 H030/82 H019-49/244 H019-49/245 H030/83 Ostman, Jef Verschueren. (法) 弗朗西 心理档案 斯?雷卡纳蒂著 Michael Developing intercultural competence in practice = 在实践中培养跨文化能力 Byram, Adam Nichols, Shanghai Foreign Language Education H09/175 复旦大学出版社 H0-05/155 / 实用口才知识与技巧大全 翻译之技与翻译之道,翻译家卷 这绝不仅仅是客套话:揭示中国礼仪之邦最内涵的话 说谎 我能看穿你:一分钟破解他人肢体语言 马云口才课 汪涵的说话之道 正能量口才 口才圣经 翻译之道:理论与实践:theory and practice.修订版 翻译项目管理 語学力ゼロで8ヵ国語翻訳できるナゾ:どんなビジネスもこの考え方ならうまくいく 翻译中的创造性叛逆与跨文化交际 语用翻译探索 世界の言語入門 David Stevens编 ; 贾雪睿, 贾雪莱导读. 任宪宝主编 阎晶明主编 李宗厚著 宋师道编著 余林编著 丁慕涵编著 龙涛著 盛安之编著 曹明伦著 吕乐, 闫粟丽著 水野麻子 [著] 刘小刚著 李占喜著 黒田龍之助著 Press, 中国商业出版社 安徽文艺出版社 江苏人民出版社 台海出版社 成都时代出版社 江西人民出版社 南海出版公司 立信会计出版社 上海外语教育出版社 国防工业出版社 講談社 南开大学出版社 暨南大学出版社 講談社 H019-49/246 H059-53/43 H019-49/247 H026.3/45 H019-49/248 H019-49/251 H019-49/252 H019-49/253 H059/145/A H059/284 H059/R9 H059/286 H059/287 H0/R103 英语 题名 新概念英语自学导读 新概念英语语法手册 新概念英语练习详解 牛津英美文化词典:英汉双解版 全新版大学英语第二版快速阅读.第2版 新概念英语,练习册 四六级常考核心词组:新题型 TOEFL词汇词根+联想记忆法:乱序版 高等学校英语应用能力考试 (B级) 备考训练教程 考研英语完形填空与翻译纯技巧式解题10天多媒体课堂 新概念英语,一课一练.新1版 责任者 梁燕 主编何其莘 梁燕 主编Jonathan Crowther 总主编李荫华 (英) 亚历山 大, (英)金斯伯里, 何其莘合作编著 新东方考试研究中心编著 俞敏洪编著 主编丁菲, 杜立红 主编王诚明 ... [等] 于志强主编 出版社 外语教学与研究出版社 外语教学与研究出版社 外语教学与研究出版社 商务印书馆 上海外语教育出版社 外语教学与研究出版社 西安交通大学出版 社 西安交通大学出版社 北京理工大学出版社 中国海洋大学出版社 北京理工大学出版社 索书号 H31/576 H314-62/5 H319.6/56 H316/410 H319.4/3629 H319.6/49/1 H310.42/1687 H310.41/868/1 H310.42/1685 H310.421/318 H319.6/207 篇二:英语作文模板考研 使用说明: 1下面有序号的单词表明可以用附录列表中的单词进行替换。列表中的序号与上面的序号都是对应的。 2蓝色字体表明这一组单词可以替换。 3模板一下面的W表明的是可以用在最后一段表明中心思想的句子。 4三个模板最后一段标有??的句子表明一层,这三个模板的最后一段可以随便替换。 5不要使用原模板,将三个模板仔细研究后会发现三个模板的构 架,层次相似,将三个模板根据自己的习惯糅合为一个模板,单 词进行替换、层次从三个模板中抽取糅合、删改、但是大致思路 要和模板思路一样。最后用自己整理的模板去套历年真题,再根 据经验稍作修改,即可。 6这个模板不同于其他参考书的模板, 读了之后你会发现,思路为美式思路、单词为六级水平、句式变 换、标点丰富。里面有点题句、有例句、有例子,所留空为你自 己填写,但不要超过两句话。用心看一下这个模板,倘若你觉得 自己整理的模板比这个好,那大可不必使用,否则请用心使用, 那么你的作文分数应该会提升至少3分。 7此模板为启航最后秘制押题班所售,启航老师所写。 8里面倘若有打错的单词,请自行修改。 9此模板只适用于图画、图表作文。倘若大作文题型有变,请谨 慎使用。 第一个模板 第一段 What an impressive and instructive image it is! Featured in it is that 44131 ________.nothing can be so illuminating and fascinating as this drawing. Indeed, whoever in front of 11 it may be very much enlightened. //What on earth can be inferred from the above illustration ? 1 9 8 1 第二段 Studying it further,we can easily earn that what the illustrator actually aims to mirror is by no 1 10 11 means simple. It is indicative of a fairly familiar scene in our society for the time 112 16 being:______.______. //Can this be merely a coincidence? As can be apparently seen from the statistics released by Xinhua News Agency last December, 67 percent of the people ______ . //it21 should be noted, of course, that upsetting parallels are now available in nearly all walks of life. 15 16 1718 And similar stories frequently hit the headlines of the mass media. Looking around, we may find 16 such a scene is too numerous to list. //An acquaintance of mine may serve as a telling example. 16 20 She___________. 第三段 ?Taking into account all evidence offered above, we may reasonably reach the conclusion that23 24 2526 27 ________. ?The general public,fortunately , have been made aware that _______. ?China Youth Daily editor Zou Xin notes that the situation will improve so long as the authority and the 2128 citizens make concerted efforts to___ this phenomenon.? As Cao Lei,a 58-year-old sociologist of Nanjing Uniersity, puts it,“There bas to be coordination of the whole society. What is needed is a package deal.” 最后一段可加: W1.______should be given due attention, W2. Failure to realize the _____of such cases may inevitably give rise to dire consequences. W3 .Tne sooner we take effective and efficient actions, the better our life wil be. W4 .However much importance we attach to similar practices,it is far from enough. 模板二 第一段 How instructive and interesting the image above is! Indeed, few things could be more 4 1 philosophic and symbolic than this picture. What can be clearly seen in it is _______who_______._______. Simple as the above picture appears at first glance,its intended 1 6 7 meaning goes undoubtedly far-reaching. 第二段 What in the world does the diawing virtually attempt to mirror? In fact , the cartoon does carry 1 10 11 14 1 pretty important implications goes far beyond any reasonable dispute----______________.// It 12 13 7 should be observed, of course, that_____has played an indispensable role in nowadays society. //As can best be illustrated in terms of one of my former olleagues,who__________. 20 第三段 “However much importance we attach to______, it is far from enough,”contends Dr.Sun Yuan,a28 pioneer of behavioral studies of Xiamen University.? It is the responsibility of the government , the mass media and schools of all levels to take the lead in the campaign to______ such a phenomenon, awakening people to the _____of _____.? Meanwhile ,each individual should strive to serve as______to such hppenings. I am strongly convinced that only when we are equipped with______ can we achieve more progress and success in school an in life. 模板三 第一段 Noting could be more illuminating and enlightening than the above drawing. What is subtly portrayed 41 in it is that______.______. It is so striking and thought-provoking that whoever in front of it cannot 1 1 help being fascinated. How symbolic and philosophic it is! 8 4 第二段 What on earth does the illustrator really intend to communicate to us? However odd and absurd 10 115the picture may seen at first sight, it is apparently far more than a mere simple cartoon----it is a1 6 111 vivid reflection of a rather prevalent social phenomenon._________.__________. /Indeed, such a12 16 15 scene is not entirely a coincidence. The previous couple of years has witnessed a growing 16 incidence of similar events. It should be observed, of course, that such happening are now 16 1516 available in nearly all walks of life, and reports of similar stories are readily found in the mass 17 18 16 17 media. Nowhere in history has such a phenomenon been concerned so much as in our society 16 today. //As is revealed in a recent survey conducted by Chinese Academy of Social 22 Sciences,three-fifths of the youngsters are________. A convincing example occurring to me goes 19 to one of my acquaintances, who_______________. 20 第三段 What to do? Mch can be done. ?The government, fore and most, should serve as a_____, doing its utmost to_____ such a trend. ? Moreover, it is the responsibility of the mass media and schools of all16 levels to awaken the general public to the______ of such practices. ?Above all, the general public should be made aware that ________. There are good reasons to hope that__________. 最后一段可加: 1.Such an upsetting phenomenon will soon be ended or at least significantly reduced, and we will have a happy, healthy and harmonious society. 2.The society will soon be populated with such encouraging happenings, and our society will be more prosperous and harmonious. 附录列表: H1 promote/curb H2 a driving force/a counterbalance H3 severity/significance 1. 表格4种:chart graph table diagram 图画2种:drawing cartoon picture image;photo photograph picture image 2. subtly vividly clearly obviously apparently conspicuously 3. illustrated featured portrayed presented depicted described 4. symbolic philosophic impressive instructive interesting fascinating illuminating enlightening striking thought-provoking 5. simple funny odd absurd farfetched ridiculous 6. may look may seem may appear looks seems to be appears 7. intended meaning implication 8. interestedfascinated illuminated enlightened struck attracted 9. very much greatly 10. really actually virtually 11. aimintendattempt 12. fairlyprettyratherquitevery 13. importantsignificant 14. studying it further, we may find that________________. Indeed,___________________________________. That _________goes far beyond any reasonable disputethat_______________. It goes far beyond any reasonable dispute that_________________________. 15. it should be observed, of course,that____________________________. It should be noted, of course,that_________________________. Indeed,_________________________________________. In fact,_____________________________________. 16.scene phenomenon such a scene such a phenomenon such/similar scenes such/similar phenomenon such/similar events such/similar cases such/similar happenings such/similar practices such/similar stories 17.are now available can be readily found 18.in nearly all walks of life Anywhere in our neighborhood and around the world 19.a case in point a telling illustration a convincing example a typical example 20.an acquaintance of mine A colleague of time One of my acquaintances One of my former colleagues 21.Zhejiang University Fudan University Wuhan University Chinese Academy of Sciences 22.indicatesuggestreveal demonstrateshow 23. Given Judging fromTaking into account 24.evidenceargument 25. presentedoffered 26.safely reasonably 27. arrive at draw reach come to 28.notes arguescontendssays 29. significanceimportanceseverity 30. I am strongly convinced that________________. There are good reasons to hope that________________. 31.to begin with,_______________. What is more,_______________. Above all,__________________. 篇三:2012年考研英语作文模板及预测 2011年考研英语作文模板 小作文-书信类八大模板 Dear_______, I am ______ (自我介绍) .I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_____. The reason for my dissatisfaction is _______(总体介绍). In the first place,_______(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition, ___________(抱怨的第二个方面). Under these circumstances, I find it ________ (感觉)_______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). I appreciate it very much if you could _______(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求),and I would like to have this matter settled by ____(设定解决事情最后期限). Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely Li Ming Dear ______, I am ____________ (自我介绍). I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding_______.(要询问 的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ) First of all, what are ____________________?(第一个问题) Secondly, when will___________________?(第二个问题) Thirdly, is __________?(第三个问题) I would also like to inquire ________(将最重要的问题单独成段). Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects? Thank you for you kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely Li Ming Dear___________, I am writing to formally request to___________(请求的内容) The reason for_____is that______(给出原因).I_____, so I_____(给 出细节) I would also like to request______(提出进一步的要求). I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused. Thank you for your attention to these requests. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at _______(电话号码).I look forward to a favorable reply. Yours sincerely Li Ming 4:道歉信 Dear ___________, I am truly sorry that_________________________(道歉的原因). The reason is that_(介绍原因) Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. Yours sincerely Li Ming 5:感谢信 Dear______, I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________ (感谢的 原因). If it had not been for your assistance in ___________ (对方给 你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been_________(没有对方 帮助时的后果). Every one agrees that it was you who______________(给出细 节).Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude. Yours sincerely Li Ming Dear ___________, You have asked me for my advice with regard to _______, and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here. In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ____(建议的内容) I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details. Good Luck with your_______(祝愿) Yours sincerely Li Ming Dear Sir or Madam, I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in______(报纸名称)of______(广告发布时间). Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a_____(工作名称). In the one hand,______(第一个原因). On the other hand, _______(另一个原 因). Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at _______________(电话号码) Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you. Yours sincerely Li Ming Dear________, There will a ____(内容) at/in_____ (地点) on___ (时间). We would be honored to have you there with us. The occasion will start at ___________(具体时间). This will be followed by a _______(进一步的安排). At around______(时间), _______________(另一个安排) I really hope you can make it. RSVP before ___________(通知你的 最后期限) Yours sincerely Li Ming 大作文预测-环境类话题,教育话题(因材施教),道德话题, 模板一:图画作文 This illustration depicts_________ (图画中的人物)Ving, with_________(补充说明)。 Recently it has become common for people in many walks of life to___________(进一步阐释) It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _______(图画主题), which is __________(进一步的说明)。 He seems to be saying that________(给出细节)。 In my opinion, ___________(个人阐述)。 This simple picture is a wake up call for ______(所涉群体,如 the whole of the human race)。 Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to ________(问题所在)。 One the one hand, we must _________(建议一)。 It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _________(进一步说 明)。 On the other hand, _______(建议二) Only in this way can we___________(展望前景)。 模板二:图表作文 The chart gives us an overall picture of the ____________(图表主 题)。 The first thing we notice is that__________(图表最大特点)。 This means that as __________, ________(进一步说明)。 We can see from the statistics given that _______________(图 表细节一)。 After ving_________(细节一中的第一个变化), the _____Ved+幅度+时间(紧跟着的变化)。 The figures also tells us that____________(图表细节二)。 (数据位置,如In the second column), we can see that __________accounts for _______(进一 步描述)。 Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that___________(结论)。 The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that___________(给出原因)。 / It is high time that we Ved(发出倡议) 模板三:利弊型作文 Recently the issue of whether or not______(讨论话题) has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public. There are two major arguments that can be made for_________. For one thing, __________can bring ____ to_____________(优点一)。 For another, it is widely hold that people usually ____when __________(优点二)。 But we must not lose sight of the fact that there are also drawbacks to__________, among which are _____(列举缺点)。 For instance, it can be ______to ______(举例说明)。 In addition, many people find it ____(形容词)to ________(第二个缺点) When asked to __________, I tend to ____________. This is because I _________(原因一)。 Furthermore, ________(原因 二)。 Finally, ________(原因三)。 模板四:展望未来型 With the rapid advances of _____ in recent years, _____has______(引出现象)。 However, ______ has______, as________(提出问题)。 As a result, _____has ________(指出 影响)。 The effects _____ has produced on________ can be boiled down to two major ones. First , ________(影响一)。 More importantly, ______(影 响二)。 Hence, I believe that we will see a _______(提出展望) / Nevertheless, I do not think we will see a ______(或反面展望) There are numerous reasons why ______, and I would like to explore a few of the most important ones here. The first is that the more(比较级)_______, the more (比较级)。 In addition, we all agree that_________(第二个原因) 第一段可以是 The pictures above vividly describe +名词 第一段末句可以是 certain informative implication is revealed in the picture above. 第二段阐述可以是 noting can be compared with ... ...is not harmful or damaging. 第三段:提出些建议 It is important to take concrete measures to put this situation on hold .for one thing,...for another thing ... 表达自己的强烈看法: What an attractive scene it is! Why do they behave in this way? What can we say at seeing such pictures? 作者意图模板句: ?It is clear that the drawer wants to draw our attentions to „„. ?It is quite obvious that the drawer wishes to draw our attentions to „„. ?The drawer reminds us of a common social phenomenon. ?The phenomenon will bring a series of harmful consequences. ?It is obvious that the drawer of this picture wants to draw our attention towards „„. 原因解释模板句: ?The reasons why „„ can be listed as follows.(开头句) ?The reasons for this situation „„ can be listed as follows. (开头句) ?The problem can be analyzed from „„ perspectives. (开头句) ?In the first place, In the second place, Last but by no means the least, In the first place,(从三个方面来说明原因或解释现象 该三句为分述句) ?On the one hand, On the other hand,(从两个方面来说明原因或解释现象 该两句为分述句) ?To begin with, Second, Last but not the least / Third, (从三个方面来说明原因或解释现象 该三句为分述句) 双图画作文写作模式: 1、描述图画:首句进行,简练准确。 2、推导绘画者的意图:展开说此现象或此问题的表现,以此证明其引人注目或说此现象或问题产生的原因。 3、做出评论:不好的事情如何解决,好的事情如何进一步发展。 另附带说明一点:各位考研朋友考研从历年的考研英语真题中发现一点就是,历年考研英语真题大作文都具有这样一种模式:“现象或问题——原因解释——解决办法”,各位可以参照都历年 考研英语真题,相对照。 e.g.:1、描述两幅画 2、解释意思 3、指出产生该现象原因。 该模式也可以分解为四个步骤:本人强烈推荐在考试中运用该种 模式~~~ 结构为:1、描述图画 2、发表自己看法 3、指出该现象的原因 4、提出解决办法。 (描述图画)As is depicted by the two pictures, a sharp contrast is shaped between A and B. In the left drawing, A „„.However, in the right drawing, B „„. (开头) (表达自己强烈的看法)In my opinion, the reasons for this phenomenon come down to one essential point ——failure of both C and D. For one thing, C „„.For another, D „„.(段中) (指出该现象的原因)„„. (提出解决办法)In a word,to change the phenomenon described by the above pictures. a „„ in our current „„ is not only necessary urgent.(末尾) 图表作文写作模式: ?首段写作:长度适中,描述图表。 如果图表中出现了一个变量,三个数据,可以这样描述: From the chart, we can see that变量has increased from less that 数据to nearly数据and then to 数据. 如果图表中出现了二个变量,三个数据,可以这样描述: From the chart, we can see clearly that变量from数据to数据and then to数据, while变量from数据to数据and then to数据. ?第二段写作:解释原因。 主观原因:I believe that three reasons can account for this phenomenon. 主观之变体: Three reasons,I believe can account for this phenomenon. 客观原因:Several reasons can account for this phenomenon. ?第三段写作: a.令人担忧的问题,写出解决办法。 b.好的变化,写负面的影响/存在的问题,或者写未来的趋势/ 发?a href=“; target=“_blank” class=“keylink”>狗较颉?/p> 记住一点: 若是问题,则写办法;若 是好事,则写展望~ 开头段的常用核心句型: 1. The arguer may be right about„, but he seems to neglect (fail) to mention (takes into account) the fact that„ 2. As opposed to (Contrary to) widely (commonly / generally) held (accepted) belief (ideas / views), I believe (argue) that„ 3. Although many people believe that„, I doubt (wonder)whether the argument bears much analysis (close examination). 4. The advantages of B outweigh any benefit we gained from (carry more weight than those of / are much greater than) A. 5. Although it is commonly (widely / generally) held (felt / accepted / agreed) that„, it is unlikely to be true that„ 6. There is an element of truth in this argument (statement), but it ignores a deeper and more basic (important / essential) fact (reason) that„ 7. It is true that (True, / To be sure, / Admittedly,)„, but this is not to say (it is unlikely / it doesn?t follow / it doesn?t mean / it won?t be the case) that„ 8. The main (obvious / great) problem (flaw / drawback) with (in) this argument (view / remark) is that it is ignorant of (blind to) the basic (bare) fact that„ 9. It would be possible (natural / reasonable) to think (believe / take the view) that„, but it would be absurd (wrong) to claim (argue) that„ 10. In all the discussion and debate over„, one important (basic) fact is generally overlooked (neglected). 11. There is absolutely (in fact) no (every) reason for us to believe (accept / resist / reject) that„ 12. Logical (Valid / Sound) as this argument and I wholeheartedly agree with it, it appears insignificant (absurd) when„is taken into consideration (account). 13. To assume (suggest) that„is far from being proved (to miss the point). 14. A close (careful) inspection (examination / scrutiny) of this argument would reveal how flimsy (groundless /fallacious) it is. 15. On the surface (At first thought), it (this) may seem a sound (an attractive) suggestion (solution / idea), but careful weighing on the mind (on closer analysis / on second thought), we find that„ 16. Too much emphasis placed on (attention paid to / importance attached to)„may obscure (overlook / neglect) other facts„ 17. The danger (problem / fact / truth / point) is that„ 18. What the arguer fails to understand (consider / mention) is that„ 19. However just (logical / sound / valid) this argument may be, it only skims the surface of the problem. 20. Among the most convincing (important) reasons given (cited / offered / identified) by people for„, one should be stressed (emphasized / mentioned). 21. As far as I am concerned, however, I believe that„ 22. I believe that the title statement is valid because (of)„ 23. I agree with the above statement because I believe that„ 24. Although I appreciate that„, I cannot agree with the title statement. 25. There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of„ Those who object to„argue that„. But people who favor„, on the other hand, argue that„ 26. Currently (In recent years / In the past few years / For many years now), there is (has been) a(n) general (widespread / growing / widely held) feeling towards (concern over / attitude towards / trend towards / awareness of / realization of / illusion of / belief in)„ 27. Now it is commonly (widely / generally / increasingly) believed (thought / held / accepted/ felt / recognized / acknowledged) that„. But I wonder (doubt) whether„
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