首页 四川稻城亚丁旅游交通住宿攻略



四川稻城亚丁旅游交通住宿攻略四川稻城亚丁旅游交通住宿攻略 在川西深处有一个天堂般的地方,吸引着所有喜欢旅游、热爱户外的驴友们的目光,那就是最后的香格里拉——稻城亚丁,那里有圣洁美丽的雪域神山,那里有五彩斑斓的高山彩林,那里有连绵起伏的高寒草原、那里有秀美恬适的高山湖泊,更有丰富迷人的藏族风情,今天跟大家分享一下稻城亚丁旅游交通住宿情况。 交通 亚丁位于四川省甘孜州稻城县日瓦乡,外部交通主要是先到达稻城县,然后从稻城包车去日瓦乡亚丁风景区。稻城没有通飞机和火车的,乘坐飞机可以通过三个机场到达的,分别是:成都双流机场、康定机场、迪庆香格里拉...

四川稻城亚丁旅游交通住宿攻略 在川西深处有一个天堂般的地方,吸引着所有喜欢旅游、热爱户外的驴友们的目光,那就是最后的香格里拉——稻城亚丁,那里有圣洁美丽的雪域神山,那里有五彩斑斓的高山彩林,那里有连绵起伏的高寒草原、那里有秀美恬适的高山湖泊,更有丰富迷人的藏族风情,今天跟大家分享一下稻城亚丁旅游交通住宿情况。 交通 亚丁位于四川省甘孜州稻城县日瓦乡,外部交通主要是先到达稻城县,然后从稻城包车去日瓦乡亚丁风景区。稻城没有通飞机和火车的,乘坐飞机可以通过三个机场到达的,分别是:成都双流机场、康定机场、迪庆香格里拉机场。成都、康定、迪庆香格里拉均有汽车到达稻城。乘坐火车的游客就需要先到达成都,后经成都坐汽车到达稻城。通往稻城的公路状况不是很好,从成都到稻城的汽车夏季要一天左右到达,冬季需要两天才能到达,从成都自驾车前往稻城,过了雅安以后,公路状况就不好了,车速要控制在40-50公里左右。日瓦乡到亚丁风景区有一条公路,雨季的时候这条公路就没有用了,车子根本开不了,所以目前从日瓦乡到亚丁最好的方法就是骑马。近年来,景区对公路做了很大改进,景区内已经开通了观光电瓶车。 (1)飞机 亚丁所在的稻城县,稻城亚丁机场现在已经在建设中,计划在2013年通航,届时进入稻城会变得更便捷。现在乘坐飞机的游客,可以通过三个机场前往稻城的,分别是成都双流机场、康定机场、云南迪庆香格里拉机场。游客可以根据自己所在区域选择到达的机场,最多航班的肯定是成都机场,但是康定机场到达稻城是相对比较方便的,如果经济能力允许的a variety of connectors, supporting or providing temporary support. Lateral template installation, install a waterproof top bracing, clean the wall of debris, then install the template in place on the inside, the template is in place to ensure the template bottom line with the elastic edge of the template, template template control lines when the lines are not visible (parallel with the template invocation line 20 cm) check the template in place. Accessories must be inserted firmly, u-shaped card on the same seam should not be clamped in the same direction. D. support: templates in place immediately after the installation template supporting structure, initially adjust the verticality of the template, and then follow the advance reserved hole insert the bolt in the template. Wall bolts should be straight, interspersed with cable tension bolts, hard top. Pillar and bracing support surface should be flat pad solid, to have enough pressure area. Support should focus on for the steel cord. 3, and beam, and roof construction (1) main process: play axis, and elevation control line ? beam, and Board template support erection ? Latrun line installation beam end of pipe ? installation Liang Dimo, and brush off touch agent ? lashing beam steel ? beam steel hidden qualified ? installation beam side die and reinforcement ? Latrun line installation steel beams ? placed wood Fang ? tile multilayer Board ? template gap processing ? uniform brushing release Agent ? template pre check (2) construction points: a,. stay wall body template demolition Hou, 话,可以坐飞机到成都,然后经成都坐飞机到康定。 (2)火车 如果选择火车出行的驴友们,最好是坐火车到成都,成都火车站有往返全国各地的直达旅客列车,到达成都火车站以后,从火车站乘坐公交到成都旅游客运中心(新南门汽车站)。 (3)汽车 目前从省内到达稻城,最常见的交通就是汽车,稻城汽车站目前设有从稻城开往成都、雅安、康定及云南香格里拉的班车。每天14:00到20:00为售票时间,且只售次日票。从稻城开往成都、康定、云南香格里拉的班车,每天早上六点发车。而去理塘、乡城等短途不卖票,早上直接上车买票即可。 目前成都旅游客运中心(新南门汽车站)开通有从成都到稻城亚丁的直达大巴班车,每天早上10点准时发车,全程2天,行驶时间总共约为22个小时。其中第一天大约行驶8个小时到康定,当天于康定住宿,班车会停在康定汽车站,游客自行安排住宿。第二天行驶约14个小时,第二天早上约6点30分从康定出发,于雅江停车吃饭,下午5-7点左右到达稻城县汽车站。 从稻城开往成都的长途大巴班车,路上行驶两天时间,出发当晚住宿泸定。沿线各点到达时间分别为:早6:00从稻城出发,约13:00到达雅江(停留半个小时,乘客吃午饭),约下午14:00点到达新都桥,约20:30到达康定,约晚上22:00到达泸定,晚上住宿泸定。 从各地到过稻城的汽车时刻: 自驾 a variety of connectors, supporting or providing temporary support. Lateral template installation, install a waterproof top bracing, clean the wall of debris, then install the template in place on the inside, the template is in place to ensure the template bottom line with the elastic edge of the template, template template control lines when the lines are not visible (parallel with the template invocation line 20 cm) check the template in place. Accessories must be inserted firmly, u-shaped card on the same seam should not be clamped in the same direction. D. support: templates in place immediately after the installation template supporting structure, initially adjust the verticality of the template, and then follow the advance reserved hole insert the bolt in the template. Wall bolts should be straight, interspersed with cable tension bolts, hard top. Pillar and bracing support surface should be flat pad solid, to have enough pressure area. Support should focus on for the steel cord. 3, and beam, and roof construction (1) main process: play axis, and elevation control line ? beam, and Board template support erection ? Latrun line installation beam end of pipe ? installation Liang Dimo, and brush off touch agent ? lashing beam steel ? beam steel hidden qualified ? installation beam side die and reinforcement ? Latrun line installation steel beams ? placed wood Fang ? tile multilayer Board ? template gap processing ? uniform brushing release Agent ? template pre check (2) construction points: a,. stay wall body template demolition Hou, 从成都方向进入稻城亚丁 主要有北线和南线两条线路。南下进入稻城亚丁是指沿成雅高速公路到达雅安,再经过二郎山、泸定、康定、新都桥、雅江、理塘,最后到达稻城亚丁。 北上进入稻城亚丁是指从成都出发,沿成灌高速公路到达都江堰,再经过映秀、卧龙、巴郎山、小金、丹巴、八美、塔公、新都桥,在新都桥与南线交汇。 两条线路风光各异并各具特色。针对自驾出行,如时间允许,建议选择南进北出或北进南出,将两条线路风光尽收眼底。 成都至康定326km约六小时 康定到新都桥:74KM,行车约2小时,此路段可能会在修路。 新都桥到雅江:69KM,行车约2小时,此路段为柏油路面,路况不算太差,小车经过一些地方不小心会挂底盘。 雅江到理塘:135KM,行车约3:30小时左右,路况也一般,但沿途经过高海拔地区,基本都是在4400左右的山上行走。 理塘到稻城:148KM,行车约2:30小时左右,路况不错,柏油路面损坏不严重,所以整体感觉很舒服。 稻城至亚丁:110KM行车约3:30小时左右路况整体不错,日瓦近亚丁的时候路况有点差 云南方向进入稻城 目前从云南方向进入稻城亚丁有两条线路可供选择,其一是从中甸翻 a variety of connectors, supporting or providing temporary support. Lateral template installation, install a waterproof top brakik 沙巴旅游攻略 WWW.SABAHLVYOU.COM cing, clean the wall of debris, then install the template in place on the inside, the template is in place to ensure the template bottom line with the elastic edge of the template, template template control lines when the lines are not visible (parallel with the template invocation line 20 cm) check the template in place. Accessories must be inserted firmly, u-shaped card on the same seam should not be clamped in the same direction. D. support: templates in place immediately after the installation template supporting structure, initially adjust the verticality of the template, and then follow the advance reserved hole insert the bolt in the template. Wall bolts should be straight, interspersed with cable tension bolts, hard top. Pillar and bracing support surface should be flat pad solid, to have enough pressure area. Support should focus on for the steel cord. 3, and beam, and roof construction (1) main process: play axis, and elevation control line ? beam, and Board template support erection ? Latrun line installation beam end of pipe ? installation Liang Dimo, and brush off touch agent ? lashing beam steel ? beam steel hidden qualified ? installation beam side die and reinforcement ? Latrun line installation steel beams ? placed wood Fang ? tile multilayer Board ? template gap processing ? uniform brushing release Agent ? template pre check (2) construction points: a,. stay wall body template demolition Hou, 大、小雪山,经过乡城县直接进入稻城,其二是从中甸经奔子栏,绕道得荣,再经过乡城,最后到达稻城。 绕道得荣相对于直接从中甸到乡城,多出100公里路,但这条线路况相对好一些,全程以柏油路为主,只有30公里碎石路面。自驾游客需从自身车况及时间计划等多方面进行权衡。 景区交通 (1)汽车 景区电瓶车,从2009年5月2日起,亚丁景区内电瓶车试运行,从冲古寺到洛绒牛场。 景区观光车,2010年景区环保公交车开通,营运线路从香格里拉乡(日瓦)亚丁游客中心至景区龙龙坝,往返约75公里。景区观光车开通之后所有游客车辆、非公务车辆等都不能进入景区,游客需购票乘坐观光车进出景区。 (2)租车 从稻城县城到亚丁自然保护区分成两段:从县城到日瓦乡,从日瓦乡到亚丁村、冲古寺。从县城到日瓦乡约有七十四公里路,出县城过了色拉村后是盘山的羊肠土路,晴天时尘土飞扬。在县城租车到日瓦乡,车型只有北京吉普?以约定司机回程时来接,也可以在日瓦乡找回程车或找本地车送回县城。途中经过两座寺庙,一座在过了色拉村后的对面半山,经舍在阳光下泛着耀眼的白光,另一座在半途的贡岭区,就是著名的贡岭寺,亚丁的冲古寺便属其辖下。 骑马 从日瓦到亚丁已经修好过一条短命的公路,但是雨季一到就不复存在a variety of connectors, supporting or providing temporary support. Lateral template installation, install a waterproof top bracing, clean the wall of debris, then install the template in place on the inside, the template is in place to ensure the template bottom line with the elastic edge of the template, template template control lines when the lines are not visible (parallel with the template invocation line 20 cm) check the template in place. Accessories must be inserted firmly, u-shaped card on the same seam should not be clamped in the same direction. D. support: templates in place immediately after the installation template supporting structure, initially adjust the verticality of the template, and then follow the advance reserved hole insert the bolt in the template. Wall bolts should be straight, interspersed with cable tension bolts, hard top. Pillar and bracing support surface should be flat pad solid, to have enough pressure area. Support should focus on for the steel cord. 3, and beam, and roof construction (1) main process: play axis, and elevation control line ? beam, and Board template support erection ? Latrun line installation beam end of pipe ? installation Liang Dimo, and brush off touch agent ? lashing beam steel ? beam steel hidden qualified ? installation beam side die and reinforcement ? Latrun line installation steel beams ? placed wood Fang ? tile multilayer Board ? template gap processing ? uniform brushing release Agent ? template pre check (2) construction points: a,. stay wall body template demolition Hou, 了。目前前往亚丁的办法还是骑马,这一段山路十分漂亮,约有三十公里。骑马前往约需七个小时,连路上饮马休息的时间。基本是每牲口一马夫,驮行李的也不例外。回程时稍快些,约是六小时(下坡路)。山路险峻,崎岖难行,不时要下马步行一段险路。但是马道一直沿着一条湍急的溪流而行,山高林深,清水流碧,秋天是黄红的树木点缀其间,春天时百花开遍,都是难得的天然妙景。 到亚丁其实是到冲古寺,远远地可以见到远处山下的亚丁村。从冲古寺还可以骑马往更高山上的络绒牛场,那里有三座神山夹峙,空旷宁静。冲古寺往牛场单程时间为两小时,约十公里。还可以再往上去看五色海、牛奶海等小的高山湖泊。 住宿 去亚丁旅游,住宿大致可以分三个区域,稻城县城、日瓦乡、亚丁保护区。稻城县城有各式酒店、青年旅舍等。日瓦有绿野亚丁招待所,天使宾馆,亚丁教育宾馆,三圣如意可供游人住宿。,还有很多青年旅舍,如稻城国际青年旅舍、稻城高原客栈青年旅馆、亚丁青年旅舍登巴客栈都是很多户外驴友的最佳选择。 亚丁自然保护区内有四个帐篷营地可供游人住宿,接待能力仅450人左右。去年国庆、今年五一,景区就发生了限制游客人数流量的事件(只针对散客),很多游客因此只能滞留在日瓦等待,请各位自助旅游者要格外注意。 a variety of connectors, supporting or providing temporary support. Lateral template installation, install a waterproof top brakik 沙巴旅游攻略 WWW.SABAHLVYOU.COM cing, clean the wall of debris, then install the template in place on the inside, the template is in place to ensure the template bottom line with the elastic edge of the template, template template control lines when the lines are not visible (parallel with the template invocation line 20 cm) check the template in place. Accessories must be inserted firmly, u-shaped card on the same seam should not be clamped in the same direction. D. support: templates in place immediately after the installation template supporting structure, initially adjust the verticality of the template, and then follow the advance reserved hole insert the bolt in the template. Wall bolts should be straight, interspersed with cable tension bolts, hard top. Pillar and bracing support surface should be flat pad solid, to have enough pressure area. Support should focus on for the steel cord. 3, and beam, and roof construction (1) main process: play axis, and elevation control line ? beam, and Board template support erection ? Latrun line installation beam end of pipe ? installation Liang Dimo, and brush off touch agent ? lashing beam steel ? beam steel hidden qualified ? installation beam side die and reinforcement ? Latrun line installation steel beams ? placed wood Fang ? tile multilayer Board ? template gap processing ? uniform brushing release Agent ? template pre check (2) construction points: a,. stay wall body template demolition Hou,
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