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高中英语疑难句子100句经典高中英语疑难句子100句经典 1. Lucy Liu,conquered the hearts of western viewers by being confident,not just about looks,but also about what she is——strong,smart and sexy.刘玉玲以她的自信征服了西方观众,这种自信不仅仅来自她的容貌,还有她自己身上的一些特质——健康,聪明和性感。 2.Some work to help to pay their school cost;o...

高中英语疑难句子100句经典 1. Lucy Liu,conquered the hearts of western viewers by being confident,not just about looks,but also about what she is——strong,smart and sexy.刘玉玲以她的自信征服了西方观众,这种自信不仅仅来自她的容貌,还有她自己身上的一些特质——健康,聪明和性感。 2.Some work to help to pay their school cost;others work to get knowledge in the jobs;still others work just to enjoy themselves.有的(学生)工作是为了有助于付学费,有的工作是为了在工作中获得知识;还的有工作只是为了玩得高兴。 3.The exact cause of depression remains unclear.引起忧郁症确切原因还没有查明。 4.Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad ,he sold them at half price .他将这些蔬菜半价卖掉,而不是让其乱掉。 5.By agreement,this is the point where a new day begins.根据 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ,这是新一天开始的地方。 6.There was a very large cross through each of my answers,and so it was with everyone else’s in our class.我的每题 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 上都有一把大叉,我们班上其他人也一样。 7.So why none of us noticed that there had never been such an animal and how could we expect good marks for the incorrect answers? 我们都未注意到过去从未有这样一个动物,我们怎能期望不正确的答案有好的分数呢?8.Pasted inside the passport is the traveler’s picture.旅行者相片粘贴在护照里面。9.If we change one part of the nature order,this will in (its)turn almost certainly bring about changes in some other part. 如果我们改变了自然界规则的一个部分,那么这转而会带来其他某个部分的改变。10.Trees protect man from the terrible heat and are also useful in preventing good and rich top soil from being washed away during heavy rains,which are so common in the tropics(热带地区)。树林保护人类免受太阳的炙烤,在阻止肥沃土壤在大雨中不被冲走方面也是有用的,这在热带地区相当普遍。 11.Little cars which are powered by gas will go 45 kilometers before needing to stop for more gas.用汽油提供动力的小汽车在必须停止加汽油前会行驶45公里。12.Since Ford’s time,the way of producing cars in large numbers has become common in industry and has reduced the price of many goods which would otherwise be very expensive.自从福特时代以来,这种大量生产汽车的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 在工业方面变得很普遍,从而降低了许多商品的价格,否则会相当昂贵。 13.They tried new recipes(配方),changing the kind and amount of flour used. 他们试验了许多新的配方,改变所使用的面粉的种类和数量。 14.Each glacier(冰川)was a thick sheet of ice and snow that spread out from a center near what is now Hudson Bay in Canada.每个冰川是一种很厚的冰雪层,这些冰雪层是从靠近加拿大境内现在称之为哈得逊湾的一个中心散布出来的。 15.He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wire. 他注意到一条缠绕在那根电线的蛇的遗迹。 16.They never thought their president would serve his honored guests poison apples (tomatoes)。他们从未想到他们的总统会用“毒苹果”(西红柿)招待他的贵宾。 17.Beans looked much/exactly the same as gold in terms of colour. 豆子就颜色而言,看上去就和黄金一样。18.With a long history,bean curd is rooted deep in Chinese culture.豆腐有悠久的历史,深深地扎根于中国的文化。 19.He tired one coffee and experienced the “wide-awake”(彻底清醒的)feeling that one third of the world’s population now starts the day with. 他试着喝了一杯咖啡,经历一种彻底清醒的感受,而现在世界上三分之一的人口都用喝咖啡开始新的一天。20. I feel very excited at the thought that in another week I’ll be with you again on holiday.一想到再过一个星期我将再和你一起度假,我感到很兴奋。 21.If only I could take a trip around the world.(As long as I could take a trip around the world)。要是我能够环游世界该多好啊! 22.It has been proved that an old person who has always been active in the mind has a quicker mind than a young person who has only some physical work without using much of his brain.现在已经证明,一个思想总是很活跃的老人比一个只干体力活而不大动脑子的年轻人,思想反应快一些。 23.In this forest there are more or less 15 kinds of snakes,of which 5 are extremely dangerous.在这片森林,有大约15种蛇,其中5种极其危险。 24.Indoor exercises,however,are never as helpful as those taken out of doors in pure,fresh air.然而,室内锻炼,决没有在有纯而新鲜的空气的室外有益。 25.Your body is of as much importance as your mind. 你的身体跟你的思想一样很重要。 26.You’ll never be better than you were tonight,that is,you won’t make any improvement in future.你将不会超出你今晚的表现,也就是,你今后不会取得任何进展。 27.Is it necessary to take off our shoes when we enter the lab? 当我们进入试验室时,有必要脱掉我们的鞋子吗? 28.The rent of a color set is more than twice that of a black and white set. 彩色电视机的租金是黑白电视机的租金的两倍多。 29.The bird tried to fly in the same direction as that taken by his outdoor cousins.这个小鸟尽力朝着户外小鸟选择的方向飞翔。 30.They kept it quiet that president was murdered.他们对总统被谋杀的事情保密。 31.Since 1840,American presidents elected in years ending in zero have been destined(命中注定)to die in office. 自从1840年以来,在以零结尾的年代当选的总统命中注定执政期间死亡。 32.A hot line is a telephone line that offers a direct way of getting in touch with advisers.热线是一种电话,它能提供一种直接与咨询者联系的方式。 33.It gives everyone space to develop better relationships. 它能给大家提供发展良好的关系的空间。 34.It can help your body grow strong to take care of what you eat. 留心你所吃的东西,能有助于你的身体长得健壮。 35.Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health. 有一个好的饮食习惯,加上一些锻炼,是你保持健康的关键。 36.That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. 食物与疾病有联系的这个事实不是一个新发现。 37.In addition to teaching here,I also teach out at the community college in Henderson,17 miles down the freeway from where I live. 除了在这儿上课,我还在汉德森一所社区大学任教,那儿沿着高速公路离我家17英里。 38.A large hotel,which can put up three or four hundred guests,has a great responsibility.一个能够给三、四百游客提供食宿的大旅馆有很大的责任感。39.Do some people take their responsibilities a little too seriously?(含责备语气)一些人把他们的责任看得过于认真了一点吧? 40.Though there was no man to see any of the fights,we can be told by the animal’s footprints(足迹)that fight did take place.尽管没有人看到(恐龙)争斗的场面,但我们可以通过这种动物确实发生过争斗留下的足迹来判断。 41.That old bridge is anything but safe.那座旧桥一点也不安全。 42.A choice was soon made and they went away satisfied. 很快作出一种选择,他们离开时很满意。 43.The thin shoes he wore had a few holes in them they did a poor job of keeping out the cold.他脚上的一双薄鞋穿了几个洞,一点都不保暖。 44.The power of words,then lies in their connections ——the things they bring up before our minds,in other words,the real power of words mainly lies in their joining of ideas in mind.单词的力量在于它们和事物的联系,即单词在我们思考之前所提出的东西,换句话说,单词的真正力量主要在于它们将我们头脑里的观点表达出来。 45.Looking for something less dangerous to throw,the Egyptians made what were probably the first ball. 寻找可以扔掷的不危险的东西,埃及人制造了当时可能是第一个球。 46.Try to grasp what the writer is going to tell you in the book as a whole. 尽力从整体上把握作者在 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 里要告诉你的东西。 47.Through correcting the mistakes,you can do better in learning a language. 通过更正错误,你能在学习一门语言方面做得更好。 48.Being caught in the fog ,people felt their way along the walls of houses with one hand,while they put out the other in front of them so as not to knock against something or somebody.在遭遇到雾时,人们用一只手沿着房子的墙壁摸索着前进,同时在他们前方伸出另一只手以便不撞着某东西或某个人。 49.By building a dam instead of new coal plants to meet its growing demand for electricity,China will give off much less poisonous gases into the air.通过修建大坝而不是新的煤电厂,来满足本国对电力的需求,中国将释放更少的有毒气体到空中。 50.The Three Gorges Dam could be considered,when it is finished in 2009,a new eighth wonder of the world as to size alone. 当三峡大坝2009年竣工时,单就面积而言,它可能称得上一个新的世界第八个奇迹。 51.There was an international agreement that states that the ships of all nations could use the canal in peacetime and wartime. 有一个国际协议,声明所有国家的船舶能在和平期间和战争期间使用这条运河。 52.It was probably those visits that did more than anything else to convince Martin.想来一定是那几次拜访起了作用,比其他任何劝告都管用,让马丁意识过来。53.Not only did the people name a planet after Saturn but they also name a day of the week after him.人们不仅根据塞特恩给一颗行星命名,而且给一个周日命名。54.These plants are referred to as cover crops plant life of an area. 这些植物作为植被,被提及到。 55.A US tourist who is suffering from the fatal disease Aids was flown from China early yesterday. 一个患有致命疾病艾滋病的美国游客昨天早些时候坐飞机从中国离开。 56.How Disney treats people,communicates with them,rewards them,is in my view the very reason for his fifty years of success. 迪士尼对待员工,与他们交流以及奖赏他们的方式,在我看来,正是他五十年成功的原因。 57.Sometimes he seemed to break them apart and throw the pieces in our faces,that is,things in some of his pictures seemed to be in disorder. 有时他绘画时似乎脱离了他所要表达的主题,当着我们的面将撕成的碎片扔掉,也就是,他的一些画里面的东西似乎处于混乱状态。 58.Words are much more easily changed when used again and again in speech than when copied in writing. 在说话中反复使用的单词,比起在书写中抄写的单词,更容易变化。 59.A voyage can be like a mirror held up to modern life with all its variety. 一次航海好像一面高高挂起的镜子,可以反映纷繁多彩的现代社会。 60.It also deals with some modern social problems worth our consideration. 它也论述了一些值得我们考虑的现代社会问题。 61.The fly which Chaplin didn’t kill was not the one which had rested on his nose.卓别林没有杀死的那只苍蝇不是先前停留在他鼻子上的苍蝇。 62.A higher reading rate,with no loss of comprehension,will help you in other subjects,as well as in English,and the general principle(原则)apply to any language.有较高的阅读速度,又不影响理解,会在其他的学科,包括英语在内,对你有帮助,这个总体原则适用于任何一门语言。 63.Canadian English has always remained very like American English,and the influence of the Indian and Inuit languages was no greater than the influence of French.加拿大英语总是很像美国英语,印第安人和因纽特人的语言对加拿大英语的影响跟法语对其影响一样小。 64.The air we breathe in supplies the oxygen that is necessary for keeping every part of the body alive,And the brain,which itself controls breathing,is the first to suffer if oxygen is lacking. 我们呼进的空气提供了氧气,这对于我们身体各个部位保持活力是必要的,如果缺氧的话,那么本身控制呼吸的大脑是第一个受苦的。 65.The employees they once considered as young,selfish and uncomfortable turn out to be responsible,energetic team players.曾经被认为是年轻的、自私的、使人感到不愉快的那些雇员结果证明是有责任的,精力充沛的团体成员。 66.It wasn’t because his mother didn’t care,or try,there just never seemed to be enough.并不是他的母亲没在意,也不是她没去努力,但生活总是捉襟见肘。67.What the family lacked in money and material things,they more than made up for in love and family unity. 虽然这个家庭在金钱和物质上是那么的缺乏,但是家庭成员间的关爱与和睦弥补了这一切。 68.What was required of a teacher never went beyond “reading,writing and adding.”一个老师所要求具备的知识决不会超出只会“读、写、加”这个水平。 69.If I were to live a hundred years and write novels in each,I should never be so proud of any of them as I am of the novel.如果我活一百岁而且每年写很多小说,我也不会象对这本小说感到骄傲那样对它们当中任何一本感到骄傲。 70.It’s a widely-held view that the kind of conscience(良心、道德心,是非观念) you have depends almost entirely on the way you were brought up in the first few years of your life.普遍认为你所具有的良心总是完全取决于你人生早期阶段接受抚养教育的方式。71.The WTO,founded on January 1995,aims to encourage international trade to flow(develop)as freely as possible,making sure that trade agreements are respected and that any disputes can be settled.世贸组织,创建于1995年1月,旨在鼓励国际贸易尽可能自由地发展,确保贸易协议得到尊重,任何争端得以解决。72.Never before has anyone felt so wealthy as Bobby felt at that moment.此刻,波比觉得世界上没有人比他更富有了。73.You are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms.你们普遍支持家庭农场而不是大型 农场。74.She visits me more often than not.她经常拜访我。 75.When I looked at him,I saw myself,many years ago. I too was a boy with nothing to buy my mother a Christmas gift.当我看到他时,就好像看到了很多年前的自己,当时我也是一个穷孩子,连为妈妈买圣诞礼物的钱也没有。 76.He did so much more from caution(谨慎)than from a certain fear. 他这么做更多地出于谨慎而不是某种恐惧。 77.I was lonely,imprisoned in a world of my own,unable to communicate with others,cut off,separated from them as though a glass wall stood between my existence and theirs,pushing me hard beyond the circle of their lives and activities. 我被孤零零地禁锢在自己残疾的世界里,无法和人交流,与世隔绝,就好象在我和外部世界之间存在着一堵玻璃墙,我被狠狠地甩在他们的生活圈子之外。 78.He knew better than to lend her some money.他对她太了解了不至于给她借钱。 79.Their knowledge of organic food is far from complete.他们对于有机食品的了解远不完整。80.what deserves to be valued more than grades is the free thinking 、the imaginative and the inventive.理应值得重视的,不是分数,而是自由思考,想象力和和创新精神。81.If you think other than logically,you will draw a wrong conclusion.如果你不符合逻辑地思考问题,你会得出错误的结论。 82.He would rather die than give in.他宁愿死也不屈服。 83.I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.我宁愿呆在家里,也不出去。 84.His handwriting is no better than mine.他的书法跟我的书法一样差。 85.You can no more swim than I can fly.你不能游泳,就跟我不能飞一样。 86.Sunlight is no less necessary than fresh air to a healthy condition of body. 阳光跟新鲜的空气一样,对于身体的健康是必要的。 87.I might as well have kept on spying for all the quiet I get in this house. 我还是最好不断地监视我在这个房子所获得的所有这一切宁静。 88.There are no secret towers from which to spy on the enemy.没有秘密的塔,可以从那里监视敌人。89.The people is to the people’s army what water is to fish.军民关系犹如鱼和水的关系。90.Her mistakes in the composition are no fewer than yours.她在作文中的错误跟你的一样多。91.I really liked the character and when I heard that Jackie Chan was going to be in it,I nearly had a heart attack.我真的很喜欢这个角色,当我听到可以和心中的偶像(成龙)一起拍戏时,我的心都快跳出来了。 92.All happy families are like one another;each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.所有幸福的家庭都十分相似,而每个不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。 93.We reached our new home about the time/day the state came into the Union.我们 到达我们的新家,大约是国家形成联邦的时候。 94.He sat in front of him,dressed in a plain,ill-fitting suit,never moving,his dusty face masking(掩盖)his age.他坐在他的前面,穿着一套朴素的,不合身的衣服,一动不动,他粘满灰尘的脸掩盖了他的年龄。 95.Few things are impossible in themselves;and it is often for want of will,rather than of means,that man fails to succeed.事情很少有根本做不成的;其所以做不成,与其说是条件不够,不如说是决心不够。 96.A good reader is one who can read beyond the lines,seeing ideas undeclared through the words,and one who can bridge the gap between the obvious and the suggested,thus obtaining much more information. 一个优秀的读者,能够不局限于语言文字,能通过语言文字读懂其内在的含义,能够把握明显的信息和隐含的信息之间的联系,从而获取更多信息。 97. But now that we have grown used to moving forward at such a pace we can be less sure.但是现在我们不能确信我们已经习惯于以这么快的速度向前发展。98. There are things people accept less the more you defend them. 有些事情,你越为之辩护,人们越不接受。 99. No price is too low or too high for everything,but a price I must have for everything,we are now ready to begin,and we do so with Number one. 对于所有这些东西,价格不能太低或太高,但我必须对这些东西有一个价格,我们现在准备开始(拍卖),从第一号开始。 100. For this chest,any advance on one pound now?One pound I’m bid (叫价), Do I hear two?Going at one pound then.对于这个箱子,在一英磅的基础上还有加的吗?我叫价一英磅,我听见有两英磅吗?那么就一英磅买走吧。
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