首页 滑盖手机常用英语词汇



滑盖手机常用英语词汇滑盖手机常用英语词汇 首先我们来看看Menu(菜单),你会看到以下的一些常见选项(具体名称因手机厂商和型 号的关系会有不同):Message(信息)、Call Register(通话记录)、Phone book(通迅录)、 Settings (设置)、Organiser(事务管理)、Games(游戏)、Applications(应用)、Extras(附 加功能)、Connectivity(数据联通)等等。 先进入第一项Messages来认认单词吧: 选择Select进入,我们会看到这样的一些目录: Text...

滑盖手机常用英语词汇 首先我们来看看Menu(菜单),你会看到以下的一些常见选项(具体名称因手机厂商和型 号的关系会有不同):Message(信息)、Call Register(通话 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 )、Phone book(通迅录)、 Settings (设置)、Organiser(事务管理)、Games(游戏)、Applications(应用)、Extras(附 加功能)、Connectivity(数据联通)等等。 先进入第一项Messages来认认单词吧: 选择Select进入,我们会看到这样的一些目录: Text messages (文字信息) 1. Creat message (新建信息) 2. Inbox (收件箱) 3. Creat SMS e-mail (新建电子邮件) 4. Sent items (已发信息) 5. Saved items (已存信息) 6. Achive (存档文件夹) 7. Templates (范本) 8. My folders (个人文件夹) 9. Distribution lists (收信人列表) 10. Delete messages (删除信息) 第2个Multimedia msgs. (多媒体信息)内的菜单和上面差不多就不多说了。其余和短消息 有关的词汇还包括: Chat(room) (聊天室) Voice messages (语音信息) Info Messages (广播信息) Message settings (信息设置) Service commands (网络命令编辑器) 第二项Call register (通话记录)是和通话有关的一些英文词汇及其汉语对照,大家依次看 下去基本上就动能对号入座了: Missed calls (未接来电) Received calls (已接来电) Dialed numbers (已拨电话) Delete recent call lists (删除最近记录) Call duration (通话计时) Call costs (通话计费) GPRS data counter (GPRS计数器) are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network GPRS connection timer (GPRS 计时器) 第三项Phone book (通迅录)中最常见的命令如下: Search (查找) Add name (增加姓名) Edit name (修改姓名) Delete (删除) Copy (复制) Settings (设置) Speed dials (单键拨号) My numbers (本手机号码) Caller groups (号码分组) 诺基亚给情景模式起了个对应的英文Profiles,感觉不太好,还不如用Tone Mode好一些。 不过我们常会使用的一些选项估计大家都知道: General ( 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ) Silent (无声) Meeting (会议) Outdoor (户外) 接下来在Settings (设置)中我们会看到一些这样的英文单词: 1. Personal shortcuts (个人快捷键操作) 1). Right selection key (右选择键) 2). Select to options (选择捷径操作) 3). Organise Go to options (组织捷径操作) 2. Time and date settings (时间和日期设置) 3. Call settings (通话设置) 1). Call divert (呼叫转移) 2). Anykey answer (任意键接听) 3). Automatic redial (自动重拨) 4). Speed dialing (单键拨号) 5). Call waiting (呼叫等待) 6). Summary after call (通话 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ) 7). Send my caller identity (发送本手机号) are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 8). Line for outgoing calls (用户拨出号码) 4. Phone settings (手机设置) 1). Language (语言) 2). Automatic keyboard (自动键盘锁) 3). Cell info display (小区信息显示) 4). Welcome note (开机问候语) 5). Network selection (网络选择)àAutomatic (自动) 6). Confirm SIM service actions SIM更新提示 7). Help text activation 帮助信息显示 on/off 8). Start-up tone (开机铃声) 5. Display settings (显示设置) 1). Wallpaper (壁纸) 2). Colour schemes (颜色模式) 3). Operator logo (网络标志) 4). Screen saver timeout (屏保启动时间) 5). Display brightness (屏幕亮度) 6. Tone settings (提示音设置) 1). Incoming call alert (响铃方式) A. Ringing (连续响铃) B. Ascending (渐强) C. Ring once (响铃一次) D. Beep once (蜂鸣) E. Off (关) 2). Ringing tone (铃声选择) 3). Ringing volume (铃声音量) 4). Vibrating alert (震动模式) on/off 这个词vibrate大家一定要学会,好多人一想用英语表达自己的手机处于震动状态下就不会 说了,这回应该记住了吧。:) 5). Message alert tone (信息提示音) 6). Keypad tones (按键音)on/off are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 7). Warning tones (警告音)on/off 7. Alert for (优先号码组)all calls/Family/VIP/Friends/Business 8. Accessory settings(附件设置) 1). Headset (耳机) 9. Security settings (保密设置) 1). PIN code request (开机PIN码) 2). Call barring service (呼叫限制) 3). Fixed dialing (固定拨号)on/off 4). Closed user group (封闭用户组) 5). Security level (保密项) 6). Access codes (密码功能) 10. Restore factory settings (恢复出厂设置) 另外我们还会经常使用的手机功能就是Alarm Clock (闹钟),那些晚睡早起的朋友每天都要Set alarm time (设置闹钟时间)吧,:) 其余的一些功能及其对应词汇在下面一并列出,看到不会的就不妨记一记: Gallery (多媒体资料) 1. View folders (查看文件夹) 2. Add folder (增加文件夹) 3. Delete folder (删除文件夹) 4. Rename folder (重新命名文件夹) 5. Gallery services (多媒体资料服务) Organiser (事务管理器) 1. Calendar (日历/万年历) 2. To-do list (notebook) (代办事项/记事簿) Games (游戏) Extras (附加功能) 1. Calculator (计算器) 2. Countdown timer (定时器) 3. Stopwatch (秒表) 4. Wallet (电子钱包) are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network Connectivity (数据联通) 1. Infrared (红外) 2. GPRS Service (上网服务) 1. Home (主页) 2. Bookmarks (书签) 3. Service inbox (服务信箱) 4. Settings (设置) 5. Go to address (选择地址) 6. Clear the cache (清除缓冲存储) 这里再为大家介绍一些与手机技术相关的英语词汇,希望对大家有用: bluetooth:蓝牙技术(无线耳机接听) Wi-Fi:wireless Fidelity 无线保真(即“小灵通”所采用的技术) Hi-Fi: High Fldelity 高保真 3-G:Generation Three 第三代 PHS:Personal Handyphone System 个人手提移动电话系统 Walkie-Talkie:步话机 Gotone:全球通 GPS:Global Positioning System 全球定位系统 Monternet:Mobile+Internet 移动梦网 GPRS:General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线业务 SMS:Short Message Service 短信服务 MMS:Multi-media Messaging Service 多媒体信息服务 SIM卡:Subscriber Identity Module 客户身份识别卡 GSM:Global System For Mobile Communications 全球移动通信系统 WAP:Wireless Application Protocol 无线应用 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 (即使手机具有上网功能) PAS:Personal Access System 个人接入系统(如“小灵通”) CDMA:Code Division Multiple Access 码多分址 pre-paid Phone Card:储值卡 Roaming:漫游 Voice Prompt:语音提示 WLANs:Wireless Local Area Networks 无线局域网 DV:Digital Video 数码摄像机 3-D:Three-Dimension 三维 LCD:Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示 are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network
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