首页 国有企业工会工作存在的问题及对策



国有企业工会工作存在的问题及对策国有企业工会工作存在的问题及对策 社会主义市场经济有着许多与以往不同的特点和变化。随着社会主义市场经济的不断深入,国有企业的改革、改组、改制,企业内部产业结构、组织结构和队伍结构的大幅度调整,形成了新型国有企业。新型国有企业的建立和不断增多,使社会劳动关系发生了一系列新的变化。尤其是近年来,随着世界经济一体化进程的加剧,我国经济全面与国际接轨,劳动关系也将打破地域、疆域的界限,呈现出国际一体化。这些变化的反映和解决,不仅关系到企业的发展,同时也关系着我国的社会和政治稳定。如何把新型国有企业的员工最大限度地组织到工...

国有企业工会工作存在的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 及对策 社会主义市场经济有着许多与以往不同的特点和变化。随着社会主义市场经济的不断深入,国有企业的改革、改组、改制,企业内部产业结构、组织结构和队伍结构的大幅度调整,形成了新型国有企业。新型国有企业的建立和不断增多,使社会劳动关系发生了一系列新的变化。尤其是近年来,随着世界经济一体化进程的加剧,我国经济全面与国际接轨,劳动关系也将打破地域、疆域的界限,呈现出国际一体化。这些变化的反映和解决,不仅关系到企业的发展,同时也关系着我国的社会和政治稳定。如何把新型国有企业的员工最大限度地组织到工会中来,代表和维护员工的利益,起到党联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带作用,将对社会主义现代化建设发挥重要支柱和主力军作用。 但是,近年来,在新的市场竞争形势下,国有企业在生产经营运行机制、劳动关系、职工地位等方面都发生了明显的变化,这些变化也使国有企业工作产生了新的问题。 一、在发展、经营生产过程中,企业行政领导轻视工会组织 许多新生国有企业对工会工作都不是十分重视。领导对工会工作也采取应付和实用态度,上级要求企业建立工会组织,并赋予工会一定的法律地位和权利,企业迫于上级的行政压力不得不按上级的要求去办。但是,相对于企业日常的其他行政工作,工会工作的作用、地位、职能并不是明晰,甚至工会干部都不是很了解工会工作的内容。在企业机构改革中,一些企业党政领导对工会工作仍存有“有之不多,无之不少”的偏见,甚至个别企业行政领导认为“工会工作干的越少越好,省得添乱”的思想,片面追求生产、经营的经济效益,没有认识到工会在企业改革、发展、稳定中所发挥的作用。 虽然,《工会法》有对工人的权益和组织作出规定,但许多企业内部,为精减机构,定编定员,工会仍然成为第一个被合并、精减的组织,工会干部几乎全to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 部转为兼职,有的身兼数职,工会骨干和积极分子流失。基层工会干部由于兼职过多没有时间和精力研究和思考工会工作,工会成为了党群工作部里的一块应付差事的“牌子”,在某种意义上讲工会工作被削弱了。 二、工会在企业中地位比较低,导致工会作用弱化 中国工会的社会地位比较低,影响了企业工会工作的开展,在我国。尤其是许多新建立、转制的企业,工会被认为是可有可无的组织。长期以来,工会一直在坚持党的领导和独立自主开展工作两者之间找寻自己的工作位置。与许多 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 经济体制下的工会一样,在新型国有企业,工人对工会实际能起的作用也并不抱太大的期望。 在工人们的眼中,工会组织干的主要工作是:劳动竞赛、计划生育、困难补助、问丧访病。在维护权益,福利分配和调解劳动纠纷方面的作用却没有深入的显现,在工会代表职工民主参与管理方面,不少职工认为,参与管理仅仅是出席参加职工代表大会。职工并没有从心里头把工会当成是自己利益的维护者,工会脱离群众现象比较严重,不少职工认为,工会在工作心目中影响不大。因为工会不能帮助工人解决工作中的实际问题。因此,在许多国有企业,工人在工作、生活中出现了问题,几乎没有人会想到找工会组织帮助解决,而是找企业经理、董事、行政领导解决。《工会法》规定不得随意调动、罢免任期未满的工会主席、副主席。 三、职工队伍分化为不同群体,使工会工作对象变得复杂 在过去计划经济体制下,无论是国有企业还是集体企业,职工的成份相对简单,职工的政治地位基本平等,经济收入差距很小,工会工作对象能够涵盖整个职工队伍。 随着国有企业改革的不断深化,现代企业 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的逐步建立,职工队伍在悄无声息中分化,出现了不同利益的职工群体,表现在政治地位和经济待遇有了明显的差距。主要包括:经营管理者群体、“白领”员工群体、普通职工群体以及打工者群体。职工队伍结构上发生的这些新变化,导致职工群体所处的地位不同,to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 自身需求不同,为企业工会工作带来管理上困难。 四、职工收入差距的不断拉大,使工会维权工作难度加大 随着企业分配制度的改革,过去的“平均主义”和“大锅饭”已被彻底打破,现在国有企业实行的是经营者年薪制、股权制或期权制和职工的岗位等级制,同时资本、技术等要素进入分配领域,企业内部分配方式和工资档次呈现出多样化。 在当前竞争异常激烈的市场经济条件下,国有企业更加注重人才和知识,为了吸引和留住高级管理人才和科技人员,在分配上制定出一系列向管理、科技人员倾斜的政策,这使得企业内部不同职工群体之间的收入差距拉大,大多数从事一般工作的普通职工群体处于低收入状态,而这个群体一旦遇到天灾人祸,就会陷入困难或特困之中。在这样现实面前,工会无论从经济实力上,还是方法手段上,都没有力量解决职工就业、提高收入等根本问题。工会关心和维护弱势群体的具体利益,也只能是参与、协调和帮助;只能救助部分特困职工。维护的难度越来越大,经常出现“不能不维护,又不能多维护”的尴尬局面。 以上问题集中反映了现阶段新型国有企业工会对新时期工会工作发展规律的认识不足,对工作中遇到的现实和理论问题研究的不够,导致矛盾和问题的产生。笔者认为,国有企业工会要做好新时期工会工作,重点是加强和完善工会组织的建设,不断创新,促使工会组织不断适应社会主义市场经济体制企业稳定、健康、快速发展的需要。 一、健全完善工会领导组织体系 工会的组织体系是工会开展各项工作和履行职能的组织基础。首先,要按照《工会法》第十条之规定,在企业25人以上的车间、队、站建立基层工会委员会;在厂(公司)、处级单位建立工会委员会,形成自下而上多级别、多层次的企业工会组织。要重点对重组改制单位工会组织进行重建或改建,实现工会组织横到边、竖到底的网络构架。其次,在健全组织的同时,要发挥工会协管干部的职责,积极与各级党组织协商,按照精干高效、德才兼备和“四化”的标准,大to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 力选拔那些年轻有为、热心工会工作、富有开拓创新精神的专业人才或复合人才充实到工会干部队伍中来,为完成新的历史条件下的工作任务提供良好的人才保证。第三,要完善企业工会接受地方工会和同级党委领导的有效机制,注重体现企业工会的优势和特色,发挥好企业工会独立自主地开展工作的自主权,这样更有利于突出维护职能;企业工会要坚持双重领导、各有侧重、便于发挥作用的原则,以形成任务明确、各负其责、自主高效、协调运转的科学组织领导体系。 二、发挥工会组织在国有企业改革中的积极作用 我国《公司法》中规定,“公司研究决定有关生产经营的重大问题、制订重要规章制度时,应当听取工会和职工的意见和建议。”“公司研究公司职工切身利益的问题时,应当事先听取公司工会和职工的意见,并邀请公司工会和职工代表列席会议。”这充分说明了在我国现有经济体制下,工会地位的重要和特殊性。 根据当前国有企业正处于重组改制、转轨变形的实际。国有企业要根据企业的实际,不断丰富和充实职代会内容,创新职代会组织形式,特别要探索国有控股、参股企业实现民主管理的途径和方式,重点处理好股东会、董事会、监事会与党委会、工会和职代会之间的关系。同时要建立平等协商、集体 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 制度,把平等协商作为签订和履行集体合同的法定程序和关键环节,根据不同单位的具体情况,不断充实和调整集体合同的内容,使合同条款与企业生产经营实际、与职工关心的经济利益紧密结合。加强对集体合同的履约监督,依法追究违约责任。 在新时期,国有企业工会工作还要建立参与涉及职工切身利益的政策制定,与企业及有关部门建立联系会议制度。通过宏观参与机制的建立,使工会与行政的沟通渠道更加畅通,最终实现宏观维护的目的。此外,就是要深入基层和职工群众,了解新情况,分析新问题,拿出新思路,让工会的工作始终贴近实际,贴近职工,具有时代特色与活力。 三、不断创新,健全工会工作管理面 在新的历史时期,国有企业工会只有彻底摆脱旧的工作模式,以与时俱进,to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 开拓创新的精神开展工作,才能适应企业发展的需要。 在当前市场经济条件下,企业为了不断发展,经济结构日益多样化,工会要在多样化经济格局中发挥作用,必须在复杂的客观环境中,以变应变,找准位置,寻求最佳结合点,体现出变化的态势。要学会根据不同的企业类型,确立工会的工作内容、活动方式、工作重点,体现出针对性、特色性、灵活性和实效性。 要结合当前国有企业工会工作的重要性、复杂性、独立性显著提高,工作内容和领域不断扩展和延伸,比如,代表职工与行政协商谈判,签订集体合同,劳动法律法规的监督,促进下岗职工再就业等工作,涉及的领域广,专业知识强,工会要想完成这些繁重而艰巨的任务,必须加快工会干部队伍专业化进程,更好地把握工作的主动性,履行好自己的职责。 此外,工会要承担起维护客观上处于弱势地位的职工群众的合法权益,必须运用法律武器,以法律为准绳,坚持依法建会、依法治会、依法维权。工会干部要学深、学透相关法律,达到每一条款都能够熟悉运用,成为依法维护职工合法权益的专家。通过深入基层,深入职工,了解情况,研究问题,提出对策,向党政反映职工群众的呼声和要求,最大限度地调动职工的积极性、创造性,干党政所需、职工所求、工会所能的实事。 四、协调分配制度,积极推动工会工作和谐统一 在现阶段,国有企业工会组织要履行好基本职责,笔者认为,首先要建立健全协调劳动关系的有效机制,将职工劳动关系涉及的问题解决在萌芽状态。其次,针对社会实际,加强工会基本职责,即维护劳动者合法权益的落实,认真研究工人队伍的结构状况,把维权工作突出来。 工作过程中,企业要认真调查了解企业不同职工群体的实际情况,了解他们不同的思想动态、收入来源、生活情况以及迫切需求,既要从宏观上把握职工群体的变化趋势,又要从微观上关注职工个体的具体状况;既要关心他们不同的经济利益,又要关心他们共同的政治权利,用多样化的工作方式贴近不同职工群体,有针对性的开展工作。同时,要积极参与协调企业不同职工群体间的利益关to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit 系。目前,企业职工队伍分化为不同的职工群体已成为不争的实事,由于政治待遇、经济分配的差异,不同职工群体间时常产生矛盾,工会要按照经济上兼顾公平,注重效率;政治上相互平等的原则,来协调不同职工群体间的利益关系,帮助企业化解内部矛盾、理顺职工情绪,调动各方面的积极性,推动企业的发展。 此外,在国有企业中,工会组织更要为职工争取利益,出谋划策,通过平等协商和集体 劳动合同 劳动合同书模板免费下载企业劳动合同范本下载劳动合同 doc 下载劳动合同法下载劳动合同模板可下载 制保护职工权益,把一线职工作为主要工作对象,把低收入职工、困难职工作为突出维护职能的重点。只有把这部分职工的利益维护好,工会的基本职责才能得到充分的体现,工会组织才能在企业改革发展稳定的大局中找准位置,发挥应有的作用。 对国有大中型企业进行现代企业制度改造,建立公司制企业,是党的十四届三中全会提出的改革目标。在国有企业内部建立起科学的治理结构,从根本上扭转国有企业政企不分,权责不明的局面,增强企业活力和提高企业经济效益。国有企业工会要实践好“三个代表”重要思想,要清醒地认识和研究当前工会工作所遇到的新情况、新问题,以与时俱进的精神状态迎接挑战,这样才能探索出适应新形势要求的企业工会工作新路子。 to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Bank's credit policy screening, filter in line with the Bank's credit scope of customer, credit business, shall not entertain our prohibition of involvement of clients and credit business. Nineth survey about customer surveys and data verification should be based on field surveys, and indirect surveys as a supplement. If necessary, by external credit Bureau to verify the authenticity of customer information. Article tenth credit pre-loan investigation should be completed by the person himself, may not authorize a third party, except where otherwise provided for by the system of the Bank. Branch Manager may hint, instruction, order signature of investigations in cases that are not involved in the investigation, pre-loan investigation a mere formality. 11th pre-loan investigation should be two participants, one person, another person aided person, except on business with special provisions. Main and auxiliary officers shall be due diligence, investigators as a sponsor of the credit business, bear primary responsibility for credit, is the responsibility of credit business. Risk managers participate in the pre-loan investigation work in parallel, as a double investigation, risk managers held accountable for their findings. Article 12th pre-loan investigation officer shall give their opinion in a credit report and signatures, findings should be clear. Only signed comments, and ambiguous or contradictory, deemed to be agreed for the credit business. 13th marketing lines management departments at all levels to meet the conditions of credit
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