首页 高考理综物理阅卷教师谈物理答题规范



高考理综物理阅卷教师谈物理答题规范高考理综物理阅卷教师谈物理答题规范 看了题目,各位同仁肯定会产生疑问:把题目做完、做对了不就理所当然能得分吗,其实不然,做完,不一定能做对,即便做对也不一定能得全分。为什么这样说?请大家看图1 从该考生的解题思路和结果来 看,该生表面上可以得全分,但 是由于一时的粗心把第二行 ll,12“v”中的“t”漏,B2t 写,这在平时考试,对于笔误 出于同情心理,一般也会给分, 但高考阅卷要求从笔误出现的 那一步后面与由其推导的结论 都不能得分,所以很不幸,这 位考生由于粗心,最终被只得 了“3分”。由此可见,了解...

高考理综物理阅卷教师谈物理答题 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 看了题目,各位同仁肯定会产生疑问:把题目做完、做对了不就理所当然能得分吗,其实不然,做完,不一定能做对,即便做对也不一定能得全分。为什么这样说?请大家看图1 从该考生的解题思路和结果来 看,该生表面上可以得全分,但 是由于一时的粗心把第二行 ll,12“v”中的“t”漏,B2t 写,这在平时考试,对于笔误 出于同情心理,一般也会给分, 但高考阅卷要求从笔误出现的 那一步后面与由其推导的结论 都不能得分,所以很不幸,这 位考生由于粗心,最终被只得 了“3分”。由此可见,了解高 考阅卷的要求,强调规范答题 的重要性。 经过高三一段时间的强化 训练,大部分学生的解题能力 可以得到快速的提升,但规范 答题的习惯是不可能在短时间 里能养成的,这也是为什么我 们在第一轮复习过程中,就要 反复给学生强调规范的目的所 在,我们用一年的充足时间来 培养学生规范答题的习惯,让 学生不仅能做对题目,也能得 到应有的分数。 有幸成为湖北省理综2008年高考阅卷教师之一,我于今年6月9日在武汉理工大学进行了为期十天的高考阅卷工作。在阅卷过程中,亲眼目睹学生在高考理综物理卷部分答题过程中,由于答题不规范或不符合阅卷小组的评卷要求而使自己以为应得的分数白白丢掉.对于物理规范要求,其中有些虽然是老师平时在教学中多次强调过的,但学生不够重视,有些作为教师可能也没有引起足够的重视。因而作为教师有必要在物理第一轮复习过程中,通过我们的介绍让学生多了解高考阅卷的一些要求,让学生意识到答规规范的重要性。从而能在复习过程中,有意识地去培养自己规范答题的习惯,最后达到高考对学生规范答题的要求。 首先介绍一下高考阅卷的一些特点,高考阅卷首先是公平的。在电脑自动操作下,每一份试卷都会经过随机选的两位阅卷老师的审阅,理综物理部分的有些题目要求两位教师的按阅卷小组给出的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 所给分只有“零误差”即给分一样,才会通过。解答题由于自身的特点,要求两位教师给分不能超过一定的误差。如果超过就会机选第三位阅卷教师再改,如果三位教师给分都达不到标准,则最后由阅卷组长进行仲裁。在改2008年理综23题时有一位考生就曾出现三个给分“0”“3”和“14”,最后经过仲裁这位考生最后得分是“14”分,这就体现了阅卷的公平性。但是如果第三位阅卷人给“0”或“3”分,那么这位考生可能会很冤枉,而且更可悲的是他根本就无从知晓。为什么会出现这样的情况,supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 主要就是这位同学他的解答不规范,从而使阅卷教师不好给分。 其次是高考阅卷的公正性,每位阅卷教师在正式阅卷之前,要进行一天半的学习国家考试中心的给分,再试评。同一小组首先通过学习讨论,对相应题目和各种典型解法、各种错误统一给分和扣分标准。并在国家给分标准基础上加以细化, 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 成每一题的评分细则,然后在试评过程中再就突出问题以及评分细则的可操作性进行必要的解决和修改。在正式阅卷之前,确定每题各种解法给分标准、各种错误的扣分标准,这体现了高考阅卷的公正性。 再就是高考阅卷的可操作性,由于高考阅卷是进行电脑操作,且时间紧,任务重,在不影响考生成绩的前题下,在保证一定完成任务的前题下(湖北省2008年考生约30多万,每个考生至少改两次,如理综物理23题,阅卷小组共有30位教师,要在10天里改60多万份试卷),评分细则的确定另一方面也要考虑评卷工作的可操作性。举例说:理综物理第23题,只设“0”“3”“6”“9”“14”给分选择,不可能出现“2”“4”或其它的给分,便于快速操作。有同学可能说如果我写出了两个方程,而且结果也正确了,可不可以得“11”分,不可能的(图2),两个方程是根本解不出正确的结果的。如下图2,从答题过程中,该生第一个方程和最后结果完全正确,但由于第二个方程的错误(应为 12l,l,v2t,a(2t)),错的方程是不可能得出正确的结果,最终该生只得了“3分”,1202 当然这也体现了物理人思维严密的学科特点。 (图2) 在了解了高考阅卷的情况和要求下,那么我们如何做才能达到我们的目标呢,这就要规范我们的学生答题,让他们养成一个良好的习惯。结合我在改卷过程中的感受,我主要谈以下几点: 1、物理语言使用要 规范。物理语言有文字 语言、符号语言、和图 像语言,对于它们的使 用一定要规范。 (1)文字语言的使 用。做题过程中必须要 有必要的文字交待,特 别是一些重要式子的使 用,还有一些题目中并 未告诉的物理量,更需 要加以说明和交待。图 3中该生答题过程中各表达式表示的是什么,时间关系从何而来,并没有交待,这是要扣分的。 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded (2)符号语言的使用。注意题意中已知条件的大小写,及小角标,按题目所给的书写。而不能依自己平时的喜好,如果不习惯使用题目中的已知,而要自己使用其它题目中并没有交待的符号,则一定要有交待。图4中“”要与题目中的的已知量“”联ll,lOC12系起来表示如写为“”就可得到应有的分。 l,l,l,lOCOA12 (图4) 下面图5中,考生由于 l自己平时习惯,把“” 写成了“”,把平方写t 的象“α”,也因为书写 习惯,该考生最终得到 了一个错误结果。这完 全可以避免的。 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 2、答题过程中的规范要求 (1)用最基本、最常规的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 虽说在平时做题时,为了培养同学们对物理知识的灵活运用,老师们建议同学们在下面对同一道题进行一题多解。但高考主要考查在有限时间内对知识的运用能力,不是考查一题多解的能力。当然如果由于平时的训练,在高考答题过程中能想出最简单的解题方法,用它来解题,的确很好,但国标和细则肯定只对主要解题方法也是最基本的方法给出详细给分标准,对于特别少见解答给分标准就不是很统一的了。如23题,国标和细则加起来总共有8种解题方法,但在实际评卷过程中,我总结了一下,这一题的解法有12种之多,除了这8种,其它四种的解法,比如说图像法,评分细则上就没有给出评分标准。所以在高考答题过程中,建议用最常规的,最基本的方法解题,借用一句广告词“简单就是美”。 (2)书写规范,减少笔误 在高考阅卷中,见到许多很遗憾的丢分,其中之一是因为考生的笔误丢分,特别是一些比较完美的答题却最终由于笔误而生憾,让阅卷老师们扼腕叹息,但又不能不扣分。因为高考阅 卷对于笔误扣分 相当严格,高考理 综阅卷组明确要 求,要从出现笔误 那一步,由这一步 推导出的所有式 子和结果都不能 给分。这让阅卷老 师们很难处理这 样的情况,你说给 分吧,别的阅卷者 可能不会给分,影 响自己的一评通 过率。但不给吧, 想到考生这十几年的寒窗苦读,可能就会因为这几分而付诸东流。因而作为一个一直在教育一线的高三教师,只 能在平时的教学中,严格要 求自己的学生在平时要养 成一个规范书写的好习惯, 不能把字写的笔走龙蛇,凤 舞九天,高考答题不是练书 法。这样做的主要目的就是 要避免在高考中出现笔误。 下面两图是2008年两位考 生由于笔误而遗憾丢分样 卷,可以看出两位考生的思 路清晰,解题能力强,可惜的就是那一处处笔误,本可以轻松得全分,却只能留下缺憾。 (3)禁止写连等式 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 在高考答题中,相当多的考生有一个相当不好的习惯,就是喜欢写连等式,可能在平时答题中根本没有意识到这个问题的严重性。高考阅卷组要求对考生把几个得分点的主要方程写成为连等式,如果结果正确了,给出相应所有得分点的分数。而如果结果错了则扣掉所有相应的得分,这样就使好多考生无谓丢掉一些本应可以得到分数。如图7中把 2vA“ ”这个有3分的得分点和最终结果写成连等式,而结果又不正确,所以把s,2a 本应得到的3分白白的丢了。 (4)重要步骤要标号,结果化简放在醒目位置 。 在高考答题中,有两个细节,需要我们教师要反复给高三的学生们强调。第一个是答题步骤标号,这样做的目的是让阅卷教师很容易看清解题思路,并且可以让答题显的很有条理,便于得分。另一个是结果最好要化简,把结果写为常见的形式,也便于能得到相应的分数。图8列举的这一位考生的答卷有两个地方需要引起老师们的注意:一是标号,东一个西一个, 比较随意,不便 于阅卷教师看清 解题思路;另一 个是结果没有化 简,不是很常见 表示,我改了两 万多份,只出现 了这一种形式的 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 ,如果不是 很细心,很容易 就会误判。 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded (5)无需作答 高考物理并没有要求计算题要作答,而在考试中不少同学得出结果之后,然后再答,这一点虽说没有什么不好,但问题就在于,有一些同学在作答时由于处在高考这样的特殊情景下,不小心却把本来正确的结果,抄错了,这就有些画蛇添足的意思了。因而,如果题目没有明确要求作答,就无需作答了 。 (6)结果准确的重要性 由于高考改卷的任务重,不可避免就存在在阅卷过程中一味图速度的情况。特别是在最后几天,大家已对评分细则非常熟悉,操作也已经很熟练了,且又要拼命赶进度。很有可能会出现少数阅卷者,先看答案,正确了,大致看一下差不多就给满分了。结果错了,才会去看步骤,且如果卷面不清楚,写的条理不顺,就可能不会去细看。因而对于我们考生而言,如果能把正确结果得出,那就是最好不过,但如果不能得出正确的结果,那么就一定要认认真真把步骤写清楚了。 下图10中的这位考生的问题,我在前面图2里已经说过。不过这位考生的答题思路很清晰,卷面整洁,问题很隐蔽,更主要的是结果完全正确,一不小心阅卷教师很有可能误判给全分。当然我们对学生还是要强调,首先我们还是要提高自己的计算能力和解题能力,更要注意规范解答,而不能存有只要结果正确就无需注重过程的侥幸心理。 (图10) 以上列举了一些问题答卷,下面看一份满分答题: supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 这位考生的优点很明显,他借助运动图景分析,思路清晰,答题简洁明了,没漏掉一个得分点,结果完全正确,当然得了满分。 总而言之,高考关系每一位考生的命运,关系千千万万的家庭的幸福。作为一位有责任的高三教师,了解高考阅卷的要求,从而把高考阅卷的要求和高三的复习教学联系起来,在一轮复习中不仅要通过训练提高学生的解题能力,更要强调并加强答题的规范训练,让我们的学生,既能做完,又能做正确,更重要的是要能得分~最后我把高考答题的一些规范要求总结成几句口诀: 物理要做好,规范很重要; 慢审题,仔细瞧,大小写,小角标,相似字母不混淆; 思路要理顺,文字交待不可少; 基本公式不笔误,重要步骤标个号; 连等式禁止写,答案正确就完美了。 (2008-11-10) supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded
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