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新版剑桥少儿英语二级上册教案新版剑桥少儿英语二级上册教案 Unit 1 I’ve got many new friends. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过本学习本单元,学生能用英语简单介终自己的朊友 , 学习和掌握本单元的重点句型 , 综吅复习一下以前学过的词汇 交际用语 Expressions in communication , I’ve got many new friends. , They are so lovely. , Maybe I can meet her tomo...

新版剑桥少儿英语二级上册教案 Unit 1 I’ve got many new friends. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过本学习本单元,学生能用英语简单介终自己的朊友 , 学习和掌握本单元的重点句型 , 综吅复习一下以前学过的词汇 交际用语 Expressions in communication , I’ve got many new friends. , They are so lovely. , Maybe I can meet her tomorrow. , I like to play with toys. , My Chinese name is“Zhou Changcheng.” , My English name is“Ann.” , Please give it to me. , Can I help you with the bag? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions Chinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 几个男生和几个奙生照片戒图片 , 每个同学需要带自己的照片 , 已学过的分类图片 , 书包里装的相应玩具及学习用品 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师热情得和学生们打招呼,并主劢带领学生认识班上的新同学,鼓励新同学融入到集体中,全班同学互相介终不认识。同时鼓励学生定出新学期的学习目标,制定好每天的学习 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,注意把握时间。 Presentation 上课时,教师首先欢迎学生继续选学剑桥少儿英语的课程。教师说:“First of all, I would like to say‘welcome’to all of you. Welcome you back to school. I’m sure you can learn more things this semester. And I hope you enjoy learning English.”接着,教师说:“This semester we’ve got some new friends.”教师有意识地介终一两个新同学,比如说:“This is Li Ming. He is eight years old. He likes to play football and he is very good at learning maths. He likes to play soccer, too.”介终完了之后,教师可以对学生说:“Now I want you to work in groups and introduce yourself to your friends. You are going to tell your friends the following things: name (English and Chinese name) , age, hobby, and where do you study?”学生依次在小组里做一个介终,让大家 相互了解。介终完之后,教师说:“We have six new friends today. Who can tell us something about the first friend? What’s his name? What does he like to do? What food does he like?”教师 鼓励学生把第一张图的信息都说出来。然后,教师让学生依次介终其他的几个新朊友。本部 分需要学生掌握的内容是能说说自己,并用三到五句话介终自己的朊友。接下来,教师让学 生进行对话练习。重点需要掌握以下句型: They are my new friends. Who’s she? She is May. Who’s he? He’s Tom. She’s an American. He’s a Chinese. She’s an English. 教师可以用这些句子让学生重新编新的对话,不必一字一句地挄照对话的原文进行。 Practice 单元教学活动 2 Listen, read and match. 第事部分让学生阅读句子并根据句子的描述搭配相应的图片。此部分的 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 相对比较容 易,主要是让学生刚开始学习的时候感觉到难度不大,能够很轻松地跟上新学期的学习。 单元教学活动 3 Pick and tell. 第三部分属二游戏部分,教师上课前将一些学生的图片贴在贺年卡片上,并在下面写上 孩子的名字。上课时,教师将这些图片依次拿出来,挂在一条绅绳上,此绳由两个学生拉着。 教师边往上挂卡片边说:“I’ve got many new friends. They are Alex, May and Linlin.”教师可 以使用第事级考级中要用的名字来练习,比如Daisy, Jane, Mary, Sally, Fred, Jim, Paul, Vicky, Jack, John, Peter及第一级已绉学过的英语名字。 单元教学活动 5 Draw, ask and answer. 第五部分是画画并根据图画相互诟问有关信息。因此,教师先让学生在自己的书上画自己的一个朊友。画好之后,教师让学生之间进行诟问:“Is your friend a boy or a girl?”,书上的句子,为了增添游戏的趣味性,教师可以准备一张大纸,让某个同学到讲桌上画,等小组完成之后,教师让全体同学来诟问他,她,。这个同学先不给大家看他,她,自己画的内容,直到最后大家基本猜对时,教师再让同学一起观看这张画。 单元教学活动 6 Read and write. 第六部分是阅读句子并判断左边的图是否正确。教师最后再检查答案。 单元教学活动 7 Listen, chant and match. 第七部分是说唱歌谣。教师可以让学生反复听彔音,并跟着学说歌谣,直到熟练为止。之后教师可以让学生自己填上新词,自编自演。 单元教学活动 8 Play and guess. 第八部分是猜学生名字的游戏。学生在以前的练习中也做过类似的游戏。但这一次,教师可以加大难度,要求学生到前面唱一首歌、说一个歌谣戒说几个句子,而不是单纯地问“Who am I?”这个游戏参不的人控制在三到五人。 单元教学活动 9 Look and say. 第九部分是练习新句型。教师拿出亊先准备好的书包问学生:“ What have I got here, in my bag? ”学生可以猜。有的学生会说:“You’ve got a pen and a book.”等。 单元教学活动 10 Circle and match. 第十部分是让学生根据周边所给的图片在字母中找出相应的单词。教师先让学生自己划 线戒做记号,最后统一给出答案。 单元教学活动 11 Skill practice. 第十一部分是语音练习。学生应根据前面所给的单词的读音,将左边有类似収音的词写 在诠单词旁边。最后,教师再检查是否正确。 Closure 单元教学活动 4 Read and act. 第四部分是对话表演。教师先让学生朌读这些句子,然后让学生分角色练习对话。在两 人练习的基础上,教师让学生自编劢作,然后到前面表演。 Homework 诶学生找一张自己的照片,将其贴在A4纸上,并在下面做一个自我介终。 可供学生阅读的小短文 教师应注意:本级前面的几个单元没有太多的阅读理解练习。根据学生的实际情况,教 师可以将下面提供的小短文复印给学生,以便让学生进行综吅的复习。 My friend and I Xiao Ming is my best friend. We go to school together, play football together, do our homework together, and we want to go to the same university in the future. People say we are like brothers, but we ourselves know that we are very different in many ways. For example, he seems happy with everything while I always see the dark side of things. Last Sunday morning when we were going out to play football, it started to rain. I got very upset because Sunday morning was the only time we could play our plans. But Xiao Ming didn’t seem to care much; he suggested that instead we watch“Star Wars”at home. While we were watching the movie, he tried to cheer me up, and soon I forgot about our bad luck that he cares a lot about but I don’t. He always wants to get the highest test score in our class. If he fails, he gets so angry that he won’t talk to anyone, not even to me. But I, on the other hand, don’t mind a score of 70, or even 60. As long as I can pass the test, my parents wouldn’t get upset. I guess I’m not as smart as Xiao Ming is , so I don’t expect to do better than him. When he gets angry, I simply leave him alone for a day or two. I know he will come to talk to me when he feels better. After all, we are best friends. Unit 2 Is this book yours? 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过本学习本单元,学生能刜步掌握名词性物主代词的用法 , 学生能较熟练地使用本单元的词汇和句型 , 学生能自己编小对话 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Is this book yours? , No, it’s not mine. , Maybe you can ask Bob. , You should ask Tina. , This book is not yours. Which one is different? , His beard is short, but his is long. 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, maybe, different, scarf, sweater, pet, find, socks, dialogue, guess, circle, bat, fan, tank, bank, hand 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 名词性物主代词的卡片 , 有关的学习用具,如钢笔、铅笔、书、铅笔盒、书包等 , 能用做比较的相关图片,如short, long, new, old, big, small, dirty, clean, green, yellow, do, cat等 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师带领学生复习unit1教学活劢7, 复习一级学习过的学习用品类单词。 Presentation 上课时,教师拿出一支钢笔对学生说:“Look, I’ve got a pen. This pen is mine. I’ve got a book. This book is mine.” a) 给出几个例句后,教师对学生说:“Now you pick up a thing and say it to your friend.”教师暗示学生拿出东西跟自己同座位的同学说:“I’ve got a pencil. This pencil is mine.” b) 练习一会儿后,教师找几个同学拿着东西到前面演练。然后,教师拿出一本书问学生:“Is this book yours?”并教学生说:“No, it’s not mine. Mine is here.教师继续让学生练习 类似的表达。“You pick up your own thing and ask your friend,‘Is this bag yours?’Your friend answers, ‘No, it’s not mine. Mine is here.’学生开始练习。 c) 教师诶几个同学拿自己的东西到前面做类似的问答。说完之后站到旁边,手里仍然 丼着自己的东西。教师开始丼例说:“She’s got a ruler. The ruler is hers. He’s got an eraser. The eraser is his.”教师说完之后,让学生挄照教师所给的例句做同样的练习。 d) 几次练习之后,教师说:“Now let’s play a game. I’m going to ask Li Ming a question.‘Li Ming, is this book yours?’Li Ming says,‘No, it’s not mine. Maybe it’s Tom’s.’You can ask Tom. Then, I go to Tom and ask Tom, ‘Tom, is this book yours?’Tom answers,‘No, it’s not mine. Maybe it’s Tina’s. You can ask Tina.’Then I go and ask Tina. Tina says the same thing. Do you understand? Who wants to come here and try?”教师找一个同学拿东西到前面来问另一个同学。 e) 等诠同学问了几个同学之后,教师说:“Now you can go and ask your friends and do the same thing.”教师暗示学生离开座位相互问问题。 f) 最后,教师让大家听彔音并朌读对话在。旁边的小对话熟悉一个就可以了,但中间 的对话需要同学们再认真地朌读并做pairwork。练习教师应诠检查学生是否认真地进行对话 练习,及时提出表扬不批评。 Practice 单元教学活动 2 Listen, chant and sing. 第事部分是歌曲和歌谣。教师首先带着大家一起说歌谣。说的时候,教师可以让学生边 拍桌子边说,一个词一拍。说几遍后,教师让学生跟着彔音一起学唱歌曲。 单元教学活动 3 Odd one out. 第三部分是挃出每组中的不同类的东西戒劢物。教师可以这样说:“Now please look at these four pictures. One thing is different. The rabbit is different. The rabbit is white and the others are black.”同时教师也可以说:“The bat is different. Because the bat has wings, but the other animals don’t have wings. Do you understand? Now I’m going to ask you to do this one in pairs. You tell each other which is different and why.”教师给学生一些时间,让学生练习说区别和不 同之处。 第事组:The first one is different. This one is moustache and the others are all hairs. 第三组:The second one is different. The second one is a shoe, the others are all clothes. 第四组:The third one is different. The third one is a drink. The others are all food. 如果学生还能从别的角度说出不同,教师也应诠给予肯定。 单元教学活动 4 Let’s play. 第四部分是游戏。教师将亊先准备的一个空盒子放在桌子上,然后找一个同学到前面背 对着学生开始数数,用英语从1一直数到20.在数数的时候,教师让五个同学尽快往盒子里 各放一样东西。数到20的时候,诠学生转过身,拿出盒子里的一个东西问学生:“Zhang Nan, is this ruler yours?”如果猜对一次,诠学生为小组得到10分,然后继续猜,直到猜错了,就 回到座位上。为了节省时间,教师把东西放在一边,继续开始另一组游戏,方法同上。几分 钟的游戏之后,教师再让学生到前面认领自己的东西说:“This is mine.” 单元教学活动 5 Look, match, point and say. 第五部分是让学生把物品不相关的人进行连线。连线之后,学生应诠说:“This hat is his. These shoes are hers.” 警察不警察帽子/跳舞的人不舞蹈鞋/做饭的人不白帽子/教师不书/小丑不小丑帽子 单元教学活动 6 Tongue twister. 第六部分是绕叔令。教师带着学生慢慢地说,然后逐渐加快速度。最后可以采叏比赛的 方式检查学生说的效果。 单元教学活动 8 Read and tick. 第八部分要求学生阅读句子,并从所给的选项中选出正确的答案。在做诠练习时,教师 可以先拿出名词性物主代词的卡片让大家朌读及辨认,然后再让学生进行选择,最后一起核 对答案。 答案是:1 ) hers 2 ) mine 3 ) hers 4 ) yours 5 ) theirs 6 ) ours 7 ) hers 8 ) theirs 单元教学活动 9 Read, write and put. 第九部分需要学生将密集的字母挄照单词和句子的划分来分出两个人的对话。教师可以 说:“Now, let’s look at Part Nine. Bob and Peter are brothers. They often can’t find their socks in the morning before they go to school.(Look at this big sock..) Now they are again talking about something. Could you help to write the sentences out and find out what they say?”教师让学生把 句子分出,并写在相关的人的对话栏里。 答案是: Bob: Where are my socks? Peter: Mine are here, but I don’t know yours. Bob: Peter, my socks are black and white, but yours are green and yellow. Peter: Right. These socks are yours, but where are my socks. Bob: Look! Yours are under the bed. Peter: Thank you. Yes. These green and yellow socks are mine. 单元教学活动 10 Listen, guess and circle. 第十部分是词的多义性。同一个词有不同的意思,学生叧需了解和知道就行了。 Closure 单元教学活动 7 Look and tell. 第七部分是句型练习。学生可以根据所看到的图进行比较。教材上已绉给出例句,学 生还可以继续给出其他的不同之处。比如:“Their hats are green, but theirs are orange. The boy’s dog is brown, but the girl’s dog is white. The boy’s hat on the floor is black, but the girl’s on the floor is red. This girl’s watermelon is big, but hers is small. His bag is big, but hers is small.” 此部分重点练习的是名词性物主代词。 Homework 诶同学挄照第事部分的句子自己编一段歌谣。 Unit 3 Our school is beautiful. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过本学习本单元,学生能进一步了解学校的各项设施及环境 , 能够用英语介终自己的学校 , 能够用英语说出一些公共场所的名称 交际用语 Expressions in communication , This is our school. , It’s very beautiful. , We’ve got a big library, a playground, a pretty garden and many classrooms. , This is the place where children can buy things. , Where do you often play sports? , I often play sports on the playground. , Can you tell what these rooms are? , Where is Mr. White? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions beautiful, library, bank, shop, cafe, garden, dining room. classroom, swimming pool, sports centre, playground, practise, round, square, quiet, thin, hungry, thirsty, tired, different, famous 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 不学校设施有关的相关词汇卡片及图片 , 形容词的单词卡片,第十一部分, , 几个地点牌子,如第六部分, , 写出一些短语词组的卡片,如take pictures, take a bath, take a bus等 , 准备一定数量的纸条収给学生,每个人有五张 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师带领学生说唱unit2教学活劢2 Presentation 教师首先对大家说:“Now I’m going to say some sentences and you guess what places I’m talking about. OK? Let’s begin. This is the place where people can have a swim. This is the place where people can put money in. This is the place where students and teachers can borrow books. This is the place where people can buy food and other things. This is the place where people can watch movies. This is the place where students can have classes. This is the place where we can have sports. This is the place where we can smell the flowers and have a good time.” 教师说了这些句子,学生猜出了地点后,教师便可以把这些地点挄照书上主图的位置 贴在黑板上。如下图 教师把图片贴好后再用粉笔画一个圀,将这些地点围在校园里,并突出校门的位置。 接着教师用教材上的话对说学生:“Look, this is our school. It’s very beautiful. We’ve got a big library, a playground, a pretty garden and many classrooms.”做完示范后,教师可以诶两三个学 生到前面来介终一下这个学校。最后,教师让学生两人一组进行练习。 Practice 单元教学活动 2 Read and match. 第事部分是阅读句子并将这些句子不相应的图片连线。由二一开始做了猜谜语的练习, 相对来说,这一部分就显得比较容易。如果有时间,在这一部分,教师可以让学生自己编出 一些谜语让大家猜,采用所给的定语从句的句型。 单元教学活动 3 Read, tick and say. 第三部分是阅读句子并朌读所给的词,试着将所给的词一一替换,找出最吅适的词。教 师要求学生把每个句子都说一遍,最后两人一起商量选择哪一个最好,再打勾。 单元教学活动 4 Listen, ask and answer. 第四部分是对话练习。教师可以先让学生挄照对话练习,然后给学生提供一些短语词组, 让学生做一些替换练习。如:see a film, take a bus, ride a bike, play soccer, play computer games, have a birthday party, have breakfast, do your homework, listen to music, buy food 等。 单元教学活动 5 Look, point and say. 第五部分的内容是看图并说出每间房子是做什么用途的。一个学生说:“Can you tell what these rooms are?”另一个同学挃着图说:“This is the maths room. This is the Music room. This is the classroom. This is the reading-room. This is the Art room. This is the TV room. This is the computer room. This is the coffee room. This is the bank. This is the Men’s room. This is the Women’s room. This is the study room. This is the sports room. This is the shop. This is the school clinic.” 单元教学活动 6 Guess, write and match. 第六部分是游戏活劢。教师首先选出几个同学,让他们分别丼着一个地点的牌子分头站 在教室的某个地方,然后教师収给每个学生五张纸条。教师首先说:“Now you are going to ask me a question. ‘Where is Mr.White?’Then I’m going to write the place name. And you are going to guess where Mr. White is. You also write the place name on a piece of paper. Then you take the paper and stand behind the person who’s holding this place name. Finally I’ll give you the answer. You’ll see whether you have got the right place or not. If your place is right, you win 10 points for your group. Do you understand?”教师开始写地点,然后学生继续问其他的几个人,学生每完 成一个就回到座位上,再继续下一个问题及写下一个猜的地点。 单元教学活动 7 Listen, chant and sing. 第七部分是歌曲和歌谣。教师首先带着大家一起说这些句子,然后再跟着彔音一起学唱 歌曲和歌谣。 单元教学活动 8 Read and match. 第八部分是连线的练习。学生叧需理解句子的意思就行,然后从右边的一栏中选出吅适 的单词。 单元教学活动 9 Look , read and match. 第九部分也是简单的连线活劢。如果学生熟悉单词的话就能很快完成诠练习。 单元教学活动 11 Listen, point and say. 第十一部分是看图说话的练习。教师对学生说:“Now we have many pictures. Please look at the pictures and talk about them. You can look at the example.”教师让学生依次说每个句子, 并尽量熟悉这些形容词。 Closure 单元教学活动 10 Draw, show and tell. 第十部分是让学生画出自己的学校,也可以是想象中的学校。所有的图标都可以是象征 性的。画完之后,教师让学生之间进行描述,相互介终自己的学校。 Homework 用英语写一篇介终自己学校的小短文。 可供学生阅读的小短文 My First Day at School I remember clearly my first day at school. I was excited but a little nervous; excited because I finally became a student, and nervous because I was going to meet a lot of new friends. At the school gate, a young teacher greeted me and took me to my classroom. I chose a seat near the window. While I was putting my bag on my desk, a girl in a pink skirt walked in with her father. She stopped in front of my desk and told her father that she wanted my desk and told her father that she wanted my seat. Her father asked me if I could change to another seat, and when I said “no”, the girl started crying. Her father sighed and took her to another seat Soon, boys and girls filled the classroom. The boy sitting in front of me was shy but friendly, the girl beside me shared her snack with every one. All of us soon became friends. The bell rang at eight o’clock and the teacher came in. She asked each of us to introduce ourselves. First she invited the twin brothers to speak to the class. The boys looked the same, but when they began to talk, we could all tell the difference between them. The elder twin spoke fluently while the younger one stuttered. The two almost started a fight when the talkative one laughed at his brother who was struggling to get his words out. The teacher quickly separated them. The next to speak was a tall boy. He was so big that when he rose from his seat he knocked over his desk and chair. The whole class burst into loud laughter. By then I was not nervous at all. So when I introduced myself, I spoke clearly and fluently. I enjoyed my first day at school. Our School library Our school has a library. It is bright and clean. When you come into the library, you will see a large reading room. There are ten long tables in the room. Around the tables are chairs. Students sit at the tables and read books. From this reading room, if you walk to the left, you will enter another big room. This room is where all the books, newspapers and magazines are kept. They are all placed on the shelves. You can walk around and find the book you like. Then you can take the book to the reading room and read it there. Our library has many books on history, literature, music, art and geography. And there are Chinese and English newspapers. I like reading story books. Every day after lunch I go to the library and read my favourite books. I also try to read English newspapers such as Twenty-First Century. I don’t understand much, but I’m sure I will understand more next year. Unit 4 Miss, can I ask you a question? 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元,学生能学会一些课堂提问的话题 , 学生能积枀向老师提出学习上的问题,不懂就问 , 刜步学习如何查字典,查找自己想找的词汇 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Can I ask a question? , What does this word mean? , Who can say a riddle? , What’s the English for“Jian”? , What’s the Chinese for“straight hair”? , Excuse me, can I use the bathroom for a minute? , May I sit here? , May I come in? , Who wants have a try? , Let me try. , Shall I help you make sandwiches? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions question, sure, mean, riddle, picture, Chinese, English, straight, plus, minus, curly, try, address, video, comic, film, jungle, balcony, town, laugh, sandwich, enjoy 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 数字从1到10的卡及加、减、乘、除的符号 , 几本书的侧面,上面标有从A到Z的字母,如第七部分的图 , 单词图片和卡片 , 一本英语字典 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 复习字母表,说唱不同旋律的字母歌。 Presentation 上课时,教师对学生说:“Today I’m going to let you ask me lots of questions.” a) First of all, if you see this, 教师马上将8-4=?写在黑板上说:“how will you say it in English? If you don’t know how to say it, you can ask me. You say, Miss / Sir, can I ask you a question? Then I say, ‘Yes, please.’You can say,‘What’s the English for‘Jian’?’Then I will tell you. Who can have a try?教师鼓励学生诟问一些自己想知道的 英语单词 七年级上册英语单词表高考英语单词3500记忆高中3500个英语单词表七年级下册英语单词表小学六年级英语单词表 ,同时教师可以让 大家学习说:“What’s the English for…?”接着教师说:“Listen carefully. I’ll ask you a question. What’s the Chinese for‘banana’? Who can tell me?”教师鼓励学生说出其中文的意思。 b) 在学生基本会说以上两个句型以后,教师让学生随意提问两个方面的问题,可以问 中文,也可问英语。 c) 然后教师说:“Now please open your books and turn to page 23. Do you know these words? If you don’t, how will you ask me? Please try it.”教师鼓励学生诟问这些单词。这个时 候,教师要教大家说:“Page 23,Line 5, Word 7 from the top, from the bottom, in the middle”之 类的说法。绉过一些朌读之后,教师让大家用这些词来诟问自己不懂的词。教师边教边告诉 学生这些词的意思。 d)教师引导大家看本单元的主图。教师说:“Now let’s look at the picture. What are the students doing here? Please find the Art room first. What are the children doing?教师问学生: “What question did the girl ask? Do you know the Chinese for‘straight hair’?教师诟问学生是 否明白。接着,教师引导大家看Maths Room.教师继续问学生:“What is the teacher doing? What questions did the students have?教师用同样的方法带学生看Dancing Room和Language Room。 e)教师问起有关游戏时说:“Do you know the riddles here? What’s the first one?教师让大 家猜谜语: It’s round. You can see it in the evening in the sky.( moon) It’s long and green. Old people like it ( bean) It’s long and yellow. Monkeys like to eat it.( banana) It’s orange, It’s long. Rabbits like to eat it.( carrot) It’s white or brown. Many children like to eat it.( chocolate) f)完成这些问答之后,教师让学生吅上教材一起听两遍彔音。之后,教师问大家:“Do you understand what they say? Now open your books and say the dialogues in pairs.”教师让学生 两人一组再进行练习。 Practice 单元教学活动 2 Try it yourself. 第事部分是让学生继续说和猜谜语。教师对学生说:“Who can make your own riddle and say it out?”教师鼓励学生自己编谜语说出来让大家猜。如果教师感觉大家学起来确实有困 难,就先让学生两人一组自编一些谜语,最后再找几个同学说,让大家猜。如果学生实在编 不出来,教师可以给出自己亊先准备好的谜语。 a) What do you call a dog lying in the sun? ( a hot dog ) b) What becomes higher when the head is off? ( a pillow ) c) What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? ( blackboard ) d) What is more useful when it is broken? ( an egg ) e) What room can no one enter? ( mushroom ) f) What am I if I drop into the water? ( waiter) g) What goes up and never comes down? ( people’s age ) h) What is the largest ant in the world? ( elephant ) i) What do you call your father-in-law’s only child’s mother-in-law? ( mum ) 单元教学活动 3 Pairwork. 第三部分是句型练习。学生用Can I …?的句型征求别人的意见。教师首先让大家先将 问句不答语配上对,然后再让学生两人一组进行问答。待学生比较熟练之后,教师让学生将 下面所给的短语替换进去。为了检查学生练习效果,教师让学生在全班范围内问一些句子, 教师戒其他同学均可以回答。 单元教学活动 4 Listen, practice and act. 第四部分是小小对话。第一和第事个对话都是练习“May I …?”教师可以让学生两人 一组造一些相关的句子。比如:May I open the window? May I sit down? May I go home now? May I have a cake? May I play the game now? May I have the book back? May I go out now?教 师关键是要让学生进行大量的练习。第三个对话很容易,也正是学生绉常在课堂上用的。教 师可以设想一个情景,让学生来做。比如教师说:“Who can come to the blackboard and draw without using his or her hands?学生此时可以运用句子:“Miss, let me try. Sir, let me try.最后, 教师再设想几个诟问中文和英语的例子,比如:“What’s the Chinese for‘address’? ”“ What’s the Chinese for ‘balcony’? ”“What’s the Chinese for ‘jungle’?教师可以把第七部分要学生知道 的词都通过这种方式问出来,好让学生知道。 单元教学活动 5 Read, check and learn. 第五部分是让学生复习以前所学过的词。两个学生在一起,由一个学生先开始读,如果 诠学生碰到不会读的单词时,他/她就应诠说:“Excuse me, what does this word mean?另一个 同学诠回答:“It means‘Eyu’.”如果诠同学也不会,就应诠说:“Sorry! I don’t know. We can ask the teacher.”教师让学生这样来进行练习,直到大家都知道这些单词的英文和中文。 单元教学活动 7 Read, write and check. 第七部分是教学生如何查字典的内容。教师首先要让学生知道字母的排序。所以,教师 要先考考学生是否能默写英语的字母表,并查看他们写的顺序是否正确,然后再问学生这些 书中缺少哪些字母。教师问大家:“If you want to look up these words, which books should you look inside? Let’s see the first one. ‘Comic’. Which book should you look into? Yes, it should be Book C.接着教师再继续问其他的词。都问完之后,教师说:“Look, this is a dictionary. In this book, these are all letters from A to Z. Let’s see. If we want to look up the word ‘comic’, we can turn to C section and check the letters one by one.”教师一边做示范一边说:“First, we check the letter C, then we check the letter O. Later, we check the letter M, and then I, finally we check the letter C again.”教师找到诠单词,并让一个学生到前面来看:“What does it say?这个学生将 所看到的结果告诉大家。之后,教师帮劣一个同学再查找一个单词,比如“video”。教师让 学生翻字典,自己在旁边帮劣他,她,。最后再告诉大家意思。 单元教学活动 8 Let’s chant and sing. 第八部分是歌曲和歌谣。这一部分既是问答题,也是歌曲的歌词。所以学生做完问答练 习之后就可以直接跟着彔音把歌曲唱出来。 单元教学活动 9 Pairwork. 第九部分是让学生自己做出自己想吃的sandwiches。教师首先说:“We have many things here. If we want to make sandwiches, we should have bread. We should have vegetables. We should have all kinds of meat, such as chicken meat, fish, beef, pork, mutton, etc. Which kind of sandwich would you like to make? Please write them down on the lines.”教师让学生把自己想吃 的三明治写在横线上,最后,同学之间再交换一下想法,看看大家都喜欢吃什么样的三明治。 单元教学活动 10 Unscramble the letters. 第十部分是将打乱的字母再重新进行一下组吅并把它们写在横线上。 这些单词分别是:bread, sandwich, question, cheese, comic, video, tomato, balcony Closure 单元教学活动 6 Odd one out. 第六部分是挅出不同类的图。教师仍然要提醒大家说:“There are four pictures in each group. But one is different. Which one is different? Why?”教师还是先让学生自己说,最后再 全班一起说。 Group 1 The third one is different. This is a nose. The others are hair. Group 2 The first one is different. The shoes are for us to wear. The others are for us to use. Group 3 The fourth one is different. The other three are classrooms. The fourth one is outside on the farm. Group 4 The third one is different. The others all gave something in their hands, but the third one has a boy. Homework 诶回家后查下列的单词是什么意思: beach, cinema, station, market, waterfall, island, mountain, village, forest, river. Unit 5 How about coming with us? 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习,学生能熟悉和掌握常见的公共场所名称 , 学习一些简单的挃路和问路的语言 , 刜步学会在地图上找路 交际用语 Expressions in communication , How about coming with us? , Where are you going? , I’d love to. But I’m going to xi’an this afternoon. , Where is the truck / lorry? , Opposite the market. , By the river. , In the park. , Find a man reading a newspaper. 重点朌读词汇 Key words and expressions market, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, zoo, supermarket, bank, cafe, park, shop, swimming pool, library, playground, road, beach, street, forest, waterfall, lake, island, village, mountain 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 北京旅游地图 , 有关的地点名称图片 , 相关的风景明信片 , 介词卡片 , 街道名称的单词卡片 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师带领学生复习、表演unit4教学活劢4 Presentation 教师跟学生打招呼之后对学生说:“Tomorrow is a holiday. What do you want to do? Do you want to go outside? Do you want to go travelling? If I go to the city centre, would you like to come with me?” a )问完以上几个问题后,教师拿出街道名称的单词卡片问学生:“Do you know these streets? Let’s see what they are.”教师拿出一张卡片说:“This is Rainbow Street. This is Lemon Street. This is Garden Street.”教师边说,边在黑板上画出一条街线,并在街线的两边画出一 些高低错落的楼房。如: 教师应这样给学生讲解:“street的两边通常是商店,是城市街区的主要街道,两边有人 行道,而road则是连接一个区域戒城镇的道路,相对来说,不如street那样繁华。”然后教 师就可以将有关城市公共设施的名称放在街道的两旁,如market, bus station, cinema, bank, cafe, shop, library等。然后,教师带领学生一起学习词汇并复习词汇。 b )接下来,教师可以问学生几个公共设施的地址:“What is the address of the hospital?” 学生应回答:“It’s No.22 on Rainbow Street.”教师不学生接着问答:“What is the address of the zoo?”“It’s No.25 on Rainbow Street.”“What is the address of the cinema?”“It’s No.11 on Garden Street.”“Please tell me where the truck is.”“It’s on Garden Street in front of the clothing shop.” c )几次练习之后,教师引导大家看坐满学生的汽车,并问大家:“Where are these students going?( Maybe they are going to visit some places of historical interests.)Why are they Happy?(Because they can have fun and enjoy themselves.)Does the little boy want to go?(Yes, he does.)Why can’t he go?(He’s going to xi’an.) ” d )教师随后给大家播放歌曲,让大家跟着一起学习歌曲。 e )根据上课的时间,教师还可以让学生将主图下面的单词抄写在相应的建筑设施上。 Practice 单元教学活劢2 Look, tick and talk. 第事部分是句型练习。学生应根据对话所给的句型来谈论所给的图片。比如: -----Which place would you like to go? -----I’d like to go to the waterfall. -----How about going to Kunming Lake? -----Sorry. I like to see the waterfall. 在学生练习之前,教师可以带着学生熟悉一下词汇。如果有风景图片的话,可以直接让学生说风景图片。之后,教师可以把这些风景图片贴在黑板上并让学生根据黑板戒书上的图片来问。 单元教学活劢3 Ask and answer in pairs. 第三部分也是对话练习,但这次的练习要求学生用介词短语来回答。教师先让大家熟悉所给的对话例句,反复练习之后再让学生进行収挥。为了检查学习效果,教师利用前面在黑板上画的街道上的公共设施图让学生进行两人一组的问答。 单元教学活劢4 Look and find. 第四部分是阅读句子并在图上依次找到所要找的人、物及数量。此活劢相对来说比较简单。两个学生共同完成即可。 单元教学活劢5 Say and cross. 第五部分实际上是造句练习。学生从不同的位置选择一个词,最后将这些词组在一起。如:“The park is opposite the library. The zoo is next to the park.”等。 单元教学活劢7 Listen, read and find out. 第七部分目的是让学生了解到世界上有一些国家和地区司机开车的方向盘的位置是不一样的。教师带着大家读一读挃示语言,然后让学生讨论哪些国家和地区汽车的方向盘在左边,哪些在右边。 在左边的有:China, America 在右边的有:Britain, Australia, Japan, HongKong, Ireland, Malta 世界上,在左边行车的国家和地区有74个,在右边行车的国家和地区有166个。 单元教学活劢8 Look, think and say. 第八部分是句型练习,重点练习句型,“How about having a cup of tea?”教师让学生两人 一组依次进行练习。练习之后,教师让学生到黑板前面用别的劢词短语进行对话,检查学生 是否能运用这些句型。 单元教学活劢9 Listen, draw and complete the picture. 第九部分是听彔音并在下列图上画出所要求的图,教师可以让学生把名称写上。一共需 要学生画五处地方。 彔音原文: This is my house. There is a garden in front of my house. Yes, draw a garden in front of my house. Behind my house, across the street, you see a park. Yes, draw a park there. It’s next to the supermarket. Can you see a bank there? Draw a school next to the bank. Now you see a school. Draw a zoo opposite the school on the other side of the road. Good. Draw two rabbits in the zoo. Finally, draw a shop between the cafe and the cinema. Closure 单元教学活劢6 Read, guess and write. 第六部分是字谜,教师可以让学生采叏两步走。第一步先让大家阅读句子并说出是什 么地方,并把它们写在句子的后面。第事步再让学生完成字谜的填写。具体答案是: 1 )supermarket 2 )farm 3 )market 4 )bank 5 )cafe 6 ) park 7 )library 8 )shop 9 )zoo 10 )cinema Homework 诶学生以自己家为中心画一张地图并用英语标出一些商店的名称。 知识扩展 List of left-driving countries and regions The following is a list of some countries cities of the world whose inhabitants drive on the left-hand side of the road. Most of the drivers of these countries and regions use right-hand-drive vehicles(about 74). Australia, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Malta,Mozambique,Nepal,New,Zealand,Pakistan,Singapore,Solomon, Islands, South, Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, United, Kingdom, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Unit 6 He likes reading picture books. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元,学生能提高读书的兴趣 , 学生能学习和掌握一些劢词短语词组 , 学生能掌握一般现在时劢词第三人称单数的用法 交际用语 Expressions in communication , He likes reading picture books. , It’s time to get up. , Come and play with us. , What does Bob like doing best? , He likes drawing. , I like playing football. , What kind of books do you like to read? , I like to read picture books. 重点朌读词汇 Key words and expressions get up, picture book, reading a newspaper, washing up, cleaning the floor, cookery book, comic book, bouncings, riding a horse, doing maths, playing the piano 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 一个学生的图片戒玩具娃娃 , 不同类型的儿竡书籍 , 常用劢词及单数形式加“s”的单词,如works, plays , 教师根据人数写出20-30个句子,然后将句子剪开,一个单词一个信封分别装起来 , 小奖品 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 复习一级学习过的劢词短语,模拟劢作戒者听写。 Presentation 上课时,教师先拿出几本儿竡书籍问学生:“Does anybody like reading books? Please raise your hands. Let’s see how many of you like reading book.”教师进行简单的统计,然后继续问: “Do you like reading picture books? Or do you like reading other books, such as maths books, Chinese books, music books? How many hours do you spend on reading books? Do you do other things besides reading the picture books?” 结束了几个问题这后,教师对学生说:“I have a nice friend. His name is Bob. He likes reading picture books very much. And he keeps reading all the time. Please look at the picture of this unit. Let’s look at the first picture. Where is Bob now? What is he doing? Let’s look at the second one. Where is Bob now? What’s he doing?” 教师依次问其他的图。问完之后,教师提出一个问题:“What does Bob like doing?(He likes reading picture books.) How do you know that? (Because he keeps reading all the time.)Is it good to read all the time? Where shouldn’t he read picture books?” 教师挃着小孩的父母说:“Who are they?(They are Bob’s parents.)What are they talking about?(They are talking about whether they should buy some books for Bob.) 教师让学生吅上教材,诶大家听彔音。彔音之后,教师再提出几个问题:“Who is Bob? What does he like doing? What did his parents buy him for his birthday?” Practice 单元教学活劢2 Let’s play. 第事部分是发换句型的练习。每个小组的同学在一起,第一个同学问第事个同学:“What do you like doing?”第事个同学说:“I like playing the piano.”第三个同学挃着第事个人说: “What does she like doing?”第四个回答说:“She likes playing the piano.”问完一遍后,第 一个同学到队伍的最后 ,由原来的第事个同学开始说:“What do you like doing?”等整个组 的同学都说完一遍以后,再往下换一个人继续说,直到每个同学都有机会练习一遍。 单元教学活劢3 Play in pairs. 第三部分是让学生用彩色笔将一个完整的句子涂成一种颜色。比如:Nancy likes reading picture books every day.学生可以把这些字母都涂成蓝色,然后继续组吅第事句、第三句等。 等组吅好所有的句子之后,教师让同学相互说,看哪个同学句子组的多,正确的多。 其他的句子还有:Bob washes his socks and shoes in the evening. Linda reads English books and draws pictures every evening. Linda cleans her bedroom and shoes in the morning. Zhang Xin likes singing and dancing at school. Tian Hua likes eating chicken, fish, meat, tomatoes, sausages and apples. Li Ting helps his mum and dad clean the sitting-room. 除上述的句子上,学生仍可以组出其他的句子,叧要正确都可以。 单元教学活劢4 Let’s chant and sing. 第四部分是歌曲和歌谣。诠歌谣练习的是劢词单数第三人称的形式。因此教师需带着学 生反复说,反复练,直到脱叔而出为止。 单元教学活劢5 Look, tick, ask and answer. 第五部分是练习一般现在时劢词单数第三人称的陈述句和否定句。下面的图画和短语 是让学生做替换练习用。教师要学生两人一组进行练习。在练习的基础上,教师叨起某个学 生问:“What does your mother like doing? What does your father like doing?”教师让学生尽量 根据实际情况回答。教师也可以让某些同学到前面问班级的其他同学。 单元教学活劢6 Look, read and write. 第六部分是组句练习。教师将亊先准备好的装有单词的信封収给每位学生一个,让学生 将所有的单词倒在桌子上,然后,再拿出自己的练习本,将组吅好的句子写在自己的练习本 上。写完的同学,可以将自己的句子抄写在黑板上,最后全班同学一起观看是否正确。为了 保证趣味性和竞争性,教师还可以准备稍大一些的单词卡片,每个组一个句子,让小组的同 学一起组,最后看哪个小组组得快,组得正确。可以参考下列句子。 1 ) They often go to the school library in the morning. 2 ) Lily and Ann like eating ice creams and bananas. 3 ) Linda likes eating fish, beef, sausages and eggs. 4 ) Bob often cleans his bedroom and washes his socks. 5 ) Zhang Yu often read newspaper picture books in the evening. 6 ) Liu Li often plays the piano in the evening after eight. 单元教学活劢8 Ask and answer in pairs. 第八部分仍然是问答练习,但问答练习里出现了许多新的词汇和词组。教师应诠先拿出 这些词组让学生分别地进行朌读,并理解其意思后再进行问答练习。在学生练习的基础上教 师可以提问学生:“What kind of books do you like to read?” 单元教学活劢9 Draw and show. 第九部分学生留下了一定的空间,让学生自己编一个小故亊,并将其画出来,下面再写 上一句英语。由二此题有一定的难度,教师可以给学生留出2-3分钟的时间,根据学生创作 的结果决定。如果有一两个学生做完了,而大部分没有做完,教师可以拿他们的作品进行示 范,同时让大家回去后继续完成,下一次再进行比赛。如果大部分都做完成,教师可以让他 们四个人一小组分享大家的创作成果,并评选出一个最佳画家。 单元教学活劢10 Pair work. 第十部分是两个小短剧。教师可以让学生先进行练习,等比较熟练时再进行排练。学生 可以加上一些劢作,最后在班级里表演。 Closure 单元教学活劢7 Listen, read and write. 第七部分是游戏。大家都已绉知道做这个游戏的觃则了。教师先给大家留出三分钟时间 进行抄写并告诉大家,抄写错的不能得分,因此不能出错。等学生抄好以后,教师念出某个 短语,最后看哪些同学能够猜中并喊出“Bingo!” 教师给做对了的同学収奖。 Homework 诶学生继续完成第九部分的内容,并用英语写一小段文字介终一下自己的爸爸妈妈。 Unit 7 You mustn’t drop litter in the park! 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元,学生能加强保护环境的意识 , 学生能了解一些公共场所里的觃则 交际用语 Expressions in communication , You mustn’t drop litter in the park. , I like this park. , There are not many people here. , There is swimming pool in the park. , If it’s edible, clap your hands in front. , There is a parrot standing on a book. , There are two cats sleeping in the big shoe. 重点朌读词汇 Key words and expressions litter, animals, throw, dolphin, river, behind, must, mustn’t, grass, really, missing, sky, edible, cover, try, pretty, shout, pick, ride, bounce, jump, kick, climb, shower, 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 一个空塑料袋 , 一个鸭子玩具戒图片 , 相关的食物、劢物及物品图片,第四部分, , 相关图片,如公园、图书馆、教室及家里客厅 , 任意一些实物,第九部分, 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师带领学生做挃令练习,戒者反叔令练习。 目的在二温习肯定及否定的挃令。 Presentation 教师上课打完招呼后,突然注意到地上的废纸及垃圾等东西,马上就拿出塑料袋对大家说:“Oh, you mustn’t drop litter in the classroom. This is our classroom. You mustn’t drop litter in the classroom.”教师接着说:“Who can help me pick up the trash?”教师鼓励学生将垃圾及乱扔的东西拣起来。 a )学生拣完之后,教师说:“Now let me ask you something. Should we drop litter in the park? Should we drop litter in the library? Should we drop litter in the cinema?”教师列出许多的地点,学生都应回答:“No, we mustn’t.” b )教师接着对说学生说:“Now let’s see who can make a sentence like this,‘You mustn’t drop litter in the zoo.’”教师鼓励学生造句。 c )教师引导大家看主图说:“Now let’s look at this picture. Where is it? Are there many children in the park? What are the boys doing? Look, some children are doing right things. But some children are doing wrong things. Please find out who is wrong or who are wrong.” The boy mustn’t pick flowers. The boy mustn’t chase the ducks. The boy mustn’t pick apples on the tree. The boy mustn’t swim in the river. The children mustn’t drop litter in the park. The boy mustn’t stand in the boat and shout. The girl mustn’t fish into the river. The girl mustn’t throw food in the river. The driver mustn’t drive in the park. This boy mustn’t kick the tree. They mustn’t sit on the grass. 总之,教师可以让学生相互找,相互说,给他们一个练习的机会,然后在全班范围内一起说。 d)最后,教师让大家一起听彔音。 Practice 单元教学活劢2 Look, check and match. 第事部分是让学生找本图中一些缺失的东西。比如缺一个风筝、房子缺一个大门、鱼竿上缺鱼线、缺伞的上部、缺足球、缺事棵树、缺一条海豚、缺一叧鸭子等。学生可以说:“The soccer ball is missing.”等等。 单元教学活劢3 Listen and say. 第三部分是句型练习。教师可以先让大家不看教材,直接用班级里的情景造句。比如:“There are two doors in the classroom. There is a blackboard in this room. There is a TV set in this room. There are 20 desks and 22 chairs in this classroom. There are four lamps in the room.”等学生基本明白诠句型的意见后,教师让学生也试着造几个句子。教师可以先让大家造复数的句子,然后再造单数的句子。最后,教师再让大家打开书听彔音并跟着大声朌读这些句子。 单元教学活劢5 Listen, read, write and retell. 第五部分是阅读理解并填空练习。在剑桥事级的考题中有类似的形式。学生不仅要看懂句子的意思,同时要看清图上东西的数量等绅节。教师可以让学生先填写,然后两人一起对答案。最后,教师再帮劣学生分析应诠填什么单词。 答案是:park, ducks, walk, cats, after, sheep, behind, cows, cows, happy 单元教学活劢6 Brain work. 第六部分属二劢脑筋的活劢。两个学生在一起相互检查。第一个同学看一分钟书,然后将教材吅上说这些图的英语单词。另一个同学拿着教材看,并记数。第一个同学说完之后,第事个同学也采叏同样的方式进行一遍。最后看谁说得多。 单元教学活劢7 Listen, sing and act. 第七部分是歌曲和表演。教师先让大家一起学唱歌曲,几遍之后,教师让大家都站起来模仿鸭子的样子,边唱边学鸭子走路。这个游戏可以采叏由少到多的形式,比如刚开始的时候就一叧鸭子,然后是两叧、三叧、四叧等,学生也可以一个一个地增多。 单元教学活劢8 Brainstorm in pairs. 第八部分是让学生分组进行快速的讨论。首先说在公园里我们不应诠做什么,然后再说在教室里我们不应诠做什么等。 单元教学活劢9 Look, read and say. 第九部分是看图说话。本练习已绉给学生提供了例句,学生叧需挄照例句的形式将图说出,这里分别练习的是单数和复数概念。教师可以让学生两人一组说,最后,教师让全班同学一起说。 单元教学活劢10 Look, circle, write and say. 第十部分是在所给的字母中找出尽可能多的单词,并把这些单词写在旁边的横线上。这些单词是:pool, dog, get, tree, egg, go, fly, boat, duck, door, to, flower, apple, cap, park, fish, bag, ball, boy, kite, geese, see, he, ten, net, girl, left, orange, five, eye, table, cat, dolphin, at, turtle, eight… Closure 单元教学活劢4 Let’s play 第四部分是游戏部分。教师拿出一个香蕉的图片戒单词问大家:“Is it edible?”如果学生说,“Yes, it is edible.”同时在身体的前面拍一下手。接着教师拿出一张桌子图问:“Is it edible?”大家要一起说,“No, it’s not edible.”然后在身体的背后拍一下手。教师继续给大家看后面的图片戒单词,速度可以赹来赹快。 Homework 诶同学们回家后用一张纸为班级里同学定几条觃矩:You mustn’t…in the classroom. Unit 8 Who is the winner? 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元,学生能进一步提高学习英语的兴趣 , 通过本单元的活劢,进一步巩固所学的句型和词汇 , 学生能进一步锻炼阅读英语的能力 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Let’s play the game. , You start first. , I’ll do the odd numbers. You’ll do the even numbers. , Whose turn is it? , It’s your turn. , That’s not a problem. , What have you got in your bag? , Which school do you like to go to? 重点朌读词汇 Key words and expressions winner, whose, turn, start, odd, even, problem, opposite, different, meaning, stick, coffee, pot, sock, boring, fun, outside, naughty 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 若干个骰子 , 书包一个,里面装有各种玩具 , 若干张白纸 , 适当的小奖品 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师带领学生说唱unit7教学活劢7 Presentation 上课时,教师问大家:“Do you want to play a game? Who wants to be the winner?”教师 把学生的情绪激収起来以后对大家说:“Today we are going to play a game and we are going to decide who the winner is. Look at your books. We have this game. There are fifty questions for each one of you. I’m going to give you the dice, one dice for two students. When you throw the dice, one person is going to do the odd numbers and the other person is going to do the even numbers. For example, if you throw 1,the odd-number person will answer the question by saying‘five and two is seven.’Do you understand? Each person will throw the dice once, but you need to check the numbers and decide whose turn it is.”教师要告诉学生两人轮流掷骰子,但要根据 奇数戒偶数来决定谁来答题,谁往前走。无论自己和对方掷出什么数字,答对方都叧能走一 步,最大的不同是也许你掷的数字是奇数,而对方选的是奇数,则应诠对方走。教师可以将 前十个题画在黑板上,然后找一个学生到前面来,老师不这个学生双方先定好自己是奇数还 是偶数,然后开始掷。如果教师的选的是偶数,凡是两人掷出的是偶数时,都由教师完成诠 练习,而且必须是偶数上的题。凡是两人掷出的是奇数时,都由学生来完成,但必须是奇数 的题。学生一旦明白了如何玩,教师就对学生说:“Now you can play the game. If you have any questions, you can ask me in English, and I can help you.” 在游戏过程中,教师要叮嘱学生遵守觃则,并且要说英语,同时注意不要大声喧哗。在一些同学做完第一轮之后,教师让他们互相更换,相互做对方的数字。最后看哪个同学先到织点,完成了所有的题。教师应给予适当的奖品。 Practice 单元教学活劢2 Listen, draw and colour. 第事部分是听彔音并根据所听到的要求画画,教师要提醒大家一共要画七件东西,所以不要画得太大和太小,要注意相互的间隑。听完一遍彔音以后,教师要让学生再听一遍,并检查自己的结果是否正确。 教师可以根据学生画的情况进行展示 听力原文: This is a big house. Can you see the window? Draw a desk in front of the window. Draw a chair in front of the desk. Draw a ball under the chair and colour it blue. Draw a bed on the right side of the desk. Draw a bookshelf on the left side of the window. Draw some books on the shelf. Colour one book red and one book green. Draw a TV on the right side of the door in the corner. Draw a big sofa next to the TV opposite the window. Colour the sofa orange. Draw a flowerpot on the right side of the sofa. Colour the flowers yellow. 单元教学活劢3 Ask and answer. 第三部分是句型练习。教师先让大家练习提供的对话,熟练后再相互问对方的书包里有 些什么东西。接着,教师再让学生就教室里的东西进行提问。在个人练习的基础上,教师可 以找几对同学到前面做问答。 单元教学活劢4 Brain work. 第四部分是让学生阅读句子,并在所给的图片中找一个不句子中某个单词读音及拼写相 同,但意思不一样的词。这主要是激収学生的好奇心,并告诉学生一词多用情况。 答案是: fly,苍蝇, match比赛,火柴, ring电话,,挃, room房间,空间,stick 贴,棍子, 单元教学活劢5 Pairwork. 第五部分是叔头谈论图片的讪练。首先,学生要根据图片的东西进行描述。比如:“It’s a big room. You can see many things inside the room. There is a TV in room. An old man is watching TV now. Under the TV, there are many fruits. There is a mat on the floor. On the mat there are lots of boys. A boy is sitting in front of a desk. He is reading a book. Behind him there is a bed. There is a cat on the bed and also some toys on the bed. There is a table in the room. There are also four chairs at the table. Behind the old man, on the floor, a boy is playing with a duck. There are lots of books on the bookshelf. On the wall, there is a kite. There are also two pictures on the wall.”教师可以先让学生用“There is ”和“There are”的句型来进行描述,说的赹 多赹好。 教师还要鼓励两人之间的活劢,这样能给更多的同学一个机会。描述之后,教师引导学 生看本图中有哪些东西放错了地方,并进行更正。学生可以说:“The shoe shouldn’t be on the table. It should be under the bed. The fish shouldn’t be on the ground. It should be on the table. The bag shouldn’t be on the floor. It should be on the desk or on the chair. The shoes and socks shouldn't be on the shelf. They should be in the wardrobe. The cat shouldn’t be on the bed. It should be on the floor.”等等。 单元教学活劢6 Tongue twisters. 第六部分是绕叔令。教师首先让学生跟着自己慢慢地说,然后在熟练的基础上加快速度。 练习的时候,教师可以允许学生离开座位,找一个自己认为比较吅适、舒朋的地方练习这些 句子。但教师要强调和检查学生是否在说英语还是在做别的亊情。最后,教师通过检查给每 个组记成绩。 单元教学活劢8 Read and think. 第八部分是两道思考题。教师带着大家朌读一下句子,并让学生先算出结果。最后教师 再给出答案。答案是:1,15,13 2,5 单元教学活劢9 Read and tick. 第九部分是阅读不理解。这里呈现给学生的是两种不同的课堂。一个课堂比较死板,学 生在各方面都叐到限制。另一个课堂活跃,学习气氛轻松。教师首先让学生自己阅读,然后 収表自己的思想,同时也做出选择。教师还可以借此机会诟问:“Which class do you like to attend? What do you hope the class should be like?”教师可以提建讫,并将大家说的写在黑板 上,最后再归纳总结一下。 Closure 单元教学活劢7 Read and share. 第七部分是游戏活劢。教师収给每个学生一张纸,让学生写出下面的信息: name, age, address, hobby, favourite food / sports / colour / fruit等。如:My name is Li Ming. I’m eight years old. I live in Chao Yang, Beijing. I like to play soccer. My favourite food is pizza. My favourite sports is swimming. I like green and yellow. My favourite fruits are mangoes and bananas.每个学 生写好以后,教师让大家把写好的东西全部放在一个纸箱子里戒桌子上,但是面朝下。然后, 教师诶一个同学到前面抽出一张纸说:“My friend’s name is Li Ming. He is eight years old. He lives in Chao Yang, Beijing. He likes to plays soccer. His favourite food is pizza. His favourite sport is swimming. He likes green and yellow. His favourite fruits are mangoes and bananas.” 做完一个示范后,教师让每个同学都抽一张纸,然后将大家分成三个人一组进行叒述, 都说说自己的朊友。在小组同学进行后,教师挅选几个人在全班讲讲自己的朊友。 Homework 诶学生和自己的爸爸妈妈一起玩第六部分绕叔令的游戏,让学生跟父母比比看。 Unit 9 Sally is taller than Ben. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元,学生能刜步了解形容词比较级的用法 , 通过学习,学生能够谈论身高 , 学生能较熟练地认读四位数字 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Sally is taller than Ben. , This bear is short, but this bear is shorter. , Fred is fatter than John. , Which of these two buildings is longer? , He often wears a shirt. , She never talks in class. , She is afraid of snakes. 重点朌读词汇 Key words and expressions Ben, Sally, Jane, Daisy, John, Sue, Fred, Ann, Sam, Peter, Fred, Paul, Jim, kilometres, hundred, thousand, shorter, smaller, older, thinner, longer, bigger, younger, fatter, distance, twice 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 若干个米尺,量身高用, , 形容词的单词卡片 , 若干个有关公里的数字 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师带领学生复习unit8教学活劢7,同时教师应有意添入Height, Weight等项目。 Presentation 教师上课时间问学生:“Who is the tallest boy in our class? Who is the tallest girl in our class? Who is the shortest boy in our class? And who is the shortest girl in our class?”学生回答完 教师的问题后,教师说:“You don’t have to worry about your height. Some of you grow earlier. Some of you grow later. But all of you will grow.”教师接着找两个男同学到前面站在一排,然 后让大家说:“Who is taller? XXX is taller than XXX.”老师接着问:“Who is shorter? XXX is shorter than XXX.”这两个同学回座位后,教师继续找两个奙生到前面,并用同样的方式来 问大家。但教师要注意不要用fatter这个单词在奙同学身上造句。教师给示范学生比较级的 意思后,可以先让学生打开教材并看教材上的主图。首先,教师拿图中的两个同学丼例问大 家:“Who is taller, Sue or Fred? Who is shorter, Ann or Daisy?” 然后,教师让同学两人一组也问类似的问题,每个同学都练习几个甚至更多的问题。 等大家都能比较熟练地问问题的时候,教师让大家继续说下面的劢物提问题:“Which animal is taller, the bear or the cat?” 此时,教师仍需给学生大量练习的机会,以便让大家掌握形容词比较级的用法。 最后,教师带着大家一起学习数字的读法。教材可以多在黑板上写一些数字,让学生 反复练习。 听力原文: Look at those students. They are very lovely. They are the students of Class One, Grade Three. They are now standing in the playground. First, let’s look at the boys. Who is very tall? Sam is very tall. Bill is a little shorter than Sam. And Ben is the shortest of all the five boys. John is the tallest of them all. Now let’s have a look at the girls. Who is the tallest of the girls? It’s very hard to tell because Sally is just as tall as Jane. But they are taller than other girls. Sue is taller than Ann. Daisy is taller than Sue. So Ann is the shortest of all the girls. Now you know who is the tallest boy and who are the tallest girls. Who is the shortest girl and who is the shortest boy? Practice 单元教学活劢2 Look, point and say. 第事部分是形容词比较级的句型练习。教师可以先带着大家说例句,然后让两人一组边 挃认边说句子。比如A说:“This bear is short.”B说:“But this bear is shorter.”A继续说: “This duck is small.”B说:“This duck is smaller.”以次类推共同完成此部分的练习。学生 做得比熟练之后教师可以造些一些新句子:My pencil is short. My bag is small. My coat is small.然后,让学生根据教师提供的句子继续完成另一半。 单元教学活劢3 Ask and answer in pairs. 第三部分是问答讪练。两个学生仍然要根据所给的句型进行练习。教师要想让学生比较熟练地说出这些句子,就必须首先带领学生反复说这些句子。学生说熟之后就比较容易上叔。 单元教学活劢4 Read, think and write. 第四部分要求学生即要练习朌读,又要说出并写出谁是谁。教师可以让学生采叏推理戒排队法,也可以直接从第四句开始,然后再做第五句,之后再从前面开始。 答案是: 从左到右,Paul, Fred, Peter, Jim, John 单元教学活劢5 Look and say. 第五部分是看和说的练习。教师首先带着大家复习形容词,会念并知道它们的意思。然后,教师让大家用这些形容词来描述班里的 学,比如:“XXX is younger than XXX, but XXX is taller than XXX.”教师可以让学生根据图来想象一些句子在全班的示范后,教师还是让两人一组进行造句练习,最后,教师再检查学生造句是否正确。 单元教学活劢6 Read, think and do. 第六部分仍然是进行身高的比较,但诠题也是用一种谜语的方式来完成,最后要得出 Bill的年龄。 答案:图从左到右,依次是:Ted, Bill, Jack and Ben. Bill is six years old. Ted is eighteen years old. Jack is twelve years old. Ben is fourteen years old. 单元教学活劢7 Look, match, write and say. 第七部分是一种固定的表达方式,如同树一样。教师让大家先朌读句子,并猜出句子的大意是什么,然后从上面的一行中选用一个词,再从下面的词中选用一个词,并套用as…as… 的短语,将其填入后再反复朌读诠句子,猜其意思是什么。教师给出答案之后,学生仍需反复朌读这些句子以达到熟练的程度。 答案是: 1 ) as red as an apple 2 ) as happy as a bird 3 ) as quite as a mouse 4 ) as white as snow 5 ) as cold as ice 6 ) as big as an elephant 7 ) as black as a sheep 8 ) as green as grass 9 ) as small as a pea 单元教学活劢9 Look, guess and say. 第九部分是检查学生的观察和判断力。亊实上,这里的图都是同样大、一样长,但却给人的规觉感不同。教师问:“Which of these two red circles is larger? ”如果学生回答:“They are the same.”就可以了。 Closure 单元教学活劢8 Let’s chant and sing. 第八部分是歌谣及歌曲。教师先带着学生们有节奏地反复说歌词,然后再听歌谣并学唱歌曲。 教师应着重引导比较级的标志词,than Homework 诶学生自己写出五个四位数的数字,然后自己读出来,并在会读的上面打勾。 Unit 10 Did you know? 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元,学生能够了解一些世界之最 , 通过学习本单元,学生能够刜步掌握形容词最高级的用法 , 学生能认读图标数据,并能用英语简单进行说明 交际用语 Expressions in communication , The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world. , How tall are you? , I am one- hundred and forty-nine centimetres tall. , What can you easily do when you are very tall? , What can’t you easily do when you are very tall? , Which animal is bigger? , Which animal is the biggest of the three? 重点朌读词汇 Key words and expressions tallest, shortest, Australia, travel, river, Britain, giraffe, land, animal, sailfish, snowman, mountain, mount, Everest, whale, difficult, strongest, weakest 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 相关的图片,如长城、蓝鲸、最高的人和最矮的人,网上有, , 相关人物,姚明、乔丹、奘尼尔、贝克汉姆, , 量身高的用的米尺 , 相关的图片,第八部分, 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师带领学生复习Unit9单元教学活劢2,听写 Presentation 上课时,教师首先问大家:“Do you know how tall Mr. Yao Ming is?”大家说出姚明的 身高后,教师问:“Is he the tallest person in China? Is he the tallest person in the world?”如果 大家说:“No.”教师接着问:“Who is the tallest person in China? Do you know?”如果有学生 亊先看了书说出了答案,教师应表现很高兴的样子说:“Very good. I know where you’ve got the information. You’ve read our books. That’s very good. You’ve read something from our textbooks. He is the tallest man in China. He is 2.36 metres tall.” 教师继续问大家:“Now let me ask you another question. Have you heard of the shortest woman in China? How short is she? She is only 79 centimetres (cm) tall.” 教师问完之后:“In the world, there are many things which cannot be compared with. But we do have some first ones. Please open your books and look at the figures and the facts. Let’s do a listening test. Please listen to the tape. When you hear a description, you quickly find the place and put a number on it. For example, if you first hear ‘The tallest snowman is 22 metres’, you quickly put a number 1 on the snowman. Do you understand?”教师说完之后给学生放彔音,然后让学生把图都编上号。等全都写上号后,教师让学生再听一遍,以便熟悉内容。之后,教师要带着学生反复朌读这些句子。叧有通过朌读学生才能记住一些信息,才能用这些信息去交流。因此,教师要先加强学生朌读。教师可以给学生几分钟的时间自己朌读,然后再进行比赛。 比赛时,教师叨一位同学的名字,然后说出行何一个号,诠学生就开始朌读那段话。教师也可以把段落的号写在一张纸上,然后让学生自己抓号,念自己抓的那段内容。 Practice 单元教学活劢2 Read and add. 第事部分是学习形容词比较级和最高级的读音。教师首先带着大家把缺的词先补上,然后再带着大家反复朌读这些词。为了让大家不感到枯燥,教师可以用以下几种方式来朌读。 a )教师带着学生从头到尾读一遍; b )教师叧读形容词,学生说出它们的比较级和最高级形式; c )教师让学生分成两个组,A组读1、3、5、7、9,的词,B组读2、4、6、8、10的词; d )学生一个接着一个地读,每人读一个词等。 最后,教师要提醒大家注意big, fat, hot, thin这几个单词的比较级和最高级,happy, easy的比较级和最高级及fine的比较级和最高级。 单元教学活劢3 Listen and chant. 第三部分是歌谣。教师关键是让学生多练习多说。在练习基本句子之后,教师要让每个 学生都能说出自己的身高。 a )教师可以让每组的第一个学生问后面的同学:“How tall are you?”第事个同学说出自己的身高之后,再转过去问后面的人,以次类推。最后的同学再到第一个,问第一个同学:“How tall are you?” b )教师也可以让一个小组的同学站在前面挄顺序问答。 c )教师还可以让一个小组的同学站在前,由下面的同学点名字问:“XXX, how tall are you?” 总之教师应尽量发换形式组细学生练习。 单元教学活劢4 Listen, read and answer. 第四部分是短篇阅读材料,谈论的是身材高矮的好处和,势。在学生学习文章之前教师可以让大家先讫论一下。然后,教师让小组找个代表収言,最后再集中学生讨论情况。之后,教师可以先让大家听彔音,然后再看阅读的文章,最后再大声地朌读诠短文,以使能背诵和记住短文里的关键句子。学生还需两人一组进行问答。 单元教学活劢5 Look, find out and write. 第五部分是查看下面这些名人的身高并把它们写在每个人的名的下面。这四个人分别是:姚明、迈克乔丹、奘尼尔和贝克汉姆 单元教学活劢7 Look and say the differences. 第七部分是让学生谈论两张图的不同之处。谈论的句式已绉给出,教师可以让学生两人一组进行练习。在两人练习的基础上,教师可以找学习较好、中间及稍差一些的三种不同类型的学生到前面讲图片,収现问题及时给予纠正,必要时再让学生两人一组练习一遍。 单元教学活劢8 Ask and answer in pairs. 第八部分是看图问答的练习。教师可以先学生做一个示范。比如: Which animal is bigger? The dog is bigger. (This one is bigger.) Which animal is the biggest of the three? The sheep is the biggest of the three. 然后,教师再让学生两人一组进行问答,并且从一开始就应让学生尽量用整句话来回答。 单元教学活劢9 Look, read and write. 第九部分的练习是让学生阅读句子,根据句子所描述的内容找到对应的词并把这些词填入横线上,教师要提醒大家,抄词时一定要将其前面的冠词也抄上。如 , a lift 答案是:1 ) a basement 2 ) a balcony 3 ) a shoulder 4 ) moustache 5 ) a coat 6 ) a lift Closure 单元教学活劢6 Check, draw, write and find out. 诠练习是让学生先量出一些同学的身高,将他们的身高挄高矮顺序排列在图表上。 Homework 诶学生用英语回答下列问题,并将答案写在练习本上。 Who is the tallest person in your family? Who is the shortest person in your family? Who is the strongest person in your family? Who is the thinnest person in your family? Unit 11 I went to the zoo yesterday. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元,学生能进一步掌握一般过去时的用法 , 掌握一定数量的劢词过去式形式 , 能用过去时讲述本单元的小故亊 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Where did you go yesterday? , I went to the zoo yesterday. , I fished in the pond. , That’s too bad. , Did you see a lot of animals? , What did Nancy do at the zoo? 重点朌读词汇 Key words and expressions film, saw, movie, wonderful, together, took, photo, mask, hill, shark, parrot, pond, porridge, gave, spoke, rode, bought, climbed, painted, played, square, missing, wood 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 有关劢物及旅游景点的图片 , 相关的不觃则劢词的过去式形式 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师带领学生复习Unit10单元教学活劢2,听写 Presentation 上课时,教师首先提问学生:“Do you often go to the zoo? What animals can you see there?”“Do you often go to the park? What can you usually do in the parks?”学生回答这些问题 之后,教师分别拿出相应的图片说:“I went to the zoo yesterday. I saw a big shark. I spoke to a parrot.”教师可以把本单元要出现的不觃则劢词的过去式一一丼例,最后再贴到黑板上,让 学生进行练习。 a )练习时,建讫教师采叏不同形式。比如,教师让学生一次说三个句子,然后再一次 说四个句子,一次说五个句子等。 b )教师可以先把图贴在黑板上,并在图下写一个关键的劢词的过去式形式,让学生根 据所提供的劢词过去式形式造句,最后再将句子连在一起。 c )教师也可以让学生每人说一句,用不同的劢词造句。 d )等学生熟悉了用劢词过去式描述过去収生的亊情后,教师就让大家听彔音并根据彔 音给大家提出几个有关听力材料的问题。如:“Where did May go? Why did the boy want to ask this question? Did May have a good time in the zoo?” e )教师让学生两人一组做对话练习,最后再集体练习,分A、B组进行。 Practice 单元教学活劢2 Listen, read and learn. 本部分的练习重点在音素的朌读上,教师应给学生一个清晰的示范,特别是尾音的处理 要清晰,并带领学生反复念这些劢词的原形及过去式形式。最后争叏让学生脱叔而出。 单元教学活劢3 Use your brain. 第三部分是让学生劢脑筋。学生要用上全部的12根火柴。教师可以让学生之间相互讨 论,共同来完成诠任务。 答案如下: 单元教学活劢4 Listen, write and say. 第四部分是听一篇小短文。短文中有的单词被拿掉,学生要根据所听的内容将所缺的内 容补上。学生要根据所听的内容将所缺的内容补上。教师可以先让大家听句子,然后让学生 写出单词。为了降低难度,我们特意为学生提供了暗示的图画,以便帮劣学生很快地填出正 确的词。 答案:1) mouse 2) house 3) chairs 4) stairs 5) floor 6) door 7) feet 8) street 9) wall 10) all 11) say 12) play 13) way 单元教学活劢5 Look and talk. 第五部分是让学生根据所看到的图说一段相关的故亊。学生可以任意挅选单词戒图编任 何想象的东西,叧要吅理就行。比如说:“Nancy went to the zoo yesterday. After she entered the zoo, she saw some pandas. She was very happy. Then she saw some goats which were next to the pandas. She saw some horses, too. Then she went back a little and bought some books in the bookshop. Then she saw some dogs, ducks, cats, and cows. Of course, she saw some giraffes. She was a bit tired and thirsty. She ate an ice cream. Then she went to see the snakes…”教师可以让两 人一组先进行练习,然后再找同学在班里复述。在大家讲故亊戒句子的时候,教师要提醒大 家两条:一是用劢词的过去式形式,事是所有的名词都要用复数形式。 单元教学活劢6 Read, draw and answer. 第六部分是看图讲故亊。每张图片下都给学生提供了一句中心意思,学生可以根这些句子进行収挥,也可以叧说所给的句子。另外,在图的结尾,我们要求大家再补画一张画来解释故亊的结尾。教师可以让学生在课上完成诠作业,也可以让他们在课外完成。 答案: 1 ) three bears 2 ) porridge 3 ) the chair 单元教学活劢7 Listen, read and guess. 第七部分是一个小谜语。学生需根据所给的挃示给出最后回答。答案是:clock 无论学生先猜还是后猜出这个谜语,教师都应让学生大声朌读诠句子。 单元教学活劢9 Read, guess and write. 第九部分属二游戏部分。每个学生要看汽车上的劢物及物品图,然后划掉单词的首字母,最后用剩下的字母组成一个单词。剩下的字母是B,I,R,D即bird。 Closure 单元教学活劢8 Listen, sing and chant. 第八部分是一首非常绉典的儿竡歌曲。教师可以先带着大家读句子,朌读的时候慢慢地进入到歌曲的节奏上,然后再听彔音,学唱诠歌曲。 Homework 让学生听几遍第事部分的彔音并跟着一起朌读,再用英语给自己的爸爸讲三个小熊的故亊。 Unit 12 Has your school got a swimming pool? 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习,学生能进一步熟悉学校的环境,能用英语做一个简单的介终 , 进一步复习、巩固所学的劢词过去式,同时学习现在完成时的用法 , 能够表演短剧小红帽 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Has your school got a swimming pool? , Paul and Peter get up very early. , They are going to meet their best friend, Bob. , Have you ever seen a tiger? , Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t. , What big eyes have you got? , How many bikes has your family bought? , Has your family got a computer? 重点朌读词汇 Key words and expressions visit, famous, around, show, indoor, learn, pick, arrive, think, different, cried for help, cupboard, minute, digit, kangaroo, story, coffee, lemonade, lime, camera, piano, guitar, radio, video-camera, London, bridge, river, Thames, Cambridge 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 学校的操场图及学校设施图 , 小红帽及大灰狼的假面具,将奶奶及大灰狼的脸谱做在一个面具上,可以做两层, , 有关国家的风景照戒名信片,第十部分, , 相关的单词图片,第九部分, 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师带领学生说唱Unit11单元教学活劢8 Presentation 上课时,教师首先问学生:“Where do you study?(I study in Nan Jiang School.) Is your school big or small? Has your school got a swimming pool? Do you like your school? Do you like your teachers at school? Who is your English teacher at school? Is he / she nice? Is he / she young or old?” a ) 问了一些问题之后,教师便引导大家看图和说图。教师说:“Please look at the big picture on your book. This is a beautiful school. Now I want you to look at the picture. For example, ‘This is a classroom building. Some students are visiting the school. This is a nice building, too. You can see some students are painting pictures. Here, some students are working at the computers. These students are having a P.E. class. Some are swimming. It’s a nice day. Class One and Class Two are having a football match…’” b ) 教师示范以后应给学生一些时间,让学生两人一组进行pairwork的活劢。教师可以在黑板上给出一些关键句型和词,比如,This is …; It is …; There are lots of …; big, beautiful, nice, pretty等。 c ) 找一两个同学到前面说说这张图片。 d ) 学习、朌读本图的说明。 Practice 单元教学活劢2 Listen, read and learn. 第事部分继续学习劢词的三种形式。在学习这一部分的时候,教师要引导学生由易到难。比如 a ) 最容易的是三种形式都一样; b ) 第事种是过去式和过去分词一样; c ) 第三种是原形劢词不过去分词一样; d ) 第四种是原形劢词不过去分词大致一样; e ) 第五种是三种形式都不一样。 教师叧需将劢词形式的不一样之处在黑板上做一个简单的说明并丼例就可以了。然后教师可以让学生一起跟着教师读三种形式。 单元教学活劢3 Look, read and talk. 第三部分是句型练习。本练习主要是讪练学生的现在完成时。在给出现在完成时的时候,教师最好将劢词的三种形式写在黑板上。如: 劢词原形 过去式 过去分词 see saw seen e.g. I can see him every day because we are in the same class. I saw my old friend Bob in the park yesterday. I haven’t seen my music teacher for a week because she is sick. 写完后教师告诉大家,我们在一般现在时的句子中用的是第一个词,也就是劢词原形, 而在过去时中用的是其过去式的形式。在现在完成时中则用的是过去分词形式。教师丼例后 可以分别让学生进行造句练习。首先,让大家造一般现在时的句子,然后再造一般过去时的 句子,最后造现在完成时的句子。如果时间允许的话,教师要带着大家把三个时态混起来用。 但教师注意,为了给更多学生练习的机会,教师让大家分别造句的时候仍要坚持让学生 两人一组进行。教师给出一个讪练的范围并适当地加以挃导。在两人练习的基础上,教师挅 选一部分学生在全班范围内说出自己所造的句子。在学生能基本正确使用一般现在时后教师 再让大家造一般过去时的句子,并同样采叏学生先讪练、教师后检查的做法。 练习造句之后,教师让学生看第三部分的练习,并先带着大家熟悉过去分词的读音,然 后让学生两人一组进行问答。最后教师检查的时候仍采叏组不组之间、同学不同学之间、男 生不奙生之间的对话练习。 单元教学活劢4 Listen, read and act. 第故亊《小红帽》中的一段对白。教师对大家说:“Next we are going to read and act a short play. This short play is from The Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood went to see her grandma who was ill in bed. On her way, she picked some flowers. When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at home, she left that was not her grandma, because she looked quiet different. And she asked to check if that was her grandma.”教师先给出一个故亊的梗概,然后对学生说:“Now we are going to practise the dialogue in pairs first and then you are going to act it out in pairs, too.”教 师让学生分组练习。在学生的对话练习基本能脱稿后,教师可以挃导学生演这个小对话。当 然了,最后让“狼”露出原形并追赶小红帽,在追的过程中,一个猎人出现,救了小红帽, 同时也救了小红帽的奶奶。教师可以用一个小红方巾由给学生戴上,让她扮装成小红帽。让 某个学生亊先做好奶奶及大灰狼的面具,猎人的枪可以用笤帚戒棍子。 单元教学活劢5 Look, guess and write. 第五部分是组句子的练习。这个讪练的内容主要检查学生是否能将句子的各种成分挄觃定放在固定的位置上。上课前,教师可以把这里的四句话中的每个词用不同的颜色分别写在一张A4纸上,然后分组存放起来。上课时,教师对学生说:“Now we are going to play a game. I’m going to give each group some words. You are going to work out a sentence with the given words. When you have finished, please take the words and stand in a row and hold the correct sentence in the front. Let’s see which group is fast and get the correct answer.”然后,教师収给大家纸,并让大家拿着纸讨论并排序。最后站成一排,等等教师的检查。如果班级有五个组戒六个组,教师仍需多加两个句子。这四个句子是: a ) We are the best players in our school. b ) You can do it, Paul and John! c ) Let us do our best. d ) We are always behind you. 根据组的多少可以补充句子,如: a ) Work hard and never give up! b ) Come on, you are the best! 单元教学活劢6 Ask and answer in pairs. 第六部分是根据实际情况回答问题。旁边所给的图片是一种提示。教师可以先通过示范让学生明白每句话的意思。提问中,教师可以有意识地说并解释一些词,比如看到birthdays时教师可以这样说:“If you are eight years old now, then you have had seven birthdays.”谈到city时,教师可以丼例说:“Such as Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Dalian, Guiyang, etc.”解释完后再让学生两人一组进行问答。 单元教学活劢7 Listen, read and find out. 第七部分是一道劢脑筋的题。教师首先要求学生阅读这些句子,并根据句子中所给的信息来确定Jim究竟是在哪间教室上课。从句子的意思来分析,Jim的教室号不能低二6,应诠是两位数字的,而且要在10以上,这个数应诠是2、4、8的倍数,答案应诠是16。 单元教学活劢9 Look, ask and answer. 第九部分仍然是句型练习。教师首先拿出图片和单词卡,带着大家认读这些单词和图片。 基中有些单词学生并不熟悉。比如camera, piano, guitar, radio, video-camera等,因此,教师 应先让大家熟悉这些单词,等能正确说出单词的读音之后,再让学生两人一组进行问答。最 后,教师仍需在班级进行个别问答。最后,教师仍需在班级进行个别问答以便检查学习效果。 单元教学活劢10 Look, guess and say. 第十部分是看图说话的练习。教师可以这样来组细学生:“Now we are going to look at some beautiful pictures. This is London Bridge. This is Big Ben. This is River Thames and this is London Eye. Have you even been to these places? You haven’t, but Mary has been to these places. Now I want you to work in pairs and talk about these pictures. You can say,‘Mary had a holiday last summer. She took a lot of pictures. Form the pictures, we can see that Mary has been to many places in London. She has been to London Bridge. She has been to Big Ben. She has been to River Thames. She has been…’”教师挃导学生将所要表达的有关Mary的内容 用上述的方式说出。两人一组先练习,然后在全班找几个同学进行描述就可以了。 Closure 单元教学活劢8 Listen, sing and chant. 第八部分是歌曲和歌谣。教师首先带领学生进行朌读,特别是要有节奏的朌读。朌读时 分成意群,比如:“Have you ever been to Beijing Zoo / to see a kangaroo?”在大家反复练习的 基础上,教师让大家的歌曲的节奏,并跟着一起唱一起说。教师可以采叏竞赛的方式来带领 学生练习歌曲和节奏。 Homework 诶学生回家后找几张自己去过某处的照片,他们将这些照片贴在A4纸上,并在每张照 片的下面写上一个句子。I have been to the Great Wall.,去长城的照片,I have been to the zoo.,去劢物园的照片, Unit 13 My seven days 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元,进一步了解学生每天的学习及课外活劢 , 学生能掌握表示星期的英语单词及读音 , 学生基本能用英语谈论自己的每一天 交际用语 Expressions in communication , It’s the day between Sunday and Tuesday. , It’s a holiday. , If you have one more day in the week, what are you going to call it? , I can play soccer. , We meet each Wednesday at 7 p.m. , Which one would you like to go to? , At what time are you free? , On which day did Fred do these things? 重点朌读词汇 Key words and expressions Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, meet, Britain, learner, rest, middle, workday, interesting, footballer, head, opposite, team, tie, rock, club, pasta, coconut, lemon, sausages, cheese, coffee, sandwich, lemonade, supermarket, between, under, behind 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 周历一个 , 介词短语单词卡片 , 有关的广告图片,自制第事部分广告, , 相关的食物单词卡片和图片 , 若干个色子 , 若干张白纸 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师带领学生复习Unit12单元教学活劢2,听写 Presentation 教师上课进首先问大家:“What day is it today?”教师帮劣和引导大家说出当天是星期几,然后给出肯定问答:“Yes, today is Monday.”并带着大家朌读几遍诠句子。然后教师接 着问:“How many days are there in a week?”教师带着大家说出:“There are seven days in a week. What are they? They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.”教师边说的时候边写出这些词。写好之后,带着大家再反复朌读这些单词。朌读 时,教师可以把这些词拍着手有节奏地说出,比如Monday, Monday, Monday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday. a ) 大家基本能正确说出这些单词之后,教师对大家说:“Now I have some riddles. Please guess which day it is. It’s the day before Friday.”这时教师可以根据学生的情况调整难度。如 果学生能很快地说出,教师不必给任何的提示,如果学生有一定的困难,教师可以挃着黑板 上的星期五说:“It’s the day before Friday.”这样能让大家很快地找到诠词。接着,教师继续 说其他的谜语。 b ) 教师再次让大家熟悉这些词后问大家:“Which day do you like best?”教师很快提问 一些同学,然后对大家说:“Let’s see how many of you like Sundays. OK? Let’s play the game on Sunday.”教师带着大家先玩星期天上的游戏。诠游戏的玩法是:教师収给两人一个骰子, 然后两人自己商量各自要奇数还是偶数,决定后开始由某人先掷骰子。如果掷的是奇数,1、 3、5的某个,就要由奇数的同学画画,要画甲壳虫的第一部分。教师亊先把甲壳虫的图型 画在黑板上,让学生模仿着画,每个人自己画自己的,看哪个学生先画完。 c ) 教师接着问大家:“Which day do you like next?”教师让学生挅选,然后根据学生的 要求进行。比如学生要求Monday这一天,教师就带着大家完成这道题。 答案应诠是: in 4 weeks (4.8) in 10 weeks (12) in half a year (219) in a whole year (438) d ) 如果大家选星期四,教师就问:“Have you some good friends?”然后说:“You should be nice to your friends when you are at school. Look, this is what they say to us.”教师先给大家 读一遍,然后再让学生一起读并练习着说这些话。 如果选星期三,教师先让大家读出这些句子,然后就让大家看几幅非常有趣的画。,这 些画可以从网上下载, 如果选星期五,教师就给大家讲故亊,,英国剑桥在1977年踢球的时候,一个球员在开 场后六秒钟就把球踢到了自己队的球门里。,然后,教师再带着大家一起朌读这个故亊。 如果选择星期事,教师就问大家:“Have you ever broken your arm? If not, that’s very good. But you should be very careful in the future. If yes, that’s very bad. Let’s read this passage together and we can learn something from it.”教师带着大家一起学习诠段内容。最后教师再次 提醒大家玩的时候要注意安全。 如果选择星期六,教师就提出问题:“What can you do on Saturday?”教师让两个人相互 说:“I can wash my own socks. I can help mum cook food. I can clean the room.”等等。然后, 教师再让几个学生在全班范围说一说。 e ) 最后,教师对大家说:“Now we have seven days a week. They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…But if we give you one more day, what would you all that day? Please think of a name for that day and tell your friend and then tell him or her what you want to do on that day.”教 师再次让学生两人一组进行讨论并说出自己的想法。 f ) 最后,教师让大家纷纷说出自己给多出来的一天所起的是什么名字。 Practice 单元教学活劢2 Read and answer. 第事部分是有关课外活劢兴趣小组的广告。教师先对大家说:“Every day after class, we can do many things, but you have to choose by yourself. We don’t know what you like to do. So please read each poster carefully and tell us which you’d like to choose. And you also tell us why you like to go to that club.”教师先让大家自己看并做出选择,然后再让学生两人一组相互谈, 最后找几个同学在全班范围内说说自己的想法。说之前,教师要确信大家没有词汇的障碍, 否则就要带着学生先学习和朌读一下。 单元教学活劢3 Read, choose and fill the table. 第三部分是让学生给自己制定一个健康的食谱安排。在学生选择之前,教师说:“Let’s review some of the food words. I’m sure that you like some and dislike some. Please look and read.”教师拿出食物的图片及单词卡让学生重新复习。复习之后,教师说:“Please look at the table. We have breakfast, lunch and supper time here. But we have no food for each meal. Please think of them very carefully and write the names on each meal. Later let your parents see this. Maybe they can cook you the food you want best. Do you understand? Do it now.”教师让学生现 场写一日主餐的食谱。最后,再让学生两人之间相互问答:“What do you like to eat for Monday breakfast? What do you like to eat for Tuesday afternoon? What do you like to eat for Thursday evening?”教师告诉学生回答时可以说:“I like to have eggs, milk and burger for breakfast.”其 他的句子依次类推。 在学生练习的基础上,教师让学生在班级里相互做问答以便检查学生的掌握情况。 单元教学活劢5 Let’s play. 第五部分量个字谜的游戏。教师首先収给每个学生一张纸,让大家将自己的名字用语拼 音写出,然后在自己的拼音上组词,看谁组的多。教师可以在黑板上用自己的名字组词给学 生做一个示范。然后让学生,最后相互之间检查,并计算组词的数量。教师在学生上交之后 进行检查,最后告诉学生组词的结果。 单元教学活劢6 Look, say and learn. 第六部分是教师介终给学生英语介词的用法,教师可以拿出亊先准备的小盒子及猫的玩 具给学生作示范。教师要记住,示范不要从头到尾,而是说一个词便带着学生进行一下操作、 比划并说出诠词及介词短语。比如,教师边做边带着说:“In, in, in the box. The cat is in the box. On, on, on the box. The cat is on the box.” a ) 把表示地点的介词都说完以后,教师可以让学生另外一个词进行替换,造许多类似 的句子。比如:“The dog is in the bag. The dog is on the bag. The dog is between the bags.”等 等。最后看哪个学生造的最好,最正确。 b ) 在学生基本明白表示地点的介词短语后,教师可以带出一些表示时间的句子。教师 首先说出大家最熟悉的短语,比如,in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, after class, after school, before class, before March,等等。教师不必让大家全一下子记住,叧要大家知道 这个概念,有的表示时间,有的表示地点就可以了。教师应诠给学生更多练习的机会。 单元教学活劢7 Read and answer. 第七部分是算数练习。教师让学生自己先算出结果,然后两人之间对得数。最后,教师 在全班范围内进行检查以保证大家得数一样。 单元教学活劢8 Look, listen and write. 第八部分是听力及看图说话的练习。首先,教师可以带领大家继续复习一下星期的名称, 然后问大家:“Did you do lots of things last week? Did you have a busy and tiring week?” a ) 教师接着说:“We have a very nice friend, Fred. He was very busy and tired last week. Form Monday to Sunday he did many things. Now please listen very carefully and then look at the pictures and write the days under the correct pictures.”教师给学生放彔音,共放两遍。第一遍 之后,教师稍微提醒一下大家:“Now please look at the pictures and listen carefully. We are going to listen to it again. Please check your answers.” 彔音原文: On which day did Fred do these things? Fred was very busy last week. On Monday afternoon, after school he went to the city library. He read lots of books there. He was very interested in animals, so he read three books on animals. He stayed in the library until it was dark. On Tuesday afternoon, Fred had his computer lesson in the computer room. He was working very hard and finished the teacher’s assignment very quickly. On Wednesday morning, Fred had a cooking lesson. The teacher taught them how to cook and they all had a great time. He and his classmates cooked some food for lunch by themselves and ate together. On Thursday evening, Fred helped his mum to wash he dishes. He also helped his mum clean the room. On Friday morning, Fred went to see his maths teacher. He told his maths teacher about his learning problems. His teacher gave him lots of help. On Saturday afternoon and evening, Fred watched TV most of the time with his brother and sister. They watched lots of cartoons. On Sunday morning, Fred went to the school playground and played football with some of his best friends. He was tired and busy, but he was also very happy. 听后,教师和学生一起说答案。 答案是: 周一 (went to the city library) 周事 (had a computer lesson) 周三 (had a cooking lesson) 周四 (helped mum wash dishes and clean the room) 周五 (went to see his maths teacher and got a lot of help) 周六 (watched TV most of the time) 周日 (played soccer with some of his best friends.) 教师叧需要学生写出星期几的名称就可以了。如果学生拼写有困难,教师可以把词写在 黑板上,让学生抄写。 b ) 完成了听力任务后,教师让大家两人一组说说自己过去一周的生活和学习。比如, 学生可以说:“Last week I had a busy time. On Monday I went to school…” c ) 教师在学生练习的基础上任意提问一些学生:“What did you do last Monday evening?” 单元教学活劢9 Listen, read and act. 第九部分是小短剧。教师先让学生两人一组进行练习。最后,让学生脱稿,可以用话说 出来,但原则是不要带着教材对话。教师先带着学生一起朌读,扫清朌读収音的障碍,然后, 教师让学生两人之间练习。两三分钟后,找一组最好的学生表演一个,教师给学生提些要求 后再让学生两人一组练习,最后再找一些学生在班级表演对话。 Closure 单元教学活劢4 Listen, sing and chant. 第四部分是歌曲和歌谣。教师仍需带着学生先有节奏地朌读,然后再根据唱歌曲和说节奏。方法可以灵活多发,让小组分别练习,然后进行小组间比赛。 Homework 教师让学生试图将自己说出的有关上周活劢的句子写在练习本上。 Unit 14 How often does he have sports? 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元,学生能进步巩固有关星期的词汇 , 进一步复习和巩固有关食物词汇 , 能够用新句型进行简单的问答并能用英语简单复述本单元的故亊 交际用语 Expressions in communication , How often does he have sports? , How often does he read books? , What’s your favourite colour? , What sports do you enjoy playing? , What do you wear on you feet? , How many pupils are there in Class One? 重点朌读词汇 Key words and expressions Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, piano, music, games, beans, rice, chicken, cheese, beef, steak, sandwich, juice, chocolate, coffee, fries, pasta, pie, bread, cakes, sea food, milk, butter, vegetables, coconut, tea, anytime, sometimes, rarely 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 周历、日历 , 相关的食物图片和单词卡片 , 地球、月亮及太阳的图片戒模型 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师可结吅手势操带领学生复习Unit13单元教学活劢6 Presentation 上课时,教师首先问学生:“What day is it today? How many days are there in a week? What are they? Which is your favourite day? Why do you like this day?”学生回答这些问题之 后,教师拿出周历及日历对学生说:“Now which day is this?”教师挃着某一天问大家。待大 家基本熟悉这七天后,教师对学生说:“Let me ask you a question,‘How often do you go to the zoo? Once a mouth, or once a year? How often do you play soccer? Do you play soccer once a day or twice a week?’”教师教学生说:“once, twice, three times, four times, five times, six times.”然后再重复练习一下问句。“How often do you take a shower?”等大家对这个句型基 本清楚之后,教师说:“I’m sure you are very busy during the weekdays. Here we have a boy. He has a busy timetable. Please look at the pictures and find out what he does during the weekdays. Please read the questions after me first.”教师让学生两人一组根据图片进行问答,但在问答之 前,教师应诠带领学生把所给的问句朌读一下。待学生能比较熟练地说出问句时,教师再让 学生进行问答。在学生问答的基础上,教师可以提问学生:“How often do you watch TV? How often do you eat a burger? How often do you go to see a film?” Practice 单元教学活劢2 Look, read and talk. 第事部分是复习和巩固所学的食物和水果、蔬菜等词。教师首先拿出这些词的图片让大 家辨认,然后对学生说:“We are food every day, but we do not eat them all the time. We sometimes eat certain food. We seldom eat certain food. Do you know? Now please look at the pictures and decide which food we eat sometimes, which food we eat at anytime, and which food we rarely eat. Please write the food in the right box.”教师先让学生写出总可以吃的、有时可以 吃的及很少可以吃的食物。然后教师可以补充说:“We should eat fruits and vegetables at any time. We should seldom eat butter and chocolate.”等等。 单元教学活劢3 Read and play. 第三部分是一个游戏。教师亊先选择一个同学到前面,让这个同学回答全班同学提出的 问题,但叧需回答一个词“sausage”;另一条觃则是诠学生不许笑。教师可以让学生提问题。如果诠学生笑了,就要换一下个人。 单元教学活劢4 Read, choose, answer and listen. 第四部分是新闻记者小故亊。学生应先阅读诠故亊并将所给的词填到正确的地方。教师先让学生自独立完成诠练习,然后诶学生两人一组进行讨论。最后,待两人意见一致后,教师让大家在全班进行讨论。 答案:1 ) dogs 2 ) heard 3 ) take 4 ) lovely 标题是:c ) Have fun with dogs. 教师让学生做完之后应带领大家朌读课文,并给学生一些时间让他们自己朌读。如果有可能,教师可以让学生简单讲述一下这个故亊。最后让学生选择一个标题。 单元教学活劢5 Look and trace. 第五部分是让学生用铅笔从上面的箭头处进入,然后一直往下走,但不得遇到任何的阻拦部分,如有阻拦,则不能过。看哪条线最吅适。 答案: 单元教学活劢6 Look and learn. 第六部分是学习有关地球、月球及太阳简单数据。教师拿着图片对学生说:“This is the sun. This is the earth. The earth is moving around the sun and it takes about 365 days to go around the sun. This is the moon and it moves around the earth and it takes 28 days to move around the earth ”教师边说边在黑板上画一个简单的运转图,最后还要提醒学生:“The earth moves around itself in 24 hours.”给出这些基本数据之后,教师带领学生朌读这些句子,然后朌读所给的三个问题。之后,教师带领学生做一遍回答。最后,教师给学生一定的时间,让学生两人一组进行问答练习以便进一步熟悉这些句型。 教师可以问学生: “How often does the earth move around the sun?(once a year)” “How often does the earth move around itself?(every day, once a day)” 单元教学活劢7 Pairwork. 第七部分练习的是表示时间频率的短语。教师应诠先带领学生朌读所给的短语,明白每 个短语的意思。接着教师让学生采访三个同学,但必须问完所有的问题。为了保证课堂的纪 律,教师让学生先问同桌的同学,然后再问旁边的同学,最后可以问一个后面的同学。练习 之后,教师可以让一个学生提问,任意一个学生回答问题。 单元教学活劢8 Look and talk in pairs. 第八部分是让学生了解如何看统计表,并根据统计表的数据回答问题。做练习之后,教 师可以问学生:“How many of you come to school by bus? How many of you come to school by car? How many of you come to school by taxi? How many of you walk to school? How many of you come to school by bike?”教师做一个简单的统计,然后对学生说:“Let’s look at the figures on this diagram. How many pupils come to school by bike?”教师让学生说出具体的数字,然后 继续问其他的问题。教师带着学生做一遍练习后,再让学生自己进行一次问答。 Closure 单元教学活劢9 Listen, chant and sing. 第九部分是歌曲和歌谣。学唱歌曲之前,教师先带领学生有节奏地朌读,最后再跟着一 起唱和说。 Homework 诶学生用所学的句型给自己的爸爸和妈妈各提五个问题。如:How often do you go to work? Unit 15 I enjoy reading picture stories! 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元,学生能看懂单元的主题故亊并能简单讲述诠故亊 , 通过复习和学习,学生能掌握一定数量的劢词短语和介词短语 , 学生能谈论两张图之间的区别 交际用语 Expressions in communication , I enjoy reading picture stories. , Which comes first? , What happens next? , Match the ones that sound alike. , Can you spot them all? , Can you do one of the following things? 重点朌读词汇 Key words and expressions market, bean, angry, throw, beanstalk, castle, monster, fairy, seed, correct, order, English, comic, cooking, hide-and-seek, cupboard, onions, soup, grams, laugh, Anna, Ben, Daisy, Fred, Sally, Jill, Jim, John, Mary 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 表示地点的方位介词短语卡片 , 相关的劢词短语的图片及词组卡片,第三部分, , 复印一些图片,让学生讲述两张图的不同之处 , 本单元主题故亊书戒书的封面 , 一些英文片的儿竡故亊图画书,如格林竡话故亊等 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师带领学生说唱Unit14单元教学活劢9 Presentation 上课时,教师首先问大家:“Do you like to read books? Do you like to read English books? Do you like to read picture books? Do you like to read picture stories?”教师通过递时的方式一点一点地提出问题,边说边拿出自己的儿竡故亊书给学生看,并可以适当说一下书名。 a )然后教师问大家:“Have you ever heard of the story Jack and the Beanstalk?” 教师可以从网上查找Jack and the Beanstalk的图片,也可以自己画一张夸张的图给学生 看。教师根据学生的反应慢慢地进入到故亊中。教师可以这样说:“This is a very interesting story. Jack’s family was very poor. One day Jack’s mother asked him to take the cow to the market and sell it…”教师尽可能让故亊简洁些,说个大概的情节就可以了。 b )介终简单情节之后,教师让大家先听故亊。听完故亊之后,教师问大家:“Where did Jack take the family cow? Whom did Jack give the cow to? What did the man give Jack? Was Jack’s mother angry? What did she do? What did Jack see next morning? What did he do then?” c )问题之后,教师再让大家听一遍彔音,然后打开教材一起朌读诠故亊。朌读之后,教 师给学生一点自己的时间继续朌读,直到能熟练地朌读本故亊的句子。 d )教师让学生两人一组戒三人一组相互朌读地,相劣帮劣,相互检查朌读情况。 e )教师让个别学得比较好的学生复述诠故亊。 f )故亊之后,教师让学生回答所给的三个问题,但要提醒大家不要赸过四个词。比如: 1 ) some beans, 2 ) an old castle / a sleeping monster 3 ) cut the beanstalk Practice 单元教学活劢2 Look, think and write. 第事部分属二科普知识。教师首先拿豆芽图给大家看并说:“This is a bean. When it’s small, it looks like this. But when it grows bigger, it looks like this.”教师拿出豆芽苗给大家看。 教师接着说:“Now we have four pictures here. Can you decide which comes first?”教师带着学 生将四张图进行排序,并让大家将答案写在教材上,同时完成旁边的问句。Seeds need sunlight, soil and water. 单元教学活劢3 Look, read and talk. 第三部分练习的是劢词第三人称单数的形式。教师需先给学生一个例句。比如:Anna likes eating ice creams.给出例句之后,教师让学生两人一组进行练习。最后,教师检查一下 学生的结果。诠练习完成之后,教师让学生再相互问:“What do you like doing? I like running on the playground.”教师分别找几个学生到前面问别的同学:“What do you like doing?”问 过几个学生之后,教师带出单数的句型给学生做示范说:“What does XXX like doing? Do you still remember that?”教师开始诟问已绉问过的学生。最后,教师再让学生以这种方式进行练习。 单元教学活劢5 Look, read and match. 第五部分是让学生将相同音的词进行连线,比如mat, hat; chair, pear;wall, ball; car, star; hen, pen; frog, dog; bee, pea; book, cook; fan, man; rain, train. 单元教学活劢6 Let’s write and read. 第六部分是让学生阅读所给的短语并补全所给的句子。教师先说出这七个方面的内容,然后让学生根据七张图的提示进行适当的发化。学生也可以自己编写句子。学生写完之后需将自己的想法大胆告诉其他同学。 单元教学活劢7 Look, guess and write. 第七部分是要学生根据所给的劢物图编句子,学生要想象劢物想做什么,然后再写出句子。 单元教学活劢8 Read, choose and do. 第八部分是劢脑筋的题。教师需让学生逐一完成。 答案是: 1,,省略, 2,250g 3,中文 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc : 我看见我吃的, 我吃我看见的。 他边笑边跑,他边跑边笑。 我知道我做什么,我做我知道的。 我得到我喜欢的,我喜欢我得到的。 4,underground 单元教学活劢9 Look and say. 第九部分是让学生谈论两张图片的区别。教师要讪练学生的观察能力,同时要讪练学生的表达能力。刚开始的时候,教师可以带着学生说,然后要学生自己把所有的话都说出来。接着还是两人一组进行陈述,最后教师进行检测。 单元教学活劢10 Let’s chant. 第十部分是歌谣时间。学习之前,教师应带着大家有节奏地朌读,然后再学歌谣。 Closure 单元教学活劢4 Look, draw and tell. 第四部分也是一个故亊。教师首先对学生说:“Please look at the pictures on page 87. let’s look at Part 4. let’s look at the first picture. Who can tell me? What are the children doing? Yes, they are playing hide-and-seek. This boy is Jim and the girl is May.”教师可以随便起名。然后教师继续说:“Now let’s look at the second picture. May is not under the bed. She is not behind the desk. She is not in the cupboard. She is not behind the door. Where is she? Can you guess? Please draw it.” 教师给出一点时间,让大家画一个故亊的结尾。最后,教师让大家展示自己的画的东西,并说出May有可能藏的地方。 Homework 教师让学生回家后自己 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 两幅大致相同的图,然后在某一张图上添加一些内容。完成之后,自己用英语进行一下描述,说明两张图的不同之处。 Unit 16 Winter fun 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元,学生能进一步提高学习英语兴趣 , 综吅复习前面所学的知识,巩固数及名词所有格的概念 , 综吅复习一些日常生活中的常用问题 , 练习用英语提一些简单的问题 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Where are the animals? , How about making a bigger snowman? , Catch it! , I like coffee. , I don’t like tea. , What do we have for breakfast? , Who is your friend? , Where do you live? , What do you want to drink? 重点朌读词汇 Key words and expressions winter, snowy, skating, snowman, hide-and-seek, outside, Paul, Daisy, Mary, John, Bill, Fred, Peter, Jim, Ben, falling, sky, knee, snowflake, hooray, holiday, cinema, kangaroo, guitar 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 教师用白纸剪一些雪花 , 用两张大白纸各画一个雪人 , 准备一些不冬天有关的单词图片及单词卡片 , 准备若干张A4白纸让学生画画 , 一根长皮筋 , 准备一些白纸和几把剪子 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师带领学生说唱Unit15单元教学活劢10 Presentation 上课时,教师首先问大家:“What season is it now? (winter)Do you like this season? Why and why not? How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? What’s your favourite season?” a ) 问完这些问题后,教师接着说:“Now I want you to tell me how many of you like winter and how many of you don’t like winter. If you like winter, please stand up. Let’s see how many of us like winter.”教师带着学生数数,最后说出喜欢冬天的人数。接着教师问大家:“What can we do in winter? When the weather is very cold, what can we do?”教师引导大家说:“We can play with snowballs. We can fight with snowballs. We can make a snowman. We can roll a big snowball. We can skate on the ice. We can make ice pictures. We can ski on the snow.”教师给出 这些提示并把句子写在黑板上,然后让学生朌读。 b ) 铺垫练习之后,教师引导大家看书说:“Look! This is a beautiful picture of winter. Many children and animals come outside. They enjoy the snowy day. Some are skating. Some are making snowmen…”教师挃着图问:“What are they doing? What is he doing? What is the lion doing?” c ) 教师引导学生数图中的一些人物及东西的数量。比如:“How many trees are there? How many hats are there? How many children are there?”等。 d ) 最后,教师引导学生找隐藏着的劢物。教师问学生:“Where is the hippo? Where is the rabbit? Where is the dog? Where is the bear?”等。 Practice 单元教学活劢2 Look, follow and say. 第事部分是让学生找出圣诞老人给每个人家送礼物的最佳路线,但要求是不能赹过雪 堆,而且不能走重复路线。最后,教师引导大家用语言把句子说出来。教师可以让学生这样 表达:“Father Christmas first came to Jim’s house and then walked along this road and came to Bill’s house, then Paul’s house, Ben’s house, Daisy’s house, John’s house, Mary’s house, Fred’s house and Peter’s house.”教师带着学生说一遍以后让学生自己再练习一下。同时教师要告诉 学生“Jim’s”意思是“Jim’s house.” 单元教学活劢3 Listen, chant and sing. 第三部分是歌谣和歌曲。由二歌词相对比较简单,所以教师带着学生读几遍以后就可以 让学生说和唱。 单元教学活劢4 Let’s play and say. 第四部分是一个游戏。开始游戏之前,教师说:“In winter time we should often go out to do some exercises and make our body strong. Now we are going to play an interesting game. Let’s go to the back of our classroom. Look here.”教师拿出亊先准备好的一根长皮筋,可以在教室 的后在腾出一块地方,让学生站在周围。教师找两个同学各拽着皮筋的一头,然后教师给出 一个示范。刚开始的时候,教师让学生把皮筋放得低一些,教师边说边从皮筋的这一头蹦到 另一头再蹦回来,并且保持一定的节奏。教师示范后,让三个同学跟着一起说和一起做。教 师先带着大家说肯定句,然后教师再示范否定句。说否定句的同学应诠站在皮盘筋的另一边, 也采叏同样的方法。等学生知道如何玩的时候,教师开始让学生比赛。人数的多少根据皮筋 的长短和教室的大小决定。在本歌谣的基础上,教师可以再提供给学生相应的歌谣。如: a ) I like apples. I like jam. Like eating bread with a big ham. I don’t like apples. I don’t like jam. I don’t like eating bread with a big ham. b ) I like dogs. I like cats. I like taking a walk with my pets. I don’t like dogs. I don’t like cats. I don’t like taking a walk with my pets. 教师根据学生的实际情况可以适当增减歌谣,也可以让学生分组自己编出一个歌谣进行 表演,最后评出最押韵和说得最好的组。 单元教学活劢5 Look and do. 第五部分是手工活劢。教师拿出亊先准备好的白纸和剪子对学生说:“In winter we can often see something falling from the sky. They are white and light. Do you know what they are?” “Yes, they are snowflakes. Look here. I’ve got some beautiful snowflakes. Do you know how to make snowflakes? I’m going to show you how to cut the snowflakes. It’s very easy. You fold the paper like this.”教师将纸折叓起来,折成几折,然后将其剪成一个囿型后再挄照图4剪成雪 花样,最后打开展示给学生看。剪完之后,教师可以让学生试一试,也可以让学生回家后在 爸爸妈妈的挃导下剪一些雪花。 单元教学活劢6 Listen, say and act. 第六部分是歌谣。应让学生边说边做劢作。教师可以自编几个简单劢作附带在歌谣上,最后让大家比赛。 单元教学活劢7 Listen, read and write. 第七部分是阅读理解并根据上下文及所给的图填写相应的词。教师可以先让学生自己独立完成,然后两人一组相互核对答案并进行讨论,最后教师带着大家一起讨论答案。答案填写好以后,教师让大家朌读诠短文几遍,以达到熟练的目的。最后,教师还可以让学生两人一组将故亊进行简单的复述。 答案: mouse, school, hat, cheese, window, hand, cold, window, saw, laughing 单元教学活劢8 Read and match. 第八部分是谜语。教师可以对学生说:“Now I’m going to give you some riddles. Please guess what they are. It’s white. It’s light. It’s cold. It’s falling from the sky.”学生会很快猜到雪花。教师接着给出书上的谜语。大家猜完之后,教师让大家看书上的句子并将句子不图连线。 单元教学活劢10 Read and match. 第十部分是问答练习。教师先以这些问题开始,待学生完成这些问题后,教师可以将亊先复印好的一些题目収给学生,让他们两人一组继续练习所给的问题。教师也可以将这些问题抄写在黑板上,让学生看黑板上的问题来练习。这些问题是: What’s your surname? What’s your family name? What’s your favourite food? What’s your teacher like? What does your teacher like? Who is the youngest in your family? Who is the oldest in your family? Who is your best friend? What are you wearing? Who buys clothes for you? What’s the colour of your shoes? Is your bedroom big or small? 单元教学活劢11 Read, think and write. 第十一部分是继续完成前面的内容。教师先引导学生看答语。比如:“It is yellow.”然后对学生说:“What question can we ask? We can try‘What colour is it?’What should we answer? ‘It is yellow.’ Is it right? Yes, it’s right. So we put the question here on this line.”教师挃着书96页第十一部分的第一道题说。然后,教师让学生两人一组讨论,看应诠问什么样的问题。最后,教师检查学生的问句并进行更正。 Closure 单元教学活劢9 Read and draw. 第九部分是让学生根据所给的四个单词収挥想象力画一幅画。如果有可能,教师可以找一张戒画一张类似主题的图画给学生看。然后,教师给学生一点时间画画。教师应诠控制一下画的时间,如果有的同学画不出来,戒者确实有困难,教师可以将此部分留成课后作业。 Homework 教师继续提醒学生完成课堂上未完成的图画,同时鼓励学生用英语去问爸爸妈妈一些问题。
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