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转载--大家看看 日本车分析(实景篇)


转载--大家看看 日本车分析(实景篇)转载--大家看看 日本车分析(实景篇) 日本车质量 分析 (图片篇) 对于很多买日本车的人来大谈爱国无异于对牛弹琴,而且本人也反对空谈爱国,日系车的普遍特点是:看得见的东东应有尽有,模样精致;看不见的东东能省就省,省不了就换上垃圾凑数。前段时间,有位DX说日系车就好比暗媢,外表光鲜,方便实惠,开(用)起来很爽,但内质肮脏,总让人有不安的感觉,一不小心,就会小命不保。----我完全赞同这一说法,据笔者多年查考研究:在中国,日系车车祸率最高,特别是车祸死亡率极高。------这些现象的出现,归根结底源于日系车卑鄙阴...

转载--大家看看  日本车分析(实景篇)
转载--大家看看 日本车分析(实景篇) 日本车质量 分析 (图片篇) 对于很多买日本车的人来大谈爱国无异于对牛弹琴,而且本人也反对空谈爱国,日系车的普遍特点是:看得见的东东应有尽有,模样精致;看不见的东东能省就省,省不了就换上垃圾凑数。前段时间,有位DX说日系车就好比暗媢,外 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 光鲜,方便实惠,开(用)起来很爽,但内质肮脏,总让人有不安的感觉,一不小心,就会小命不保。----我完全赞同这一说法,据笔者多年查考研究:在中国,日系车车祸率最高,特别是车祸死亡率极高。------这些现象的出现,归根结底源于日系车卑鄙阴险的成本核算,也就是偷工减料。 多少道理都比不过几张照片,看看吧~ 倒车速度20码 municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committee to active 车皮太薄,A柱太假,顶棚也假,结果是车如奶油一样被裁开 仔细看看,这是思域的轮胎。 t), and the Working Committee to activectivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Stree o carry forward the fine tradition of good style,municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group t2 掉轮子是本田的专利~~~ tiveto ac edication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committeep, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dmunicipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Grou3 t), and the Working Committee to activectivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Stree o carry forward the fine tradition of good style,municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group t4 多少人青睐了身影,CRV. CR-V车祸详情 8月21日11时35分,福建龙岩市境内一辆中型货车(闽F22067)在厦蓉高速公路B线由长汀往龙岩方向行驶,因油管爆裂造成车辆斜停在道路主车道上,洒落的液压油造成路面湿滑,导致一辆东风本田CRV小型越野客车(云AYZ811)侧滑碰撞前方一辆行驶的重型半挂牵引车(豫C68150)的尾部,造成东风本田CRV小型越野客车上5人死亡,1人重伤。 CRV7款车, 只有售价25.28W的顶配配有刹车辅助, 牵引力控制和车身稳定控制系统. 我想问东本的是, 是否你们认为CRV车主真的永远不会跑高速吗? 我不否认CRV的车主大部分的确都是在市内行走, 但好像龙岩车祸的情况, 偶尔一次, 就一次高速, 因为安全的配置不够问题, 死了5个人. tiveto ac edication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committeep, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dmunicipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Grou5 丰田结论:在经历了“验车无门”的纠结之后,质疑丰田霸道翻车事故的包头车主武丽英终于在一个月后盼来了丰田的人。5月7日下午2点半,在当地丰田4s店工作人员的陪同下,来自北京丰田客服中心的两位工作人员和一位日本专家来到了包头市青山区自由路一幢居民楼下的车库,这是包头青山法院指定的事故车封存地点。 “外力冲击导致车辆断轴而非车辆本身缺陷” t), and the Working Committee to activectivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Stree o carry forward the fine tradition of good style,municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group t6 哦 这也是越野车吧~ tiveto ac edication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committeep, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dmunicipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Grou7 大年三十的晚上,一辆本田飞度车在山东临沂郯城县李庄镇撞到了路边的树上了,驾驶员当场死亡~ FIT车体从引擎仓与驾驶仓结合处完全断裂~引擎仓断裂后向右侧旋转180度~(站在车尾,可以同时看到两尾灯及两前灯)~驾驶坐椅随底盘严重下陷~ 我绝不相信,900多公斤的车能有多坚固~ 造成车祸的原因不明,但是车身断裂的场面让人惊叹,因为车速看起来并不快,断裂的车头还藕断丝连的在车的旁边,从不堪入目的底盘看来,车身的刚性之差不言而喻。 至于反复出现的车祸中车身断裂的事情,我想厂商迟早要给中国的消费者一个说法~~~ t), and the Working Committee to activectivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Stree o carry forward the fine tradition of good style,municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group t8 日本车断裂集锦。(汽车底盘是最坚固的部分,底盘断裂是绝对不可以接受的,说明车身刚性差到了令人发指的地步,天下车,也只有日本车能这样频繁的底盘断裂)三菱的两起车祸 日本车断裂集锦。(汽车底盘是最坚固的部分,底盘断裂是绝对不可以接受的,说明车身刚性差到了令人发指的地步,天下车,也只有日本车能这样频繁的底盘断裂)三菱的两起车祸 tiveto ac edication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committeep, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dmunicipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Grou9 雅阁在高速路上((( t), and the Working Committee to activectivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Stree o carry forward the fine tradition of good style,municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group t10 尼桑好车 天赖! 多少人的梦想啊~~~ 这就是所谓的吸能~ tiveto ac edication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committeep, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dmunicipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Grou11 停车场:雅阁大哥,两天没见,咋光剩尾巴了, 围观群众:啧啧,移动火葬场 t), and the Working Committee to activectivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Stree o carry forward the fine tradition of good style,municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group t12 变形金刚 该车最坚固的就是车牌了 tiveto ac edication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committeep, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dmunicipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Grou13 丰田凯美瑞气囊问题尚未解决啊~ 2006年9月2日,一个驾驶刚刚购买的丰田凯美瑞,在一条乡间公路上,与一辆迎面驶过的农用运输车相撞。凯美瑞的前部严重毁损,由于安全气囊爆裂,驾驶员未系安全带,导致驾驶员当场死亡,副驾驶员重伤。事发后车主与丰田凯美瑞洛阳4S店进行了通报,该店表示与丰田凯美瑞总部进行联系,但时至今日仍没有满意的答复。 给张前景 丰田凯美瑞气囊问题尚未解决啊~ 2006年9月2日,一个驾驶刚刚购买的丰田凯美瑞,在一条乡间公路上,与一辆迎面驶过的农用运输车相撞。凯美瑞的前部严重毁损,由于安全气囊爆裂,驾驶员未系安全带,导致驾驶员当场死亡,副驾驶员重伤。事发后车主与丰田凯美瑞洛阳4S店进行了通报,该店表示与丰田凯美瑞总部进行联系,但时至今日仍没有满意的答复。 给张前景 t), and the Working Committee to activectivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Stree o carry forward the fine tradition of good style,municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group t14 这里要说明了,因为日系车车皮太薄,车架也不是一体成型,日本人总说溃散好溃散妙,发 动机也能溃散吗,发动机后移位压迫方向盘,气囊又未弹出,驾驶员被方向盘插死了 tiveto ac edication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committeep, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dmunicipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Grou15 这回真开眼了吧~~~ 真爱生命 远离雅阁 。日本车居然是后座最危险,令人讶异。多薄的铁皮才能到这个效果,事故车后45度角照片 事故车断裂后的后半部,看了这个图,一辈子远离本田雅阁。 t), and the Working Committee to activectivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Stree o carry forward the fine tradition of good style,municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group t16 见证雅阁的所谓吸能 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ,连这样的细铁杆也能撞成这样,太强悍了~ tiveto ac edication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committeep, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dmunicipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Grou17 驾驶员已经OVER了 ~ 主气囊还是完好无损。。。 一气大众的宝来 日本车追尾后的场景 t), and the Working Committee to activectivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Stree o carry forward the fine tradition of good style,municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group t18 车头去哪了, 日本汽车业界有这么一句话,同样的日本车,A级的给国内用,B级的出口欧美,c级的出口非洲中东.压仓的给中国!!同样的丰田凯美瑞,日本国内的和广汽丰田的配置,质量差的不是一两个级别!! 大家要支持国内的汽车工业,一汽就是个典型的卖国贼,和大众合作了15年,到现在还只是会组装德国车,完全没学到德国人的造车理念和技术!! 吉利,华晨等企业,虽然现在的国产车质量和技术都不过关,但是总有一天中 支持奇瑞, 国的汽车工业是会崛起的,,像当年的通用不是一样看不起德国大众和日本丰田,,现在呢??通用濒临倒闭,而大众和丰田却成了世界第三和世界第一的汽车制造公司!! tiveto ac edication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committeep, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dmunicipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Grou19 恩这个车的质量倒是不错,呵呵没变形。 噢,实在是不好意思,刚才忘记发另外一边的样子了。 t), and the Working Committee to activectivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Stree o carry forward the fine tradition of good style,municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group t20 tiveto ac edication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committeep, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dmunicipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Grou21 t), and the Working Committee to activectivelynvolved in the work, dedication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Stree o carry forward the fine tradition of good style,municipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Group, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group t22 tiveto ac edication, andOur mission, accomplish the task assigned by the organization. The township (Street), and the Working Committeep, hoped that comrades of the Steering Group to carry forward the fine tradition of good style, ctivelynvolved in the work, dmunicipal requirements and operational needs, the district sent 4 Steering Grou23
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