首页 《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》缔约国进行的数据汇报秘书处的报告



《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》缔约国进行的数据汇报秘书处的报告《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》缔约国进行的数据汇报秘书处的报告 联合国 EP Distr. GENERAL 联合国 UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 12 September 1996 环境规划署 CHINESE ORIGINAL: ENGLISH 《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》 缔约国第八次会议 1996年11月25-27日,圣约瑟 临时议程*项目4 秘书处关于各缔约国按照《蒙特利尔议定书》 第7和第9条所提供资料的报告 《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》缔约国进...

《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》缔约国进行的数据汇报秘书处的报告 联合国 EP Distr. GENERAL 联合国 UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 12 September 1996 环境规划署 CHINESE ORIGINAL: ENGLISH 《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》 缔约国第八次会议 1996年11月25-27日,圣约瑟 临时议程*项目4 秘书处关于各缔约国按照《蒙特利尔议定书》 第7和第9条所提供资料的报告 《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》缔约国进行的数据汇报 秘书处的报告 一. 导言 1. 本报告载列了秘书处根据《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》第7和第9条所收到(截至1996年9月9日)的资料。 2. 《蒙特利尔议定书》第7条具体 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 : disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expandNa.96-0182 190996 270996 为节省开支,本文件印发数量有限。请各位代表开会时自带文件,勿再索取。 UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 2 (a) 基准数据 每一缔约国应在成为缔约国之后的三个月内,向秘书处提供关于其附件A所列每一种控制物质的1986年生产、进口和出口的统计数据,关于附件B和C所列每一种控制物质的1989年生产、进口和出口的统计数据,以及关于其附件E所列每一种控制物质的1991年生产、进口和出口的统计数据; 或在没有确实数据时提供此类数据的最佳估计数据; --------------------- * UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/1。 (b) 年度数据 每一缔约国应在关于附件A、B、C和E所列物质的规定对该国各自生效的那一年及以后每一年向秘书处提供附件A、B、C和E内所列每一种控制物质的年产量(根据第1条第5款的定义)的统计数据,并就每一种物质分别提供有关数据。此类数据的提供不得迟于此类数据有关年份终了后9个月。 (c) 有关再循环的年度数据 每一缔约国应向秘书处另行单独提出有关附件A第二类和附件C第一类所列的、已经再循环的每一种控制物质年度进出口量的统计数据。 3. 研究、开发、公众意识和资料交流 第9条具体规定,每一缔约国应每两年向秘书处提交一份其依据有关研究、开发、公众意识和资料交流的本条规定所进行的活动简报。 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 3 二. 《蒙特利尔议定书》及其《伦敦修正书》 和《哥本哈根修正书》的批准状况 4. 截至1996年9月9日,有157个缔约方批准了《蒙特利尔议定书》,有110个缔约方批准了伦敦修正书,57个缔约方批准了哥本哈根修正书。 三. 基准数据的汇报状况 5. 秘书处分析了各缔约国提交的基准数据。如下文所示,下列缔约国尚未汇报基准数据: 1986年的基准数据(附件A所列物质) 按第5条行事的缔约国: 逾期时间: 6个月以下: 利比里亚、蒙古和也门。 6个月-1年: 密克罗尼西亚联邦。 1 - 2 年: 科摩罗、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、马里、 尼泊尔和瓦努阿图。 2年以上: 安提瓜和巴布达、乍得、中非共和国、多米尼 加、萨尔瓦多、格林纳达、几内亚、洪都拉斯、 基里巴斯、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马绍尔群岛、 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 4 尼加拉瓜、巴拉圭、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛、前 南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、特立尼达和多巴哥 和图瓦卢。 非按第5条行事的缔约国: 逾期时间: 2年以上: 土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦。 1989年的基准数据(附件B所列物质) 按第5条行事的缔约国: 逾期时间: 6个月以下: 利比里亚、蒙古和也门。 6个月-1年: 密克罗尼西亚联邦。 1 - 2 年: 科摩罗、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、马里、尼泊 尔和瓦努阿图。 2年以上: 安提瓜和巴布达、巴哈马、中非共和国、乍得、 多米尼加、萨尔瓦多、加蓬、格林纳达、几内亚、 洪都拉斯、吉里巴斯、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 5 绍尔群岛、尼加拉瓜、巴拉圭、萨摩亚、所罗门 群岛、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、多哥、 特立 尼达和多巴哥、图瓦卢和越南。 非按第5条行事的缔约国: 逾期时间: 2年以上: 土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦。 1989年的基准数据(附件C所列物质) 按第5条行事的缔约国: 逾期时间: 6个月以下: 利比里亚、蒙古和也门。 6个月-1年: 密克罗尼西亚联邦。 1 - 2 年: 科摩罗、马里、尼泊尔和瓦努阿图。 2年以上: 安提瓜和巴布达、中非共和国、乍得、多米尼加、 萨尔瓦多、格林纳达、几内亚、洪都拉斯、印度 尼西亚、吉里巴斯、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马绍 尔群岛、尼加拉瓜、巴拉圭、圣卢西亚、萨摩亚、 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 6 所罗门群岛、塞舌尔、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和 国、特立尼达和多巴哥、图瓦卢和越南。 非按第5条行事的缔约国: 逾期时间: 2年以上: 土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦。 1991年的基准数据(附件E所列物质) 非按第5条行事的缔约国: 逾期时间: 2年以上: 奥地利、比利时、立陶宛、卢森堡、波兰和美利 坚合众国。 6. 下列两年多以来一直暂被划分为按《议定书》第5条行事、但其国别 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 却未被核准的缔约国一直未向秘书处汇报数据:多米尼加、格林纳达、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马绍尔群岛和图瓦卢。 缔约国第6次会议第VI/5(ii)号决定规定: “一个国家被暂时划分为按第5条行事的时限只有两年,该时限在本 决定通过后即适用。超过这一时限之后,如不按《议定书》的规定汇 报数据,则按第5条行事的地位便不能获得延期, 除非该国家已disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 7 要求 执行委员会和履行委员会提供支助。如要求提供支助,延长期不得超 过两年。” 履行委员会可根据上述决定考虑有关缔约国的状况。 7. 另一方面,下列缔约国两年多来一直暂被划分为按第5条行事,目前正由多边基金执行委员会协助编制国别方案,国别方案编制完毕后应使它们能汇报所需的数据: 安提瓜和巴布达、乍得、萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯、吉里巴斯、尼加拉瓜、巴拉圭、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国以及特立尼达和多巴哥(仅汇报了1994年的年度数据)。 四. 汇报1994年的数据 8. 第7条要求所有缔约国向秘书处汇报每年的数据。根据第7条第4款, 欧洲共同体的成员国只需要向秘书处汇报有关控制物质生产量的数据。共同体范围内的消费数据将由欧洲共同体负责汇报。 9. 对各缔约国按照《议定书》第7条汇报的1994年数据的分析列于本报告附件一。在要求汇报的141个缔约国中,102个缔约国(67个第5条缔约国和35个非第5条缔约国)汇报了数据。附件通篇使用“N.R.”的符号来表示一个缔约国没有进行汇报。 10. 下列非按第5条行事的缔约国没有汇报1994年的数据:希腊、卢森堡、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦。没有汇报1994年数据的按第5条行事的缔约国为:安提瓜和巴布达、巴哈马、巴disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 8 林、孟加拉国、巴巴多斯、波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那、乍得、智利、哥斯达黎加、多米尼加、厄瓜多尔、萨尔瓦多、加蓬、冈比亚、格林纳达、圭亚那、洪都拉斯、吉里巴斯、黎巴嫩、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马尔代夫、马绍尔群岛、缅甸、尼泊尔、尼加拉瓜、巴布亚新几内亚、巴拉圭、圣基茨和尼维斯、萨摩亚、沙特阿拉伯、所 罗门群岛、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、图瓦卢和津巴布韦。 五. 对所提交数据的评论 11. 在本报告中,生产量和消费量的数字均根据控制物质的消耗臭氧潜能值加权计算后得出。本节中所分析的数字限于历年的1994年1月至12月。 12. 非按第5条行事的缔约国迄今所汇报的1994年数据表明,氟氯化碳的生产量平均下降了90%,哈龙下降了100%,其它全卤化氟氯化碳下降了99%,四氯化碳下降了194%,甲基氯仿下降了99%。氟氯烃的生产量上升了119%。上述的高比率-对于某些控制物质来说超过了100%,就减少而言,总额成为负值-是由于美利坚合众国和一些欧洲共同体成员国(法国、德国和意大利)汇报的该年原料数额较高。秘书处正就此寻求有关缔约国作出进一步解释。在同一期间,非按第5条行事的缔约国将氟氯化碳的消费量减少了90%,哈龙100%,四氯化碳245%,甲基氯仿108%。其它全卤化氟氯化碳的消费量减少了92%,而氟氯烃的消费量增加了244%,甲基溴增加了276%。 13. 按第5条行事的8个缔约国(阿根廷、巴西、中国、印度、大韩disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 9 民国、墨西哥、罗马尼亚和委内瑞拉)汇报了其1994年生产量的数据。氟氯化碳的生产量上升了143%,哈龙123%,氟氯烃213%。四氯化碳的生产量减少了120%,甲基氯仿102%,甲基溴2,202%。在同一时期, 按第5条行事的缔约国的氟氯化碳消费量增加了40%,其它全卤化氟氯化碳2,316%,氟氯烃68%,甲基溴380%。哈龙9%。四氯化碳的消费量减少了58%,甲基氯仿33%。第5条缔约国的甲基溴生产量呈负数,原因是为检疫和装运前用途所作的扣减额较大。秘书处将要求有 关缔约国作出进一步解释。 14. 总起来说,已汇报了1994年数据的缔约国(第5条缔约国和非第5条缔约国)的氟氯化碳生产量下降了79%,哈龙85%,其它全卤化氟氯化碳98%,四氯化碳177%,甲基氯仿99%。只是氟氯烃和甲基溴的生产量有所增加,它们的增长率分别是127%和321%。 15. 有关数字还显示,氟氯化碳的消费总量下降了75%,哈龙83%,其它全卤化氟氯化碳43%,四氯化碳192%,甲基氯仿101%。氟氯烃的消费量增加了170%,甲基溴304%。 16. 图1显示了1993年至1994年期间氟氯化碳生产量的变化情况。与1993年相比,1994年第5条缔约国的氟氯化碳生产量增加了37,357吨。在同一时期内,非按第5条行事的缔约国的氟氯化碳生产量减少了244,662吨。图2显示了1993年至1994年期间氟氯化碳消费量的变化情况。与1993年相比,1994年按第5条行事的缔约国的氟氯化碳消费量增加了6,762吨。在同一时期内,非按第5条行事的缔约国的氟氯化碳消费量减少了206,023吨。图3和图4显示了各区域1993年、1994年和基准年的氟氯化碳生产和消费模式。 17. 所有缔约国均遵守了《议定书》规定的控制 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,但下列国家除disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 10 外:捷 克共和国,其哈龙的消费量不但未在1994年1月1日之前实现全部逐步停用,反而增加了23%(从91.8吨增加到113吨)。 18. 本报告附件二将1994年控制物质的生产量、进口和出口情况与基准年作了比较。第5条缔约国的出口从15,819吨增加到56,343吨,而非第5条缔约国的出口则从352,843吨下降到139,020吨。第5条缔约国的进口从127,117吨增加到169,218吨,而非第5条缔约国的进口则从253,200吨下降到54,711吨。 19. 本报告附件三列有1994年新的、使用过的和再循环的控制物质的进口和出口数量。 20. 本报告附件四以基准年为对照,按区域分析了1994年各类控制物质的数据。 六. 1993年的数据 21. 已分析了1993年的数据,并提交给了于1995年召开的缔约国第七次会议。自此以后,又收到了下列按第5条行事的缔约国提交的数据:阿尔及利亚、孟加拉国、巴巴多斯、贝宁、中非共和国、科特迪瓦、多米尼加共和国、斐济、加纳、几内亚、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、牙买加、 约旦、黎 巴嫩、马拉维、摩洛哥、纳米比亚、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦、巴拿马、圣卢西亚、塞内加尔、苏丹、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、多哥、越南和赞比亚。已经汇报数据的非按第5条行事的缔约国为:塞浦路斯、欧洲共同体、disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 11 爱尔兰、摩纳哥、俄罗斯联邦、瑞士和阿拉伯联合酋长国。总起来说,64个按第5条行事的缔约国和37个非按第5条行事的缔约国汇报了数据。本报告附件五列有对经增订的1993年数据的分析。 22. 从非按第5条行事的缔约国汇报的1993年的数据来看,氟氯化碳的生产量平均下降了67%,哈龙70%,其它全卤化氟氯化碳71%,四氯化碳224%,甲基氯仿60%,甲基溴110%。这些缔约国的氟氯烃生产量上升了68%。氟氯化碳的消费量下降了71%,哈龙71%,其它全卤化氟氯化碳73%,四氯化碳256%,甲基氯仿54%,甲基溴49%。氟氯烃的消费量上升了111%。 23. 从按第5条行事的缔约国汇报的1993年的数据来看,氟氯化碳的生产量平均上升了87%,哈龙38%,氟氯烃104%,但四氯化碳的生产量下降了140%,甲基氯仿93%,甲基溴241%。这些缔约国的氟氯化碳消费量上升了45%,哈龙13%其它全卤化氟氯化碳187%,氟氯烃2%。四氯化碳的消费量保持未变,而甲基氯仿的消费量下降了8%,甲基溴14%。 24. 总起来说,缔约国(第5条缔约国和非第5条缔约国)所汇报的1993 年的数据显示,氟氯化碳的生产量下降了60%,哈龙64%,其它全卤化氟氯化碳71%,四氯化碳209%,甲基氯仿60%,甲基溴111%。氟氯烃的生产量上升了70%。 25. 缔约国(第5条缔约国和非第5条缔约国)所汇报的1993年数据显示消耗臭氧物质的消费量从总体来说有所下降,其中氟氯化碳下降了60%,哈龙61%,其它全卤化氟氯化碳65%,四氯化碳202%,甲基氯仿51%,甲基溴37%。氟氯烃的消费量上升了85%。 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 12 七. 1995年的数据 26. 迄今为止,仅有50个缔约国(阿尔及利亚、澳大利亚、巴巴多斯、贝宁、玻利维亚、博茨瓦纳、文莱达鲁萨兰国、布基纳法索、喀麦隆、中非共和国、刚果、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、多米尼加共和国、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、加纳、危地马拉、几内亚、匈牙利、以色列、牙买加、肯尼亚、科威特、 马来西亚、 马尔代夫、马耳他、毛里塔尼亚、摩纳哥、莫桑比克、荷兰、尼日尔、尼日利亚、挪威、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、罗马尼亚、塞内加尔、新加坡、斯洛文尼亚、泰国、多哥、乌克兰、阿拉伯联合酋长国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、联合王国、美利坚合众国、乌拉圭、委内瑞拉和赞比亚)汇报了1995年的数据。 虽然缔约国汇报1995年数据的限期是1996年9月底,但鼓励它们一俟获得有关数据便立即送交秘书处。秘书处已就此向应送交数据的所有缔约国发出了催复函。将对1995年的数据予以分析,并将之提交给于1997年召开的缔约国会议。 八. 有关再循环的数据 27. 下列缔约国已经汇报了有关1994年再循环的消耗臭氧物质的年度进口和出口量数据: 缔约国 物质 进口/出口 数量 白俄罗斯 CC14 进口 2.50 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 13 吨 匈牙利 哈龙-1301 进口 8.00 吨 立陶宛 氟氯烃-141B 进口 101.30 吨 出口 91.00 吨 新加坡 哈龙-1301 进口 54.00 吨 出口 20.00 吨 美利坚合众国 氟氯烃-22 进口 8.00 吨 九. 回收设施 28. 缔约国第六次会议第VI/19号决定第4段请所有拥有回收设施 的缔约国每年向秘书处提交一份有关回收设施及其能力的清单。本报告 附件六列有从17个拥有回收设施的缔约国收到的资料。澳大利亚、新西 兰和南非提供的资料未说明其回收设施的能力和所在地址。上述有关国 家指出,这些是旨在满足地 方需求的小型设施。奥地利、挪威、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、新加坡、 斯洛伐克共和国和泰国未提供其设施所在的地址。美利坚合众国汇报的 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 14 资料中列有有关公司的名称及其地址,但未说明其回收消耗臭氧物质的能力。只有加拿大、俄罗斯联邦和联合王国汇报了有关上述设施所回收的物质的种类、能力和地址的全部资料。虽然第VI/19号决定第4段规定缔约国就所有的回收设施进行汇报,履行委员会可计及这一意见,即缔约国就安装在车库、工作间等的非常小的回收设施进行汇报可能是不现实的。值得考虑的是,是否仅需要请缔约国就超过一定规模的设施进行汇报。履行委员会可考虑这一事项。 十. 研究、开发、公众意识和资料交流 29. 秘书处自公布上次报告(UNEP/OzL.Pro.7/6)以来,收到了下列有关研究、开发、公众意识和交流的资料: 玻利维亚 1994年,玻利维亚政府在政府内部和私营界广泛分发了 有关臭氧相关问题的资料,并为此目的就氟氯化碳和哈 龙的用途编制了文件。该国参加了于1994年4月27日 -29日在委内瑞拉加拉加斯召开的拉丁美洲和加勒比哈 龙问题区域工作会议。1995年8月10日至11日,拉巴 斯市担任东道,主办了南美洲消耗臭氧物质官员网络筹 备会议; 报界和电子媒介对这一会议作了广泛报导。该 国还参加了于1995年3月7日至10日在智利圣地亚哥 召开的南美洲第二次消耗臭氧物质官员工作会议; 于 1995年10月31日至11月2日在哥伦比亚波哥大召开 的拉丁美洲和加勒比甲基溴问题区域工作会议; 于disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 15 1995年5月19日在巴西圣保罗召开的拉丁美洲冷冻业 不使用氟氯化碳的技术研讨会。在1995年11月7日至 10日于玻利维亚拉塞拉的圣克鲁斯召开的玻利维亚卫 生和环境工程协会第七届全国大会上公布了国家逐步 停用消耗臭氧物质计划。其它活动包括在玻利维亚报纸 上公布了保护臭氧层的报告,并于国际臭氧日在玻利维 亚大专院校放映了由联合国环境规划署工业和环境方 案活动中心制作的录像“臭氧行动”。 加拿大 1994-95年: 研究与开发 加拿大政府鼓励回收并再循环消耗臭氧物质以便减少总的原始 物质的使用这一想法。虽然加拿大政府未直接推动开发用于改进 封闭、回 收、再循环或销毁控制物质的技术,加拿大工业界在大多数情 况下已经独立地开发了此类技术,以满足国内需求。 最近,加拿大政府创办了环境技术贷款方案,向涉及环境产品、 服务 以及技术开发和销售的合格公司提供贷款。其它资助来源包括 技术合作伙伴基金,它为与产品、工艺和技术的开发和示范相关 的活动资助了近30%的项目费用。这一方案通过使加拿大公司更 富于创新性,加强了创造财富的能力。 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 16 公众意识和资料交流 为了使公众了解在消耗臭氧物质方面即将出现的立法变化以及 新规定的执行情况,加拿大政府参与了范围广泛的利益相关者的 咨询和圆桌会议。它还就有关规定的变化分发资料,其中包括费 用-效益分析以及对控制战略和规定措施的评估。 就更广泛意义上的公众意识和资料交流而言, 加拿大政府已开 展了下列方案: (a) 零区方案:旨在提高加拿大人对其在实现减少民用来源(冰 箱、冷冻机和汽车空调)氟氯化碳方面作用的认识的公众宣 传活动; (b) 主要基金学校课程表:旨在为第6至第9年级的少年儿童 讲解臭氧消耗问题的学校课程表; (c) 以甲基氯仿的小用户为对象的信息方案,其中包括有关问 题和选择办法的小册子,简讯以及行业杂志和报纸中的文 章; (d) 有关加拿大臭氧层方案的摘要报告:这一报告旨在使加拿 大人简要地了解加拿大的臭氧保护方案,并获得《关于消耗 臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》方面的资料; (e) 其它与消耗臭氧物质相关的公众意识活动,其中包括:情 况说明表、教育材料、报告、资料袋、TIP表、有关臭氧层 消耗的环境状况公报,以及消耗臭氧物质的代用品和代用品disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 17 供应商清单; (f) 有关甲基溴的个案研究:在1995年于维也纳召开的缔约国 第七次会议上提出了有关甲基溴代用品的报告; (g) 工作组咨询活动,以增订有关冷冻问题的行为准则; (h) 与加热、冷冻和空调研究所合作举办的冷冻技术员 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 班。 捷克共和国 1994年,捷克共和国环境部对涉及逐步停用控制物质和 含有此类物质的产品的项目进行了招标。五个成功项目 成为捷克共和国今后收集、回收和消除此类物质的体制 的基础,它们目前正处在实施的初步阶段。这些项目得 到了国家的支助,金额约达800万美元。项目的目标为: 每年淘汰175,000个已经使用过的家用冰箱,淘汰商业 和工业冷冻设施,设立哈龙库,并在工业方面回收和消 除氟利昂。 这些项目将于1997年予以实施,并由对进口控制物质 征收 的许可证费和对不遵守有关逐步停用消耗臭氧物质的 规定征收的罚款来支助。国家的财务支助旨在加快必要 的投资建设,并扩大这一领域的活动。 捷克共和国作为经济处于过渡阶段的国家之一,已经启 用了技术设施系统以便利消耗臭氧物质的逐步停用。它 是在由全球环境贷款设施通过世界银行提供的财务援disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 18 助下开展这一方案的第一个东欧国家,所提供财务援助 的金额为230万美元。捷克共和国所取得的成果和经验 可以用于其它国家。有关方案包括下列领域的小项目: 在停止生产控制物质方面的技术援助; 开发氟利昂再循 环和回收设施; 在冷冻和交通系统以及冷冻业中使用不 消耗臭氧的冷冻剂; 以及在冷冻绝缘材料的生产中采用 不使用消耗臭氧物质的技术。 德国 1993年6月:一个印度冷冻专家代表团访问了瑞士和德 国。该代表团在德国的安排包括与Foron公司的代表会 面,其中印度专家了解了Foron开发的烃类生态冰箱; 1993年11月:作为中国国家家电展的一部分,德国联邦 经济合作 和发展部和德国技术合作局在中国北京举办 了有关冷冻技术方面氟氯化碳替代办法的工作会议;德 国技术合作和发展部与中国对外贸易和经济合作部签 署了有关双方合作在家用冰箱生产中逐步停用消耗臭 氧物质的谅解备忘录; 1993年9月-1994年5月:印度生产的若干冰箱在德国 Foron公司得到检测,并改用烃类冷冻剂; 1994年2月:德国技术合作局在德国奥伯鲁泽尔召开了 有关发展中国家中的氟氯化碳替代办法的工作会议; disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 19 1994年6月:印度和德国在政府一级签订了有关双方合 作利用烃类技术生产家用冰箱的协议; 1994年6月:德国冰箱生产业、德国技术合作局和绿色 和平组织在1994年上海冷冻业展览会上联合租用展 台,向中国介绍德国的烃类技术; 1994年9月:在印度新德里举办了有关印度开发烃类冰 箱进展情况的印度-瑞士-德国计划工作会议; 1994年到现在:德国技术合作局和德国利勃海尔公司与 美国环境保护局合作给予中国青岛海尔冰箱有限公司 财务和技术支持,用于将其家用冰箱的生产从氟氯化碳 和氟化烃改用烃类技术;在全球范围内分发德国技术合 作局的刊物Akzente特刊,其中重点说明烃类技术以及 德国在此领域与中国和印度的合作。 伊朗伊斯兰 环境部和开发计划署共同努力,组织了提高公众意识的共和国 活动。活动中包括就臭氧层、保护臭氧层的重要意义和 保护的方式问题召开了研讨会和工作会议,并举办讲座 和进行采访,以使公众认识到这一问题。这一问题还在 国家报刊和电子媒介中进行了广泛讨论,其中重点是 《蒙特利尔议定书》及其成果,以及环境署、工发组织、disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 20 多边基金 、世界银行和其它国际组织发挥的作用。 下属环境部的臭氧层监测中心出版了季刊《臭氧层》。 1995年,臭氧层监测中心与工业部、外交部以及有关的 国家和国际机构合作庆祝了国际臭氧日。这一活动在新 闻媒介中作了广泛宣传。 臭氧层监测中心还便利地方企业与国际和区域专家和 咨询人员之间进行的协商,并推动工业界和政府机构之 间的合作,以便在伊朗伊斯兰共和国中消除消耗臭氧物 质。 科威特 由环境保护理事会、外交部、计划部、工业部和商业部 以及海关部门的代表参与的国家保护臭氧层委员会于 1986年初开始工作--其间因1990年的入侵而中断--但 于1991年解放后恢复了活动。 通过分发有关进口控制物质的数量和用途的问题单并 召开会议讨论《议定书》规定的义务,与涉及控制物质 的当地工业界和进口公司保持着联系。此外,一些公司, 如丰田,在当地设立了自身的臭氧层委员会。 环境保护理事会提出了政府应采取的措施,其中包括设 立一个哈龙库,禁止进口哈龙,推动回收和再循环控制disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 21 物质的工作,以及培训维修人员。 有关提高公众意识的措施包括就臭氧问题编制一本小 册子,用于在召开环境保护会议期间分发。还用阿拉伯 语出版了一本有关臭氧层的小册子,电视节目中也广泛 报道了臭氧损耗问题。 挪威 甲基溴 1994年11月21日以北欧部长理事会化学品小组下设 的氟氯化碳组的名义在哥本哈根主办了甲基溴代用品 研讨会,以介绍并讨论在北欧国家开发和采用甲基溴代 用品方面所取得的最新进展。已编制了研讨会报告,其 中摘编了所提出的 资料,这不仅有利于北欧国家,也有利于其它国家的潜 在用户。 不使用氟氯化碳的干洗。 1995年以北欧部长理事会化学品小组下设的氟氯化碳 组的名义出版了一份有关不使用氟氯化碳进行干洗的 报告。报告摘编了北欧干洗店的经验,它们试验采用其disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 22 它 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,如使用碳烃化合物进行清洗和湿洗。 报告得出的主要结论是,碳烃化合物可替代氟氯化碳 -113而在质量方面无何损失,并可部分地取代全氯乙烯 干洗。湿洗似可部分地替代氟氯化碳清洗,并可作为全 氯乙烯干洗的补充办法。 研究与开发 已开发了一种不使用消耗臭氧物质的清洗办法,用于清 洗冰箱压缩机中所用的铜管。 提高公众意识 1995年3月22-23日: 有关消除甲基氯仿的区域研讨 会 1995年12月13-15日: 有关氟氯化碳-113和甲基氯仿 代用品和替代技术的区域培训班。 罗马尼亚 研究与开发 从1994年到1996年,罗马尼亚政府支助了保护臭氧层 领域的一个详细研究方案,并使之适应罗马尼亚社会的disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 23 要求,其中重点放在人为污染来源及其对臭氧层的影 响; 臭氧浓度的变化在生物、生态、气候和社会-经济 方面的影响; 以及减少此类影响的战略和方法。上述方 案的内容涉及推动采用技术选择办法以便在各种用途 中逐步停用消耗臭氧物质,开发工厂的改型技术,回收 和还原消耗臭氧物质以及其它解决办法。 提高公众意识活动 在1995年庆祝第一个国际臭氧日期间开展了一系列活 动,其中包括: 在全国和地方举办保护臭氧层科学讨论 会; 有 关与臭氧相关问题的电台和电视节目及纪录片; 儿童 绘画比赛; 印制有关保护臭氧层的宣传画和其它宣传 材料并在全国范围内予以分发; 以及其它提高意识措 施。 在欧洲理事会支助下由水、森林和环境保护部出版的期 刊《国家杂志》开辟了一个常设栏目,题为“拯救臭氧 层,每项行动都重要”,其中载列了科学、技术和立法方 面的信息。 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 24 此外,在布加勒斯特的环境工程学院开办的环境立法课 程中也讲授保护臭氧层和《议定书》等问题。 推动开发减少排放的最佳技术并就此交流资料 1994年,与工发组织的专家和丹麦咨询公司 COWIconsult的一组人员合作,为工业界消耗臭氧物质 的用户举办了一次工作会议,内容是介绍《议定书》的 规定并编制由多边基金财务支助的部门投资项目。 在此领域的其它公共活动包括由冷冻业国家研究和设 计院所组办的展览、国际冷冻和空调设备及相关的无害 环境工业展览以及由罗马尼亚冷冻专家总协会组织的 东欧国家区域性会议。此外,对在各种商业性展销会和斯洛文尼亚 展览期间由外国专家就消耗臭氧物质在技术和化学方 面的代用品所举办的研讨会在新闻媒介中进行了大量 的广告宣传,还为旨在设立罗马尼亚臭氧领域的数据库 的若干研究项目提供了资金。 组织了各种讲习班和会议,并向消耗臭氧物质的用户和 公众介绍臭氧损耗问题、《蒙特利尔议定书》的要求和 替代技术,其中包括: 由世界银行支助的于1994年召开 的逐步停用消耗臭氧物质战略工作会议; 斯洛文尼亚 冷冻和空调技术协会年度会议; 斯洛文尼亚经济协会disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 25 各工作组会议,以讨论涉及气溶胶的应用、泡沫、溶剂 和冷冻业的问题。 斯洛文尼亚经济协会向各企业介绍了《蒙特利尔议定 书》的各项调整和修正、欧洲共同体的立法、《蒙特利 尔议定书》个别缔约国的立法以及有关的代用品。此外, 还在日报和协会分发给其所有成员(555,000各企业)的 杂志中刊载了有关信息。此外,在贸易展览、国家和国 际展销会上对不使用消耗臭氧物质的产品进行了宣传 介绍。 正与大学的密切合作,在企业中实施开发和研究项目, 科学技术部资助了主要是冷冻领域的若干研究。 1995年底在由全球环贷资助的逐步停用消耗臭氧物质 项目的范围内设立了一个负责逐步停用消耗臭氧物质 的项目实施单位。该单位是在与环境和具体规划部、斯 洛文尼亚经济协会和环境发展基金的合作下设立的,以 便向消耗臭氧物质 的用户和各部委提供援助。 十. 发展中国家作为按第5条行事的缔约国的状况 30. 截至1996年9月9日,《议定书》的157个缔约国中有90个被划disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 26 分为按《议定书》第5条行事的发展中国家,原因是它们的附件A所列控制物质人均消费量低于0.3公斤,附件B所列控制物质人均消费量低于0.2公斤。提供的数据不完全或未提供数据的23个发展中国家被暂时划分为按第5条行事。但是在收到其完整数据后将重新评估其地位。以前被划分为非按第5条行事的塞浦路斯、黎巴嫩和阿拉伯联合酋长国在向秘书处汇报了数据,表明其人均消费量已低于0.3公斤后已被划分为按第5条行事。 31. 文莱达鲁萨兰国和科威特是被划分为非按第5条行事的仅有的发展中国家。文莱达鲁萨兰国和科威特的人均消费量一旦低于第5条所规定的最高限额,则可改变两国的地位。 十一. 人口数据 32. 除非一缔约国已提交了有关人口数字,计算每一缔约国1993年和1994年控制物质的人均消费量所用的人口数据均取自联合国出版的、曾经于1992年和1994年修订的《世界人口展望》中的估计数字。 十二. 数据的机密性 33. 根据缔约国第二次会议通过的II/9号决定,有关生产、进口和出口的数据、但非消费数据被视为具有机密性。因此,虽然请缔约国汇报有关每种控制物质的完整数据,并且它们也一直在进行汇报,本报告中的有关数据仅按每个缔约国的控制物质类别开列。 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 27 UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 81 附 件 六 澳大利亚 再加工设施 澳大利亚目前仅有一个设施,即Pacific Chemical Industries,它具有生产或再加工控制物质的能力。虽然这一设施在最近18个月中每个月平均再加工了总计4吨的氟氯化碳-11、氟氯化碳-12和氟氯烃-22,它将于1995年底被关闭,并从1995年9月初开始不再接受任何用于再加工的材料。 已在消耗臭氧物质回收计划下收集了Pacific Chemical Industries 的再加工的材料。这一计划是工业界资助的自愿体制,根据这一计划工业界通过对新的氟氯化碳和氟氯烃冷冻剂收费来资助一系列的财务奖励办法, 用于返还经回收的消耗臭氧物质。消耗臭氧物质回收计划向承包商提供一小笔奖金,以奖励它们返还消耗臭氧物质, 并支付批发商测试和处理这些消耗臭氧物质的费用。国家法律要求批发商接受承包商返还的消耗臭氧物质。该计划还支付经回收的消耗臭氧物质的再加工以及不可再加工的材料的储存和安全销毁所涉的费用。目前消耗臭氧物质回收计划正研究在澳大利亚的唯一设施于今年底停止运作后消耗臭氧物质再加工的其它可能办法。 回收和再循环设备 按法律规定, 澳大利亚所有的州和区均需回收控制物质。这些法律还要求维修人员拥有和使用回收设备。这类设备中的大多数, 特别是在汽车空调领域,也用来对消耗臭氧物质作基本的再循环,以过滤掉某些不纯的物质。虽然从理论上来讲这意味着澳大利亚拥有成百-乃至上千-个小disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 28 型回收设施,实际上通常大多数再循环的消耗臭氧物质都被立即重新装入经维修的系统中, 或在当地储存并于以后用于另一系统中。此外,由于这一活动形式广泛,规模小,因此不具备可靠的数据, 无法用数字实际说明这些回收和再循环设备的数量或能力。 哈龙的储存 澳大利亚的国家哈龙库虽然本身不是回收设施,但却储存着成罐的哈龙,这些哈龙是在固定的哈龙系统退役或归还了手提式灭火器之后存放在哈龙库的。 奥地利 回收设施及其能力 根据联邦废物管理计划,目前拥有6个回收冰箱中氟氯化碳的设施。这6个设施的总能力约为每年270,000个冰箱。奥地利并未实际进行氟氯化碳的再循环(再蒸馏)。旨在进行再循环的氟氯化碳被出口。这些物质的出口是根据联邦废物管理法有控制地进行的。 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 29 **************** 比利时 捷克共和国 1995年,捷克共和国共还原了55吨氟氯化碳-11、氟氯化碳-12和氟氯化碳-113,进行还原的公司是SPOLEK,1996年底,一个能力为每年200吨的氟氯化碳-12和氟氯化碳-11还原设施将开始运作。这一设施使用原用于生产上述设施的工厂的一部分。 加拿大 丹麦 日本 上述设施运作的目地是确保供应冷冻剂来维修日本的现有设备,如空调等。在这些设施回收的控制物质未被出口。 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 30 新 西 兰 新西兰未设有大型或永久性回收设施。有少量的可移动式再蒸馏仪器,属A’Gramkow销售的仪器类型,每小时能使几公斤的氟氯化碳重新符合原定的规格。这些仅为内部所用,不作商业性服务。 挪 威 用作冷冻剂的氟氯化碳和氟氯烃 挪威有两处接收已用过的氟氯化碳和氟氯烃的场所。其中有一处拥有一个小型的回收仪器(Gramkow1250),其能力约为每年50吨。所回收的冷冻剂用于重新注入现有的冷冻设备中。 用于消防的哈龙 挪威仅有一处已使用过的哈龙接收中心。目前该场址尚无回收哈龙的设备。但安装防火系统的一些公司拥有小型回收仪器,以便能满足客户的有限需要。 用作回收的办法是将哈龙和氮分离开来,去湿后将哈龙和氮重新注入罐中。回收能力为每周1吨。 已将数量极为有限的经回收的哈龙出口到作为《蒙特利尔议定书》缔约国的国家。这些经回收哈龙的出口是作为挪威公司在国外安装的灭火设施的一部分进行的。 波 兰 罗马尼亚 罗马尼亚拥有三个消耗臭氧物质回收设施,属MIMI-R类,每个设施的能力为7公斤/小时,用于民用和商业服务。 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 31 俄罗斯联邦 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 32 现有的企业确保在整个技术过程中进行化学分析和控制, 并颁发质量证书。俄罗斯联邦由于其较强的消耗臭氧物质再循环能力,能够在多边基金范围内向发展中国家提供援助, 按减让性条件对上述国家中回收的已使用过的氟氯化碳和哈龙进行再循环,并将其返还以供重新使用。 新加坡 新加坡拥有两处哈龙-1301的回收设施。它们目前由Fike South East Asia Pvt. Ltd和Unitor Ships Service (S) Pvt. Ltd负责经营。 斯洛伐克共和国 斯洛伐克共和国有两家国内公司受理消耗臭氧控制物质的回收和再循环。 斯洛文尼亚 能力: 200吨/年(废物溶剂) 用于回收溶剂(1,1,1-三氯乙烷)的分离技术: (a) 过滤; (b) 倾析; (c) 蒸馏; (i) 真空; (ii) 正常压力; (iii) 蒸汽蒸馏(汽提); (d) 吸收; (e) 提取。 被回收的溶剂在重新使用前予以分析和稳定。 回收的数量: 1994年:75年废物1,1,1-三氯乙烷。 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/3 Page 33 1995年:202.2吨废物1,1,1-三氯乙烷。 南 非 南非确拥有氟氯化碳和哈龙的再循环设备,但这些是小型设备,不为出口目的进行回收。不清楚这些机器设备的能力。 泰 国 联合王国 美利坚合众国 冷冻剂回收单位 是否接收非雇员 面向的地区 联系人和电话号码 回收的冷冻剂 设 施 地 址 联 系 人 能力 设 施 地 址 联 系 人 年能力 设 施 地 址 联 系 人 年能力 设 施 地 址 联 系 人 年能力 设 施 地 址 联 系 人 年能力 设 施 地 址 联 系 人 年能力 设 施 地 址 联 系 人 年能力 设 施 地 址 联 系 人 年能力 设 施 地 址 联 系 人 年能力 所回收的消耗臭氧物质 所回收的消耗臭氧物质 所回收的消耗臭氧物质 所回收的消耗臭氧物质 所回收的消耗臭氧物质 所回收的消耗臭氧物质 所回收的消耗臭氧物质 所回收的消耗臭氧物质 所回收的消耗臭氧物质 所回收的消耗臭氧物质 输入者注:从15页至80页止为英文原文附于正文后的; 从82页至完为剪贴页; 整个文件共为92页。 disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand
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