
ADULT ESL PROGRAMS - PUI TAK CENTERADULT ESL PROGRAMS - PUI TAK CENTER Student Handbook Adult ESL Program, Pui Tak Center 培德中心成人英文班 學生手冊 May 2011 Student Handbook Adult ESL Program 成人英文班 學生手冊 May 2011 Welcome歡迎…………………………………..…………………..….3 Purpose of Program課程的宗旨………………………………………3 ESL P...

ADULT ESL PROGRAMS - PUI TAK CENTER Student Handbook Adult ESL Program, Pui Tak Center 培德中心成人英文班 學生手冊 May 2011 Student Handbook Adult ESL Program 成人英文班 學生手冊 May 2011 Welcome歡迎…………………………………..…………………..….3 Purpose of Program課程的宗旨………………………………………3 ESL Program Administration英文班行政人員……………………….4 Class Description級別內容……………………………………………4 Academic Policies學校政策……………………………………….…..7 Open Registration公開登記…………………………………….……..10 First Day of Class開課首天…………………………….……………..10 Continuing Registration延續登記……………………………………..11 Classroom and Building Rules課室及建築物守則..…………..……...13 Social Customs社會風俗及禮儀……………….…..……….……..….14 Holidays假期…………………………………..……………..……..…17 School Closings學校停課……………………………………………...17 Student Resources學生資源輔助…………………………………..….18 Equal Opportunity / Disability Access平等機會 / 殘障人士設備…...19 Funding經費來源………………………………………………………20 *** This handbook has been developed to explain and clarify the policies, procedures and regulations of the Pui Tak Center. *** ***有關培德中心的政策方針、處事程序及規則將在本冊子內清楚說明。*** 2 Welcome! Thank you for choosing the Pui Tak Center (PTC) as your place of learning English as a Second Language. We look forward to assisting you in fulfilling your goals. We are proud of our program, students, teachers and staff along with their “dedication to excellence.” We hope you will have a rewarding learning experience at PTC. 歡迎, 謝謝您選擇培德中心作為您學習英語的地方。我們期盼著能協 助您將目標實踐。我們為所設立的課程、學生及教職員們均竭 力„追求卓越?而感到光榮。我們希望您在培德中心的學習能 讓您獲益良多。 Purpose of the Program: PTC’s Adult English as a Second Language (ESL) program is designed to help students learn and use functional English skills needed at home, on the job and in the community. Our program emphasizes learning through classroom instruction and individualized tutoring, along with technology to encourage language learners to become more interactive communicators who are culturally sensitive and socially independent. 課程的宗旨: 培德中心的成人英文班是特別為幫助學員學習英文及熟習在家 庭、職業及社區中所需的實用英語而設。課程的重點是透過堂 上授課、個別補習、科技設備來鼓勵學員成為適切文化、社交 生活獨立、與人有良好互動的溝通者。 3 ESL Program Administration and Staff: Executive Director: David Wu Adult ESL Program Administrator: Nicky Chan Data and System Manager: Winnie Eng Student Record Keeping/ADA Coordinator: Debby Lau Testing and Logistics Manager: Sandy Louie Teacher Support / Resources Coordinator: Jenny Mei 英文班行政人員: 行政主任:吳常義 成人英文部總監:陳家耀 數據及系統經理:吳欣穎 學生檔案及特殊需要協調主任:劉靜儀 考試及物流經理:雷艷冰 教師資源協調主任:梅小玉 ESL and ABE Class Description: A. There are six terms each year, with each term lasting for seven weeks. The academic year starts in July. B. We offer nine different courses which cover the six federal English Language proficiency and two federal Basic Education levels. The morning classes run from 8:15am to 10:00am, Monday through Thursday. The evening classes begin at 5:30pm and end at 7:15pm. Under ESL, we also offer citizenship, computer-assisted, and health care Bridge classes. C. Textbooks: 1. Step Forward Introductory: Students at this beginning level practice the pronunciation of letters, basic words and phrases. 4 2. Step Forward 1: Students in this class focus on simple, learned words, phrases and pronunciation. Some easy grammar is taught at this level. 3. Step Forward 2: Students in this class learn functional English words and phrases. Some grammar is taught for immediate needs. 4. Step Forward 3: Students practice basic grammar, conversation, vocabulary, phrases and short reading passages. 5. Step Forward 4: Students practice more complex grammar, conversation, reading passages, writing and intonation. 6. Strategic Reading Series: Students develop their reading, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills. D. Citizenship classes help prepare students for the Citizenship test and interviews. These classes are only suitable for students whose English proficiency is at level two or Step Forward 2. New students have to have a BEST Literacy test score of 21 or above and pass a simple oral test to enroll for the citizenship class. E. Mid-morning ESL classes include Computer-assisted ESL class which teaches students English and civics skills through the use of a computer, Alphabetics, Basic Conversations & Interviewing Skills, and Reading Comprehension and Test-taking Skills classes. 英文班級別內容: A. 英文班每年分六個學期上課,每學期為七週。每學年是從 七月份開始。 5 B. 本中心為學員提供九個不同的課程,這些課程包括聯邦英 語能力六個及基本教育兩個等級的授課。上午班為早上8 時15分至10時正,逢週一至週四上課。夜間班為下午5 時30分至7時15分。中心亦設有透過電腦輔助教學的英 文班,移民入籍班及護理職業英語訓練班。 C. 課本: 1. Step Forward Intro:學員將練習字母的發音、基本單 字及片語。 2. Step Forward 1:學員將集中學習簡單的單字、片語及 發音。老師亦會教一些容易的文法。 3. Step Forward 2:學員將學習實用英文單字及片語。老 師亦會教一些即時需要的文法。 4. Step Forward 3:學員將練習基本文法、會話、字彙、 片語及簡短的閱讀。 5. Step Forward 4:學員將練習更多複句文法、會話、閱 讀、寫作及語調。 6. Strategic Reading:學員將發展閱讀、詞彙及批判性思 維等能力。 D. 移民入籍班幫助學員預備入籍考試及面試。入籍班只適合 英文能力水平達到高初班的學員。新生考試程度必須達到 低初班和通過簡單口試才能報讀入籍班。每一個學生只可 以連續報讀入籍班四個學期。 E. 早中班包括用電腦學英文班 :透過電腦輔助教學教導學 生英語及公民技巧:,語音拼音班,會話面試技巧班及閱 讀理解應試技巧班。 Academic Policies: A. Students must be registered and assigned to a class before attending a class. New students can register for class during 6 the open registration period which is at the start of each new class term. B. Attendance: Students must come to class by the third day of class to be officially enrolled for the term. In order to improve your English, students should attend every day. C. Transfers: Students must attend the class that they are assigned to. Students who want to change classes due to work schedule change must follow the following procedures: 1. Ask current teacher to complete and sign the transfer slip first. 2. Students should take the transfer slip to the ESL office (Room 208) before or after class within the first two weeks of class. ESL staff will process the transfer and assign students to another class. 3. Upon approval by the ESL office, the student can begin attending their new class. No transfers are allowed at other times during the term. D. Visitors (unregistered students, students assigned to other classes and children) are not allowed in the class unless approved by the ESL program. E. Absences: If a student knows he or she will be unable to attend classes due to: vacation, job-related issues, personal business or illness, students are required to notify their teacher(s) in advance. If a student does not notify the teacher, he or she will be dropped and blacklisted after missing four consecutive days and will not be able to re-register for the next term. Dropped: Students who miss 4 consecutive days or have attended less than 50% of the class days in the term will be 7 dropped from class. A student who has been dropped will not be able to enroll during the next term but may return in two terms. F. Leaving Early / Coming Late: Students are strongly discouraged to leave class early or to come to class late. This can cause disruptions or distractions in the classroom. G. Student Grievances: If there is a class issue that needs to be resolved, talk first to the teacher, not the main office. Ask for a scheduled meeting and try to solve the issue or problem. If the issue cannot be resolved or worked out, then contact the ESL Office. H. Student Contact Information: Please keep your teacher updated about your contact information. If your name, address, or phone number has changed, please let your teacher know. I. Gifts: It is the PTC policy that teachers and staff should not accept money or valuable items from students. Food items are acceptable (e.g. tea, coffee, bao, and pastries). It is at the teacher’s discretion to accept or reject the gift. We also discourage students from collecting money from classmates for any reason. 學校方針: A. 學員在開課前必須先進行登記及被分派指定的班級。新生可 以在每個新學期的公開登記日報名入讀。 B. 出席:如果你開學的頭三天不出席,你的名字就會從學生名 單中取消。為了增進您的英文水平,學員應該每日上課。 C. 轉班:學員必須入讀被指定的班級。如果學員因為工作緣故 要求轉班,他/她必須依照下列程序進行轉班: 1. 先請求現時的老師填妥轉班申請 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 並簽名。 8 2. 學員應在開課後的兩個星期內,在上課前或下課後將轉 班申請表遞交至英文班辦公室(208號房)。英文班的職 員將處理轉班事宜及安排學員轉到另一班上課。 3. 辦公室批準后,學員可以到新班上課。 在學期的其他時間內,學員的轉班要求將不被允准。 D. 嚴禁參觀者(沒有入學登記者、被指定分派到別班的學員及 兒童)進入課室,除非先得到英文班職員的允許。 E. 缺席:學員若因度假、工作、私事或生病緣故而不能上課者, 他/她需盡早知會班老師。若連續4天曠課及沒有知會老師 者,將當作退學並列入黑名單內,該學員不能再登記在下學 期就讀。 退學:學員若連續4天缺席或整個學期上課天數少於一半 者,當作退學處理。退學者不能在下學期再登記入讀,但有 可能允准在隔一個學期後申請重讀。 F. 早退/遲到:不鼓勵學員早退或遲到。這種情況會打擾老師 及同學上課。 G. 投訴:學員的投訴若是涉及班上所發生的事情,極需要解 決,請先向班老師申述,而不是到總辦公室。學員向老師詢 問安排會見時間並盡量將事情或問題解決。假如該問題仍得 不到解決的話,才到總辦公室尋求援助。 H. 學員聯繫資料:請告知班老師您的最新聯繫資料。若您的姓 名、地址或電話號碼有更改,請知會您的老師。 I. 禮物:培德中心的政策是規定教職員不能收受學員所贈送的 金錢或貴重物品。向教職員致送食物是可以接受的(例如: 茶、咖啡、包子及點心)。至於接受禮物與否,則由老師自 行決定。我們不鼓勵學員在任何因由之下,向同學收取金錢。 Open Registration: 9 New students can register for class on the open registration day. The open registration day is always on the Monday that follows the end of a term. The registration time is from 8:00 to 9:30 am for morning classes and from 5:00 to 6:30 pm for evening classes. New students need to bring photo ID and proof of address to register. Students will receive orientation, fill out a registration form, take placement tests, and be placed in class. We have a limited enrollment policy. When the maximum capacity is reached, the registration will be closed. 公開登記: 新生可以在本中心的公開登記日進行報名就讀。公開登記日通 常是每學期完結後的第一個星期一。上午班的登記時間為早上 8時至9時半。夜間班的登記時間為下午5時至6時半。新生 需要攜帶附有相片的身份證明文件及住址證明前來登記。屆時 將有簡單介紹讓學員對學習環境有所認識,學員需填妥登記 表、進行英語能力鑑別測驗,然後被安排適合的班級。學生報 名名額有限,報完即止。 First Day of Class: Students’ class assignments are posted on walls on the second floor. On this day, students should bring pen or pencil and a notebook to class. Students should look for their names on the attendance sheet and sign in. The teacher will discuss the textbook, workbook, syllabus and classroom rules. Students should stay for the entire class period. If your name is not on the master list or the attendance sheet, consult the office after class. 10 開課首天: 在二樓的牆壁上貼有學員被分派的班級與課室。在開課的第一 天,學員應攜帶筆及筆記簿上課。學員應在出席表上找出自己 的名字,然後簽到。老師將與學員講述課本、作業簿、課程及 課室守則。學員應留下直到下課時間。假如您的名字不在總名 單或出席表內,下課後請您到辦公室查詢。 Continuing Registration: A. Last Week: During the last week of class, students can register for next term’s class if they want to return. Students must fill out a registration form and take the final test. During some of the class terms, students may take a standardized post-test. These tests are important as it demonstrates to the government that our classes are helping people to learn English. B. Registration Forms: On the registration form, students need to check that their personal information (i.e. name, address, social security number, educational history, and goals) is up-to-date. A copy of a photo ID is required for each form. Test scores are also listed. C. Finals: Finals are given at the end of every term to evaluate students’ progress. The tests consist of listening, writing and comprehension exercises. On these tests, students need to write their full name, social security number and the test date. D. Standardized Tests: All students are given a pre-test at the start of the academic year or when they first register for ESL class. Post-tests are conducted at regular intervals. Depending on their English level, students will take: Best-Plus Test (10-20 minutes), Best-Literacy Test (1 hour) 11 or CASAS Test (1 hour). 延續登記: A. 最後一週:如果學員想繼續學習的話,他/她可以在就讀 班級快完結的最後一週內,為下學期進行再登記。學員必 須填妥登記表及參加最後的測驗。在學期當中,老師可能 要求學員作一個標準化學習後測驗。這些測驗是非常重 要,是向政府當局證明本中心所舉辦的英文班是對學員有 幫助。 B. 登記表:學員需要各自核對個人資料(姓名、地址、社會 安全號碼、教育履歷、目標)是否屬於最近的。每份登記 表必須連同附有相片的身份證明文件副本。測驗成績亦會 列在登記表上。 C. 最後測驗:在每學期尾,學員將參加最後測驗來評估他/ 她的學習進度。測驗包括聽、寫及理解能力練習。學員需 要在測驗卷上寫下自己的姓名、社會安全號碼及測驗日 期。 D. 標準化測驗:要求各學員在學年開始或首次登記入讀英文 班時作一個學習前測驗。學員亦要參加定期舉行的學習後 測驗。依據學員的英文水平,安排他們參加Best-Plus測 驗(10至20分鐘)、Best-Literacy測驗(1小時)或CASAS 測驗(1小時)。 Building and Classroom Rules: Morning students can enter the Pui Tak Building at 7:30am, Impact Center and the Church at 8am. Evening students can enter the Church at 5:15pm. Students can stay in Room 204 Front for private study other than class time if it is not booked for meeting. 12 Teachers will have their own “set of rules” for their students. But here are some generalized rules per classroom: Students must: Buy their own textbooks / workbooks Bring books to every class Bring pens, pencils or notebook to every class Do homework / take notes in class Not talk when the teacher is talking Raise hands for permission to speak Wait until the teacher asks students to speak Not eat or drink in class TURN OFF cell phones for class Stay in their seats Come to class on-time and prepared! **Students cannot sit in class unless registered **Students cannot cheat! Halls: Students must keep quiet when walking in the halls as many other classes are in session. Trash: Items such as paper, cups, or napkins should be put in trash containers after usage. Plastic textbook bags from the bookstore are very noisy. Students should try to keep bags quiet. Restrooms: Students should not use staff’s restrooms. 課室及建築物守則: 早班學生可於早上七時半進入培德中心大樓,八時進入培育中 心或教堂課室。晚班學生可於下午五時十五分進入教堂課室。 如果沒有其他活動進行,204號房前座可供學生課前課後自修 之用。 老師各有自己的„一套守則?。可是,下面所列的是課室一般守 則: 13 學員必須: 購買課本/作業簿 攜帶課本上課 攜帶筆及筆記簿上課 做作業家課 / 在堂上做筆記 在老師說話時,不要講話 先舉手,請求發言 等待,直至老師示意同學講話 遵守在課室內不准飲食 將手提電話關掉 留在自己的座位內 準時上課及溫習 **沒有登記者,不准坐在課室內 **學員不能有作弊欺騙的行為, 廳堂:學員在門廊廳堂走動時,必須保持安靜,以免影響其他 班上課。 垃圾:請將廢紙、用過的紙杯或紙巾投入垃圾桶內。裝載課本 的塑膠袋很容易引發噪音,請學員盡量避免讓塑膠袋產生聲響。 廁所:學員不可以使用教職員廁所 Social Customs: A. Burping: In American culture, when people burp or yawn loudly, they will say “excuse me” and cover their mouth. It is considered impolite to yawn or burp and not to excuse oneself. B. Spitting: Spitting is rarely done. If so, individuals will always find a trash can or napkin to spit in. Spitting on the floor, street or stairs is not acceptable. C. Sneezing / Coughing: When a person sneezes or coughs, they 14 will usually cover their mouth with their hand or napkin. Germs are easily spread, so it is good to use a napkin or tissue to cover the mouth. Most will say “excuse me” after they cough or sneeze. D. Nose-picking: Picking your nose in public is considered very impolite. Most people will use a napkin to clean their noses. Fingers are not acceptable. E. Restrooms: Neither smoking nor drinking alcohol is allowed in the restrooms. PTC is a smoke-free environment. F. **Used toilet paper should be put in the toilet, not in the trash bins. G. **Paper towels used to dry your hands should be put in the trash cans, not in the toilet. H. **Personal products for women, such as tampons or sanitary pads are not to be put in the toilet. They should be put in the trash bins. I. Toilets: When using the toilet, please sit on the toilet. (Standing on the toilet makes it dirty.) If desired, individuals can put toilet paper on the toilet seat before usage. J. If the toilets are not working properly, please notify the receptionist. K. Office Protocol: When visiting the main office, please wait at the door to be called. If there is a line, wait in line to be called. Do not go to the front of the line or ahead of other people that are waiting. This is not considered polite. L. Programs / Services: Students are encouraged to attend programs, services and parties. Please try to be on time and try to stay for the entire event. Leaving early is not considered polite and can cause disruptions or unnecessary 15 distractions. 社會風俗及禮儀: A. 打嗝:美國的文化是,若大聲打嗝或打呵欠時,應說聲“對 不起”及將嘴蓋住。 當眾打嗝或打呵欠而沒有向旁邊的 人說聲對不起,是沒有禮貌的行為。 B. 吐痰:當眾吐痰是很少有的行為。若有需要,請將痰吐在 垃圾桶內或紙巾內。不應在地板、街道或樓梯上隨處吐痰。 C. 打噴嚏和咳嗽:當打噴嚏或咳嗽時,應用手或紙巾將嘴蓋 住。細菌是很容易被散播,所以最好是用紙巾或廁紙將嘴 蓋住。人們通常在咳嗽或打噴嚏之後,都會說聲“對不 起”。 D. 挖鼻孔:在公眾場所挖鼻孔是不禮貌的行為。人們通常是 用紙巾去清潔鼻孔。用手指去清理鼻孔是不可以接受的行 為。 E. 洗手間:不准在廁所內抽煙或飲用含有酒精的飲料。培德 中心內是嚴禁吸煙的地方。 F. **請將用過的廁紙投入馬桶內,而不是放進垃圾箱裡。 G. **請將用過的抹手紙投入垃圾箱內,而不是馬桶裡,以免 阻塞污水渠。 H. **婦女個人衛生用品,例如:衛生綿條或衛生巾,不可投 入馬桶內,以免阻塞污水渠。請將此類物品包好,放進垃 圾箱裡。 I. 使用廁所:要用廁所時,請坐在馬桶上。(站在馬桶上面 將會弄髒座廁。)在使用時,您可以將廁紙鋪放在座廁板 上。 J. 若廁所損壞了,請通知接待員。 K. 辦公室禮規:有事要到總辦公室時,請在辦公室門外等候 職員叫您的名字。如果門外有排隊等候的人,請到後面排 16 隊。不要插隊,這是不禮貌的行為。 L. 課程活動/ 服務:鼓勵學員出席參加各類課程、服務及活 動。請出席者準時赴會及盡量留至活動完畢為止。提早離 去是不禮貌的舉動,同時亦會引起不必要打擾。 Holidays: There will be no class on the following days: New Year’s Day Labor Day Chinese New Year Thanksgiving Day Good Friday The Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day Christmas Independence Day 假期: 英文班在下列假期停課: 新年 勞動節 農曆新年 感恩節 受苦節 感恩節翌日 亡兵紀念日 聖誕節 獨立紀念日 School Closings: PTC will close when the Chicago Public Schools are closed for severe weather. Please listen to the radio or watch local TV news for announcements. A sign will be posted on the PTC front door if the school is closed. Students can also call PTC at (312) 328-1188 for more information. In the event of a local emergency (such as a power failure in Chinatown), the ESL Program will decide if class will be canceled. 17 學校停課: 培德中心將依照芝加哥公立學校因惡劣天氣緣故而停課的決 定。請收聽電台或本地電視台新聞廣播的停課公告。若停課, 中心職員會張貼公告在培德中心的前門。學員亦可致電(312) 328-1188查詢。若因臨時緊急事件(如:唐人街停電),英文班 行政人員會作是否停課的決定。 Student Resources: A. Tutoring: We offer one-on-one and small group tutoring to our students. It is offered on Saturday mornings (10:00am-11:30am) and Monday evenings (7:15pm-8:45pm) from late September to early May. Only enrolled ESL students are eligible to register for the tutoring program. If a student has to miss tutoring for any reason, he or she should notify Bill Wong by Thursday by 12:00 noon of that week. If a student has two or more “unexcused” absences, he or she will be dropped from the program. Please contact Bill Wong at (312) 328-1188 x 212. B. Bookstore: Students can purchase textbooks and workbooks in the PTC bookstore on the first floor. Text/workbooks are not refundable. Students need to know what classes they will attend before they buy the books. As students may transfer to a different class on the first day of the second week, so students are not required to purchase books for the first three days. Using “used” textbooks or workbooks is discouraged because students need to write in the books in order to learn. The bookstore is closed on Tuesdays unless special arrangements are made. 18 學生資源輔助: A. 補習班:中心為學員提供一對一和小組補習班。補習班時間 為週六早上10時至11時30分,及週一晚上7時15分至8 時45分,舉辦日期為九月中旬至五月上旬。只限已報讀本 中心的英文班學員申請。學員若因任何原因不能上補習班, 請在缺席該週的星期四,中午12時通知黃創文。學員若無 故缺席兩次或以上者,當作自行退出。請致電(312) 328-1188,分機212,與黃創文聯繫。 B. 書室:學員可以在培德中心一樓的培德書室購買課本及作業 簿。購買課本及作業簿的錢是不能退還的。在購買課本及作 業簿之前,學員需先知道入讀的班別。學員可以在開課第一 週的第四天要求轉班,因此學員不需要在開課的頭三天購買 課本及作業簿。不鼓勵學員使用舊課本及舊作業簿,因為學 員需要在課本及作業簿內書寫學習。除非有特別安排,書室 逢星期二關門休業。 Equal Opportunity / Disability Access: PTC is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access and opportunity to its programs, facilities, and services without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability. It is our policy to provide, on a flexible and individual basis, reasonable accommodations to students who have disabilities that may affect their ability to participate in class activities or to meet class requirements. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact Debby Lau at (312) 328-1188 to discuss their needs for accommodations. 平等機會 / 殘障人士設備: 19 培德中心致力於各人均有平等機會的政策方針,為不同種族、 膚色、教條、宗教信仰、民族、性別、年齡或殘障者提供學習 課程、設施及服務。我們的政策是為有殘障的學員提供一個富 彈性,以學員為本的公平學習環境,以致他們可以參與課堂活 動或達到入學要求。我們鼓勵有特殊需要的學員與劉靜儀聯 繫,電話:(312) 328-1188。 Funding: Our ESL and citizenship classes are supported by federal and state funds through the Illinois Community College Board. In FY2009, we received $397,446 in federal funding, 41% of the total program cost. 經費來源: 本中心英文班及移民入籍班是經聯邦及州政府,透過伊利諾社 區學院委員會撥款支持。2009年財政年度,本中心的英文班及 移民入籍班經費有百分之四十一是來自聯邦政府的撥款支持。 **If you have any questions regarding our program, feel free to give us a call or drop us a letter at: **若有任何關於本中心課程活動的問題,歡迎您以電話或通信 與我們聯繫,地址為: Pui Tak Center: 2216 S. Wentworth Ave., Chicago, IL 60616 (312) 328-1188 www.puitak.org 20
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