首页 xx省xx市第三中学高一上学期期中考试生物试题合集精选



xx省xx市第三中学高一上学期期中考试生物试题合集精选xx省xx市第三中学高一上学期期中考试生物试题合集精选 xx三中秋高一年生物学科期中考试卷 (考试时间:90分钟;满分:100分) 命题人:戴文墨 本试卷分第1卷和第?卷两部分。第1卷为选择题,第?卷为非选择题。 第I卷 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、班别、座位号填写在答题卡上。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改劢,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔...

xx省xx市第三中学高一上学期期中考试生物试题合集精选 xx三中秋高一年生物学科期中考试卷 (考试时间:90分钟;满分:100分) 命题人:戴文墨 本试卷分第1卷和第?卷两部分。第1卷为选择题,第?卷为非选择题。 第I卷 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、班别、座位号填写在答题卡上。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改劢,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改劢,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.作答选做题时,请先用2B铅笔填涂选做题的题号对应的信息点,再作答。漏涂、错涂、多涂的,答案无效。 5.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一幵交回。 第一部分 选择题(共60分) 一、单项选择题:本题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分。每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项最符吅题目要求 1(下列事实中,不支持“生命活动离不xx细胞”观点的是( ) A(HIV由蛋白质和核酸组成 B(乙肝病毒依赖人体肝细胞生活 C(草履虫会逃避有害刺激 D(父母通过精子和卵细胞把遗传物质传给下一代 2(下列关于生命系统的结构层次的说法,正确的是( ) A(生命系统中各生物体均具有多种组织和系统 B(病毒没有细胞结构,故它的生命活动与细胞无关 C(蛋白质、核酸不属于生命系统的结构层次 D(生命系统层层相依,各生物具有相同的组成、结构和功能 3(2005年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予澳大利亚学者巴里?马歇尔和罗xx?沃伦,以表彰他们发现了导致胃炎和胃溃疡的病原体,下图为该病原体的结构模式图。该生物属于( ) A(细菌 B(草履虫 C(病毒 D(水绵 4(在治疗创伤的中药方剂中,雄性羚羊角或犀牛角的用量极少,但是缺少这味药,疗效将大大下降甚至无效。已知动物的角主要是由死亡细胞的角化(变性)蛋白质组成的,则羚羊角等的有效成分最可能是( ) A(特殊活性蛋白质 B(DNA C(微量元素类 D(大量元素类 5.观察水绵细胞时,将低倍物镜换成高倍物镜后,物像大小、细胞数目和视野亮度的变化是( ) A(变大、变多、变亮 B(变大、变少、变暗 C(变小、变多、变亮 D(变小、变多、变暗 6(在检测生物组织中的还原糖、脂肪、蛋白质时,对实验材料选择的叙述,错误的是( ) A(甘蔗茎的薄壁细胞、甜菜的块根等,都含有较多的糖且近于白色,因此可以用于还原糖的鉴定 B(花生种子含脂肪多且子叶肥厚,是用于脂肪鉴定的理想材料 C(大豆种子蛋白质含量高,是进行蛋白质鉴定的理想植物材料 D(鸡蛋清含蛋白质多,是进行蛋白质鉴定的动物材料 7(关于生物组织中还原糖、脂肪、蛋白质的鉴定实验,下列叙述错误的是( ) A(可用斐林试剂甲液和乙液,蒸馏水来鉴定葡萄糖和尿液中的蛋白质 B(脂肪的切片法鉴定需要用显微镜才能看到被染色的脂肪颗粒 C(鉴定还原糖时,要加入斐林试剂甲液摇匀后,再加入乙液 D(在使用苏丹?鉴定脂肪的实验中,酒精的作用是洗去实验材料上的浮色 8(某蛋白质由三条肽链组成(如图),共含有48个氨基酸,那么该蛋白质形成过程中共计脱去水分子的个数是( ) A(44个 B(45个 C(46个 D(47个 9(一条肽链的分子式为CHON,其水解产物中只含有下列3种氨基酸。下列叙述2234136 错误的是( ) A(合成1个CHON分子将产生5个水分子 2234136 B(在细胞中合成1个CHON分子要形成5个肽键 2234136 C(1个CHON分子完全水解后可以产生3个谷氨酸 2234136 D(1个CHON分子中存在1个游离的氨基和3个游离的羧基 2234136 10(分析多肽E和多肽F得到以下结果(单位:个): 元素或基团 C H O N 氨基 羧基 多肽E 201 348 62 53 3 2 多肽F 182 294 55 54 6 1 多肽E和多肽F中氨基酸的个数最可能是( ) A(199和181 B(340和281 C(58和53 D(51和49 11(水稻叶肉细胞中的DNA主要分布在细胞核中,RNA主要分布在细胞质中。若将水稻的遗传物质彻底水解后,可以得到( ) A(1种五碳糖 B(5种含氮碱基 C(4种核苷酸 D(8种核苷酸 12(某植物体内可以完成下列反应式:(其中?、?代表不同的单糖),则?—?代表的二糖可能是( ) 酶?—?,水――??,? A(麦芽糖 B(乳糖 C(蔗糖 D(B和C 13(甲物质分子式为CHO,乙物质分子式为CHO。若这两种物质作为生物体内122211571106 的能源物质,在相同条件下,质量相同的甲、乙两种物质被彻底氧化分解时,甲物质比乙物质( ) A(耗氧少,产生能量少 B(耗氧多,产生能量多 C(耗氧多,产生能量少 D(耗氧少,产生能量多 14(三类营养物质氧化时释放能量与耗氧量如下表: 体外燃烧释放能量体内氧化释放能量/(kJ?g,1营养物质 ) 耗氧量/(dL?g,1,1/(kJ?g) ) 糖 17 17 0.83 蛋白质 23.5 18 0.95 脂肪 39.8 39.8 2.03 据上表内容不能作出的判断是( ) A(糖是生命活动的主要能源物质 B(耗氧量的多少可能与它们含有的元素比例不同有关 C(体内外蛋白质分解释放能量的差异可能是因为分解产物不完全相同 D(同质量时,脂肪贮存能量最多 15(某50肽中有2个丙氨酸(NHCHCHCOOH),现脱掉其中的丙氨酸(相应位置如图)得23 到几种不同的有机产物,其中脱下的氨基酸均以游离态正常存在。下列关于该过程产生的全部有机物中,有关原子、基团或肽键数目的叙述,错误的是( ) A(肽键数目减少4个 B(氢原子数目增加8个 C(氨基和羧基分别增加4个 D(氧原子数目增加2个 16(下列有关组成生物体的化学元素的叙述,正确的是( ) A(微量元素在生物体内含量很少,所以人体不存在微量元素缺乏症 B(每种大量元素在不同的生物体内的含量都是相同的 C(根据组成生物体的化学元素的含量不同分为大量元素和微量元素两大类 D(组成生物体的大量元素中,碳元素是最基本的元素,其在细胞鲜重中的含量总是最多的 17(下列关于细胞内糖类的叙述正确的是( ) A(蔗糖水解后的产物均不具有还原性 B(麦芽糖是构成纤维素的基本单位 C(脱氧核糖是动植物细胞都有的单糖 D(糖类物质都是细胞内的能源物质 18(下列关于水的叙述正确的是( ) A(在探索外星空间是否存在生命的过程中,科学家始终把寻找氧气作为关键的一环, 这是因为生物必须活在氧气中 B(水是细胞干重中含量最高的化合物 C(水在细胞中的存在形式及功能并不是一成不变的 D(一个由m个氨基酸构成的二环多肽,水解需要m,2个水分子 19(元素和化合物是组成细胞的物质基础,下列有关叙述中正确的是( ) A(磷脂的基本组成单位是甘油和脂肪酸,它是细胞膜的主要成分 B(蛋白质的基本组成单位是氨基酸,它是生命活动的主要承担者 C(DNA的基本组成单位是核糖核苷酸 D(淀粉的基本组成单位是葡萄糖,它是植物细胞壁的主要成分 20(某研究人员对玉米组织、小白鼠组织、T噬菌体、乳酸菌、酵母菌五种样品进行2 化学成分分析。以下相关分析结论不正确的是( ) A(含有水、DNA、RNA、肝糖原、蛋白质等成分的样品是小白鼠组织 B(只含有蛋白质和DNA成分的样品是T噬菌体 2 C(含有水、DNA、RNA、蛋白质、纤维素等成分的样品是玉米组织和乳酸菌 D(既含有DNA又含有RNA的样品是玉米组织、小白鼠组织、乳酸菌和酵母菌 21,2008年9月,三鹿牌婴幼儿配方奶粉导致儿童肾结石事件引起了人们的高度关注。不法商家将含“伪蛋白氮”较高的三聚氰胺掺入奶粉,提高检测时蛋白质的数值,大大降低生产成本。下列有关叙述不正确的是, , A,测定某种食品中氮元素的含量,可以间接推测其中蛋白质的含量 B,儿童少年的食物中应该含有较多的蛋白质 C,实验室里可以用斐林试剂来精确检测蛋白质的含量 D,三聚氰胺虽然含氮较高,但是不能体现蛋白质的营养价值 22.两个氨基酸分子缩合成二肽,并生成一分子水,这分子水中的氧来自于( ) A. 氨基 B.羧基 C.羧基和氨基 D.R基团 23.下列说法正确的是( ) A.多细胞生物中单个细胞能单独完成各种生命活劢 B.细菌不能单独完成各种生命活劢 C.SARS病毒能够单独完成各种生命活劢 D.生命活劢离不xx细胞 24.多糖、蛋白质、核酸都是生物大分子,组成它们的单体分别是, , 班级_______姓名___________座号_______ A,氨基酸、单糖、核苷酸 B,单糖、核苷酸、氨基酸 C,核苷酸、氨基酸、单糖 D,单糖、氨基酸、核苷酸 25,组成烟草的遗传物质的碱基、五碳糖、核苷酸的种类是, , A,5,2,8 B,4,1,4 C,5,2,2 D,4,4,8 26.已知Mn的二价离子是许多酶的活化剂,例如能激活硝酸还原酶,缺少这种离子的植物就无法利用硝酸盐,这说明无机盐离子, , A,对维持生物体生命活劢有重要作用 B.对维持细胞的形态有重要作用 C,对维持酸碱平衡有重要作用 D.调节细胞内外的渗透压有重要作用 27. 某广告宣称某种品牌的八宝粥,含桂圆、红豆、糯米等,不加糖,最适吅糖尿病人食用,你认为下列分析不正确的是, , ( A,糖尿病病人应少吃含糖的食品,该八宝粥未加糖,可以放心食用 B,这个广告有误导消费者的嫌疑,不加糖不等于没有糖 C,红豆和糯米等食物中有较多的淀粉,糖尿病人食用该八宝粥需慎重 D,不能盲目听信厂商或广告商的宣传,应询问医生 28.人体内有20多种微量元素,它们的质量总和不到体重的千万分之一,但是对人的健康却起着重要的作用,下列各组元素全部是微量元素的是, , A,Na K Cl S O B,F I Fe Zn Cu C,N H O P C D,Ge Ca Cu Mg C 29. 将DNA分子完全水解后得到的化学物质是: A、核苷酸、五碳糖、含氮碱基 B、脱氧核糖、磷酸、含氮碱基 C、核苷酸、磷酸、含氮碱基 D、核糖、磷酸、含氮碱基 30.若用圆圈表示,a,原核生物、,b,真核生物、,c,乳酸菌、,d,大肠杆菌、,e,酵母菌、,f,细菌,则这些概念的从属关系正确的是 ( ) f c c c a e a e a e c f d a b f d d b f b b e A. B. C. D. 第?卷 (非选择题40分) 注意事项: 用黑色签字笔直接答在试题上。 得分 评卷人 二、非选择题(共3小题,共40分) 31((8分)据图回答下列问题: (1)(多选)乙图是一个单细胞生物的结构示意图,通过观察我们可以判断该生物( ) A(一定是自养型生物 B(有细胞核,可能是单细胞生物 C(一定不是原核细胞 D(有细胞壁是植物 (2)甲、乙两图中属于原核细胞的是________,属于真核细胞的是________。 (3)甲、乙两细胞的统一性表现在______________________________________。 32((14分)如图是一种化合物的结构示意图,请根据图解回答下面的问题: (1)该化 合物的具体名称是________,组成该化合物的基本结构单位是________。 (2)该化合物的基本连接键是__________,是由一个__________________与另一个__________________脱去一分子____________形成的。 (3)如果该化合物的相对分子质量是a,则组成该化合物的基本单位的平均相对分子质量是________。 33((18分)如图所示的图解表示构成细胞的元素、化合物及其作用,a、b、c、d代表不同的小分子物质,A、B、C代表不同的生物大分子,请分析回答下列问题: (1)物质a是________,在动物细胞内,与物质A作用最相近的物质是________。若物质A在动物、植物细胞均含有,并作为细胞内的最理想的储存能量的物质,不仅含能量多而且体积较小,则A是________。 (2)物质b是________,其结构通式为________________________________。若某种B分子由n个b分子(平均相对分子质量为m)组成的2条链组成,则该B分子的相对分子质量大约为________________________________________________________________________。 (3)物质c在人体细胞中共有________种,分子中______________不同,决定了c的种类不同。 (4)物质C分子结构的特异性是由_________________________________________决定的。 xx三中秋高一年生物学科期中考试卷答案 一、选择题 1、A2、C3、A4、C5、B6、A7、C8、C9、D10、D11、A12、C13、A14、A15、D16、C 17、C18、C19、B20、C21、C22、C23、D24、D25、A26、A27、A28、B29、B30、B 二、填空题 31、答案:(1)BC (2)甲 乙 (3)都有细胞膜、细胞质、核糖体和DNA分子 32、答案:(1)三肽 氨基酸 (2)肽键 氨基酸分子的氨基 氨基酸分子的羧基 水 (3)(a,36)/3(或a/3,12) 33、答案:(1)葡萄糖 糖原 脂肪 (2)氨基酸 mn,(n,2)×18 (3)4 含氮碱基 (4)脱氧核苷酸的数目和排列顺序 xx三中秋期中考高一年物理学科试卷 命题人:陈海 考试时间90分钟总分100分 一、单项选择题:(每小题只有一个选项符合题意,请选出正确答案。每小题4分,共48分。) 1(坐在行驶的列车里的乘客,看到铁轨两旁的树木迅速后退,“行驶着的列车”和“树木迅速后退”的参考系分别为( ) A(地面、地面 B(地面、列车 C(列车、列车 D(列车、地面 2(下列各组物理量中,都是矢量的是( ) A(位移、时间、速度B(速度、速率、加速度 C(加速度、速度的变化、速度D(速度、路程、位移 3(下列说法中,正确的是( ) A(研究运动员做花样滑冰时,可以把运动员看成质点 B(研究人造地球卫星绕地球运动时,可以把卫星看成质点 C(“12月6日17时47分”和“361秒钟”,前者表示“时间”,后者表示“时刻” D(嫦娥三号探测器绕月球飞行一圈,它的位移和路程都为零 4(关于重力和弹力,下列说法正确的是( ) A(重力总是垂直向下 B(两个物体只要相互接触就会产生弹力 C(形状规则的物体的重心一定与其几何中心重合 D(物体对桌面的压力是由于物体发生弹性形变而产生的 5(物体自楼顶处自由下落(不计阻力),落到地面的速度为v(在此过程中,物体从楼顶落到楼半处所经历的时间为( ) A(B( C(D( 6(在弹性限度内某弹簧下端悬挂400N重物时, 总长为22cm,悬挂600N重物时,总长为24cm,该弹簧劲度系数为( ) 4445 A(2.0×10N/m B(3.0×10N/m C(1.0×10N/m D(1.25×10N/m 7(如右图所示,一个小物块沿光滑斜面向下滑动,小物块在下滑的过程中( ) A(只受重力B(受重力和支持力C(受重力和压力D(受重力、压力和支持力 8(物体做直线运动,下列所给的图象中不能反映物体回到初始位置的是( ) 9(由静止xx始沿直线做匀加速运动的物体,在最初4s内的位移为80m,则它在第3s内的位移为( ) A(35m B(25m C(15m D(5m 10(如图1所示,对下列“阴影”的物体受力分析错误的是 ( ) (( A(接触面光滑 B(光滑斜面 C(沿光滑斜面下滑 D (保持静止 11(汽车由甲地xx出,沿平直公路xx到乙地刚好停止运动,其速度图象如图,在0-1s和1-4s两段时-1 v/m?s间内,汽车的( ) 2 t/s 0 A(位移大小之比为1:4 B(加速度大小之比为3:1 14 C(平均速度大小之比为1:3 D(平均速度大小之比为1:4 12.将一质点从静止xx始做匀加速直线运动的总位移分成等长的三段,按从xx始到最后的顺序,经过这 三段位移的平均速度的比是( ) A(1:3:5 B(1:(+1):(+) C.1:: D.1:(-1):(-) 23223232 二、实验题:(共12分,每空2分) 13(打点计时器是高中物理中重要的物理实验仪器,下图中甲、乙两种打点计时器是高中物理实验中常用的,请回答下面的问题 (1)、打点计时器使用的电源是 流电。(选填“直”或“交”) (2)、在某次实验中,物体拖动纸带做匀加速直线运动,打点计时器所用的电源频率为50Hz,实验得到的一条纸带如下图所示,纸带上每相邻的两个计数点之间都有4个点未画出。按时间顺序取0、1、2、 装 订 线 内 不 要 答 题 3、4、5六个计数点,实验中用直尺量出各计数点到0点的距离如下图所示(单位:cm) 班级 座位号 姓名_______________ _ ?在计数点1所代表的时刻,纸带运动的瞬时速度为v= m/s,物体的加速度 1 2a= m/s(均保留两位有效数字) ?该同学在测量的时候没有将计数点5的数值 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 下来,根据前面 的数值可以推算出计数点5到0点的距离为 cm。 14(某同学在做探究弹力和弹簧伸长量的关系的实验中,最终得到下图. 的F-L图象,F为弹簧的弹力的大小,L为弹簧的总长度((弹簧始终在 弹性限度内)则 (1)图线跟L坐标轴交点的物理意义是____________( ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,装,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,订 (2)该弹簧的劲度系数k, ((保留两位有效数字) 总分: (统分人 ) 一、单项选择题:(每题只有一个答案,每题4分,共52分) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 答案 题号 7 8 9 10 11 12 答案 二、实验题:(共12分,每空2分) 13((1) 流电。(选填“直”或“交”) 2(2)?v= m/s,a= m/s(均保留两位有效数字)? cm。 1 14((1)____________((2)k, ((保留两位有效数字) 三(计算题(共40分) 15. (8分)由静止xx始做匀加速直线运动的汽车,第1 s内通过的位移为0.8 m,问:(1)汽车的加速度多大,(2)汽车在第2 s末的速度为多大, 16((10分)在xx市秋季田竞运动会上,我校一位男生取男子100米决赛xx军,其成绩为 11.2秒。假设比赛中,该同学先匀加速直线跑了6.4秒,之后匀速直线跑到终点。试求: (1)该同学在比赛过程的平均速度的大小;(2)该同学在100米决赛过程的最大速度大小。 17((10分)一个钢珠从某个高度做自由落体运动,它在前2s内的位移恰好等于它最后2s内位移的1/4, 2取g,10m/s,求: ? 前2s内下落的高度。 ? 钢珠在空中运动的时间。 18((12分)A、B两辆卡车在同一车道上同向行驶,A在前,速度为v=10m/s,B车在后速度 A v=20m/s(因大雾能见度低,B车在距A车s=100m时,才发现前方有A车,这时B车立即刹车,但要经B0 过200m B车才能停止(问: (1)求B车的加速度大小; (2)若A车若仍按原速前进,试通过计算分析两车是否会相撞;若能相撞求出相撞的时间,若不能则求出两车的最短距离。 xx三中秋期中考高一年物理学科试卷参考答案 1(B2(C3(B4(D5(C(6(C 7(B8(B9(B10( A 11(B12.B 13((1)、 交 2(2)、?v= 0.18 m/s,a= 0.75 m/s(保留两位有效数字)? 14.50 cm。 1 14((1)弹簧的原长 (2)42 N/m 215. (1) 1.6 m/s,(2)3.2 m/s x122×0.4222解析 (1)由x,at得a,, m/s, 1.6 m/s, 2221t 所以汽车在第1 s末的速度为v,at,3.2 m/s. 116((1)8.93m/s;(2)12.5 m/s。 17((10分)解: (1)20m (2)解得;t=5s 18( (12分)解: 解答: 解:(1)B车刹车的加速度大小为1 m/s( 1 2)两车不会相撞(两者间的最小距离为:?s=50m( ( xx三中秋期中考高一年英语试卷 考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分 命题人:吴婉丽 第I卷(选择题 共100分) 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How will the woman pay? A. By cash. B. By credit card. C. By check. 2. Where was the man born? A. In America. B. In Canada. C. In England. 3. Which season is it now? A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter. 4. When will the man get on a plane? A. At 8:00. B. At 8:15. C. At 8:30. 5. Where does the woman want to go? A. Spain. B. Sweden. C. Switzerland. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What can’t Janie understand? A. Her homework. B. Her history test. C. Her English paper. 7. Who will the man help? A. His father. B. His sister. C. The woman. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. Who read to the girls? A. The woman. B. Only the man. C. The man and his wife. 9. When did the girls start reading well? A. At five. B. At six. C. At seven. 10. What does the man think the woman’s son should do now? A. Read a lot. B. Do whatever he likes. C. Learn from the man’s daughters. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. What’s wrong with the man? A. He has got a cold again. B. He gets tired easily in winter. C. He has been seriously ill for a week. 12. What may the man begin to try? A. Riding a bike. B. Going to the gym. C. Climbing the stairs. 13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Co-workers. B. Husband and wife. C. Doctor and patient. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。 14. What does the man want the woman to do? A. Help him with his research paper. B. Go on a business trip with him. C. Write a report for him. 15. When would the man like the woman to be finished? A. Thursday. B. Friday. C. Next Monday. 16. Where will the woman go on Thursday afternoon? A. To the library. B. To a meeting room. C. To a café. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Where is Las Vegas? A. In the desert. B. Near a forest. C. Close to New York. 18. What is Las Vegas famous for? A. Swimming pools. B. Fashion. C. Card games. 19. Which is popular with kids? A. Museums. B. Restaurants. C. Music clubs. 20. What is the purpose of this introduction to Las Vegas? A. To teach visitors about playing cards. B. To get families to bring their children. C. To suggest different activities for visitors. 第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分, 满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Dear Sir, I have to travel every day from Souk Road to the airport. Two buses travel along their route(路线): the number 49 and number 16( But by the time the number 16 bus reaches Souk Road it is always full, so I can’t get on it( I have to wait for the number 49, because sometimes there are empty seats on it( The timetable says that there are buses from Souk Road to the airport every ten minutes. If this is so, why do I have to wait half an hour for a bus nearly every day? The regulations (规章) say that if there are empty seats on a bus, the bus must stop at every stop where people are waiting. Why do the half-empty buses go straight past me when I am standing at the bus stop? The regulations say that no bus may carry more than 40 seated passengers and 20 standing passengers. Yesterday I was the first to get off the bus when it reached the airport( I counted the other passengers as they got off( There were 129 of them( It is clear that our bus companies break the regulations and think little of their passengers. Can nothing be done to make your service better? Yours, Tired passenger 21. The writer has to take Bus No.49 because __________( A. it is not always full B. it arrives on time C. it travels faster D. it has fewer seats on it 22(How long does the writer usually have to wait for a bus? A. Ten minutes B. One hour C. Half an hour. D. Nearly a day( 23(The regulations say that each bus may carry ________ passengers at most( A. 20 B. 40 C. 129 D. 60 24(From the passage we can see that __________( A. no passengers took their buses B. the bus service was poor C. no buses except the No. 49 bus passed Souk Road D. the writer was always the first to get on the bus B If you are looking for the place that has everything, there is only one place to visit, and that’s New York. It’s a whole world in a city. The World of Theater: All of New York is a stage. And it begins with Broadway. Where else can you find so many hit shows in one place? Only in New York! The World of Music: Spend an evening with Beethoven at Lincoln Center. Swing to the great jazz of Greenwich Village. Or rock yourself silly at the hottest dance spots found anywhere. The World of Art: From Rembrandt to Picasso. From Egyptian tombs to Indian teepees. Whatever kind of art you like, you will find it in New York. The World of Fine Dining: Whether it’s roast Beijing duck in Chinatown, lasagna in little Italy, or the finest French coq au vin found everywhere, there is world of great taste waiting for you in New York. The World of Sights: What other city has a Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)? A Rockefeller Center? Or a Bronx Zoo? Where else can you take a horse-drawn carriage through Central Park? Only in New York! 25. From the text we know that “Rembrandt” is most likely to be the name of a famous _________. A. actor B. musician C. cook D. painter 26. Which of the following can visitors do only in New York? A. To see the Statue of Liberty. B. To taste the finest French coq au vin. C. To enjoy a Beethoven concert. D. To eat Roast Beijing Duck. 27. This passage may be taken from __________. A. a handbook for English learners B. a guidebook for foreign travellers C. a pocketbook for businessmen D. a storybook for local readers C Cancer is among the top killer diseases in our society today and scientists have found out that stress helps to bring it on. It is necessary to consider, therefore, what the causes of stress are in our lives, and whether we can do something about it. Do we have too many responsibilities(责任)? Do we have a right balance of work and relaxation in our lives? Are our relationships(关系) with family, friends or fellow workers all that they should be? All these things can be causes of stress, and it is best to face them honestly. People who have a good row(吵架) and then forget it are doing better than bottle up their feelings. those who If we want to lighten the stress, let us consider what we can do about it. It is possible to change jobs. We can get more free time and live more happily, if we accept a different living standard. We can improve our personal relationships by a different attitude(态度). It is we who allow other people to make ourselves unhappy. Often the little things that disturb us are not worth an hour’s anger. 28. What have scientists found out? A. Cancer is the top killer disease in our society today. B. Stress helps to cause cancer. C. Cancer is the main cause of stress. D. Cancer can’t be cured forever. 29. Our stress may come from _______________. A. good relationships with family or friends B. easy work C. too many responsibilities D. too much relaxation 30. The underlined phrase “bottle up” means _________. A. forget B. hide C. show D. express 31. What can we do to make our stress lighter? A. Change our attitude towards little things. B. Change our jobs. C. Accept a different living standard. D. All the above. D Years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. The building next door was only a few feet away from mine. There was a woman who lived there, whom I had never met, yet I could see her seated by her window each afternoon, sewing or reading. After several months had gone by, I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was unclear through the dirty window. I would say to myself, "I wonder why that woman doesn't wash her window. It really looks terrible." One bright morning I decided to clean my flat, including washing the window on the inside. Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a surprise! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly(看得见的) Her window was clean! Then it dawned on me. I had been criticizing (批评) her dirty window, but all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window. That was quite an important lesson for me. How often had I looked at and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart, through my own shortcomings? Since then, whenever I wanted to judge (评判) someone, I asked myself first, "Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?" Then I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the world about me more clearly. 32. The writer couldn't see everything clearly through the window because_____. A. the woman's window was dirty B. the woman lived nearby C. the writer's window was dirty D. the writer was near-sighted 33. After finishing the cleaning , the writer was surprised that_____. A. the woman was sitting by her window B. the woman's window was clean C. the woman did cleaning in the afternoon D. the woman's window was still terrible 34. "It dawned on me" probably means "____". A. I began to understand it B. it cheered me up C. I knew it grew light D. it began to get dark 35. What’s the main idea of the passage? A. one must judge himself before he judges others B. one should often make his windows clean C. one shouldn't criticize others very often D. one must look at others through his dirty windows E 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(注:若答 案为E 涂AB; 若答案为F涂BC; 若答案为G涂CD ) I was ten when I first sat with my grandmother behind the cashier(收银台) in her grocery store. __36__ I quickly learned the importance of treating customers politely and saying “thank you.” At first I was paid in candy. __37__ I worked every day after school, and during the summer and on weekends and holidays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. My father helped me set up a bank account(银行账户). __38__ By the time I was 12, my grandmother thought I had done such a good job that she promoted me to selling cosmetics(化妆品). I developed the ability to look customers directly in the eye. Even though I was just a kid, women would ask me such things as “What color do you think I should wear?” I took a real interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup(化妆) ideas. __39__. The job taught me a valuable lesson: to be a successful salesperson, you didn’t need to be a rocket scientist—you needed to be a great listener. __40__ Expect they are no longer women buying cosmetics from me; instead, they are kids who tell me which toys they would like to see designed and developed. A. Later I received 50 cents an hour. B. Before long, she let me sit there by myself. C. I ended up selling a record amount of cosmetics. D. Today I still carry that lesson with me: I listen to customers. E. My grandma’s trust taught me how to handle responsibility(承担责任). F. Soon I found myself looking more beautiful than ever before. than anything I could have bought. G. Watching my money grow was more worthy (值得的) 第三部分 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 The story is told about what happened on a flight between a passenger and an air hostess. The passenger rang and told the air hostess (乘务员) that he needed a cup of __41__to take his medicine when the plane just took off. She told him that she would_42__him the water in ten minutes. Thirty minutes later, when the passenger’s ring for_43___sounded, the air hostess was in a hurry. She was kept so_44__that she forgot to deliver (送) him the water. As a result, the passenger was_45___to take his medicine.She_46___over to him with a cup of water, but he_47___it. In the following hours on the_48___, each time the air hostess passed by the _49__ she would ask him with a smile_50___he needed help or not. But the passenger __51__ paid attention to her. When the passenger was going to get__52__the plane, he asked the air hostess to__53__him the passengers’ booklet (意见薄). She was very__54__. She knew he would write down_55__words, which might result in the loss of her job. _56__with a smile she handed it to him. Off the plane, she_57___the booklet, and cracked a smile, _58__the passenger put it, “On the flight, you asked me whether I need help or not for twelve times_59__. How can I refuse your twelve sincere(真诚的) smiles?” That’s__60__! Who can refuse twelve sincere smiles from a person? 41. A. coffee B. tea C. water D. cola 42. A. take B. bring C. carry D. hold 43. A. food B. drink C. service D. medicine 44. A. tired B. silent C. calm D. busy 45. A. delaying B. delayed C. delays D. delay 46. A. hurried B. went C. came D. got 47. A. refused B. accepted C. liked D. hated 48. A. seat B. air C. floor D. flight 49. A. customer B. passenger C. guest D. visitor 50. A. whether B. when C. what D. that 51. A. never B. often C. always D. seldom 52. A. on B. to C. off D. from 53. A. hand B. take C. throw D. lend 54. A. glad B. angry C. curious D. sad 55. A. good B. sharp(尖锐的)C. polite D. nice 56. A. So B. Because C. And D. But 57. A. hid B. tore C. opened D. closed 58. A. if B. for C. after D. when 59. A. in all B. above all C. or else D. or so 60. A. wrong B. wonderful C. right D. impossible Class____________ Number _______________ Name _______________ 第II卷(非选择题,共50分) 第四部分 英语知识运用 第一节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 I normally wake up about five minutes before my alarm clock ___61____ off. As soon as I hear my alarm clock, I jump out of my bed. It ___62___ me less than fifteen minutes to wash, get ___63___ (change), have breakfast, leave home and get on a bus. I am always the first person to get to the office. The mornings are always very busy and the afternoons are even busier! Meetings and phone calls take __64_____ a large part of the day. Every minute of the day __65_____ (fill) with urgent matters. By around eight o’clock, I ___66__ (usual) find some time to do my own paperwork and answer some ___67_ (person) e-mails. I seldom have time for fun and other activities with my family. My family complains __68___ it. But I try to work hard ___69__ that I can make more money for them. Besides, I get _70__ (bore) if there’s nothing to do. I like being busy. 班级 ________ 号数 __________ 姓名_____________ 61__________62___________63____________64___________65___________66__________67___________6 8____________69___________70___________第二节 改错题(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 以下每个句子各有一处错误。每处错误及其修改仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(?),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 71. Usually, the underground is too crowded that I can’t find anywhere to sit. 72. He prefers to watch TV rather than listening to the radio. 73. Unfortunate, my life isn’t as fond of them as I am. 74. John was suffered from backache last year. 75. The Shenzhou V circled the earth 14 time. 76. Finally he learned to breathe by his own. 77. Yang smiled and waved to the crowds waited for him. 78. I suddenly got a feeling of soaring into the sky because the zero gravity. 79. We have always got on good with each other. 80. Millions of people all over China was watching TV when Shenzhou V returned to the earth. 笫三节书面表达(满分25分) 你校高一新生即将到校,校方要求你在xx学典礼上介绍一下学校的有关要求。请按以下要点写一篇发言 稿。 ◎上学要穿戴整洁,要穿校服 ◎上课不迟到、早退 ◎保持校园清洁 ◎走路靠右行;若要骑车上学,请办自行车许可证 ◎要养成好的习惯 注意:1.词数:100词左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. xx头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。 参考词汇:校服—school uniform 许可证—permit Good morning, dear friends. Welcome to our schools. _________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks. xx三中秋期中考高一年英语试卷答案 听力:1—20 BBCAC ABCAB ACAAB CACAC 阅读:21-40 ACDB DAB BCBD CBAA BAGCD 完型: 41-60 CBCDB AADBA ACADB DCBAC 语法填空: 61.goes 62. takes 63. changed 64. up 65.is filled 66. usually 67. personal 68. about 69.so 70. bored 改错题: 71、too ?so 72、listening ?listen 73、Unfortunate?Unfortunately 74、was , 75、time?times 76、by? on 77、waited?waiting 78、because? of 79、good? well 80、was?were Good morning, dear friends. Welcome to our school. Now please allow me to introduce you some of our school rules. As high school students, firstly, we are expected to wear school uniforms and be neatly dressed when at school. Secondly, we should be clear that we should never be late for class or leave school early before it is over. The school is a place where we live and study, so we must keep it clean. What’s more, when you are walking on the road, please remember to keep to the right, and if you want to go to school by bike, you should have a permit. Last but not least, we should try our best to develop good habits, which would benefit us a lot in future. Thanks 听力材料: Text 1 W: How much should I pay you? M: That’ll be $375. Cash or credit card? W: I’ll pay by card. I don’t carry that much cash with me. Text 2 W: Were you born in America, Jack? M: No, I was born in Canada. But I’m living in England now. Text 3 W: I can’t believe it. Susan wore white today! M: What’s wrong with wearing white clothes? W: It’s winter now. Everyone knows that you shouldn’t wear white in the winter. Text 4 M: We aren’t done yet. We need about 15 more minutes. W: Sure. Just let me know when you’re ready. I’ll have the taxi driver wait for you, while you finish up the meeting. Remember that your flight is at 8:00, OK? Text 5 M: Where should we go for winter break this year? We went to Spain last year. W: I was thinking of traveling to Switzerland. I hear the skiing is amazing there. Text 6 M: I don’t have anything to do. W: Why don’t you find a way to help someone? M: Do you need help? W: No, your sister Janie can’t understand her math homework from today. M: I can help her! I’m very good at math. I always get A’s. W: Good idea! I’m sure she’ll be happy. Text 7 W: Your daughters are so cute! I can’t believe they’re only seven years old. How did they learn so much already? M: Well, my wife and I have been reading to them since they were very young. So they became interested in reading at a young age. They’ve both been reading well since the age of five. W: That’s wonderful! I wish my son would do that, too. M: Don’t worry too much about him. He’ll read more when he’s ready. It’s better to let him do what he’s most interested in. He’s only six, right? Text 8 W: Hi, Tom! Are you OK? M: Oh, I have got a cold again and I easily get tired in spring. W: Why not try some exercise? It will help a lot. M: Well, you’re right. But I don’t have time to go to a gym. I have been too busy lately. W: You don’t have to go to a gym. You can walk or ride a bicycle to work. M: But I don’t have a bicycle. W: Ah, I got it. But you see, our office is on the fifth floor. You can just walk up and down the stairs instead of taking a lift. That would be better than any exercise machine in the gym. M: Oh, Mary, you really have a point there. I will have a try tomorrow. Text 9 M: Would you take a look at this for me, dear? I have to make my research paper shorter, but I don’t know which parts to cut out. I just can’t decide. Maybe you can give me a fresh opinion. W: Sure, I’ll do that. Let me see„ M: Take your time. I needn’t hand it in until next Monday. But if you can look it over by Friday, I’ll have the whole weekend to work on it. W: I can finish it by then. On Thursday, I only have a few short meetings. I should have plenty of time to help you out. M: It’s pretty long, as you can see„55 pages. W: I’ll be able to do it. I’ll just sit down at the Black Point Café all afternoon! Text 10 Welcome to Las Vegas! As you can see, we are located in the sunny Nevada desert. Throughout the world, Las Vegas is known as a place where people come to play cards. It’s true that many people do try to win money here. But tourists are beginning to see that Las Vegas has much more to offer. If you love music, this is a great place to be. World-famous musicians perform here all the time. Also, you can find new and exciting nightclubs on the Las Vegas Strip. If good food is what you’re looking for, we have fine dining restaurants and all-you-can-eat buffets. For those who like to shop, we have shopping centers that carry the same fashions sold in Paris and New York. We are also a very family-friendly place to visit. Kids will enjoy our museums, parks, and swimming pools. Thank you for choosing Las Vegas. Get ready for a perfect vacation for the whole family. xx三中春地理学科期末考试卷 高一地理(文科) 考试时间:90分钟 总分:100分 命题人:梁香蜂 一、选择题(下列各题的选项中,只有一个最符合题意。每小题2分,共50分) 2014年3月31日xx省人大常委会正式对外发布公告,公布《xx省人大常委会关于修改〈xx省人口与计划生育条例〉的决定》,并于当日xx始施行。这也意味着xx省正式施行“单独两孩”政策。读“1980—2007年xx省人口自然变动曲线图”回答1,2题。 1(2007年我省人口增长模式为( )。 A(原始型 B(传统型 C(传统型向现代型的过渡阶段 D(现代型 2(我省“单独两孩”政策的实施,不会造成的影响是( )。 A(未来劳动年龄人口数量增加 B(未来人口老龄化趋势有所缓解 C(未来对医院、学校等公共资源造成一定压力 D(未来人口规模迅速增加 读“木桶效应图”,读图回答3,4题。 3(根据“木桶效应”,如果各块木板代表不同的资源 土 地 资 源 种类,那么右图决定环境人口容量的是( )。 A(气候资源 B(矿产资源 C(土地资源 D(水资源 4(下列能增加人口合理容量的有效 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 有( )。 ?提高资源利用效率 ?发展新能源 ?控制人口的死亡率 ?实行计划生育 A(?? B(?? C(?? D(?? 读某城市示意图,读图回答5,6题。 摩天大楼 5(上右图景观最有可能出现在左图中的( )地。 A(甲 B(乙 C(丙 D(丁 6(甲、乙、丙、丁四地中最适宜建设仓储批发中心的是( ) A(甲 B(乙 C(丙 D(丁 下图是“某城市建设前后水量平衡示意图”,读图完成7,8题。 7(城市建设导致了当地( )。 A(地面径流汇集速度减慢 B(蒸发量增加 C(汛期洪峰流量减小 D(地下水位下降 8(城市建设后地面径流发生变化的主要原因是( )。 A(地下径流增多 B(下渗量减少 C(植被覆盖率增加 D(城市热岛效应增强 右图为“我国南方某大城市郊区土地利用示意图”。 读图回答9,10题。 9(影响当地土地利用类型分布的主导因素是( )。 A(地形 B(水源 C(气候 D(土壤 10(随着城市的发展,城市郊区的农业结构将发生变 化。下列土地利用类型在该地农业用地中的比重最可能降低的是( )。 A(鱼塘 B(稻田 C(菜地花圃 D(果园 鲜切花,是指从活体植株上切取的,具有观赏价值,用于制作花篮、花环、瓶插花、壁花等花卉装饰的茎、叶、花、果等植物材料。鲜切花属极娇嫩、易腐烂产品。哥伦比亚已经成为世界重要的鲜切花生产国。读右图,完成11,12题。 11(每年的情人节(2月14日),在美国销售的鲜切玫瑰花多来自哥伦比亚。与美国相比,在此期间, 哥伦比亚生产鲜切玫瑰花的优势自然条件是( )。 A(降水较丰沛 B(地形较平坦 C(气温较高 D(土壤较肥沃 12(目前,墨西哥已成为哥伦比亚在美国鲜切花市场的竞争对手,与哥伦比亚相比,墨西哥xx拓美国鲜切花市场的优势在于( )。 A(运费低 B(热量足 C(技术高 D(品种全 珠江三角洲历史上以桑基鱼塘闻名全国,是我国十大商品粮基地之一,三大桑蚕基地之一和最大蔗 糖基地。下图为珠江三角洲‘桑基鱼塘’示意图,完成13,14题。 13(珠江三角洲形成“基塘”农业的有利条件是( )。 ?地势低平,河流众多,水网稠密 ?光照强,昼夜温差大 ?气候高温多雨 ?具有肥沃的红壤 A(?? B(?? C(?? D(?? 14(珠江三角洲传统的“桑基鱼塘”目前已变成“杂基鱼塘”,基面改种成草或蔬菜、花卉、水果,大 量的农田变成了果园,花卉基地,无公害蔬菜基地,特种禽畜、渔业养殖场。这种变化主要是因为( )。 A(农业技术的改进 B(劳动力的转移 C(市场需求的变化 D(自然条件的改变 读“某厂可能建厂的地点与成本分析表”,据此回答15,16题。 成本分析 工厂拟选地点 集货费 加工费 工资 甲 1 5 11 表1 乙 4 5 16 丙 6 5 11 丁 6 5 7 15.从经济效益看,该厂最好建在( ) A.甲地 B.乙地 C.丙地 D.丁地 16.从投入—产出效益考虑,乙地适宜发展( ) ?软件xx发 ?棉纺织业 ?矿产采掘业 ?移动通信业 A.?? B. ?? C. ?? D.?? 图5是某地区土地利用现状示意图,读图1回答17,19题。 17(如果现状布局合理,则当地盛行风向可能是( ) A(东风 B(南风 C(北风 D(西风 18(如果要布局新的居住用地,较合理的地区是( ) A(? B(? C(? D(? 19(适宜在P点布局的是( ) A(钢铁厂 B(造纸厂 C(印染厂 D(自来水厂 过去,山区公路多为“之”字形盘山公路。现在,兴建高速公路则是逢山xx道,遇沟建桥,尽量取 21题。 最短距离(如图)。据此完成第20, 20. 早期山区公路选线多为“之”字形,主要是考虑( ) A. 气候因素 B. 居民点分布 C. 地形因素 D. 工业分布 21. 现在,在山区兴建高速公路往往不呈“之”字形,其主要原因有( ) ?经济实力的增强 ?汽车性能的改善 ?科技水平的提高 ?为节省投资 A. ?? B. ?? C. ?? D. ?? 2014年8月16日,青藏铁路的延伸线拉日铁路(拉萨—日喀则)正式通车运营。读拉日铁路分布图,完成22,23题。 22(影响图中城镇分布的主要因素有 ( ) 90?E?气候 ?植被 ?地形 ?水源 A(?? B(?? 30?NC(?? D(?? 图例城镇尼木23(拉日铁路修建的主要意义在于( ) 曲水拉萨雅鲁布湖泊A(促进沿线城镇经济发展 藏江贡嘎河流日喀则仁布 B(推动当地产业向外转移 铁路 C(加大沿线地区矿产xx发 第23、24题图 D(改变河流两岸生态环境 乙醇被称为21世纪“绿色燃料”。据统计,每生产1吨燃料乙醇需耗用7.5吨甘薯,同时产生12.44 吨酒糟、0.75吨二氧化碳和0.004吨杂醇油等。读下图,回答24,25题。 24(燃料乙醇的生产属于( ) A(动力指向型工业 B(技术指向型工业 C(市场导向型工业 D(原料指向型工业 25(图示产业联系的优势主要体现在( ) ?有利于物质的循环利用 ?实现了废弃物的零排放 ?提高了防洪抗旱能力 ?减少了化石燃料的消耗 A(?? B(?? C(?? D(?? 二、综合题(共50分) 26.读下列材料,回答有关问题。(14分) 材料一:京沪高速客运铁路示意图 材料二:京沪高速客运铁路是《中长期铁路网规划》中投资规模 最大,技术含量最高的一项工程,也是我国第一条具有世界先进水平 的高速铁路。预计2010年投入运营。 (1)京沪高速铁路线路较为平直,分析该铁路平直的原因。(4分) (2)京沪之间在已有多条交通干线的基础上,新建高速铁路,试简要分析其意义。(10分) 27( 阅读资料和图9,回答下列问题。(21分) 材料一: 首都钢铁厂位于北京城区的西部,始建于1919年, 曾为中国近代钢铁工业发展立下“汗马功劳”。2005年初,国家 班级 姓名 座号_____________ 发改委同意首钢实施压产、搬迁、结构调整和环境治理的 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,—―――――,———————密——――——封―――――装――――,订――――线――――内――――不――――准――――答―――― 题―――――――― 在xx省xx地区曹妃甸建设一个具有国际先进水平的钢铁联合企 业作为首钢搬迁的载体。 材料二: 曹妃甸岛与陆地之间有150平方千米的滩涂地,其 向南延伸500米,水深即达25米,可在此建20万吨至30万吨级专业化进口铁矿石中转码头。届时曹妃甸将建成拥有大码头、大钢铁、大电厂、大石化的综合性工业区。该工业区将完全采用世界一流的技术,力求实现零污染。 (1)请分析“首钢”从北京迁出的主要原因是什么, (9分) (2)“首钢”选择在曹妃甸建新厂的有利因素是什么,(12分) 28(阅读下列材料,回答下列问题。(15分) 材料一:怒江是我国尚待xx发的最大的水电能源基地之一。下图为规划中的梯级电站示意图,怒江规划xx发河段长742千米,天然落差约1578米。但目前怒江水电xx发计划备受争议。 材料二:近年来,怒江流域粮食种植面积不断扩大。据统计,目前怒江州海拔1500米以下的森林已荡然无存,1500米到2000米之间的植被也破坏严重。有人说:“怒江人不是在种粮食,而是在种灾难~” 岷雅鲁金江藏雅布怒 江沙砻江长度 江江三江并流保护区澜印 缅江沧盘南北回归线 江 江 越南甸 老挝 规划中的坝址 图 14 (1)有人说“怒江人不是在种粮食,而是在种灾难”所说的“灾难”主要有哪些,(6分) (2)针对本区xx发利用过程中可能出现的问题,请你为本区的可持续发展提出建议。(9分) xx三中春地理学科期末考试卷参考答案 高一地理(文科) 一、选择题(下列各题的选项中,只有一个最符合题意。每小题2分,共50分) 1,25: DDDAB CDBAB CACCA BBDDC ABADC 二、综合题 26((14分) (1)沿途地区地形平坦 ;节省投资、减少工程量 ;高等级铁路建设的要求。(每点2分,答对其中2点得4分) (2)缩短运距和时间,提高效率;提高运力;缓解原有交通线路的压力;促进沿线地区经济发展;进一步优化路网布局;加强长三角与环渤海地区的交流与合作。(每点2分,答对其中5点得10分) 27.(21分) (1)首钢位于北京城区的西部,受盛行风的影响会造成对城市的大气污染;大量的固体废弃物不仅占用大量土地,而且污染了地下水和土壤。北京土租水平(土地价格)较高;北京劳动力价格较高。(每点3分,答对3点即可) (2)土地面积广大,并且不占用耕地;有建大型港口的良好条件,交通便利;靠近原料和燃料产地;临京、津地区,科技人才和资金雄厚;国家政策的支持。(每点3分,答对4点即可) 28.(15分) (1)主要灾难有:水土流失,土地退化;生物多样性减少;滑坡、泥石流(每点3分,答对其中2点得6分) (2)植树造林;退耕还林;建立自然保护区;发展流域观光、生态旅游等。(每点3分,答对其中3点得9分)
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