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Unit3-I´m-more-outgoing-than-my-sister.导学案.docUnit3-I´m-more-outgoing-than-my-sister.导学案.doc Unit3 I`m more outgoing than my sister Section A 1a-1c 【学习目标】 1.重点单词 outgoing, better, loudly, quietly 2.重点句式 Sam has longer hair than Tom Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom....

Unit3-I´m-more-outgoing-than-my-sister.导学案.doc Unit3 I`m more outgoing than my sister Section A 1a-1c 【学习目标】 1.重点单词 outgoing, better, loudly, quietly 2.重点句式 Sam has longer hair than Tom Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom. Tina is taller than Tara. And she also sings more loudly than Tara. 【重点,难点】 1.形容词的比较级的构成及用法。 2.能用比较级点的基本句型来比较两人之间的不同 【自主学习 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 】 一,预习课本p17新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。 1.外向 2.较好的 3.大声地 4.轻声地 二、认真预习1a---1c ,找出下列句型。 1.萨姆的头发比汤姆的头发长。 2.萨姆和汤姆会敲鼓,但是萨姆敲的比汤姆好。 3.那是塔拉,是吗, 4.蒂娜比塔拉高,而且她唱歌的声音也比塔拉大。 【课堂导学方案】 Step 1 情节导入 Teacher shows some pictures of famous people, then compare the persons with Comparative Forms of Adjectives and Adverbs. 环节说明:通过比较直接引本节课的学习重点————形容词和副词的比较级。 Step 2 完成教材 1a-1c 的任务 1.学生领读1a 中的单词或词组,学生识记单词并用这些单词来写几个人物的句子,完成 后小组 内互相交流.(3分钟) 2.大声朗读图片中的小对话,找出含有比较级的句子,通过例句小组讨论比较级的句子的构成及用法,然后根据老师所给例子总结形容词和副词比较级的变化规则,教师点拨。然后让学生把写的句子改写成比较级的句子。(3分钟) 认真观察课本1a中的图片,然后听录音,把1a图片中的双胞胎按听到的顺序排序,完成课本上1b的听力任务。(3分钟) 4.结对练习1a图片中的对话,然后根据其他双胞胎的情况来 编红尘新的对话,并请几组同学表演出他们的对话。(5分钟) 参考案例 A:That’s Tara, isn’t it? B: No, it isn’t. It’s Tina is taller than Tara. And she also sings more loudly than Tara. 5.小结训练。(3分钟) 写出下列单词的比较级。 High hungry big thirsty beautiful thin late hot wet funny little good 用后给单词的适当形式填空。 My father has (short) hair than my mother, My mother has (long) hair than my father .But my father is (heavy) than my mother and (outgoing) than her . 一世说明:听说结合,第一时间各学生传达语言目标,通过 结对对话练习和小结训练,使语言目标得以强化。 Step 1 问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 探究 1. 形容词和速记比较级的构成 hard great late nice big fat easy happy beautiful interesting good many 2. 比较级的用法 1) 我比Lily 瘦。 2) 去跑得比Tom快。 3. Lily is a good student, she? A. is B. doesn’t C. isn’t D. does 【当堂 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 方案】 请学生们做下面的课时训练部分 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Sam is (outgoing) than Tom. 2. Peter sings (well) than John. 3. My sister speaks (loudly) than Li Hua. 4. I am (thin) than My sister. 5 My mother has (short) hair than I. 二、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 1. 这个盒子比那个盒子重。 The box is that one. 2.你打鼓比我好吗, Can you the drums me? 3. 她的头发比我短。 Her hair is than . 4. 塔娜唱歌声音比我大。 Tara sings than I. 5.我比我妹妹更外向。 I am my sister. could、shall等,若有其中某个的话,就在其后加not即可(也可根据需要将其缩写:can not=can’t,must not=mustn’t, will not=won’t)。3、若在要求变为否定句的句子也找不到情态动词,就借助助动词do、does、did,第三人称单数借助does,不是第三人称单数借助do,一般过去时借助did,并在其后加not(分别可缩写成don’t、doesn’t、didn’t)后边的动词打回原形。 例1:He is a teacher.(变否定句)He is not a teacher. 或He isn’t a teacher. 例2:They can dance.(变否定句)They can not dance.或They can’t dance. 例3:Jim likes pets. (变否定句)Jim does not like pets.或Jim doesn’t like pets.注意:例3中likes?like,即动词由第三人称单数形式打回为动词原形。 二、将一个句子变为一般疑问句也有三个步骤,且类似变否定句的规则。即:将找到的be动词或情态动词提到句首,末尾加问号,若没有be动词或情态动词,同样的方法借助do、does、did,并将其提到句首,动词打回原形,末尾加问号。注意:遇到some变any,并根据语境更改相应的人称和物主代词。请将例1、例2、例3变为一般疑问句: 例1_______________________.例2__________________________.例3______________________. 三、特殊疑问句的变法:通常对划线部分提问的过程就是变这个句子为特殊疑问句的过程。基本结构:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 原则上划什么就用什么特殊疑问词。例如:划时间就用when,划原因就用why,划方式就用how,划频率就用how often。 例4:She exercises twice a week.(对划线部分提问) How often does she exercise? 特殊疑问词 一般疑问句 练习:Jim likes pets.(对划线部分提问)_______ ________ Jim like? 自主学习: 一、 浏览2a、2c图表,翻译下列词语。 1.具体频度副词短语:一个星期一次______________ ; 一个月两次___________ ;每天________;一个月三次____________________; 一个星期五次____________; 2.相关活动的词语:锻炼身体__________; 去看电影____________; 买东西__________________; 上网,网上冲浪____________________; 看电视____________; 看英语书____________________;最喜爱的节目____________________; 动物世界_________________。 二、 听力。 1.浏览2a、2b题目,弄清题意。(老师核对前可前后桌讨论学习结果) 2.听录音,按要求完成2a、2b。 3.前后桌核对答案;老师核对答案并根据需要重复录音。 三、对话练习。 1.浏览2c题目要求,弄清题意。(前后桌讨论所学题意;老师核对) 2.据自己情况使用频度副词填写表格。 3.朗读右边Model Conversation(对话范例) 4.Pair Work(两人据所填信息制作对话)。 5.Pair Work Show(展示对话)。 【课堂练习】 一、口译“自主学习一”所列词汇。 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Do you know Zhang Yining,Her ______(one)name is Yining and she surfs the Internet ______(one) a week. 2.If we read English books ______(two) a week, we can learn English well. 3-How often _______(do) your sister exercise? -Every day. -What about your brother? -He ________(exercise) four times a week. 4. –Can you understand me? -Sorry, I ____ (hard)hear you clearly(清楚地). 【要点归纳】 能使用what、how、频度副词和相关活动词汇谈论自己所从事不同活动的种类 和频率。 【拓展练习】 1.He watches TV twice a week .(画线提问)_____ _____ _____ he watch TV? 2. Jack does his homework every day .(改为否定句) Jack _____ _____ his homework every day . 3.He is talking to his father .(用usually改写句子)He _______ _____ to his father. 4. My father often reads newspaper after supper .(画线提问) _____ _____ _____ father often ______ after supper? 【总结反思】 【课题】 Unit2 How often do you exercise? Section A 2d-3c (3课时) 主备人:邢振玖 授课人:邢振玖 张晶 崔荣廷 组长签字: 【学习目标】 1.识记并准确运用all、most、some和no四个词。 2.学会利用图表快速获取信息,提升阅读和说的能力。 3.识记并学会使用承上启下的词语和句子以提升写作的水平。 【重点,难点】 灵活使用、创造承上启下的句子以提升写作水平。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 1.共同罗列两种频度副词。 2.大声朗读Grammar Focus的句子。 知识链接: 1.某些表示方向、地点的副词或介词短语in 、out 、up 、down 、there 、 here、 in front of等位于句首且主语是名词时句子需要完全倒装,若主语 是代词,句子部分倒装 如:Here comes the bus.(名词) (完全倒装). 正常句序:The bus comes here. There he(代词)comes. (部分倒装) 正常句序: He comes here. 2.练习:Here _____(be) the result. Here _____ (be) the results. 3.思考:倒装句中谓语动词的数的变化要注意什么, 对话学习:Section A 2d 翻译并朗读下列词组: 下周________________; 一个星期三到四次_____________________;上舞蹈和钢琴课______________________ ;一周两次 ___________________;和朋友打网球 ____________________;摇摆舞 ;在周三和周五 。 【课堂练习】 Role-play the conversation. 【要点归纳】 Grammar Focus 课堂练习: 1.3a and 3b,check up the answers.Then do pairwork. 2.3c.填写调查表格。 【拓展练习】 一、根据句意和首字母提示完成下列句子。 1. Sandy doesn't like badminton, so she s______ plays badminton. 2. You should not a______ eat noodles for supper. You should try other food. 3. Eddie is very lazy and he never e______ 4. 51,-99, means m_______; 1,-50, means s______; 0, means n_____; 100, means a______ 5 . ____ (many) of the students in the class are boys, only a few are girls. 6.We must be ________(activity) in the sports meeting. 7. They go shopping_____ (two) a week. 8. I like the p___________ on CCTV-5 9. We should do eye e________ every day 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. If (如果)you are an _______(act) person and take part in(参加)lots of school _________(act), you can learn_______(act)lessons and be an _________(act) or _______(act) when you are older. 2. In front of the door ________(stand) a child. 3.He brushes his teeth ______ (two) a day. 4.This movie is very ______(interest) 三、选择填空。 1.—How often do you exercise? —______. A. Sometimes B. Three hours C. At three o'clock D. In two hours 2. Tom likes to play______ football but Jim likes to play______ piano. A. a, a B. the, he C. the,/ D./,the 3.—______ does your mother go for a walk, —Every afternoon. A、How long B、How often C、How much D、How many 4.— Would you like some bread? —______, I'm full.(饱了) A. No, thanks. B. Yes, please. C. No, I don't like it. 【课题】 Unit2How often do you exercise? Section B 1a-1e (4课时) 主备人:邢振玖 授课人:邢振玖 张晶 崔荣廷 组长签字: 【学习目标】 1.识记并准确运用课文中相关饮食的词。 2.学会询问和回答别人饮食、锻炼的频率、休息的时间及选择不同频 率的理由。 3.提升自己的听力能力。 【重点,难点】 重点:识记相关饮食的词汇;谈论饮食、锻炼的频率、休息时间。 难点:提升自己听力的策略;选择不同频率的理由。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 1.共同罗列两种频度副词及准确理解 all, most, some, no。 2.再次做课时3中所设置的课堂练习。 知识链接: 1. Eating too much is unhealthy, I mean eating too much isn’t healthy. Therefore, we should eat healthily to help us keep in good health. 熟读、背诵此句并思考完成下边的题。 2.将下列单词和相应的词性及词义匹配起来。 单词 词义 词性 health 不健康的 名词 healthy 健康 形容词 unhealthy 健康的 副词 unhealthily 健康地 形容词 healthily 不健康地 副词 3.用所给词的正确形式填空。 Look at that boy! He is still very ___________(health) although he never eats junk food. Smoking is harmful(有害的) to your __________(health). 自主学习: 一、 自学(1a-1b)。 1.前后桌用英语谈论彼此锻炼的频率并比较谁是the healthiest(最健康 的)。 2.前后桌讨论结果。同时思考除了锻炼,还有什么对身体的健康有好 处.。 3.浏览Page 4 1a的图片和单词,并将其字母与图片匹配起来。 4.前后桌讨论学习结果并大声朗读这些词汇。然后用drink、/ 、eat 填空。 _________ junk food; __________milk; _________fruit; _________vegetables; ______ sleep; ___________coffee. 6.浏览Page12上1b的对话,填写下边的短语: 喝牛奶__________;每天_________;想要某人做某事____________; 对……有好处______________。 7.小组依据所给对话使用1a中其它词汇制作对话。 For example:-How many hours do you sleep? -I sleep 6 hours every day. -Why do you sleep only 6 hours? -Because my parents and teachers want me to study more hours to get good grades(取得好成绩). 8.举手争取赢得机会展示自己小组的对话。 二、听力(1c-1d) 1.自学1c、`d题目并小组讨论学习结果。 2.依据题目要求,小组讨论应如何才能高效率地获取听力信息并完成题 目要求。 3.认真听取其它小组和老师好的意见并按要求快速准备听力。 4.听录音。 5.小组讨论答案并根据需要请求老师再放听力及给出解答。 三、Role Play(表演) 1.思考采访者和被采访者在采访中应该注意的事项。 2.认真练习并争取机会表演。 【课堂练习】 一、根据首字母提示,补全单词。 1. Vegetable is good for your h________. 2. Fruits can help you keep h________. 3. May never does sports. She is kind of u________ 4. If you want to be h______, you should eat fruits and vegetables. 二、选择填空。 1. Eating a lot of vegetables and fruits is good _______ our health. A. at B. for C. of D.with. 2. She always eats junk food and never exercises , so she is very __________. A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy D. healthily 【要点归纳】 口译以上所列重要短语;注意他们的使用规则及在听听力时该用的策略。 【拓展练习】 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. You must eat more vegetables and keep ______(health). 2. My mom wants me______(drink)milk every day. 3. Daniel usually______ (have)meat and vegetables for dinner. 4.How long______ he ______(read)English every night? 二、句型转换 1 I sleep 8 hours every night. (画线提问) _____ _____ _____ do you sleep every night? 2 He watches TV twice a week .(画线提问) _____ _____ _____ he watch TV? 3 Jack does his homework every day .(改为否定句) Jack _____ _____ his homework every day . 【总结反思】 【课题】 Unit2How often do you exercise? Section B 2a-2e (5课时) 主备人:邢振玖 授课人:邢振玖 张晶 崔荣廷 组长签字: 【学习目标】 1.识记并准确运用与健康的生活方式相关的词汇。 2.读懂课文并学习健康生活方式的技巧。 3.运用与健康生活方式相关的词汇及健康生活方式的技巧来写关于自己生活习惯的英语文章。 【重点,难点】 重点:识记相关健康生活方式的词汇及理解掌握same、different的使用。 难点:发现并灵活运用写作技巧。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 1.回忆上课时SectionB1c中的听力内容并说出为什么Tina拥有健康的 生活方式。 2.思考怎样做才能保持健康。 知识链接: He has the same haircut(发型) and clothes as his brother’s, so they look the same .But there are still many differences between them.. For example, His hobby is different from hers 熟读并背诵此句。思考“same”与“different”两个词的使用。 自主学习: 一、 自学(3a)。 1.浏览Page5上3a部分,完成下列词组练习。 相当健康______________;每天 ____________;饮食习惯 _______________;试图做某事_________;吃大量的蔬菜_____________________; 喝牛奶___________;喝咖啡__________;当然__________;垃圾食品___________;一个星期两到三次_______________________;照顾、重视_______________;健康的生活方式___________________;帮助某人做某事______________; 取得好成绩___________;学得更好________________;与… …一样 _______________; 与… …不同_____________________;一些不同点,不同的地方________________。 2.师生讨论结果并朗读它们。 3.带着5个问题认真阅读文章并找到问题的答案。 1.. ? 2.My I’m ? So you see, I look after my health eating Pretty And my healthy lifestyle helps me get ? good grades. habits heal Good food and exercise help me to study ? better. are -thy (身体健康的好处) pretty good 3. 4.师生讨论答案 5.思考Katrina是如何阐述她是相当健康这一事实的并完成上一页所 列图表。 6.师生讨论图表内容 二、.依据图表提示复述3a中的文章。 【课堂练习】 一、完成Page5中3b。注意although的使用:和其他关联词一样,英语中用了虽然,就不用但是,用了因为,就不用所以。 二、你健康吗? 效仿3a写一段话介绍你自己的习惯。请首先在下列图表中按提示写出提纲。可根据实际情况增减。 主题句 论据1 意义 论据2 论据3 论据4 【要点归纳】 口译相关身体健康的课文中的所有词汇;回顾“same”与“different”的使用;写作的技巧。 【拓展练习】 一、根据首字母提示及句意填写单词。 1 My e_______ habits are pretty good. 2 There are many d_________ between the twins. 3 What’s the r______ of the soccer match? 4 Jack t_____ to get good grades in the exams. 5 She is happy a_______ she is very poor 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1 She often helps me____ (do) some housework. 2 The boy is trying _______(run) very fast. 3 There are many ________ (difference) kinds of books in the shop. 4 We should eat a lot of vegetables ______(keep) healthy. 5.His ________(eat) habit is different from ________(you). 三、选择填空。 1.Look at that girl~Her skirt is the same _____mine, but Her shoes are different _____mine. A. at ;for B. from; as. C. in; to D. as; from 2.I think she is kind of _______, because she _________ exercises and eats too much junk food. A. healthy; hard B. unhealth; hardly C. healthily; hard D. unhealthy; hardly 3.______ I have a healthy habit, ______ I’m not very healthy. A. Although; but B. But; although C. Although; / D. /; /. 【总结反思】 【课题】 Unit2How often do you exercise? Section B 3a-Self Check (6课时) 主备人:邢振玖 授课人:邢振玖 张晶 崔荣廷 组长签字: 【学习目标】 1.掌握各种饮食名称并能熟练运用所学谈论和评价自己的生活习惯。 2.通过小组合作探究与练习,提高口语和书面表达能力。 3.健康饮食,重视锻炼,享受学习的乐趣。 【学习重点】 能够完成关于habit的话题讨论与描述. 【学习难点】 写作训练 预习案 1.预习本课时单词,不会读得请记录 2.中英互译 of course( ) look after ( ) eating habit( ) the same as( ) 习惯( )虽然( ) 保持( )大概( ) 3.写出下列句子的汉语意思。 1)I come home from school. 2) My eating habits are pretty good. 3) And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. 【我不懂的地方】 探究案 Task1:检查预习作业完成情况 .翻译句子: 1)我尽量吃大量的蔬菜。(try to do ) 2)我的健康的生活习惯有助于我取得好成绩.(help sb do sth) 3)我有一个健康的饮食习惯。(eating habit) 4他的爷爷相当健康,他每天都照顾我的弟弟 。(pretty healthy, look after) Task 2: 小组合作,通过调查小组成员生活习惯,讨论谁的习惯最好,谁最 健康。 检测案 一、翻译下列句子。 1)王老师经常帮助我们学数学。 Mr. Wang often _____ us _______ math. =Mr. Wang often _____ us _______our math. 2)现在史密斯太太也许在办公室的。 ______ Mrs. Smith is at the office. Mrs. Smith ______ ______ at the office. 3)虽然天很热,但农民还在农场里干活。 _____ it is very hot, farmers are still working on the farm. = It is very hot, _____ farmers are still working on the farm. 二(用所给词正确形式填空 (1)He says it's bad for his ___________(unhealthy) (2)She tries ___________(eat)a lot of beef. (3)Lily's __________ (sleep)habits are pretty good. (4)My mother wants__________(I) to drink it. (5)My mother wasn't at home yesterday, I had to help my father _________(cook) 三(单项选择 ( )1_________Do you have an English party?----Once a month. A How old B How far C How often D How long ( )2_________they are brothers, they don't look like each other at all. A Because B Though C When D As ( )3They try _________it together. A to move B move C moving D are move ( )4I'm not very strong, _________I usually exercise. A but B so C as D to ( )5His ideas are the same _________ hers. A from B for C as D to ( )6.We eat a lot of________ and _________, but little _______. A fruit, vegetables, meat B fruits, vegetables, meat C fruit, vegetable, meat D fruit, vegetable, meats 四(改写短文:请将3a部分Katrina给笔友的书信用第三人称改 【课后反思】 【课题】 Unit2 What’s the matter? Section A 1a-1c(1)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并准确运用身体部位的词汇。 2.学会询问他人身体健康状况。 【重点,难点】 重点:识记身体部位的多个词;掌握多个询问他人身体健康状况的问法。 难点:不同身体部位不舒服的表达方法。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 1.思考怎样才能保持健康。如果不健康的话,身体会有什么症状, 2.享受三组学生提前准备的表演(老师可提前安排)。 知识链接: 结合三组学生的表演及课本Page7上的对话总结三种询问他人身体健康状况的句子: 1. _______________________________________________________________ ______; 2.__________________________________________________________ ____________; 3.__________________________________________________________ ____________; 自主学习: 1.浏览Page7上1a部分,借助单词表完成1a。 2.师生讨论结果并朗读它们。 3.积极参与识别身体部位词汇的游戏。 4.浏览Page7上图片中的对话后完成下列词组: 怎么了__________________; 感冒了 _______________; 背酸痛 ______________;胃痛,肚子痛 ___________________; 喉咙痛 _______________________。 5.浏览Page7上1b要求及所给名称,弄清要求及准确掌握5个名字的 发音。 6.弄清1-5几个人所在位置。 7听录音并按要求完成1b。 8.讨论答案并再放录音,要求学生大声重复。并再次完成下列词组: 怎么了__________________; 感冒了 ______________; 背酸痛 _______________;胃痛,肚子痛 ___________________; 喉咙痛______________;牙疼___________;头疼 _________________________; 9.查阅字典或者资料完成下列词组: 咳嗽 ____________________; 打喷嚏___________________; 发烧 _______________________; 10.小组讨论以上表述身体健康问题的词组可分几种类型并按照类型 罗列在下边空白处。 11.两人一组编造对话(注意要有表演)。 12.争取机会表演对话。 【课堂练习】 一、 根据下列图片写出各身体部位的词。 1 _________________ 2 _________________ 3 _________________ 4___________________ 5 __________________ 6 __________________ 7 __________________ 8 __________________ 9 __________________ 10 _______________ 11 _______________ 12 _______________ 13 ________________ 二、写出下列表身体部位疼痛的词汇。 For example: head headache tooth _____________; stomach ______________; back ________ __________; throat _______ ______; back _______ __________; neck _________ __________; 三、根据首字母提示及句意填写单词。 1. What's the m________with you? 2. We hear with our e________and see with our e________. 3. He usually goes to school on f________. 4. I have a t__________, so I want to see a dentist. 【要点归纳】 说出身体部位的词及表述身体部位疼痛的三种类型;说出询问别人 身体状况的三种问法及如何回答;注意foot、tooth的复数形式。 【拓展练习】 一、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. – What’s the matter?-- I have a ____________( stomach) 2. My sister didn’t go to school because she has a ____________(tooth). 3. Look! Our baby has three ___________(tooth) now. 4.--What’s the matter with your father? He talks less than before.-Oh, he _______ (have) a sore throat 二、同意句互换 1.What’s up with you?(同义句) What’s _____ _____ with you? 2.My back hurts(痛)(同义句) I have _____ ______ back. 【总结反思】 【课题】 Unit2 What’s the matter? SectionA 2a-2c (2)(1 课时) 【学习目标】 1.更熟悉对身体健康状况的询问及回答。 2.能使用should及shouldn’t对不同健康问题给出有针对性的合理建议。 3.提升听、说能力 【重点,难点】 识记对于不同健康问题的针对性建议的词汇;灵活给出建议。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 1.根据下列图片填写身体部位词汇。 1 _______________; 2 _______________; 3 _______________; 4 _______________; 5 _______________; 6 _______________; 7 _______________; 8 _______________; 9 _______________; 10 ______________; 11 ______________; 12 ______________; 13 ______________; 14 ______________; 2.补充完整下列表达身体部位疼痛的词并大声朗读它们。 have a head____; have a stomach_____; have a tooth______; have a _______ back; have a _______ throat; have a c_______; have a f________; have a cou________; have a s___________ 。 知识链接: ―should‖是一个 ________ 动词,它的意思是 _________,它的否定 形式是 ______________,意思又是 ___________。根据课本Page8上 Grammar Focus中的例句,你能推测出,它们后边的动词应该使用 __________。 自主学习: 1.浏览Page8上2a方框中内容,完成下列短语翻译。 发烧________________; 躺下休息 _______________________; 喝大 量的水_________________;看牙医 _____________________; 加蜂蜜的 热茶______________________________ 。 2.师生讨论结果并朗读它们。 3.浏览2b图片并根据图片提示使用问答形式猜测图中人物所出现的 问题。 4.听录音,完成2a、2b题意要求。 5.讨论结果并根据自己所听情况向老师提出问题。 6.根据2c所给model conversation两人制作对话。 7.争取机会展示你们自己的对话,注意医生和病人或者老师、父母和 病人的角色扮演。 【课堂练习】 一、根据首字母提示和句意提示填空。 1.I have a toothache, I have to see a d______. 2.She is tired, she should go to bed early, she s______ go to the party. 3.When you have a headache, please lie down and r______. 4. I have a t____ __, so I want to see a dentist. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I’m feeling terrible, I have a _______ (stomach). 2.You should ______ (drink) enough water every day. Our body needs much water. 3.I think everyone has two________(foot) 4.When you have a stomachache, you shouldn’t eat ____________(something). 三、选择填空。 1. You should ____ more water when you have a fever. A. drinks B. drinking C. drinked D. drink 2. _____ did the headache start? --- About two hours ago. A. When B. What C. where D. How 3. I can’t sleep, so I _____ listen to quiet music, and I ______ listen to exciting music. A. should; should B. shouldn’t; shouldn’t C. should; shouldn’t D. can; don’t 4.David ____ a stomachache. So he ____ eat anything 24 hours. A. has, should B. has , shouldn’t C. have, shouldn’t D. had, shouldn’t 5.-I have a sore throat. What should I do? _You should drink hot tea _______honey. A. of B. in C. with D. about. 【要点归纳】 罗列针对不同健康问题所给的建议的词汇或短语;理解should及shouldn’t 的使用方法。 【拓展练习】 句型转换。 1.What’s wrong with you?(同义句) What’s _____ _____ with you? 2.My back hurts(痛)(同义句) I have _____ ______ back. 3.He should eat something(否定句) He _____ eat _______.或者 He should eat ______. 4 .That sounds good. (同义句) That’s a_____ _____. 5.I have a toothache, I should visit a dentist.(同义句)I have a toothache, I ___ to ____ a dentist. 【总结反思】 【课题】 Unit2 What’s the matter? SectionA 3a-4 (3) (1课时) 【学习目标】 1.熟悉并丰富对身体健康状况的询问及回答。 2.提升说的能力。 【重点,难点】 使用英语与同学灵活、自由、更深层次地谈论身体健康的话题。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 1.根据下列方框中左侧所给病况,在右侧方框中给出合理化建议。 illness advice I have a sore throat. I have a stomachache. I have a toothache. I have a fever. 知识链接: 打一针:get an injection; 服些药:take some medicine; 服些安眠药:take some sleeping pills; 生病住院:be ill in hospital; 你该住院:You should be in hospital。多多锻炼:take more exercise 自主互助学习: 1.浏览Page9上3a方框中内容,完成下列短语翻译。 我感觉不舒服_________________________; 什么时候开始的 ________________________; 那太糟了______________________________; 我希望你尽快好起来 _______________________。 2.师生讨论结果并朗读它们。 3.浏览3a右边的图片并根据图片提示填空。 4.小组讨论自学所填结果并快速背诵此对话。 5.勇敢争取机会在同学面前快速背诵此对话。 6.根据3a所给model conversation两人一组观看3b图片制作对话。 7.争取机会展示你们自己的对话,注意不同的角色扮演。 8.Guessing game.. Name Illness Advice 请选择老师限定的班上6位同学的名字中的任一一个填在Name下空 格中并自选某种病如headache等填在后两个空Illness下空格中,最后给出 自己的建议。完成之后,争取让其他同学按以下问题模式去猜你所填的内 容。一个问题画一笔,若到“吊死”,其他同学败,你公布答案。 A: What’s your name? Is it Mike? B: No, it isn’t. A: Is it Liu Peng? B: Yes, it is A: What’s the matter? Does he have a headache? B: No, he doesn’t. A: … …. B: … … A: He should lie down and rest, shouldn’t he? B: No, he shouldn’t. A: … …. 【课堂练习】 补全对话。(根据对话内容在空白处填写入一个适当的词语使对话完整。) Doctor: What's__(1)__with you, young man? Paul: I don't feel__(2)__. Doctor: I'm__(3)__to hear that. Please take__(4)__your shirt and__(5)__down on the bed. Paul: Yes, doctor. Doctor: Well, there's__(6)__much wrong with you. Do you take much exercise? Paul: No, doctor. I never have__(7)__time for exercise. Doctor: How do you sleep? Paul: Very badly, doctor. Can you give me__(8)__medicine to help me sleep? Doctor: Yes, I can, but I'm not going to. You don't need medicine. Just take more exercise. Paul: You're right, doctor. It's important for me to__(9)__healthy. Thank you for your advice. Doctor: You're welcome. I__(10)__you feel better soon. 1.__________; 2. ___________; 3. ____________; 4. _____________; 5. _______________; 6. __________; 7. ___________; 8. ____________; 9. _____________; 10. ______________。 【要点归纳】 口译:我感觉不舒服;我希望你尽快好起来;你该多锻炼身体;你 该服些药;你该打一针;什么时候开始的;那太糟了;听到那个我很难 过。 【拓展练习】 根据首字母提示完成表示身体部位的单词 I’m a robot(机器人).I have a h_______, but there is no h______ on my head .I can see with my e_____. I can smell(闻)with my n________. I have a m_________, but there aren’t any t_______ in it because I never eat anything. I have two e_______, so I can hear everything. My n_____ is very short , I can’t turn my head. I have a strong body, but I don’t have a_______ or h_______. I don’t have l_______ or f________, either. So I can’t walk. 【总结反思】 【课题】 Unit2 What’s the matter? SectionB 1a-2c (4) (1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并运用tired、thirsty、hungry、stressed out等词的使用。 2.学会对目标1中所说情况给出合理建议。 3.提升听力技巧并认识到长时间的tired、thirsty、hungry、stressed out存在着健康隐患。 【重点,难点】 使用should和shouldn’t给出合理建议。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 选择 “我感觉不舒服;我希望你尽快好起来;你该多锻炼身体;你 该服些药;你该打一针;什么时候开始的;那太糟了;听到那个我很难过” 及其它一些你想到的词和搭档制作对话。你可以勇敢地尝试与你的老师完 成这个任务。 自主学习: 一、 自学。 1.浏览Page10上1a中的图片,完成1a的要求。 2.小组讨论自学结果并一起朗读它们。(老师可通过邀请学生表演这 四种情况来检测学生对1a的掌握情况) 3.浏览1b中的图片并完成1b的要求。 4.小组讨论自学所填结果并在小组中比赛看谁背得最准最快。 5.浏览2a和2b题目要求及图表信息,完成下列问题。 How many persons are there mentioned(被提及) in this chart and who are they? ________________________________________________________. Discuss whether(是否) we should write down each word when we are doing 2a and 2b listening practice. If not, why? And What should we do when we are doing them? ________________________________________________________________ ___________ ________________________________________________________________ ___________. 6.师生共同探讨。 7.Listen to the tape and complete the requirements of 2a and 2b。 8.小组讨论听力各自所听答案结果。 二、根据2c所给model conversation 按照你所填的图表信息和搭档制作自 己的对话。然后争取在所有同学面前展示你们的对话。记住,当你站起来 的时候,你就已经是个成功者了。. 【课堂练习】 一、根据首字母和句意补全单词。 1.She is tired, she should go to bed early, she s______ go to the party. 2.Would you please get me some water? I’m a little t______. 3.I'm t________, I would like something to drink. 4.When you are s_______ out, you should listen to some music to relax. You shouldn’t study . 二、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.He ______(have) a headache last week. But now he is ____(feel)better. 2.I’m too ________(stress) out, let me listen to some music now. 三、选择下列每组句子的正确语序,使其组成符合逻辑的对话。 ?Is it anything serious? ?My head hurts. I feel terrible. ?Please sit down. Let me have a look at you. ?What's wrong with you, young man? ?No, nothing serious. Take this medicine and you can be better soon. A. ????? B. ????? C. ????? D. ????? 【要点归纳】 罗列本课所学的四种身体不适状况并给出相应的建议。 【拓展练习】 一、选择填空。 1.How are you? ---I’m feeling ______.A. good B. well C. better D. fun 2. _____ did the headache start? --- About two hours ago. A. When B. What C. where D. How 3. I can’t sleep, so I _____ listen to quiet music, and I ______ listen to exciting music. A. should; should B. shouldn’t; shouldn’t C. should; shouldn’t D. can; don’t 4 —What do you think of their _______? —Terrific! A、advices B. advice C. suggestiones D. suggest. 二、阅读理解:根据文章内容填空,每空一词。(10分) I'm Peter Penguin, Mary Penguin is my wife. Most of the time we live in the water. It is as cold as an icebox. We have many friends here. Our home is large. All we can see here is snow and ice. But our land is not all white. There is bright color, too. Sometimes the land looks green, or blue just like the color of the sky. In summer, the sun shines all the time. We have no night at all. Then winter comes. It is night all the time. We eat shellfish(贝壳类动物). We ride on big pieces of ice. We can't fly, but we can swim very fast. Every winter, we go back to the land. Mary lays two eggs. Then she must go back to the sea to find some food. I look after the eggs. After some time we have two babies. We are happy to see each other again. 1. Mary is Peter's__________. 2. Most of the time they live in the__________. 3. In summer, they have no__________at all. 4. In winter, they have no__________. 5. They're good at__________, and eat __________. 【总结反思】 【课题】 Unit2 What’s the matter? SectionB 3a-4 (5) (1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并运用阅读文章中的重要的单词和词组;了解传统中医的一些知 识。 2.提升阅读和写作技巧。 【重点,难点】 重要单词和短语如何正确运用到作文中去。 【导学指导】 温故知新: Name Problems Should Shouldn’t Liu Can’t fall asleep(不Take more exercise Take sleeping pills Han 能入睡) Often weak and Eat more hot yang Kathy Sleep all day tired foods Argue with your Stressed out and Kobe Eat more yin foods friends or have a big angry fight with them 1.根据以上图表信息,按照下列提示,完成 ―I want to say to you…‖。 My dear friend Lin Han, I want to say to you: When you …… ,you should … …. , you shouldn’t … … 。 2.What is yang food and what is yin food? 知识链接: sometimes(有时候);sometime(某个时候);some time(一段时间);sometime(某个时候)。too much+不可数名词;too many+可数名词的复数形式;much too+形容词或副词。 People who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang.(划线的句子是定语从句,若限定修饰的词是人就用who或that引导,若是物,则用which或者that引导。若被限定修饰的词在定语从句中不做主语,则用来引导的词可以省略。)That book which I bought yesterday is very interesting.(由于被限定的词是“that book”,书是物,所以用了which来引导,当然,也可用_______来引导。又因为在所划线的定语从句中“I”已经做了主语,“That book”在从句中只是做了宾语,所以,我们可以省略which。如:That book I bought yesterday is very interesting .请根据上述所讲,划出下列句子中的定语从句,并指出被限定的词(即现行词),引导词。 My friend who is working in Beijing is a high school teacher. 现行词________; 引导词________。 My math teacher gives me a gift(礼物)that I love best. 先行词________; 引导词_________。 自主学习: 一、 自学。 1.快速浏览Page11上3a中的短文,找到什么是yang food ?什么又是 yin food, 2.再次快速浏览3a中的文章,完成下列短语的翻译。 健康的生活方式___________________; 传统中医 ___________________; 阴阳平衡 _________; 例如_____________; 虚弱乏力__________________; 太多___________; 对…有好处_________; 紧张火气旺_______________________; 西方国家______________; 一种均衡的饮食 _________; 3.认真阅读短文,完成下列图表。 A Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese Way Topic Problems Reasons Advice Iinfluence sentence often weak and tired have too much yang 4.小组讨论自学所填结果。 5.与老师及其它小组一起讨论结果。 6.对照上表复述3a。 6.快速浏览3b完成下列短语翻译。 变得疲倦 _____________;有时候 ________; 几个晚上 _______________; 保持健康_________。 8.小组讨论答案并大声朗读它们。然后,根据文意将3b中的短文补充 完整。9.小组讨论各自答案。 二、.根据3b要求,在下列图表中完成作文提纲。注意:Topic sentence、Problems和Influence三个栏中的内容仅供参考,你可借鉴也可自行撰写。 Do you have a cold? Topic sentence Problems ReasoShould Shouldn’t Influence n It’s easy Everybody may for you to catch a cold. It’s do like often weak normal, but it’s this and and tired really important for staying often have a Have a us to know what we healthy cough cold should do and can help often sneeze what we shouldn’t you get … … do good … … grades…. .. 【课堂练习】 请根据你所撰写的作文提纲,利用一些连接词和连接句将“Do you have a cold,”这个作文在下列空格处完成。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【要点归纳】 口译上述所列需要翻译短语;简单描述传统中医的观点;写作中应该注意些 什么, 【拓展练习】 一、根据所给词的正确形式填空。 1. My grandpa exercises for 3 hours to stay ______(health) every day. 2.It’s easy _______(say), but difficult _______(do). 3.It’s important for us to eat a b_____ diet to have a healthy lifestyle . 二、选择正确答案。 1.It’s ____ to eat mooncakes in China. A. tradition B. traditional C. awful D. stressed out 2.You are always angry, maybe you have____ ―yang‖. A. too B. too many C. much too D. too much 三、根据汉语完成句子。 1.学好英语很重要。______ ______ to learn English well. 2..我的压力很大,因为我的口语没有长进。I’m _____ _____ because my speaking English isn’t _______. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit3 What are you doing for vacation?SectionA 1a-1c (1)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记假期活动的词汇。 2.学会使用现在进行时来谈论将来的打算。 【重点,难点】 现在进行时表将来。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 请根据第一幅图片所示,完成后三幅图片的描述。 fish do homework sleep play soccer Look! What is he doing? Look! What____________? Look! What is he doing? Look! ___________? He is fishing. She______________. He ________________. They_____________. 根据以上练习,我们可知:表述动作此刻正在发生需要使用现在进行 时,其基本结构是: 主语+_____+_______ 请观看下列下列图片描述,对比它们与上述图片描述的相同和不同 点。 go fish do homework play soccer What is he doing for vacation? What is he doing for vacation? What are they doing for vacation? He is going fishing. He is doing homework at home. They are playing soccer. 通过上下对比,我们发现:它们使用的仍然是__________________, 其基本结构仍然是: 主语+_____+______ 但其所表述的不再是____________________, 而是 _________________, 即:________________。 知识链接: 需双写末尾字母加ing的词:get—getting变得,sit—sitting坐, put—putting放,shop—shopping购物,stop—stopping停止, swim—swimming游泳,plan—planning 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,babysit—babysitting临时照 顾,kid—kidding开玩笑,begin—beginning开始,run—running跑。去ie 变y+ing的词:tie、lie、die。 自主学习: 1.快速浏览下边图片,并根据图片从下边所列短语中选择相对应的短 语填到图片下边的横线上。 __________________ __________________ ___________________ __________________ _________________ ___________________ ___________________ ________________ walk ; go hiking; go camping; babysit my sister; relax at home; spend time with friends;. visit my grandfather; read some books. 2.小组讨论自学结果并大声朗读它们。 3.浏览1a上边图片,口头描述每个小画的活动。 4.在图片中找到需要填写1-3的地方并再次熟悉图片中的内容后,听 录音,完成1b听力。 5.与老师及其它小组一起讨论结果。 6.在老师的指导下全班分两大个组展示如何效仿1c所示使用自学中1 中所列图片制作对话。 7.两人一组按照1c对话,对照自学1中的图片,使用you、he /she或 者they制作对话。 变得疲倦 _____________;有时候 ________; 几个晚上 _______________; 保持健康_________。 8.请一定要争取机会展示你们的对话。 【课堂练习】 根据句意及首字母,填入适当的单词。 1. She often b______ her sister on Sundays. 2. What's she doing for v______? 3. I'm going c______ with my parents. 4. They're r______ at home this weekend. 5. Tom is playing football n______ week. 6. I'm very t______. I want to have a rest. 【要点归纳】 请用心同老师一同回顾这节课所学。 【拓展练习】 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. What______she______(do)for vacation? 2 I’m ___________ (take) walks after supper in the evening. 3.I can’t go camping with you tomorrow because I __________( babysit) my sister. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit3 What are you doing for vacation?SectionA 2a-2c (2)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会使用what、who、when、how long相关活动的词汇及现在进行时来谈 论将来更具体的打算。 2.提升自身说英语的能力和听力技巧。 【重点,难点】 现在进行时表将来;相关活动的词汇。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 1.请回忆并翻译下列词组: 照顾我的妹妹________________; 去野营_______________; 和朋友渡过时光_______________;在家放松、休息_______________; 看望我的爷爷________________; 去徒步旅行_____________;读书______________; 走路、散步___________; 去钓鱼______________; 去游泳_____________。 2.请小组讨论结果并大声朗读它们并使用选择它们中的部分谈论将来的打算。 自主学习: 1快速浏览2a、2b题目要求,并小组讨论如何才能快速、准确地完成 2a、2b题意要求。 2.根据讨论的结果去精心准备听力。 3.听录音,完成题目要求。 4.小组讨论各自答案,必要时向老师寻求帮助。 5.请参照图表1在图表2中填写你自己的具体假期打算。 图表1 Name What Who When How long st Li Chen Go camping Parents October,1Three days 图表2 Name What Who When How long 6.请按照下列对话提示采访六位同学并将采访结果填写在下列图表 中。 A: Hello! What are you doing for this National Day vacation? B: Hi! I’m going camping. A: That sounds interesting! Who are you going with? B: Oh, I’m going camping with my parents. A: And when are you going? stB: We are going on October, 1. A: So how long are you staying there? B: Oh, let me see. Just three days. A: May you have a great time! B: Thanks a lot! A: You are welcome! Name What Who When How long 7. 采访完之后,按照下列提示对所采访的结果向其他同学进行报道。 Here are some results of my classmates’ National Day vacation plans. The first one I interviewed is ***. He/She is … … for this National Day vacation. He/She is … with *** and they are … What a pity!(真遗憾)/It’s incredible that they are staying there only(仅仅)/as long as(长达)…… Another one I interviewed is *** ……. 8.争取机会向全班观众报道。 【课堂练习】 一、按要求改写下列各句,每空一词 1. She's going to see us tomorrow. (改为一般疑问句) ______ ______going to see us tomorrow? 2. We had a sports camp last Sunday. (用next Sunday 代替last Sunday后 填空) We're______ ______have a sports camp next Sunday. 3. We're going to the Great Wall with our teacher. (就划线部分提问) ______ are you going to the Great Wall______? 4. We're going camping next Friday. (就划线部分提问) ______ ______you going camping? 5. I visited my friends in Beijing twice a month last year.(就划线部分提 问) ______ ______did you visited your friends in Beijing last year? 二、根据所给情景,完成下列对话,每空一词。 A: Hello, Wang Lin! B: Hi, Han Mei! A: What are you doing (1)______vacation? B: I don't (2)______. What about you? A: I'm going to Maxiongshan Mountain. I think it's a beautiful place. B: Yes. I (3)______there last year. Who are you going (4)______? A: My classmates. B: Have a good (5)______. A: Thank you. 【要点归纳】 总结你所获得的听力技巧;口译几个不同的询问别人将来具体打算的 疑问句。 【拓展练习】 选择填空。 1.What______she______ for vacation? A. does, does B. is, doing C. is, do D. are, doing 2. ,When are you going there? ,I am going there ______May, the 12th. A. in B. on C. at D. for 3. My father is visiting my grandpa ______week. A. that B. the C. next D. last 4. ,We are going bike riding, Kate. ,That sounds ______. A. well B. happy C. beautiful D. nice 5. ,How long are you ______in New York? ,Just for three days. A. staying B. stay C. stayed D. stay 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit3 What are you doing for vacation?SectionA 3a-4(3) (1课时) 【学习目标】 1.熟练使用what、who、when、how long、相关活动的词汇及现在进行时来谈 论将来更具体的算。 2.进一步提升自身说英语的能力和阅读技巧。 【重点,难点】 现在进行时表将来;相关活动的词汇。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 1.请再次回忆并翻译下列词组: 照顾我的妹妹们 _______________; 去野营______________; 和朋友渡过时光 _______________; 在家放松、休息________________; 看望我的爷爷_______________; 去徒 步旅行_____________;读书_______________;走路、散步____________;去 钓鱼______________; 去游泳_____________。 2.大声朗读2c和Gramm Focus 中的句子。 自主学习: 1快速浏览3a中的对话,然后翻译下列词组或句子。 去西藏一个星期_________________________;去山里徒步旅行 ___________________________; 看望我香港的朋友_______________________;你要呆多久 ______________________________________; 我不喜欢离开的太久_____________________________玩得开心点 _______________________________; 寄…. …给某人_______________________将…. …展示给某人看 _________________________________; 回到学校_______________________。 2.小组讨论自学结果并大声朗读。 3.积极参与老师组织的快速英汉互译活动(老师或某个学生说出以上 汉语或词组或句子,学生迅速站起说出相应的英语或汉语。老师也可以其 他形式来组织) 4.再次浏览3a中对话,完成下列图表。 Name What Where How long Tony Lin Hui 5.小组讨论自学答案并参照此图表来挑战自我,即复述3a中的对话。 6.争取机会向全班同学展示你的勇敢和才华。 7.浏览3b题意,并根据右边对话制作新的对话。(老师可与某位同学 或某两位同学演示一下) 8.努力向老师和其他同学展示你们的制作成果。 9.小组浏览4中的题目,弄清题意,并根据题意在纸条上写下信息后, 将其交到老师准备的书包里。 10(老师走下讲台,让学生从书包中选择一张纸条,若学生抓到自己 的纸条,需重新抓一次。 11.根据自己手中的纸条信息或根据自己写的关于自己的信息,开始 到教室的任何角落寻找你的纸条或将你手中的纸条归还主人。比一比,看 哪些同学能快速找到你的纸条并将手中的纸条物归原主。 注意:在进行活动期间,说话的双方不可看到彼此的纸条。 【课堂练习】 一、选择填空。 1. -______are you staying there? -Just for two days. A. How often B. When C. How long D. How many 2. I have______ to tell you. A. anything exciting B. exciting something C. exciting anything D. something exciting 3. -I'm going to Tibet next Monday. -______. A. I know B. That sounds exciting C. I'm sorry to hear that D. Thank you 4. He doesn't know anything about Greece, because he has______been there. A. ever B. always C. never D. often 5. -What's wrong with you, Henry? -______. A. I'm going to the hospital B. I have a bad cold C. I'm visiting my grandparents D. I want to go fishing 6(Last year I visited my friend in Hong Kong and we both had . A. a time B. a good time C. happy D. time happily 7. Would you please us your pictures taken in Europe? A. take B. bring C. show D. find 二、补全对话,选择适当的句子 完成对话。 A: Hey, Lucy! What are you doing for vacation? B: . I’m leaving on Friday. How about you? A: I’m going to sports camp. B: Oh , cool! . A: On the eleventh. B: . A: What about you, Tom? C: I’m going to the beach with my family. . 【要点归纳】 口译重要词汇及句子;罗列谈论将来具体打算的关键疑问句;注意区 别现在进行时和一般现在时。 【拓展练习】 . 用所给的词的正确形式填空。 1. A: What are you doing for vacation? B: I’m going fishing and swimming for vacation. A: That __________ (sound) nice. 2. A: What are you doing there? B: I’m ___________ (take) walks after supper in the evening. 3. I don’t like ______________ (eat) junk food. I eat it only three ________ (time) a month. 4. A: What did you do last night? B: I _____________ (watch) TV. 5. Mr Wang likes______(watch) TV in the evening. 6. He______(go) fishing yesterday. 7. What ______you______(do) this weekend? 8. Listen! Someone______(sing) in the next room. 9. Mrs Liu______(drive) very fast to work every day. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit3 What are you doing for vacation?SectionB 1a-2c (4)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记运用更多的相关假期活动的词汇。 2.通过听懂和学会谈论假期活动更多细节来提升自身听力技巧和口语能力。 【重点,难点】 现在进行时表将来;识记更多相关活动的词汇;自由谈论将来计划打 算的更多细节。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 同老师一道罗列所有学过的周末或假期活动的词汇。 知识链接: 对比这三个句子:“What does it like?/What’s it like there?/What does it look like?”看看它们之间有什么不一样的地方?其中,第一个句子中的“like”是动词“喜欢”的意思,第二个和第三个句子中的“like”是 介词“像”的意思。你能分别猜一猜它们各自的句意是什么吗, 自主学习: 1快速浏览1a中的图片和词汇并在单词表的帮助下将其匹配。 2.小组讨论自学结果并大声朗读。 3.测一测,看看你的瞬间记忆能力有多么厉害。 去骑自行车旅行 _____________________; 散步 ________________; 去观光旅游___________; 租碟___________________; 去钓鱼_______________。 4.利用你所学的以上一些词汇或你知道的其他词汇与搭档制作对话。老师可以通过两位同学的对话来向其他同学演示。 5.请努力争取机会展示你们的对话,记住,锻炼的机会每一个人都可以拥有,但不是每一个人都能把握。 6.小组浏览2a、2b题目并弄清题意。考虑题意并讨论完成下列问题: What is the most helpful for you to complete the listening practice correctly before you listen to the tape and what is the most helpful for you to complete the listening practice correctly while you are listening to the tape.? 7.小组间进行成果交流并总结出所有最有用的条款。再根据这些总结条款进行听前的准备和听的过程中应注意的问题。 8.听录音完成2a、2b的 要求。 9.小组讨论听力结果(对不确定的问题可要求老师再放听力) 10.全班讨论听力结果并再次总结完成听力整个过程中应该注意的问 题。 11.根据2a图表中的信息按照2c中的对话谈论He Yu的假期计划细 节。 12.展示你们的对话。 【课堂练习】 一、根椐题意和所给的字母提示,填入正确的单词。 1. A: How's the w______ there? B: It's sunny. 2. A: How l______ are you staying there? B: I am staying there for three weeks. 3. A: W________ are you going for vacation? B: Italy. 4. My mother often t________ walks after supper. 5. My father often goes f_________ by the river on Sunday 二、选择填空。 1. What are we going to do on Sunday?‖ ― How about _ ? A. to go bike riding B. going bike to ride C. going to bike riding D. going bike riding 2. ―My father has bought a new car.‖ ― ?‖ ―It’s blue and beautiful.‖ A. What do you like? B. What’s it like? C. How is it like? D. How do you think of it? 三、下列各句中均有一处错误,请指出并改正。 1. Do(A) you like going(B) bike rideing (C) after dinner(D)? _____________________ 2. They(A) had good time(B) last(C) Sunday(D). _____________________ 3. How about(A) to go(B) fishing(C) with(D) us? _____________________ 4. We often(A) go camping(B) in(C) weekends(D). ______________________ 5. He is(A) returning back(B) to(C) our class next week(D). _______________________ 【要点归纳】 口译重要词汇及句子;总结本节课所收获的听力策略和技巧;注意区 别现在进行时和一般现在时。 【拓展练习 . 你的朋友Sally要去夏威夷度假。你的另外一位朋友David询问你关于她的假期计划。请根据下列表格编写对话。 Where whether When What Who How long Sunny Next week Take walks Best friends Two weeks Hawaii on the beach\go swimming\g o scuba diving\ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit3 What are you doing for vacation?SectionB 3a-4(5) (1课时) 【学习目标】 1.通过阅读识记关于以假期计划为主题的写作词汇和句型。 2.学会构思并书写以假期计划为主题的作文。 【重点,难点】 将现在进行时表将来的知识及其它知识灵活应用到自己的以假期计划 为主题的写作中去。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 1.请阅读前边第19页知识链接内容后完成下列各题。 I know there are many people who speak French. 先行词 ____________ 引导词___________ That famous French singer often sings that song which I like best. 先行词__________; 引导词_____; 2.请使用定语从句将下列两个简单句合并为一个复合句。 I have a friend. He works in a big hospital in Beijing. I have a friend _______________________________. Look at that nice pencil case. It is on the dresser. Look at that nice pencil case ____________________. 知识链接: 英语中有很多-ing 和-ed形容词,如:exciting/excited, interesting/interested, relaxing/relaxed, boring/bored, surprising/surprised, annoying/annoyed, pleasant/pleased, scary/scared。其中,-ing的形容词表示“令某人…”,-ed形容词表示 “本身感到…‖。如interesting 表示“令人感兴趣”,interested表示“本 身感兴趣”。We are all interested in this interesting book. 注意:scary 表示“令人感到害怕”,scared表示“本身感到害怕”。pleasant表示“令 人感到愉快”,pleased表示“本身感到高兴”。并不是指人就用-ed,指 物就用-ing。如:Wang Hong is an interesting girl. 意为:王红是一个有趣的 女孩。这里尽管女孩是人,但我们不能使用interested。 自主学习: 1快速浏览3a中的文章,然后翻译下列词组或句子。 著名的法国歌星______________________________; 度长假 ________________________________; 考虑做某事_____________________________; 决定在…上面 ____________________________________; 决定做某事 ______________________________; 在欧洲度假 ___________________________________; 做一些不一样的事情_____________________________________;计划做某 事_______________________; 一个令人放松的假期______________________;散步__________________;去钓鱼__________________; 去骑自行车旅行________________________; 在美丽的乡村度过时光_____________________________; 我爱大自然___________________________;忘记我所有的烦恼_____________________________; 在夜里_______________; 租碟______________________; 2.小组讨论自学结果并大声朗读。 3.积极参与老师组织的快速英汉互译活动(老师或某个学生说出以上汉语或词组或句子,学生迅速站起说出相应的英语或汉语。老师也可以其他形式来组织) 4.将图片的序号填到第二段的横线上。 5.请小组认真阅读3a文章,并根据文章内容由小组讨论完成图表1(附 下一页)。 6.各小组交流结果并思考完成下列问题。 写一遍以某人的假期计划为主题的作文的时候,文章中应该有 __________、__________、___________、________________、 ___。为了丰富文章的内容,我们可以在说_________________及 结束语 明所选择的目的地后给出选择的理由或给出选择外出理由的原因;对于所要从事的活动,我们可以按类型或时段具体罗列出来,并说明为什么要从事那项活动。 7.浏览3b题意,完成此题。 1.want to do something 目的地:He thought different. about going to Greece 2. or Spain, but decided on 3. Canada. 主题句: Ben 结束语: Lambert, the 离开和停留的时间: A great famous French vacation,I singer, is taking a can’t wait~ long vacation this summer. 1. 计划怎样的假期: He plans to have a 2. very relaxing vacation. 3. 8.小组讨论各自的答案,注意,此题的答案可以多种多样。 【课堂练习】 根据3c要求,在下列表格中写出你的文章提纲。注:在目的地后边一栏的1、2、3中,你可以填写选择某个目的地的原因,也可填写你计划外出度假的原因。在计划怎样的假期后一栏中的1、2、3中,你可以填写你具体要做的活动。 主题句: 目的地: 1. 结束语: 2. 3. 离开和停留的时间: 1. 计划怎样的假期: 2. 3. 【要点归纳】 口译重要词汇及句子;谈论定语从句的知识;谈论写作中应注意些什 么。 【拓展练习 将按照课堂练习中你所列的提纲在草稿纸上写下你的作文。 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit4 How do you get to school? SectionA 1a-1c(1)(1 课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记交通工具的词汇。 2.学会与他人简单交流上学的方式。 【重点,难点】 识记交通工具的词汇及乘坐同一交通工具的不同表达。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 与搭档谈论play sports、watch TV、surf the Internet及do homework的 频率。 知识链接: at(到达小地方) arrive in(到达大地方) 到达之三种表达: get to reach 例如:He arrives at school at 6:oo every morning. He gets to school at 6:00 every morning. He arrived in Beijing yesterday. He reaches school at 6:00 every morning. He ________ Canada yesterday. A. gets B. arrived C. reached D. arrived at. 自主学习: 1.根据第一张图片第一、第二行提示完成剩余图片第一、第二行要求。 特别注意第5、第6副图片。 ____train_____________ __________________ _________________ _take the train_________ __________________ _________________ I take the train to school. ___________________ ____________________ I get to school by train. ____________________ _____________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ _____________________ ___________________ _____________________ _______________________ ______________________ ____________________ ______________________ ______________________ ____________________ ____ ___________________ ______________________ ____________________ _______________________ ______________________ ____________________ ________________________ 2.小组讨论自学结果并大声朗读。注意:第5、第6张图片的答案和 其他图片有什么不同。 3.积极参与老师组织的快速英汉互译活动(老师或某个学生说出以上 汉语或词组或句子,学生迅速站起说出相应的英语或汉语。老师也可以其 他形式来组织) 4.浏览1b题目,弄清题意。并熟悉五个名字及图片中不同人所在的位 置及他们上学的交通方式。 5.听磁带,完成1b题意要求。6.小组讨论听力结果。 7.根据所听信息及第一张图片第3、第4行提示完成其余图片第3、第 4行。注意:第5、第6张图片会和其他图片一样吗, 8.根据下边model conversation所示使用以上图片中的信息进行小组 活动。 A: How do you get to school? B: I take the train to school./ I get to school by train. A: How does she/he get to school? C: She/he takes the train./ She gets to school by train. 9.争取机会展示你们小组的作品。 【课堂练习】 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1(He often (ride ) to school, but sometimes he (walk) to school. 2.My mother always ( go ) to work by bus 3. Tom never ( take) the train to school . 4.Yesterday I ( walk) to school . 5.How ( do ) your sister get to school ? 二、将下列句子改为同义句 1(I often go to school by bus . I often a bus school. 2(Jane rides the bike to work on Mondays. Jane goes to work on Mondays . 3(He gets to school on foot every day. He to school every day . 【要点归纳】 take 和 by 都有―乘、坐‖之意。 Take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交 通工具,且在该交通工具前一般应有冠词;而 by 是一个介词,它后面所 跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不用冠词等修饰语. by+交通工具的短语 在句中修饰动词等作状语。如: 格林先生常乘火车去上班:Mr. Green often goes to work by train. /Mr. Green often takes a train to work. 【拓展练习】 1.-____ do you usually go shopping? -By bike. A. How long B. How often C. How D. Where 2. –How does Mary get to school? -She gets to school ____. A. by bus B. take bus C. takes a bus D. by a bus 3. When did Jim ___ the bus stop? A. get B. get to C. arrive to D. get on 4. Do you usually ___ to go to school? A. ride bike B. by a bike C. by bike D. ride a bike 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit4 How do you get to school? SectionA 2a-2d(2)(1 课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记数字1-100并学会使用它们。 2.学会谈论不同人上班、上学的不同交通方式及所花费的时间。 3.提高自己听和说的能力。 【重点,难点】 识记数词1-100。使用take表述花费时间。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 一、一二组、三四组同学分别用英语数出自己所在两组的男、女生数。 二、写出下列数字的英语。 1_________;2________;3________;4__________;5__________;6____ ____;7_________;8______;9_________;10_______;11_______; 12_________; 13_________; 14__________; 15_____________;16________; 17___________;18____________;19____________;20_____________;21_ __________;22_________;23______________。 知识链接: 英语中“花费”之四种表达“take、spend、cost、pay”的区别 主语 “花费”之四种表达 所搭配的介词 固定搭配 人 spend on spend …on sth (某物):某人花费…在… 上 spend…(in)doing sth:某人花费… 做… 人 pay for pay…for:某人为… 付了多少钱 物 cost / / It(习惯是take / It takes sb.( 某人) some time/some 形式主语) money to do sth:做…花费某人多少时间 或钱 请根据以上图表选择正确单词完成下列各题。 took spent paid cost 1.He ________ one and a half hours doing his math homework yesterday afternoon. 2.This skirt ________ her 200 dollars. 3.My parents ________ 90 RMB for that nice pet pig. 4.It ________ us the whole day to clean our classroom last week. 自主学习: 1.借助单词表的帮助将下列数字的英语写在横线上。 32_____________; 40___________; 50___________; 60___________; 70__________; 80__________;90_____________;100___________。 2.跟着磁带大声朗读以上单词并思考3-9与13-19和20、30、40、50、 60、70、80、90这些词之间有什么样的规律。请讨论你们发现的规律并将 其写在下列横线上。 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.浏览2b题目并按要求完成2b。 4.讨论2b结果并大声朗读它们。 5.浏览2c题目,并根据题意要求讨论交流听音之前及听音过程中应如 何做才能最大限度地帮助大家准确完成题目要求。 6.按照交流经验做好准备后开始听磁带,完成题意要求。 7.与其他同学及老师交流听音结果。 8.小组大声朗读2d对话并找到与知识链接部分相联系的句子。如果要 求你们用其它两个表花费的词来改写这个句子,又应该是什么样子 的,请将你们改写的句子写在下边的横线上。 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9.与其他小组交流改写的结果。 【课堂练习】 根据下列图表中的内容与搭档制作属于你们自己的对话。注意我们在 第一单元所学到过的?号数所对应的频度副词。 Family members Father ????? ? Mother ???? ?? Sister ?? ??? You ????? ? A: How do you get to school? B: I always walk to school /get to school on foot, of course I never take the plane to school. A: How does your father go to work? B: … … 【要点归纳】 说出1—100这些数词之间的规律;表达乘坐不同交通方式的方法及 用不同的词表达所花费的时间。 【拓展练习】 一、选择正确选项 1. It will take the men half a year ________ the work. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finishes 2. I often go to work ________. A. ride my bike B. by bike C. by a bike D. on bike 二、用方框中所给词或词组的正确形式填空,每个词或词组只用一次。(10 分) be different from; help... with; take the subway; think of; get to; look after; on foot; have a picnic; forty; grow up 1. My mother was out, so I had to ________ my little sister at home. 2. What about ________ in the park on Sunday? 3. Miss Gao often ________ to work. 4. The weather in China__ ____that in America. 5. The twins were born in New York, but they________ in London. 6. He ________ school at 7:30 every day. 7. -What do you ________the Chinese people? -They are very friendly. 8. ―Walk to school‖ means ―go to school ________‖. 9. Today is my father’s ______________ birthday. 10. She often ________ me ________ my English. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit4 How do you get to school? SectionA 3a-4(3)(1 课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会谈论不同人上班、上学的交通方式、两地距离及所需要的时间。 2.提高自己说和读的能力。 【重点,难点】 使用“ how、how long、how far”来谈论去某地的方式、距离和所需 时间。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 1.根据图片按照提示完成下列图表。 take the train to go to school by train school. 2.再次写出下列数字的英语。 1_________; 2________; 3________; 4__________; 5__________; 6________; 7_________; 8______;9_________; 10_______; 11_______; 12_________; 13_________; 14__________; 15_____________;16________; 17___________; 18____________; 19____________; 20_____________; 21___________;22_________; 23______________。 自主学习: 1.快速浏览3a中的文章,将所给问题的答案填写在横线上。 2.根据3a中的文章,翻译下列词组。 距离学校10公里______________________; 离开去某地 _________________; 早班车__________;在六点半左右 _______________________; 公交车站__________________; 公交车程 __________;火车车程_______________; 多长时间_______________; 多 远____________。 3.根据文章内容勾出正确的答案。 1.distance(距离) from home to 15 kilometers 10 kilometers school 2.get up at 6:20 at 6:00 3.shower 4.have a quick breakfast 5.leave for school at 6:30 at around 6:30 6.ride the bike to the bus 10 minutes 20 minutes station 7.the early bus 35 minutes 25 minutes 4.根据上表复述3a的文章。5.小组讨论3b中第一幅图片和对话,找 到图片和对话之间的联系。 6.根据它们之间的联系及所给对话两人一组制作对话。 7.争取机会展示你们的成果。 8.师生共同交流2、3、4对话。 【课堂练习】 1.I think it may _______ them about two hours to do the work. A. start B. pay C. make D. take 2.Class was over. All the students stopped ______ and left. A. write B. to write C. writing D. wrote 3.--_________ do you usually come to school in the morning? --By bike. A. What B. Where C. When D. How 4. ________ too much is bad for your health. A. Watching TV B. Watch TV C. Taking a walk after supper D. Take a walk after supper 5.The old man goes to the park _________ every morning. A. by foot B. by feet C. on foot D. on feet 6.--_______ does it take? --It takes about half an hour. A. What time B. When C. How D. How long 【要点归纳】 口译自主学习中2里边的词组;区别how、how long、how far。 【拓展训练】 仿照3a文章,根据下列图片及下边提示写出关于你的文章。 总距离:5miles get up at 6:00 have breakfast walk/5minutes take the bus/20 minutes get to school/7:00 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit4 How do you get to school? SectionB 1a-2c(4)(5 课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并运用bus stop, bus station, train station, subway station这几个词。 2.提高自己的听力技巧。 3.能识别出宾语从句及其引导词。 4.能区别特殊疑问句的语序和宾语从句的语序。 【重点,难点】 在英语语速很快的情况下记录下重要的信息;宾语从句的要领。 【导学指导】 温故知新: 1.请回忆昨天所学内容并完成下列词组翻译。 距离学校10公里_____________________; 离开去某地 _________________; 早班车____________; 在六点半左右_______________________; 公交车站__________________; 公交车程__________;火车车程_______________; 多长时间_______________; 多远____________。 2.说出how long、how far、how many、how much、how often、how soon、how old、how 这些特殊疑问词的相同点和不同点。 知识链接: He asked a question. He asked where the boy comes from., 主语 谓语 宾语 主语 谓语 宾语从句 注:当宾语由一个句子来充当的时候,我们就把这个句子称作宾语从句。 一、请比较1、2、3中的句子,找到他们之间的不同点,并猜想为什么,并根据你找到的规律补充完成4后边的两个句子。 1.Where does the boy come from? He asked where the boy comes from. 2.What is the boy doing now? My father asks me what the boy is doing. 3.What did you do last week? Could you tell me what you did last week? 4.How often does she exercise? I want to know ________________________. 5.How far did it take you to get to school? Could you please tell us _______________________? 二、请比较1、2、3中的句子,找到他们之间的规律,并根据规律补充完成4、5后边的两个句子。 1. Can you speak French? I want to know whether/if you can speak French. 2. Did he have fun playing basketball? Can you tell me whether/if you had fun playing basketball? 3. Are they from Australia? She asks me whether/if they are from Australia. 4. Is the alien running after the people? The reporter asks us _____________________________. 5. Do the girls love playing badminton? Our teacher wants to know _________________________. 三、请比较1、2、3中的句子,找到他们之间的规律,并根据规律补充完 成4、5后边的两个句子。 1. Her father is an engineer. She tells us (that )her father is an engineer. 2. His favorite subject is science. I know (that) his favorite subject is science. 3. Lucy often exercises on weekdays. All of us disagree( that) Lucy exercises on weekdays. 4. Wang Qi usually takes the train to school. Mr. Liu tells us ________________________________. 5. Chairman will take No.123 Flight to Italy. The reporter says _____________________________. 四、请你们根据对一、二、三的理解,完成下列问题。 1. 上述一中左边的五个是__________句,使用了_______语序,右边 的五个是__________句,使用了_________语序,左边的特殊疑问词在右 边的句子中又充当了________词, 2. 上述一中左边的五个是__________句,使用了_______语序,右边 的五个是__________句,使用了_________语序,相比左边,右边的句子 中多了________或________, 它们也是_________词,汉语意思是 ___________。 3. 上述一中左边的五个是__________句,使用了_______语序,右边 的五个是__________句,使用了_________语序,相比左边,右边的句子 中多了________, 它们也是_________词,我们可以将它们_________。 4. 请在下边写出三个不同类型的宾语从句。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 自主学习: 1.Complete 1a with the help of the four pictures and tell the differences between ―stop‖and ―station‖(参照图片完成1a并辨析 ―stop‖和“station”两个词)。 2.Check the answer of 1a and practice reading these words in it(核对1a答案并朗读里边的单词)。 3.Pairwork to practice making conversations imitating the model conversation from 1b and try to take the chance to show your conversation.(两人一组模仿1b中的对话按要求制作自己的对话并 争取机会展示你们的对话) 4.Look through the five sentences in 2a and group work to discuss what kind of sentences they are with the help of Language Link(知识链接) as well as the meaning。。(浏览2a中的5个句子并在知 识链接的帮助下讨论它们属于什么类型的句子及其意思) 5.Try to describe the pictures in 2b in groups and make sure that each group member understands the requirement of 2a and 2b.(小组试着描述2b中的图片并确保每一位小组成员弄清楚2a、2b的题 目要求) 6.Listen to the tape and complete 2a and 2b. Then check the answer(听磁带,完成2a、2b的要求;然后核对答案) 7.Group work to describe the checked pictures. You can look through the listening material of 2a and 2b if necessary before you describe it.(小组描述被勾到的图片。如果有必要,你可以在描述之前浏 览它们的听力材料。) 8.Take the chance to show yourselves. 【课堂练习】 A: Hi, Nancy. _______________ (1)? B: I live in Wuhua District. A: _____________ (2) do you live from school? B: I live five miles from school. A: ___________ (3) do you get to your school? B: By bike, sometimes on foot. A: _________ (4) does it take you to get to school by bike? B: About ten minutes. 【要点归纳】 回顾宾语从句的相关知识。 【拓展训练】 1. I don’t know ___________________. A. what does he like best B. what he like best C. what he does like best D. what he likes best 2. Can you tell me ______________________? A. where she lives B. where does she live C. she lives where D. where she live 3. He asked me _______________________________. A. what time is it B. what time it is C. what time was it D. what time it was 4. Do you know _______________________? A. how much did it cost B. how much it did cost C. how much it cost D. how much does it cost 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit4 How do you get to school? Section B 3a-4(5)(1 课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并运用3a、3b中出现的重要单词和词组。 2.提高自己的阅读能力。 3.提高自己的写作技巧和能力。 【重点,难点】 相同交通方式的不同表达;写作技巧的把握和写作能力的提升。 【导学指导】 温故知新 1.小组活动罗列出所学过的交通方式及其对应的另一种相同的表达 方式。 例如:go to school by bike = take the bike to school 2.翻译下列词组。 全部______; 大多数_______; 许多_______; 一些_______; 其他 ________; 一小部分_______。 自主互助学习 一、浏览3a的文章,试一试,看看你能否快速、准确的完成下列短语的翻译。 1. 在北美____________; 2. 在南美____________; 3. 在世界的其他地方 ___________________;4. 视……而定___________; 5. 乘船去上学________________; 6 更有趣的多_____________________;7.与… …不一样_____________; 8. 三种最受欢迎的到校方式 ____________________________; 9. 最受欢迎的交通方式 ____________________________________。 二、同老师核对答案,后大声朗读并识记它们。 三、用心阅读3a中的5个句子,弄清它们的意思,并对照文章判断正误。 四、小组核对答案并讨论自己做出选择的原因。 五、再次阅读文章并根据文章内容填写下列图表。 How do students around the world get to school In other parts of the world 5. 6. In places where there In North America In Japan are rivers and lakes like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao 1.Mos3. t Studenstude ts nts usuall2. 4. Students y usually 7. 8. 六、对照以上图表,尝试复述课文。 七、争取机会向老师和同学们展示你的复述。记住,只要你开口说英语,英语就会听你说话,成为你的好朋友。 【课堂练习】 一、 仔细观察3b中的图表和文章,完成下列要求: 1.写出下列数字相对应的单词。 40__________; 100__________; 175__________; 30__________; 50____________。 2.思考文章中第一个横线上为什么要填写“ ride their bikes”而不是 “Bike”,可否在横线上填写by bike 呢, 3.请问:“ most students ride their bikes to school”= _____________________________________. 4. 根据图表完成3b。 5. 核对答案。 二、根据3c要求写文章。 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【要点归纳】 口译所学重要词组;3a这篇文章中使用的写作技巧。 【拓展练习】 一、.根据答语,完成问题. 1.-________ hours do most students sleep every night ? -About nine hours. 2.-________ does it take ? -About half an hour. 3.-________ does Miss Hill go to work ? -She usually walks to her company. 4.-________ does Ana go to school on foot ? -Hardly ever. 5. -______ is it from the city ? -Only two kilometers. 6._________ are your shoes? -One hundred Yuan. 二、.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1 It usually takes 10 minutes _______(walk) from the classroom to the library? 2.How long ____ it_____ (take) you to school on weekdays? 3.Shanghai is one of the biggest ______ (city) the world. 4.________(take) a boat to school must _____(be) a lot more fun than taking a bus. 5.A small number of ________ (child) like to eat porridge in the morning. 6.The three of the most popular ways of _______(get) there are bus, train and bike. 7.When it _____ (rain), I often take a taxi to school. 8.I’m so tired, I need ______ (have) a good rest. 9.Let me _______(help) you _____ (clean) the room. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit5 Can you come to my party? Section A 1a-1c(1) (1课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会邀请别人并根据自己的安排欣然接受别人的邀请或礼貌拒绝别人的邀 请。 2.能给出不能接受别人邀请的具体理由。 3.提高自己的听、说能力。 【重点,难点】 掌握做出、接受和拒绝邀请的习惯用句;使用“have/has to”给出不能 接受邀请的原因。 【导学指导】 温故知新 一、阅读课本94页“1.动词的种类”及95页上“2情态动词”,完成下 列问题。 1.请在横线上罗列5个情态动词。 ___________________________________________________________ ___________________ 2.“must”表示“必须‖,否定式缩写为________,其含义为_____________。若表示“不必,没必要”应该使用_______________或______________。 3.He can play the piano very well.(变为否定句) He _______ play the piano very well. 4.I must finish my homework today.(变为疑问句) —______ I finish my homework today? —No, you ________./____________________. 二、完成1a的要求(将图片和短语匹配起来)。然后大声朗读它们。 自主互助学习 一、合上课本,试着翻译下列词组。看看你是不是个健忘的家伙,这些短语可都是曾经的“老熟人‖啊~ 1. 拜访我的阿姨_______________; 2. 去看医生________________; 3. 帮助我的父母_________; 4. 上钢琴课___________________; 5. 为考试学习 _______________;6.在 星期六下午______________。 二、小组讨论:要准确无误完成1b要求,需要注意些什么? 三、师生共同讨论各自结果,然后听磁带,完成1b题目要求。 四、核对答案并针对自己听不清的句子主动向老师提出重复播放的要求。 【课堂练习】 一、大声朗读1c中的对话并模仿它依据下列图表与搭档制作自己的对话。 1. Come to my party ? 2.Come to my party × 3.Go to the movies with me × 4.Play basketball with us this ? afternoon 5.Come to my house to watch NBA × games on Sunday morning 二、争取机会向你的老师和同学们展示你们的对话。注意:不要觉得这样的对话太简单而懒于去说,这种做法只能让你错过锻炼自己的机会。 三、使用正确的单词完成对话。 A: you go to the concert? B:I’ m sorry, I . I__________ study for the test. C: ____he go to the concert? D: No, he _____. He ____ ____study for the test. 四、选择填空。 1.—Can you come to my party? —Sure, _________. A.I like it very much B. I’d love C. I’d like it D. I’d love to 2.—Must I hand in my math homework this afternoon? — No, you _________. You can do that tomorrow. A. mustn’t B. don’t have C. doesn’t have to D. needn’t 3.—Could you please help your parents with some housework on weedends? —Yes, I ______. A. could B. couldn’t C. can D. sure. 【要点归纳】 口译所学重要词组;回顾做出、接受和拒绝邀请的习惯用句。 【拓展练习】 1.In my opinion, you needn’t go to see the doctor.(变为同义句) In my opinion, you _______ _________ _________ go to see the doctor. 2.I have to study ______ the test so I can’t go with you ______ Sunday morning.(用介词填空) 3.Their teacher ________(have) to stay up late to get ready for the classes next morning.(用所给词的正确形式填空) 4.When you are ill, you need _________(go) to see the doctor.(用所给词的正确形式填空) 5.How do you like this game?(变为同义句) ______ do you ______ ______ this game, 6. How about ________(visit) our grandparents this summer holiday?(用所给词的正确形式填空) 7. What about going skateboarding this weekend?(变为同义句) ________ ________ go skateboarding this weekend? 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit5 Can you come to my party? Section A 2a-2c(2) (1课时) 【学习目标】 1.熟练邀请别人并根据自己的安排欣然接受别人的邀请或礼貌拒绝别人的邀请。 2.能交叉使用“have/has to”和“be+ doing”给出不能接受别人邀请的具体理由。 3.提高自己的听、说能力。 【重点,难点】 交叉使用“have/has to”和“be+ doing”给出不能接受别人邀请的具 体理由。 【导学指导】 温故知新 一、请回忆昨天所学的短语,充分发挥你的想象力,在下列图片对应的横线上写出合适的短语。 1._____________ 2._____________ 3._______________ 4.______________ 5.___________ 二、罗列至少5个情态动词并讲述它们的使用特点。 知识链接 “too many”、“too much”、“much too”的区别。 too many+可数名词 too much+不可数名词 much too+形容 词/副词 自主互助学习 2b,完成下列各题。 一、 浏览2a、 1. 写出2a中涉及到的5个人名并大声朗读它们。 _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 在2b中,编者除了使用了“have/has to + 动词原形” 这一结构来 表达不能接受邀请的具体理由外,还使用了_______________这一结构。 这里的这个结构是用来表示动词正在发生的吗,如果不是,它是用来表示 _________________.。 3. 请使用上述两种结构将2b中的句子对换。 For example: a: I’m sorry. I have to help my mom. I’m sorry. I’m helping my mom. b: I’m sorry. I’m playing soccer. I’m sorry. I _________________________________. c: I’m sorry. I have to go to my guitar lesson. I’m sorry. I __________________________________. d: I’m sorry. I’m going to the movies. I’m sorry. I __________________________________. e: I’m sorry. I have to visit my aunt. I’m sorry. I ___________________________________. 二、 根据2a、2b题目要求,完成听力。做听力最基本的一个技巧就是注 意力高度集中。 三、 核对答案。对于不清楚的地方向老师提出再听、精听的要求。 四、 写出更多拒绝别人邀请理由的短语。 For example: do too much homework (做太多的家庭作业); relax at home because ……too tired.(在家放松因为太累了); take part in the English club activity.(参加英语俱乐部的活动); go to the airport to see my best friends off.(到机场送我最好的朋 友); _____________________________________________________________ __________; _____________________________________________________________ __________; _____________________________________________________________ __________; _____________________________________________________________ __________; _____________________________________________________________ __________; _____________________________________________________________ __________ 五、 两人一组,按所给Model Conversation制作属于你们自己的对话。 Model conversation: A:Hey,Dave, can you go to the movies on Sunday? B: I’m sorry I can’t. I have to do too much homework this weekend. A: That’s too bad./ What a pity!/ Really? It’s terrible. Maybe/Perhaps another time/ next time. B: Sure. Joe. Thanks for asking!/ Thanks for your invitation. / Thanks for inviting me. 你可使用下边的邀请:1. Come to my party 2.Go to the movies with me 3.Play basketball with us this afternoon 5.come to my house to watch NBA games on Sunday morning。当然,你也可以使 用你自己的邀请。 六、勇敢地展示你们自己的创作作品。 【课堂练习】 一、 使用“too many”、“too much”或“much too”填空。 1.__________ people buy this book because it’s ___________ interesting . 2.There are ____________ means of transportation nowadays. However, a small number of people take the air because it’s ____________ expensive and kind of dangerous. 3.Although he has ____________ money, he still feels lonely 二、同义句互换。 1.I’m sorry I can’t. I have to help my parents do some farm work this weekend. I’m sorry I can’t. I _________ _____________ my parents do some farm work this weekend. 2.I’m sorry I can’t. I’m going to the airport to see my best friend off. I’m sorry I can’t. I ________ _________ go to the airport to see my best friend off. 3.Thanks for asking . Thanks for your _____________. 【要点归纳】 回顾表示不能接受邀请原因的词组;“too many”等词的区别; 再次对比用来阐述不能接受邀请原因的两种结构。 【拓展练习】 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.She can’t come to my party tomorrow because she ___________(spend) time with her grandparents. 2.Thanks so much for __________(invite) me. 3.You _________________(not have to) feel sorry. In fact, she wasn’t angry with you. 4.If you are under too ________(many) pressure(压力), you can’t sleep well or study well. 5.I _____________( go) to the movies with my father next Wednesday. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit5 Can you come to my party? Section A 3a-4(3)(1 课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会制作邀请卡。 2.通过在邀请或被邀请的过程中耐心寻求或给予各自的信息以提升自己说的能 力。 【重点,难点】 制作邀请卡;询问或回答对方作息时间表。 【导学指导】 温故知新 一、 使用“too many”、“too much”和“much too”造至少三个句子。 ___________________________________________________________ __________________________ _______________________________________________________________ __________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________ 二、同老师同学一道罗列表述不能接受邀请原因的词组或句子。 三、 注意“Thanks for asking”这个句子的同义句互换。 自主互助学习 一、 阅读3a中左边的邀请卡,完成下列各题。 1. 翻译下列词组并总结邀请卡中的基本要素。 Birthday Party___________; For whom____________; Time____________; Place:_______________; come and have fun______________. 2. 用适当的词完成右边的对话。 3. 师生共同核对答案并对照左边邀请卡背诵右边对话。 4. 根据3a中你所总结的邀请卡中的基本要素,完成3b中右边的邀请卡。 5. 根据你所填写的邀请卡,在下边横线上模仿3a中的对话制作相应的对话。你可以接受邀请,你也可以拒绝邀请。但拒绝邀请必须使用“have/has to+动词原形”或“be+doing”结构来阐述理由。 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 二、根据“I’m going to the doctor this Friday.”这个句子,按要求完 成下列各题。 1. 此句中的“am going to the doctor”可翻译成“正在去看医生” 吗,如果不可以,则应该翻译成________________________。此处使用了 “be+doing”表________. 2. ________ are you ________ this Friday?(对划线部分提问) 3. 上边对划线部分提问所得的句子应该翻译成 ______________________________________?. 【课堂练习】 一、 对话练习。 1.左列同学为Eliza,停留在27页;右列为Lu Qing,翻到82页。注 意:彼此不能看相互所在页码信息。 2.将下列单词发展成动词词组。 如:school go to school_ soccer practice _________________; Susan’s party_______________; piano lesson______________. 3.浏览各自时间表中的词组,确定你清楚它们的意思。 4.积极参加老师组织的词组口译大赛。 5.仔细浏览各自时间表,在图表中勾出你(Eliza或Lu Qing)空闲的 时间段。 Eliza Lu Qing Days Morning AfternooEvening Morning Afternoevening n on Monday Tuesday Wednesd ay Thursda y Friday Saturday Sunday 6.模仿课文4中左边的对话,对照4中你自己的时间表,进行对话以 找到彼此都能去购物街(go to the mall)的时间。 7.争取机会展示你们制作的对话,接受老师和同学们的建议和掌声。 二、补全对话。 A: Hello, can you watch the NBA games this week? B: Sure, I’d love to. When? A: Well, _________ are you ________ Wednesday morning? B: I’m ___________ to school. What about Saturday morning? A: I have _________ to do that morning. That’s a deal! B: By the way, _______ are we watching the game? A: Let’s do it in my house. B: Great! Thanks for ________ _________. 【要点归纳】 回顾制作邀请卡的基本要素和方法;罗列询问对方作息时间表的 重要句式。 【拓展练习】 制作一张漂亮的邀请卡。 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit5 Can you come to my party? Section B 1a-2c(4) (1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并能正确地运用单词“yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, weekday, weekend.‖ 2.熟悉对星期的询问及回答;学会日期的表达法 3.灵活地将星期和日期用到发出或接收邀请的谈话中以丰富说的能 力;提升自己听的能力。 【重点,难点】 日期表达法;听、说能力的提升。 【导学指导】 温故知新 1.优秀邀请卡展示。 2.选出老师所展示的卡中最好的两张并根据它们制作对话。 3.大声朗读或背诵56页中课堂练习二中的对话。 知识链接 请选择使用“date”或“day”填空。 1.—What _______ is it today?—It’s Monday. 2.—What’s the _______ today?/What _______is it today? —It’s November the eleventh, 2009. 由此,我们可以得知:对星期的提问要使用______________________________________________, 而且所有表星期的词后都有“day”这个词缀。 对日期的提问要使用 _______________________________________________________________ _。 自主互助学习 一、 认真思考,完成下列各题。 1.请按此表规律将“the day、after(在...之后)、before(在 …之前)和下列各词组合新词填空。 yesterday today tomorrow 昨天 今天 明天 2.请先补充这个星期的日历(如:March the eleventh/March 11th),然后使用the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, weekend这些词来填写表格中的第二行。 SaturdWednesdSunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday ay ay the _______ the________ the________ the________ the________ the___the_______ _ 3. 参照1c中的对话依据上边的图表和搭档制作对话。思考be动词 在yesterday、the day before yesterday两个情况下会有什么变化吗, 4. 大胆展示你们的对话。 二、听力练习。 1. 小组讨论2a、2b题意,并预读2a中的活动及时间,确信你明白 它们的含义。 2. 听磁带,注意力一定要高度集中并学会捕捉重要的信息。 3. 同老师同学核对你的答案。对不清楚的地方向老师申请反复播放。 【课堂练习】 一、 对话练习。 1.依据2c要求制作对话。注意:你得使用提出或接收邀请的重要句 式及阐述不能接受邀请的原因时所使用的两种句式。 2.大胆展示你们的对话。 二、选择填空。 1. —What’s the ________ today?—It’s September 12, 2009. A. day B. date C. month D. week 2. —What day _______ it the day before yesterday?—It was Friday. A. is B. are C. was D. were 3. —What’s today?—It’s Thursday the __________. A. nine B. nineth C. ninth D. nineteen. 4. —What are you doing the day after tomorrow? —I __________ for the math test. A. study B. studying C. am studying D. will studies 5. Sunday is the ________day of a week. A. seventh B. first C. oneth D. last 【要点归纳】 总结日期的表达法及在询问星期和日期时的区别;灵活使用today 等词。 【拓展练习】 阅读下列文章,判断正误。 . Yao Ming is one of the most famous professional NBA basketball players. He is now working for Houston Rockets as a center, a team from Western Conference. He has been in the league for almost eight years. He works very hard and plays very well. As a result, many Americans become interested in him and see him as their ideal(偶像). Unluckily, he got injured(受伤) and had to be in hospital. He missed the whole last season and the Rockets failed to join in the Playoffs in 2009-2010. Yao Ming is now training very hard and has already recovered a lot. All of his fans look forward to his coming back and believe he can succeed greatly in the coming season. ( )1. Yao Ming is a professional baseball player ( )2. The Houston Rockets belongs to(属于) Eastern Conference. ( )3. Many Americans don’t like Yao Ming because he is Chinese. ( )4. Houston Rockets didn’t join in the Playoffs in 2009-2010. ( )5.All of Yao Ming’s fans hope to see Yao Ming in the coming season. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit5 Can you come to my party? Section B 3a-4(5)(1 课时) 【学习目标】 1.提高自己的阅读能力。 2.能使用“be+doing”和“have/has to +动词原形”两种结构及星期词 汇写好电子邮件。 【重点,难点】 通过阅读发现写作一篇好的电子邮件的写作技巧;灵活使用 “be+doing”和“have/has to +动词原形”及星期词汇创作好的不能接受 别人邀请的电子邮件。 【导学指导】 温故知新 1.默写下列词汇。 前天 昨天 今天 明天 后天 2.与同学进行时间和日期的询问和回答。 知识链接 同老师学生探讨英语信件的格式与电子邮件的格式的区别以及英语 信封的写法。 Dear ×××, How was your day off? …………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . Yours, ××× Dear ×××, How was your day off? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Yours, ××× 英语信封的写法 自主互助学习 一、 阅读3a中的文章,完成下列各题。 1. 根据文章内容,填写图表(注意:填写动词词组时使用原形)。 Sunday Thursday Monday Friday Tuesday go to the dentist Saturday Wednesday 2.本篇文章的主题句: _______________________________________________________________ __ _______________________________________________________________ __________________________ 3.文章使用了_________________, __________________, _________________, _______________及 __________________五个词将整篇文章联系在一起,让文章的思路清晰明了。 4.文章中主要是通过______________________和 ________________________两个结构来阐述不能接受邀请的原因的。 二、结合3a所学及3b题意,完成3b。注意这篇文章的创作和3a有什么共同点, 【课堂练习】 请使用你从3a、3b中所学到的写作技巧,按3c要求,创作一篇属于你自己的电子邮件。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【要点归纳】 回顾电子邮件的格式;重述书写电子邮件的要素或写作技巧。 【拓展练习】 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Thanks for your _____________(invite). 2. My father is ___________(real) busy , so he can’t come to your party. 3. Some people think Monday is the __________(one) day of a week. In fact it’s Sunday. 4. I _______________(babysit) my little brother, so I can’t go to the mall with you this weekend. 5. My cousin has to ___________(relax) at home because he stayed up for the game between Spain and Holland of the___________(nineteen) World Cup held in South Africa this early morning. 6. I have a ___________(tooth) and I need to go to the dentist. 7. Don’t always complain about too ___________(many), it’s harmful to your health. 8. I’d _______(like) __________ (buy) a scarf for my mother’s _____________(forty) birthday. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit6 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Section A 1a-1c(1)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会形容词和副词比较级的规则变法。 2.识记描述人外貌的词组。 3.学会使用比较级来做比较。 【重点,难点】 识记形容词和副词比较级变法的多条规则;使用比较级来描 述人的外貌。 【导学指导】 温故知新 写出下列词的反义词并大声朗读它们。 big__________; beautiful___________; short__________; easy___________; white________________; happy________; good____________; cool____________; expensive_________________; old____________; heavy________; hot _____________. 知识链接 表示外貌的易弄错的词:留长发— have long hair; 属于中等身材—be of medium build; 属于中等身高—be of medium height。如:她中等身材, 留着长发。—She is of medium build and has long hair. 自主互助学习 1.仔细观看图片,并将方框中的单词与图片匹配起来。你可以使用单 词表来帮助你。 _________________ ________________ ________________ ___________________ __________________ ________________ ___________________ __________________ heavy; athletic; smart; calm; funny; outgoing; wild; quiet; serious; thin; ________________ ___________________ 2.大声朗读以上单词并根据1a要求完成单词连线。 3. 阅读课本93页至94页1至2中的内容后,将下列单词变其为它们 的比较级。 quiet__________; calm___________; smart____________; wild___________; funny____________; thin___________; outgoing___________________; athletic________________; heavy___________; serious____________________; long______________; short____________; tall_______; good____; far____________; little__________; many/much__________; well________. 4. Liu Xiang is tall. Yao Ming is taller. Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang. A +…+ 形容词/副词的比较级+than+B A与B相比更……。 Han Hong is __________(heavy) than Zhang Ziyi./Zhang Ziyi is _______(thin) than Han Hong. Li Yong is _______________(outgoing) than Shui Junyi. My car is 4.5m long, his car is 5m, so My car is _________than his car. And his car is _____than my car. 5.认真观察课本31页中的图片,将三对双胞胎的名字写到下列横线 上。 ___________/____________ ____________/____________ ___________/_____________ 6.听录音,完成1b。 7.核对答案,要求老师反复播放你不清楚的地方。 【课堂练习】 请先找到适合的词描述各张图片,然后与同学对下列四组图片进行比 较。 2 1 3 4 【要点归纳】 形容词、副词比较级的变法;比较级的使用。 【拓展练习】 My father has _______(short) hair than my mother. My mother has _______(long)hair than my father. But my father is ________(heavy) than my mother and ___________(outgoing)than her.(填空) 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit6 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Section A 2a-2c(2)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.熟悉形容词和副词比较级的规则变法。 2.识记描述人外貌、性格的词组。 3.通过使用比较级来丰富听和说的能力。 【重点,难点】 识记并熟悉形容词、副词的多种规则变化; 在听和说的过程 中熟练使用比较级。 【导学指导】 温故知新 1.写出下列词的比较级并大声朗读它们。 big__________; beautiful___________; short__________; easy___________; white_____________; happy________; good____________; cool____________; expensive__________; old____________; heavy________; hot _____________. 2.回忆昨天所学,并再次仔细观看图片,并将方框中的单词与图片匹 配起来,然后再写出它们的比较级。 Outgoing/ more outgoing ________________ ________________ ___________________ __________________ ________________ ___________________ __________________ heavy; athletic; smart; calm; funny; outgoing; wild; quiet; serious; thin; ________________ ___________________ 3.回忆昨天所学,翻译下列词组。 留长发_________________; 属于中等身材_________________; 留 短发___________________;属于中等身高_________________________。 知识链接 比较下边两组句子,看看它们之间有什么不同的地方。 1. Zhang Xi is taller than Wang Han.(Zhang Xi:1.6m; Wang Han:1.61) Zhang Xi is a little taller than Wang Han. 2. Li Shi is heavier than Lu Xing. (Li Shi:48kg; Lu Xing: 84kg) Li Shi is much heavier than Lu Xing. 根据对比,我们可以知道:第一组中的第二个句子比第一个句子多了 一个__________;第二组中的第二个句子比第一个句子多了一个 _________。两组中的第一个句子只是让听者知道Zhang Xi 比Wang Han 高,但高多少就不得而知了。而第二个句子交代了高一点点,这样,听者 很快就会明白两者之间身高的差别很小。所以,我们在使用比较级的过程 中可以在形容词或副词前边使用a little, much/a lot, even这些词来补充比较 的程度,最终达到语言表达的准确。 自主互助学习 1.弄清2a题意,在课本上完成2a。 2.听录音,核对答案并大声朗读它们。 3.弄清2b题意,听录音,并按题意要求完成2b。 4.核对答案,并及时对不确定的地方向老师提出反复播放的要求。 5.左列同学看32页,右列同学迅速翻到83页,彼此确保2c中的信 息不被对方看到。 6.弄清***号的意思后,彼此按照右侧的问题提示,通过向对方提问 的方式完成各自图表中的格,完成后,对照两页的信息,看看哪组搭 档最有默契, 【课堂练习】 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. My father is much __________(tall) and ___________(heavy) than my mother, but my mother is _______________(outgoing) and __________(smart) than him. 2. As we know, Zhao Benshan is a lot _________(funny) than Shui Junyi. 3. I think China has _________(large) population than India. 4. Who is ___________________(athletic), Liu Xiang or Shi Dongpeng? 5. Taking the subway to school is much _________(cheap) than taking the taxi to school. 【拓展练习】 翻译下列句子。 1.我留着比我哥哥更长的头发 __________________________________________________________. 2.她属于中等身材,但和我相比,还是重了那么一点点。 ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________________. 3.我们数学老师喜欢安静的学生,但我们英语老师喜欢外向的学生。 __________________________ _________________________________________________________ __________________________ 4.他比他的妻子大5岁。 __________________________________________________________ ____. 5.Non-smokers are much healthier than smokers.____________________________________________. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit6 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Section A 3a-4(3)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.进一步熟悉形容词和副词比较级的规则变法。 2.学会使用比较级及“as…as, the same as ,be different from, look the same, look like”来做比较。 【重点,难点】 “as…as”用于比较的使用方法;灵活交叉使用“as…as”等词及比较 级来进行比较。 【导学指导】 温故知新 1.写出下列词的比较级。 big__________; beautiful___________; short__________; easy___________; white_____________; happy________;good____________;cool___________;heavy__________; hot_____________.;light_______; athletic__________________;smart_____________;expensive___________________;old____________;calm_______;funny____________;outgoing_________________;wild__________;quiet____________;thin_____; serious__________________; 知识链接 “both”的使用:We both love China. We both enjoy going to parties. We are both from Sweden. We are both more outgoing than our parents. Both Lily and Jim takes the car to school. 根据上边的例句,你可以总结both的用法,然后完成下列各题。 我们两个都吃鱼。 ___________________________________________________________ ________. 他们两个都是外向的。 ___________________________________________________________ ____. 姚明和易建联两个都正在NBA打球。 __________________________________________________. _____________________________________________________________ _______________________ 自主互助学习 一、 阅读3a中的内容及3b中的对话后,完成下列各题。 1.翻译下列词组。 为…而感谢某人_________________; 双胞胎妹妹______________; 双胞胎哥哥____________; 正如你所看到的那样______________; 在一些 方面 _____________; 看起来一样_____________; 看起来不同 ____________; 超过、多于____________;一些共有的东西 ______________________; 和…一样擅 长…____________________________; 更外向一点 ___________________________________;与… 一样_______________; 我 们两个都_____________; 她最喜爱的科目________________。 2.完成3a的要求,注意 ―T‖, ―F‖及“DK”代表的意思。 3.小组讨论各自答案并同老师核对最后正确答案。 二、.考考你的观察力。认真阅读3a文章,找到下列句子的同义句。 1. Liu Li and Liu Ying have some things in common. ______ _______ _______, Liu Li and Liu Ying ______ ______ ______. 2. Liu Li isn’t as good at sports as Liu Ying. Liu Ying is ________ ____________ than Liu Li. 3. Liu Ying talks more than Liu Li. Liu Ying is _________ _________ than Liu Li. 4. Liu Ying loves P.E best. Liu Ying’s __________ _________ is P.E. 三、根据3b中的对话制作对话。你可和搭档相互介绍你们自己同你们好 友的相同点和不同点,注意使用3a中的用于比较的词。 四、争取机会向你的师生介绍你们同你们好友的相同和不同点。 【课堂练习】 选择题。 1.Here _____ a photo of Jay Chou. A. are B. is C. have D. has. 2.Look at those twins! _____ many ways , they look the same. A For B. About C. In D. By 3.My father has the same hobbies _____ my grandfather. A. with B. for C. from D. as 4.As you can see, I am _______ more athletic than my partner. A. many B. a lot of C. little D. much 5.I don’t like my math teacher, because he is _________ than my French teacher. A. seriouser B. more serious C. much serious D. most serious 6.They _________all over the United States last year. However, we have never been to the USA. A. both travel B. all travel C. travel both D. both traveled. 7. _______he is from England, but he isn’t as good at speaking English as I am. A. Although B. Because C. So D./ 8. Their sweaters are as ________as mine. A. more expensive B. expensiver C. expensive D. most expensive. 【要点归纳】 口译重要词组;“both”“as…as‖及“same、different”及比较级的区 别。 【拓展练习】 翻译下列词组。 1.在一些方面,我们看起来一样;在一些方面,我们看起来不同。 ____________________________________________________________ ______________________. 2.哥哥比妹妹重一点点。 __________________________________________________________ ________________________. 3.我和王选一样擅长科学。 ____________________________________________________________ ______________________. 4.我们两个都喜欢踢足球。 ____________________________________________________________ ______________________. 5.陈醒的双胞胎哥哥留着比他更长的头发。 ____________________________________________________________ ______________________. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit6 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Section B 1a-2c(4)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记、运用描述好朋友 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的词句。 2.听磁带,进一步熟悉比较级的用法并学会运用听力中所使用的对比 方法。 3.提高自己的听力技巧。 【重点,难点】 识记并运用描述好朋友标准的词句;将听力中使用的对比方 法移为己用。 【导学指导】 温故知新 一、写出下列词的比较级。 outgoing____________; athletic______________; wild___________; serious______________________; beautiful________________; quiet_________; calm__________; popular_______________________; good___________; well___________; cool___________; important______________; heavy_____________; thin_________; fat___________; hot____________。 二、选择正确答案。 1.I work as ______as my sister, so we both get good grades. A. harder B. hardest C. hard D. hardly 2.I have the same hairstyle ______ his, but my hobby is different ______ his. A. as, from B. from, as C. for , from. D. with, from 3.Their book is ________ than mine. A. very interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. interester 知识链接 一、请选择正确的词组翻译填空。 对…有好处;擅长于…;善于与某人打交道;对某人和善; be good for___________; be good to sb._________________ be good with sb.__________________; be good at____________; do well in_______________。 二、根据上边所学词组,完成下列问题。 1.She is good _____children, so we think she should be a teacher. 2.We both get good grades because we are both good ______ school work. 3.If we are good ______others we can build a society of hamony. 4.Her cousin can do better _____math than her. 5.Don’t smoke any more! It isn’t good ______ your health. 自主互助学习 一、 阅读1a中的内容及1b中的对话后,完成下列各题。 1.翻译下列词组。 have cool clothes_______________; be popular in school_______________; like to do the same things as me_______________________; be good at______________; make sb. Laugh________________; 2.使用1a中的词句,按下边对话提示制作对话。 A:I think a good friend should have cool clothes. What about you? B: In my opinion, a good friend should like to do the same things as me. I don’t think a good friend should have cool clothes. C: For me, a good friend should …. I think it’s unnecessary for a good friend to be good at school- work.. 3.展示你们的对话。 二、阅读2a、2b题目,完成下列要求。 1.弄清题意并小组讨论如何做才能提升自己的听力。 2.听磁带,完成听力。注意使用你们讨论所得的听力技巧。 3.同老师同学核对答案。 三、根据2a图表中所填的信息,对话对比Holly\Maria同他们朋友之间相 同和不同的地方。 四、展示你们的对话。 【课堂练习】 选择题。 1.I don’t like to read books in the sunshine because it’s not good _______my eyes. A. at B. for C. with D. to 2.Liu Li always makes us _______happy. So we all like to spend time with her. A. feels B. felt C, feel D. fell 3.Her science and English are a little better ______ Lucy’s. A. at B. in C. than D. of 4.They ______the Internet next Wednesday. A. surfing B. surf C. are surfing D. will surfs 5.Exercising more can help us keep in good ______. A. healthy B. healthly C. healthily D health 6.In order to protect our earth, we should use the bus _____and drive our cars _____. A. more, less B. less, more C. much, little D. more, fewer. 7._____ you can see, our school is larger than your school. A,. What B. When C. As D. How 8.Her physics ______ better than any other students’ A. is B. are C. do D. does. 【要点归纳】 回忆表述好朋友标准的词句;总结一下这节课所学到到的听力技巧。 【拓展练习】 改错。 1.Look at the boy! He has as longer hair as his sister.___________________ 2.They like both staying up to watch the games of the World Cup in South Arica._____________ 3.Although he played very well, but his national team failed to win the Cup.___________ 4.If you are well in English, you can work as a reporter or a tour guide when you are older.__________ 5.She is very popular than any other her classmates because she is friendly to others.______________ 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit6 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Section B 3a-4(5)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会使用比较级和其他用于比较的词撰写文章介绍自己交友的原 则及自己和好友的相同点和不同点。 2.学会撰写招聘广告及通过比较选择适合招聘的最佳人选。 【重点,难点】 将比较级灵活地运用到文章或谈话中去。 温故知新 选择填空。 1.Lu Xian has more foreign friends than Wang Ban __________. A. is B. have C. was D. does. 2.I think the Chinese are _________than the Japanese. A friendlier B. more friendly C. friendlyer D. more friendlier. 3.Their grandparents ________ at home on weekends. A are all B. are both C. all are D. both are. 4. Are you good _____ spending time with kids? We need a teacher. A. as B. in C. at D for 5.This summer is much _______ than last summer. A. too hot B. hot C. hotter D. hottest. 知识链接 “it”做形式主语和形式宾语。 Getting on well with your classmates is very important for you.仔细观察这个句子,你可以发现,划线部分是这个句子的主语。英语也是 一门非常美的语言,为了避免头重脚轻,让这个句子均衡,主语可用it来 取代,把真正的主语使用to+动词原形放到句子后边。具体如下: It is very important for you to get on well with your classmates. I find it a little difficult for me to get on well with my classmates. 在这个句子中,你可以发现,划线部分是做了这个句子的宾 语。而it仅仅是它的形式宾语。其目的跟上边的的句子是一个道理。请根 据上边所讲,完成下列问题。 1.It is a little tired for us ________ to watch the soccer games held in South Africa. A. stay up B. to stay up C. staying up D. stays up 2.Our parents think _____ impossible for me to get good grades in the coming final exam. A. / B. it C. I D. me 3. Getting up early is good for our health.(同义句) _______ is good for our health_______ ________ ________early. 自主互助学习 一、 阅读3a中的内容,完成下列各题。 1.翻译下列词组。 持相反的看法 ______________________; 拥有与我相像的朋友 __________________________; 大多数孩子_________________; 一些不同点________________; 在…方 面打败某人__________;在友谊中_______________; 更外向的 ________________。 2.核对你们自学的结果并大声朗读它们。 3.按3a要求划出描述人外貌性格的词,注意它们的原级和比较级。 二、阅读3a,完成下列问题。 1.Who likes to have friends who are different from him or her? A. James Green B. Huang Lei C. Mary Smith D. Larry. 2.Yang Li is ________ than James Smith. A. smarter B. quieter C. taller D. more outgoing 3.Huang Lei thinks it’s _____ to be the same. A. necessary B. important C. unnecessary D. different 4.Larry always beats Huang Lei in ______. A. basketball B. baseball C. tennis D. soccer. 5.Who have opposite views according to the passage? A. James Green and Mary Smith B. James Green and Huang Lei C. Yuan Li and Larry D. Carol and Mary Smith 【课堂练习】 一、周琼是方欣最要好的朋友,请你以方欣的身份,按照下列图表提示, 撰写文章对比你们相同和不同的地方。注意使用比较级及“the same as、a little、much、as…as、both、different”等用于比较的词。 Name Height(高度) Weight(体重) Outgoing Athletic English(分) Fang Xin 1.7m 58kg 109 ?? ??? Zhou 1.7m 59kg 115 ???? ? Qiong I like to have friends who are like me._________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Fang Xin_____ 二、阅读4中的招聘广告,注意招聘广告的格式并写一个招聘其它工种的 招聘广告。 【要点归纳】 比较级及用于比较的其他词在写作中的运用;招聘广告的格式。 【拓展练习】 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.Her pen pal likes to do the same things as she _________(do). 2.Could you please tell me four _________(different) between the two pictures. 3.I don’t think she is _______(well) at playing badminton. 4.Those aliens enjoy__________(fly) in the UFO. 5.There are much more buildings on both _______(side) of this street than before. 6.Liu Xiang is as ________as Wang Junxia.(athlete) 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A 1a-1c(1)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并运用与turn、cut、pour、put相关的词组及first、then、next、 finally四个顺序副词。 2.学会描述香蕉奶昔的制作流程。 3.识记祈使句的结构、类型并学会使用简单的祈使句。 【重点,难点】 相关动词词组的辨析和运用;祈使句的使用。 温故知新 对划线部分提问。 1.His best friend exercises three times a week. _________ _________ ______ his best friend ___________? 2.Wang Lan usually takes the subway to school. ________ _________ Wang Lan usually _______ the subway to school? 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.They have as ________(long) hair as us. 2.She does _______(well) in math than her brother. 3.They have _______(much) homework to do today than they did yesterday. 4.Wu Xi _________(go) to a movie with her parents this weekend. 5.Her mother-in-law has a ___________(stomach) and she has to _____(take) her to the hospital. 知识链接 ―turn‖的使用。 大家都使用过电视、冰箱、收录音机、电风扇等家用电器吧?在它们开 关的旁边一般都印着“on/off‖ 的字样,它们就是“开/关”的意思。同样,“站起来”是“stand up”, “坐下”是“sit down”,我们可以推断,“up”是“向上”,“down” 是“向下”。现在,轮到大家造词了。 1.打开 turn on; 2. 关掉______________; 3. 调高(声音) ______________; 4. 调低_______________。当然,“turn”还有其它的用 法:turn left 向左转;turn right 向右转;turn to Page 23 翻到23页;the first turning 第一个拐角处;It’s your turn 轮到你了。 根据上边所述,完成下列各题。 1.The baby is sleeping. Could you please _________ the CD player ? A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down D. turn up 2.Go along the street and take the second ___________(turn) on the right, then you can find the school. 自主互助学习 一、请对应上边图片,填写它们所属奶昔(shake)类型并和同学一起熟读、 识记它们。(西瓜:watermelon) 1_________ milk shake 2._________ shake 3._________shake 4.____________shake 二、结合上边所学,你可以发现,课本41页的图片中是在制作 ________________(填写英语),在制作这种奶昔的过程中,需要用到 ________________ ,_________________,______________,___________ 和_______________(请用英语填写)。它的制作流程又是什么呢,请结 合图片、单词表及知识链接所学,按照1a题目要求完成1a。之后,同小 组成员核对答案并大声朗读它们。 三、考考你的记忆力。翻译下列词组。 1.打开搅拌器_____________________________; 2.剥香蕉(皮) _____________________________; 3.将香蕉和冰欺凌放到搅拌器里 ________________________________________;4.切碎香蕉_________; 5.将牛奶倒进搅拌器里______________________________;6. 享用(喝)奶 昔____________________; 四、仔细观察1b中的6个句子,你不难发现,它们的句首都是 _____________,这种句子在汉语中同样存在,用于表述一种命令或用在使 用说明中表示一种指令,它们就是____________ 句。1b中的这6个句子 就属于_________________________。同小组成员核对你的答案。 五、听力。 1.弄清1b题意,然后要求老师播放听力并认真完成题意要求。 2.核对答案,并要求老师再次播放听力,帮助自己填写下列空格。用 心去写,能写几个写几个。 说话人使用了First,__________,Now,___________,___________及 _____________6个词巧妙地将制作香蕉奶昔的工序很有条理地讲述给了 听者。 3.翻阅听力材料,检测自己做对了几个,不要气馁哦,这个题很有难 度的~别忘了改错或补填你没听出的单词~然后同老师同学一同朗读它们。 【课堂练习】 一、 对话练习。同搭档一起仿照下列model conversation彼此介绍制作香 蕉奶昔的工序。 A:How do you make a banana milk shake?/I want to drink some banana milk shake.Can you tell me how to make it? B:Take it easy! Let me tell you carefully.First,......,Then...... 二、 选择题。 1.Please ___________ some water into my milk. A.cut B. pour C. peel D. Make 2.________ the lights before you leave the room. A.Turn on B.Turn down C.Turn off D. Turn against 3.Please ________ the TV. I’d like to see the TV play. A.turn up B.turn on C. turn down D.turn off 4.______ talking! Don’t you see it’s time for class. A.Stops B. Stopping C.Stop D.To stop 【要点归纳】 简单祈使句的基本结构及运用;first, then, next,finally几个词的使用; 香蕉奶昔的制作工序。 【拓展练习】 你知道如何制作香蕉奶昔吗,填空完成下列说明。 1._________ ,__________three bananas. 2.__________, _________ _______the bananas and ______ the bananas and ice cream_____the blender. 3.__________, _______the milk _______the blender. 4.__________. ______ ______ the blender. After a while, you can __________ the milk shake. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A 2a-2c(2)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会对可数名词及不可数名词数量的提问及使用量词来表达不可 数名词的数量。 2.能通过对话获取或介绍制作一种食物所需的原料。 3.提升自己听和说的能力。 【重点,难点】 对可数名词与不可数名词数量的提问及表达的辨析;通过对话获取 或介绍制作一种食物所需的原料。 温故知新 一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1.We shouldn’t p_____ dirty water into the river. 2.It’s seven o’clock. Please t_____on the TV.Let’s watch the CCTV news report. 3. Please c_____ up the potatoes. It’s easier to cook. 4. P____the bananas before you eat them. 二、描述制作香蕉奶昔的工序。 知识链接 “need‖的使用。 1.You needn’t arrive at school at 6:00, it’s so early. 2.Mary doesn’t need to arrive at school at 6:00, it’s so early. 请仔细观察上边两个句子,它们都是_______句,但否定的方法不同。根据前边所学到的变一个句子为否定句的方法,我们很容易得知,“need‖不是我们所寻找的be动词,也不属于这三个助动词(do、does、did ),但第一个句子中却在“need”后边加“not,”缩写成“needn’t,”后边arrive使用了它的原形也遵循了情态动词后边使用动词原形这一大性质。从以上两个方面,我们可以得知:“need”是一个_____________动词。在第二个句子中,你可以发现,里边并没有我们要找的“be”动词或助动词,“need”也不可能是情态动词。如果是的话,就根本不需要借一个“doesn’t”来帮助否定。由此,我们得知,“need”是一个和“eat”一样的实义动词,其第三人称单数是_________,过去式或过去分词是__________ 。根据以上所述,判断下列句子中“need”是情态动词还是实义动词,并在后边横线上说明理由。 1.He needs to have a rest. ______________ ______________________________ 2.They don’t need to return the book to Mr. Wang .______________ ____________________________ 3.—Must I finish my homework this afternoon? — No, you needn’t. _____________ ____________________________ 自主互助学习 一、考考你的观察力。 1.请在课本42页的范围内(包括题目)搜寻到下列词组的英语翻译。 水果沙拉__________________;原料的名称 ______________________________________________; 多少__________________;多少_________________;在图表中____________________;在正确的数目旁边 ________________________________________;一茶杯酸奶 ___________________________________; 可数名词__________________________;不可数名词___________________________________________; 2.小组核对答案并大声朗读、识记它们。 3.仔细观察2a中的图片,翻译下列单词。然后小组核对答案并大声朗读、识记它们。 茶匙___________;西瓜______________; 蜂蜜 _______________;香蕉_____________;苹果____________;橘子____________;酸奶____________。 二、听力(2a-2b)。 1. 弄清2a题意,按要求完成图表。 2. 同老师核对答案,注意在有分歧的地方要求老师再次播放磁带并根据新获取的信息修改自己的答案。 3.根据所填图标,我们可以发现“how much”后边跟了“yogurt、honey”这两个词,而“how many”后边跟了“bananas、watermelon、oranges‖ 等词。思考:“yogurt、honey”与“bananas...‖的区别在哪里,请根据思考结果,我们可以得知:How much +_________________;How many+______________. 4.弄清2b题意,完成2b图表。然后同老师核对答案。 5.根据所听到的听力,我们可以知道:一杯酸奶____________________; 两茶匙蜂蜜_____________。 那么,以此类推,我们可以知道:两公斤鸡肉_______________________; 三篮子洋芋_______________ _______________;六盒月饼_________________________;四瓶牛奶______________________________; 三碗饭____________________。(注意:公斤—kilo,篮子—basket,盒—box,瓶—bottle,碗—bowl。) 6.小组核对答案。思考:是不是只有不可数名词才能使用量词,量词有没有单复数变化,如果可数名词使用了量词来表达数量的话,可数名词要使用单数形式还是复数形式, 【课堂练习】 一、 根据2c要求,,模仿2c右边的对话,参照2a、2b中的信息制作对 话。思考对话中使用的“need” 是情态动词还是实义动词, 二、 对划线部分提问。 1.We need six oranges to make fruit salad. _________ _________ oranges __________ we need to make fruit salad? 2.We need two teaspoons of honey to make fruit salad. _________ _________ honey ________ we need to make fruit salad? 3.We need two teaspoons of honey to make fruit salad. _________ _________ teaspoons of honey ________ we need to make fruit salad? 4.He drank two bowls of soup yesterday . _________ __________ soup _______ he ________ yesterday? 【要点归纳】 量词在可数名词和不可数名词中的使用;对可数名词和不可数名词数 量的提问。 【拓展练习】 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.—How many ________(banana) do we need?—Three . 2.—How ________(many) is the pen? —Twenty yuan. 3.In my opinion, pour two ________(cup) of yogurt into the blender. 4.It usually takes you half an hour to pick a basket of _________(apple). 5.There is only a little _______(orange) in the bottle and two __________(orange)on the table. 6.He needs _____________(work) harder if he really wants to get better grades. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A3a-4(3)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.能熟练运用first,then,next,finally及量词。 2.能给别人介绍制作水果沙拉、爆米花、西红柿牛肉面及其它食物的 具体工序。 3.提升自己说的能力。 【重点,难点】 将first等顺序副词、量词及祈使句灵活地用到一起来表述一种食物的 制作工序。 温故知新 一、 请再次翻译下列词组 一杯酸奶____________________;两茶匙蜂蜜 ______________________________;两公斤鸡肉_______________________;三篮子洋芋_____________________;六盒月饼 _________________________;四瓶牛奶______________________________;三碗饭____________________。 二、 选择题。 1.We need _______onion and five _______. A.a, tomatos B.an, tomatos C.an, tomatoes D.a, tomatoes 2._______fruit salad did your mother make the day before yesterday? A.How many B.How much C.How often D.How far 3.It’s good for your health to have ________every morning. A.two glasses of milk B.two glass of milk C.two glasses of milks D. two glass of milks 4.______, peel some bananas . Then cut them up and put it in the blender. A.Finally B.First C.Next D. Last 知识链接 一、请熟悉下边这首关于祈使句的儿歌并根据你对儿哥的理解完成下列问 题。 祈使句,祈使句,请求命令或建议; 主语是you常省去,动词原形 开头住; 否定形式要注意,句首要把Don’t加;要讲客气用please,句首句末 没关系。 1.祈使句的基本结构是:_____________ + 其它. 2.否定祈使句的基本结构是: __________ + _________ + 其它. 3.若要客气一些,如何改变“Cut up the potatoes.‖这个祈使句,有多少 种改法,请将你所改写的客气的祈使句写到下列横线上。 _______________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________ __________________________ 二、“let”型祈使句。基本结构:let + sb.(not) + 动词原形 + 其他。意为“让某人(不要)做某事”,let us 通常缩写成 let’s。根据let型祈使句,完成下列问题。 1.Let me __________(help) you carry the heavy box.(用所给词的正确形式填空) 2.Let those students _______________________________(不要打篮球)here. It’s dangerous. 三、“No + 动词-ing”型、“No + 名词”型、“Why don’t you/Why not + 动词原形 + 其他”型。 1.No parking here.(这里不准停车) No smoking .(不准抽烟) 2.No wet umbrellas.(不得带湿的雨伞进入) No schoolbags.(不得带书包进入) No photos(禁止拍照) 3.Why not go skateboarding?(干嘛不去踩滑板) Why don’t you have a rest?(干嘛不休息一下) 自主互助学习 一、仔细阅读3a,完成下列问题。 1.认真阅读3a文章,在下列表格中填写出制作水果沙拉所需的原料及数量。然后,使用“How many‖, ―How much‖及图表中的信息进行询问和介绍制作水果沙拉所需原料的对话。 Ingredient Amount 2.弄清3a题意,按要求填写对话中的横线。 3.核对答案并理解背诵3a中的对话。争取机会在老师同学面前展示你的理解力和记忆力。 二、认真思考,仔细观察,完成下列各题。 1.考考你的“快速定位”能力。请在课本43页中找到下列词组的翻译并大声朗读识记它们。 切碎_____________;把...放到...里______________;两茶匙蜂蜜__________________________; 一杯酸奶__________________;把它全部混合在一起 ______________________;制作爆米花__________; 爆米花机_________________________;打开_______________;煮面条____________________________; 加......到......中去__________________________;按正确顺序摆放或排列......________________ ___________________。 2.按3b题意要求描述制作爆米花的具体工序。注意使用“first”等顺序副词。 3.尝试只看3b图片,描述爆米花制作的工序。 4.快速阅读4中制作西红柿牛肉面的制作工序并合上课本和搭档彼此描述它的制作工序。 【课堂练习】 一、 按要求完成句子。 1.Turn on the popcorn popper.(变为否定句) ________ _________ on the popcorn popper. 2.Make some banana milk shake for me.(将please放入句中使句 子感觉更有礼貌) ___________________________________________________________ _________________________ 3.Don’t smoke in the classroom any more.(肯定回答) No,I _________. 4.Don’t talk. It’s time for class.( 变为同义句) No __________. It’s time for class. 5.Why not come to school early?(变为同义句) ________ _________ ________ come to school early? 6.I need two teaspoons of honey .( 对划线部分提问) ________ _________ _________ do you need? 二、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.Eating two ___________(tomato) every day is good for our health. 2._____________(not arrive) late next time. 3.Let’s __________(make) some popcorn for our parents. They must be hungry after work. 三、选择填空。 1.Please add some salt _____the chicken.A.in B.on C.for D.to 2.Jim, your room is out of order. Please clean your room and put your things ___ order. A. out B. of C.in D.up 3.The apples are too big. So you can __________ first. A.cut it up B.cut them up C.cut up it D.cut up them 【要点归纳】 复述三种食物的制作工序。 【拓展练习】 想出一种食物并写出它具体的制作工序。 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section B1a-2c(4)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并能运用“bread(面包)、butter(黄油)、relish(佐料)、lettuce(生菜)、turkey(火鸡肉)、onion(洋葱)、turkey slices(火鸡肉片)、sandwich(三明治)这些词及表达它们数量的方法。 2.学会描述三明治的制作工序。 3.提升自己听和说的能力。 【重点,难点】 可数名词或不可数名词的甄别;听力中的快速记写;不可数名词数量的表达。 温故知新 从表格中选择适当的句子补全对话。 A.Then we cut up the bananas. B.How many apples do we need? C.How much honey do we need? D.Can you make fruit salad? E.What should we do then? A: 1__ B:Yes, let me make it for you. A:OK. 2____ B:Oh, only one. And we need honey and bananas. A: 3___ B:About two teaspoons. A:How many bananas do we need? B:Three. A: 4____ B:First we cut up the apple. Next we peel the bananas. 5_____ Finally mix it all up. 知识链接 ―shake, milk shake,‖、 ―turkey‖、 ―orange‖的使用。 一、 比较下列三组句子,回答问题。 1.I love milk shake and my mom often make some milk shake for me.(uncountable noun) Waiter, could you please give us two milk shakes?( countable noun) ―shake, milk shake‖通常是作______________,但具体到一份两份 时是____________________。 2.I want to eat another threee slices of turkey. Look at those turkeys! They are eating food. ―turkey‖作“火鸡肉”时是_______________,作“一只一只的火鸡”时是____________。“chicken”也是。作“一只一只小鸡”时是______________,作“鸡肉”时是____________。当然,“Turkey”作专有名词时是国名“土耳其”。 3.I like eating oranges), but I don’t like drinking orange. ―orange‖作“橘子、桔子”讲是 _____________,作“桔子汁”讲是____________。 自主互助学习 一、仔细观察1a中的图片,完成下列问题。 1.借助图片提示,翻译表中的单词并打勾判断是可数名词还是不可数名词。然后小组大声朗读识记它们。 Word Meaning Countable Noun Uncountable Noun butter tomato relish lettuce turkey slices onion bread 2.弄清1a题意,按要求填写课本1a左边方框中的横线。 3.模仿1b中的对话调查至少两位同学,并要求做好调查记录。被调查的同学根据你在1a中所填的信息回答。调查完成后,按照下列提示向搭档做出报道。 *** likes ... ... in his/her sandwiches, but *** doesn’t like ... ... in his sandwiches. 二、听力。 1.弄清2a、2b题意。小组讨论:如何做才能按要求完成2a、2b。在快速的语速情况下,如何准确记录下题目所要求填写的原料, 2.仔细听磁带,完成题目要求。 3.同老师同学核对答案,根据自己的错误可向老师提出再次播放磁带的要求。 4.根据听力所听信息及你们在1a中所填的信息,询问或回答他(她)或你制作你们最喜爱的三明治的具体工序。 5.向老师同学展示你们的作品。 【课堂练习】 一、 翻译下列词组。 一块面包_____________________;两茶匙佐料 ______________________;十片火鸡肉____________ ___________/________________________;一个洋葱_____________;把......放到......__________________;一瓶佐料______________________; 二、选择填空。 1. I’m hungry. Could you please bring me some _________. A.popcorn poppers B.bread C.medicine D.relish 2.I often have _______or ______ for breakfast. A.breads;noodles B.bread; noodle C.bread; noodles D. breads; noodle. 3.—Would you mind giving me something to eat? —Sure. Here’s some __________. A. potatoes B.turkey C. orange D.banana milk shakes 【要点归纳】 罗列所学到的不可数名词;不可数名词数量的表达;回顾哪些词既可用作不可数名词,又可用作可数名词;三明治的制作工序。 【拓展练习】 编出三明治的制作说明。 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section B3a-4(5)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会描述超级鸡肉三明治和优等火鸡三明治的制作工序。 2.学会编写一种你所喜欢的食物的制作工序。 3.提升自己说和写的能力。 【重点,难点】 在不同类型三明治的制作工序中找到编写任何一种食物制作说明的方法。 温故知新 一、 再次翻译下列词组。 一块面包_____________________;两茶匙佐料 ______________________;十片火鸡肉____________ ___________/________________________;一个洋葱_____________;把......放到......__________________;一瓶佐料______________________。 二、优秀作业展示。选出编写较好的四篇三明治制作说明并由作者到讲台朗读。 三、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.How many ___________(sandwich) would you like? 2.There are three bottles of ________ (orange) and five ________(orange) in the fridge. 3.On Thanksgiving Day, many westerners eat _________(turkey) and pumpkin pie. 4.We need _________(cut) up two apples to make fruit shake. 5.Then add some relish to the three chicken __________(slice). 知识链接 单词“other,another,the other,else‖辨析。 基 本 单 词 使 用 结 构 使 用 方 法 含 义 other+复数名词/ones; 指在上文提及或直接提到的整个范别的,other some/many/数词+other表示“几个,一围中除前面说到的某者或几者外剩另外的 些别的” 余部分中的某一些。 another + 单数名词/one; 指在上文提及或直接提到的整个范anoth另一个 another+数词+名词=数词+more+名词,围中除前面说到的某者或几者外剩er 表“再...几个” 余部分中的某一者。 the other+单数名词/one; 特指两者中除其中一者外的另一the 其余的 the other+复数名词/ones 者,或是特指多者中被列举完后剩other 下的最后一个。 不定代词+else(anything else); 用于不定代词或特殊疑问代词后作else 别的 特殊疑问代词+else(what else) 后置限定修饰语。 注:others, the others的使用方法与other, the other的使用方法一 致,不一样的地方others, the others已经包含了名词,后边不能再+名词或 one(ones)。 根据上边知识链接所述,完成下列练习。 1.I’m not full yet. Please give me _________two slices of bread. A. other B. the other C. another D. else 2.I have ever been to (曾经到过)America. I want to visit __________ countries next year. A. the other B. others C. other D. another 3.Look at the twins! One loves banana milk shake, ________ loves super chicken sandwiches. A. the other B.the others C. another D. other 4.Is there anything ______ that you still can’t understand? A. another B. ther others C. else D. others 自主互助学习 一、仔细阅读3a中的原料单和制作说明,完成下列问题。 1.翻译下列词组并大声朗读识记它们。 两块面包___________________;一茶匙蜂蜜_____________________;两片鸡肉_________________ ________ /__________________________;三瓶佐料 _________________________;把...放到...上____ _____________________; 切碎______________;加...到...里(上) _____________________________; 把...放到..顶上______________________;首先_________;然后________;接 下来_________;最后______; 2.弄清3a题意,按要求填写课本3a下边的图表。 3.核对答案并按照原料提示复述超级三明治制作说明。 二、弄清3b题意并完成选词填空。然后核对答案并复述优等火鸡三明治 制作说明。 【课堂练习】 根据所给的原料清单,编写优等牛肉三明治制作说明。 Ingredients Great Beef Sandwich 2 slices of bread 2 teaspoons of __________________________________________________________________ butter ___________________________________________________________________ 1 carrot(cut up) _ Lettuce ___________________________________________________________________ 5 beef slices _ 2 teaspoons of ___________________________________________________________________relish _ ___________________________________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________________________________ _ 【要点归纳】 回顾编写一种食物制作说明所需用到的重要词组及写作大致模式。 【拓展练习】 First ,beat two eggs in a bowl,add some salt and stir(搅; 拌)them . Cut up some garlic(大蒜)and chillies(辣椒). Then heat(加 热)some oil(油) in a pan(平底锅)and put the garlic and chillies into the pan to cook them for a little while(一小会儿), put the egg into the pan and stir them for one minute. After that, pour it in a bowl. Next, boil(煮沸)a pot(锅)of water and cook some noodles for 5 minutes. After that, put the cooked noodles in a bowl and add the egg from that bowl to the noodles. If you like, you can pour a little sauce(酱油)and vinegar(醋) into it and stir them. Finally eat the egg noodles. 1.What does this passage teach you to make? _____________________________ 2.How long does it take you to cook the noodles? -__________________________ 3.According to the passage, what do we need to make egg noodles?_______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit8How was your school trip? Section A1a-1c(1) (1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并能运用相关学校旅行中活动的词组。 2.掌握动词变过去式的规则、不规则变法、一般过去时的结构、否定、 疑问、回答和及适用情况。 3.运用一般过去时询问或描述发生在过去的事件或过去存在的状态。 【重点,难点】 识记大量关于活动的词组;动词变过去式的多种规则的掌握;一般过 去时的运用。 温故知新 一、将下列动词变其为第三人称单数形式和ing形式。 例如:do does doing_ are ___________ ___________ ; am __________ ___________ ; go ________ ____________; have _______ ________; eat ________ _________ ; take _______ ________; buy _______ ________; see ______ ________; hang _______ ___________;study ________ ________ ; run _____ __________; teach _________ ____________; die _______ ____________; swim ___________ ______________ . 二、根据上边一题,我们知道,动词有很多种形式,它们是;动词原形、 _________________________、 _____________________。思考:除了这三种形式,动词还有我们这个单 元要重点学习的__________________以及我们以后要学的 _________________。 知识链接 一、对比时态并先使用铅笔完成下列图表。最后一栏可参阅导学案第3页 知识链接后完成。 基本结构 适用情况 否定、疑问及回答形式 现She is reading books. 在否定:She isn’t reading books. 主语+be+Ving 表此时此刻或现阶段正在进一般疑问:Is she reading books? 进行的动作。 行肯定回答:Yes, she is. 时 否定回答:No, she isn’t. 一用于经常性或习惯性的动He goes to work every day. 1、主语+动词原形 般作;现在的特征或状态;客否定:He doesn’t go to work every day. (主语不是第三人称单数时) 现观存在及普遍真理;时间或一般疑问:Does he go to work 2、主语+动词第三人称单数在条件状语从句中代替一般everyday?肯定回答:Yes, he does (主语是第三人称单数时) 时 将来时。 否定回答:No, he doesn’t. 一 Jim went to work yesterday. 般否定: 过一般疑问: 去肯定回答: 时 否定回答: 注:一般疑问句的否定、疑问及回答形式只例举了主语是第三人称单 数的情况,若主语不是第三人称单数,则使用 ―don’t‖否定,“Do‖来提 问,“do‖来回答。 二、同老师同学核对上边图表最后一行你所填写的答案并予以改正。对不 解的地方向老师提问。然后,由小组共同讨论,将动词变为过去式的规则 变法罗列到下边横线上。 _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 自主互助学习 一、仔细观察1b中的图片和内容,完成下列问题。 1.将下列动词变为它们的过去式,不规则变法参照课本最后一页。 watch____________; study___________; like__________; enjoy___________;stop___________; look__________;die_________;am/is________; are________; go_______; take________;see______; buy___________; have________; eat________; hang_________;do_________. 2.在2b中右边的两列词组里找出动词的过去式,然后在它们的旁边写 出它们的原形。 3.翻译下列词组并同小组一起大声朗读识记它们。你可参照单词表的 帮助。 买一份纪念品 buy a souvenir ; 拍照______________; 看见些 海豹__________________;吃一个汉堡包___________________; 去动物园 __________________; 看见一些鲨鱼________________; 吃些冰淇淋 __________________________; 和朋友逛逛 ______________________________。 4.回忆一下,以前我们学到过的“There be‖句型,它表示 _______________________,且“be‖动词的形式取决于距离它最近的那个 名词,这就是我们所说的,它遵循________原则。现在,请你在1b中找 出编者所使用的“There be‖句型并讨论一下 ―be‖动词的形式。 二、听力。 1.弄清题意,仔细听磁带,完成题目要求。 2.同老师同学核对答案,对错误的地方可向老师提出再次播放磁带的 要求。之后背诵1b中的对 【课堂练习】 一、 根据图表所给信息模仿1c中的对话制作你们的对话。 Name Activity YeNo Activity Yes No s Laura had a hamburger ate some ice cream Tina went to the aquarium took photos Toby saw some sharks bought a souvenir Grace went to the beach saw some seals 二、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.There ________(be) a book and two pens on the desk 3 minutes ago.. 2.I _______(go) to the aquarium on my last school trip and ________(buy) a souvenir for my parents. 3.I often _________(stay) at home, but yesterday I_________ (hang) out with my best friend. 4.What ________you _________(do) on your last school trip? 5.Our teachers went to Lijiang for a holiday and they ________(take) many photos there. 【要点归纳】 回顾所学词组及一般现在时的知识。 【拓展练习】 写出下边两个句子的否定句、一般疑问句及肯定否定回答。 1.There was a birthday party in my house last Friday night. 2.They hung out with their pen pals from Portland yesterday. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit8How was your school trip? Section A2a-2c(2) (1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并能运用“get one’s autograph‖等48页出现的新词组。 2能熟练变任一一个动词为其过去式形式;在对话中熟练运用一般过 去时的否定、疑问或回答来谈论过去的事件。 3.提升自己听和说的能力。 【重点,难点】 识记新的词组;熟练地运用一般过去时的一般疑问及回答来谈论过去 的事件。 温故知新 一、将下列动词变其为过去式。 are________;am________;go________;have_______;eat________;take_______;buy_______;see______; hang _______;study_______; run ________;teach_________; die_______; swim ___________. 二、根据要求完成下列各题。 1.He _______(be) a student, but now he ______(be) a teacher.( 用所给词的适当形式填空) 2.Spain _______(win) the World Cup in South Africa in June,2010. .( 用所给词的适当形式填空) 3.I enjoy ___________(hang) out with my parents on weekends.( 用所给词的适当形式填空) 4.My little brother ________(have) a stomachache the day before yesterday because he _______(eat) some green apples.( 用所 给词的适当形式填空) 5.There were a boy and many girls in the classroom just now.(改错) ________ 变为 _________ 6.Does your cousin always play badminton last year?(改错) _________变为 __________ 7.There were some dolphins at the aquarium.(变为一般疑问句) ________ _________ _________dolphins at the aquarium? 8.I did well in my final exam.(变为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) -_______ you ________well in ______ final exam? –No, I ________. 知识链接 词语辨析。 单词 词义 过去式/过去分词 使用 The boy hung his bag behind the door and went “悬挂” hung/hung out or fun. hang ―hang out/around/about‖表示:出去闲逛 “吊死、绞Hanged/hangeHis mother hanged herself after a quarrel with her 死” d father. beat “战胜、打beat/beat(beaten) beat+a team/an opponent/a nation 不能说战胜奖品或比赛 败” win “赢得、获won/won win+a game/war/prize 不能说赢得某个人或队。 取” 根据以上信息选择填空。 1.Li Dazhao was ________ many years ago. A. hang B.hung C.hanged D.hanging 2.Nobody knows how to _______the monster(怪物). A. win B.beat C.beaten D.won 自主互助学习 一、仔细观察2a、2b中的图片和内容,完成下列问题。 1.将下列动词变为它们的过去式,不规则变法参照课本最后一页。 buy___________;do__________;see__________;win__________;get _________;are____________; take____________;meet__________;get___________;go__________. 2.翻译下列词组并同小组一起大声朗读识记它们。你可参照单词表的 帮助。 买一份纪念品 buy a souvenir ; 得到某人的亲笔签名 ______________________;赢得那顶帽子________________;别的什么 _______________;遇见一个著名的演员_______________________;赢得一 份奖品__________________;在水族馆___________________. 二、听力。 1.弄清题意,仔细听磁带,完成题目要求。 2.同老师同学核对答案,根据自己的错误可向老师提出再次播放磁带 的要求。 【课堂练习】 一、 根据2b中的信息模仿2c中的对话使用一般过去时的一般疑问句及其 回答制作你们的对话。然后, 争取机会展示你们的对话。 二、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.She is very tired because she ____________(sleep) late.. 2.Yao Ming ________(like) playing basketball when he ______(be) a child.. 3.It was a Sunday morning and I ________(meet) my best friend Xingyu for the first time. 4.She exercised much and kept in good ___________(healthy) 5.He _________( hang) himself because he got a disease called cancer(癌症). 【要点归纳】 回顾所学词组、一般过去时的知识。 【拓展练习】 根据要求完成句子。 1.He came to school late because his mother was ill in hospital.(对划线部分提问) ___________ _________ he come to school late? 2.Zhou Ning drank three bottles of cola after gym class. (对划 线部分提问) __________ __________cola _________ Zhou Ning drink? 3.They ate two hamburgers for lunch.(对划线部分提问) __________ ___________ hamburgers _________ they eat? 4.—Were there any super chicken sandwiches and banana milk shakes?(作否定回答) _________, __________ ____________. — 5.Lv Shi was good at playing basketball.(改为同义句) Lv Shi __________ __________ in playing basketball. 6.I got Jet Lee’s a____________ last week .He is a famous international a_________.(据首字母补单词) 7.Liu Xing didn’t win the first p________, which was a little pity.(据首 字母补单词) 8.I took some pictures with my pen pals from Canana.(变为一 般疑问句) _________ _________ _________ _________pictures with your pen pals from Canada? 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit8How was your school trip? Section A3a-4(3) (1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并能运用“first,then,after that,after lunch,finally,at the end of ‖等顺序副词来帮助写作。 2能使用一般过去时来描写一个过去的事件。 【重点,难点】 运用过去时,通过顺序副词,将一个过去的事件组写成一篇有序、思路清晰的文章。 温故知新 一、再次翻译下列词组。 拍照______________; 看见些海豹__________________;吃一个汉堡包___________________; 去动物园__________________;看见一些鲨鱼________________;吃些冰淇淋__________________________; 和朋友逛逛______________________________;得到某人的亲笔签名 ______________________;赢得那顶帽子________________;别的什么_______________;遇见一个著名的演员_______________________;赢得一份奖品__________________;在水族馆___________________;首先_________;然后________;接下来_________;最后___________.。 二、根据要求完成下列各题。 1.He is surfing the Internet now.(将句中的“now‖改为“just now(刚才)‖后重新表达句子) ___________________________________________________________ _________________________ 2.They take the subway to school every day.(将句中的“every day‖改为“last year‖后重新表达句子) ___________________________________________________________ _________________________ 3.My last school trip was exciting.(对划线部分提问) ________ _______ ________last school trip? 4.Tao Ni spent two hours making great turkey sandwiches.(对 划线部分提问) _________ _________ _________ Tao Ni spend making great turkey sandwiches? 知识链接 单词 词义 用法 例句 等于―finally,at In the end , he walked to school . in the end “最后;最终” last‖,表时间概 念 可以表某年、月、1.At the end of that year, he left Zhanyi 星期、天的最后;for Tibet. “在......末尾;at the end of 也可表路的尽头2.At the end of Green Street, you can find 在......尽头、一端” 或物品的一端。 the nearest post office. 3.At the end of the bed , I find my watch. 自主互助学习 一、仔细观察3a中的图片和内容,完成下列问题。 1.首先划出3a文中使用过去式的动词并在它们下边空格的地方写出 它们的原形,然后再翻译下列词组并同小组一起大声朗读识记它们。你可 参照单词表的帮助。 买一份纪念品 buy a souvenir ; 玩得高兴__________________;在学校旅行中_______________; 蓝色水族馆________________________;参访游客中心 __________________________;观看一部关于鲨鱼的电影 _____________________________;观看海豚展________________________;户外游泳________ ___________;一只大章鱼____________________;礼品店 __________________;乘公交车返回学校________________________;在......的最后________________;班长________________;旅行后_________。 2.弄清3a题意并完成3a。然后同老师同学核对答案。 3.仔细阅读文章,在1-5处填写顺序副词;在A-F处填写所参访的地 点名称或活动、动物名称。 4.同老师同学核对答案并确认自己看懂图片。然后对照课文根据图片 练习复述课文。 5.合上课本,同老师同学一道根据以上图片复述课文。 二、3b和4(略)。 【课堂练习】 根据短文内容,使用适当形式填空。 My last school day Let me tell you something about my last school day. It __________(be) really interesting and useful. First I ________ (get) up at 6:00 and ______(eat) breakfast at 6:15. At 6:30 I ______--_(take) No.3 Bus to school. It _____(take)me 15 minutes. _______, I ______(have) my morning classes. After morning classes, I ate lunch and played basketball with my classmates. We really love basketball! __________, I had to have my afternoon classes such as art ,music and computer science. They are very interesting and useful. ________, I _________ (walk) home. This is my last school day! What do you think of it? 【要点归纳】复述课文。 【拓展练习】小组使用一般过去时及顺序副词按课文4的要求编写故事。 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit8How was your school trip? Section B1a-2c(4) (1课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会询问或讲述别人或自己的休息日的质量并能使用一般过去时 给出休息日质量好与坏的原因。 2提升自己听和说的能力。 【重点,难点】 使用不同的形容词评价自己休息日的质量;通过描述自己休息日的经 历来解析休息日质量好坏的原因。 温故知新 一、写出下列单词的过去式。 watch___________;take___________;sleep___________;help___________;go___________;do_______; get________;think_________;rain__________;happen__________;am/is_________;believe______________;wake__________;clean__________;are_________. 二、根据要求完成下列各题。 1.Peel three bananas.(改为否定句) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.I’m sorry I can’t go to your party because I ___________(babysit) my sister .(用适当形式填空) 3.Their parent had a headache yesterday..(对划线部分提问) ________ _______ ________with their parent yesterday? 4.Xiao Xiao took the bus to school when she studied in Panjiang.(变为同义句) Xiao Xiao _________ to shcool ________ ________when she studied in Panjiang. 5.Two years ago, I ________(be) taller than she, but now I am _________(short) than she.(同2) 自主互助学习 一、仔细观察课文中的图片和内容,完成下列问题。 1.浏览课本50页的内容翻译下列词组并同小组一起大声朗读识记它 们。你可参照单词表的帮助。 哪一个_________;谁_________;上课___________;在某人的下一个休 息日_____________________; 起得晚、睡过头_____________;帮助爸妈_____________________;驱车旅 行、开车去兜风___________; 听起来无聊_______________;同朋友一起看电视___________________;上 课____________; 2.弄清1a题意并完成它。然后同老师同学核对答案。 3.请将下列形容词填到相应的意思下边并大声朗读识记它们。 boring, interesting, terrible, fun, awful, good, bad, terrific. 极好的 很糟的 可怕的 坏的 好的 无聊的 有趣的、引起兴趣的 有趣的,引人发笑的 4.模仿1b中的对话,使用1a中的短语和上边表格中的形容词同搭档 制作对话,然后抓住争取机会展示你们的作品。 二、听力 1.小组讨论题意及听前、听的过程中应该怎样做才能完成题意的要 求。然后,各小组分享各自讨论成果。 2.听磁带,记住按讨论所获取的成果执行。 3.核对2a、2b答案,根据自己的错误向老师提出再次播放录音的请求。 【课堂练习】 一、假设你是John,评价一下你的上个休息日并给出你评价好坏的理由,然 后根据提示和搭档制作对话。 Name One’s last day off was Reasons for a good or bad or other kinds of last days off like planned to visit grandparents—rained all day—stayed at Shelly awful home to watch TV—the TV programs were boring John A:John B: Shelly A: What was your last day off, Shelly? B: It was awful. A: Really? What happened? B:Well.(讲述原因)......How obout your last day off? A: It was ...... B: ...... 二、单项选择。 1.What did you do ________ your last day off/ A.in B.on C.by D.at 2.You can find the post office _________the street. A.at the end of B.in the end C.in the end of D.by the end of 3.In ______ opinion, my last day off was terrific. A.mine B.my C.me D.I 4.Hello, Mr. Zhang. Could you please give me ______? A.five days off B.five days’off C.five-days off D.five-days’off 5.-Who helped me clean the classroom? -Wang Lixuan ______. A.does B.do C.did D.was 【要点归纳】 回顾所学词组及听力技巧;注意询问或回答别人关于休息日情况的方 法和一些习惯用句。 【拓展练习】 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.What about going for a __________(drive) with us ,Cathy? 2.There _________(be) a lot of __________(visit) at the aquarium yesterday afternoon. 3.As a matter of fact, he ______________(not have) a fun day off. 4.What ________(be) your last day off like? 5.I don’t think there are _________(some) sharks in this little pool. 6.I _________(sleep) late this morning because I __________(hang) out very late with my best friends yesterday evening. 7.__________(not laugh) at _________(other)! It’s very impolite. 8.I really enjoy _________(cook) for myself. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit8How was your school trip? Section B3a-4(5) (1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并能运用“have fun doing, get wet 等新的词汇。 2能正确、适时使用一般过去时写信或小文章向别人讲述自己上个休 息日质量的好坏及原因。 【重点,难点】 新词汇的识记和运用;一般过去时在书信或文章里的适时使用。 温故知新 一、写出下列单词的过去式并默写表格中的形容词。 buy___________;put__________;see______;help___________;go____ _____;do_____;watch________;play_________;rain__________;read__________;am/is_________;have___________;bring__________;visit__________;are_________. 极好的 很糟的 可怕的 坏的 好的 无聊的 有趣的、引起兴趣的 有趣的,引人发笑的 二、单项选择。 1.Tom watches TV every day and never exercises. So she is __________. A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy D.unhealth 2.My best friend Lucy goes to work __________ every day. A. take the car B. drive the car C. by his car D. in his car 3.—_________ is it from your school to your house? —It’s 40 minutes’ walk. A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far 4.It ________me one and a half hours to visit the Visitors’ Center on my last day off. A. cost B. spends C.takes D. took. 5.Liu An thought that _________homework made them feel ________tired when they were in the primary school. A. too many, too much B. too much, much too, C.much too, too much D.too much, too much. 自主互助学习 一、仔细观察课文中的图片和内容,完成下列问题。 1.浏览3a中的文章,找出它们中动词的过去式并将它们的原型写在它们的旁边。 2.浏览课本51页的内容翻译下列词组并同小组一起大声朗读识记它们。你可参照单词表的帮助。 休息日____________;有乐趣,玩得开心____________;拜访我的表兄弟_______________;一整天_______________/_______________;呆在家里__________________;观看DVD________________;玩电脑游戏 _______________________; 在早上________________;在下午___________________;在晚上______ __________________;旧东西______________;把... ...放到外边的院子里___________________________; 进行一个庭院旧货出售______________________;然而__________;幸运的是___________;雨伞和雨衣__ _____________;淋湿 _________________;依我看________________。 finish, practice, enjoy, mind”这些词,它们有一个共3.我们以前学过“ 同的特点,就是当它们后边使用了动词的时候,我们需要使用 _____________形式。那么你能在3a的文章中找到一个也拥有这种特点的单词吗,如果能的话,它是 ________________。像这样的词还有“can’t help(情不自禁),be used to(习惯于),look forward to(期待),have interest/trouble/difficulty/problems及所有的介词。 4.仔细阅读3a的文章,然后填写下列图表。 具体论据 主题句(论点) 论据 具体时间 具体从事活动 stayed in the house and watched In the morning DVDs I didn’t have I visited my a very fun cousins. day It rained all day. However Luckily 5.思考:作者是通过什么提出主题句的,在写书信或文章的时候你可否愿意使用这种方式, 6.借助上边图表的帮助,理清文章的思路,然后背诵文章。 二、写作。 1.根据3b题意填写空格,注意回信的格式。 2.争取机会向老师学生朗读你填写的文章。 【课堂练习】 根据3c要求写信。你可首先根据你的情况填写下列图表,当然你也可有其它思路,但要确保思路清晰。然后再在本子上写出你的书信。 具体论据 主题句(论点) 论据 具体时间 具体从事活动 【要点归纳】 回顾所学词组及部分不规则动词的不规则变法;如何去写信或一个小文章来介绍你的上个休息日, 【拓展练习】 按要求完成句子。 1.Did you have fun _____(go) for a drive with your pen pals this morning?(用所给词的适当形式填空) 2.He ___________(bring) me an umbrella so I didn’t get wet .(用 所给词的适当形式填空) 3.__________(luck), we didn’t go on a picnic last weekend because it rained cats and dogs.(同上). 4.He worked all day.(改为同义句) He worked ________ _________ ___________. 5.They enjoyed themselves when they went camping .(同4) They _____ ____ when they went camping. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit9When was he born? Section A1a-1c(1)(1课 时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并能运用“Chinese, British, American, Swiss, Australian, Japanese, Canadian, Korean, Indian, Russian, German, French‖等国家的形容 词。 2能询问或回答某个名人的姓名、职业和生日。 【重点,难点】 名人姓名及国家名词形容词的识记和使用;年月日的正确表达。 温故知新 在下列图表中写出相对应的表示数或月份的单词并熟读识记它们。 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 要把基数变序数,末尾直接+上“th”;8少“t”,9少“e”,以“y” 结尾变“ie”;“five”“twelve”是兄弟,“f”来把“ve”替;最后剩下 1、2、3,分别变为 ―t‖(first)、“d”(second)、“d”(third)。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 one first 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 eleven eleventh 18 19 20 21 30 40 50 eighteen eithteent h 60 70 80 90 92 93 100 sixty sixtieth 自主互助学习 一、仔细观察课文中的图片和内容,完成下列问题。 1.根据1a题意,在课本上罗列你熟悉的国际体育明星。你可能会用到 下列名字。 Ronaldo,Raul, Zidane, David Beckham, Merci, Kobe Bryant, O’Neal, Paul Gasol, Kevin Garnette, Dyne Wade, Lebron James, Chris Bosh, Londo, Chris Paul, Roger Federal, Nadal, Tiger Woods, Lin Dan, Ma Long, Deng Yaping, Martina Hingis, Williams. 2.模仿下列对话谈论你所列举的国际体育明星。 A: Where does Roger Federal come from? B: He comes from Switzerland. A: What does he do? B: He is a great tennis player. 3.小组活动:请对应国名写出相应的形容词并熟悉它们的发音。你们 可以查阅词典或其它资料。 China America Japan Canada Australia Russia Korea India SwitzerlanSpain Brazil Britain Argentina France d 4.你知道日期的写法吗, 2008年8月9日可写作:9/8/08;9 August 2008; August 9, 2008; August 9th,2008. 读作:August the ninth, two thousand and eight 或者the ninth of August, two thousand and eight. 在美式英语中,读作:August ninth, two thousand and eight. 注意:1998读作:nineteen ninty eight. 根据以上所述,请完成下边问题。 1982年11月25日可写作: ______________________________________________________________, 可读作: ____________________________________________________________________________。 二、听力。 1.根据1b要求完成图片下边的横线。 2.小组核对答案。 【课堂练习】 一、 同搭档一起根据1b中后三幅图片信息,模仿1c中的对话制作对话。 二、 按要求完成句子。 1.Deng Yaping is a great _________(China) table tennis ___________(play). She ________(bear) in 1973.(用所给词的适当形式 填空) 2. Everyone knows that Liu Xiang is an ________________________(国际体育明星).(补全句子) 3.There are lots of_____________(different)between ____________(America) and ___________ (Britain) English. 4.Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in 1980.( 对划线部分提问) _________ and _________was Yao Ming born? 5.Do you know ____________(Switzerland) watches and banks? Of course, Martina Hingis is from ________________(Switzerland). She is a great ___________(Switzerland) tennis player. 【要点归纳】回顾日期表达法、所学国名及它们的形容词;谈论一个名人 的职业及出生日期的方法。 【拓展练习】 阅读理解 “Goal!‖is a story about how a poor Mexican boy, Santigao Munez, becomes a professional footballer in one of the world’s top leagues(世界顶级联赛).The movie will be shown in China later this month.Even though the movie is fictional, the story reflects(反映) the lives of some of Latin American’s most famous footballers. 判断正(T)误(F) ( )1.Santigao Munez is from Brazil. ( ) 2.She plays professional football. ( ) 3.Many Chinese will see this movie later this month. ( ) 4.This movie reflects the lives of some of Northern American’s most famous footballer. ( ) 5.The movie is based on (基于)a real story. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit9When was he born? Section A2a-2c(2)(1课 时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并能运用“Book of World Records‖等相关世界纪录的词组。 2能使用一般过去时询问或回答打嗝和打喷嚏世界纪录的开始、结束 及持续的时间。 【重点,难点】 数字在日期及时段中的运用;一般过去时在特殊疑问句中的运用。 温故知新 在下列图表中默写出相对应的表示数、月份和国家形容词的单词,然 后大声朗读它们。 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 one first 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 eleven eleventh 18 19 20 21 30 40 50 eighteen eithteent h 60 70 80 90 92 93 100 sixty sixtieth China America Japan Canada Australia Russia Korea India SwitzerlanSpain Brazil Britain Argentina France d 知识链接 “stop, remember, forget”三个词的使用。 stop + doing(动词的ing形式)表:停止正在做的事情。stop + to + do(动 词的原形)表:停下来去做另一件事。remember + doing 表:记得做过某 事。remember + to + do 表:记得去做某事(还没做)。forget + doing 表 忘记做过某事。forget + to + do 表忘记去做某事(还没做) 例如: Don’t forget to close the window when you leave the classroom.(还没关窗子) Stop talking ! Don’t you see our teacher come in?( 停止讲话这 个动作,也就是不要讲话了) Stop to talk when teacher asks you to work in group. (停止先 前的某个动作来开始讲话这个动作) 根据上边所述完成下列各题。 1.Remember _____________(give) me a call when you arrive in China.(用所给词的适当形式填空) 2.I forgot __________(give) him ten yuan, so I give him ten yuan again. 3.In order to stop ___________(hiccup), you need to drink some water. 自主互助学习 一、仔细观察课文中的图片和内容,完成下列问题。 1.翻译下列词组并大声朗读识记它们。 世界纪录大全___________________________;打嗝世界纪录 ____________________;打喷嚏世界纪录 _____________________;保持 着... ...的世界纪录_______________________;多长时间____________; 开始打嗝________________;停止打嗝______________;五百四十二 _______________________________; 六十九年零五个月_____________________________。 2.写出下列动词的过去式及ing形式,然后大声朗读识记它们。 hiccup ________ __________;sneeze __________ ___________;stop__________ __________;have____ _______ _________;hold_________ _________;start_________ __________. 二、听力。 1.弄清2a、2b题意,完成图表。 2.同老师同学核对答案,并对没听清的地方提出再次播放的请求。 【课堂练习】 一、根据图表中的信息补全对话,然后背诵此对话。最后,再根据Donna Green的信息,同搭档效仿2c中的对话制作属于自己的对话。注意:特殊 疑问句= 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 二、 按要求完成句子。 1.He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.(对划线部分提问) ________ _________ ________ he hiccup? 2. Donna Green started sneezing in 1964.(对划线部分提问) ________ _________ Donna Green start sneezing? 3.My father began to work at 9:00.(变为同义句) My father __________ ____________ at 9:00. 4.Could you please tell me when he stopped ______________(hiccup)?( 用所给词的适当形式填空) 5.I want to know who has world record for ___________(sneeze).(用所给词的适当形式填空) 【要点归纳】 朗读默写、翻译部分的词;再次背诵2c中的对话。 【拓展练习】 单项选择。 1.Stop _________ so much noise! The baby is sleeping. A. make B. making C. to make D. made 2.When ______ you born? A. was B. were C. are D.did 3.—____________ did you stop learning English ? —English is a very difficult language to learn. A. When B. How long C. What D. Why 4.We had great fun _______ in Chinese rural area. A. teaches B.to teach C. teaching D.taught 5.The White House is in _________. A. Canada B. Australia C. Switzerland D. America 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit9When was he born? Section A3a-4b(3)(1 课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会使用一般过去时和when引导的状语从句来询问或描述某个人 过去的成绩及相关的信息。 2提升自己说和写的能力。 【重点,难点】 一般过去时在复合句(由两个或两个以上简单句构成的一个句子)中 的应用。 温故知新 一、.再次翻译下列词组并大声朗读它们。 世界纪录大全___________________________;打嗝世界纪录 ____________________;打喷嚏世界纪录 _____________________;保持 着... ...的世界纪录_______________________;多长时间____________; 开始打嗝________________;停止打嗝______________;五百四十二 _______________________________; 六十九年零五个月_____________________________。 二、单项选择。 1.Did you finish _________that letter to John? A. writeing B.writing C. wrote D. to write 2.Thanks a lot for your _________. A. inviting B. invitation C. invited D. invite 3.They _________the bike when they were in primary school. A.can’t ride B.don’t ride C.couldn’t ride D.didn’t rode 4.Do you think swimming is _______healthier than playing basketball? A. more B. most C. many D. a lot 5.Tony didn’t come to school on time because he _______look after his sick mother . A. have to B. has to C.had to D.need to 知识链接 在英语中,有些动词可以在其末尾加“er”或“or”就转化成这个动 作的实施者或者与其相关的名词。这个时候,末尾是“e”的动词,就只 需要在后边加上“r”,而如果该动词是一个以单个辅音字母结尾的重读 闭音节单词的话,那么就双写末尾字母加“er”。请根据以上所述填写下 列表格。 work 工作 worker 工人 teach 教 老师 report 报道 记者 play 玩 运动员 read 读 读者 win 赢 获胜者 sing 唱 歌手 clean 打扫 清洁工 learn 学习 学习者 run 跑 赛跑者 golf 打高尔夫球 高尔夫球运动员 skate 滑冰 滑冰者 drive 开车 司机 wait 等待 服务员 manage 管理,经营 经理 write 写 作家 programm使......运作 程序师 help 帮助 助手 e visit 参观 来访者 act 表演 演员 然而,有的琴类乐器、科目可通过改变词尾再加“ist”或“ian”转化 成相关的“家”。请根据此条规则填写下表: science 科学 scientist 科学家 music musician art artist politics politician history historian chemistry chemist physics physicist mathemat mathematic ics ian violin violinist piano pianist 自主互助学习 一、左列同学翻到课本55页,右列同学翻到课本84页。 1.根据题目要求填写表格。 2.各列前后两位同学核对你们所填写的信息并对不同的答案提出讨 论,同时要确保你们会读这些信息,特别是当头一列中的人名。注意,“保 护”好你的答案。 3.效仿3b中的对话向同桌提问自己没有填完的信息并根据他(她)所 说的补填完整表格。 4.分别翻到84或55页,读3a中的文章,核对你的同桌是否给你传递 了正确的信息。然后,翻译下列短语。 太... ...而不能... ...__________________;例如_______________;一个 伟大的巴西足球运动员_______ ___________________________;国家队_____________________;一个电影 明星_____________________; 表演京剧______________________;一个中国体操运动员 __________________________;一枚金牌_____ ____________;在世界锦标赛上 _____________________________________。 二、认真观察4a、4b的内容,完成下列各题。 1.翻译下列词组。 learn to ride a bicycle___________________;start learning English_______________;start playing a sport _____________________;first go to a movie ________________; first have a party________________; a comedy called ________________;a girl called Wang Meng___________________;a friend called Cheng Xi ____________________. 2.同老师同学核对答案,然后使用4a中的问句在同学中进行采访并将 参访所得的信息填到表格内。 3.根据你所采访的信息效仿4b中的内容描述他们。 【课堂练习】 单项选择。 1.This is that girl _______ Xiao Fang. A. name B.name’s C. called D. is called 2.He started learning to play the guitar _______ he was a little girl. A. while B. when C.what D. why 3. It is very uncomfortable for every person _________. A. hiccup B. hiccupped C. to hiccup D. hiccupping 【要点归纳】 复述重要词组;注意动词转化名词的方法。 【拓展练习】 The man is too short to join the national basketball team.(变为 同义句) The man is ________ short _______he can’t join the national basketball team. The man isn’t ________ _________ to join the national basketball team. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit9When was he born? SectionB1a-2c(4)(1课 时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并能运用“talented,loving,outstanding,unusual,beautiful, creative,kind”等形容词。 2能使用一般过去时及一般现在时来谈论你所羡慕的人的国籍、年龄、 职业、性格特点及他(她)年轻时的成就。 3.能感悟到一个道理:早早着手学习某种事物对你在这个领域的成功 很重要。 【重点,难点】 形容词的恰当使用;两种不同时态的混合使用。 温故知新 默写下列单词。 work 工作 worker 工人 teach 教 老师 report 报道 记者 play 玩 运动员 read 读 读者 win 赢 获胜者 sing 唱 歌手 clean 打扫 清洁工 learn 学习 学习者 run 跑 赛跑者 高尔夫球golf 打高尔夫球 skate 滑冰 滑冰者 运动员 drive 开车 司机 wait 等待 服务员 manage 管理,经营 经理 write 写 作家 program使......运作 程序师 help 帮助 助手 me visit 参观 来访者 act 表演 演员 science 科学 科学家 music 音乐 音乐家 art 艺术 艺术家 politics 物理 物理学家 history 历史 历史学家 chemistry 化学 化学家 physics 物理 物理学家 mathemat数学 数学家 ics 小提琴家钢琴家violin 小提琴 piano 钢琴 (手) (师) 自主互助学习 一、仔细观察课本56页,完成下列各题。 1.将下列单词填写到表格中相对应的位置并大声朗读它们。 boring, interesting, terrible, fun, awful, good, bad, terrific.talented, loving, outstanding, unusual, beautiful, creative, kind, famous. 极好的 很糟的 可怕的 坏的 好的 无聊的 有趣的、引有趣的,引 起兴趣的 人发笑的 杰出的 善良的 美丽的 慈爱的 著名的 有天赋的 富有创造不寻常的 力的 2.使用2-3个形容词描述各张图片。 2.根据你所选择的形容词模仿1b中的描述对其它图片进行描述。 二、听力。 1.翻译下列词组并大声朗读识记它们。 一个著名的小提琴手_______________________;一个善良慈祥的爷爷 ________________________; 一个滑冰冠军_________________________;游览美国 ____________________。 2.弄清2a、2b题意,浏览所要听到内容,然后听磁带。 3.核对听力答案,对不清楚的地方提出再次播放磁带的请求。 【课堂练习】 一、根据2b中的信息,按照2c的要求进行对话练习。 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.He loves music and she wants to be a ___________(music)when he grows up. 2.Who do you think is a ________ (talent) singer? 3.As you know, Mercy is an Argentine soccer player and Kaka ia a ___________(Brazil) soccer player. 4.Kobe Bryant has proved that he is an ___________(usual) basketball player in the world. 5.Little Sarah is _________(love) and his grandfather Ben is ________(love). 6.___________(luck), they missed the last bus, so they had to take the taxi back home even it’s very expensive. 7.If you want to play for Chinese ___________(nation) soccer team, you must start to learn soccer now. 8.You look so tired! Why not stop ________(have) a rest? 9.I know a __________(violin) _________(name) Zhang Xiang. 10.When I passed his room, I heard him _________(sing) .(感官 动词hear,see,watch,feel后边可加动词原形或动词的ing形式。加前者 表听到/看到/观察到/感觉到做某事;加后者表示听到/看到/观看到/感觉到 正在做某事。) 11.I always can’t sleep well because I often hear some animals _________(make) so much noise. 【要点归纳】 回顾多个形容词级词组;who, what, how long, how old等特殊疑问词引 领的特殊疑问句。 【拓展练习】 阅读理解。 I’m a university(大学) junior majoring in physics. I chose this major because of my parents. They want me to go abroad(出国)for further study after I graduate. Last term I took TOEFL and got a good grade.This term something happened that turned everything upside down. I fell in love with a girl who was my classmate in high school and is now in the same city. If I want to continue(继续) our relationship(关系),I won’t be able to go abroad. After thinking about it for a month, I decided to stay with her. But I don’t know how to face my parents? What should I do? 判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1.He is majoring in math. ( )2.His parents hope he can go abroad for further study. ( )3.He fell in love with a girl and the girl is his classmate in university. ( )4.He thought it for a month and decided to leave the girl. ( )5.His parents will(将)be happy if their son can’t go abroad for further study. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit9When was he born? SectionB3a-4(5)(1课 时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并能运用“at the age of ,well-known,hum songs,learn the accordion,take part in,”等词组。 2能使用一般过去时,采用时间顺序来写作一篇关于一个人成长经历 的文章。 【重点,难点】 灵活使用不同的时间状语或when引导的时间状语从句及一般过去时 来描写一个人的成长经历。 温故知新 一、默写下列单词。 science 科学 科学家 music 音乐 音乐家 art 艺术 艺术家 politics 物理 物理学家 history 历史 历史学家 chemistry 化学 化学家 physics 物理 物理学家 mathemat数学 数学家 ics 小提琴家钢琴家violin 小提琴 piano 钢琴 (手) (师) 吉他 手风琴 喇叭 鼓 二、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.My best friend He Rong heard lots of birds ____________(sing) when she went back home. 2.Our math teacher doesn’t feel well. In fact, he fells _________(bad) than yesterday. 3.For some people on earth , they can’t see the moon ________(one) a month as us. 4.She _______________(leave) for the USA tomorrow. 5.If you have healthy __________(eat)habits, you will keep in good health. 6.It _______him five hours to finish __________(write) that letter to his mother several months ago. 7.Remember it’s never too young to __________(start) learning things. 8.He spent lots of time ___________(practice) ___________(listen), so he got a good grade in listening. 知识链接 ―attend, join, take part in‖辨析。 attend 出席,参加 会议 attend a meeting. take part in 参加 某项工作、活动、运动、比赛或事件 take part in the competition 社会团体、党派、军队或者某个组织 join 参加 join the Party(入党) 固定搭配:join sb加入到某人的行列中 根据上述完成下列各题。 1.Why not _______our discussion? It was very interesting and exciting. A. join B. take part in C. took part in D. joined 2.I _______ the Youth League in 1994. A. joined B. took part in C. attended D. joined in 自主互助学习 一、仔细阅读课本57页3a的内容,完成下列各题。 1.翻译下列词组并大声朗读它们。 一个著名的中国钢琴家______________________________;哼歌_______________;很难的乐曲____ ___________________;学手风琴_______________________;在... ...岁时__________________;参加_______________;肖邦国际钢琴大赛_____________________________________;赢得一等奖_________ __________。 2.根据题意填写表格。 3.同老师同学核对答案,然后依照表格提示,复述课文。 二、写作。 1.依据2b中Laura的信息,在课本上写一篇关于Laura的文章。 2.向你的搭档朗读你的文章。 三、在纸上写下你羡慕的人的名字,写大一点,然后将它折叠起来。然后让小组中其他成员仿照课本4中的问题提问,看谁能快速猜对。 【课堂练习】 一、效仿3a中的表格,填写你羡慕的人的简单信息,然后在作业本上将它写成文章。 When What was born when he was at the age of 二、根据要求完成句子。 1.She started ice skating when she was four.(变为同义句) She started ice skating _______ _______ _________ ________ __________. 2.He can’t sing any more ______ _______(由于) his sore throat.(根 据汉语提示翻译) 3.Deng Yaping went to Tsinghua University and ______ ____(主 修)English and management there(根据汉语提示翻译) 4.Would you mind stopping __________(hum) songs? It sounds terrible.(用所给词的适当形式填空) 5.Don’t you want __________(play) for the ___________(nation) volleyball team? 6.I don’t think she plays the violin ________(well) than that well-known __________(violin). 7.Sandy started golfing when he was five years old.(变为同义 句) Sandy _________ golfing when he was five years old. 8.Wang Fei isn’t tall enough to join the national basketball team.(变为同义句) Wang Fei is _________ _________ ________join the national basketball team. 【要点归纳】 回顾重要词组及如何描写一个人成长的经历。 【拓展练习】 灵活使用一般过去时、when引导的时间状语从句或者其他的时间状语 来写一篇自己的简历。在作业本上完成。 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit10 I’m going to be a basketball player.? SectionA1a-1c(1)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并能运用“computer programmer, professional basketball player, pilot, engineer, ,”等相关职业的单词或词组。 2学会使用“be going to + 动词原形”这个一般将来时的结构来询问 或回答他人对将来职业的计划及实施方法。 【重点,难点】 部分职业的词汇及相关词组的识记和运用;“be going to + 动词原 形”这个一般将来时的结构在陈述句和疑问句中的使用。 温故知新 在表格中写出职业对应的单词并学会朗读它们。你可以查阅前边所 学、单词表或老师的帮助。 演员 老师 医生 护士 科学家 作家 经理 飞行员 工人 警察 服务员 厨师 记者 歌手 电脑程序师 工程师 cook 数学家 物理学家 化学家 音乐家 钢琴家 小提琴家 艺术家 政治家 历史学家 清洁工 公务员 律师 法官 售货员 职业运动员 裁判 public lawyer judge referee servant 司机 教练 导演 摄影师 理发师 银行职员 模特儿 矿工 coach director photograpbarber model miner her 知识链接 对比四种时态,并对应各种时态,将空格处补填完整。 基本结构 适用情况 否定、疑问及回答形式 现She is reading books. 在否定:She isn’t reading books. 表此时此刻或现阶段正在进 一般疑问:Is she reading books? 进行的动作。 行肯定回答:Yes, she is. 时 否定回答:No, she isn’t. 一用于经常性或习惯性的动He goes to work every day. 1.主语+动词原形 般作、现在的特征或状态、否定:He doesn’t go to work every day. (主语不是第三人称单数时) 现客观存在及普遍真理、时一般疑问:Does he go to work 2.主语+动词第三人称单数在间或条件状语从句中代替everyday?肯定回答:Yes, he does (主语是第三人称单数时) 时 一般将来时。 否定回答:No, he doesn’t. 一 Jim went to work yesterday. 般否定: 过一般疑问: 去肯定回答: 时 否定回答: 三个都表将来,但1侧重Jim is going to visit his aunt next 一于主语有意图有准备有计week.. 1(主语+be going to+动词原般划或某事有迹象要发生,否定: 形 将这个动作基本上会实现;2一般疑问: 2.主语+be+动词的ing形式 来是使用现在进行时表将 3.主语+will+动词原形 时 来;3则是客观的,事先没肯定回答: 有考虑的要发生的动作。 否定回答: 对比这两个句子: He is going to be a teacher when he grows up.( 主观打算希望自己在将来能成为一个老师) We will help him if he asks us for help.(我们并没打算要帮助他,前提是他想我们寻求帮助) 自主互助学习 一、仔细阅读课本59页中的内容,完成下列各题。 1.翻译下列词组并大声朗读它们。 一个职业篮球运动员________________________;上表演课___________________;学习电脑科学__ ____________________;每天练篮球_________________________;真正努力地学数学________________ _________________;长大_____________/______________;最有趣的______________________________; 最不有趣的__________________________。 2.观察图片并在1a中圈出图片中涉及到的职业。然后,弄清1a题意并按题意去做。 3.仔细观察图片中的对话,请问它们使用了________________这一时态,结构为_______________ _______________。在对话中能找到“when you are older‖ 这个句子的同义句吗,若能,它是_________ __________________。最后,背诵此对话。 二、听力。 1.弄清题意并按照题意听磁带。 2.小组内核对答案。 【课堂练习】 1.依据1b中的信息,效仿1c中的对话制作属于你们自己的对话。 2.将1、2、3、4分别命名为Tina,Larry,Tom and Ben,然后在制作对话。 注意人称的变化。 【要点归纳】 回顾一般将来时的基本结构、否定及疑问的变法及对话中 的习惯用句。 【拓展练习】 编写一个对话。要求询问一个人将来计划做什么及怎样去实现他的梦 想。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit10 I’m going to be a basketball player.? SectionA2a-2c(2)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.熟练使用“be going to + 动词原形”这个一般将来时的结构来询问 或回答他人将来从事的理想职业种类、达到理想职业的方法、理想的工作 地点及为之努力的时间。 2.熟练运用“be going to + 动词原形”这个一般将来时的结构的陈述 句、一般疑问句及特殊疑问句。提升自己的听说能力。 【重点,难点】 听力过程中快说准确记录信息的能力;将“be going to + 动词原形” 这一结构熟练地用到自己的问句或答语中去,要做到脱口而出。 温故知新 一、在下列表格中默写出相对应的表职业的单词并大声熟读它们。 演员 老师 医生 护士 科学家 作家 经理 飞行员 工人 警察 服务员 厨师 记者 歌手 电脑程序师 工程师 数学家 物理学家 化学家 音乐家 钢琴家 小提琴家 艺术家 政治家 历史学家 清洁工 公务员 律师 法官 售货员 职业运动员 裁判 司机 教练 导演 摄影师 理发师 银行职员 模特儿 矿工 二、按要求完成句子。 1.Lebron James is a ________________(profession) basketball player.(用所给词的适当形式填空) 2.If you aren’t _________(act) to take __________(act) lessons, you can’t become an _________(act) when you grow up.(用所给词的 适当形式填空) 3.I can’t believe that his brother wants to be a _________(cook) because he never cooks .(同上) 4.He is going to be a pilot when he grows up.(变为同义句)He is going to be a pilot when he___ ______. 5.I’m going to be an engineer when I grow up.(对划线部分提问) __________ _______ _________going to be when ______ grow up? 自主互助学习 1.将下列表地名的词填到相对应的位置并熟悉它们的发音。 Paris, New York, Tokyo,Seol, London, Hollywood, Sydney, Rome, Berlin, Madrid, Bangkok, Washington DC, Boston, Ottawa, Canberra 柏林 悉尼 罗马 伦敦 首尔 东京 纽约 巴黎 好莱坞 马德里 波士顿 渥太华 坎贝拉 休斯敦 曼谷 华盛顿 2.观察2a中的图片并猜测三幅图片所表示的职业并根据它们猜测听 力中将要讲的内容。 3.弄清题意,小组讨论需要用到什么听力技巧,然后听磁带。 4.核对 答案。 【课堂练习】 一、根据你在2b中所记录的信息,效仿2c中的对话,同搭档制作类似的 对话。注意:特殊疑问句= 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句。 二、效仿2b,在表格中填写关于你的理想职业、实现理想职业的方法、理 想的工作地点及实施的时间,然后,根据自己的信息同搭档制作对话。 What Where How When 【要点归纳】 回顾地名及一般将来时的基本结构、否定及疑问的变法及 对话中的习惯用句。 【拓展练习】 一、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.He _____________________(be) a chemist when he is older. 2.Let me __________(think)about it for two weeks. 3._________________(not talk) in class! 4.When you are tired, you need ___________(relax) at home instead of keeping working. 5.Their cousin __________(hiccup) ten hours yesterday.So he ______(see) the doctor this afternoon. 二、单项选择。 1.There are lots of black clouds. It _________ soon. A.rained B. is going to be rain C. is going to rainy D.is going to rain 2.There ________ a soccer match between Argentina and Germany on TV this evening . A.will have B. will be C.is going to be D.is going to have 3.My little sister is going to be a pianist when she ______ up. A. is going to grow B. will grow C. grew D.grows 4.Our English teacher Mr. Zhang ________make us _______handwriting half an hour in future. A. will, to practice B.will, practice C. is going to, practice D. is going to, practicing 5.When ____ your flight _______? A.are, going to take off B.is, taking off C. is, is going to take off D. are, will take off. 三、按要求完成下列句子。 1.He is going to move to New York next week.(变为否定句) He ____move to New York next week. 2.That young man is going to leave for Canada this afternoon.(变为一般疑问句) ________ that young man _______ _______leave for Canada this afternoon? 3.Lucy and Lily are going to be musicians when they are older.(对划线部分提问) _______ _________ Lucy and Lily _______ ________ be when they are older? 4.She is going to take acting lessons to make herself become an actress.(对划线部分提问) _______ _______ she _________ ________ do to make herself become an actress? 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit10 I’m going to be a basketball player.? SectionA3a-4(3)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并运用“grow up, somewhere interesting, dream job, sound like, art exhibitions, a part-time job, save some money, at the same time, hold art exhibitions, I want to be rich‖等词组。 2.熟练运用一般将来时谈论自己梦想的工作。 【重点,难点】 大量词组的识记;灵活使用“be going to + 动词原形”表述自己将来 的打算。 温故知新 一、继续在下列表格中默写出相对应的表职业的单词并大声熟读它们。 演员 老师 医生 护士 科学家 作家 经理 飞行员 工人 警察 服务员 厨师 记者 歌手 电脑程序师 工程师 数学家 物理学家 化学家 音乐家 钢琴家 小提琴家 艺术家 政治家 历史学家 清洁工 公务员 律师 法官 售货员 职业运动员 裁判 司机 教练 导演 摄影师 理发师 银行职员 模特儿 矿工 二、按要求完成句子。 1.Yao Ming is a ______________(know) sports star.(用所给词的适 当形式填空) 2.My father is ________(go) to take the train back home.(用所给 词的适当形式填空) 3.Do you often hear John __________(sing) in his bedroom ?(同 上) 4.Who do you think is the greatest and oldest _________(live) writer? I mean the writer must be still ___________(alive).(同上) 5.They are going to study physics really hard when they study in senior high school.(对划线部分提问) ________ _______ they going to study physics ? 自主互助学习 一、 阅读61页的内容,完成下列问题。 1.翻译下列词组并在小组中核对它们。然后,大声朗读识记它们。 理想的工作______________;长大___________/__________;做我想做 的_______________________; 搬到某个有趣的地方_____________________________;听起来像 _______________;艺术展___________ __________;一份兼职工作_________________;攒钱________________;同 时_________________;举办艺术展_________________________;我想富有 _______________________;周游世界___________________ ______________;退休到某个安静美丽的地方 _________________________________________________; 写文章 __________________;把......寄到杂志社和报社 __________________________________________。 2.认真阅读课本61页3a中的文章,然后填写下列表格。注意:填写 词组即可,不必将整个句子填到空格里边。 Topic sentence(主题句) What to do(做什么)? Reasons(原因) When I grow up, I’m going Move somewhere interesting 1.a city I could enjoy to do what I want to do. (move to Paris) 2. 3. What to How to do it (怎What to do Reasons What to do after being rich do 样做) (做什么)? (原因) .(富有后做什么) ? (做什么)? First, I want to hold be an art artist exhibitions And, 3.对照上边图表,练习复述课文。然后合上课本,复述课文。 4.朗读并背诵3b中的对话。 5.根据自己的信息填写3b的表格,然后,效仿你所背诵的3b中的对 话制作你们自己的对话。最后,争取机会展示你们的对话。 【课堂练习】 一、弄清课本61页4的题意,并按要求使用“be going to”写句子。 二、单项选择。 1.When I am older , I am going to live __________. A. somewhere quiet B. quiet somewhere C. anywhere quiet,D. quiet anywhere 2.There are lots of __________ in France. A. exhibit B. exhibition C. experience D.exhibitions 3.Anybody want ________ because they can do anything they want to do. A. to rich B. to be rich C. be rich D.is rich 4.I’m not sure _________. Perhaps Boston or Bangkok. A. already B. too C.still D.yet 5.Remember ________ my letters ____ the Times. I hope they can help me solve my problems. A. send, to B. sending, in C.to send, for D.to send , to 【要点归纳】 对照上边表格复述课文;背诵对话。 【拓展练习】 1.I’m going to be a politician when I grow up.(变为同义句) I _______ ______ _____ a politician when I grow up. 2.Jiang Fang is going to move to Beijing.(对划线部分提问) _________ _______ Jiang Fang _______ to move? 3.He drove the car all day.(变为同义句) He drove the car _______ _________ ________. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit10 I’m going to be a basketball player.? SectionB1a-2c(4)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并运用关于各种新年决心的词组。 2学会运用一般将来时谈论新年的决心。 3.懂得拥有新年决心的重要性。 【重点,难点】 识记各种新年决心的表达;使用“be going to + 动词原形”表述自己 新年的决心或询问他人的新年决心。 温故知新 一、翻译下列词组并在小组中核对它们。然后,大声朗读识记它们。 理想的工作______________;长大___________/__________;做我想做 的_______________________; 搬到某个有趣的地方_____________________________;听起来像 _______________;艺术展___________ __________;一份兼职工作_________________;攒钱________________;同 时_________________;举办艺术展_________________________;我想富有 _______________________;周游世界___________________ ______________;退休到某个安静美丽的地方 _________________________________________________; 写文章 __________________;把......寄到杂志社和报社 __________________________________________。 二、使用“be going to + 动词原形”造三个句子。 1.___________________________________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________________________________ 自主互助学习 一、 阅读62页的内容,完成下列问题。 1.仔细观察1a中的图片并匹配上正确的数字。然后翻译这些新年决心 的词组并大声朗读识记它们。 New Year’s resolutions________________;learn to play an instrument___________________________; make the soccer team___________________;get good grades__________________;eat healthier food_______ ____________;get lots of exercise___________________;a foreign language____________;take guitar lessons______________. 2.同搭档效仿1b中的对话制作你们自己的对话。 二、弄清2a、2b的题意,听磁带并完成听力要求。然后与老师同学核对自 己的答案。 【课堂练习】 一、根据你所记录的信息,同搭档制作关于Kim、Lucy和Manuel的对话。 二、在下列表格中填写你的新年决心及实现它的方法,然后按照表后的模 式采访另外五位同学并记录他们的信息。最后,向你的搭档或全班其它同 学汇报你的采访结果。 Name New Year’s resolutions How are you /is he(she) going to do it? You A:What are you going to do next year? B:I’m going to ... ... A:Sounds interesting.How are you going to do it? B:I’m going to ... .../I want to ...... 汇报:***’s New Year’s resolution sounds interesting. He/She is going to ...... and he/she is going to...... 【要点归纳】 回顾表述新年决心的词组及询问或描述新年决心的习惯用句。 【拓展练习】 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Our classmates _______________(help) Uncle Wang do some farmwork next Saturday. 2.Mr.Zhang,the headmaster, _____________________(hold) a parent meeting tomorrow. 3._________his little daughter ___________________(travel) around Yunnan Province next summer vacation? 4.Listen! Some boys _____________(sing) songs. _______you often _________(sing) when you were a boy. 5.Xao Ke always ________(get) up at 7:00. But she ____________________(get) up at 6:30 next week because she wants ____________(get) good grades in the coming final exam. 二、完型填空。 When I 1 up, I’m going to do 2 I want to do. I’m going to move 3 interesting. Hollywood sounds like a city that I could enjoy. There are 4 of directors and actors there. I want to 5 an actor. So 6 am I going to do it? First, I’m going to 7 a part-time job for a year 8 two and save some money.Then I’m going to take 9 lessons. At the 10 time I’m going to learn how to speak English natively. It is also important for me to be an actor. ( )1. A. grows B. grew C. growing D.grow ( )2. A. when B. what C. which D.how ( )3. A. any places B.anywhere C. somewhere D.everywhere ( )4. A. lot B. lots C. much D. many ( )5. A. turn B. have C. be D. is ( )6. A. what B. why C. how D. where ( )7. A. look for B. found C. looked for D. find ( )8. A. and B. or C. so D. for ( )9. A. act B.active C.acting D. actor ( )10. A.. same B. different C. some D. most 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit10 I’m going to be a basketball player.? SectionB2a-4(5)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并运用关于各种新年决心的词组。 2学会运用一般将来时来撰写关于不同人新年决心的文章。 【重点,难点】 如何将不同人不同的新年决心组合到一起构成一篇清晰明了的文章。 温故知新 一、翻译下列词组并大声朗读它们。 新年的绝心_________________________;学习演奏一种乐器 ________________________________; 组建足球队_____________________;取得好成绩__________________;吃 更健康的食物______________ _________;进行大量锻炼___________________;学一门外语 ______________________;上吉他课_______ ____________。 二、单项选择。 1.Can you see ________ in the picture? A. different something B. different anything C.something different D. anything different 2.—What can I do for you? —I want to buy __________. A. five slice bread B. five slice of bread C. five slices of breads D. five slices of bread 3.Look! This is a recipe ______ a great turkey sandwich. A. for B. to C. in D. with 4.Jane _______her next winter holiday in Rome. A . will spend B. is going to spend C. are going to spend D. spent 5.Chen Liu never studies hard, so he can _______- answer teachers’ questions. A. usually B. always C. often D. hardly 自主互助学习 一、 阅读63页的内容,完成下列问题。 1.仔细阅读3a中的文章,填写下列表格。 Many readers work harder in school We got over 1000 letters, faxes and e-mail from our readers about their New Year’s resolutions 2.小组内讨论你们填写的结果。 3.翻译下列词组并大声朗读识记它们。 调查结果__________________;超过,多于________/____________;在 学校更加刻苦学习__________ ___________;做运动_____________;吃更多蔬菜 _______________________;学习一门新的外语________ ________________;多锻炼以保持好的身材 ________________________________;与孩子更好地交流___ _____________________________;辞去工作_________________;找一份作 为一个语言老师的工作_____ ____________________________;许下新年愿望(新年决心) _____________________________。 4.练习复述课文。 二、弄清,,题意并在课本上写下这篇文章。 【课堂练习】 根据,;的要求,写一篇关于你自己新年决心的文章。你需要首先在 下列表格中简单写出至少,个你的新年愿望(决心)、原因及实现它们的 途径,然后,通过使用恰当的顺序副词及“be going to + 动词原形‖这个一 般将来时的结构将它写成一篇清晰明了的文章。 My New Year’s Resolutions New Year’s Reasons How are you going to do them? Resolutions My New Year’s Resolutions ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【要点归纳】 回顾所学词组;复述3,的文章。 【拓展练习】 选择 ―German, How, What, make, study, practice, sounds, look, resolution, France‖中恰当的单词补全对话。 Wang: Did you make a New Year’s 1 this year? Zhang:Yes, Mr. Wang. Wang: 2 are you going to do? Zhang: Well, I’m going to learn to play a new instrument. Wang: 3 are you going to do that? Zhang: I’m going to 4 a lot and I’m going to ask my parents 家庭教师) for a family tutor( Wang: What about you, Rose? Did you 5 a New Year’s resolution? Rose: Sure. I’m going to learn to speak 6 . Wang: Oh, that 7 a little difficult. It is one of the most difficult languages.I hope you can do it. Rose: Thanks so much. 1.______________;2.__________;3._____________;4._________;5._________;6.________;7._______. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit11 Could you please clean your room? SectionA1a-1c(1)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并运用关于家务事的词组。 2.学会使用 “could”提出礼貌委婉的请求。 【重点,难点】 识记关于家务事的词组;学会向别人提出礼貌委婉的请求。 温故知新 一、默写下列单词。 总是________;通常_________;经常________;有时候___________;几 乎不________;从不______; 首先 ________;然后__________;接下来___________;那个之后 ____________;最后_______________。 二、按要求完成句子。 1.He took the subway to school.(变为同义句) He ________ to school _____ _________. 2.We got over 1000 letters, faxes and e-mail from different readers.(变为同义句) We got _______ _______ 1000 letters, faxes and e-mail from different readers. 3.They enjoyed themselves yesterday.(变为同义句) They _______ ________ yesterday. 4.I spent three hours finishing reading these five stories.(变为 同义句) It _______ me three hours ______ ________ reading these five stories. 5.He learnt to play an instrument when he was five years old.(变为同义句) He learnt to play an instrument ______ _______ _______ _______ five. 6.This cook eats vegetalbes four times a week.(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ ________ the cook _______ vegetables? 7.The manager is going to make their employees(雇员,员工) work 10 hours.(对划线部分提问) _______ ________ _____ the manager______ _____ make their employees work.. 8.He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 mouths.(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ _________ he __________ ? 自主互助学习 一、 阅读65页的内容,完成下列问题。 1仔细观察图片并根据图片的提示,将1a中的短语写到表格第二行相 应的空格中去。 整理你的床铺 倒垃圾 扫地 洗碗 折叠你的衣服 打扫客厅 2.先将下边这些词写到对应的空格处,然后使用它们对这些家务事进 行评价。 tired, dirty, boring, interesting, easy, difficult, necessary, unnecessary, waste of time, uncomfortable. 没必要的 困难的 有趣的 无聊的 不舒服的 容易的 必要的 浪费时间 脏的 累人的,疲惫的 3.熟读表格中的单词和词组,然后按照下边提示同搭档进行讨论。 A: What chores do you do at home?(你在家做些什么家务,) B:I like making my bed because it can make my bedroom clean and tidy. I hate taking out the trash because it’s dirty. A: Do you sweep the floor? B: No, I hate to do that because it’s too tired. 4.争取机会展示你们的讨论对话。 二、听力。 1.弄清1b题意,然后听磁带,完成题目要求。 2.核对答案,若有不清楚的地方要求老师再次播放磁带并改正错误。 【课堂练习】 一、 根据下列表格中的信息及所给的对话提示,制作对话。 Chores Yes No Reasons for ―No‖ Do the dishes Sweep the floor Do my homework Take out the trash Make the bed Take part in Romeo’s party Fold the clothes Clean the living Study for the test room A: Could you please do the dishes? B: Yes, sure./of course/certainly/no problem./Oh, sorry, I can’t. I’m hanging out with friends. 注:“could”是情态动词,所以它后边使用了动词原形“do”。 “could”可以表示委婉礼貌的语气,也可以表示过去的一种能力。但在这 个单元里,“could”表示的是_______________,而且它的回答语不能用 “could”而要使用“can”或“can’t‖。 二、单项选择。 1.Could you please ________ the dining room? A. sweep B. sweeps C. swept D. to sweep 2.Would you mind taking _______ the trash? I am busy cooking . A. in B. for C. to D. out 3.Our teachers hate _________ up late on weekdays. A. get B. getting C. to gets D. to getting 4.His daughter ___________ make her bed after lunch. A. will B. is going to C. are going D. hope 5.— ________ is he going to return to our city? — In two weeks. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How much 【要点归纳】 回顾与家务活相关的词组及提出委婉礼貌请求的习惯用句。 【拓展练习】 1.Could you please clean the living room?(作否定回答) _____________________________________ 2.Would you like take out the trash?(改 错)_________________________________________________ 3.Could you please to help me with my math?(改 错)_________________________________________ 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit11 Could you please clean your room? SectionA2a-2c(2)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并运用 ―work on, go to a meeting, get a ride, stay out late, go to the movies, use the car, need to eat breakfast, have a test‖这些词组。 2学会使用 “could”请求许可、允许并对于不能允许的情况给出理 由。 【重点,难点】 听懂礼貌地请求许可、允许的句子及不同意的原因;在对话中自由并 有礼貌地请求许可和允许。 温故知新 一、默写下列表格中的单词。 整理你的床铺 倒垃圾 扫地 洗碗 折叠你的衣服 打扫客厅 没必要的 困难的 有趣的 无聊的 不舒服的 容易的 必要的 浪费时间 脏的 累人的,疲惫的 二、单项选择。 1.—Could I use your dictionary? —___________. A. Yes, you could B. No, certainly C. Yes, of course D. Yes, you did. 2.It’s unhealthy for us ________too many super chicken sandwiches. A. eat B. eating C . to eat D. eats 3.It’s very hot outside. You _______ to wear your sweater out. A. needn’t B. don’t have C. doesn’t need D. haven’t. 4.He ______ run as fast as Liu Xiang before he hurt his left leg. A. can B. could C. can’t D. couldn’t. 5.—_____ I use your badminton rackets? —Sorry, you can’t . I have no badminton rackets. A. Can B. Must C. Do D. Could 自主互助学习 一、 阅读66页的内容,完成下列问题。 1.翻译下列词组并大声朗读识记它们。 去看电影___________________;在外呆至很晚_________________;用一下车________________; 搭便车________________;去开会_______________;忙于,从事.....的工作_______________________; 需要做某事________________;做家务,干家务活_________________;起居室,客厅______________; 有考试________________ 。 2.弄清2a、2b题意后,听磁带,完成题目要求。 3.同老师同学核对答案并对不一致的地方向老师提出再次播放磁带的要求,注意改错。 二、对话练习。 根据你所记录的听力信息,参考下边提示制作对话。 A:Could I go to the movies? B: Sorry . You can’t. You have a test tomorrow and you need . to study for the test 【课堂练习】 一、编写出Peter想做的事情及他爸同意他做的条件和不同意他做的理由,然后效仿课本66页2c中的 对话制作你们自己的对话。你们可以轮流使用你们编写的信息。 What Peter wants to do YeNo Reasons for ―No‖ or things Peter first have to do (Peter想做的事情) s (不同意的理由/同意Peter做的条件) 二、单项选择。 1.Unluckily he is going to _______ the computer. A. work out B. work in C. work on D. work for 2.—Could I get a ride next morning ? —________ A. Sorry, you can’t . B. Yes, of course C. Yes, sure D. A, B or C. 3.Could you please help ______ ? A. doing the laundry B. do the laundry C. to doing the laundry D. with do the laundry 4.Could you please _______ the radio? Don’t you see your grandmother is sleeping now? A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down D. turn up 5.Could you please ________ the window? There are too many mosquitoes(蚊子)outside. A. not to open B. to open C. open D. not open 【要点归纳】 回顾所学词组及礼貌地请求允许和许可的方法;注意使用“be going to + 动词原形”来给出不能允许的原因。 【拓展练习】 补全对话。 A: Dear father, I’m going to have a birthday party for myself. Could you please give me some 1 ? B: Sure. But 2 are you going to do with it? A: I’m going to 3 some drinks and snacks. By the way, could I 4 your car? B: Sorry, I’m afraid not . I have to go to the meeting by car. A: Oh, really? Could l get a 5 ? B: Yes, of course you 6 . But you need to 7 it at first. You know I used it yesterday and it is dirty. And when you finish shopping, you have to 8 the taxi back home. A: Ok, I need to wash the car first. See you later. 1.__________; 2.___________; 3.___________; 4.___________; 5.______________; 6.____________; 7.___________; 8._____________. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit11 Could you please clean your room? SectionA3a-4(3)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并运用 ―make及do‖所构成的动词词组。 2学会使用 “like”、“don’t like”或 ―hate‖ 表述自己喜欢或不喜 欢做的家务并能给出理由。 【重点,难点】 注意辨析“make”和“do”引导的两种动词词组,不可混用;能使用 不同的词来表述你对不同家务活喜欢或不喜欢的理由。 温故知新 一、默写下列表格中的单词并大声朗读它们。 没必要的 困难的 有趣的 无聊的 不舒服的 容易的 必要的 浪费时间 脏的 累人的,疲惫的 令人放松的 在外边 油乎乎的,油腻的 满是灰尘的,灰的 害怕的 be outside oily dusty scary 二、按要求完成句子。 1.Remember to give a call to him when you arrive in Kunming.(变为同义句) ________ _________ to give a call to him when you arrive in Kunming. 2.Cowards(懦夫) die(死 many _______(time) before their deaths(死 亡).(用所给词的适当形式填空) 3.This is his ______(one) arrival in China. The beautiful scenery makes him want to visit here ________ (one) more. (用所给词的适当形式填空) 4.Wang Rong works so ______(hard) that there are ________(hard) any questions that she can’t work them out.(用所给 词的适当形式填空) 5.My grandparents are so old that they can’t go sightseeing in New Zealand with us .(变为同义句) My grandparents are _______ ________ ________ go sightseeing in New Zealand with us. 6.Jim has a stomachache and he shouldn’t eat anything in 24 hours.(变为同义句) Jim has a stomachache and he should _________ __________ in 24 hours. 7.I’m not full. I want to eat another three steambread(馒 头).(变为同义句) I’m not full. I want to eat _________ _________ steambread. 8.Could you please not smoke in the hospital?(变为祈使句) __________ __________ in the hospital. 自主互助学习 一、阅读67页的内容,完成下列问题。 1.认真阅读3a中的文章并使用“make”或“do”填空。 2.核对答案并思考:do与make 的区别在哪里,事实上,do 只是 ”,没有“生产,加工”之意。而make 是“做,制作”, 有“生产,“做 加工”之意。但熟记它们的固定搭配很重要。请根据上边提示,翻译下列 词组并熟读识记它们。 do chores _______________;do housework_____________;do the dishes____________;do the laundry _____________;do homework____________;do sports____________;do a survey___________;do well in___ ____________;do some reading____________;do some shopping__________;do some walking___________; do some washing____________;do some cleaning_______________;do some cooking__________________; do morning exercises___________. make money________;make breakfast__________;make dinner__________;make a cake____________; make the bed___________;make tea__________;make a milk shake_____________. 二、对话练习。 1.请再次填写下边表格,检查一下你有没有都记住了。 没必要的 困难的 有趣的 无聊的 不舒服的 容易的 必要的 浪费时间 脏的 累人的,疲惫的 令人放松的 在外边 油乎乎的,油腻的 满是灰尘的,灰的 害怕的 2.在表格中列写你喜欢或不喜欢的家务事,并简单写出理由。然后效 仿课本67页3b中的对话彼此介绍自己对家务事的喜恶及理由。 Like or don’t Chores Reasons like Do the dishes Don’t like Oily 【课堂练习】 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.The girl is quiet . She is too nervous to say _________(something) when our teacher asks why she didn’t go home yesterday. 2.I think I’m _______________(athlete) than my brother. 3.The boy __________________(be) a pilot when he is _________(old). 4.Thanks a lot for your ___________(invite). 5.They _____________(not sweep) the floor yesterday so they have to do it the whole week. 【要点归纳】 回顾所学形容词及相关家务事的词组;用“like”,“hate”或“don’t like‖ 描述自己对不同家务事的喜恶。 【拓展练习】 汉译英,注意使用正确形式。 1.Deng Yaping studied in Tsinghua University and she _______________(主修)management. 2.Is Paul Gasol an _____________________(国际体育明星)? 3.He ____________________________(保持着打嗝世界纪录).We really hope he can stop it. 4.Could I _____________(搭便车)to downtown to do some shopping? 5.She ______________(参加) the English speech contest and won first prize. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit11 Could you please clean your room? SectionB1a-2c(4)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会使用“could‖ “be going to + 动词原形”来向父母礼貌地寻求举行生日聚会许可及介绍自己生日聚会的筹备计划。 2提升自己听说的能力。 【重点,难点】 听力过程中快速准确记录主意信息;一般将来时和could的混合使用。 温故知新 一、翻译下列词组并大声朗读它们。 一杯酸奶____________________;两茶匙蜂蜜 ______________________________;两公斤鸡肉_______________________;三篮子洋芋_____________________;六盒月饼 _________________________;四瓶牛奶______________________________; 三碗饭____________________;切碎_____________;把...放到...里_-_____________;把它全部混合在一起_____________________;制作爆米花__________;爆米花机______________________;打开_____________;煮面条_________________;加......到......中去__________________________;按正确顺序摆放或排列......__________________________________。 二、按要求完成句子。 1.He is unhealthy because he doesn’t eat a balanced d_________(据首字母补全单词). 2.To become p____________ sports stars is many students’dream.(同上) 3.At the same time, he is going to learn an i______________ in college.(同上) 4.After that, a_______ two teaspoons of relish to the chicken slices.(同上) 5.The boy has a sore throat and should drink lots of water with h_______(同上) 6.I don’t like take out the t_________ because it’s too dirty.(同 上) 7.It is only __________(ten minute) walk, so I never take the bus to school.(用所给词的适当形式填空) 8.When he passed the shopping center, he saw a man _________(play) the violin at the gate.(同上) 9.In order to protect our earth, we should drive our own cars _________(little) and take the bus or subway __________(much).(用所给词的适当形式填空) 10.I like ________(clean) the ________(live) room because it’s my duty.(用所给词的适当形式填空) 自主互助学习 一、 阅读68页的内容,完成下列问题。 1.弄清1a题意并按要求填空。 2.熟悉表格中的短语并大声朗读识记它们。注意:borrow同lend的区 别是:对于主语而言,借进来用borrow, 借出去用lend。邀请某人做某事 是:invite sb to do sth..根据上边所述,完成下列各题。 —May I ________(borrow, lend) your dictionary?(选择填空) —Sorry, you can’t.I __________(borrowed, lent) it to Jiang Yun. I’m going to invite my friends __________(take part in) my birthday party on weekends.(用适当形式填空) 3.根据你所填写的信息,效仿1b中的对话制作对话。 二、听力。 1.弄清2a,2b题意,并讨论如何才能准确快速记录下题目要求记录的 信息。 2.听磁带,完成听力任务。 3.核对答案,对没记录下的信息要求老师再次播放磁带并注意改错。 4.翻到听力材料(课本91页)大声朗读一遍。注意作者是如何礼貌 地向母亲寻求举行生日聚会的许可以及介绍自己筹备生日的计划。 【课堂练习】 对话练习。弄清2c题意,并参照下边提示,制作对话。注意使用一般 将来时及could。 A: I’m going to have a party and I’m going to invite my classmates and friends to it. So could you please give me a hand? B: Yes, sure. A: Could I borrow your CD player? B: Yes , of course . But you need to be careful with it. A: Could you please ......? B:...... 【要点归纳】 如何礼貌地向父母寻求举行生日聚会的许可,如何使用一般将来时 来介绍自己生日的筹备计划, 【拓展练习】 选择方框中的句子补全对话。 a.you can’t stay out too late. b.Sure, you can. c.Then you have to make your bed. d.What do I have to do? e.Don’t worry! f.Goodbye! g.I’m not going to meet King on time. h.That’s all right. m.Thank you ! n.I hate you, Mum. A: Dear mom. Could I hang out with my best friend King? B: 1 .But you have to do some chores first. A: 2 B: Well, first you have to clean the living room. A: No problem. Then what? B: 3 A: Ok, I think I can do that. B: And you need to do dishes and help me water flowers. A: Wow! 4 B: 5 I will help you .But 6 A: 7 Dear Mum! 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit11 Could you please clean your room? SectionB3a-4(5)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会使用一些照看动物的词组及知道如何去照看动物。 2.学会在电子邮件中使用could向朋友委婉礼貌地寻求帮助,并能用一般将来时给出需要帮助的原因,从而提升自己的写作能力。 【重点,难点】 识记与照看动物相关的词组;如何写一份诚恳礼貌的电子邮件来寻求帮助, 温故知新 一、翻译下列词组并大声朗读它们。 拍照______________; 看见些海豹__________________;吃一个汉堡包___________________; 去动物园__________________;看见一些鲨鱼________________;吃些冰淇淋__________________________; 和朋友逛逛______________________________;得到某人的亲笔签名______________________;赢得那顶帽子________________;别的什么_______________;遇见一个著名的演员_______________________;赢得一份奖品__________________;在水族馆___________________;首先_________;然后________;接下来_________;最后___________.。 二、按要求完成句子。 1.How was your last day off?(变为同义句) ________ ________ your last day off __________? 2.My father walked to school when he was a child.(同上) My father _______ ________ ________ _________ __________ when he was a child. 3.Tom is 1.88 tall and Lucy is also 1.88 tall.(同上) Tom is _______ ________ _______Lucy. 4.There _______(be)lots of flowers in our school last year.(用所 给词的适当形式填空) 5.____________(fortunate), he was killed in a car accident.(同 上) 6.___________(final), put another slice of bread on the top and you can enjoy the super chicken sandwich.(同上) 7.The banana milk shake on the table tasted delicious.(对划线 部分提问) _______ banana milk shake tasted delicious? 8.They need two bottles of honey to make sandwiches.(同上) ________ _________ honey ________ they need to make sandwiches? 9. They need two bottles of honey to make sandwiches.(同上) ________ _________ bottles of honey ________ they need to make sandwiches? 10.It’s Monday, 5April today. (同上) _______ today? 自主互助学习 一、 阅读69页的内容,完成下列问题。 1.弄清3a题意并按要求填写表格。 2.核对表格中你们所填的词组。 3.翻译下列词组并大声朗读识记它们。 因为......而感谢______________;照看照顾 ________________/____________;带......去散步_________ ___________;给它水喝并且喂它东西吃____________________________;洗它的碗__________________; 清扫它的床____________________;玩耍某物_________________;顺便来 访_____________。 4.复述3a中的文章。 二、写作。.弄清3b题意,在课本上补全这封电子邮件。注意要委婉礼貌 地向朋友寻求帮助。 【课堂练习】 弄清3c题意,并按照题目要求补写这封电子邮件。请使用could 委婉 地向朋友寻求帮助;使用be going to + 动词原形说明需要帮助的原因。你 可以选择方框中的短语来写邮件。当然,你也可以在方框中补写你想到的, 然后将它们用到你的邮件中去。别忘了使用适当的顺序副词。 Move some good furniture(家具) to my new house use your truck(卡车) TV and sofa are old borrow some money from you buy a new TV and a new sofa invite some friends to eat dinner help me cook help me build a new house for my dog _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【要点归纳】 回顾照看动物的方法;注意电子邮件的格式及委婉语气的制造。 【拓展练习】 按要求完成句子。 1.This movie is a little boring.(变为同义句) This movie is ________ _________ boring. 2.They did the laundry the day before yesterday.(变为否定句) They _________ _________ the laundry the day before yesterday. 3.She is going to take acting lessons on weekends.(变为一般疑 问句) _______ she _______ _______ ________ acting lessons on weekends? 4.He can’t carry the heavy box. I can’t carry the heavy box, either.(合并为一个句子) _______ he _______I can’t carry the heavy box.. 5.Don’t laugh at others when they make mistakes.(使用could 来改写句子) ________you please ________ ________ at others when they make mistakes. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit12 What’s the best radio station? SectionA1a-1c(1)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1. 识记并能运用表示电影院设施、方位、价钱及服务的词组。 2.学会使用最高级对不同的电影院从不同方面做出客观的评估。 【重点,难点】 电影院名称的发音及翻译;多音节词及非多音节词的辨析及最高级的 使用。 温故知新 一、写出下列词的比较级。 big__________; beautiful___________; short__________; easy___________; white_____________; happy________;good________;cool___________;heavy__________;hot_ ____________.athletic__________________;smart__________;expensive__________________;old____________;calm_______;funny____________;ou tgoing_______________;wild__________;quiet_________;thin_____;ser ious__________________; 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.In my opinion, English is ____________(popular) than Chinese. 2.This TV drama is as _________(boring) as that one. 3.Shanghai has ___________(large) population than Beijing. 4.Yao Ming is much _________(tall) than Xiong Tianping. 5.This book is very ___________(interest). 6.I’m _______________(heavy) than other teachers in our school. 7.My ________(good) friend Tom is going to be a violinist when he grows up. 8.He does his homework as ______________(care) as I do. 9.She did ________(well) in math than I did two years ago. 10.Tina is ______________(friend) than any other girls in our class. 自主互助学习 一、 认真阅读课本94至95页上部分的内容,完成下列问题。 1.写出下列单词的最高级。 big__________; beautiful___________; short__________; easy___________; white_____________; happy________;good____________;cool___________;heavy__________;hot_____________.heavy_______; athletic__________________;smart_____________;expensive___________________;old____________;calm_______;funny____________;outgoing__ _______________;wild__________;quiet____________;thin_____; serious__________________; 2.核对你所填写的最高级并弄清如何朗读它们。 3.最高级表示_____ 者或______者以上的人或物比较,其中一个在某 一方面超过其他几个。形容词的最高级前边一般要加__________, 后边可 带of (in)表示比较的范围。基本结构是: He is the tallest in our class A + ... ... + the + 形容词,副词的最高级 + in(of) ... ... (A在... ...中是最... ...) 4.将课本71页中词组中的形容词圈出并将它们的最高级形式写在它们的旁边,然后同老师同学核对答案并弄清它们的发音。 5.弄清1a题意并按要求完成。然后,根据汉语提示填写表格。表格见下一页。 受欢迎的 最受欢迎的 友好的服务 最友好的服务 舒适的座位 最舒适的座位 离家近 距离家最近 大屏幕 最大的屏幕 新的电影 最新的电影 便宜的 最便宜的 在城里一个 在城里一个 好玩的部位 最好玩的部位 二、听力。 1.弄清1b题意,然后熟悉右边黄色框里的movie theaters(电影院)。 2.听磁带,完成匹配。然后,在小组中核对答案。 【课堂练习】 一、根据听力信息,效仿1c中的对话,同搭档制作对话,轮流评估各家电影院。练习完成后,争取机会向老师同学展示你们的评估对话。 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.It’s much ___________(cold) than yesterday. Perhaps It will snow tomorrow. 2.Which school is _____________________(close) to your house in Zhanyi? 3.I think summer is _____________(hot) in a year. 4.Of all the dishes, chicken is__________________(delicious). 5.Who is ___________________(good) student in your class? 【要点归纳】 形容词、副词最高级的变法;可通过什么指标评估电影院, 【拓展练习】 单项选择。 1.Which movie theater do you think has _________in our town? A. comfortable seats B. the most comfortable seats C. the more seats D.most comfortale seats. 2.He wants to buy a flat in ___________part of of town. A. the funnest B. the most fun C. most fun D.the funnier part. 3.I like to eat in the restaurants who has ________ service. A. the friendlyest B. the more friendly C. the friendliest D. the most friends 4.My house is _____ than any other students’. A. father B. farther C. fathest D. farthest 5.What animals do you like ________? A. well B. better C. best D. wellest 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit12 What’s the best radio station? SectionA2a-2c(2)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并能运用表示服装店、收音节目指标的词组。 2.学会使用最高级对城市中的服装店及收音节目做出客观的评估。 3.提升自己的听说能力。 【重点,难点】 服装店及收音节目名称的发音及翻译;使用最高级自由讨论服装店及 收音节目的好坏。 温故知新 一、写出第一段词的最高级并翻译第二段。 Friendly_______________;cheap_______________;popular_________________;close______________; big___________________;comfortable_______________________;good_________;bad___________;far ___ ____________;athletic__________________. 世界纪录大全___________________________;打嗝世界纪录 ____________________;打喷嚏世界纪录 _____________________;保持 着... ...的世界纪录_______________________;多长时间____________; 开始打嗝________________;停止打嗝______________;五百四十二 _______________________________; 六十九年零五个月_____________________________。 二、单项选择。 1.Hainan is the second ________ island in China. A. large B. larger C. largest D. most large 2.Of the five singers, who do you think is _________one? A. successful B. successfulest C.the most successful Dthe most success 3.Prefessor Wang always goes to have classes ______ breakfast. It’s not healthy for his health. A. with B. eating C. for D. without 4.The weather in Yunnan is quite different from __________in Anhui. A. weather B. it C. one D. that 5.Their hair is __________________longer than _______. A. Lucy B. Lucy’s C. Lucys D. Lucy’s hair. 6.The children put all the oranges on the table and ________with a knife. A. cut them up B. cut up them C. cut it up D. cut up it 7.They didn’t play basketball _______ bad weather. A. because B. for C.so D.because of 8.It ________ him five months to read that novel. A. spent B. cost C. paid D.took. 自主互助学习 一、 认真阅读课本71页上的内容,完成下列问题。 1.匹配服装店的名称并熟读它们。 时尚少年服装店 贾森服装店 牛仔一角服装店 流行时尚服装店 2.弄清2a、2b题意,然后听磁带。 3.核对听力答案,对错误的地方要求老师再次播放磁带并注意改正。 二、对话练习。 1.根据听力所记录的信息,效仿2c的对话,对镇上的服装店进行评估。 2.根据下列表格信息及对话提示,对镇上收音节目进行评估。 Comment(评论) Radio station Reasons (理由) Best radio station Jazz 107.9 Has the most interesting music Pretty bad Oldies 102.1 FM Has the worst music Popular Easy Listening 97.9 It is said(据说)many people like it The most popular All Talk 970 Has better commercials(广告) A: What’s the best radio station? B: I think Jazz 107.9. A: Why? . B: Because it has the most interesting music【课堂练习】 根据你们学校所在地方的各家餐馆实际,填写下列图表,然后效仿上 边的对话,使用最高级对它 们进行评估。你可能会用到的理由:has the most comfortable tables and seats; has the most delicious dishes(菜);the quietest environment(最安静的环境); the most expensive /the cheapest;the closest to school;has the friendliest service;the cleanest;the spiciest dishes(最辣的菜) Comment(评论) Restaurant Reasons (理由) Best restaurant Worst restaurant Most popular restaurant 【要点归纳】 怎样去评估服装店、广播电台或者其他的事物, 【拓展练习】 找出与划线部分意义相近的选项。 ( ) 1.Jim is too young to go to school. A. too small B. old enough C. not old enough D. heavy enough ( )2.My foreign teachers are friendly to us. A. kind B. helpful C. polite D. kindly ( )3.My school is close to my house. A. far from B. near C. a long way from D. not open ( )4.He is more athletic than any other boys in our class. A. the most athleticest B. the most athletic C. much more athletic D. a lot athletic ( )5.Town Cinema has the highest price in our city. A. is the cheapest B. is the most expensive C. is more expensive D. is cheaper 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit12 What’s the best radio station? SectionA3a-4 (3)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会对自己所生活的地方的饭馆、收音电台、服装店等场所进行调 查汇总并使用最高级将调查写成文章介绍给人们。 2.提升自己的说和写的能力。 【重点,难点】 将不同场所的调查结果汇总,使用最高级撰写清晰简洁的文章。 温故知新 一、翻译下列词组并在小组中核对它们。然后,大声朗读识记它们。 理想的工作______________;长大___________/__________;做我想做 的_______________________; 搬到某个有趣的地方_____________________________;听起来像 _______________;艺术展___________ __________;一份兼职工作_________________;攒钱________________;同 时_________________;举办艺术展_________________________;我想富有 _______________________;周游世界___________________ ______________;退休到某个安静美丽的地方 _________________________________________________; 写文章 __________________;把......寄到杂志社和报社 __________________________________________。 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.It is a little __________(cold) than yesterday. 2.Trendy Fashions has ________________(bad) quality clothing of all. People in our city hate to buy clothes there. 3.Do you know that China has ________________(large) population in the world. 4.The apple is too big for me to eat it up. Could you please give me a ___________(small) one? 5.Soccer is __________________(popular) around the world. 6.When he stopped ____________(hiccup), his parents stopped _____________(worry) about him. 7.My father wants me _______________( learn) a new instrument. 8.Look at these plants! They need _______________(water). 9.Little Tony ___________________(spend) time with his grandparents this winter holiday. 10.Jim _________________________(be) a physicist when he is _______(old). 自主互助学习 一、 认真阅读课本73页上的内容,完成下列问题。 1.仔细阅读3a中的文章,填写课本上3a下边的表格。 2.在小组中核对答案,并根据你所填写的表格练习复述课文。 3.思考:作者使用了哪些句子和单词,让这篇文章从头至尾都是那么 的清晰流畅。 二、对话练习。根据3b题意,先填表,再做对话。 三、根据4的题意,完成表格,然后练习对话。 【课堂练习】 请效仿3a中的文章,对你所生活的地方的餐馆、服装店、和理发店 在同学间进行调查并结合你自己的感受,先在下表中填写信息,然后在将 它们汇总,使用最高级及你所认为能让文章流畅、清晰的句子或者单词, 写出清晰简洁的文章。 Comment( 评论) Restaurant Reasons Best restaurant Worst restaurant Most popular restaurant Comment( 评论) Clothing store Reasons Best clothing store Worst clothing store Most popular clothing store Comment( 评论) Barber shop (理发Reasons 店) Best barber shop Worst barber shop Most popular barber shop _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 【要点归纳】 如何将调查到的结果汇总,然后写成一篇流畅简明的文章,注意最高 级的使用及一些引导、承上启下的句子或单词。 【拓展练习】 Tom’s Cafeteria has the most delicious food in our city.But there is one problem. It’s not in the most fun part of our city.We usually spend 15 minutes walking there. My friends and I usually go to John’s Lunch Bar. It’s closer and the food is not bad.The people in John’s are also friendlier than those at Tom’s. In fact John’s is the friendliest place in our city. They have the biggest hamburgers and the best salads. But their pizza is pretty bad. You should never have pizza at John’s.(根据短文内容判断正误) ( )1.The food at Tom’s Cafeteria is delicious. ( )2.Tom’s Cafeteria is in a very popular part in our city. ( )3.John’s Lunch Bar is closer to school than Tom’s Cafeteria. ( )4.John’s food is better than Tom’s Cafeteria. ( )5.John’s Lunch Bar has friendlier service than Tom’s Cafeteria. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit12 What’s the best radio station? SectionB1a-2c(4)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.识记并运用“most creative, dullest, loudest, worst, most boring, funniest, quietest, best‖这些词。 2.学会使用最高级来评价学校才艺表演中的表演者们。 3.提高自己的听说能力。 【重点,难点】 使用不同的形容词的最高级来评价才艺表演中的表演者们;听力中快 速记录所需信息的能力。 温故知新 在下列表格中写出相对应的表职业的单词以及形容词,并大声熟读它 们。 work 工作 worker 工人 teach 教 老师 report 报道 记者 play 玩 运动员 read 读 读者 win 赢 获胜者 sing 唱 歌手 clean 打扫 清洁工 learn 学习 学习者 run 跑 赛跑者 高尔夫球golf 打高尔夫球 skate 滑冰 滑冰者 运动员 drive 开车 司机 Wait 等待 服务员 manage 管理,经营 经理 write 写 作家 program使......运作 程序师 help 帮助 助手 me visit 参观 来访者 act 表演 演员 science 科学 科学家 music 音乐 音乐家 art 艺术 艺术家 politics 物理 物理学家 history 历史 历史学家 chemistry 化学 化学家 physics 物理 物理学家 mathemat数学 数学家 ics 小提琴家钢琴家violin 小提琴 piano 钢琴 (手) (师) 极好的 很糟的 可怕的 坏的 好的 无聊的 有趣的、引有趣的,引 起兴趣的 人发笑的 杰出的 善良的 美丽的 慈爱的 著名的 有天赋的 富有创造不寻常的 力的 没必要的 困难的 有趣的 无聊的 不舒服的 容易的 必要的 浪费时间 脏的 累人的,疲惫的 令人放松的 在外边 油乎乎的,油腻的 满是灰尘的,灰的 害怕的 自主互助学习 一、 认真阅读课本74页上的内容,完成下列问题。 1.弄清1a题意,并按照要求写出它们相对应的反义词,并熟读识记它们。 2.使用1a中的形容词口头造句。 3.仔细观察2a中的图片,使用1a中的形容词来描述它们。 二、听力。 1.弄清2a、2b题意,思考需要用到什么样的听力技巧才能帮助自己准确迅速地记录下题目要求做的内容。 2.听磁带,完成题目要求。 3.同老师同学核对答案,并针对错误的地方要求老师再次播放磁带。注意改错。 三、依据听力中的信息,效仿2c的对话同搭档制作对话。 【课堂练习】 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.There are lots of _____________(visit) in Lijiang every month. 2.They had great fun______________(play) the guitar upside down.. 3.I_________________(have) a birthday party for my father next Friday .Could you please ________(come) over to help me _____________(clean) the _________(live) room? 4.Which performer do you think is the ______________(creative)? 5.He eats meat a lot and never eats vegetables , which makes him look really _____________(health). 【要点归纳】 如何将调查到的结果汇总,然后写成一篇流畅简明的文章,注意最高级的使用及一些引导、承上启下的句子或单词。 【拓展练习】 按要求完成句子。 1.She can’t be more beautiful.(同义句) She is _______ _________ ___________. 2.Shanghai is more crowded than any other cities in China.(同上) Shanghai is _______ __________ __________ city in China. 3.Which is ___________(far), Guangzhou or Nanjing?(用所给词 的适当形式填空) 4.Zhao Benshan is __________(funny)actor in China and he comes from___________(Northeast) China. 5.______________( juggle)(玩杂耍)in public is very interesting and a little difficult. 【总结反思】 【课题】Unit12 What’s the best radio station? SectionB3a-, (5)(1课时) 【学习目标】 1.学会使用一般过去时和最高级撰写一篇关于学校才艺表演的文章。 2.提升自己的说和写的能力。 【重点,难点】 灵活地将一般过去时和最高级运用到介绍学校才艺表演的文章中去。 温故知新 一、.将下列动词变为它们的过去式,不规则变法参照课本最后一页。 watch____________; study___________; like__________; enjoy___________;stop___________; look__________;die_________;am/is________; are________; go_______; take________;see______; buy___________; have________; eat________; hang_________;do_________. 复习四种时态,并对应各种时态,将空格处补填完整。 基本结构 适用情况 否定、疑问及回答形式 现She is reading books. 在否定:She isn’t reading books. 表此时此刻或现阶段正在进 一般疑问:Is she reading books? 进行的动作。 行肯定回答:Yes, she is. 时 否定回答:No, she isn’t. 一用于经常性或习惯性的动He goes to work every day. 般作、现在的特征或状态、否定:He doesn’t go to work every day. 现 客观存在及普遍真理、时一般疑问:Does he go to work 在间或条件状语从句中代替everyday?肯定回答:Yes, he does 时 一般将来时。 否定回答:No, he doesn’t. 一 Jim went to work yesterday. 般否定: 过一般疑问: 去肯定回答: 时 否定回答: 三个都表将来,但1侧重Jim is going to visit his aunt next 一于主语有意图有准备有计week.. 般划或某事有迹象要发生,否定: 将 这个动作基本上会实现;2一般疑问: 来是使用现在进行时表将 时 来;3则是客观的,事先没肯定回答: 有考虑的要发生的动作。 否定回答: 各位可爱的同学,学期行将结束了。不知道有了《导学案》的陪伴和 老师们辛勤的工作,你们是否提升了自己的自学能力,相信你们一定有了 一定的提高。不过,为了给你们更大的自学舞台,我决定让你们去编写本 课时的“自主互助学习、课堂练习、要点归纳和拓展练习”四个部分。为 了达到学习目标,你可以在里边设置表格、图片等你觉得能帮助大家实现 学习目标的素材。相信你们一定会做出很优秀的导学设计的。 自主互助学习 【课堂练习】 【要点归纳】 【拓展练习】 【总结反思】
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