首页 浅谈福建省行政区划地图集的编制特点



浅谈福建省行政区划地图集的编制特点浅谈福建省行政区划地图集的编制特点 浅谈福建省行政区划地图集的编制特点 戴济帄 (福建省制图院, 福建 福州 350003) 摘 要:通过对《福建省行政区划地图集》 的资料使用、内容选题、符号与色彩设计等特点进行分析与探讨,结果表明 《福建省行政区划地图集》 达到突出行政区划主题的目的。关键词:行政区划 ; 要素 ; 符号 () 中图分类号:P291 文献标志码: B 文章编号: 1672-4623 201102-0142-02 行政区划,是国家根据政治和行政管理的需要,将福建省权威性的行政区划资料的原则...

浅谈福建省行政区划地图集的编制特点 浅谈福建省行政区划地图集的编制特点 戴济帄 (福建省制图院, 福建 福州 350003) 摘 要:通过对《福建省行政区划地图集》 的资料使用、 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 选题、符号与色彩 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 等特点进行 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 与探讨,结果表明 《福建省行政区划地图集》 达到突出行政区划主题的目的。关键词:行政区划 ; 要素 ; 符号 () 中图分类号:P291 文献标志码: B 文章编号: 1672-4623 201102-0142-02 行政区划,是国家根据政治和行政管理的需要,将福建省权威性的行政区划资料的原则,收集了民政、测领土划分为若干层次、大小不同的行政区域,并在各 绘、海洋等多部门、多学科的最新资料,充分利用经 济建设、社会发展以及相关专业部门的最新研究成果 个行政区域设置相应的地方国家机关,管理地方行政 事务。作为国家结构和政治体制的重要形式,行政区 和数据,项目组的主要负责人员对全部资料进行整理、划是否科学合理,关系到国家长治久安、社会和谐稳 分析、评价、标识,确定所使用的资料、指标以及资定和区域协调发展,对推进社会主义经济建设、政治 料的使用范围、使用程度及处理 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,综合归类分档 建设、文化建设和社会建设都具有十分重要的影响。编 后提供给编图使用。民国及以前的历史沿革以福建省 制行政区划地图集,反映地方行政建制设置及其区域 地图出版社 2004 年出版的《福建省历史地图集》中的 划分的全貌,不仅是政府实施行政管理的一个客观要 相关图幅为基本资料,设区市、县:市、区:图以 1: 求,而且是政府面向社会提供公共服务的一项具体举 25 万或 1: 5 万地形图:DLG:数据为基础资料,各级 措。新中国成立后,福建和全国各地一样,由于界线 陆域行政区域界线以福建省民政厅行政区域界线勘定 不清而引发的管辖范围、资源归属的争议纠纷时有发 成果数据为依据,居民地及自然地理名称以国务院和 生,影响了边界地区的稳定;在地图上,行政区域界 省级人民政府依法批准的标准名称为依据,海域界线 线只能长期沿用“权宜画法”表示。1996 年,国务院 以福建省海洋与渔业局海域勘界成果数据为依据,建 决定全面勘定县级以上陆地行政区域界线,经过 8 年艰 制沿革参考各县:市、区:方志和《中华人民共和国 苦努力,于 2002 年圆满完成了 3 条省级界线、192 条县 地名词典?福建省》,面积、人口、行政区划等统计数 级界线:含市区间界线:的勘定任务,并于 2004 年勘 据由各级民政部门提供。 定了全省 1 898 条乡级界线。2007 年,福建海域勘界工 作全面完成。在此期间,福建地名管理工作也逐步得到 规范和加强。这些工作成果,为编制出版权威的《福建 省行政区划地图集》:简称图集:创造了必要条件。 3 内容选题与结构编排 《图集》内容选题紧密围绕行政区划这一主题,全 面、系统地反映福建省的行政区划、标准地名、水系、 交通,既反映了福建省行政区划现状,也反映历史沿1 图集基本情况 革与政治、经济、文化以及地缘之间的内在联系。 福 建古为闽越地,秦代设置闽中郡,由此历经了 图集为 16 开本,是福建历史上首部权威的行政区 两千多年的建制沿革,民国以前的历史沿革图根据历 划地图集,由 120 幅地图和 10 万文字组成,全面系统 地标绘了当前福建法定的乡级以上行政区域界线和各 史学家的建议选择了秦代、西汉、东汉、三国、东晋、级政区、村级建制的全部标准名称,详细表示了各级 隋代、唐代、五代、南宋、元代、明代、清代、民国政区及政府驻地的分布情况,简要反映了福建两千多 等主要历史时期的政区沿革,考虑到 1887 年台湾从福 年来的行政区划沿革。 建析出设立台湾省,从此福建省的境域基本固定,因 此清代安排两幅图表示,解放后福建省的行政区划进 2 编图资料 行了几次较大的调整,解放后选择了 1951 年、1960 年、 项目建设过程中始终坚持将《图集》编制成一本1973 年、1985 年、1999 年、2002 年的福建省行政区 要文献,包含丰富的信息量,具有时代特色和历史收口、1949 年-2006 年福建省建制县以上沿革等内 藏价值。出版 2 年来深受社会各界人士的好评,它为 各级党政领导和有关部门进行宏观决策、加强行政区 划规范化与科学化管理、维护社会稳定、促进经济发 重创新意识和时代特色 展、进行行政区划规划、研究行政区划变迁、地名更 集创新意识和时代特色是现代地图设计的一个迭提供科了科学依据,为海峡西岸经济区建设提供了 基础信息。同时为海内外各界人士和港澳台同胞了解 设计中要力求做到在前人研究的基础上,有所 福建历史沿革、来闽投资兴业、探亲访友、寻根问祖 有所创新,这是图集设计的最终目的。提供了指南。 帧设计与符号色彩体系设计的创新 帧设计和符号体系的设计进行统一的美学构思, 取美学、构成学、色彩学等理论和知识,用它 参考文献 整体图集的设计。[][]1 祝国瑞,苗先荣,陈丽珍.地图设计M.广州:广东地图出版社, 帧设计包括版式设计、图幅设计和整体设计。装[]1993 张克权,黄仁涛.专题地图编制M.北京:测绘出版 []2 ,1982 王家耀, 范亦爱, 韩同春,等. 普通制综合原理 地图图社 既考虑了单幅图的图面配置及特性,又顾及全[][]3 M. 北 京: 测绘出版社,1993 统一协调,同时兼顾了读者生理和心理的感受[]祝国瑞, 郭礼珍, 尹贡白,等. 地图设计与编绘M. 武汉: 武汉 习惯性的表示手法。在图面整饰方面,地图采[]4 ,2001 大学出版社 [] 边框的整饰方法,图组、图幅名置于页眉,副尹贡白, 王家耀,田德森,等.地图概论M. 北京:测绘出版社, 1991 []5 于图内,比例尺置于页脚;文字介绍和统计表 框,四周留白,页码置于左右侧。在图面配置 Key words CEEUSRO,practice base,GIS,local colleges,training mode Experience on the Geological Engineering Survey in Guinea Bauxite Ex- (Page:130)ploration by LI Baojie Construction and Research of Map Website of Hubei Province Abstract Exploration for bauxite in Guinea is a large survey area, short period, lack by LI Yongfeng of available information, and other adverse conditions.The paper summaried the me- thods,experience and skills of the coordinate system choice, control network,topogra- Abstract Map Website of Hubei Province provides a map service platform for public, phic mapping,engineering survey etc. in its geological exploration. and it is a promotion version based on the original dynamic electronic Map Website of Key words GPS-net, topographic survey, geological engineering survey HubeiP rovince. In this paper,t he constructiona nd research of HubeiMa p Websitew as introduced. And we mainly discussed system function, system architecture and key (Page:114)technology of this website. In the end, we made an analysis and summarize of status Quality Control Research on the Highway GPS Survey by DU Xin and development for Hubei Map Website. Key words Hubei Map Website, electronic map, tile, map publish, geographic infor- Abstract Highway Surveying work is the basis of highway engineering design, con- mation platform (Page:132) trol, measurement and measure their quality on the highway played a decisive role. This paper described the road when the GPS control survey prone to problems, anal- South Tibet Toponym Proving National Ascription of Monba and Lhoba yzed the cause of the error, put forward specific measures to ensure the quality of me- by LIAO Xiaoyun asurements, GPS control survey of the future highway has a guiding role. Key words standard , coordinate system , GPS adjustment ,quality control and in- Abstract After author conducted filler research on south Tibet toponyms in the Map spection (Page:116) of China and raised the number of south Tibet toponyms on map from the original 9 to 36, according to the characteristic that the names of Lhoba and Monba coinciding with Cross-section Morphology Analysis of the Yangtze River the toponyms of residence, and the Lhoba language meaning of south Tibet toponym ' by WANG Yan Pasighat' coincidingwi th the Tibet meaning of Sichuan toponym 'Zhaxika', we demon- strated the close connectionb etween the two nationalm inorities and mainlandt ogether Abstract Extracting different historical period cross-sections at different locations with south Tibet in cultural geography, and further explained people of Lhoba and could capture river flushes and siltation。This paper achieved creating DEM by the ri- Monba living in the south Tibet areas for generationsa re not trans-bordere thnic people ver point data through the Spline interpolation, extracting the cross section lines by in this paper. using the ISurface interface to generate sections, implementing flushes and siltation Key words south Tibet , toponym , Monba , Lhoba , ascription (Page:136) analysis by copulating the cross-sections' areas. The shape of cross-sections, extracted at different locations in the Yangtze River, according to the actual style of river poten- Characteristicso f Compilationo f Atlas of FujianP rovincial Administrative tial evolution, react the river situation very well. Key words cross-section,ArcEngine,cross-sectiona nalysis (Page:120) Dicisions by DAI Jiping Abstract Material usage,content selection and symbol and color design of Atlas of Subsidence Monitoring Methods and Data Processing of Guangzhou Metro Fujian Provincial Administrative were discusseda nd analyzed in this paper, which can by LIU Jianting stress the subject of administrative divisions. Abstract The ground subsidence observation is the most important thing for the saf- Key words administrative divisions,features,symbol (Page:142) ety of subway construction. The surveying data can evaluate the construction impact Implementation of User Information Custom Service in Personalized Elec- on the ground surface and the environment.T he topics discussedin this paper included tronic Map by FAN Baomei the method of subsidence observation used in Guangzhou subway construction , the data processing of subsidence observationa nd the deformationa nalysis for ground and Abstract The paper described key technologies and implementation methods of user buildings affected by the mentioned construction. The paper also gave a way to fore- information custom service in electronic map in details, from the aspect of information cast the deformation value. classification,d ata mining and map marker adding, and designed and realized the func- Key words subsidence observation , DSZ precise level , data processing, statistical tion modules in implements. analysis (Page:122) Key words personalization, electronic map, information custom (Page:144) MapGIS Second Development to Solve the Second Survey of Ownership Design and Compliation of Henan Province City-County Administrative Knee Moving Problems by HE Qiuhua Bounary Atlas by YANG Xiaochao () Abstract This paper instructed using Visual BasicVB6.0 based on MapGIS-SDK Abstract The Altas of County-city Boundary in Henan Province contains zonal maps 6.7 to do second development to develop more suitable function for the instruction of (based on materials of administrative boudnary survey agreement attached maps, ag- the second survey database, which to make up for the shortage of the second Survey )grements, and boundary post coordinates. This paper introduced basic layouts, con- software in the instruction of database. tents and features of this altas which was followed by technical flow and requirements. Key words second development , second survey , ownership (Page:125) We also discussed major technical problems in the map compilation. The importan- tance of this work was summarzied as well. Teaching and Practice Reform of "Quantitative Remote Sensing" Courseby Key words administrative regions at city-county level, detailed boundary altas, CHEN Jian zonal toplogical maps, printing (Page:147) Abstract According to the development characteristics of remote sensing profes- Design and Implementiono f Web Thematic Atlas Based on XML sional and the specific situation of students in universities, this paper analysised quan- by ZENG Xingguo titative remote sensing course based on the current situation to determine the course teaching outline and content . The teaching methods and means in practice of the cour- Abstract Thematica tlas is a collectiono f relativem aps which reflect the statistic data se were summarized and discussed so that the course was adopt to China's remote sen- about natural resources,social economy,develop planning etc of a specific area. Pub- sing science and technology development and personnel training needs. lishing thematic atlas in web Environment will acquaint the masses get more informa- Key words quantitative remote sensing course, multimedia, heuristic teaching, pro- tion from the thematic atlas services, which means a lot. However, there existed some ject-based teaching (Page:127) problems in online thematic atlas such as the organization of structure,the representa- tion of maps, and the retardationo f thematic data update. To solve these problems, this Discussion on the Construction of GIS Practice Base under University-In- paper created the concept of dynamic online atlas, taking use of the technologya s xml, dustry Cooperation for Local Colleges by ZHENG Chunyan experts designing,real time map producing and the result is approved by experiment. Key words thematic atlas, thematic map update, experts design, online dynamic at- Abstract CEEUSRO is an important way to training GIS applied talents. Taken las, online map representation (Page:150) Jiaying University as an example, the paper analyzed the existing training modes of GIS talents based on CEEUSRO for local colleges. Aiming at these main problems for local colleges to establish practice base, some improvement measures were proposed.
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