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Java小游戏——FiveInLine// File Name: FiveInLine.java // Description: In a 9*9 grid , You can move and make five same color pieces in one line(‘-|\/’) then you get score follow the rule. // Future Improvements: 1.we can add a kind of polychrome piece that can match some existing c...

// File Name: FiveInLine.java // Description: In a 9*9 grid , You can move and make five same color pieces in one line(‘-|\/’) then you get score follow the rule. // Future Improvements: 1.we can add a kind of polychrome piece that can match some existing color(like a blue-green pieces) 2.we can make our program interface beautiful than before(make the 3D color piece etc.) 3. we can create a ranking for the ‘top 10’who get High scores import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.border.LineBorder; public class FiveInLine extends JFrame { static int scores=0;//record scores static int multiple = 0;//record how many times free line continuously static int preX=0,preY=0;//record the Panel active static String[] nextColor = new String[4];//record the next turn three pieces color(String) static int[] changeColor = new int[4];//record the next turn three pieces color(String) static int[][] saveColor = new int[11][11];//record every cell drawColor static Cell[][] cells = new Cell[11][11];//record all panel status public boolean GameOver(){//check the game is over or not int counter = 0; boolean gameOver = false; for(int i=1;i<=9;i++){//check how many cells be filled for(int j=1;j<=9;j++){ if(cells[i][j].filled == true )counter++; } } if(counter>=79)gameOver = true;//if next time can't add new three pieces else gameOver = false; counter = 0; return gameOver; } public void NewPieces(){//add new three pieces for(int i=1;i<=3;i++){ changeColor[i] = (int)(Math.random()*7+1); switch(changeColor[i]){ case 1 : nextColor[i] = "red" ;continue; case 2 : nextColor[i] = "blue";continue; case 3 : nextColor[i] = "black";continue; case 4 : nextColor[i] = "gray";continue; case 5 : nextColor[i] = "orange";continue; case 6 : nextColor[i] = "yellow";continue; case 7 : nextColor[i] = "green";continue; } } } public void ReStart(){//restart the game for(int i=0;i<11;i=i+10){//reset the wall of the 'maze' for(int j=0;j<11;j++){ cells[i][j].canReach = false; saveColor[i][j] = 0; } } for(int j=0;j<11;j=j+10){//reset the wall of the 'maze' for(int i=1;i<10;i++){ cells[i][j].canReach = false; saveColor[i][j] = 0; } } for(int i=1;i<=9;i++)//reset the 81 panels for(int j=1;j<=9;j++){ cells[i][j].filled = false; cells[i][j].selected = false; cells[i][j].canReach = true; saveColor[i][j] = 0; } for(int i=1;i<=5;i++){//add 5 pieces for initial int randomX = (int)(Math.random()*9+1); int randomY = (int)(Math.random()*9+1); while(cells[randomX][randomY].filled){ randomX = (int)(Math.random()*9+1); randomY = (int)(Math.random()*9+1); } cells[randomX][randomY].filled = true; cells[randomX][randomY].canReach = false; int randomColor = (int)(Math.random()*7+1); saveColor[randomX][randomY] = randomColor; cells[randomX][randomY].setDrawColor(randomColor); repaint(); } NewPieces(); scores = 0; } public class Cell extends JPanel{ //the cell store all data of status int direct = 0;//the piece's move direct in the 'maze' boolean filled = false;//the cell be filled by Oval or not boolean selected = false;//the play select the cell or not boolean canReach= true;//if the cell be filled, it can't reach Color drawColor = Color.black; public void paintComponent(Graphics g){//draw the Oval or Line in the panel g.setColor(Color.black); if(selected){ g.drawLine(0,getHeight()/2,getWidth(),getHeight()/2); g.drawLine(getWidth()/2,0,getWidth()/2,getHeight()); } if(filled){ g.setColor(drawColor); g.fillOval(getWidth()/6, getHeight()/6, getWidth()*2/3, getHeight()*2/3);} } public void setDrawColor(int x){//set the draw color switch(x){ case 1:drawColor = Color.red;break; case 2:drawColor = Color.blue;break; case 3:drawColor = Color.black;break; case 4:drawColor = Color.gray;break; case 5:drawColor = Color.orange;break; case 6:drawColor = Color.yellow;break; case 7:drawColor = Color.green;break; } } } public boolean MazePath(int preX,int preY,int x,int y){//the problem of 'MazePath' that we have //learned in the course of data structure ArrayList passby = new ArrayList();//record one cell passed or not in the maze for(int i=1;i<=9;i++)//reset the data about MazePath for(int j=1;j<=9;j++){ cells[i][j].direct = 0; } cells[preX][preY].canReach = true; int moveX = preX; int moveY = preY; boolean canMove = false; Stack path = new Stack();//create a new stack to record the path passed do{ if(cells[moveX][moveY].canReach && !passby.contains(cells[moveX][moveY])){//if the cell isn't passed passby.add(cells[moveX][moveY]); path.Push(moveX, moveY); if(moveX == x && moveY == y){//if we have a path to the cell we want to arrive canMove = true; break; } else{//move north moveY++; } } else{// if the cell is passed if(!path.isEmpty()){ moveX = path.TopX[path.top]; moveY = path.TopY[path.top]; path.Pop(); while(cells[moveX][moveY].direct == 4 && !path.isEmpty()){//if a cell's all direct //are passed moveX = path.TopX[path.top]; moveY = path.TopY[path.top]; passby.add(cells[moveX][moveY]); path.Pop(); } if(cells[moveX][moveY].direct<4){//check which direct are not passed; cells[moveX][moveY].direct++; path.Push(moveX, moveY); if(cells[moveX][moveY].direct == 1)moveX++;//move east else if(cells[moveX][moveY].direct == 2)moveY--;//move south else if(cells[moveX][moveY].direct == 3)moveX--;//move west } } } }while(!path.isEmpty()); cells[preX][preY].canReach = false; return canMove; } public class Stack {//this class can record the path we passed int[] TopX = new int[100]; int[] TopY = new int[100]; int top = -1; public void Push(int x,int y){ top++; TopX[top] = x; TopY[top] = y; } public void Pop(){ top--; } public boolean isEmpty(){ if(top == -1) return true; else return false; } } public boolean CalculateScores (int curX, int curY){//calculate score follow the rule int preScores = scores; int onceCompleted = 0;//how many lines completed cone; int[]pieces = {1,1,1,1,1};//record how many pieces for each line int[]partScores = {0,0,0,0,0};//record the scores for each line int curColor = saveColor[curX][curY]; boolean switchOfmultiple = false;// for(int i=curX,j=curY-1;j>=1;j--){//the line of '-' if(cells[i][j].filled&&(saveColor[i][j] == curColor))pieces[1]++; else break;} for(int i=curX,j=curY+1;j<=9;j++){ if(cells[i][j].filled&&(saveColor[i][j] == curColor))pieces[1]++; else break;} for(int i=curX-1,j=curY;i>=1;i--){//the line of '|' if(cells[i][j].filled && (saveColor[i][j] == curColor))pieces[2]++; else break;} for(int i=curX+1,j=curY;i<=9;i++){ if(cells[i][j].filled && (saveColor[i][j] == curColor))pieces[2]++; else break;} for(int i=curX-1,j=curY-1;i>=1&&j>=1;i--,j--){//the line of '\' if(cells[i][j].filled && (saveColor[i][j] == curColor))pieces[3]++; else break;} for(int i=curX+1,j=curY+1;i<=9&&j<=9;i++,j++){ if(cells[i][j].filled && (saveColor[i][j] == curColor))pieces[3]++; else break;} for(int i=curX-1,j=curY+1;i>1&&j<=9;i--,j++){//the line of '/' if(cells[i][j].filled && (saveColor[i][j] == curColor))pieces[4]++; else break;} for(int i=curX+1,j=curY-1;i<=9&&j>=1;i++,j--){ if(cells[i][j].filled && (saveColor[i][j] == curColor))pieces[4]++; else break;} while(true){ int maxPieces = 0; int maxNumber = 0; for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)//find out the max pieces of the four line if(pieces[i]>maxPieces){ maxPieces = pieces[i]; maxNumber = i; } if(maxPieces < 5)//if the max pieces is less than five break; if(maxPieces >= 5 && !switchOfmultiple){//if the max pieces is more than five multiple++; switchOfmultiple = true; cells[curX][curY].filled = false; cells[curX][curY].canReach = true; saveColor[curX][curY] = 0; } if(maxNumber == 1){//erase the pieces of line '-' and calculate scores for(int i=curX,j=curY-1;j>0;j--){ if(cells[i][j].filled&&(saveColor[i][j] == curColor)){ cells[i][j].filled = false; cells[i][j].canReach = true; saveColor[i][j] = 0; } else break; } for(int i=curX,j=curY+1;j<10;j++){ if(cells[i][j].filled&&(saveColor[i][j] == curColor)){ cells[i][j].filled = false; cells[i][j].canReach = true; saveColor[i][j] = 0; } else break; } onceCompleted++; partScores[1] = (pieces[1]-2)*onceCompleted*multiple; } if(maxNumber ==2){//erase the pieces of line '|' and calculate scores for(int i=curX-1,j=curY;i>0;i--){ if(cells[i][j].filled&&(saveColor[i][j] == curColor)){ cells[i][j].filled = false; cells[i][j].canReach = true; saveColor[i][j] = 0; } else break; } for(int i=curX+1,j=curY;i<10;i++){ if(cells[i][j].filled&&(saveColor[i][j] == curColor)){ cells[i][j].filled = false; cells[i][j].canReach = true; saveColor[i][j] = 0; } else break; } onceCompleted++; partScores[2] = (pieces[2]-2)*onceCompleted*multiple; } if(maxNumber ==3){//erase the pieces of line '\' and calculate scores for(int i=curX-1,j=curY-1;i>0&&j>0;i--,j--){ if(cells[i][j].filled&&(saveColor[i][j] == curColor)){ cells[i][j].filled = false; cells[i][j].canReach = true; saveColor[i][j] = 0; } else break; } for(int i=curX+1,j=curY+1;i<10&&j<10;i++,j++){ if(cells[i][j].filled&&(saveColor[i][j] == curColor)){ cells[i][j].filled = false; cells[i][j].canReach = true; saveColor[i][j] = 0; } else break; } onceCompleted++; partScores[3] = (pieces[3]-2)*onceCompleted*multiple; } if(maxNumber ==4){//erase the pieces of line '/' and calculate scores for(int i=curX-1,j=curY+1;i>0&&j<10;i--,j++){ if(cells[i][j].filled&&(saveColor[i][j] == curColor)){ cells[i][j].filled = false; cells[i][j].canReach = true; saveColor[i][j] = 0; } else break; } for(int i=curX+1,j=curY-1;i<10&&j>0;i++,j--){ if(cells[i][j].filled&&(saveColor[i][j] == curColor)){ cells[i][j].filled = false; cells[i][j].canReach = true; saveColor[i][j] = 0; } else break; } onceCompleted++; partScores[4] = (pieces[4]-2)*onceCompleted*multiple; } pieces[maxNumber] = 1; } onceCompleted = 0; scores+= partScores[1] + partScores[2] + partScores[3] + partScores[4]; if(scores == preScores)return false;//check the scores changed or not else return true; } public FiveInLine() { JPanel p1 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); p1.setBorder(BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder()); JPanel p2 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(9,9)); p2.setBorder(new LineBorder(Color.black,1)); JPanel p3 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,2)); p3.setBorder(BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder()); final JLabel info1 = new JLabel("Score: "+""+scores); p3.add(info1); NewPieces(); final JLabel info2 = new JLabel("Next:"+nextColor[1]+","+nextColor[2]+","+nextColor[3]); p3.add(info2); for(int i=0;i<11;i=i+10){//initialize the wall of maze for(int j=0;j<11;j++){ cells[i][j] = new Cell(); } } for(int j=0;j<11;j=j+10){ for(int i=1;i<10;i++){ cells[i][j] = new Cell(); } } for(int i=1;i<=9;i++){//initialize the cell for(int j=1;j<=9;j++){ final int x = i; final int y = j; cells[i][j]=new Cell(); cells[i][j].setBorder(BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder()); p2.add(cells[i][j]); cells[i][j].addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){//when we click the cell public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){ if(cells[x][y].filled&&(preX==0&&preY==0)){//if no cell be selected cells[x][y].selected = true; preX = x; preY = y; repaint(); } else if(cells[x][y].filled&&preX!=0){//if one cell has been selected cells[preX][preY].selected = false; cells[x][y].selected = true; preX = x; preY = y; repaint(); } else if(!cells[x][y].filled&&preX!=0){//if we want to move a pieces if(MazePath(preX,preY,x,y)){//check we can move it or not saveColor[x][y] = saveColor[preX][preY]; saveColor[preX][preY] = 0; cells[x][y].setDrawColor(saveColor[x][y]); cells[preX][preY].selected = false; cells[preX][preY].filled = false; cells[preX][preY].canReach = true; cells[x][y].filled = true; cells[x][y].canReach = false; preX = 0; preY = 0; if(!CalculateScores(x,y)){//check we get scores or not if(!GameOver()){ for(int i=1;i<=3;i++){//add three pieces int randomX = (int)(Math.random()*9+1); int randomY = (int)(Math.random()*9+1); while(cells[randomX][randomY].filled){ randomX = (int)(Math.random()*9+1); randomY = (int)(Math.random()*9+1); } cells[randomX][randomY].filled = true; cells[randomX][randomY].canReach = false; saveColor[randomX][randomY] = changeColor[i]; cells[randomX][randomY].setDrawColor(changeColor[i]); CalculateScores(randomX,randomY); repaint(); } multiple = 0; if(!GameOver()){//show the next three pieces color NewPieces(); info2.setText("Next:"+nextColor[1]+","+nextColor[2]+","+nextColor[3]); } else{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Game over!\n" + "Your Scores is " + scores); info2.setText("Game over"); ReStart(); } repaint(); } else{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Game over!\n" + "Your Scores is " + scores); info2.setText("Game over"); ReStart(); } } repaint(); info1.setText("Score: "+""+scores); } } } }); } } JButton reStart = new JButton("Restart Game"); reStart.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ ReStart(); NewPieces(); info2.setText("Next:"+nextColor[1]+","+nextColor[2]+","+nextColor[3]); } }); p1.add(reStart); add(p1,BorderLayout.NORTH); add(p2,BorderLayout.CENTER); add(p3,BorderLayout.SOUTH); ReStart(); } public static void main(String[] args){ FiveInLine frame = new FiveInLine(); frame.setTitle("Five in A Line"); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setSize(442,502); frame.setVisible(true); } }
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