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英语翻译练习29大家论坛外刊精读版 http://club.topsage.com/forum-427-1.html 翻译练习第29期 本文摘自今日美国报,是一个半小时之前发表的文章,大家可以任选红色句子进行翻译练习 Rep. Jackson Treated For 'Mood Disorder' Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is being treated for a "mood disorder," according to a statement released Wednesday evening...

大家论坛外刊精读版 http://club.topsage.com/forum-427-1.html 翻译练习第29期 本文摘自今日美国报,是一个半小时之前发 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 的文章,大家可以任选红色句子进行翻译练习 Rep. Jackson Treated For 'Mood Disorder' Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is being treated for a "mood disorder," according to a statement released Wednesday evening by his doctor. "The congressman is receiving intensive medical treatment at a residential treatment facility for a mood disorder," read the statement, released by the Illinois Democrat's office. "(3 points)He is responding positively to treatment and is expected to make a full recovery." Jackson, 47, has been on medical leave from Congress since June 10. Jackson's office did not provide the physician's name, citing privacy reasons. Earlier, NBC News had reported Jackson was being treated for alcoholism at an Arizona facility, but his office and his wife had said that report was not true. The statement capped a day in which a growing chorus of Democrats said Jackson, who has been on medical leave since June 10, should disclose more information about his health.(5 points) "People get sick, and when people get sick, they miss work," said Rep. Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 Democrat in the House. "Everybody in America understands that. But I think the family would be well advised to give his constituents as much information as is appropriate." Jackson's office said last week that his condition is "more serious" than initially believed and will require long-term treatment.(1 point) A Jackson spokesman had said the congressman was being treated for "exhaustion" and his medical leave was disclosed two weeks after it began. 版友答案汇总 169170171 "The congressman is receiving intensive medical treatment at a residential treatment facility for a mood disorder," read the statement, released by the Illinois Democrat's office. "(3 points)He is responding positively to treatment and is expected to make a full recovery." 来自伊利诺斯州民主党办公室的声明称,这位议员因情绪障碍正在精神病院接受强化治疗. 精神病院。。每天看大家的翻译都好有爱 residential treatment facility还是翻译成居家医疗机构之类的好一些 刚才查了,这个竟然也是个固定词组,确实是精神疗养所,或者直接说精神病院也行,感谢大侠提醒,共同进步! Jackson's office said last week that his condition is "more serious" than initially believed and will require long-term treatment.(1 point) A Jackson spokesman had said the congressman was being treated for "exhaustion" and his medical leave was disclosed two weeks after it began. 杰克逊办公室上周称,他的情况被认为比开始时更严重,并且需要长期治疗. The statement capped a day in which a growing chorus of Democrats said Jackson, who has been on medical leave since June 10, should disclose more information about his health.(5 points) 这个声明发出一天后,引发了民主党成员的响应,他们称自6月10号起休病假的杰克逊应该透露更多有关其健康情况的信息. 这个capped a day我也不是很清楚,咱们再看看其他版友的 见26楼 6月8日 今天终于是前排了 Jackson's office said last week that his condition is "more serious" than initially believed and will require long-term treatment.(1 point) 杰克逊办公室上周说 阿杰的状况比最初推断的要更严重 需要接受长期治疗 "The congressman is receiving intensive medical treatment at a residential treatment facility for a mood disorder," read the statement, released by the Illinois Democrat's office. "(3 points) 伊利诺伊州民主党办公室发布的声明说 这位国会议员因为情绪障碍正在治疗机构接受强化治疗 这里的residential怎么翻译好呢 The statement capped a day in which a growing chorus of Democrats said Jackson, who has been on medical leave since June 10, should disclose more information about his health.(5 points) 本来以为今天的很简单呢 没想到这么不好翻 capped a day那里翻译不出来 看看版主和其他版友的解释吧 今天之所以选择这个句子作为5分的就是因为这个capped a day我当时想了半天也不懂该怎么翻译好,所以想看看大家的理解,没事,如果大家都觉得困难,我就去找大师来解决 见26楼 skyalark 2012-7-12 Rep. Jackson Treated For 'Mood Disorder' 众议员杰克逊因情绪紊乱在接受治疗 Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is being treated for a "mood disorder," according to a statement released Wednesday evening by his doctor. 一个小细节,Jr.没有翻译,应该是小杰西杰克逊,是杰西杰克逊的儿子 周三晚上,众议员杰西•杰克逊的医生表示他正因情绪失调在接受治疗。 "The congressman is receiving intensive medical treatment at a residential treatment facility for a mood disorder," read the statement, released by the Illinois Democrat's office. "(3 points)He is responding positively to treatment and is expected to make a full recovery." 伊诺伊斯州明主党官方发表声明,称杰克逊议员因情绪紊乱在一家居家医疗所接受密集的药物治疗。 Jackson, 47, has been on medical leave from Congress since June 10. 47岁的杰克逊,自6月10开始就离开议会,处于因医疗休假中 直接翻译成自6月10日起就因为病假缺席议会更简洁一些 Jackson's office did not provide the physician's name, citing privacy reasons. Earlier, NBC News had reported Jackson was being treated for alcoholism at an Arizona facility, but his office and his wife had said that report was not true. 杰克逊官方出于隐私未透露医生姓名。早前,NBC新闻报道,杰克逊因酗酒成瘾,在亚利桑那一所机构接受治疗,但官方和他妻子否认了该报道。 The statement capped a day in which a growing chorus of Democrats said Jackson, who has been on medical leave since June 10, should disclose more information about his health.(5 points) 报道称,越来越多的明主党人士认为,杰克逊自6月10日病假以来,应该透露更多关于其健康状况的消息。 说实话我也很疑惑capped a day 这个翻译 我的理解这条新闻盖过了当天报纸的其他新闻,可以翻译成头条 另一种理解就是当天的statement,翻译成当天评论 这里我省去了,直接用据称来翻译 capped a day 意味应该是强调 刚才请教了下别人,似乎明白了,大侠看看是不是这个意思 Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is being treated for a "mood disorder," according to a statement released Wednesday evening by his doctor. 这是第一段,里面说这个statement是周三晚上发布的 而cap在韦氏词典里面的解释有一条是to bring to a climax or conclusion,这里取的就是这个意思 整句是The statement capped a day in which a growing chorus of Democrats said Jackson, who has been on medical leave since June 10, should disclose more information about his health,整个周三,越来越多的民主党人说从六月十日起就请病假的杰克逊应该公开更多的关于他健康的信息,这则声明把这一话题推向了高潮/这则声明就是在这种情况下做出的,感觉后者更为贴切吧 欢迎狠拍 我也查了下字典,科林斯里面有一条的解释可以和韦氏字典的解释相呼应 If someone says that a good or bad event caps a series of events, they mean it is the final event in the series, and the other events were also good or bad. 成为…的结尾[JOURNALISM] 例:The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners. 整个周末右翼分子对外国人的袭击最终发展成为骚乱。 依据词典意思,这个词在表达这个意思的时候多用于新闻语体 再看文章里面,周三晚上的那条statement是jackson的意思发表的 这里in which 引导的从句修饰a day, 因为越来越多的民主党人士要求披露jackson生病的内幕 所以doctor发表了这样的statement 这则声明就是在这种情况下做出的,这个翻译比较好点 我是这么琢磨的 在这种情况下,他的医生最终发表了上述声明 看来我们达成一致了 "People get sick, and when people get sick, they miss work," said Rep. Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 Democrat in the House. "Everybody in America understands that. But I think the family would be well advised to give his constituents as much information as is appropriate." 众议员民主党派第二号人物,众议员斯坦利•霍耶说:“是人都会生病,病了就没法工作,这是每个美国人都懂得的道理。我认为杰克逊家人,应尽力适当地提供更多他目前健康状况的信息。” 这个constituents我查了下字典,这里它当然是作为名词了,名词解释有两个,一个是a person who lives, and can vote in a constituency,例如:she has the full support of her constituents,她得到本区选民的全力支持,我认为这里就是取这个意思,大侠觉得呢 yep,can't agree more,here it means he should release his health situation as much as possible to the people who support him,is that right? i think so Jackson's office said last week that his condition is "more serious" than initially believed and will require long-term treatment.(1 point) A Jackson spokesman had said the congressman was being treated for "exhaustion" and his medical leave was disclosed two weeks after it began. 来自杰克逊官方消息称,上周他的状况比最先预计的更加严重,需要很长一段时间的治疗。杰克逊的发言人说,杰克逊议员因“殚精竭力”接受治疗,其病假是在开始两周之后公布的。 zhang163_rabby 第一句:“国会议员因为情绪失调正在精神病医院接受强化的药物治疗。”伊利诺伊斯州民主党办公室公布的消息称。 第二句:这个报道超过了民主党那日益增高的呼声,他们声称要7月10日因病离开的杰克逊公开更多关于他健康方面的信息。 第三句:杰克逊的办公室上周说到他的情况比刚开始认为的“还要严重”,需要长期治疗。 第一句漏了一个人名 第二句见26楼和30楼 第三句没问题 第一句红色部分貌似没有人名。楼主核实一下。 第二句,我也觉得“这则声明就是在这种情况下做出的”这样应该差不多 2了,sky翻译的那个,第一句有个人名的问题,那个不是红色句子 murphy杨 Rep. Jackson Treated For 'Mood Disorder' 众议员杰克逊接受“心理障碍”治疗 Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is being treated for a "mood disorder," according to a statement released Wednesday evening by his doctor. 众议员杰克逊的医生周三傍晚发布消息称:杰克逊正在接受“心理障碍”治疗。 细节问题,这个jr.有必要翻译出来,因为jesse jackson是美国黑人运动领袖,jr.是他的儿子 "The congressman is receiving intensive medical treatment at a residential treatment facility for a mood disorder," read the statement, released by the Illinois Democrat's office. "(3 points)He is responding positively to treatment and is expected to make a full recovery." 伊利诺斯州民主党办公室发出声明:这位国会议员因心理障碍,目前正在住院接受集中医疗救助。他积极配合治疗并有望痊愈。 这个residential treatment facility百度上的解释是精神病院,不知大侠有何高见 A residential treatment center (RTC), sometimes called a rehab, is a live-in health care facility providing therapy for substance abuse, mental illness, or other behavioral problems. Residential treatment may be considered the "last-ditch" approach to treating Abnormal psychology or Psychopathology.________definition from google. 我错了...楼主真是辛苦拉 Jackson, 47, has been on medical leave from Congress since June 10. 杰克逊自从6月10日起就向国会请了病假。 Jackson's office did not provide the physician's name, citing privacy reasons. Earlier, NBC News had reported Jackson was being treated for alcoholism at an Arizona facility, but his office and his wife had said that report was not true. 杰克逊的办公室和妻子没有提供医师的名字,说是为了保护隐私。先前,美国全国广播公司新闻报道杰克逊在亚利桑那州立医院戒酒,但是办公室和她妻子都说这则消息不是真的。 还是细节上的问题,第一句里面没有出现他的妻子 The statement capped a day in which a growing chorus of Democrats said Jackson, who has been on medical leave since June 10, should disclose more information about his health.(5 points) 这则声明在那天引起很大轰动,杰克逊自从6月十号就请病假了,越来越多的民主党人说,应该再多公布一点他的身体健康状况。 这个capped a day,前面我们讨论了很多,大侠参考26楼,30楼,37楼 "People get sick, and when people get sick, they miss work," said Rep. Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 Democrat in the House. "Everybody in America understands that. But I think the family would be well advised to give his constituents as much information as is appropriate." “人会生病,当生病的时候,就非常想念工作,”众议院第二个共和党人斯坦利•霍耶议员说。“美国每一个人都能理解,但是我觉得应该好好劝告他的家人尽量适当的给选民多一点的信息。” 第一句的miss这里不是想念的意思,应该翻译成病了就没法工作之类的,然后democrat是民主党,非共和党(republican),no.2这里翻译成民主党二号人物比翻译成第二个要好一些 Jackson's office said last week that his condition is "more serious" than initially believed and will require long-term treatment.(1 point) A Jackson spokesman had said the congressman was being treated for "exhaustion" and his medical leave was disclosed two weeks after it began. 杰克逊的办公室上周说他的情况比预想更严重,需要更长期的治疗。杰克逊的一位发言人说过他接受治疗是由于“工作过度”,而他的病假本来只请了两周。 最后一句那里,正确的翻译应该是像前面sky翻译的那样“其病假是在开始两周之后公布的”,就是说他请病假的前两周,大家都不知道他请了病假 其他部分没有问题了
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