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Gossip Girl经典台词汇集+翻译


Gossip Girl经典台词汇集+翻译绯闻女孩台词汇集+翻译 下面的台词是从GOSSIP GIRL里面摘录出来的,如果大家谁有更好的建议,还请指点一下,谢谢~ 新浪微博:桩瑾 we all know one nation couldn't have two queens. 我们都知道一国不容二君。 you don't know good things till they are gone. 有些东西失去了才懂得珍惜。 so I see it's true what they say about the apple and the tree. 看来有其...

Gossip Girl经典台词汇集+翻译
绯闻女孩台词汇集+翻译 下面的台词是从GOSSIP GIRL里面摘录出来的,如果大家谁有更好的建议,还请指点一下,谢谢~ 新浪微博:桩瑾 we all know one nation couldn't have two queens. 我们都知道一国不容二君。 you don't know good things till they are gone. 有些东西失去了才懂得珍惜。 so I see it's true what they say about the apple and the tree. 看来有其父必有其子一点儿也没错。 Lily, would you do me the honor of being my wife? 你愿意嫁给我吗? incest...one of the universal taboo.. 乱伦,全球的禁忌 don't speak until spoken to   不说话没人当你是哑巴 it's honestly the best spaghetti I've ever tested. 这是我吃过的最好的意大利面。 I'm trying to get you to ask me out for after-work drinks. 我是想引导你,工作之余邀请我去喝一杯。 take a look outside, b. my first response would be that the sky is a clear blue easy 看一下外面B,我的第一反应是晴空万里无云。 sunlight creeps in between the curtains 阳光穿过窗帘(拟人用法=personification) stay tuned for more gossip girl revealed. right here on the CW. 别走开。更多gossip girl幕后揭秘,尽在CW。 Dan has been smitten with Serena for as long as he can remember.    丹从一见到瑟琳娜开始就一直暗恋她。 I think Dan is guilty sometimes been a little self-righteous,  有时候丹太自以为是,and he has to kinda over himself. 给自己的压力太大。 eric, I know I have been a terrible sister... 我知道我是个不称职的姐姐。。。 he tries to take his own life, and you're worried it's gonna cost you "mom of the year"? 他试图自杀而你担心的只是。。。自己评不上今年的"年度妈妈"? Serena, you've been gone, doing who knows what with god knows who... 你一直都不在,杳无音信。。。 way to be forgotten, but that's how you get remembered. 被人遗忘,也是被人记起的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 watch where you are going!!!! 看着点儿路!! there's something wrong with that level of perfection. 那样的完美程度,似乎有点儿不大对劲儿。 these should be framed or something. 应该加个边框什么的。 fashion is a big part of gossip girl,i am fortunate to wear some truly stunning clothes. they come from hotest designers and coolest lables, and each character's personal style's value about who they are 时尚在gossip girl中占有很大的比重, 能穿上亮丽的服饰让我觉得很幸运。他们全都出自著名 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 师之手,或是顶级品牌, 每个角色的造型风格都展现了他们的个性, it's pretty mind-blowing 实在是很震撼人心 serena has really interesting sensitive style because this urban Bohimian style, it's a little sexy and rebellious serena有敏锐的时尚洞察力,因为她有那种上层的波西米亚风格,性感中带有一点不羁 Blair is much more meticulous in her choices Blair很注重自己的选择 Janney has 2 sides in her characters, she has too downtown and home kind look, but thing you know she has her upper east siders " i'm dressing up, i'm going to see blair" look 珍妮有两种不同的性格, 她有低调 居家的样子, 也有华丽优雅的准备好去见blair的样子 Eric and I were really hard to come up with that balance of that character,so it's like, it's still what she wear, but she adds this to make it more blair 我和Eric很难在人物个性上寻求平衡点, 就像是,她还是得穿这些衣服,但是又加进了一些新的元素,让她看上去更像Blair的风格 i hate when you ask me what my favorite outfit is. it's so unfair to choose, like choosing a favorite child 真不想被问到我最喜欢哪套衣服, 要选哪套好像都不行,太难选了,就像要挑选一个最爱的孩子 spoken like a true relic. 听起来很有箴言的样子 your mom has always been a free spirit, that's one of the reasons i fell for her in the first place. 你妈妈也常常喜欢自由自在,这是我对她一见钟情的原因之一 I meant with the fliers 我是指这些传单 luckily, staple guns are old school 还好,钉传单是老差事了 why didn't you save me any? 为什么不给我留点儿 do you like this skirt on me? 你觉得我穿这件裙子怎么样? mom's gone, and dad's allergic to department stores. 老妈不在,老爸又不喜欢逛百货商店。(allergic 过敏,对商场过敏) that dress would look even better in black. 黑色的裙子看上去会更好。 do you ever feel like our whole lives have been planned out for us? that we are just gonna end up like our parents? 你难道不觉得我们整个人生就像是被 策划 活动策划ppt下载游戏策划下载民宿策划下载游戏策划shu下载英文歌曲大赛策划免费下载 好了的, 我们最后只不过走父母的老路? man that's a dark thought. 伙计,你的想法太消沉了。 I just want things to go back to the way it used to be...you know, walking to school together, dancing on tables at bungalow, night swimming at your mom's country house. 我只是希望我们能回到从前, 一起去上学,一起在平房里的桌上跳舞,晚上在你妈妈乡村别墅的泳池里游泳 you missed some classic Eleanor Waldorf meltdowns. If it wasn't such a tragedy, it would've been funny. Actually, it kind of was. 你错过了埃莉诺 霍道夫几场经典的抓狂戏。如果不是那么悲惨的话,应该会很有意思. 其实,是有点搞笑。 have a heart-to-heart 说了交心话 this party is about excess, stop talking, start partying. 派对就是要进行,别扯了,来玩吧 you have got to be kidding 别再说 you must be kidding了吧,换换 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达 he's a very obsessive kind of person,if he want something he will take it. 他是个非常自我中心的人, 想要什么就会设法得到 everyone outs there wanna to be us, we are what you aspire to, not run away from 外面的人都努力想成为我们这样子,我们就是你的憧憬,不是要逃离的对象 serena's return may have thrown Blair and Nate out of blue, but their happiness was definately not the first thing on her mind. Nothing brings family together like tragedy. And serena's family narrowly avoid the tragedy of very west kind. maybe you need a time out from your friends 也许你该离开你的那些朋友,独处一下了 there's plenty more exclusive never before scene of these without never being came from, stay tuned for more gossip girl revealed 还有很多从未揭露的片段, 别转台哟,接下来会更精彩 I love you, always have always will 我爱你,以后也会一直爱你 Serena represents a certain freedom I think for nate, something he wants to possess 我想瑟琳娜对内特来说意味着一些他想拥有的自由 there's nothing wrong to keep this secret if its truth will hurt someone 如果真相伤人,那保守秘密就没什么不对 you don't give up just because things are hard, not in business, or if your family is depending on you. 你不该遇到困难就放弃, no need to rehash details of decades past. 没必要把过去的事重新拿出来讲 not all of us have settlements from multiple divorces to sustain us. 不是所有人都能靠结婚离婚再结婚再离婚来获得巨额赡养费维持生计的。 just stay out of my life, rufus. 滚出我的视线(生活),卢夫斯。 dad, you could just tell me I look nice instead of turning this into a sermon on the passage of time. 爸,你只要说我看起来不错就行了,没必要要对时间流逝感叹吧 This one is not as elegant a choice as that one. 这条看起来没那条高雅。(讨论裙子) Blair, you will never be more beautiful or thin or happy than you are right now. i just want you to make the most of it. 布莱尔,现在的你身材苗条,幸福快乐,现在是你一生中最美丽的时光。我希望你能尽情的享受现在美好的时光 that's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me 这是别人为我做过的最浪漫的事 she is always trying to get approval and love from people around her 她一直都想得到周围的认同和喜爱 Don't bother saying anything, I wouldn't believe you anyway 什么都别说了, 反正我也不会信 Blair, how can I fix this? 布莱尔,我要怎么做才能让你原谅我? I think inherently she's a good person and she's good in intention, but you don't really know what you love 我认为她的天性是好的,也没有什么恶意;她只是不知道自己爱的是什么 we will be back with more gossip girl reveal right after this 请继续收看gossip girl幕后揭秘 Serena was the "it" girl, but she just disappeared and doesn't tell her best friend,doesn't tell any other friends. She left because she ended up hooking up with her best friend's boyfriend and now she's coming back Serena曾经是个"风云人物",但她就这么消失了,没告诉她最好的朋友, 也没告诉其他的朋友。她离开是因为她和自己最好的朋友的男朋友有了暧昧, 现在她又回来了 so you're a groupie? groupie, 这个词,口语里面可以替代fan来用,fans已经过时了嘿嘿 well, not quite. 呃,也不能这么说。 I may have slightly over-budgeted for travel time 我可能把花在路上的时间多算了点 what'd you thing you wanna talk about? Wanna=want to (colloquial English) what’d= what do你想谈什么? how into you I am? 谈谈我对你的迷恋有多深。 but you asked me out on a date, and you didn't think I was nice? 你觉得我不好还约我出来? so, um, sensitive, tortured soul boy is actually kinda superficial, huh? 敏感,心灵受伤的小男孩, 其实是有点儿肤浅,是么?(Be careful, “kinda” is not the formal English, so it can only be use in colloquial) she'd better not show her face again. 她最好别再让我看见她。 I think he is her real love, and if it wasn't about money or class, she would be with him in a second, they would be great together 他是她的真爱,如果不是金钱和阶层的原因,她一定会立刻和他在一起, 他们在一起一定会很幸福 knowledge of romance 情场上的 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 claim you life this time, live it the way you want to live 这次你应该自己做主了,选择你自己向往的生活 are you literally not to talk with me? 你是真的就一个字也不跟我说么? Even the best night must come to an end. 再美好的夜晚也终会过去.  By新浪微博:桩瑾
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