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礼仪在商务谈判中的作用 Business Negotiation Etiquette If you work in a field in which you have to negotiate often, it's very important that you know the etiquette associated with negotiating, such as how to speak to a potential client and how to behave when the negotiation process...

Business Negotiation Etiquette If you work in a field in which you have to negotiate often, it's very important that you know the etiquette associated with negotiating, such as how to speak to a potential client and how to behave when the negotiation process is prolonged. These courtesies will help you to avoid awkward situations and make a positive first impression. 1. Greetings · Before the negotiations officially begin, it is essential that you present yourself as friendly and polite to give the impression of trustworthiness. The most common form of greeting in the corporate world is the handshake. However, if you are in countries such as France or Brazil, kisses on the cheek are the norm. If you are in the Middle East, a nod of acknowledgment may be best when greeting someone of the opposite sex. Learn the culture of the people you will be negotiating with. This is a sign of respect and an indication of how you will behave during the business process. Small Talk · It is also common for some professionals to engage in small talk before the negotiations begin and to have short conversations after negotiations have ended for the day. This gives everyone time to become more comfortable with one another and is the gateway to building a lasting business relationship. However, in some countries such as Finland and Germany, small talk is not part of business culture, and meetings start precisely on time. After negotiations, a German or Finnish professional may host a dinner or a trip to the sauna for casual conversation. In places such as Mexico and Saudi Arabia, small talk is expected, but it's best to know which subjects are off-limits. For instance, it is not proper etiquette to discuss the poverty in the country with Mexican professionals, and one should not inquire about the well-being of a female family member in Saudi Arabia. Presentation · If you will be presenting information that is meant to sway a client in a certain direction in a business deal, be sure that your presentation is concise, fact-based and easy to follow. While some companies depend more on a favorable relationship when making a final decision in a negotiation, it is always proper etiquette for you to have facts and figures ready to present to each meeting participant. Being thoroughly prepared for the presentation and ready to answer any questions is likely to make new clients more at ease when it comes to doing business with you. Deciding on Strategy · When you are deciding which negotiation strategy to use, considering the negotiation etiquette of the professionals you are working with is imperative. For example, in the U.S., it is appropriate to use "hard selling" or persuasion to get a businessperson to side with you in the negotiation process. However, in countries like Australia this is inappropriate and could result in the end of a potentially positive business relationship. In the Middle East and parts of Africa, bargaining is common and expected--both sides make offers on an item or service until a satisfactory price is reached. In some cases, it is best to simply state the facts regarding your stance in the negotiation, to be honest about your intentions and to respectfully listen to all the opinions presented at the meeting. Waiting for a Decision · Once all the information has been presented and it's time to come to a decision, using proper etiquette to respect this part of the process will help to secure the business deal. In many companies, the final negotiation decision is made from the top down, meaning that executives will likely have additional meetings to determine the negotiation outcome. Being patient and accommodating during this time shows that you respect the process and are not simply focused on getting "your way." Following up with the negotiation proceedings in the appropriate way, such as sending a short email, will show that you are genuinely interested but don't want to seem too pushy. · Business Plan Templates HYPERLINK "http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=BXC3BvczoTe_YOYqncLrZhIIIz8rw8wHplcbdC8CNtwHg-iAQARgBIOPxmwIoBDgAUM-h7Mv6_____wFgnYHWgbgFoAGGvMH_A7IBDHd3dy5laG93LmNvbboBCjMzNngyODBfanPIAQHaAUVodHRwOi8vd3d3LmVob3cuY29tL2Fib3V0XzY2OTQ0MDRfYnVzaW5lc3MtbmVnb3RpYXRpb24tZXRpcXVldHRlLmh0bWyoAwHoA5gK6AMM6AMO6AOHCfUDAgQABA&num=1&sig=AGiWqtx2TIHvE_tXNyoYKDrww0efeSOFuw&client=ca-ehow_336x280&adurl=http://planmagic.com" \o "go to PlanMagic.com" \t "_blank" PlanMagic.com Plan your start-up with ease Business specific templates · International Business MA HYPERLINK "http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=L&ai=BjlXivczoTe_YOYqncLrZhIIIhKLBtgL84t_rHcCNtwGwtjwQAhgCIOPxmwIoBDgAUPnu1LsDYJ2B1oG4BbIBDHd3dy5laG93LmNvbboBCjMzNngyODBfanPIAQHaAUVodHRwOi8vd3d3LmVob3cuY29tL2Fib3V0XzY2OTQ0MDRfYnVzaW5lc3MtbmVnb3RpYXRpb24tZXRpcXVldHRlLmh0bWyAAgGpAm7rRtYcS7g-qAMB6AOYCugDDOgDDugDhwn1AwIEAAQ&num=2&sig=AGiWqtyJo50LortdIFmvY9FfxOmfQkxyag&client=ca-ehow_336x280&adurl=http://www.frankfurt-school.de/mib" \o "go to www.frankfurt-school.de" \t "_blank" www.frankfurt-school.de M.A. in 4 concentrations: Creative Industry, Healthcare Business etc. · Free Forex Trading Demo HYPERLINK "http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=BFLrOvczoTe_YOYqncLrZhIIIiYiupwLx_MXtK8CNtwHQ8DMQAxgDIOPxmwIoBDgAUOG2qtT-_____wFgnYHWgbgFoAG_zdPXA7IBDHd3dy5laG93LmNvbboBCjMzNngyODBfanPIAQHaAUVodHRwOi8vd3d3LmVob3cuY29tL2Fib3V0XzY2OTQ0MDRfYnVzaW5lc3MtbmVnb3RpYXRpb24tZXRpcXVldHRlLmh0bWyoAwHoA5gK6AMM6AMO6AOHCfUDAgQABA&num=3&sig=AGiWqtwJt2K8gRSDjLGYAPE38MY_dG3MCw&client=ca-ehow_336x280&adurl=http://www.ironfx.com/demo%3Futm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dcpc%26utm_term%3Deducation_practice%26utm_content%3Db%26utm_campaign%3D2011_May%26_kk%3Dinternet%2520home%2520business%26_kt%3D6dae4e5f-22fe-4fd1-9145-8aaa43fa7839" \o "go to www.ironfx.com" \t "_blank" www.ironfx.com $100,000 Forex Practice Account Learn Online Forex Trading Today! · Negotiation Skills HYPERLINK "http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=L&ai=B9O4evczoTe_YOYqncLrZhIIIrZOO1wGV16bzE8CNtwGQvwUQBBgEIOPxmwIoBDgAUOK6jewBYJ2B1oG4BbIBDHd3dy5laG93LmNvbboBCjMzNngyODBfanPIAQHaAUVodHRwOi8vd3d3LmVob3cuY29tL2Fib3V0XzY2OTQ0MDRfYnVzaW5lc3MtbmVnb3RpYXRpb24tZXRpcXVldHRlLmh0bWyAAgGpAkn_TJSs6LM-qAMB6AOYCugDDOgDDugDhwn1AwIEAAQ&num=4&sig=AGiWqtwqbQC75EvQPh5t-7sDgBrPL2dT_A&client=ca-ehow_336x280&adurl=http://graduateinstitute.ch/corporate/_thematic.html" \o "go to graduateinstitute.ch/executive/" \t "_blank" graduateinstitute.ch/executive/ Executive course in Geneva on negotiation skills and strategies. Ads by Google References · Microsoft: Best 3 Ways to Neogitate in Business · 123 Etiquette: International Etiquette: Cross Cultural Negotiations Read more: Business Negotiation Etiquette | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_6694404_business-negotiation-etiquette.html#ixzz1ODJJZm21 Professional image and high-level business etiquette ● Introduction: class business, must have first-class corporate image.Research shows that: the corporate image of the rise or decline, changes in the enterprise sales have an important impact, customers obviously like to buy good companies that the public image of the product.The personal image, as a corporate image is an important part, it is not personal, it bears the impression of an organization; it is a tool to communicate with customers; and largely influence the development of enterprises.Good personal image of the customer to convey a message that high quality products and excellent service, and this information transfer is the result of significantly improved customer confidence.Jack.Wei Welch and other prominent business leaders the world, without exception, the image of itself as a company's brand, all employees of the ritual importance, and professional image quality. In today's increasingly competitive, more and more businesses and employees recognize that professional image and business etiquette of the corporate image and the importance of personal image, but a lot of confusion, not knowing how to Action: What is Business Etiquette? The concept of business etiquette, rules, what does? In the process of how client visits to communicate with customers, how to give customers the perfect first impression to leave? How self-image design? Important and solemn occasion in how to package yourself and so on.All of this, you have to worry about, two days to share, you will be timely or successful career icing on the cake! ● Course Objectives: ◇ ◇ master basic social skills to master the daily interpersonal etiquette standards ◇ improve the overall quality of the individual ◇ public images ◇ create a harmonious atmosphere in our team ● Content: Section: Business etiquette and personal charm --- a required course for business people protocol development and origin of not stand rude people, what rude is not a the State rather rude business etiquette is not the main content, features, basic principles with strong personal qualities, outside the plastic corporate image; enterprise value of modern competition, social lubricant professional image the constituent elements of the message and the role of career etiquette that should be generally followed the principle of sharing and experience : find the fun in learning II: Ceremony by the heart, attitude is everything - vibrant sunshine mentality shaped is the highest level of etiquette repair the heart - to respect, maintain a calm and sunny attitude the ritual to become a cultivation of his inner whom I work (my wages come from revelation) how should I do (knowledge, skills and attitudes of the formula) sunshine state of mind to create and establish a crisis awareness (Frog Phenomenon: Hardships and died Yi Yu) Section: Business people in the appearance of your images --- the value of ritual million Personal image is an indispensable factor in the success how to be a taste of the business people who make up the requirements occupational requirements hairdo facial hair, hands, skin care career makeup: make-up appointment, induction makeup - makeup as there seems to be no training: explanation, demonstration, Reviews Section: Business people dress attire etiquette --- highlight your taste What kind of dress can occur in your workplace into? The basic principles of business suits, personality principle, the principle of harmony, TPO principles tooling wear business casual dress required skills casual wear, fashion dress and dress common misunderstanding Comments Men's suits and ties, Ms.dresses etiquette mix of common sense jewelry footwear, accessories, purses, the choice and specification for various types of professional image dress way (daily work, meetings, negotiations , visiting and other clothing) training: analysis, explanation, question V: business people --- an elegant manners etiquette tips dignified and elegant manners are a prerequisite for business people behavior requirements: light is steady, reflecting the calm and calm standing, sitting, bowing, walking posture, squatting delivery and training essentials objects, Receiving, use of gestures and training essentials of use and specifications eyes smile is your first business card training: explanation, demonstration, training, reviews Section VI: Business etiquette --- the words of those high-performance communication skills efficient communication is the basis for the success of the principles of etiquette speech (in good faith, civilization, and focus) basic conversation skills (close, persuasion, refused) 4 major magic communication law communication 3A listening and praising appropriate body language and facial expressions how communicate with customers and business partners how to communicate between the upper and lower levels communicate with colleagues to talk to the principle of language and taboo: Cross guidelines, six aside, do not ask training in five ways: explanations, case studies VII: business people --- common business etiquette business contacts played a prelude to greeting, introduction, called etiquette handshake etiquette guide, reception, seating etiquette visit, conversational etiquette, etiquette tribute introduction and self-introduction card etiquette sent to the car's ceremonial welcome training: explanation, demonstration, training, reviews VIII: business people talk and negotiation etiquette --- reasonable manner, reflect a win-win , meeting etiquette seating arrangements for the meeting presided over by etiquette control the time schedule to implement the venue control, adjust the speaker's ceremonial atmosphere standard instrument clean clear theme, content concise, humble attitude etiquette participants will quiet time to exit ahead of the requirements Second, negotiation etiquette negotiations for determine negotiators, negotiating with each other as representatives of the pre-negotiation position should be collated own good grooming talks venue seating layout the subject of negotiations before the deal negotiations, content, prepare the agenda fully prepared, making a good plan, objectives and negotiation strategy personnel negotiations beginning negotiations with the contact the negotiating parties first impression is very important to do self-introduction and introducing others to negotiating stance at the beginning of action and vision, eyes listen carefully, look carefully, an appropriate response to indicate the beginning of negotiations, respect for important task is to find out each other's bottom line negotiation quote - - To clear and unambiguous, abide by credit asked - attitude to open consultation - bargaining is related to the interests of both desperate and vulnerable to disrespectful, so they should pay attention to manners, to be calm, seeking common ground while reserving allowed Different resolve conflicts - for gram, remain patient, calm, not angry treatment of cold field - flexible, temporary change the subject, a little relaxation negotiations with our staff IX: business people's reception etiquette --- gentle, kind and warm reception to meet the customers before the ritual preparation receive clients attire etiquette clean, dignified, decent, elegant handshake etiquette lead, reception, seating etiquette according to identity, to determine specifications reception based on identity, seating arrangements for tea and coffee etiquette visitor out etiquette training methods: analysis, explanation, comprehensive Section X: Business Etiquette --- Never do visit uninvited guest gently knock on the door, delivery handshake protocol on the card Note straight to the point and focused observe, enough is enough courtesy, attention to detail different views, not to dispute time not too long, just right When colleagues called the meeting to meet with the leadership of training: simulation, comment, analysis, explanation Section XI: Large banquet etiquette --- the charm of the table First, the classification of Chinese banquet dinner formal banquet style banquet dinner common approach to training: analysis, explanation II About seating arrangements for the banquet theme banquet guests were treated men and women training: analysis, explanation three Chinese table manners standard placed tableware ordering and serving etiquette etiquette sommelier dinner etiquette open dining atmosphere and chopsticks with a knife and fork taboo choice of a good use of taboo topics table napkins, table linen of the use of common etiquette Western seated and exclusions training: analysis, explanation Section XII: Phone etiquette --- only heard of its cultivation of sound arts set a good first tone phone image friendly gesture of good phone calls to your voice the basic principles of etiquette etiquette call answering, forwarding, voice mail, and phone number, cell phone etiquette the basic skills to answer a private phone training: explanation, analysis, demonstration, simulation Section XIII: Foreign relations of international norms of international etiquette for example --- to respect the customs of various countries to maintain national image Ladies first time meet compliance foreign special taboos etiquette tips customs and etiquette of different countries for example training: explain, demonstrate, Reviews XIV: five-step ritual training method --- is increasing, the pursuit of perfection to see - observe the client's skills listen - and customer relationships closer smile - a smile that charms - - Customers care more about how move - the use of body language skills ● Instructor Introduction: HE teacher (female), China's success in Training Network full-time Principal Lecturer etiquette, many large enterprises have long served as the HR manager, training manager, internal trainer.And received professional etiquette training.Have many years of training experience, in recent years has been training with great concentration to the work of enterprises.Speaker courses: Modern professional image and high-level business etiquette, manners and retailing sales skills, excellent store long, high-performance team building and other served part of the enterprise: benefit Kerry, beno food, good Tin Food, Park Hang food, delicious chain thinking, the Rose Garden, Fu Yat Ascot, South China Sea oil and, in the Air real estate, China Telecom, China Netcom, China Unicom, Industrial and Commercial Bank, Bank of Ningbo, Xin Yuan Real Estate, and Hong Group Greentown Group, Metersbonwe, Shenzhen and other state-chou more than 100 new medium-sized enterprises. Teaching characteristics: courses are interactive, case based teaching, participation in entertaining atmosphere, the teaching style, humor, clarity strong, with particular emphasis on course content and individual enterprise operational applicability to make the training to receive instant results, received by customers and students. International Business Etiquette http://blog.tianya.cn/blogger/post_show.asp?BlogID=2389442&PostID=20051555 Becoming knowledgeable in every country's "silent language" of etiquette is essential for developing good business relationships overseas. One of the first things you need to do is mind your meeting manners, advises Ann Marie Sabath. If you will be conducting business in an Asian or Pacific Rim country, you need to learn in which countries it is better to make small talk before starting a meeting and in which countries it is better to keep chatter to a minimum and get down to business. You need to learn such particulars as when phrases such as "I understand" or "we will see" will actually mean "no." Here are some pointers: Australia. Get to the point. Although small talk is part of the relationship-building process in many cultures, one important tip to keep in mind while conducting business with Australians is that words are taken at face value. For that reason, be direct. Say what you have to say and expect your words to be taken literally. In return, you will be expected to interpret what Aussies say to you in the same direct manner. China. The best advice for successfully getting through a Chinese business meeting is to "go with the flow." The Chinese business culture may appear regimented, dictatorial, and rather slow moving to Westerners. Be sure to allow your Chinese hosts to set the tone by allowing them to initiate greetings, seating suggestions, and negotiations. The Chinese have a strict hierarchical system and place emphasis on rank. Thus, it would be wise to select one person, usually a senior team member, to be your spokesperson for the group. The Chinese will do the same, and they may be irritated if others attempt to speak out. Be aware that certain phrases may mean "no." They include "it is inconvenient," "I am not sure" and "maybe." Hong Kong. The larger the Hong Kong firm, the farther in advance meetings should be scheduled
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