首页 (中英对照)西交利物浦大学员工手册.XJTLU-Staff-Handbook



(中英对照)西交利物浦大学员工手册.XJTLU-Staff-Handbook XJTLU Staff Handbook 西交利物浦大学员工手册 Table of Contents 目 录 4WELCOME 4About XJTLU 4XJTLU’s Vision and Mission 6YOUR EMPLOYMENT 6Probationary Period 试用期 8Employment Contract Terms 雇佣合同条款 9Employment Contract Renewal 雇佣合同续签 11Professional Develop...

XJTLU Staff Handbook 西交利物浦大学员工手册 Table of Contents 目 录 4WELCOME 4About XJTLU 4XJTLU’s Vision and Mission 6YOUR EMPLOYMENT 6Probationary Period 试用期 8Employment Contract Terms 雇佣 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 条款 9Employment Contract Renewal 雇佣合同续签 11Professional Development and Review (PDR) 职业发展及评审 16YOUR PAYMENT 16Payroll Processing Timetable 工资支付时间表 17ON YOUR JOB 17Hours of Work 工作时间 17Academic Staff 教学人员 17English Language Centre Tutors 英语语言中心导师 17Admin Staff 行政人员 17Holidays 节假日 18Attendance Monitoring System 考勤体系 18Procedures & Eligibility for Leave 请假程序和批准 19Types of Leave, Deadline and Salary Deduction 请假的类型,截止日期和工资扣除 191.Annual Leave (pay all the salaries and allowances) 年假(带薪,带津贴) 192.Sick Leave病假 203.Personal Leave of Absence 事假 204.Marriage Vacation (pay all the salaries and allowances) 婚假(带薪,带津贴) 215.Compassionate Leave (pay all the salaries and allowances) 照顾性准假(带薪,带津贴) 216.Maternity Leave (pay all the salaries and allowances) 产假(带薪,带津贴) 217.Breast-feed Leave (pay all the salaries and allowances) 哺乳假(带薪,带津贴) 228.Family Planning Leave (pay all the salaries and allowances) 计划生育假(带薪,带津贴) 229.Paternity/Nursing Leave (pay all the salaries and allowances) 陪产假(带薪,带津贴) 22Punctuality 准时 23Over-time Payment System 加班费支付 23About Absenteeism 旷工 23Duty of Confidentiality保密义务 25EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP – University Policy 25Termination Policy 终止政策 26Voluntary Termination 自愿终止 27Involuntary Termination 非自愿终止 27Consulted Termination 协商终止 31Harassment Policy 骚扰政策 37Disciplinary Policy 违纪处理政策 37Procedure of Disciplinary 违纪处理程序 41Handling Discipline 违纪处理 43Taking Disciplinary Action 违纪处分 47Policy for Travel and Entertainment Expenses Reimbursement 57Appendix I: Accommodation and Transportation Standards 58Appendix II: Overseas Business Travel Reimbursement Standards 59EMPLOYEE EDUCATION 59Training and Development 员工培训和发展 WELCOME Introduction This staff handbook has been prepared to help employees become familiar with Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). It is a summary of the University’s policies, work rules and benefits. The handbook does not cover every possible question. Policies and procedures will be regularly updated. Individual circumstances may call for individual attention. Because basic trends, legislation and economic conditions are always changing, the contents of this Handbook may be changed at any time at our discretion. In addition, as a convenience to employees, portions of this Handbook attempt to summarize certain laws that apply to employees and XJTLU. If there is a variation between these summaries and the actual laws, the actual laws at all times will control. This Handbook supersedes all previously published handbooks, policies and procedures. This manual is not a contract and does not give rise to contractual obligations. All staff employees will give written acknowledgment of having received a copy of this Handbook. A separate page of this manual serves as acknowledgment of receipt and agreement, and when signed by the employee, will be placed in the employee’s personnel file. About XJTLU XJTLU is a new international university officially approved by the Ministry of Education and established on 22nd May 2006 in Suzhou Industrial Park. As her name indicates, the University is a partnership between Xi'an Jiaotong University in China and the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom and is run by a team of prestigious Academicians from two countries. With its renowned academic staff from across the world and the state-of-the-art teaching facilities and infrastructure, the University is committed to training leading professionals for multi-national companies and governmental departments that are needed in the rapid economical and social development of Suzhou and its neighboring regions.  The University is the first of such kind of cooperation between two strong partner institutions, approved by the Ministry of Education, starting up with the subjects of science, engineering, and management, and using English as the medium of instruction. XJTLU’s Vision and Mission Vision To become a research-led international university in China and a Chinese university recognized internationally for its unique features in learning & teaching, research, social service, and education management. Mission · Educating technical and managerial professionals with international perspectives and competitive capabilities; · Integrating into global economic and social development with its expertise in business and technology; · With its unique focuses and features, conducting research in areas where humanity faces severe challenges; · Exploring new models for higher education that will exert a strong influence on the development of education in China and the world. YOUR EMPLOYMENT Probationary Period 试用期 POLICY 政策 Preamble 前言 According to new Chinese Labour Contract Law: 30 days probationary period for 1 year contract, 60days probationary period for 1-3 years contract and up to 6 months probationary period for 3 years permanent contract, therefore, during the initial 30-180days of regular employment employees are considered probationary based on your contract with the University. The probationary period is used to assess your work behavior and performance. XJTLU is under no obligation to continue your employment beyond the probationary period. 根据新的 劳动合同 劳动合同书模板免费下载企业劳动合同范本下载劳动合同 doc 下载劳动合同法下载劳动合同模板可下载 法,一年期合同的试用期为30天,一到三年期合同的试用期为60天,三年期以上合同的试用期为6个月。因此,员工正式上岗后的30到180天为合同规定的试用期。试用期是评价员工工作行为和表现的重要阶段。西交利物浦大学无义务在员工试用期结束后继续予以聘用。 Applies to 适用范围 Policy on probationary period applies to any Full time University staffs who are under the certified labour contract, unless otherwise expressly provided. 除非有另有规定,本试用期政策适用于签订了经过鉴定的劳动合同的全职人员。 Regulations 规定 · During the probationary period, employees have no assurance of continued employment. XJTLU reserves the right to terminate your employment in accordance with the Labour Contract Law, provided that XJTLU shall provide you an advance notice. 试用期间,不能保证员工在试用期结束后能够继续得到聘用,且学校有权在依据劳动合同法的规定终止雇佣关系,但须提前通知员工。 · Probationary employees may participate in the benefits and programs for which they are eligible, including sick and vacation time. Please consult the Human Resources Office for rules regarding program eligibility. 试用期间的员工可享受相应的福利待遇,包括病假和节假日。具体福利 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 可联系人力资源办公室获知。 · Employees whose status changes from temporary to regular will serve a probationary period upon commencement of the regular position. 员工由临时编制转化为正式编制之日起必须经历试用期。 · An employee whose position is reclassified is not subject to a probationary period. Transferring or reinstating a regular employee does not create a new probationary period. 员工职位的变动不产生新的试用期。正式员工岗位变动或复职亦不产生新的试用期。 · The supervisors are responsible for assessing the employee’s quality and quantity of work to determine whether the employee warrants continued employment during and at the expiration of the probationary period. 主管领导负责评定员工的工作质量和完成数量,以此决定员工在试用期间和试用期结束后是否能够继续得到聘用。 · Supervisors are responsible for initiating termination if performance is not acceptable, or applying corrective action when performance warrants action other than termination. 如果员工表现不符标准,主管领导可视具体情况采取纠正行动或终止雇佣关系。 Probationary period 试用期 Full-time employees shall serve a probationary period of 30 days up to 6 months (according to Chinese Labor Contract Law) of actual work commencing at the time of hire as a new employee with the University. 新(全职)员工在入职后需经历30天到6个月不等的试用期工作(根据中国劳动合同法规定),试用期自雇佣开始时起计。 Your probationary period starts the first day you begin working for the University. 试用期始于员工开始工作的第一天。 PROCEDURE 程序 General 综述 Inform probationary ends 通知试用期 Human Resources Office: Inform both employee and the direct supervisor prior to the anticipated end of employee's probationary period. 人力资源部办公室:在员工试用期结束之前及时通知员工本人和其直接主管领导。 Successful completion 试用期通过 Supervisor: Discusses and completes probationary evaluation form with the employee before expiration of probationary period. 主管领导:在试用期结束之前与员工一起讨论并填写试用期评定表。 Department: Supervisor and departmental administrator retain one copy and give another copy of completed form to employee and return original to XJTLU Human Resources Office for inclusion in official personnel folder. 部门:主管领导和部门主管保存一份填写完整的评定表复本,另交员工本人一份复本,将原件交还人力资源办公室归档。 Unsuccessful completion 试用期未通过 Supervisor:主管领导 · Notifies employee of unsuccessful probationary period and resulting termination. Completion of performance evaluation form is not required. 通知员工试用期未通过及雇佣终止。不要求填写表现评定表。 · Employee shall be given advance notice. 员工应得到提前通知。 · Employee's last day of work must occur prior to expiration of probationary period. 员工最后一天的工作必须发生在试用期结束前。 · Sends appropriate personnel action notice or document to university Human Resources Office. 向学校人力资源办公室发出人事通知或文件。 · Makes arrangements for final payment with university Human Resources Office. 会同校人力资源办公室就最终支付做好安排。 Final handing-taking-over 最终交接 Human Resources Office: Upon receipt of personnel action notice or document, makes necessary arrangements with Payroll Service for final payment. 人力资源办公室:在收到人事通知或文件后,与工资支付帐部门做好最终支付的必要安排。 Supervisor:主管领导 · Arranges handing-taking-over with the related office/ department/ centre, if necessary. 如果必要,与相关办公室/部门/中心安排交接。 · Receives all University property, keys and identification card from employee. 收回员工所使用的学校资产,钥匙和身份卡。 Refer questions to: XJTLU Human Resources Office 更多问题请联系: 西交利物浦大学人力资源办公室 Tel: 88161047, 88161015 E-mail: hr@xjtlu.edu.cn. Related also see: XJTLU Staff Policy on Termination of Employment 相关信息也可参考: 西交利物浦大学终止雇佣规定 Employment Contract Terms 雇佣合同条款 Policy 政策 According to the Article 14 of Law of the People’s Republic of China on Employment Contracts, an “open-ended employment contract” may be offered to employee if there were already two continuous fixed-term contracts signed after 01/01/2008 (inclusive) and University agrees to sign such an open-ended employment contract with employees. 根据中华人民共和国合同法第14条规定,员工在2008年1月1日后(含)连续两次签订固定期限合同后应签订无固定期限合同,学校亦同意与员工签订此无固定期限合同。 Considering the staff stability and University employment risk, any Administration full time staff, including heads and ex-pats, should follow the procedure on employment contract. 考虑到员工队伍的稳定性和学校的雇佣风险,所有全职行政员工应遵守雇佣合同的相关规定,包括部门负责人和外籍员工。 Procedure 程序规定 At the initial stage, a three (3) year fixed-term contract is offered to the employee. The probationary period among the three year contract is 180 days. 员工首次签订雇佣合同为三年期合同。签订三年期合同的适用期为180天。 After the initial stage is ended, a continuous three (3) year fixed-term contract is offered to the employee if renewed. 在首次签订的三年期合同到期后,如雇佣双方同意续签,员工应二次签订三年期雇佣合同。 After the two stages above, according to the Labour Contract Law, if University agrees to offer a continuous contract to the employee and the employee demands an open-ended employment contact, then an “open-ended” one will be offered to the employee. 在上述两个阶段结束后,根据劳动法规定,如果学校同意续签,且员工有签订无固定期限合同的意愿,双方即可签订无固定期限合同。 Part time staff and trainees do not apply to this policy. 此条款不适用于兼职员工和实习人员。 The policy will be effective internally upon approval by SMT. 此政策自SMT批准之日起执行。 Refer questions to: XJTLU Human Resources Office Tel: 88161045, 88161015 E-mail: hr@xjtlu.edu.cn. 如有疑问,请联系: 西交利物浦大学人力资源办公室 电话:88161045, 88161015 邮箱:hr@xjtlu.edu.cn. Related also see: Internal Policy for XJTLU Staff Employment Contract Renewal 相关信息见: 西交利物浦大学员工雇佣合同续签之内部政策 Employment Contract Renewal 雇佣合同续签 Preamble 前言 The employment contracts XJTLU has in place are fixed term. This is a policy for the term and timing of contract renewals. 西交利物浦大学现行雇佣合同为固定期限合同。此政策旨在对合同续签的期限和时间做出规定。 Policy 政策 General Guideline 总则 1. For admin staff, Human Resources have a general “practice” of giving all employees of a 3 (year)-3 (year)-fixed term/open-ended contract and middle managements a 2 (year)-3 (year)-fixed term/open-ended contract. 行政人员通常可签订三年期固定期限/无固定期限合同,其中,中层管理人员可签订两年至三年期固定期限/无固定期限雇佣合同。 1) For those staff with the first three-year contract, if the staff intends to extend the contract, their line manager should provide a general evaluation (before or align with PDR (Professional Development and Review)) to decide whether the contract should be extended. For middle management and above, the first contract will be the same. 首次合同期为三年的员工如欲续签,其直接主管领导应在PDR(员工职业发展及评审)之前或在PDR进行的同时提供员工的综合评定,以决定是否可予以续签。此同样适用于中层及以上管理人员。 2) For contract of multiple-years, the discussion of whether to extend the contract should be conducted before the current year PDR and should refer to the PDR of prior years (e.g. if employees do not improve from poor performance of past year) 如需签订无固定期限合同,应在该员工当年PDR之前就是否予以续签举行讨论并参照往年的PDR评审结果(如,是否存在该员工在工作表现上无明显改进的情况)。 2. For academic staff, Lecturer and above, the first contract normally is 2 or 3 years.  If their performances are outstanding, the second contract could be open-ended, otherwise university need another 2~3 year contract to further evaluate. 教学人员(包括讲师及以上人员)首次合同期限通常为两年或三年。如果表现优秀,二次即可签订无固定期限合同。否则,则需二次签订两至三年期合同,以做进一步评定。 The Timing is based upon 续签时间确定的依据 1. The length of employee’s contract. 员工雇佣合同的期限 2. Whether it is an academic/ academic related post or an administrative post. 是否是教学(或相关)人员或行政人员 Length of Contract 合同期限 Academic and Academic Related (i.e. TAs) Posts 教学及教学相关(如助教)职能 Administrative and Technical Posts 行政及技术职能 Less than 12 months 少于12个月 60 days before end of contract 合同到期前的60天 30 days before end of contract 合同到期前的30天 Between 12 months and 24 months 12个月至24个月 120 days before end of contract 合同到期前的120天 45 days before end of contract 合同到期前的45天 Over 24 months 超过24个月 150 days before end of contract 合同到期前的150天 45 days before end of contract 合同到期前的45天 Procedure 程序 At the time indicated employee will be informed by Human Resources and employee’s line manager to indicate that employee’s contract will be expired. 员工将在规定时间由人力资源部门及员工直接主管领导告知合同即将到期。 Employee shall advise Human Resources and its line manager (if applicable) of his/her intention on whether to renew the contract. 员工应向人力资源部门及直接主管领导(如适用)表明其续签意向。 Whenever Employee intends to renew the contract, a contract renewal PDR for the past contract period shall be conducted timely. 如果员工有续签意向,应及时举行职业发展及评审,回顾其在合同期内的表现,以决定是否可予以续签。 Based on the assessment from PDR, employee will be notified (in writing) by Human Resources 在职业发展及评审结果的基础上,员工将由人力资源部门书面告知: 1) That employee’s contract will be renewed. 合同将予以续签。 2) That employee’s contract will not be renewed. 不再续签。 3) That a decision to renew employee’s contract will be deferred. Employee will be given a new date as to when s/he will hear whether her/his contract will be extended or not. 是否予以续签的决定将被推迟。员工将被告知具体获知日期。 Employee will be signing a new contract so the “Terms and Conditions” of her/his contract may change. The differences between the old “Terms and Conditions” and the new “Terms and Conditions” will be clearly explained to employee. 员工将签订新的雇佣合同,既而其合同中的“条款及细则”也将有所变化,对此应向员工本人做明确说明。 Part time staff and trainees do not apply to this policy. 此政策不适用于兼职和实习人员。 The policy is effective internally upon approval by SMT. 此政策于SMT批准之日起执行。 Refer questions to: XJTLU Human Resources Office Tel: 88161045, 88161047, 88161015 E-mail: hr@xjtlu.edu.cn. 如有疑问,请联系 西交利物浦大学人力资源办公室 电话:88161045, 88161047, 88161015 邮箱:hr@xjtlu.edu.cn. Related also see: Internal Policy for Administration Staff Employment Contract 相关信息见: 行政人员雇佣合同之内部政策 Professional Development and Review (PDR) 职业发展及评审 Preamble 前言 Professional Development and Review is an objective system to judge the ability of an individual employee to perform her/his tasks. It focuses on the individual and her/his development, besides helping her/him to achieve the desired performance. This means that while the results are important the organization should also examine and prepare its human capital to achieve this result. This holds true even for new inductees. 职业发展及评审体系旨在对员工的工作表现及能力作出客观评价。在帮助员工达到理想工作要求的同时,该体系关注员工个人及其职业发展。也就是说,评审结果固然重要,但同时学校应通过对员工的评审使其不断接近理想目标。此同样适用于新员工。 Normally, XJTLU PDR is taken in place from May to August of every academic year. 西交利物浦大学通常在 每学年的五至八月举行员工职业发展评审。 Purpose 目的 Section here provides guidance for supervisors and subordinates about the conduct of the annual Professional Development and Review meetings. 此政策旨在为管理人员及其下属成员就一年一次的职业发展评审的实施提供指导。 Guiding Principles 指导原则 XJTLU’s PDR scheme applies to all members of staff. It is based on the following principles with the intention of bringing benefits to individual staff, to each division and to the University as a whole: 西交利物浦大学的职业发展评审体系适用于所有员工,其实施基于以下原则,旨在使其惠及员工个人、各个部门及整个学校: · That the University is committed to recognising the contribution made by all staff and seeks to develop and reward staff accordingly in a fair and equitable manner; 学校认可所有员工为学校的发展所做的贡献,并力求公平、公正地予以报偿。 · That all staff members should have the opportunity, at least annually, to receive feedback from their line managers on how they have met the requirements of their jobs, how well they have met their own objectives and how they have contributed to meeting divisional and, where appropriate, University objectives; 所有员工应由其直接主管领导提供至少一年一次的工作表现反馈,以使其了解自己在完成工作任务及实现个人、部门又或学校整体目标方面的表现和作用。 · That all staff should have the opportunity, at least annually, to discuss and agree individual objectives with their line managers; 所有员工应可至少一年一次与直接主管领导讨论确定其个人目标的设定。 · That all staff should have the opportunity, at least annually, to reflect on development undertaken and to discuss and agree future development needs to help meet their objectives; 所有员工应可至少一年一次回顾其职业发展并与直接主管领导讨论确定达到既定目标的进一步发展需求。 · That all staff has an equal opportunity to be considered for additional reward based on the outcome of their review. 所有员工应享有平等的依据评定结果获得加薪的权利。 · That the University should have a consistent and evidence-based review for recognising and assessing the contribution of all staff towards meeting divisional and University objectives; 学校应坚持持续、有据的评价体系,以认可和评定员工在满足部门及学校目标方面的表现和作用。 · That there should be transparent procedures for implementing the outcomes of staff review and division meetings. 学校应有公开透明的政策程序用以执行员工评审和部门会议的决策。 · That salary should NOT be mentioned in any kind of ways in the discussions of the PDR. 员工薪水问题不得在其职业发展评审的讨论中以任何形式提及。 For academic faculty, PDR takes the form of in-depth discussions between a staff and line manager covering the three distinct but interlinked aspects of: 对于教学人员,职业发展评审评审应在员工本人和其直接主管领导之间以深度讨论的形式展开,包括以下彼此独立而又相互关联的三部分: Part (I) Self Role and Contribution Review Form I部分 角色和作用自评表 Part (II) Work Task and Professional Development Plan II部门 工作任务和职业发展计划 Part (III) Performance Appraisal (Collectively determined by Line Managers and Senior Management Team (SMT) members only) III部分 工作表现评定(由直接主管领导和高级管理团队(SMT)成员共同决定) For administrative staff, PDR takes the form of discussions between a staff and line manager covering the same aspects but formatted differently. 对于行政人员,职业发展评审应在员工本人和其直接主管领导之间以深度讨论的形式进行,内容同上,但形式不同。 Form PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL (PDR XJTLU Admin) 工作表现评定表(职业发展评审行政员工) Individuals and their line managers shall engage in open and transparent discussions in the PDR process. Normally, the review is taken between individual staff and the line managers, but a request from either the individual or the line managers for the participant of a SMT member or in charge will not be unreasonably withheld. The line manager will need to be aware of the outcome of discussions in respect of resource implications for development actions, recommendations in relation to progression and other potential outcomes, so these issues should be summarised in detail and discussed by the line managers when s/he reports to a SMT member or in charge. 员工本人及直接主管领导应在职业发展评审过程中展开公开透明的讨论。通常评审在员工和其直接主管领导之间进行,但不可随意拒绝员工本人或直接主管领导要求评审时有一名SMT成员在场的请求。直接主管领导应以此明确员工在职业发展及支持,工作改进意见及其它潜在方面的情况,并加以详细汇总,以上报SMT成员或主管领导。 Both staffs and line managers are able to seek advice and guidance
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