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托福25天完美句型6承上启下 新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 第八章 承上启下句型 I.承上阐述 上面一段提出了观点,当下面一段要来阐述这些观点时可使用本节的句型。 333333333333 ToToToTo understandunderstandunderstandunderstand thethethethe truthtruthtruthtruth pointpoi...

新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 第八章 承上启下句型 I.承上阐述 上面一段提出了观点,当下面一段要来阐述这些观点时可使用本节的句型。 333333333333 ToToToTo understandunderstandunderstandunderstand thethethethe truthtruthtruthtruth pointpointpointpoint naturenaturenaturenature of...,of...,of...,of..., itititit isisisis importantimportantimportantimportant necessarynecessarynecessarynecessary essentialessentialessentialessential totototo examineexamineexamineexamine ............ analyzeanalyzeanalyzeanalyze ............ seeseeseesee ............ 333.1333.1333.1333.1 To understand the truth of this, it is necessary to have a clear unsentimental picture of the way the schools were in the past. City schools were dull and dingy buildings, with classes of forty or more students common. Country schools were usually one-room affairs with children of widely varying age and ability taught at the same class. Few of the teachers had anywhere near as much education of any kind as most teachers today. The elementary school curriculum was pretty much limited to Chinese and arithmetic. 为了解这一观点的正确性,有必要实事求是地回顾一下学校过去的状况。当时城出的学校都在一幢光线暗淡的楼内,一个班级一般有 四十以上的学生。而农村的学校就只有一间房子组成,不同年龄,不同能力的孩子都在一个班级里上课。很少有老师受过像现在大多数老 师那么多的教育。小学的所有课只有语文和算术两门。 333.2333.2333.2333.2 To understand the necessity of abolishing the entrance examination, it is necessary to analyze its weaknesses. Narrowly academic examinations are felt to be heavily weighed in favor of children who have had the advantage of highly-academic schools and academically biased families. They weigh against an individual who may not give full play to his ability in the examination during which he doesn't feel very well physically or mentally. Then how can his whole future be determined by the single examination? 为了解取消入学考试的必要性,有必要分析其缺点。困于 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 本教材的考试只有利于来自重视书本知识的学校的孩子和文化层次较高的 家庭的孩子。而且考试时有的孩子会感觉身体不适,或有心理负担,这也会影响他们充分发挥自己的水平。这样,一个人的将来怎能用一 次考试来决定呢? 334334334334 ToToToTo getgetgetget aaaa sensesensesensesense ofofofof betterbetterbetterbetter looklooklooklook atatatat betterbetterbetterbetter understandingunderstandingunderstandingunderstanding ofofofof fullfullfullfull appreciationappreciationappreciationappreciation ofofofof howhowhowhow whatwhatwhatwhat ...,...,...,..., wewewewe mustmustmustmust havehavehavehave totototo turnturnturnturn firstfirstfirstfirst totototo havehavehavehave aaaa bird'sbird'sbird'sbird's eyeeyeeyeeye viewviewviewview ofofofof ............ makemakemakemake aaaa closeclosecloseclose studystudystudystudy ofofofof 334.1334.1334.1334.1 To get a full appreciation of what this means we must turn first to the principles of economy. Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost, in order that an individual or a group of individuals may earn as much money as possible. The great cities have been built with no regard for us: The shape and dimensions of the skyscrapers depend entirely on the necessity of obtaining the maximum income per square meter of ground, and of offering to the tenants offices and apartments that please them. This caused the construction of gigantic buildings where too large masses of human beings are crowded together. While they enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling , they don't realize that they are deprived of the necessities of life. 为了充分理解这意味着什么,我们应首先看一下经济原则。现代工业是以用最低的成本来获取最大产量这一原则为基础的。这样某一 个人或某一集团就可赚取尽可能多的钱。大城市就是在丝毫不考虑我们的情况下兴建起来的。高楼的形状和大小是完全根据从每一平方米 的土地上获取最大利润以及向用户提供称心的写字楼和公寓套房的需要设计的。于是幢幢高楼便拔地而起,里面人满为患,拥挤不堪。当 人们居住在舒适和庸俗奢华的房子里时,却不知他们被剥夺了生活所必需的东西。 新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 334.2334.2334.2334.2 To get a better understanding of how advertisers persuade us to buy their products, we'd better have a bird's eye view of human nature. Advertisers discovered years ago that all of us love to get something for nothing. An advertisement which begins with the magic word FREE can rarely goes wrong. Advertisers not only offer free samples, but free cars, free houses, and free trips round the world as well. Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers to capture the attention of millions of people in this way. 为了更好地了解登广告的人是如何向我们宣传买他们的产品的,我们最好全面分析一下人的本性。登广告的人在多年前就已发现我们 所有的人都喜欢白拿东西。因此用免费这个迷人字眼作为广告开头的很少会失败。登广告的人不但免费提供样品,还提供免费汽车、住房 和环球旅行。电台和电视台使得登广告的人有可能用这种方法来吸引千百万人的注意。 To get a full understanding of how advertisers persuade us to buy their products, we’d better have a bird’s eye view of human nature. Advertisers found years ago that all of us love to get something by nothing. An advertisement which begins with the magic word FREE can rarely goes wrong. Advertisers not only offer free samples, free houses, and free trips round the world as well. Ratio and television make it possible for advertisers to capture the attention of millions of people in this way. 335335335335 ToToToTo illustrateillustrateillustrateillustrate proveproveproveprove showshowshowshow thisthisthisthis point,point,point,point, letletletlet memememe usususus considerconsiderconsiderconsider ............ askaskaskask whywhywhywhy ............ looklooklooklook firstfirstfirstfirst atatatat ............ developdevelopdevelopdevelop mymymymy argumentargumentargumentargument ............ 335.1335.1335.1335.1 To prove this point, let us look first at the national consciousness of college degree. It is the traditional myth that college degree is a passport to a prosperous future. A large segment of our society equals success in life with a college degree. Parents begin indoctrinating their children with this myth before they are out of grade school. High school teachers play their part by acting as if high school education were a preparation for college rather than for life. The result of this emphasis on a college education is evident: The pressure is felt increasingly heavy and the competition becoming increasingly fierce. 为了说明这一点,让我们首先看看人们对大学文凭是怎么想的。有一种传统的说法,大学文凭就是通向光明的将来的护照。社会上许 多人把大学文凭和事业成功等同起来。家长还未等孩子读完小学就开始向他们灌输这一思想,而高中老师竭尽全力为孩子辅导,好像高中 教育就是为了读大学作准备,而不是为将来生活打下知识基础的。这种一味强调大学教育的结果是很明显的:学生感到的压力越来越重, 竞争也越来越激烈。 335.2335.2335.2335.2 To illustrate how academic pressures can contribute to teenage suicide, let us consider the competition, the preparation, and the anxiety different kinds of tests and exams involve. As only three percent of the college population can get into university, competition starts early and fiercely. To pass the national college entrance exams, which spread over three days, an average child has to spend more than six hours a day studying texts of earlier exams, in addition to his regular homework. 为了说明学习上的压力是如何造成青少年自杀的,让我们看看为应付各种测验考试,学生之间的竞争,以及他们的准备和心理负担。 由于只有 3%的高中毕业生可以进入大学,所以竞争早就开始了,且特别激烈。为了通过全国大学入学统一考试(这个考试要进行三天), 一般的学生除了完成课上作业外,每天放学后还要平均化上六个多小时复习过去历届的试卷。 336336336336 A(n)A(n)A(n)A(n) studystudystudystudy comparisoncomparisoncomparisoncomparison exampleexampleexampleexample of...,of...,of...,of..., perhaps,perhaps,perhaps,perhaps, willwillwillwill makemakemakemake thisthisthisthis pointpointpointpoint clear.clear.clear.clear. 336.1336.1336.1336.1 A study of the influence of a teacher on children will make my point clearer. The teacher, when teaching a subject or discussing with his students, will IE doubt bring into the classroom all his own habits of mind, attitudes, beliefs, values, ways of doing things and seeing the world which he has inherited from the society in which he was bought up. 新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 These factors will influence the children and shape their beliefs and attitudes. 研究一下老师对孩子的影响就会使我的观点更清楚。一个教师在他上课时或与学生展开讨论时,势必会把在他长大的社会中形成和接 受的思维方式、观点态度、价值观念和处事方法带进教室。这些因素会影响孩子,形成他们的信仰和态度。 336.2336.2336.2336.2 A common example of our daily lives will make the point clear. In one's lifetime, he may in avoid moving from one place to another, or quitting one job and applying for new one, or getting divorced and remarried again. Just think the tremendous amount of stress and pressure these changes in residence, jobs and life partners place on people as they try to adjust themselves to new people and places. 我们生活中的一个通常的例子就可说明这一点。在一个人的一生中,他不可能避免要迁居流动,调换工作,或离婚和重新结婚。想一 下吧,这种居住的搬迁,工作的调换和生活伴侣的调换给人们带来的巨大的压力和紧张,他们不得不尽力去使自己适应新的地方,新的工 作和新的人。 II.深入阐述 上面一段已从一个方面对某一观点进行了阐述,当要继续深入阐述时,可用本节句型。 337337337337 ButButButBut that'sthat'sthat'sthat's onlyonlyonlyonly partpartpartpart ofofofof thethethethe storystorystorystory explanationexplanationexplanationexplanation PerhapsPerhapsPerhapsPerhaps thethethethe mostmostmostmost significantsignificantsignificantsignificant remarkableremarkableremarkableremarkable surprisingsurprisingsurprisingsurprising aboutaboutaboutabout ............ isisisis ............ 337.1337.1337.1337.1 But that's only part of the explanation for our sleep-deficit crisis. Perhaps the most merciless robber of sleep is the complexity of the day. Whenever pressures from work, study, family mount, many people consider sleep the least expensive item on his program . In our society, you're considered diligent and dynamic if you say you only need 5 hours' sleep. If you've got to get more than 8 hours, people think you are lazy, and lack drive and ambition. 这只是我们睡眠普遍不足的部分原因。使我们睡眠不足的主要原因可能是生活的复杂性。只要工作、学习、家庭一遇到压力,睡觉的 时间就是最不值钱的,可以随时牺牲的。在我们的社会里,如果你说你只需睡五个小时,人们就认为你非常勤奋,精力充沛。而如果你要 睡八个小时以上,你就会被认为懒散,缺乏进取心和抱负。 337.2337.2337.2337.2 But that's only part of the story. The most remarkable thing about daydreaming may be its usefulness in shaping our future lives as we want them to be. Industrialist Henry J. Kaiser believed that much of his success was due to the appositive use of daydreaming. He maintained that "you can image your future." 这只是白日做梦的部分好处。最引人注目的是它有助于按我们自己的意愿来创造未来的生活。工业家亨利认为他的成功相当程度上应 归功于积极地利用白日做梦。他认为:“你可以想象出自己的未来。” 338338338338 AnotherAnotherAnotherAnother equallyequallyequallyequally importantimportantimportantimportant rolerolerolerole aspectaspectaspectaspect functionfunctionfunctionfunction considerationconsiderationconsiderationconsideration is....is....is....is.... EquallyEquallyEquallyEqually importantimportantimportantimportant /essential/essential/essential/essential is....is....is....is.... 338.1338.1338.1338.1 Another important aspect in the conflict of television and children is the personal and emotional isolation fostered by TV. How does this affect individual growth and development? It must be remembered that when a child accepts the box as a form of leisure activity or comfort, he turns away from people and all the direct experience they provide. His learning becomes vicarious rather than first-hand, he substitutes something inanimate for live, direct interaction. 电视对孩子的影响的另一重要方面是电视造成孩子减少与人的接触和感情的交流。这是怎样影响他们的健康成长的呢?必须记住,当 新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 一个孩子把电视看成是消遣娱乐,得到快乐舒适的工具,他就会不愿接触人、从而得不到与人接触时可获得的直接经验。他的学习就不是 第一手的,而是间接的,活生生、直接的接触被无生命的东西代替了。 338.2338.2338.2338.2 Another equally important function of advertising is to inform. A great deal of the knowledge we have about household goods derives largely from the advertisements we read. Advertisements introduce us to new products or remind us of the existence of ones we already known about. Suppose you wanted to buy a washing-machine, it is more than likely you could obtain details regarding performance, price, etc., from an advertisement. 广告另一同样重要的作用是提供信息。我们获得有关家用商品的大量信息很大程度上就是来源于我们所读的广告。广告向我们介绍了 新产品,同时也提醒我们已知道的商品。假如你想买一台洗衣机,你很可能从广告上得到其性能、价格等方面的具体信息。 339339339339 CloselyCloselyCloselyClosely connectedconnectedconnectedconnected withwithwithwith relatedrelatedrelatedrelated totototo associatedassociatedassociatedassociated withwithwithwith parallelingparallelingparallelingparalleling thisthisthisthis (factor)(factor)(factor)(factor) is....is....is....is.... 339.1339.1339.1339.1 Closely related In this factor is another feature characteristic of contemporary culture. Our wide culture is based on the appetite for buying, on the idea of a mutually favorable exchange. Modern man's happiness consists in the thrill of looking at the shop windows, and in buying all that he can afford to buy, either for cash or on installments. 与这个因素密切相关的是另一个当代文化的特点。我们整个文化是建立在购买的欲望之上的;建立在互换互惠的观念之上的。现代人 的快乐在于那看看橱窗里的商品所给他带来的刺激和用现金或分期付款方式买他能够所买的东西。 339.2339.2339.2339.2 Associated with this is the growth of academic journals and periodicals, which enable scholars to become aware of what is happening in different centers of research and in different areas of studies, and help them keep in touch with the latest development. 和这个有联系的是出现了大量学术刊物。这就使得学者们能及时了解不同研究中心和不同研究领域的情况,帮助他们掌握最新的研究 动态。 340340340340 ............ maymaymaymay furtherfurtherfurtherfurther bebebebe supportedsupportedsupportedsupported bybybyby ............ demonstratedemonstratedemonstratedemonstrate ............ contributecontributecontributecontribute totototo ............ 340.1340.1340.1340.1 The rate at which new and sometimes contradictory information comes at us further contributes to our feelings of instability and transience. It's estimated that 90 percent of all scientists who ever lived are alive today. New scientific discoveries are being made every day of the week, and unlike in other ages, new ideas are quickly applied in practical ways. The influence of new technology on our lives is felt almost immediately. 新的,有时甚至是互相矛盾的知识层出不穷地涌现出来,其速度之快进一步加深了我们的不安定感和短暂感。据估计,那些作出重大 发现的科学家有 90%还活着。一周每天都有新的科学发明产生,而且,与以往的时代不同,新的理论马上被运用到实践中去。人们马上 就能感觉得到新技术对我们生活的影响。 340.2340.2340.2340.2 The trend toward early academic achievement is further supported by the publicity of newspapers and radios, which highlight the success of the children who entered colleges and universities at the mere age of eleven or twelve. 社会上这种盼望孩子早出成绩的倾向可以从报纸和电台的宣传中进一步得到证实。报纸和电台对只有十一二岁的孩子就进入大学的成 功事迹总给予大量的宣传报道。 341341341341 ............ isisisis butbutbutbut oneoneoneone ofofofof manymanymanymany effectseffectseffectseffects AnotherAnotherAnotherAnother is...is...is...is... //// AnotherAnotherAnotherAnother aspectaspectaspectaspect //// factorfactorfactorfactor //// characteristiccharacteristiccharacteristiccharacteristic is...is...is...is... 新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 functionsfunctionsfunctionsfunctions pressures.pressures.pressures.pressures. aspectsaspectsaspectsaspects rolesrolesrolesroles problemproblemproblemproblem /question/question/question/question //// difficultydifficultydifficultydifficulty arisesarisesarisesarises 341.1341.1341.1341.1 The pressure for early academic achievement is but one of many contemporary pressures on children. Success in competitive sports is another. Children are early initiated into the rigors of adult competition. Competitive sports for children are becoming ever more widespread. The pressure to engage in organized, competitive sports at camp and at school is one of the most obvious pressures on contemporary children to grow up fast. 学习上早出成绩不过是现在孩子要承受的许多压力中的一个。在竞技体育方面出成绩也是一个。孩子早早地被引入到成人激烈的竞争 中去。孩子的体育比赛越来越普遍。这种要求他们参加在夏令营或在学校的有组织有名次的体育比赛,就是要当代孩子快快长大而强加在 他们身上的另一非常明显的压力。 341.2341.2341.2341.2 Another version of false democracy is the need to deny the existence of personal advantages. Inherited wealth, famous parents, a first-class mind, a rare voice, a beautiful face, au exceptional physical skill ------ any advantage has to be minimized or denied. Continually watched and measured, the man or woman who is rich or talented or well educated is likely to be called "undemocratic" whenever he does anything out of the ordinary life. If he wants acceptance, the person with a "superior" attribute, like the person with an "inferior" attribute, often feels obliged to take on a protective disguise, to act as if he were just like everyone else. 假民主的另一表现就是拒不承认个人的优势。继承的财富,有名望的父母,一流的脑袋,天才的歌喉,漂亮的脸蛋,非凡的技能,任 何有用众之处都应极力贬低,不让其存在。这些有财富,有才华有知识的人处于不断的监视和比较之下,稍做出常人没有的事情,就被称 之为不民主。如果他们要被大家所接受,这些有优势的人就象有缺点的人一样,常常被迫予以掩饰,装得和大家一样。 341.3341.3341.3341.3 Another negative reflection of the pressure on children is teenage crime. From 1986 to 1994, for example, Shanghai police arrested 12762 children aged sixteen and under on felony charges. These figures are underestimated. Many children who have committed felonies are released without a formal complaint so that they will not have a police record. 这种孩子过早承受的压力所产生的另一副作用是青少年犯罪。例如从 1986年到 1994年里,上海曾察逮捕的因犯重罪起诉的 16岁 以下孩子就有 12762人。这个数字还是保守的。还有许多犯了重罪而没有受到正式起诉的,所以在警察局没有留下档案 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。 342342342342 Besides,Besides,Besides,Besides, InInInIn additionadditionadditionaddition totototo this,this,this,this, ApartApartApartApart fromfromfromfrom anotheranotheranotheranother otherotherotherother way(s)way(s)way(s)way(s) thing(s)thing(s)thing(s)thing(s) aspect(s)aspect(s)aspect(s)aspect(s) function(s)function(s)function(s)function(s) isisisis ............ areareareare ............ 342.1342.1342.1342.1 Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the ability of all our students to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning. 除此以外,按照一个人的学习能力来给他们打分也不切实际。学习能力只是他们所有能力中的一个方面。我们所关注的是充分全面地 发挥学生的能力,而不仅仅只是他们学习的能力。我们同样看重个人的品质和社会能力,因此我们认为混合教学法有助于发展学习的所有 这些方面。 342.2342.2342.2342.2 In addition to all this, city-dwellers live under constant threat. The crime rate in most cities is very high. Houses are burgled with alarming frequency. Cities breed crime and violence and are full of places you would be afraid to visit at 新东方批改网(www.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.comwww.51pigai.com)全国首家提供在线批改英语口语功能,让您的学习不再单调。 night. if you think about it, cities are not really fit to live in at all. 除了所有这一切,城市居民生活在时时感到的威胁之中。许多城市的犯罪率都非常高。上门偷盗经常发生。城市滋长犯罪和暴力。有 许多地方一到晚上你就不敢去。如果你想想这一切,城市根本不适合我们住。 342.3342.3342.3342.3 Apart from aesthetic reasons, there are strong medical grounds for not overeating. Overweight people are particularly prone to heart disease and easily tired by physical activity. Losing weight would certainly make them feel healthier and increase their life expectancy. 除了美观的因素,还有许多医学证据说明不能多吃。肥胖的人特别容易患心脏病,且一吃力就容易累。减肥能使他们健康,延长他们 的寿命。 342.4342.4342.4342.4 Besides simplicity, other things I have found to be essential to success are communication, moderation and patience, adaptability, decisiveness, confidence, unconventional thinking, social responsibility, and last, but by no means least, luck. The importance of these attributes is in their interaction. Some of them are antithetical to others ------ patience will then collide with decisiveness, for instance ------ and yet it is hard to think of any of my decisions in which they did not play a role. 除了简朴之外,我发现其它对成功至关重要的要素是交流,谦和,耐心,适应性,果敢性,自信心,创新思维和社会责任感。最后还 有,当然不是最不重要的,幸运。这些要素的重要性在于它们是交织在一起的。虽然其中有些是相互矛盾的,如耐心和果断,但我所作出 的每一个决定,所有这些要素都在起作用。 III.反面阐述 上面一段提出了一种看法或观点,当下面一段要提出相反的观点,并进行阐述时,可使用这些句型。 343343343343 DespiteDespiteDespiteDespite InInInIn spitespitespitespite ofofofof ForForForFor allallallall thethethethe difficultydifficultydifficultydifficulty costcostcostcost problemproblemproblemproblem pressurepressurepressurepressure increaseincreaseincreaseincrease ............ 343.1343.1343.1343.1 Despite the riskier world they face, it would be a mistake to suggest that all adolescents of this generation are feeling more angst than their predecessors. Middle-class teenagers, at least, seem content with their lot on the whole: According to recent studies, 80 percent the same proportion as twenty years ago ------ profess satisfaction with their own lives, if not with the state of the world. Many teenagers, nevertheless evince wishfulness for what they think of as the more heroic times of the sixties and seven
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