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孙伟老师英语学习提分宝典!希望同学们能够耐心的看完所有资料 同学,太多的同学问我同样的问题,高考对每个同学都太重要,不仅是高考想多拿几十分,也许能改变你的一生。我真想帮助你们,但英语毕竞是一个体系,至少也要30个小时完成,不是几句话就能说出几十分的。谢谢你对孙老师课堂的关注,英语真的不难,高考一点也不难,孙老师不骗人,到我的网站听听免费视频课, 第二页有免费视频课直达网址!(网站免费课堂占很大比重,为维持网站能够运行,一些课堂进行收费,现在这段期间在优惠。优惠方法:在报名栏的电话一栏中填写“LLL”或“LLL加你的电话号码,即可享受优惠价,...

希望同学们能够耐心的看完所有资料 同学,太多的同学问我同样的问题, 高考 地理事物空间分布特征语文高考下定义高考日语答题卡模板高考688高频词汇高考文言文120个实词 对每个同学都太重要,不仅是高考想多拿几十分,也许能改变你的一生。我真想帮助你们,但英语毕竞是一个体系,至少也要30个小时完成,不是几句话就能说出几十分的。谢谢你对孙老师课堂的关注,英语真的不难,高考一点也不难,孙老师不骗人,到我的网站听听免费视频课, 第二页有免费视频课直达网址!(网站免费课堂占很大比重,为维持网站能够运行,一些课堂进行收费,现在这段期间在优惠。优惠方法:在报名栏的电话一栏中填写“LLL”或“LLL加你的电话号码,即可享受优惠价,否则原价交费! 报名成功后需先加孙老师QQ:435218979确认你报名信息!! 信息无误后再交费!!若因未加孙老师QQ确认或者因咨询不清楚而交费的,导致无法听课的同学,后果自负!下面为报名举例图解: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 如有同学不清楚优惠报名的流程,以及如何选课,想了解孙老师课程的,可以加孙老师QQ:435218979直接咨询! · ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ *********孙伟老师免费视频课网址直达********* http://www.teachersun.com/gzyy/ 高中 高中语文新课程标准高中物理选修31全套教案高中英语研修观课报告高中物理学习方法和技巧高中数学说课稿范文 部分免费视频课 http://www.teachersun.com/free/skindex.asp 近期最新讲座免费视频课 http://www.teachersun.com/czyy/ 初一初二部分免费视频课 http://www.teachersun.com/zkyy/ 初三部分免费视频课 更多最新视频课:http://www.teachersun.com/free/index.asp 最新高考全国试卷满分策略  最新高考全国试卷单选满分策略   最新高考全国试卷阅读理解满分策略   最新高考全国试卷作文满分策略 ---见高中免费课网址 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 孙伟老师 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 的文字资料(包括常用连词介词等) 如果你能在考前用30多个小时听一下高考语法+应试技巧,高考拿130分以上不是什么难事!!但一定耍记住-------我再棒!不过是帮你除妖开路的孙猴子,你才是西天收经的唐三藏,路一定要自已走。当然成功也是你自己的! 我想告诉所有考生,只要你用一点功,高分就在你手边,高考英语真的不难,当你了解什么是英语,什么是高考。听完下面的免费公开课,请你告诉我和所有的考生---高考难吗??!! 下面所有录音来自寒假孙老师高考技巧班现场录音,七个半天(25个课时)的学习几乎所有参加的同学全部在做2006全国卷时丢分不超过20分,不少同学满分毕业,入学时成绩平平,最差同学只有50分. 高考的同学,鼓起勇气,冲击高分,对父母,对自己有个交待!!!下列课全部免费 ----孙老师 有这样一个故事 二战时,美军在法国澳马哈海滩登陆,遇到德军强大的火力,死伤无数,美军上校泰勒向士兵讲了这样一段话: There are two types of people in this beach (海滩),the dead (死人) and those who are going to die. (在这个海滩上只有两种人:死人与将要死的人.) Follow me and try to get out of the hell!(地狱) 跟着我,冲出这地狱!战后,这句话成为美国的名言。在学习英语中,也同样只有两种人:失败的人与将要失败的人; Follow me and try to get out of the hell ! ! ! LESSON SEVENTEEN 阅读理解应试技巧策略及实战 -------附应对要领表一张 导言 把简单变复杂是凡人,把复杂变简单是天才! 阅读理解无论在高考、四级、雅思、考研都是占分最多的部份也是使用英语最平凡和最重要的技能,在了解英国人的写作习惯之后,将理论与实践结合起来就成为重要的一环,也是所有类形考试高分的关键。其实一个考生掌握阅读应试技巧,在单词量较少,英文阅读能力较弱的情况下同样可以获取高分。但其中的奥妙很难用一本不会说话的书来表达,这里只能尽力而为,详情可登陆孙老师课堂网站听音频讲解。 孙老师特别提示: 同学们可直接从后面实战练习入手,逐渐掌握应试技巧, 然后再回头看应试技巧理论总结《应对要领表》,这样比较容易切入并理解。 1、 理论总结《应对要领表》 孙老师对阅读理解的两个基本要求 1 正确率应在90%。 2 五篇文章应控制在35分钟之内。(否则将没有时间完成其它部分的考试) 阅读文章视觉上的分类 1.信息类--① 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 :广告、计划书、通知、产品说明、查阅地图等 ② 识别特点:文章不成段落,长短不一,有价钱电话号码,附有表格或地图 ③解题要领------只查不读 2.文章类--视觉上成段落。包括小 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 ,说明文,科技文章,人物介绍及讲故事等等。 注:此类在试题中所占比例较大,比较复杂,需要应试技巧较多,是本课讲解重点。 英文文章结构三项基本原则 牢牢地抓住英文写作的“三步曲” · 中心 · 举例说明 · 作者观点或文章结论 注:以下总结多为条文,在记忆及理解上都有困难,但在实际考试中至关重要,同学们可在后面结合做题逐条理解并牢记心中。各中考试高分在握,切记!切记!!! 如何抓住文章和句子的重心 1. 围着中心转-----中心 ( 第一句) 结论(最后一句)。 2. 注意段落结构---段落中心(段落第一句)及段落结论(段落最后一句)。 3. 第二段—第一句 有but “…….” ----- today this day so yet therefore however .中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。 4. 注意连词 -------- but “…….” ---- today this day now so yet therefore however….这些连词后为重心。 5. 注意主从句 --- ●宾语从句看从句 ●状语从句看主句 ●定语从句—看主句(先行词从句看懂一个就行) 6. 并列疑问句或在一段中并列地名、人名、国名、一般最后一个为重心。并列多个形容词修饰名词时,最后一个为重心。(或最接近名词的) 7. 在答案中A、B、C、D有三个至四个重复单词,此单词为重心(即关键词) 阅读理解解题程序 当你拿到一篇文章时,应按下列顺序解题: 1. 先将文章分类——信息类,一般文章。 注意:讲故事的文章中人物较多时,阅读时不可过快!造成反复阅读,欲速则不达-----切记搞清人物关系非常重要,通常这样的文章要多花一些时间。 2.先扫一眼文章中的中文(如高考卷中常标出几个中文)。 3.抓住文章中心思想。 4.不读文章直接读问题,并将问题分类,按不同类型解题用不同的方法解题。 1. 牢牢抓住中心—围着中心转 如何抓住文章中心 (1) 文章的中心思想—第一句,如第二句是 but “…….” ---- today this day now so yet therefore however…..应在第二句。 (2) 第二段—第一句 but “…….” ----- today this day so yet therefore …,中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。 (3) 如第一段以人物故事开头, 第一段一般是引子,中心应在第二段。 (4) 如第一段第一句以介绍人物开头, 第一句应是引子.中心应第二句。 二.不读文章,直接读问题—分类- 孙老师特别提示:请同学们自己认真看一下下面的重要提示,并在实际阅读中运用,这一点相当重要。 1. 文章的中心思想 如问中心思想时,ABCD那个有中心词一般就是答案 注意:1 如有两个选项中出现中心词----需认真推敲 2 如出中心词的选项是否定时---需认真推敲,注重肯定旬。 3 中心题最好放在最后做。一但某一题不会做,跳过去,所有题选完后,最后做,你会发现原来很容易,万不可一棵树吊死! 2. 作者观点或文章结论。下列词一般示为作者观点或段落,文章结论题imply暗示 infer推断 suggest暗示 learn from for example … 注:如上面的提问问的是文章的结论,应在文章的最后一句,如问的是段落的结论,应在段落的最后一句。 3. 查细节——查细节关键词选择四大原则: 1尽量避免用中心词,和常用词作为关键词, 如提问方式中常用词汇、助动词、介词、连词等) 2如答案A、B、C、D里有3 -- 4个相同的词,便是关键词 3用关键词在文章中按顺序找到问题的出处,可能是关键词的重复,以多个关键词的重复为准。(有可能题干中的关键词和文章中的关键词会产生变化—即同意词,如“土豆”—“马玲薯”, “一碗豆腐”—“豆腐一碗”)a used vehicle--------- vehicles which are used -----a second-hand vehicle 4发现A、B、C、D四个选项中,哪个选项出现中心,一般该选项是正确答案的可能性较大。 5如果多个细节都有可能,选择有概括性的,结论性的。 3. 对错选择—解题要领及步骤 ①围绕中心选择正确答案 ,如无法确定答案再到文章中查找答案 ②先读A、B、C、D以确定思考范围 ③尽可能确定问题在文章中的位置,可在题干中寻找关键词,以确定在文章中的位置。 4. 解释词义 ①先读A、B、C、D以确定思考范围 ②找到该词的出处 ③通过原句或上下文推论该词的意思,在A、B、C、D中选择正确答案或排除错误答案。 此表做了删除,课中有详细讲解 二、实战练习 练习说明:讲议中的每篇课文都以两种形式出现。第一次未对文章及答案做任何注释,目的是希望同学们能够自己参与练习。第二次我对文章用了不同颜色和字体做了标记以便同学们关注重点。请同学们积极参与练习。先自己做一遍,然后再看讲解部份,认真总结经验。这样容易发现自己的错误。阅读水平提高较快,以便在考试中避免同样的错误。 阴影为中心思想及文章结论 红色字体为答案与文章相同词汇 兰色字体为题干中的关键词与文章中的对应 本栏目题全部来自历年高考及考研原卷 1 LONDON (Reuters) - Organic fruit, delivered right to the doorstep. That is what Gabriel Gold prefers, and he is willing to pay for it. If this is not possible, the 26-year-old computer technician will spend the extra money at the supermarket to buy organic food. "Organic produce is always better," Gold said. "The food is free of pesticides (农药), and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally (本地) grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty." Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business. But how many shoppers really know what they are getting, and why are they willing to pay a higher price for organic produce? Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences - but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete. For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products. And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported (进口) to meet growing demand. "The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-growing market," said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business. 1. More and more people in Britain are buying organic food because_____. A. they are getting richer B. they can get the food anywhere C. they consider the food free of pollution D. they like home-grown fruit 2. Which of the following statements is true to the facts about most organic produce sold in Britain? A. It grows indoors all year round. B. It is produced outside Britain. C. It is grown on family farms. D. It is produced on large farms. 3. What is the meaning of "the organic trend" as the words are used in the text? A. growing interest in organic food B. better quality of organic food C. rising market for organic food D. higher prices of organic food 4. What is the best title for this news story? A. Organic food healthy, or just for the wealthy? B. The making of organic food in Britain C. Organic food to import or not? D. Good qualities of organic food 讲解 阅读理解解题程序 当你拿到一篇文章时,应按下列顺序解题: 2. 先将文章分类——信息类,一般文章 注意:讲故事的文章中人物较多时,阅读时不可过快!造成反复阅读,欲速则不达-----切记搞清人物关系非常重要,通常这样的文章要多花一些时间。 2.先扫一眼文章中的中文。 3.抓住文章中心思想。 4.不读文章直接读问题,并将问题分类,按不同类型解题用不同的方法解题。 LONDON (Reuters) - Organic fruit, delivered right to the doorstep. That is what Gabriel Gold prefers, and he is willing to pay for it. If this is not possible, the 26-year-old computer technician will spend the extra money at the supermarket to buy organic food. 第二段第一句有引号为中心句,第一段不必看。从冠词The food推出Organic produce是一种食品,该文中心为-----某种食品好!切记--------围着中心转! "Organic produce is always better," Gold said. "The food is free of pesticides (农药), and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally (本地) grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty." Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business. But how many shoppers really know what they are getting, and why are they willing to pay a higher price for organic produce? Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences - but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete. For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products. And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported (进口) to meet growing demand. "The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-growing market," said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business. 1. More and more people in Britain are buying organic food because_____.(查细节) A. they are getting richer B. they can get the food anywhere C. they consider the food free of pollution D. they like home-grown fruit 2. Which of the following statements is true to the facts about most organic produce sold in Britain? (对错选择) A. It grows indoors all year round. B. It is produced outside Britain. C. It is grown on family farms. D. It is produced on large farms. 该题因事先已看中文,进口与本地,解题不难 3. What is the meaning of "the organic trend" as the words are used in the text? ( 解释词义) A. growing interest in organic food B. better quality of organic food C. rising market for organic food D. higher prices of organic food 解释词义 ①先读A、B、C、D以确定思考范围 ②找到该词的出处 ③通过原句或上下文推论该词的意思 也可围着文章中心"The food is good.选择 4. What is the best title for this news story? (文章的中心思想) A. Organic food healthy, or just for the wealthy? B. The making of organic food in Britain C. Organic food to import or not? D. Good qualities of organic food 孙老师特别提示: 通过上题练习,同学们会发现在正确的理论指导下比盲目做题要好的多,即可避开生词又可省下大量时间,应此同学们应牢记理论总结的解题要领《应对要领表》。 2 One of the greatest killers in the Western world is heart disease. The death rate (率) from the disease has been increasing at an alarming speed for the past thirty years. Today in Britain, for example, about four hundred people a day die of heart disease. Medical experts know that people can reduce their chances of getting heart disease by exercising regularly, by not smoking, by changing their diets, and by paying more attention to reducing stress (压力) in their work. However, Western health-care systems are still not paying enough attention to the prevention of the disease. There is a need for more programs to educate the public about the causes and prevention of heart disease. Instead of supporting such programs, however, the U.S. health-care system is spending large sums of money on the surgical (外科的) treatment of the disease after it develops. This emphasis (强调) on treatment clearly has something to do with the technological advances that have taken place in the past ten to fifteen. Years. In this time, modern technology has enabled doctors to develop new surgical techniques. Many operations that were considered impossible or too risky (有风险的) a few years ago are now performed every day in U.S. hospitals. The result has been a huge increase in heart surgery. Although there is no doubt that heart surgery can help a large number of people, some people point out that the emphasis on the surgical treatment of the disease has three clear disadvantages. First, it attracts interest and money away from the question of prevention. Second, it causes the costs of general hospital care to rise. After hospitals buy the expensive equipment that is necessary for modern heart surgery, they must try to recover the money they have spent. To do this, they raise costs for all their patients, not just those patients whose treatment requires the equipment. The third disadvantage is that doctors are encouraged to perform surgery―even on patients for whom an operation is unnecessary―because the equipment and expert skills are there. A government office recently stated that major heart surgery was often performed even though its chances of success were low. In one type of heart surgery, for example, only 15 percent of patients improved their conditions after the surgery. However, more than 100,000 of these operations are performed in the United States every year. 56. What effect has modern technology had on medicine? A. It has reduced the costs of medical treatment. B. It has helped save the lives of most patients. C. It has encouraged doctors to do more heart surgeries. D. It has helped educate people about the prevention of heart disease. 57. “To do this” (in Paragraph 3) means ______. A. to help patients recover B. to increase the number of heart surgeries C. to get back the money spent on the equipment D. to buy new equipment for the treatment of heart disease 58. The author would agree that ______. A. more money should be spent on the prevention of heart disease B. heart surgery has helped most patients improve their conditions C. modern technology has made heart surgery more risky than before D. the public have known a great deal about the causes of heart disease 59. What would be the best title for the passage? A. The Greatest Killer in the West B. Heart Disease: Treat or Prevent C. Modern Technology and Heart Surgery D. Heart Surgery: Advantages and Disadvantages 讲解 One of the greatest killers in the Western world is heart disease. The death rate (率) from the disease has been increasing at an alarming speed for the past thirty years. Today in Britain, for example, about four hundred people a day die of heart disease. Medical experts know that people can reduce their chances of getting heart disease by exercising regularly, by not smoking, by changing their diets, and by paying more attention to reducing stress (压力) in their work. 第二段出现两个However,中心思想应在第二段。抓住中心,不必再看长长的全文,包括文章的第一段。 However, Western health-care systems are still not paying enough attention to the prevention of the disease. There is a need for more programs to educate the public about the causes and prevention of heart disease. Instead of supporting such programs, however, the U.S. health-care system is spending large sums of money on the surgical (外科的) treatment of the disease after it develops. This emphasis (强调) on treatment clearly has something to do with the technological advances that have taken place in the past ten to fifteen. Years. In this time, modern technology has enabled doctors to develop new surgical techniques. Many operations that were considered impossible or too risky (有风险的) a few years ago are now performed every day in U.S. hospitals. The result has been a huge increase in heart surgery. Although there is no doubt that heart surgery can help a large number of people, some people point out that the emphasis on the surgical treatment of the disease has three clear disadvantages. First, it attracts interest and money away from the question of prevention. Second, it causes the costs of general hospital care to rise. After hospitals buy the expensive equipment that is necessary for modern heart surgery, they must try to recover the money they have spent. To do this, they raise costs for all their patients, not just those patients whose treatment requires the equipment. The third disadvantage is that doctors are encouraged to perform surgery―even on patients for whom an operation is unnecessary―because the equipment and expert skills are there. A government office recently stated that major heart surgery was often performed even though its chances of success were low. In one type of heart surgery, for example, only 15 percent of patients improved their conditions after the surgery. However, more than 100,000 of these operations are performed in the United States every year. 56. What effect has modern technology had on medicine? A. It has reduced the costs of medical treatment. B. It has helped save the lives of most patients. C. It has encouraged doctors to do more heart surgeries. D. It has helped educate people about the prevention of heart disease. 围着中心转 57. “To do this” (in Paragraph 3) means ______. A. to help patients recover B. to increase the number of heart surgeries C. to get back the money spent on the equipment D. to buy new equipment for the treatment of heart disease 58. The author would agree that ______. A. more money should be spent on the prevention of heart disease B. heart surgery has helped most patients improve their conditions C. modern technology has made heart surgery more risky than before D. the public have known a great deal about the causes of heart disease 围着中心转 59. What would be the best title for the passage? A. The Greatest Killer in the West B. Heart Disease: Treat or Prevent C. Modern Technology and Heart Surgery D. Heart Surgery: Advantages and Disadvantages 围着中心转 孙老师特别提示: 通过上题练习,全文很长,生词很多,但我们只读很少的几个点,围着中心转!也能正确解答所有问题,又快又准! 3 Malls are popular places for Americans to go. Some people spend so much time at malls that they are called mall rats. Mall rats do not leave the shop until they drop in the hundreds of stores under one roof. People like malls for many reasons. They feel safe because malls 孙老师,连词、介词、常用单词表,必背单词和词组: 可跟动名词做宾语的动词及与不定式的区别 Admit 承认 Avoid 避免 Advise 建议 Appreciate 赏识, 感激 begin 开始doing or to do consider 考虑;思考 deny 否认 delay 推迟 encourage 鼓励 endure 耐久, 忍耐 escape 逃脱, 避开 enjoy 喜爱 excuse 原谅, 申辩 finish 完成 fancy 想象, 设想, 认为 forget doing 忘记做过某事 to do忘记要做某事 give up, 放弃 hate 不喜欢doing or to do help can’t help doing 情不自禁 help doing or to do帮助做某事 imagine 想象;以为;假想 like 喜欢doing or to do love 喜爱doing or to do mind 介意; postpone 延期; practice 实践;熟练 put off 推迟; require 需要,要求 remember doing记得做过某事 to do 记着做某事 regret doing 后悔 to do抱歉 start 开始doing or to do stop doing 停止做某事 to do 停下来做另外事 suggest 建议 try doing试着做 to do 努力做 ▲ Enough...to do 足够.. 做 too… to do太….而不能 == so as not to ▲ have sb do sth让某人做某事 have sth to do有什么事要做 have sth done让别人做某事e ▲不定式做宾语补语省略to的动词 feel, hear, notice, see, watch , have, help, let, make 注:当不定式做主语补语时to不可省。。 ▲必须使用关系代词that的几种情况 1 先行词被形容词最高级修饰。 2 先行词是all, everything, nothing, something等不定代词 3 当先行词被only, any, no, very, little或序数词修饰时。 注:上面3种情况不能使用who, whom, which等关系代词。 772 常用连词 as 1.一边.一边2.当...时3.因为 as soon as 一…就… as(so) long as 只要 as(so) far as 据…所知 as...as 像...一样 as-- 尽管 accordingly 因此 所以 although, though 虽然 尽管 After 在...之后 A as well as B 不但A而且B before 在...之前 besides 而且 because 因为,放在主句后。 both A and B 既是A又是B but 但是,而是,的确…但 consequently 因此 所以 either A or B 不是A是B even if 即使 even though 即使 else 否则 for fear that 以防万一 furthermore 而且 however 然而 hence 因此 所以 however 不论 if 如果 是否 in addition 而且 in order that 为了 in case 以防 假使,如果 in that 因为 既然 lest 以防万一 moreover 而且 not...until--直到...才 no sooner--than-- 一…就… not so(as)...as 不像... now that 既然 no matter(what, when, where, how) 无论(什么.何时,何地……) nor 也不 neither A nor B 既不是A也不是B not only A but also B 不但A而且B nevertheless 然而 once 一旦; 一度 on condition that 条件是 otherwise 否则 or 或,否则,不管是…,还是; provided that 如果 有时省略that still 然而 since 既然, 因为 Since 自从...通常主句用现完成时 so...that 太...以至so形容词或副词 so that 以便,为了 so可以省去。 so 因此,所以,那么,这样看来; such...that 太.以至 such后用名词。 the moment 一…就…(=as soon as) thus 因此 所以 therefore 因此 所以 more...than 比...怎么样 用于比较,后面用形容词或副词。 The more..., the more...- 越...越... though 虽然 尽管 Unless 如果不,除非 =if not When 1.当...的时候 While 1.在...期间 2.而3 虽然 尽管 Where 在...的地方 Wherever 无论哪里 Whatever 不管 Whether 不管,常与or not连用 yet然而 773 介词 about 关于,对于,在附近,在…周围 在…范围 above 在…以上(标准)超过,过于 across 交叉,横穿,在…(对面) 那边 after 在…之后(时间),在…后面 against 相反,反对,逆着,靠着 along 顺着,沿着,带着 alongside 和并肩,与…并排 among 在…之中(三者以上) around 围绕,四处,在…周围 as 当作,作为,以…身份 at 在…方面,在…地点,在…时刻 because of 由于,因为 before 在…之前(时间),先于 behind 在…之后(物体),落后 below 在…下面(标准),到…下面 beneath 在…下(on的反义词),低 beside 在…旁边,和…比较 besides 除…之外,在…之外 between 在…之间(两者),介乎… 之间,连接… beyond 在…那一边,超过,迟于 but ( 用于nothing, nobody, who, all等词之后 ) 除…之外 by在旁边,经,按照,通过,用,被 despite 尽管,不管,不论 down 在…下方,往…下方,尽头 during 在…期间,在…的时候 except 除了…之外,除非,若不是 for 为了,因为,对于,一段时间 from 始于,今后,来自,由于 in 在之内(敞开状态),在…期间 including 包括 in spite of 尽管,不管,不论 instead of 取代 inside 在…之内(封闭状态) 在…内部(时间) into 到…里,
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