首页 mail系统哦_xili



mail系统哦_xili Mail系统搭建 系统环境:rhel6.0-x86-64 selinux and iptables off 主机: yum install mysql-server /etc/init.d/mysqld start postconf -m #查看 postfix是否支持mysql .... mysql .... ####create database postfix, create tables student username test@westos.org password ...

Mail系统搭建 系统环境:rhel6.0-x86-64 selinux and iptables off 主机: yum install mysql-server /etc/init.d/mysqld start postconf -m #查看 postfix是否支持mysql .... mysql .... ####create database postfix, create tables student username test@westos.org password 123456 domain westos.org mailbox westos.org/test/ postconf -e inet_interfaces=all [root@server2 ~]# ls -l /usr/sbin/sendmail lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 21 Oct 18 18:59 /usr/sbin/sendmail -> /etc/alternatives/mta [root@server2 ~]# ls -l /etc/alternatives/mta lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 26 Oct 18 18:59 /etc/alternatives/mta -> /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix [root@server2 ~]# ls -l //usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 213616 Mar 10 2011 //usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix useradd -u 600 vmail [root@server2 ~]# postconf -e virtual_uid_maps=static:600 [root@server2 ~]# postconf -e virtual_gid_maps=static:600 [root@server2 ~]# postconf -e virtual_mailbox_base=/home/vmail/ [root@server2 ~]# postconf -e virtual_alias_maps=mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-alias.cf [root@server2 ~]# postconf -e virtual_mailbox_domains=mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-domains.cf [root@server2 ~]# postconf -e virtual_mailbox_maps=mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-mailboxs.cf #授权于 vmail用户 mysql> grant all on postfix.* to vmail@localhost identified by 'vmail'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> flush privileges; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) vim /etc/postfix/mysql-alias.cf user = vmail password = vmail dbname = postfix table = student select_field = username where_field = usernam vim /etc/postfix/mysql-domains.cf user = vmail password = vmail dbname = postfix table = student select_field = domain where_field = domain vim /etc/postfix/mysql-mailboxs.cf user = vmail password = vmail dbname = postfix table = student select_field = mailbox where_field = usernam [root@server3 postfix]# postmap -q "test@westos.org" mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-alias.cf test@westos.org [root@server3 postfix]# postmap -q "test@westos.org" mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-mailboxs.cf westos.org/test/ [root@server3 postfix]# postmap -q "westos.org" mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-domains.cf westos.org /etc/init.d/postfix restart #发送测试邮件 [root@server3 postfix]# mail test@westos.org Subject: test test test test EOT #切到如下目录查收邮件 #cd /home/vmail/westos.org/test/new [root@server3 new]# ls 1322315156.Vfd02I8014M798586.server3 [root@server3 new]# cat 1322315156.Vfd02I8014M798586.server3 Return-Path: X-Original-To: test@westos.org Delivered-To: test@westos.org Received: by server3.localdomain (Postfix, from userid 0) id 019338CA0; Sat, 26 Nov 2011 21:40:09 +0800 (CST) Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 21:40:09 +0800 To: test@westos.org Subject: test User-Agent: Heirloom mailx 12.4 7/29/08 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-Id: <20111126134010.019338CA0@server3.localdomain> From: root@server3.localdomain (root) test test test ---------------------------------- #安装 dovecot 客户端 yum install dovecot dovecot-mysql -y #编辑文件 vim /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf .... # mail_location = maildir:/home/vmail/%d/%n .... first_valid_uid = 600 #last_valid_uid = 0 .... vim /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf .... !include auth-sql.conf.ext #去掉此句的注释 .... #切到如下目录,并拷贝文件到指定目录 cd /usr/share/doc/dovecot-2.0/example-config [root@server3 example-config]# cp dovecot-sql.conf.ext /etc/dovecot/ #编辑拷贝的文件 vim /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext .... driver = mysql .... # Examples: # connect = host= dbname=users connect = host=localhost dbname=postfix user=vmail password=vmail # connect = /etc/dovecot/authdb.sqlite .... default_pass_scheme = PLAIN .... # Example: # password_query = SELECT userid AS user, pw AS password \ # FROM users WHERE userid = '%u' AND active = 'Y' password_query = \ SELECT username, domain, password \ FROM student WHERE username = '%u' .... # Examples: # user_query = SELECT home, uid, gid FROM users WHERE userid = '%u' # user_query = SELECT dir AS home, user AS uid, group AS gid FROM users where userid = '%u' user_query = SELECT mailbox, 600 AS uid, 600 AS gid FROM student WHERE username = '%u' #开启 dovecot服务 /etc/init.d/dovecot start #查看 dovecot的端口 netstat -antlp tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3384/dovecot tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3384/dovecot .... tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3384/dovecot tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3384/dovecot #安装 telnet测试 yum install telnet -y [root@server3 dovecot]# telnet localhost 110 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. +OK Dovecot ready. user test@westos.org +OK pass 123456 +OK Logged in. list +OK 1 messages: 1 548 . quit +OK Logging out. Connection closed by foreign host. ------------------------------------------------------- #配置web邮件服务器 extmail 软件: extmail-1.2.tar.gz extman-1.1.tar.gz [root@server3 mnt]# mkdir /var/www/extsuite [root@server3 mnt]# tar -zxf extmail-1.2.tar.gz -C /var/www/extsuite/ [root@server3 mnt]# tar -zxf extman-1.1.tar.gz -C /var/www/extsuite/ #切到/var/www/extsuite ,为方便给解压后的目录改名字 cd /var/www/extsuite [root@server3 extsuite]# mv extmail-1.2/ extmail [root@server3 extsuite]# mv extman-1.1/ extman [root@server3 extmail]# cd extman/docs/ [root@server3 docs]# mysql < extmail.sql [root@server3 docs]# vim init.sql ... ('postmaster@extmail.org','postmaster','redhat','','PostMaster','','extmail.org/postmaster/Maildir/','extma il.org/postmaster','104857600S','52428800S','extmail.org',1000,1000,'2007-02-14 15:10:04','2010-11- 08',1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'my question','my answer'); .... INSERT INTO `manager` VALUES ('root@extmail.org','westos','admin','root','Super User','my question','my answer','0','2007-02-14 15:10:04','2010-11-08',1); .... [root@server3 docs]# mysql < init.sql [root@server3 docs]# cat mysql_virtual_alias_maps.cf user = extmail password = extmail hosts = localhost dbname = extmail table = alias select_field = goto where_field = address additional_conditions = AND active = '1' [root@server3 docs]# cat mysql_virtual_domains_maps.cf user = extmail password = extmail hosts = localhost dbname = extmail table = domain select_field = domain where_field = domain additional_conditions = AND active = '1' [root@server3 docs]# cat mysql_virtual_mailbox_maps.cf user = extmail password = extmail hosts = localhost dbname = extmail table = mailbox select_field = maildir where_field = username additional_conditions = AND active = '1' [root@server3 docs]# cp mysql_virtual_alias_maps.cf /etc/postfix/mysql-alias.cf [root@server3 docs]# cp mysql_virtual_domains_maps.cf /etc/postfix/mysql-domains.cf [root@server3 docs]# cp mysql_virtual_mailbox_maps.cf /etc/postfix/mysql-mailboxs.cf [root@server3 docs]# postmap -q "support@extmail.org" mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-alias.cf postmaster@extmail.org [root@server3 docs]# postmap -q "postmaster@extmail.org" mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-mailboxs.cf extmail.org/postmaster/Maildir/ [root@server3 docs]# postmap -q "extmail.org" mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-domains.cf extmail.org #测试 [root@server3 docs]# mail support@extmail.org Subject: xili xili xili xili EOT #切到目录/home/vmail/extmail.org/postmaster/Maildir/new [root@server3 new]# ls 1322323967.Vfd02I801fM829896.server3 [root@server3 new]# cat 1322323967.Vfd02I801fM829896.server3 Return-Path: X-Original-To: support@extmail.org Delivered-To: postmaster@extmail.org Received: by server3.localdomain (Postfix, from userid 0) id AD5856B7E; Sun, 27 Nov 2011 00:12:47 +0800 (CST) Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 00:12:47 +0800 To: support@extmail.org Subject: xili User-Agent: Heirloom mailx 12.4 7/29/08 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-Id: <20111126161247.AD5856B7E@server3.localdomain> From: root@server3.localdomain (root) xili xili xili #编辑文件 vim /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf .... #mail_location = maildir:/home/vmail/%d/%n mail_location = maildir:/home/vmail/%d/%n/Maildir .... vim /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext .... # Examples: #connect = host= dbname=users connect = host=localhost dbname=extmail user=extmail password=extmail .... # Example: #password_query = SELECT userid AS user, pw AS password \ #FROM users WHERE userid = '%u' AND active = 'Y' # password_query = \ SELECT username, domain, password \ FROM mailbox WHERE username = '%u' .... # Examples: # user_query = SELECT home, uid, gid FROM users WHERE userid = '%u' # user_query = SELECT dir AS home, user AS uid, group AS gid FROM users where userid = '%u' user_query=SELECT maildir, 600 AS uid, 600 AS gid FROM mailbox WHERE username = '%u' .... [root@server3 extman]# chown vmail.vmail cgi/ -R [root@server3 extman]# vim webman.cf .... # maildir_base, the base dir of user maildir, use absolute path # if not set. SYS_MAILDIR_BASE = /home/vmail .... # sys_sess_dir, the session dir SYS_SESS_DIR = /tmp # sys_captcha_on 1|0 - to enable captcha feature or not SYS_CAPTCHA_ON = 0 .... # sys_crypt_type: crypt|cleartext|plain|md5|md5crypt|plain-md5|ldap-md5|sha|sha1 SYS_CRYPT_TYPE = plain .... #编辑 apache的主配置文件添加如下语句 vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf .... NameVirtualHost *:80 ServerName mail.extmail.org DocumentRoot /var/www/extsuite/extmail/html/ ScriptAlias /extmail/cgi /var/www/extsuite/extmail/cgi Alias /extmail /var/www/extsuite/extmail/html ScriptAlias /extman/cgi /var/www/extsuite/extman/cgi Alias /extman /var/www/extsuite/extman/html SuexecUserGroup vmail vmail vim /etc/hosts mail.extmail.org [root@server3 extman]# yum install perl-CGI -y [root@server3 extsuite]# cd extmail/ [root@server3 extmail]# chown vmail.vmail cgi/ -R [root@server3 extmail]# cp webmail.cf.default webmail.cf [root@server3 extmail]# vim webmail.cf .... # sys_log_on = 1 | 0 - enable logging or not SYS_LOG_ON = 0 .... # maildir_base, the base dir of user maildir, use absolute path # if not set. SYS_MAILDIR_BASE = /home/vmail .... # crypt_type, the default encrypt type of password, possible type # currently is crypt|cleartext|plain|md5|md5crypt|plain-md5|ldap-md5|sha|sha1 SYS_CRYPT_TYPE = plain # if mysql, all relate parameters should prefix as SYS_MYSQL SYS_MYSQL_USER = extmail SYS_MYSQL_PASS = extmail .... ---------------------------------------------------- #关于邮件日志的管理 vim /var/www/extsuite/extmail/webmail.cf .... # sys_log_on = 1 | 0 - enable logging or not SYS_LOG_ON = 1 # sys_log_type = file|syslog|nsyslog, syslog will save login # or error info into mail.*, nsyslog is a replacement to syslog # that will send log message to network syslogd SYS_LOG_TYPE = syslog # sys_log_file - path to log file, if sys_log_type = file SYS_LOG_FILE = /var/log/extmail.log .... [root@server3 ~]# tar -zxf Unix-Syslog-1.1.tar.gz [root@server3 ~]# cd Unix-Syslog-1.1 [root@server3 Unix-Syslog-1.1]# ls Artistic Makefile.PL META.yml Syslog.pm test.pl Changes MANIFEST README Syslog.xs [root@server3 Unix-Syslog-1.1]# perl Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Unix::Syslog [root@server3 Unix-Syslog-1.1]# make test [root@server3 Unix-Syslog-1.1]# make install #验证码设置 vim /var/www/extsuite/extman/webman.cf .... # sys_captcha_on 1|0 - to enable captcha feature or not SYS_CAPTCHA_ON = 1 # sys_captcha_key SYS_CAPTCHA_KEY = r3s9b6a7 # sys_captcha_len SYS_CAPTCHA_LEN = 6 .... [root@server3 extman]# yum install perl-GD -y [root@server3 extman]# rpm -q perl-rrdtool [root@server3 addon]# cp -r mailgraph_ext/ /usr/local/ [root@server3 addon]# cd /usr/local/ [root@server3 ~]# tar -zxf File-Tail-0.99.3.tar.gz [root@server3 ~]# cd File-Tail-0.99.3 [root@server3 File-Tail-0.99.3]# perl Makefile.PL File::Tail will be installed without debugging information. This information isn't usefull unless you intend to tinker with the code. To install with debugging enabled, use: perl Makefile.PL LOGIT Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for File::Tail [root@server3 File-Tail-0.99.3]# make test [root@server3 File-Tail-0.99.3]# make install [root@server3 mailgraph_ext]# ./mailgraph-init start Starting mail statistics grapher: mailgraph_ext Starting queue statistics grapher: qmonitor
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