首页 2002年版ISDA主协议中英文对照



2002年版ISDA主协议中英文对照 《人去楼空》《忘了每天想你多少遍》《玫瑰的眼泪》《爱情对于我只是一种奢望》《后悔无期》《如果我真的离开你》《决裂的温柔》《不分手的恋爱》《在我流泪的时候别说爱我》《伤心等候》《分手了就不要回头》《听伤心的歌》《苦笑》《别忘了你的世界我曾经来过》《你的幸福点燃我的痛苦》《有了你我更寂寞》《谁说分手后不能再见面》《如果你还是不明白》《一千颗真爱的心给了谁》《某人》《原谅》《亲爱的你回来吧》《爱的味道》《寂寞雨点》《爱情苦酒》《心痛是我唯一的权利》《寂寞,好了》《我陪你哭》《爱情剧终》《失色的天空》《街角的祝福》《爱上...

《人去楼空》《忘了每天想你多少遍》《玫瑰的眼泪》《爱情对于我只是一种奢望》《后悔无期》《如果我真的离开你》《决裂的温柔》《不分手的恋爱》《在我流泪的时候别说爱我》《伤心等候》《分手了就不要回头》《听伤心的歌》《苦笑》《别忘了你的世界我曾经来过》《你的幸福点燃我的痛苦》《有了你我更寂寞》《谁说分手后不能再见面》《如果你还是不明白》《一千颗真爱的心给了谁》《某人》《原谅》《亲爱的你回来吧》《爱的味道》《寂寞雨点》《爱情苦酒》《心痛是我唯一的权利》《寂寞,好了》《我陪你哭》《爱情剧终》《失色的天空》《街角的祝福》《爱上了一条街》《多谢失恋》《终结孤单》《要幸福啊》《开始懂了》《泪的告白》《晚安我的爱》《对味》《情歌没有告诉你》《陪你到最后》《你就是我的幸福》《柑香亭》《恋曲2011》《分开后》《女人到底想什么》《初雪的忧伤》《被动》《让我爱着你》《眼泪的爱》《跨越赤道的爱情》《迷茫的爱》《习惯负担》《句点》《未来的第一站》《恋月》《你爱过么》《寂寞寂寞就好》《我真的受伤了》《你是唯一》《断翅的天使》《2012的爱情》《如果没有他你还爱我吗》《我也不知道》《女人带走我的心》《从开始到现在 ISDA® International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. 2002 MASTER AGREEMENT dated as of (仅供参考)* ISDA® 国际掉期及衍生工具协会 2002年主协议 _____年_____月_____日 ______________________ and ______________________ ________________________与______________________ have entered and/or anticipate entering into one or more transactions (each a “Transaction”) that are or will be governed by this 2002 Master Agreement, which includes the schedule (the “Schedule”), and the documents and other confirming evidence (each a “Confirmation”) exchanged between the parties or otherwise effective for the purpose of confirming or evidencing those Transactions. This 2002 Master Agreement and the Schedule are together referred to as this “Master Agreement”. 之间已进行及/或预期进行受本2002年主协议 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 (或将为其规范)之一笔或多笔交易(均称为“交易”);本主协议包括附约(以下简称“附约”)以及双方间另交换或为确认或证明该等交易使其生效之文件和其它确认证据(均称为“确认 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ”)。本2002年主协议及其附约统称为“主协议”。 Accordingly, the parties agree as follows:― 据此,双方同意如下:– 1. Interpretation 1. 释义 (a) Definitions.  The terms defined in Section 14 and elsewhere in this Master Agreement will have the meanings therein specified for the purpose of this Master Agreement. (a) 定义。就本主协议而言,本主协议第14条以及其它部分所定义之词汇将具有其所特定之含义。 (b) Inconsistency.  In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of the Schedule and the other provisions of this Master Agreement, the Schedule will prevail. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of any Confirmation and this Master Agreement, such Confirmation will prevail for the purpose of the relevant Transaction. (b) 不一致。若附约之条款与本主协议之其它条款有不一致之处,以附约为准。若任何确认书与本主协议之条款有不一致之处,就有关交易而言,以确认书为准。 (c) Single Agreement.  All Transactions are entered into in reliance on the fact that this Master Agreement and all Confirmations form a single agreement between the parties (collectively referred to as this “Agreement”), and the parties would not otherwise enter into any Transactions. (c) 单一协议。所有交易之进行乃基于信赖本主协议以及所有确认书构成双方之间之单一协议(统称“协议”),否则双方不会进行任何交易。 2. Obligations 2. 义务 (a) General Conditions. (a) 一般条件。 (i) Each party will make each payment or delivery specified in each Confirmation to be made by it, subject to the other provisions of this Agreement. (i) 受本协议之其它条款约束,双方应按各确认书之规定为各项付款或交付。 (ii) Payments under this Agreement will be made on the due date for value on that date in the place of the account specified in the relevant Confirmation or otherwise pursuant to this Agreement, in freely transferable funds and in the manner customary for payments in the required currency. Where settlement is by delivery (that is, other than by payment), such delivery will be made for receipt on the due date in the manner customary for the relevant obligation unless otherwise specified in the relevant Confirmation or elsewhere in this Agreement. (ii) 本协议项下之付款应于到期日在有关确认书所规定之账户所在地或按本协议其它规定另行支付;款项应以自由可转让资金以及所要求之货币付款之通用方式支付。若结算以交付形式进行(即付款之外之方式),该交付应于到期日按有关义务之通用方式进行,然有关确认书或本协议另有规定时,则不在此限。 (iii) Each obligation of each party under Section 2(a)(i) is subject to (1) the condition precedent that no Event of Default or Potential Event of Default with respect to the other party has occurred and is continuing, (2) the condition precedent that no Early Termination Date in respect of the relevant Transaction has occurred or been effectively designated and (3) each other condition specified in this Agreement to be a condition precedent for the purpose of this Section 2(a)(iii). (iii) 第2(a)(i)条下各方之每项义务取决于以下先决条件:(1)对方未发生任何违约事件或潜在违约事件且该事件仍在持续中;(2)就有关交易而言,尚未出现或尚未有效地指定提前终止日;以及(3)于本协议下作为本第2(a)(iii)条先决条件之其它各项条件。 (b) Change of Account.  Either party may change its account for receiving a payment or delivery by giving notice to the other party at least five Local Business Days prior to the Scheduled Settlement Date for the payment or delivery to which such change applies unless such other party gives timely notice of a reasonable objection to such change. (b) 更改账户。除非另一方及时发出反对通知且其反对系合理者,任何一方可在付款或交付之预定结算日前至少五个当地营业日通知对方变更接收款项或交付之账户。 (c) Netting of Payments.  If on any date amounts would otherwise be payable:― (c) 付款净额结算。若任何日期双方均须:– (i) in the same currency; and (i) 以相同货币;及 (ii) in respect of the same Transaction, (ii) 就相同交易, by each party to the other, then, on such date, each party’s obligation to make payment of any such amount will be automatically satisfied and discharged and, if the aggregate amount that would otherwise have been payable by one party exceeds the aggregate amount that would otherwise have been payable by the other party, replaced by an obligation upon the party by which the larger aggregate amount would have been payable to pay to the other party the excess of the larger aggregate amount over the smaller aggregate amount. 向另一方付款,双方支付该款项之义务将于当日自动地完成及解除,若一方本应支付之总额高于对方本应支付之总额,支付较大总额一方之付款义务则为向另一方缴付两者(较大总支付款及较小总支付款)间之差额。 The parties may elect in respect of two or more Transactions that a net amount and payment obligation will be determined in respect of all amounts payable on the same date in the same currency in respect of those Transactions, regardless of whether such amounts are payable in respect of the same Transaction. The election may be made in the Schedule or any Confirmation by specifying that “Multiple Transaction Payment Netting” applies to the Transactions identified as being subject to the election (in which case clause (ii) above will not apply to such Transactions). If Multiple Transaction Payment Netting is applicable to Transactions, it will apply to those Transactions with effect from the starting date specified in the Schedule or such Confirmation, or, if a starting date is not specified in the Schedule or such Confirmation, the starting date otherwise agreed by the parties in writing. This election may be made separately for different groups of Transactions and will apply separately to each pairing of Offices through which the parties make and receive payments or deliveries. 双方可就两笔或以上之交易选择就该等交易于同一日期以相同货币支付之所有付款进行净额结算及履行付款义务,不论此等付款是否关于同一笔交易。该选择可于附约或任何确认书上作出,并规定“多笔交易付款凈额结算”适用于该选择所指定之交易(在此情况下,上述第(ii)款将不适用于此等交易)。如多笔交易付款凈额结算适用者,其生效日期为附约或确认书中规定之开始日期;如附约或确认书中未规定生效日期,则由双方另行以书面另行约定开始日期。此选择可就不同组别之交易分别作出并分别适用于双方用以交付接受款项或交付物之每一组办事处。 (d) Deduction or Withholding for Tax. (d) 税捐之扣减或预扣。 (i) Gross-Up.  All payments under this Agreement will be made without any deduction or withholding for or on account of any Tax unless such deduction or withholding is required by any applicable law, as modified by the practice of any relevant governmental revenue authority, then in effect. If a party is so required to deduct or withhold, then that party (“X”) will:― (i) 所扣税捐补足。本协议项下之所有付款应不因任何税捐而予以扣减或预扣,除非此扣减或预扣是按当时有效并经有关政府税务机关之惯例加以修正之适用法律之要求而作出。若一方被要求扣减或预扣任何款项,该方(“X方”)应:– (1) promptly notify the other party (“Y”) of such requirement; (1) 及时将该要求通知另一方(“Y方”); (2) pay to the relevant authorities the full amount required to be deducted or withheld (including the full amount required to be deducted or withheld from any additional amount paid by X to Y under this Section 2(d)) promptly upon the earlier of determining that such deduction or withholding is required or receiving notice that such amount has been assessed against Y; (2) 当确定需要支付该扣减或预扣款项或收到通知获悉已向Y方课征该款项(二者之较早发生者)时,应及时向有关政府机关支付所需扣减或预扣之全部款项(包括按本第2(d)条要求从X方付给Y方之任何额外款项中扣减或预扣之全部款项); (3) promptly forward to Y an official receipt (or a certified copy), or other documentation reasonably acceptable to Y, evidencing such payment to such authorities; and (3) 及时向Y方发出正式收据(或经认证之副本),或Y方能合理接受之其它文件,证明己向有关政府机关付款;以及 (4) if such Tax is an Indemnifiable Tax, pay to Y, in addition to the payment to which Y is otherwise entitled under this Agreement, such additional amount as is necessary to ensure that the net amount actually received by Y (free and clear of Indemnifiable Taxes, whether assessed against X or Y) will equal the full amount Y would have received had no such deduction or withholding been required. However, X will not be required to pay any additional amount to Y to the extent that it would not be required to be paid but for:― (4) 若该税为可获补偿税捐,则除了支付给Y方其在本协议项下应得之款项外,还应向Y方支付额外款项,使Y方实得之净额(不包括向X方或Y方课征之可获补偿税捐)相等于在不需要扣减或预扣款项时其应得之全部款项。但如X方之支付义务是由以下事件所引发之,则X方无须向Y方支付任何额外款项:– (A) the failure by Y to comply with or perform any agreement contained in Section 4(a)(i), 4(a)(iii) or 4(d); or (A) Y方未遵守或履行第4(a)(i)、 4(a)(iii)或4(d)条所载之任何协议;或 (B) the failure of a representation made by Y pursuant to Section 3(f) to be accurate and true unless such failure would not have occurred but for (I) any action taken by a taxing authority, or brought in a court of competent jurisdiction, after a Transaction is entered into (regardless of whether such action is taken or brought with respect to a party to this Agreement) or (II) a Change in Tax Law. (B) Y方按第3(f)条所作之陈述为不正确及不真实,除非该陈述是由于:(I)在进行某项交易以后,税务机关采取之行动或在有管辖权之法庭内提出之诉讼(不论该行动或诉讼是否就本协议一方提出),或(II)税法之变更而变得不正确及不真实。 (ii) Liability.  If:― (ii) 责任。如:– (1) X is required by any applicable law, as modified by the practice of any relevant governmental revenue authority, to make any deduction or withholding in respect of which X would not be required to pay an additional amount to Y under Section 2(d)(i)(4); (1) 因按经有关政府税务机关之惯例加以修正之任何适用法律之要求,X方需作出任何扣减或预扣,但按第2(d)(i)(4)条之规定,X方无须向Y方支付任何额外款项; (2) X does not so deduct or withhold; and (2) X方没有扣减或预扣款项;并且 (3) a liability resulting from such Tax is assessed directly against X, (3) 税务责任直接加于X方, then, except to the extent Y has satisfied or then satisfies the liability resulting from such Tax, Y will promptly pay to X the amount of such liability (including any related liability for interest, but including any related liability for penalties only if Y has failed to comply with or perform any agreement contained in Section 4(a)(i), 4(a)(iii) or 4(d)). 则Y方除非已承担或将承担该税务所引致之责任外,Y方应及时向X方支付有关该责任之款项(包括任何有关利息,但仅在Y方未能遵守或履行第4(a)(i)、4(a)(iii)或4(d)条所载之任何协议时才包括任何有关惩罚性责任)。 3. Representations Each party makes the representations contained in Sections 3(a), 3(b), 3(c), 3(d), 3(e) and 3(f) and, if specified in the Schedule as applying, 3(g) to the other party (which representations will be deemed to be repeated by each party on each date on which a Transaction is entered into and, in the case of the representations in Section 3(f), at all times until the termination of this Agreement). If any “Additional Representation” is specified in the Schedule or any Confirmation as applying, the party or parties specified for such Additional Representation will make and, if applicable, be deemed to repeat such Additional Representation at the time or times specified for such Additional Representation. 3. 陈述 各方向另一方作出第3(a)、3(b)、3(c)、3(d)、3(e)和3(f)条以及(如按附约规定适用时之)第3(g)款所载之陈述(这些陈述将被视为在每次进行交易当日为各方复述,按第3(f)条所作之陈述将被视为直至本协议终止前不断为各方所复述)。如任何“其它陈述”按附约或确认书之规定,亦予适用者,该陈述中规定之一方或各方将于该陈述所指定之时点作出或被视为另重复(如有适用者)此一其它陈述。 (a) Basic Representations. (a) 基本陈述。 (i) Status.  It is duly organised and validly existing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its organisation or incorporation and, if relevant under such laws, in good standing; (i) 地位。其为适当地组成并按其成立或组织之司法管辖区之法律有效存续以及,如与该等法律相关者,处于良好之状态; (ii) Powers.  It has the power to execute this Agreement and any other documentation relating to this Agreement to which it is a party, to deliver this Agreement and any other documentation relating to this Agreement that it is required by this Agreement to deliver and to perform its obligations under this Agreement and any obligations it has under any Credit Support Document to which it is a party and has taken all necessary action to authorise such execution, delivery and performance; (ii) 权力。其有权签署本协议以及其为一方之与本协议有关之其它任何文件,有权按本协议有关交付之要求交付本协议及有关本协议之任何其它文件,及有权履行本协议项下之义务以及任何以其为一方之信用支持文件下之义务,并已采取所有必要行动授权此等签署、交付及履行; (iii) No Violation or Conflict.  Such execution, delivery and performance do not violate or conflict with any law applicable to it, any provision of its constitutional documents, any order or judgment of any court or other agency of government applicable to it or any of its assets or any contractual restriction binding on or affecting it or any of its assets; (iii) 无违反或扺触。此等签署、交付及履行并无违反或扺触任何适用之法律,符合其组织章程性文件之任何规定,符合适用于该方或其资产之任何法庭或政府机关所颁布之法令或判决,或任何约束或影响该方或其资产之合同约定; (iv) Consents.  All governmental and other consents that are required to have been obtained by it with respect to this Agreement or any Credit Support Document to which it is a party have been obtained and are in full force and effect and all conditions of any such consents have been complied with; and (iv) 同意。已获取有关本协议或其为一方之任何信用支持文件所需之一切政府同意及其它同意;此等同意己全面生效并且有关同意生效之所有条件已获遵守;以及 (v) Obligations Binding.  Its obligations under this Agreement and any Credit Support Document to which it is a party constitute its legal, valid and binding obligations, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms (subject to applicable bankruptcy, reorganisation, insolvency, moratorium or similar laws affecting creditors’ rights generally and subject, as to enforceability, to equitable principles of general application (regardless of whether enforcement is sought in a proceeding in equity or at law)). (v) 义务之约束。其在本协议及其为一方之任何信用支持文件项下之义务均构成其合法、有效及有约束力之义务,并可按该些文件之有关条款强制执行(受限于适用之破产、重组、无偿还能力、延期偿还或通常影响债权者权利之类似法律,并在有关执行方面受限于普遍适用之衡平原则(无论该执行是诉诸于衡平法或普通法))。 (b) Absence of Certain Events.  No Event of Default or Potential Event of Default or, to its knowledge, Termination Event with respect to it has occurred and is continuing and no such event or circumstance would occur as a result of its entering into or performing its obligations under this Agreement or any Credit Support Document to which it is a party. (b) 不存在某些事件。没有任何己经发生及持续之违约事件或潜在之违约事件,或据其所知并无有关该方之终止事件,并且签署或履行本协议或其为一方之任何信用支持文件下之义务,不会引致该终止事件或情况之发生。 (c) Absence of Litigation.  There is not pending or, to its knowledge, threatened against it, any of its Credit Support Providers or any of its applicable Specified Entities any action, suit or proceeding at law or in equity or before any court, tribunal, governmental body, agency or official or any arbitrator that is likely to affect the legality, validity or enforceability against it of this Agreement or any Credit Support Document to which it is a party or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement or such Credit Support Document. (c) 不存在诉讼。没有任何待决的,或据其所知,没有任何对其或其任何信用支持提供者或其任何有关特定机构构成威胁之基于普通法或衡平法或于任何法庭、裁判所、政府实体、代理人、官员或仲裁者前进行之诉讼、控告或起诉,其将可能影响本协议或其为一方之任何信用支持文件之合法性、有效性或可执行性,或其履行本协议或该等信用支持文件下之义务之能力。 (d) Accuracy of Specified Information.  All applicable information that is furnished in writing by or on behalf of it to the other party and is identified for the purpose of this Section 3(d) in the Schedule is, as of the date of the information, true, accurate and complete in every material respect. (d) 指定数据之正确性。以书面形式由其发出或以其名义发给另一方,并为本第3(d)条之目的在附约上指明其有所适用之所有数据,于该数据之日期在各重要方面均为真实、正确及完整。 (e) Payer Tax Representation.  Each representation specified in the Schedule as being made by it for the purpose of this Section 3(e) is accurate and true. (e) 付款人税务陈述。其为本第3(e)条之目的在附约中所作之陈述均为正确及真实。 (f) Payee Tax Representations.  Each representation specified in the Schedule as being made by it for the purpose of this Section 3(f) is accurate and true. (f) 受款人税务陈述。其为本第3(f)条之目的在附约中所作之陈述均为正确及真实。 (g) No Agency.  It is entering into this Agreement, including each Transaction, as principal and not as agent of any person or entity. (g) 无代理。其以本人之身份而非任何人或机构之代理人订立本协议。 4. Agreements Each party agrees with the other that, so long as either party has or may have any obligation under this Agreement or under any Credit Support Document to which it is a party:― 4. 协议 双方彼此同意,当任何一方在本协议或其为一方之任何信用支持文件下负有或可能负有任何义务时:– (a) Furnish Specified Information.  It will deliver to the other party or, in certain cases under clause (iii) below, to such government or taxing authority as the other party reasonably directs:― (a) 提供指定数据。其将向另一方,或在下述第(iii)款之某些情形下向另一方合理地指示之政府或税务机关提供:– (i) any forms, documents or certificates relating to taxation specified in the Schedule or any Confirmation; (i) 附约或任何确认书规定之有关税务之 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 格、文件或证书; (ii) any other documents specified in the Schedule or any Confirmation; and (ii) 附约或任何确认书规定之任何其它文件;以及 (iii) upon reasonable demand by such other party, any form or document that may be required or reasonably requested in writing in order to allow such other party or its Credit Support Provider to make a payment under this Agreement or any applicable Credit Support Document without any deduction or withholding for or on account of any Tax or with such deduction or withholding at a reduced rate (so long as the completion, execution or submission of such form or document would not materially prejudice the legal or commercial position of the party in receipt of such demand), with any such form or document to be accurate and completed in a manner reasonably satisfactory to such other party and to be executed and to be delivered with any reasonably required certification, (iii) 按另一方之合理要求,提供可能需要或以书面合理地要求之任何表格或文件,使该另一方或其信用支持提供者在按本协议或任何适用之信用支持文件付款时无需就任何税捐支付扣减或预扣款项,或得以降低支付此等扣减或预扣之适用率(只要是该表格或文件之完成、签署或递交不会严重地损害接受该要求一方之法律或商业地位),此等表格或文件应正确地并按使另一方合理满意之方式填妥、签署,连同任何合理要求之证明,一并交付, in each case by the date specified in the Schedule or such Confirmation or, if none is specified, as soon as reasonably practicable. 以上各项义务需按附约或该确认书规定之日期,或者如无规定,则以合理可行之最快时间予以完成。 (b) Maintain Authorisations.  It will use all reasonable efforts to maintain in full force and effect all consents of any governmental or other authority that are required to be obtained by it with respect to this Agreement or any Credit Support Document to which it is a party and will use all reasonable efforts to obtain any that may become necessary in the future. (b) 维持授权。应尽一切合理之努力,就本协议或其为一方之任何信用支持文件之有关事项,该方需自政府或其它机关取得之一切同意,维持充分之效力,并将尽一切合理之努力,获取日后可能必要之其它同意。 (c) Comply With Laws.  It will comply in all material respects with all applicable laws and orders to which it may be subject if failure so to comply would materially impair its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement or any Credit Support Document to which it is a party. (c) 遵守法律。应在一切重要层面遵守对其有约束力且如不遵守者将严重影响其履行本协议或其为一方之任何信用支持文件下义务之能力之相关法律及法令。 (d) Tax Agreement.  It will give notice of any failure of a representation made by it under Section 3(f) to be accurate and true promptly upon learning of such failure. (d) 税务协议。当该方得悉其按第3(f)条所作之陈述有不正确及不真实之处,应及时就此发出通知。 (e) Payment of Stamp Tax.  Subject to Section 11, it will pay any Stamp Tax levied or imposed upon it or in respect of its execution or performance of this Agreement by a jurisdiction in which it is incorporated, organised, managed and controlled or considered to have its seat, or where an Office through which it is acting for the purpose of this Agreement is located (“Stamp Tax Jurisdiction”), and will indemnify the other party against any Stamp Tax levied or imposed upon the other party or in respect of the other party’s execution or performance of this Agreement by any such Stamp Tax Jurisdiction which is not also a Stamp Tax Jurisdiction with respect to the other party. (e) 印花税之缴付。除有第11条之适用外,应缴付其成立、组织、被管理、被控制之司法管辖区,或视该方拥有一席位,或为履行本协议之某个办事处所在之司法管辖区(“印花税司法管辖区”)对该方或就其签署或履行本协议所征收之印花税,并当某印花税司法管辖区对非处于该印花税司法管辖区之一方或就其签署或履行本协议征收印花税时,对另一方为赔偿。 5. Events of Default and Termination Events 5. 违约事件和终止事件 (a) Events of Default.  The occurrence at any time with respect to a party or, if applicable, any Credit Support Provider of such party or
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