首页 上市公司(电子信息类)的利润质量分析



上市公司(电子信息类)的利润质量分析上市公司(电子信息类)的利润质量分析 摘 要:利润质量是指企业的利润结构合理,具有一定的盈利能力和较强的获现能力。分析企业的利润质量主要是从企业利润的形成、利润的结构及利润的结果三方面进行。本文具体从利润的真实性、稳定性、变现性三方面来分析湖南电子信息类上市公司的利润质量。由于 ... 摘  要:利润质量是指企业的利润结构合理,具有一定的盈利能力和较强的获现能力。分析企业的利润质量主要是从企业利润的形成、利润的结构及利润的结果三方面进行。本文具体从利润的真实性、稳定性、变现性三方面来分析湖南电子信...

上市公司(电子信息类)的利润质量分析 摘 要:利润质量是指企业的利润结构合理,具有一定的盈利能力和较强的获现能力。分析企业的利润质量主要是从企业利润的形成、利润的结构及利润的结果三方面进行。本文具体从利润的真实性、稳定性、变现性三方面来分析湖南电子信息类上市公司的利润质量。由于 ...

摘  要:利润质量是指企业的利润结构合理,具有一定的盈利能力和较强的获现能力。分析企业的利润质量主要是从企业利润的形成、利润的结构及利润的结果三方面进行。本文具体从利润的真实性、稳定性、变现性三方面来分析湖南电子信息类上市公司的利润质量。由于会计政策、内部管理政策、政府部门的行政手段、销售政策等对会计利润有很大的影响,因此本文欲全面综合这些因素来分析湖南电子信息行业类上市公司的利润质量。
关键词:利润结构 ;现金流量;稳定性;变现性;比率分析

Profit Analysis For Electronics & IT Listing Companies
Abstract: Net income quality reflects a rationality of a company’s capital and profit structure, and whether a company have a certain profitablitiy and cashability. We can analyze a company’s net income quality from theses three parts: form of profit, stucture of profit, and result of profit. This paper analyze a HUNAN telecommunication public company’s net income quality from facticity, stableness,and marketability. Due to the reason of Accounting policy, Inner management policy, Government administrative means and Marketing policy, accounting profit are influnced greatly. Therefore, this paper analyze a HUNAN telecommunication public company’s net income quality comprehensively from these factor.
Key words: structure of profit;cash flow ;stability ;liquidity ;ratio analysis

目    录    字
摘  要:    1
关键词:    1
一、绪论    1
(一)选题意义    2
(二)国内外研究动态    2
1.国外研究现状    2
2.国内研究现状    2
二、利润质量的内涵    5
1.利润质量的含义    5
2.利润质量的特点    5
三、电子信息类上市公司    5
1.研究范围    5
2. 行业概述    6
四、电子信息类上市公司利润质量分析    7
(一)利润真实性    7
(二)利润稳定性    8
1. 利润结构    9
2. 盈利能力.  11
3.每股经营性流量    14
4. 利润变动比率    15
5. 现金流入量结构比率    16
(三)利润的变现性    17
1. 销售收现比率    17
2. 购货付现比率    18
(四)综合分析    19
五、结论    19
参考文献    20
致  谢     .21

摘    要
一个世纪以来,管理会计的形成与发展可以分为三个连续的阶段,即传统管理会计阶段、现代管理会计阶段、后现代管理会计阶段。尽管在这三个阶段对管理会计的研究取得了一定的成果,但相对财务会计的研究而言,管理会计的研究出现了停滞不前的局面。自20世纪80年代末,美国的约翰逊和卡普兰两位教授发表了《相关性消失了——管理会计的兴衰》以来,管理会计研究面临了来自各方面的挑战和责难。各国会计学界纷纷发表 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 和专著对传统管理会计研究提出批评,如英国特许会计师协会先后推出《管理会计——发展而非革命》、《管理会计——发展的方向》,我国会计界学者近年来也纷纷发表文章,对我国管理会计现状与发展方向进行反思与探讨。而本文是从管理会计在各个阶段所取得的进展与创新出发,对现代管理会计的新发展的特点及其发展趋势进行概括和总结。


Modern Management Accounting's Recent Development
Since a century, management accounting's formation and the development may divide into three continual stages, after namely tradition management accounting stage, modern management accounting stage, modern management accounting stage. Although has yielded the certain result in these three stages to management accounting's research, but the relative financial inventory accounting's research said, management accounting's research to have the aspect which bogged down. Since from the the end of 1980s, US'S Johnson and Professor Kaplan two have published "Relevance To vanish Prosperity and decline Management accounting's", management accounting to study faces has come from various aspects challenge and scolded. Various countries' accountant the educational world publishes the paper and the monograph in abundance studies to tradition management accounting gives the criticism, like England chartered accountant the association promotes "Management accounting successively Development But Non- Revolution", "Management accounting Development Direction", our country accountant the scholar also in abundance published the article in recent years, the present situation and the development direction carried on reconsidering and the discussion to our country management accounting. But this article is the progress and the innovation which obtains in each stage embarks from management accounting, carries on the summary and the summary to the modern management accounting's recent development characteristic and its the development tendency.

Key words: Modern management accounting, Product life cycle cost, Target cost law

近20年来,越来越多的国家加大了应用和推广管理会计的力度,越来越多的最新研究成果被迅速应用到管理实践之中,一些国家成立了管理会计师职业管理机构,相继颁布了管理会计工作 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 和执业 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。国际会计标准委员会和国际会计师联合会等国际性组织也成立了专门的机构,尝试制定国际管理会计准则,颁布了有关管理会计师的职业道德规范等文件。近期,人们将研究的热点集中在管理会计工作系统化和规范化、管理会计职业化和社会化,以及国际管理会计和战略管理会计等课题上。可见,现代管理会计具有系统化、规范化、职业化、社会化和国际化的发展趋势。

目    录   字
1  绪论    1
2  管理会计的涵义    4
3  管理会计的发展阶段    5
3.1  传统管理会计阶段    5
3.2  现代管理会计阶段    5
3.3  后现代管理会计阶段    5
4  现代管理会计取得的进展    6
5  现代管理会计的主要特点    8
5.1  研究的内容对内深化与向外扩展并举    8
5.1.1  战略管理会计是一个新领域    8
5.1.2  产品生命周期成本计算    9
5.1.3  目标成本法    10
5.2  应用的指标从滞后性向前导性转变    12
5.3  计量方式货币性与非货币性相结合    15
5.4  学科的性质更趋多学科化    16
结论    17
致谢    18
参考文献    19
附录    20

摘  要

Translation, a bridge between different languages and cultures, plays an indispensable role in cross-culture communication. However, as a translator, we have to choose which strategy to deal with the cultural differences between the source language and the target language in the process of translation where there exists two major translation strategies--- domestication and foreignization. In this thesis, I will discuss these strategies and their application from translation, linguistics, and cross-cultural communication perspectives.
In the thesis, I will first talk about the current research of the domestication and foreignization in the translation circle as well as point out the necessity for further research. Then, I will illustrate the relationship between linguistics and translation as well as between culture and translating and next systematically discuss these two translation strategies including their definitions, the controversy in history and their current studies.
Besides, I will continue to deal with such neglected factors as may influence the translator’s choice of translation strategies: the type of the source text (ST), the translation purposes, the level of the intended readers, the social and historical background, the translator’s attitude and so on. Finally, from the linguistic and cultural perspectives, the thesis makes a comparative study of the application of domestication and foreignization by analyzing typical examples from the two English versions of Hong Lou Meng translated by Yang Xianyi and David Hawkes respectively.
The thesis will conclude that these two translation strategies have their respective features and applicable value. I sincerely hope that this research into translation strategies will enlighten translators and make a little contribution to the prosperity of translation studies and translation practice in China.
Key words: translation strategy; domestication; foreignization; application

摘要 Ⅲ
Chapter1 Introduction    1
1.1 The Cultural Turn in the Study of Translation    1
1.2 Studies of Domestication and Foreignization    3
1.3 The Purpose, Significance and the Framework of the Thesis    4
Chapter 2 Towards Domestication and Foreignization    5
2.1 Definitions of Domestication and Foreignization    5
2.2 The Disputes over Domestication and Foreignization in History    7
2.3Why Have the Disputes Always Been Going on?    8
2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Domestication and Foreignization    9
Chapter 3 Factors that Influence Translator’s Selection of Translation Strategies    11
3.1 Types of Text    11
3.2 Social and Cultural Background    15
3.3 Target Language Readers    15
3.4 Translator’s Attitude    17
Chapter 4 The Application of the Two Strategies to the Two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng    19
4.1 A Glimpse of Hong Lou Meng and Its English Versions    19
4.2 The Reasons for Choosing These two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng    20
4.3 A Comparative Study of the Two Versions of Hong Lou Meng    21
4.4 Translating Hong Lou Meng According to the Social Culture    22
Chapter 5 Conclusions    25
Bibliography    27
Acknowledgements    29

本课题针对FKP20内铣专用机床,进行了全面的电气改造,提出了FANUC-0i-MC数控系统的控制 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。在数控系统上运用宏程序技术开发了基于几何形状、刀具信息、切削工艺参数、刀具补偿等数据的固定循环,并在此基础上编写了6B、4B曲轴主轴颈加工程序。改造后的内铣专用机床满足了康明斯6B、4B曲轴主轴颈内铣加工的工艺要求。

This task aims at FKP20 internal Milling Machine, conducted a comprehensive transformation of the electric, put forward The FANUC-0i-MC numerical control project. Numerical control system using Macro technology development based on geometry shape, tool information, cutting parameters, Cutter compensation data fixed cycle, and in this on the basis of the 6B、4B crankshaft axis neck processing. After transformation with internal milling machine to meet the Cummins 6B、4B carotid crankshaft axis milling process requirements.
Keywords: numerical control system; internal milling; geometry shape; cutting parameters; Cutter compensation  




目录 字
第一章 概论 1
1.1前言 1
1.2课题来源 2
1.3课题内容 2
1.4曲轴加工技术及其特点 2
1.4.1曲轴车削技术 2
1.4.2曲轴铣削技术 3
1.4.3曲轴车—拉技术 3
第二章 系统基本情况及方案介绍 5
2.1机床基本情况 5
2.2控制方案 5
2.3全闭环控制回路 6
第三章 基于FANUC系统的宏程序 8
3.1用户宏程序 8
3.1.1变量 8
3.1.2系统变量 10
3.1.3算数和逻辑运算 11
3.1.4转移和循环 13
3.1.5宏程序语句和NC语句 14
3.2宏程序调用 15
3.2.1宏程序非模态调用 16
3.2.2宏程序模态调用与取消 17
3.2.3用G代码调用宏程序 17
3.2.4用M代码调用宏程序 18
3.3用户宏程序的使用限制 19
第四章 曲轴主轴颈刀具补偿量界面设计 21
4.1显示格式名菜单 21
4.1.1指定菜单标题的宏指令 22
4.1.2指定格式名的宏指令 23
4.1.3格式号选择 23
4.2格式数据显示 24
4.2.1指定格式数据标题 24
4.2.2指定变量名的宏指令 25
4.2.3指定注释的宏指令 26
4.3格式数据输入功能的字符和代码 26
4.4主轴颈刀具补偿界面设计 29
第五章 曲轴主轴颈内铣固定循环开发 33
5.1内铣过程中的难点和重点 33
5.2内铣固定循环设计思路 33
5.2.1加工路线的选择 33
5.2.2主轴颈摆差量的解决 35
5.3内铣固定循环加工程序设计 35
5.3.1宏程序调用格式 36
5.3.2内铣固定循环轨迹流程图 36
5.3.3内铣固定循环加工子程序 37
第六章 刀具补偿数据处理 39
6.1用户变量界面 39
6.1.1用户变量存在的问题 39
6.1.2用户变量问题的解决 39
6.2 刀补传送子程序及刀补检验子程序 41
6.2.1刀补传送子程序 41
6.2.2刀补值检查子程序 42
第七章 主轴颈加工程序设计 45
7.1主轴颈加工中相关M代码说明 45
7.2康明斯6B、4B曲轴主轴颈加工程序 46

7.2.1主轴颈加工流程图 46
7.2.2 6B主轴颈加工程序清单 48
7.2.3 4B主轴颈加工程序清单 50
第八章 结论 54
结束语 55
致谢 56
参考文献 57

析《喧哗与骚动》的写作手法(包含选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,中期检查报告, 毕业论文 毕业论文答辩ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt下载关于药学专业毕业论文临床本科毕业论文下载 6400字)
摘  要:威廉•福克纳是20世纪美国最杰出的小说家之一,也是英美意识流小说的杰出代表。福克纳的小说《喧哗与骚动》真实地表现了第一次世界大战之后美国尤其是美国南方的社会动乱与精神危机。它是意识流小说乃至整个现代派小说的经典名著。本文主要分析小说中大量运用的多视角叙述方法、复合式意识流及神话模式,以此揭示《喧哗与骚动》这部作品的成功之处。

An Analysis of the Writing
Techniques in The sound and the fury
Abstract: William Faulkner, the most prominent American novelist in 20th century, is also one of the outstanding representatives of British and American stream of consciousness novelists. Faulkner’s novel The Sound and the Fury is a real representation of social unrest and spiritual crisis in the United States after World War I, especially the South of America. Besides, the novel is also a masterpiece of Stream of Consciousness school and the whole modernist fiction. The paper attempts to analysis the narrative method of the novel, namely, the use of composite stream of consciousness, the multi-angle point view narration and its myth model. The study of the novel is to disclose the success of the work.

Key words: The Sound and the Fury; Stream of consciousness; Multi-angle point view; Myth model

关键词: 发动机 变速箱   汽车音响  底盘


摘 要
本文研究跨国公司在华投资的现状与发展趋势。通过了解跨国公司在华投资的历史、跨国公司对华投资的动机以及特点,加深对跨国公司在华投资现状的了解。同时,通过研究跨国公司在华投资的战略,例如:独资化战略、本土化战略、扩展在华生产性服务业和约束技术在华溢出等,发现了跨国公司的发展趋势。本文在研究时发现,一方面,跨国公司通过投资,向我国提供了资金、技术、知识、管理、企业文化,促进了我国企业经营机制的转换、对我国经济融入世界经济产生了积极作用;另一方面,在我国经济体制改革和企业经营机制转变还没有完成的情况下,跨国公司大规模进入我国,使得我国经济深度融入世界经济,也给我国提出了严峻的挑战。本文在前人所取得的成果基础上进行深入探索,结合本国的经济特点,经济实情, 了解到相应的政策以及应对方法, 这将有利于中国经济现代化的发展。

关键词 跨国公司  投资现状  发展趋势

This article studies the current situation and the development trend of  multinational corporations’ investments in China. By understanding the past situation, the motives and the characteristics of multinational corporations’ investments in China, we can learn more about the current situation of multinational corporations’ investment in China. On the other hand, by studying the investment strategies of multinational corporations , we can find out the development trend of multinational corporation's investments in China. On the one hand, multinational companies’ Investments bring capitals, technologies, knowledge, management skills and corporate value into China, which not only are very helpful to the development of entrepreneurship in China, but also have a positive effect on Chinese economy’s involvement in the world economy. On the other hand, The inflows of multinational corporations’ investments into China, which deepen China’s involvement in the world economy, also pose a lot of challenges, particularly when China’s economic reform has not yet completed. Built on previous results, this paper investigate the current situation and the development trend of  multinational corporations’ investments in China, which will be helpful to the modernization of Chinese economy.
Keywords: multinational companies, the current situation of the economy, development trends

目录  字
1 跨国公司在中国发展状况                                      

1.2 持续发展阶段                                                   
1.3 全方位发展阶段                                               
2 跨国公司在华投资的动机和特点                               

4 跨国公司在华投资趋势及影响                 
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