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2012年专四作文强化班材料Module One Requirements for TEM-4 Composition 一2004 《大纲》对写作部份的要求 · A. 作文: · 能根据所给作文题目,提纲或图表,数据等,写一篇200个单词左右的作文。能做到内容切题,完整,条理清楚,结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺,表达得体。考试时间为35分钟。 · B. 便条: · 能根据所给提示写50-60个单词的便条,通知、请帖等。能做到格式正确,语言得体。考试时间为10分钟。 二.测试形式 · 本部份为主观题,分两节:Section A & Sect...

Module One Requirements for TEM-4 Composition 一2004 《大纲》对写作部份的要求 · A. 作文: · 能根据所给作文题目,提纲或图 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ,数据等,写一篇200个单词左右的作文。能做到内容切题,完整,条理清楚,结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺,表达得体。考试时间为35分钟。 · B. 便条: · 能根据所给提示写50-60个单词的便条,通知、请帖等。能做到格式正确,语言得体。考试时间为10分钟。 二.测试形式 · 本部份为主观题,分两节:Section A & Section B。 · Section A: Composition · 本节是命题作文,文章体裁主要属于说明文,议论文或记叙文的范围。 · Section B: Note-writing · 本节是写便条。 三.新大纲与旧大纲的不同 · A. 短文写作的字数由原来的150字增加到200字。 · B. 便条写作的计分由原来的5分增加到10分 · C. 写作总分由原来的20分增加到25分。 四.评分原则 · 1. 总体评分法。 · 2.从内容和语言两方面对作文进行综合评判。 · a. 作文是否体现主题。 · b. 结构是否合理 · c. 语法文字是否有重大错误 · d. 卷面布局是否整洁 五.评分标准 · A. 命题作文 · 15~14分:切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,几本无语言错误。 · 13~11分:切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语法错误。 · 11~9分: 基本切题。表达思想比较清楚,文字上连贯,但语言错误较多,其中有少量严重错误。 · 8~6分: 基本切题。表达思想不够清楚,文字连贯性差,有较严重的语言错误。 · 5分以上: 条理不清,思想紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有语法错误,且多数为严重错误。 · 字数要求:150-170字,扣1分;130-150字,扣2分;110-130字,扣3分;90-110字,.扣4分;90字以下,至多给5分。 · 另外,如照抄提示中原句,不得计入所写字数。 · B. 便条: · 格式完整,结构合理,内容表达清楚,行文连贯,能实现应用文的交际功能等。 六.分档样卷 14分档: · With the Internet becoming an indispensable part of modern people’s life, making friends online enjoys its great popularity, especially among young people. However, is it wise to make friends online, as many parents and teachers are worrying about? As far as I am concerned, I strongly oppose being addicted to making friends online. · Firstly, too much attention to online friends distracts your concerns to the true friends and families in the real world. If we look around, we often find a lot of young people staying online and chatting with online friends all day long. By the same time, the communication between them and friends around them are becoming less and less. Therefore, they feel lonelier in real life and spend more time on Internet. · Besides, online friends are often disguised. A large number of cases have proved that many criminals make use of Internet to cheat of money or love. Even if they are not cheaters, they tend to be totally different persons when you get in actual contact with them. There’s always a gap between the real world and the imaginary one. · Nevertheless, it is unwise to make friends online. Those who are indulging in Internet should cast your eyesight to the friendship and kinship in the real life. What you should do is to seek solution, but not to escape. 12分档: Nowadays, it has been a fashion to make friends online, and more and more teenagers, college students and even many adults will spend a lot of time chatting with people on the Internet. But I don’t think it is wise to make friends online. Firstly, most of people will not reveal their real identity on the Internet, which will not enable you to make true friends. Just imagine, a young lady you are talking with may be an old man, and I’m sure we will feel very bad when we are exposed to the truth. Besides, the friends online can bring bad effect to people, especially for teenagers. The unhealthy stuff will both physically and psychologically influence young people and, in a certain degree, can lead an unproper way to their whole life. At last, making friends online can do bad to the relationship between you and your family and friends in real life. Being addicted to the Internet makes you ignore the reality. You will be angry about your parents’ persuading and after a long time, maybe you will find you have lost the ability of how to communicate with others properly. In a word, it is not wise to make friends online. I hope everyone can focus on the reality instead of wasting too much time making friends on the Internet. 9分档: There is a tendency we can’t deny that most of us have access to Internet. Susequently, making friends online has become a common thing. Some may argue that making friends online isn’t a good choice, however, personally, I hold that idea that it is wiser to make friends online. On one hand, it’s a kind of company. When we live in our apartment, we seldom communicate to the neighbors, esp. that our family members are outside, the sense of feel lonely overcome us. Therefore, in order to get rid of this, we need to find someone to talk with. Then making friends online is a good way to solve this problem. Meanwhile, we can not only gain friendship, but also exchange our minds. In this way, we obtain a sense of satisfaction from talking with a stranger who will tend to say beautiful words toward us. On the other hand, making friends online help us enrich our sight. We make friends, coming from different areas, accordingly, we obtain a lot of information that we can’t get from our limited knowledge. Sometimes, friends online encourage us to read helpful books where will be able to learn more. All in all, from my point of view, making friends is helpful for enriching our knowledge and helping us encourage with others, hence, it is advisable to make friends online as long as we use it properly. 7分档: People would like to make the best Internet to broaden their minds, they can get large information, they can play interesting games, even they can mak friends online. While a question has been arisen: “ Is It wise to make friends on line?” The Internet is not reality, you can not trust a person through the Internet. Now I would not like to talk about the advantage of the Internet, while the disadvantages you can not deny is existing. Many people make the most of it to do bad things, such as trick you that he is need of money eagerly and wise you would help him as a friend, or character as your friend to inform your family that your are in danger and need money to save you, etc. all the things can be seen on the newspapers magazines, etc. So it is unwise to trust aso called online friend. I can Jump to theconclude that it is unwise to make friends online, because it is notreality, also we can not trust others without knowing the person well. So let’s do utmost tomake the base use of the advantages of the Internet, cherish the friends around us! 5分档: I think it is wise to make friends online. First, Now job’s pressure more and more. Everyone cann’t better talk face to face. Second, Friends online may speak everthing of them. Third, Friends online may help something of them and solve some problem. The forth, Friends online may gain more knowledge and information。 All in all, make friends online is wise in the society. Make friends online cann’t change a 潮流。Everyone may enjoy everyone with his friends online! 便条评分标准: 格式:日期+称呼+结尾 --- 2分:凡是不符合规定的均扣1分,最多扣2分 内容:一般3项内容 --- 3分:少一点扣一分,最多扣3分 语言:语法词法正确 --- 4分:严重语法句法错误扣一分,拼写等小错每两个扣1分,最多扣4分 语言得体性:总分在8分及以上的可考虑加此分 总字数: 50-60字,包括3部分格式 --- 少于40字或者多于80字扣1分 Module Two Procedures of Writing a Composition 1、 专四作文的主要类型 按照命题方式,专四作文可以划分为提纲式作文,图表式作文和规定情景式作文。其中从最近10年命题来看,提纲式作文最为常见。 提纲式作文 根据话题性质,又可划为: 1.1 对比选择型 1995年:The advantages and disadvantages of part-time jobs 1996年:The main difference between my college life and my middle school life 1997年:More pressure from academic studies does or does not good to us 1999年: A major advantage or disadvantage of advertising on television 2004年:Will phones kill letter writing? 2006年:Saving money or using tomorrow’s money? 2007年:Is it wise to make friends online? 2009年:Will tourism bring harm to the environment? 2010年:Should college students hire cleaners? 1.2 给定观点型 2000年: The importance of extracurricular activities 2001年: Travel broadens the mind 2003年: The importance of keeping a good mood 2008年: The benefits for volunteering 1.3 自由发挥型 1998年: One way to solve the problem 2002年: The best way to stay healthy 2005年: My idea of a university art festival 2、 专四作文5步写作 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 基本步骤:审题 ---- 联想 ---- 谋篇 ---- 写作 ---- 修改 1 审题 找到题目中的关键词和短语。仔细审题,避免匆忙写作导致跑题 练习: Factors Influencing Young Adults 题目要求: Of various factors that can have influence on young adults, the family and friends stand out most. But there is a disagreement on which of the two is more important. Some people think that family have more influence on young adults. Other people think that friends are the most important influence on young adults. Which view do you agree with? Factors Influencing Young Adults You are to write in three parts. In the first part , state specifically what your idea is In the second part, provide one, two or more reasons to support your idea or describe your idea In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks. 2 联想 (头脑风暴法) 先确定自己的写作选择,然后从不同角度尽可能的想出相关的关键词,并在纸上 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。 练习: Topic 1: Factors Influencing Young Adults Topic 2: Will Traditional Bookstores Be Replaced by Online Bookstores? Topic 3: People Are Becoming Isolated from Each Other Topic 4: The Importance of Integrity (spider map)或者车轮图 3 谋篇 在充分联想,调动自己的信息资源后,要把想法组成提纲规划。通常做法: 3.1 对列出的细节进行归类 3.2 决定第一段末尾处的主题句 3.3 决定启用哪些材料,哪些省去不用 Ps:提纲不必正式,只要要点,理清结构能自己看懂即可。 练习: Topic 1: People Are Becoming Isolated from Each Other 4 写作 提纲式作文是典型的三段式作文,引出话题,提出论点,论证描述, 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 全文。 对写作的注意事项: 4.1 在首段写出明确的开篇句和主题句 4.2 注意中间段落的段首句和层次感 4.3 写出有特色的结尾结束句,不要草率一句式结尾 4.4 注意字迹工整,这个会直接影响考试成绩 5 修改 写作完成后要做语言的润色工作,修改工作以纠正明显的语法和拼写等低级错误为主。 课后练习: 联想联系: Topic 1 Where Would You Go after Graduation? Topic 2 Should Students Decide on a Major Before University Studies? Topic 3 The Benefits for Book Reading Today 谋篇练习(提纲) Topic 1 Where Would You Go after Graduation? Topic 2 Should Students Decide on a Major Before University Studies? Topic 3 The Benefits for Book Reading Today Module Three Topic Sentence 一.A paragraph is composed of: 二.The function of a topic sentence A topic sentence includes both the topic and the main point the writer wants to make about that topic. 四.How to write a good topic sentence 1. Narrowed topic + Main point = Topic sentence Oral presentations + make me very nervous= topic sentence Planning a vacation carefully + can be time-consuming, but it is well worth doing. PRACTICE 1 FIND THE TOPIC SENTENCE AND MAIN POINT Read the paragraph that follows and underline the topic sentence. In the spaces below the paragraph, identify the narrowed topic and the main point. A recent survey reported that employers consider communication skills more critical to success than technical skills. Employees can learn technical skills on the job and practice them every day. But they need to bring well-developed communication skills to the job. They need to be able to make themselves understood to colleagues, both in speech and in writing. They need to be able to work cooperatively as part of a team. Employers can’t take time to teach communication skills, but without them an employee will have a hard time. NARROWED TOPIC: communication skills MAIN POINT: Employers consider communication skills more critical to success than technical skills. PRACTICE 2 IDENTIFYING TOPICS AND MAIN POINTS In each of the following sentences, underline the topic and double-underline the main point about the topic. a. The level of nicotine in cigarettes is kept high by the tobacco industry. b. The oldest child in the family is often the most independent and ambitious child. c. Dinnertime telephone sales calls should be illegal. d. The beach on a hot midsummer day is a great place for people watching. 2. Complete in form and meaning 2.1 a. To ease students’ study burden, good to students. b. Easing students’ study burden does good to students both physically and mentally. 2.2 a. How to write a composition. b. How to write a composition is not an easy thing to talk about. 3. Narrowed 3.1 a. The Olympic Games are exciting. b. In the Olympic Games the football teams from many countries compete intensely. 3.2 a. Art is important. b. Art instruction for young children has surprising benefits. PRACTICE 3 Read the following sentences carefully and decide whether they are good topic sentences. a. World War II affected many people. b. College is challenging c. I would like to be successful in life d. Having a positive attitude improves people’s ability to function, improves their interactions with others, and reduces stress. 4. Specific 4.1 a. To cooperate with others well, one needs to know something about cooperation. b. To cooperate with others well, one should be tolerant, considerate and should have a sense of teamwork. 4.2 a. Students are often overwhelmed. b. Working college students have to learn how to successful juggle (同时做) many responsibilities. 4.3 a. I enjoy sports. b. Participating in sports activities occupies most o my spare time in the university. PRACTICE 4 Write sentences that are specific. In the space below each item, revise the sentence to make it more specific. There is no one correct answer. As you read the sentences, think about what would make them more understandable to you if you were about to read a paragraph or essay on the topic. 4.1: The Olympic Game is exciting ___________________________________________________________ 4.2: Academic study is very important ____________________________________________________________ 5. declarative, forceful, confident and definite 5.1 a. Why do I like to watch TV so much? b. I like to watch TV very much because it is informative, educational and entertaining. 5.2 a. In this paragraph I will talk about why people go to college. b. People have many complex reasons for going to college. 5.3 a. This school should consider banning cell phones from classrooms. b. Because ringing cell phones are disruptive to class, this school should ban their classroom use. Module Four Introductory Paragraph 一.A composition is composed of: Introductory Paragraph Development P Development P Development P Concluding Paragraph 二.The function of an introductory paragraph is to expresses the main idea of the composition and to arouse the interests of readers. 三.Ways to write an introductory paragraph: 1. 对立法: Ever since the easing of school children’s study burden is advocated by educators. Some teachers and parents frown at it, saying that it will exert bad effects on the children. ( 转折)But I think easing school children’s study burden will do good to school children both physically and mentally. Sentences often used: a. when asked about …, the most/ quite a few people think/ believe/ answer, other people regard /view/ see/ think of …as…, I view quite/ a bit differently. b. Now a lot of /the majority of /most people believe/ think/ feel that … Although/admittedly …, there is no/ little evidence/ it is questioned whether…, c. Now, it is commonly/ generally/ widely accepted/ recognized /acknowledged that …. They claim/ believe/ argue that….but I wonder/doubt whether… 2. 比较法: Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of this trend several years ago, people were often a little surprised when they heard that a college student was doing a part-time job. “Why? Maybe he is short of money,” they thought. Nowadays, it is not an uncommon occurrence that college students are working as tutors, salesmen and tour guide. Many students put up advertisements on bulletin boards or lamppost to search for odd jobs. Why do many students show great interest in a part-time job? Sentences often used: a. For years/ Until recently…had been/ was seen/viewed/ regarded as… But that is changing now/ people are taking a fresh look at it. With the growing/ mounting demand for/ interested in/ concern for…, people…. b. Several years/ decades ago, people …. Now, … . Why do people/ has such change taken place? 3. 背景法: The problem of development vs. environment has now been in the limelight. Nowhere is the clash more visible than in China, where the world’s largest population faces pollution, deforestation and acid rain on a large scale. Sentences often used: a. Recently the issue/ problem of … has been brought into focus/ brought to public attention. b. Recently the phenomenon of/ problem of/ rise in … has drawn/ arouse public/ world-wide attention…. 4. 引用法: “Great minds must be ready not only to take the opportunity, but to make them.” Colton, a great writer once remarked. But it still has a profound significance now. To a person, in whose lifetime opportunities are not many, to make opportunities is more essential to his success. Sentences often used: a. One of the great early men/ writers/ scientists/ philosophers said/ wrote/ remarked that … If this is true/ the case, then the present/ current view/ value/ attitude/ situation should make us wonder whether/ ponder over… b. “…” That’s how one college student/ official/ housewife/ father described/ commented/ complained/ criticized …. 5. 举例法: Once in a newspaper I read a crowd of people who remained appallingly indifferent to the plea of a mother. As she failed to offer the required amount of cash as a price to save her drowning son, the woman at last watched her son sink to death. The story is not rare in newspapers and on TV and the casualness and detachment our people now have developed has aroused nationwide concern. Sentences often used: a. The other day/ Some month ago, I/ a friend of mine… The story/case/ incident is not rare/unusual, it is one/typical of thousands of … b. I have a friend/ A friend of mine who…. Should/ Can he …? Such a choice/ dilemma/ problem we often meet/ face/ confront in out daily life. 6. 提问法: What it take to succeed in one’s studies or career?Opinions vary widely. Given approximately equal circumstances, some claim the success factor is largely a matter of luck – being in the right place and the right time. Others speak of utter devotion to work, combined with a degree of ruthlessness. Still others maintain that it is undoubtedly a matter of how much intelligence you have or simply how much education your mother had. Sentences often used: a. Should/what …? Opinions of/Attitudes toward …vary widely/greatly from person to person. Some think of/regard/view… as…. Others argue/believe/claim… b. How do you/What do you/ Do you ever think of …? How do you/ What do you/ Do you ever see…? In answer/reply to these questions, we must… c. “Why do/have…?” Many people often ask/pose the question like this. 课后练习: 写出5个开头段落 Topic 1 The Benefits for Working as Village Officials Topic 2 My View on Man-Made Beauty Topic 3 How to Get Along with Your Roomates Topic 4 The Importance of Integrity Topic 5 Factors Influencing Young Adults Module Five Concluding Paragraph 1. 结论法: Taking into account all the relevant factors which affect and contribute to the attitude, we may safely conclude that we won’t make a dent in the attainment of women’s social status and their equal opportunities in every field if men’s attitude remains unchallenged. Sentences often used: a. From what has been discussed above/ Taking into account all these factors/ Judging from all evidence offered, we may safely/ reasonably arrived at/come to/ reach/ draw the conclusion that…. b. In conclusion, it is more important/ valuable…. 2. 建议法: Students and their parents urgently need a smoother transition from high school to college. Colleges and universities, working closely with schools, need to commit themselves to help students make the right personal choice that will help them continue on educational journey that will extend beyond their college years, and that will help them confidently take first step toward fulfilling their hopes and dreams. Sentences often used: a. It is hoped/suggested that great/ considerable/sustained efforts should be made/exerted to attain/ achieve the goal… b. We need to/ What we need is… c. It is high time/necessary that… Here are a few examples of some of the things/ measures that might be done/taken immediately. 3. 总结法: In summary, the significance for college students of doing a part-time job means more than money and experi
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