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Ugly Betty第一季10集


Ugly Betty第一季10集看Ugly Betty 学英语 第一季 10集:Fake Plastic Snow [Previously on Ugly Betty] 《丑女贝蒂》前情提要 -POLICEMAN: We’re with immigration and customs enforcement. Mr. Suarez, you’reunder arrest. immigration: 移民 customs: 进口税,海关 enforcement: 执行 immigration and customs enforcement...

Ugly Betty第一季10集
看Ugly Betty 学英语 第一季 10集:Fake Plastic Snow [Previously on Ugly Betty] 《丑女贝蒂》前情提要 -POLICEMAN: We’re with immigration and customs enforcement. Mr. Suarez, you’reunder arrest. immigration: 移民 customs: 进口税,海关 enforcement: 执行 immigration and customs enforcement=ICA: 移民局海关执法处 arrest: 逮捕,拘留 under arrest: 固定搭配,被捕 我们是移民局海关执法处的。Suarez先生,你被捕了。 -HENRY: We’re having a party up on 25 with human resources if you’re free. human: 人的 resource: 资源 human resource: 人力资源 我们25号和人力资源的同事们有个派对,你有空的话就来吧。 -BETTY: Well, I...I’d love to go, Henry, but... 唔,我,我很想去,Henry,但是… -HENRY: But you have a boy friend. 但是你有男友了。 -BETTY: Yeah, I do. 是的,没错。 -WILLIE: Marc, can I have some privacy, please? privacy: 隐私 Marc,请你回避一下。 -Marc: Come on, Willie. We don’t have any secrets, not any more. not any more: 不再 别这样,Willie。我们之间没有秘密,再也没有了。 -SOFIA: Come work for my magazine. You’ll have your own assistant within a year. magazine: 杂志 own: 自己的 assistant: 助手,助理 来我的杂志工作吧。一年后你就会有自己的助理了。 -DANIEL: She told me about the job offer. I would never stand in your way. You didn’tgrow up wanting to be my assistant. offer: 提议 stand in one’s way: 妨碍某人 grow up: 成长 她跟我说请你去工作的事了,我不会妨碍你的前途。你不只想作我的助理。 -HENRY: Making a list? Checking it twice? list: 清单 make a list: 列清单 check: 检查 twice: 两次 在列清单?复查一遍? -BETTY: A list? 清单? -HENRY: You know, naughty or nice. Most people around here fit into the first category,but you, Betty, you’re always nice. naughty: 猥亵的 around: 到处,周围 fit into: 适应 category: 种类 你知道嘛,粗俗或者和善。这里的大多数人都属于第一类。但你,Betty,你总是这么和善。 -BETTY: Uh, no, it’s just Daniel’s expense report. I’m done, here. expense: 费用 report: 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 不是啦,这只是Daniel的花销报告。我算完了,给。 -HENRY: No way, 8,479? That’s the exact number of stars visible from earth. On an idealnight. no way: 不可能 exact: 精确的,准确的 visible: 看得见的ideal: 完美的 不会吧 8,479?这正好是从地球上可以看到的星星的数目。在一个晴朗的夜晚。 -BETTY: How do you... 你怎么… -HENRY: Just something I know. Hey. Is that mistletoe? mistletoe: 槲寄生 只是我所知道的一点小事。嘿。这是槲寄生吗? -BETTY: No, it’s just holly. holly: 冬青树 不是,只是点冬青而已。 -HENRY: Wow. You know what, Betty? You’re just the girl I’ve been looking for. look for: 寻找 哇喔,你知道吗?Betty?你就是我一直在寻觅的那个女孩。 -SOFIA: Mmm, what time is it? Oh, my god, I’m gonna miss my plane. gonna: <美> 将要(=going to) miss: 错过 几点了?哦,我的天啊,要赶不上飞机了。 -DANIEL: I’m gonna miss you. It’s been an amazing three weeks. miss: 想念,思念【与上文中的miss意思不同】 amazing: 美妙的 我会想你的,这真是美妙的三个礼拜。 -SOFIA: I know. It’s all been sort of intense. sort of: 有点,在某种程度上 intense: 强烈的【这里是指充满激情的】 我知道,激情燃烧的三个礼拜。 Actually, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. actually: 实际上 mean to do: 打算做 事实上,我一直想和你谈谈这个。 I think we should take a breather while I’m gone. breather: 短暂的休息 take a breather: 短暂的休息,固定搭配 is gone: 消失,离开 我想趁我出差的这段时间,我们应该休息一下。 -DANIEL: A breather? What are you talking about? 休息?你想说什么? -SOFIA: Well, time to cool off, apart... Just to make sure all this is real. cool off=calm down,冷静,控制情感的 apart: 分离 make sure: 保证,确保 real: 真实的 唔,是时候冷静一下分开一段时间,来确定一下所有这些都是真实的。 -DANIEL: Oh, I know it’s real, Sofia. I love you. 哦,我确定这是真实的,Sofia,我爱你。 -SOFIA: Oh, Daniel, what do you know from love? Your heart racing... Palms sweating...Can barely breathe when you see me? race: 赛跑【这里指心脏剧烈跳动,激动】 palm: 手掌 sweat: 出汗 barely: 仅仅 breathe: 呼吸 哦,Daniel,你知道什么是爱吗?心跳加速,手心冒汗,看见我时几乎无法呼吸? -DANIEL: Actually, yeah. All of that. actually: 实际上 事实上,是的,全部症状都有。 -SOFIA: Well, that’s not love. That’s hormones, infatuation, and good sex. hormone: 荷尔蒙 infatuation: 迷恋 sex: 性 哦,但那不是爱。只是荷尔蒙的作用,一时的迷恋,如鱼得水的性爱而已。 -DANIEL: Look, this isn’t just about sex, Sofia. Although, it’s pretty good. Right? although: 然而 pretty: 相当 瞧,这绝不只是性那么简单,Sofia。当然啦,我们的性生活的确很棒。对吗? -SOFIA: Daniel Daniel。 -DANIEL: Come on, I can see a life with you, Sofia. 来吧,我可以想象与你一起生活的样子了,Sofia。 -SOFIA: Okay. 好吧。 If this is all real, prove it. prove: 证明,证实 如果这都是真实的,那就证明给我看。 Why don’t you see other women while I’m gone? 我不在的时候,你与其他女人约约会怎么样? I’m giving you the green light. 我给你亮绿灯。 I’m serious. 我是认真的。 And if you don’t get sweaty palms and all that when you’re with them, sweaty: 冒汗的 如果你与她们在一起的时候,掌心不冒汗,也没有其它那些症状。 Then maybe this is real. 那这也许是真实的。 -DANIEL: I’m not gonna cheat on you just to prove I love you. That’s...I mean, that’s crazy。 gonna=go to cheat: 欺骗 cheat on: 背叛【爱情的背叛】 crazy: 狂热的 我不会对你不忠的,只是为了证明我爱你,这有点…我是说,这有点太疯狂了吧。 -SOFIA: Don’t think about it as cheating. think as: 认为,把…当作… 不要把它看成是不忠。 Thinking about it as proving your theory. theory: 理论 就当作是证明你的理论吧。 See, I need you to convince me convince: 说服,使相信 瞧,我需要你来说服我, that there is only one woman that you feel this way about... me. 只有一个女人能让你有那些感觉…那就是我。 -HILDA: It was just a dream, girl, don’t get too freaked out by it. freak out: 失控 小姐,那只是个梦,别太紧张了。 -BETTY: But I barely even know Henry. barely: 几乎不 但我甚至还不怎么了解Henry。 I...I don’t get it. I have a boy friend. 我…我不懂为什么会做这样的梦,我有男朋友了。 -HILDA: Did I ever tell you about my Jose Mendoza dreams? 我告诉过你我的那个关于Jose Mendoza的梦了吗? -BETTY: Ew, that pimply guy who owns the bakery on 85th? pimply: 有疙瘩的 bakery: 面包店 唔,那个在85号开面包店满脸疙瘩的家伙? -HILDA: He was really into the Herbalux digestive tonics. Don’t judge. be into sth: 擅长,善于 digestive: 消化的 tonic: 补药 don’t judge: 【不要说长道短的,不要指责】 他真的挺会做Herbalux消化滋补品的,别说长道短的。 Anyway, about a month ago, I had this dream. anyway: 无论如何 不管怎么说,一个月之前我做了梦。 We were going at it in this big bowl of cake batter. go at it: 攻击,扑向,努力从事【这里是指发生性关系,相当于have sex】 bowl: 大碗 batter: 糊状物 梦到我们一起在一大碗蛋糕糊里那个。 -BETTY: Ew. 噢。 -HILDA: Never mind. That’s not the point. never mind: 别介意 point: 重点 没有关系,这不是重点。 Anyway, the point is, do you see us dating now? anyway: 无论如何 date: 约会 总之,重点是:现在你看到我们约会了吗? No, of course not, you know why? 没有,当然没有,你知道为什么吗? Because it’s just a dream, and dreams don’t mean anything. 因为那只是个梦,而梦没有任何意义。 -BETTY: Yeah, but Henry isn’t Jose. It...It is different. different: 不同的 是的。但Henry不是Jose,这…这有点不同。 And well, we did go on a date once. Well, lunch. go on a date: 约会 once: 一次 唔,我们约会过一次,一起吃午餐而已。 -HILDA: Stop, you go to the Pro Buy party with Walter tonight. And just forget about it. Pro Buy: 【剧中Walter工作的百货店的名字】 别再胡思乱想了,你今晚就和Walter一起去参加Pro百货的派对,然后忘了这个梦。 -BETTY: Hilda, I kissed Henry. Hilda,我吻了Henry。 -HILDA: In your dream. 在你的梦里。 As long as you don’t actually do anything, it’s harmless. as long as: 固定用法,只要… harmless: 无害的 只要你没有真的这么做,那就是无害的。 Betty, we’re all tempted sometimes, right? tempt: 诱惑 sometimes: 有时 Betty,我们都有被诱惑的时候,对吗? Just avoid this Henry guy, and everything will be fine. avoid: 避免 避开这个叫Henry的家伙,一切都会没事的。 Justin! Honey, let’s go. honey: 亲爱的 Justin! 亲爱的,我们走吧! -SUAREZ: Hi. Hi. That girl has the vocal cords of a large cat. vocal: 声音的 cords: 声带 嗨,嗨,你姐姐的嗓门就像老猫的一样大。 -HILDA: I heard that! 我听到了! -SUAREZ: And the ears of whatever animal hears best. whatever: 无论,任何 耳朵就像听觉最好的那种动物一样。 -BETTY: A dolphin. It’s just something I know. dolphin: 海豚 海豚,只是我知道的一点小事。 Dad, did you check in with the immigration people today? check in: 报到 immigration: 移民 爸爸,今天你给移民局的人报到了吗? -SUAREZ: Today, yesterday, tomorrow... 今天,昨天,明天… Isn’t it enough that they dragged me away like a criminal? drag: 拖拉 criminal: 罪犯 他们像对待罪犯那样把我拖走,难道还不够吗? -BETTY: Just calm down. I’m just trying to help you. calm down: 冷静 try to do: 尽力做… 冷静点,我只是想帮你。 -SUAREZ: They sent me to some program called ICE. ICE: immigration and customs enforcement 移民局海关执法处 some: 某个 program:机构 他们把我弄到个叫移民局海关执法处的机构去。 They’re sending over a caseworker next month. caseworker: 社会工作者 send over: 派遣 下个月他们会派个负责这案子的人来。 Do we have to talk about this right now? 我们一定要现在谈这个吗? Holidays should be about family. 节日应该是一家人团聚的时刻。 -GINA: Hey, watch it! watch: 当心 嘿,小心点! -BETTY: What? 怎么啦? -JUSTIN: Accident. 交通意外。 Mom, Gina, Christmas tree. 老妈,Gina,还有圣诞树。 -SUAREZ: Well, it’s officially the start of the holiday season. officially: 正式地 哦,圣诞假期才正式开始呢。 -GINA: You ran over my Christmas tree. run over: (车辆)碾过 你压坏了我的圣诞树。 -HILDA: Well, I was aiming for you. aim for: 以…为目标 是嘛,我本来想冲着你去的。 Besides, you left it in the middle of the street. besides: 除此之外 middle: 中间 street: 街道 另外,谁让你要把它竖在路中央呢? -GINA: I just took it off the tracker. take off: 取下 tracker: 卡车 我刚把它从车上取下来。 I had to put it somewhere when I opened the front door. somewhere: 某处 front: 前面的 我开前门的时候,总得把它放到一边儿。 -HILDA: The Street is public property. public: 公众的 property: 财产 马路是公共财产。 Unlike this house which is not, so get out! unlike: 与…不相同 get out: 滚出去,出去 但这房子不是,所以你给我滚出去! -GINA: You better watch out. watch out: 小心 you better=you had better 你最好… 你最好小心点。 I know when you’re sleeping and I know when you’re awake. awake: 醒着的 你什么时候睡觉,什么时候起床,我都一清二楚。 -HILDA: Oops. 哎呀! -MARC: Ho, ho, ho. 嗬,嗬,嗬! -WILLIE: You’re late. 你迟到了。 -MARC: Love the crystal menorah next to the sterling silver Santa. crystal: 水晶 menorah: 灯台 next to: 在…旁边 sterling: 纯银制的 silver: 银的 Santa: 圣诞老人 我喜欢纯银的圣诞老人旁边的那个水晶烛台。 So taboo. Don’t you just love the holidays? taboo: 禁忌的 宗教的禁忌。你就这么不喜欢过节吗? -WILLIE: They’re fabulous. fabulous: 传说的 他们只是神话罢了。 -MARC: So is Nico coming home for Christmas? Nico会回来过圣诞节吗? -WILLIE: She’s spending the break with her father in Dubai. spend: 度过(假期等) break: 休息,假期 Dubai: 一个阿拉伯国家 她和她爸爸去Dubai过节了。 Besides, you know Christmas mornings for me are all about martinis and Valium. martini: 马提尼酒 Valium: 安定药 另外,你知道的,圣诞节的早晨对我来说只是马提尼酒和安定药片而已。 -MARC: Yummy. yummy: 好吃的 真是美味啊。 -WILLIE: You didn’t just take the whole wheat bagel. wheat: 小麦 bagel: 百吉饼 你刚刚吃了全麦百吉饼。 You know I always eat that one. 你知道我总是吃那个的。 -MARC: So sorry, Wil, I thought we were sharing everything now that I know about ourmysterious friend. Right? Wil: Willie的昵称 share: 分享 now that: 固定搭配,既然 mysterious: 神秘的 抱歉,Wil,我以为在我知道了那位神秘的朋友之后,我们可以分享所有东西了,对吗? -WILLIE: Right. 没错。 -AMANDA: That’s so wrong. 这想法错得离谱。 -DANIEL: I know, believe me. We’ve been consistently over budget every issue. consistently: 一贯的 over: 在…之上 budget: 预算 issue: 发行 我知道,相信我一直以来我们,每期杂志都超出预算。 Uh, we had to cut costs somewhere. cut: 削 cost: 成本 唔,我们必须在某些地方削减成本。 -MARC: Boo! 嘘! -BETTY: Come on. An official party at the office? That will be fun. official: 正式的 fun: 有趣的 别这样,在办公室举办同事间的派对,会很有趣的。 -AMANDA: Yeah, like waxing is fun. wax: 上蜡,打蜡【Amanda和Marc取笑Betty,在这里指脱毛的意思】 是啊,就像上蜡是有趣的一样。 -DANIEL: Thank you for your enthusiasm, Betty. enthusiasm: 热心 谢谢你的热情,Betty。 Actually, Betty has something to be excited about. to be excited about: 为某事而兴奋 事实上,Betty的确有事值得激动。 She’s been offered an amazing new position at “MYW” amazing: 令人惊异的 position: 职位 她在 “MYW” 获得了一个令人惊羡的新职位。 And I hope she’ll consider taking it. consider: 考虑 我希望她可以考虑接受它。 We’ll be looking for her replacement. look for: 寻找 replacement: 代替者 我们要找人接替她现在的职位。 Any of you interested, leave your resume with Betty. leave sth。 With sb。: 将某物交给某人 resume: 简历 个人简历下载免费下载简历模版总经理简历下载资料员简历下载资料员简历下载 你们中有谁感兴趣的话,可以把简历交给Betty。 And that’s it, thank you. 好了,就说这么多,谢谢。 -BETTY: Daniel, what are you doing? Daniel,你想干嘛? -DANIEL: Something you’re far too loyal to ever do. too…to…: 太…以至于不能… loyal: 忠诚的 做了件你因为太过忠诚而永远不会去做的事。 -BETTY: But if I leave, who’s gonna take care of you? gonna=go to take care of: 照顾,照料 但如果我走了,谁来照顾你呢? -DANIEL: Well, I guess we’ll just have to find someone as good as you. 唔,我想我们就是得找个和你干得一样好的人。 -BETTY: Better get started. 最好赶快开始着找 -DANIEL: Well, I could try. 好吧,我尽力试试。 -BETTY: But if I don’t find the perfect assistant, I’m not going anywhere. perfect: 完美的,理想的 assistant: 助手,助理 anywhere: 任何地方 但是如果我找不到合适的助理我就不会离开。 I mean, there’s not enough time. I don’t know. 我是说,没有足够的时间,我不知道… -DANIEL: Betty, Betty, sometimes we all have to take leaps of faith. leap: 跳跃,越过 take leaps of: 越过,丢开,抛开 faith: 忠实 Betty,Betty,有时候我们得暂时抛开一下忠诚。 You know, you being with Sofia are the best thing for you. 你知道的,能在Sofia手下工作对你来说是再好不过了。 Speaking of Sofia, I’d like to see you in my office. speak of: 说到,谈及 说到Sofia,我想在我的办公室里见你。 There’s something I need to tell you. 我有点事要告诉你。 -MARC: Would it be inappropriate to throw a good-bye party and not invite her? Inappropriate: 不适当的 throw a party: 举办聚会 good-bye: 再见,告别 invite: 邀请 办一个送别派对,却不邀请她,这不太合适吧? -AMANDA: You know who would be perfect for that job? 你知道谁最适合那工作吗? -MARC:Anne Hathaway Anne Hathaway: 电影《穿Prada的恶魔》中的女助理 Anne Hathaway。 -AMANDA: No. Me. 不对,是我。 -MARC: Yeah, of course, love your confidence. confidence: 自信心 噢,当然是的,我很欣赏你的自信。 -BETTY: Wait a second. Sofia wants you to go out with someone else? wait a second: 等等,稍等 等等,Sofia要你和其他人去约会? That dosen’t makes any sense. make sense: 有意义的,可行,合乎情理 这说不通啊。 -DANIEL: I know. It’s crazy. crazy: 疯狂的 我知道,但这太疯狂了。 She seems to think some other woman will make my palms sweat. palm: 手掌 sweat: 出汗的 她似乎认为其他女人会令我手心冒汗, And my heart race the way they do for her. race: 快跑【这里指心脏剧烈跳动】 心跳加速,就像对她那样。 -BETTY: Well, how do you know they won’t? 你怎么知道你不会呢? -DANIEL: Look, I...I’ve never been good at being faithful, be good at: 擅长… faithful: faith的形容词形式,忠实的,可靠的 你看,我…我一向不善于保持忠诚。 But no one has ever made me feel the way Sofia does. 但没人能像Sofia一样给我那种感觉。 In fact, I stopped by to see Nigel on the way to work this morning. in fact: 实际上 stop by: 顺便访问 事实上,今早来上班的路上,我顺道去了Nigel那儿。 I’m through with being a bachelor... through: 结束的 bachelor: 单身汉 我想结束单身汉的生活。 For good. 去追求更好的生活 -BETTY: Oh, my God, are you serious? 哦我的天啊你是认真的吗? I mean, congratulations that are great. congratulations: 祝贺 我想说,祝贺你,这太好了。 -DANIEL: I...I know what you’re thinking, 瞧,我…我知道你在想什么。 But I... it... it’s like they say... 但是我…就像他们说得那样。 -BETTY: Well, what do they say? 他们说什么了? -DANIEL: When you know, you know. 缘分来的时候挡都挡不住。 And I do know. 而我现在知道了。 -BETTY: Well, I’m so happy for you, Daniel, and for Sofia. 我为你感到高兴,Daniel,还Sofia。 -DANIEL: Thanks. 谢谢。 You know, they’re just on loan. on loan: 借贷 你知道嘛,这些都只是借出来的。 Until I figure out which one is gonna be perfect for her. gonna: <美> 将要(=going to) figure out: 计算出,估计出,理解 直到我挑中那个最适合她的为止。 -BETTY: Well, I’m very glad to hear that you have no intention of testing out her theory. intention: 意图 test: 试验 theory: 理论 我很高兴听到你不愿再试验她的理论了。 Because I know how you get around beautiful women. 因为我知道你是怎么应付漂亮女人的。 And Belle Jolie is sending over their lingerie line today... sent over: 发送 lingerie: (妇女、儿童)内衣 Belle Jolie今天会把她们的女士内衣送过来。 On their models. model: 模特 还是穿在模特身上的。 [Scene: Betty found a notebook on her desk on which there’re some words on the firstpage “for all your great ideas at MYW”.] 感谢你为MYW所提的精辟见解 -Betty: Hello. 你好? Yeah。 是的。 Okay, I’ll be right there. 好的,我马上就过去。 -AMANDA: Hey, Betty, I love your sweater. 嗨,Betty,你的毛衣很漂亮。 Did you make it yourself? 自己织的吗? -BETTY: Amanda, look, I need to plan a “mode”-worthy party for $500. Get Daniel a newassistant. worthy: 杰出人物 assistant: 助理 Amanda,听着,我得在两天内用500美元筹办,一场精彩的《时尚》工作人员的派对,为Daniel寻觅一位新助理。 And get Justin a signed photo of Lindsay Lohan in two days. I’m kinda busy. sign: 签名 kinda=kind of 某种程度上,有点 还要给Justin弄一张琳赛罗汉的签名照。我很忙。 -AMANDA: Well, today is, like, your lucky day. Hire me. You know you wanna. lucky: 幸运的 hire: 雇佣 wanna=want to 今天,似乎是你的幸运日。雇用我吧,你知道你想请我的。 -BETTY: You serious? After what you and Daniel have been through? be through: 完成 你是认真的?在你和Daniel结束之后? -AMANDA: What is the very first thing I ever said to you? 还记得我对你说的第一句话是什么吗? -BETTY: “Are you the before?” 你是前任? -AMANDA: Okay, the second thing. 好吧,第二句。 -BETTY: “Are you delivering something?” deliver: 递送,交付 你是送东西的吗? -AMANDA: Whatever. The point is I wanted this job way before you or Daniel ever cameto “Mode”. Whatever: 随便 不管那么多啦,关键是我想要这份工作。在你或Daniel来<时尚>之前就想了。 I have a brain to go with this beautiful body, Betty. go with: 同时出现 我才貌兼备,Betty。 -BETTY: Yeah, OK. 是啊。好吧。 -AMANDA: Look, I can prove it to you. Let me help you plan the party. I’ve got tons of connections. connection: 连接,人际关系 tons of: 许多 我可以证明给你看。让我来帮你筹办派对吧,我有许多关系。 Plus, I can get loads of free crap. plus: 另有 load: 负载 crap: 杂事 另外,我还可以承担点杂事。 -BETTY: Well, I mean, I could use the help. 好吧,我是说,我接受你的帮助。 Okay, you’re on. Anything else? 好的,你可以干了。还有什么事? Oh yeah, snow’s here. 是的,雪花在这儿呢。 -HENRY: Oh, man. I’m sorry. I... It’s you. 喔,天啊,抱歉,我…是你? -BETTY: Henry, hi. Henry,嗨。 -HENRY: You got a little, um, right here. 你这里,唔,有点东西。 Gosh, I’m sorry. That...that was very unprofessional. Gosh: my God,天啊 unprofessional: 外行的 天啊,我很抱歉,这…这有些外行。 Uh, let me help you clean this up. clean up: 收拾干净 唔,我帮你把这收拾好吧。 -BETTY: Oh, no, no, no. Don’t worry about it. I... 噢,不,不,不,不用担心。 -HENRY: Actually, Betty, you’re just the girl I’ve been looking for. 事实上,Betty,你正是我要找的女孩。 -BETTY: Oh, no, um, I’m sure there are some other girls. 噢,不,我相信一定还有其他女孩。 -HENRY: Uh, it’s about the party? 是关于派对的? I’m supposed to oversee the budget, so... be supposed to: 应该 oversee: 监督 budget: 预算 我被派来检查预算,所以我想… Guess I’ll be on top of you for the next couple days. on top of: 管理 接下来几天我会是你的领导。 Partywise. -wise: 字尾,附加在名词后,意为关于…的 关于派对。 -BETTY: Oh, right. 哦,是嘛。 -HENRY: All right. 好吧。 -BETTY: Okay. 好的。 Oh, crap. crap: 真糟糕 哦,天啊。 -BETTY: The model is here. 模特们到了。 -DANIEL: Show them in. 带她们进来。 Oh, no. 哦,不。 That’s my ex-girl friend Aerin. ex-girl friend: 前女友 那是我的前女友Aerin。 She broke my heart. She’s my first... break one’s heart: 伤某人的心 她伤了我的心,她是我第一个… First super model. God, that girl knew how to... super: 超级的 model: 模特 第一个超模,天啊,那女孩知道怎么… -AERIN: Hey. 嗨。 -DANIEL: Aerin, what are you doing here? Aerin,你来这儿干嘛? -AERIN: Taking my clothes off. take off: 脱衣服 脱下我的衣服。 -DANIEL: Um, could you give us a second? 唔,给我们一点时间好吗? -AERIN: Sure. 当然可以。 -BETTY: Do you need me to stay? 需要我待在这儿吗? -DANIEL: No, I’ll be fine. Just bring the rest of the models in. 不用,我没事,把其他的模特领进来吧。 -BETTY: All right. That’s gonna help. Amanda? No. No. No. Amanda? No. Daniel, um, Ijust wanted to let you know. gonna: <美> 将要(=going to) 好的,那会有所帮助的。Amanda?不行,不行,不行,Amanda?不行。Daniel,唔,我只是想告诉你, That your girl friend’s plane, uh, landed safely, and that, um, land: 着陆 你女朋友的飞机,唔,已经安全着陆了,还有,唔, the photo department is ready for the models. department: 部门 be ready for: 准备好做… 摄影部已经准备好了。 -AERIN: Okay, come on. 好的,来吧。 -BETTY: Okay. Bye. See you later. 好的,再见,一会儿见。 -WALTER: Betty, this is Ralph. Wa! Betty,这是Ralph,哇! -RALPH: Oh. 哦。 -WALTER: He’s our store manager...the man whose job I one day aspires to hold. manager: 经理 aspire to: 渴望 他是我们店的经理- 我一直希望有一天能坐到他的这个位置。 -RALPH: No. Good to see you, Betty. 过奖了,很高兴见到你,Betty。 -BETTY: Hi. 嗨! -RALPH: And if anyone can fill these size 13s, it’s Walter. 【13在美国被看做是不祥的数字,人们都尽量避免13,这里说Walter能够让顾客连13号都能接受,夸奖他的能力】 如果还有人能填满13号那就是Walter了 -BETTY: Oh. 噢。 -RALPH: This is my wife, Jackie. 这是我妻子Jackie。 -JAKIE: A pleasure. 很高兴见到你。 -BETTY: Nice to meet you. 见到你我很高兴。 -RALPH: Hey, Paulie, let’s get one of all of us together, yeah? 嘿,Paulie,给我照张合影好吗? -PAULIE: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Squeeze in. Here we go. squeeze: 挤,挤压 squeeze in: 挤入 好的,好的,往中间挤挤,好了。 -RALPH: Nice. 好极了。 -PAULIE: Got it. 照好了。 -RALPH: Huh? Betty, welcome to the Pro Buy family. 给,Betty 欢迎来到Pro 百货的大家庭。 -BETTY: Thank you. 谢谢。 -RALPH: Walter, should we let the lovely ladies chat? lovely: 可爱的 chat: 聊天,闲聊 Walte,我们是不是该让可爱的女士们聊聊? Stewaie made an ice luge. luge: 单人撬 Stewie做了个冰橇 -WALTER: Bring it! Oh! 拿过来!噢! -JAKIE: Betty, honey, we have so much in common. have much in common: 有很多相同之处 Betty,亲爱的,我们有许多共同之处。 I used to work in Manhattan, too...advertising... used to do: 曾经 advertising: 广告业 我过去也在曼哈顿工作,广告业… Before I married that adorable lug. adorable: 可敬重的,可爱的 lug: 笨蛋 嫁给可爱的笨家伙前。 -BETTY: Oh, wow. Do you still work in advertising? 喔,你还在广告业工作吗? -JAKIE: Um-hmm. Right here at Pro Buy. 唔,就在Pro 百货。 The commute’s a breeze. I’m not one for lots of travel. commute: 交换 breeze: 轻而易举的事 travel: 旅行 交易量不是很大,我不用长期出差在外。 Never even been on a plane. 再也不用坐飞机了。 -BETTY: Do you miss it...Manhattan? miss: 想念,思念 你想念那儿…曼哈顿吗? -JAKIE: Never. You’ll get tired of it, too. get tired of: 厌烦,厌倦 从不,你也会对它感到厌倦的。 We’re Queens’s girls, Betty, born and bred. born: 天生的,原本的 bred: breed的过去时,养育,饲养 我们是Queens的女孩,Betty,土生土长的。 We belong here. belong: 属于 我们属于这里。 -BETTY
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