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自考综合英语二上册课后翻译综合英语二上册——课后翻译 lesson one Translate the following into English. 1) Use the verb + noun collocation. 出席会议   to attend a meeting        干的不错  to do a good job   体验苦难  to experience bitterness     自学英语   to teach oneself English 发现奇迹  to discover wonders        ...

综合英语二 上册 三年级上册必备古诗语文八年级上册教案下载人教社三年级上册数学 pdf四年级上册口算下载三年级数学教材上册pdf ——课后翻译 lesson one Translate the following into English. 1) Use the verb + noun collocation. 出席会议   to attend a meeting        干的不错  to do a good job   体验苦难  to experience bitterness     自学英语   to teach oneself English 发现奇迹  to discover wonders        忍住咳嗽  to hold back one’s cough 掌握技能  to master skills            获取知识  to acquire knowledge 需要勇气  to require courage          丰富生活  to enrich one’s life 接受修正  to accept rectification       改正错误  to correct mistakes 不再指望   to cherish no hope        作出努力  to make efforts 2)Use the “useful expressions”. 1.新造的大桥坍塌了,一名工程师和两名地方官员为此受到刑事起诉。 The collapse of the big newly-built bridge led to criminal prosecution against an engineer and two local government officials. 2.他工作了一天,午饭都没动。 He worked all day, leaving his lunch untouched. 3.经常性的体育运动使学生身体强壮,更好的适应学习,决不是浪费时间。 Far from being a waste of time, regular sports activities make students physically strong and deal with their study better. 4.在海洋世界公园,海豹和海豚能够表演各种技巧,逗的小观众们乐不可支。 The seals and dolphins in the Sea World are capable of various acting techniques, and this makes children audience overjoyed. 5.把快乐建立在别人痛苦之上的人迟早要受到报应的。 Those who take delight in other people’s pain will suffer retribution sooner or later. 6.在某些方面,那部新字典有不少地方需要改进。 In some respects, that new dictionary has much to be improved. 7.当那辆公共汽车冲进路边翻了车时,许多小朋友被困在里边。 When that bush rushed out of the road and turned over, many children got trapped in it. 8.在开幕式上,市政府将为一千多明来宾提供饮食。 At the opening ceremony, the municipal government will provide food and drink for more than 1,000 guests. 9.在中国,城市家庭只允许生一个孩子。 In China, every urban family is restricted to only one child. 10.只要我们能得到点休息,去哪里并不重要。 As long as we can get a little rest, is doesn’t matter where we go. 3)Use learn, ask and teach. 1.那位男孩向警察询问去火车站怎么走。 That boy asked the policeman how to get to the railway station. 2.学习外语没有任何捷径可走。 There are no shortcuts to learning a foreign language. 3.获悉我最喜欢的数学老师仍然在那所学校教书我决定去看他。 Learning that my favourite maths teacher is still teaching in that school, I decided to visit him. 4.这位老工人教育他的子女做人要诚实。 This veteran worker taught his children to be honest. 5.他问老板那天他是否可以早点离开办公室。 He asked his boss whether he could leave off work a little earlier that day. 6.艰难困苦使我们对我们现有的一切感到满意。 Difficulties and hardships teach us to be grateful for all that we have already had. 7.毕业时他要求到西藏去工作一年。 On his graduation, he asked to work in Tibet for one year. 8.我只不过是想关心别人,也希望受到他人的关心,我的要求并不过分。 All I want to do is just to show my care for others, and I hope to be treated in the same way by others. I am not asking too much. 9.聪明人从自己的错误中吸取教训。 Wise men learn lessons from their own mistakes. 10. 求援是没有用的,因为已经早过了午夜。 Since it is well after midnight, there is no point in asking for help. 11.那位科学家教育他的学生说年轻人要面向未来。 That scientist taught his students that young people should be gearing themselves for the future. 12.问及她生活的最大乐趣时,她说“学习”。 When asked what was the greatest pleasure in her life, she replied “learning” LESSON 2 Translate the following into English 1.use the verb + noun or adj. + noun collocation 实现目标  to achieve goals      崇拜英雄   to worship heroes and heroines 崇拜金钱  to worship money    受到赏识   to gain recognition 获得自信  to gain self-confidence   保持沉默  to keep silence 打破沉默   to break the silence   推卸责任  to shake of responsibility 引起注意    to attract attention   分清敌友  to distinguish between friends and enemies 加快速度    to pick up speed     透露秘密  to disclose a secret 塑造历史  to shape history        塑造未来   to shape the future 开创生活    to start a new life     缓解贫穷  to ease poverty 取得进展    to make advances     现任总统  current president 工作重心  the main emphasis of the work    新颖观点  original ideas 真诚愿望 sincere wishes 2.use the “useful expressions” 1)去郑州的路上,我们经过一个被洪水冲毁的村庄。 On our way to Zhengzhou, we passed through a village which had been destroyed by the flood. 2)那次不寻常的经历使鲍勃变成一个耐心、宽容的人。 That unusual experience has turned Bob into a patient and tolerant person. 3)那人的头发染成了艳绿色,看上去象个小丑。 With his hair dyed bright green, that person looks like a clown. 4)他们总是对照专业人员的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 来审视自己的工作。 They are always measuring their own work against the standard set for the professionals’ work. 5)便衣警察在黑暗里等着盗贼出现。 Plainclothes policemen were waiting in the dark for the burglars to show up. 6)琼丝太太的善良使男孩心里充满了希望和感激。 The kindness of Mrs. Jones filled the boy with hope and gratitude. 7)那些超级明星的私生活经常受到小报的评论。 The private lives of those  superstars are often commented on by tabloids. 8)这个女孩子有非凡的毅力使她不同于她的同班同学。 This girl is distinguished from her classmates for her uncommon willpower. 9)日落时分,强劲的冷风由东南风转为西北风。 At sundown, the strong cold wind has shifted from the southeast to the northwest. 10)最高额的奖学金颁给了一位物理研究生。 The highest scholarship went to a postgraduate majoring in physics. 11)安徒生的童话以寓意深刻著称。 Anderson’s fairy tales are known for their profound morals. 12)许多人开始意识到在公共场所使用蜂窝电话的负作用。 Many people have come to realize the side-effect from the use of cellular phones in public. 3.use make, recognize and define. 1)国际社会公认中华人民共和国代表全中国。 As universally recognized by the international community, the People’s Republic of China stands for the whole China. 2)小时侯她的父母就教育他要准备为了国家的利益作出自我牺牲。 When she was a child, her parents taught her to be prepared for making self-sacrifice for the benefit of the motherland. 3)我们一眼就认出舞台上的那个罗密欧是我们的英国老师。 We immediately recognize our English teacher who was then playing the role of Romeo on the stage. 4)英国人的矜持使他们显得傲气。 The reserved manner of the British people makes them appear arrogant. 5)不同的民族对人权的定义有很大的不同。 Different people define human rights in very different ways. 6)我的朋友乔治因其新颖观点而倍加赞赏,他的成功使得我的努力显得微不足道。 My friend George was highly praised for his original ideas, and his achievement made my efforts appear insignificant. 7)林先生,请您明确描述您组织的宗旨好么? Mr. Liu, will you please clearly define the purposes of your organization? 8)我们对他人的同情心以及我们对学习的热忱使我们的生命更有意义。 Our compassion for others and our passion to study make our lives more meaningful. 9)我妹妹是流行音乐迷,可是她居然没有听出我刚才哼的歌曲。 My sister is pop music fan, and yet she didn’t actually recognized the song that I hummed just now. 10)按照定义,文化偶像一般指的是被媒体大加炒作的著名的电视人、时装模特、职业运动员、电影明星等人。 By definition, cultural icons are generally those famous television personalities, fashion models, professional athletes and movie stars who are most highly publicized by the media.   Translate the following sentences into English. 1)学生们没有一个人愿意本周末去郊游。 None oof the students are willing to go for an outing this weekend. 2)所有到场观看足球赛的人都非常激动。 All the people who came to watch the football game were very excited. 3)有1/4 的房屋没被利用起来。 One-fourth of the houses are yet to be used. 4)他们25%的工资被用来购买食物和衣服。 Twenty-five percent of their salaries is used to buy food and clothing. 5)五公斤的热带水果如香蕉、剥落等在我们这里值很多钱。 Five kilos of tropical fruit such as bananas and pineapple costs a lot here. 6)过去的10周是我迄今为止最幸福的10周。 The past ten weeks were the happiest weeks so far. 7)他所说的一切都无法让人相信。 All that he said is hard to believe. 8)只有20%的申请人得到了面试的机会。 Only twenty percent of the applicants get the chance to be interviewed. LESSON3 Translate 落后于别人 to fall behind others  珍惜时间  to  value highly one’s time   珍惜友谊 to treasure friendship  解决问题  to settle problems 完成任务 to complete the task  腾出地方  to make room 重视某事  to attach importance to something获得信息 to obtain information 第一印象  the first impression  生活节奏  the pace of life 飞腾的物价  soaring prices   做生意 to do one’s business  商界 commercial world 工程师们深入地讨论了 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,一旦开工,工程将进展很顺利。 The engineers have discussed the plan in depth. Once the project starts, it will be moving ahead smoothly. 在过去几个月,出口额下降了。 In the past several months, the export volume fell. 他必须把每天经手的文件向公司交代清楚。 He has to account to the company for the documents he deals with every day. 科学院的部分资深院士提出退休,以便为更年轻有为的科学家腾出位置。 Some senior academicians of the Academy of Sciences proposed retirement in order to make room for younger and more promising scientists. 政府非常重视保护中国的原始森林。 The government attaches great importance to the protection of China’s virgin forests. 就面积而言,俄罗斯是世界上最大的国家。 In terms of area, Russia is the largest country in the world. 这所大学正在努力寻找担任图书馆馆长的合适人选。 This university is trying to seek out a suitable person for the position of library curator. 在当今,不懂电脑便几乎什么事都办不成。 Today, of you know nothing about computers, you can hardly carry on with anything. 你觉得汤姆对马克完的玩笑感到不高兴了吗? Do you think that Tom took Mark’s joke personally? 莎士比亚在文学上的成就值得给予高度的赞赏。 Shakespeare’s achievement in literature in worthy of great praise. 我们一直在尝试一种新的教学方法,目前看来效果还令人满意。 We have been trying a new teaching method and its effects so far seem to be quite satisfying. 答应给那哥俩的钱不够去旅行,他俩只好放弃。 Since the money allowed to the two brothers is not enough for traveling, they can do nothing but give up. 为了保存对现有的一个文件的修改,你需要保存这个文件。 To save the changes in an existing file, you need to save this file. 这场及时雨省了农民浇地的麻烦。 This timely rain saved farmers the trouble of irrigating the fields. 他们一直在寻找节省能源的新招。 They have been seeking new methods to save energy. 开始别跑的太快,为最后100米留着劲儿。 Don’t run to fast at the beginning, for you have to save strength for the last 100 meters. 参观者不得触碰任何展品。 Visitors are not allowed to touch any exhibits. 这对年轻夫妇在为他们的女儿的教育攒钱。 This young couple are saving money for their daughter’s education. 她刻苦努力,第一学期末就感上了班上的同学。 She had tried very hard and caught up with her classmates by the end of the first term. 在那个城市公共汽车上既不许抽烟,也不许喝饮料、吃东西。 Either smoking, drinking or eating is not allowed on the bus in that city. Translate the following sentences in to English. 一切都没变,不是吗? Nothing has changed, hasn’t it ? 每个人都想带他们的家属来参加这次聚会。 Everybody wants to bring his family to this get-together. 这个班来自全国各地。 This class come from different parts of the country. 每个人多来了,是吗? Everybody is here, aren’t they? 有个人把身份证落在衣帽间里了。 Someone has left his ID card in the cloakroom. 昨天的晚会大家都没玩痛快。 Nobody enjoyed yesterday’s party. 有谁知道答案,请把手举起来。 Does anybody know the answer? If you do ,please put up your hand. 观众们穿着各式各样的衣服,有穿西装的也有穿甲克的。 The audience are dressed in various kinds of clothes, some in suits and some in jackets. 在中国一般的城市家庭由三个成员组成——父亲、母亲和孩子。 The trpical Chinese urban household consists of three members—father, mother and child. 那个委员会没能就这个问题达成一致意见。                                  That committee could not reach an agreement on this issue. LESSON 4 Translate the following sentence into English. 1. use the verb + noun or adj. + noun collocation. 未中目标  to miss the target     命中目标  to hit the target  闭上眼睛   to close one’s eyes  辞职不干  to quit one’s job      抬起头来  to hold up one’s head  提高嗓门   to raise one’s voice   瞄准某人    to shoot at somebody  低下头去   to bend one’s head 松懈劲头  to relax one’s efforts   留下痕迹    to leave marks  沙哑的声音   hoarse  voice   朝……开火   to fire…at 2. use the “useful expressions”. 1) 听到我所在的公司要被一家石油公司兼并的消息,我十分震惊。 Hearing that the firm I work for was going to be taken over by an oil company, I was greatly shocked. 2)矿工们被困在坍塌的坑道里一个多星期才得到营救。 The minters had been trapped in the collapsed gallery for over one week before they picked up. 3)女还眼巴巴地盼望父亲带她去旅行,那时他答应过的。 The girl was eagerly looking forward to having her father take her on the trip which he had promised her. 4)看见卡车朝他冲过来,他本能地迅速闪开了。 Seeing the truck dashing towards him, he jumped aside rapidly on instinct. 5)为了躲开高峰期,苏珊只得每天早上8点赶公共汽车。 To avoid the rush hour, Susan has to run for the 8 o’clock bus in the morning. 6)在增援部队到达之前,战士们抵御敌人一个星期的进攻。 The soldiers had been holding out against the enemy’s attacks for a week before the reinforcements arrived. 7)二十多年来,史密斯先生一直领导着那个极为成功的企业。 For more than two decades, Mr. Smith has been in command of that very successful enterprise. 8)母亲从不屈服于在我成长过程中遇到的困难。 Mother has never given in to the difficulties encountered in the course of my growing up. 9)这个国家可不能再陷入内战了,人民渴望持久的和平。 This country can not afford to have another civil war. Its people long for lasting peace. 10)他真诚的自我批评使我们更加尊重他。 His sincere self-criticism made us respect him all the more. 3. use keep ,look and stop. 1)我们该停下来想一想:为什么年轻人崇拜歌星和足球明星? It’s time we stopped to do some thinking: why do young people worship singing stars and football stars? 2)他抬起头来,碰巧看到一个人把手伸进一位乘客的裤兜。 He looked up and happened to see a person putting his hand into another passenger’s trouser pocket. 3)很抱歉,让大家久等了。 I’m sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. 4)没有任何力量能够阻止中国人民统一自己的国家。 No force can keep the Chinese people back from reuniting their own country. 5)有人一直盯着我,你认为我能全神贯注地工作么? Someone keeps staring at me. Do you think I can concentrate on my work? 6)记者们把他们的相机时刻准备好,等待戴安那王妃出现。 The journalists keep their cameras ready at all times, waiting for Princess Diana to show up. 7)你要是不断地来,不断地投诉,他们没准会认真对待这个问题。 If you keep coming and keep complaining, perhaps they will take this issue seriously. 8)要是我们都躲着不理这些“坏孩子”,他们怎么能改进? If we all keep away from these “bad children” , how can they get improved? 9)她两天以后再次见到部长时,他的样子就好象他从来也没见过她似的。 When she saw the minister again two days later, he looked as if he had never seen her before. 10)以前教过的一个学生来向教授求援时,他看起来很高兴。 When one of his former students came to ask him for help, the professor looked very happy. Translate the following sentence into English, using tag questions. 1、没什么东西能阻挡我们,对吧? Nothing can hold us back, can they? 2、我比你年龄大,对吧? I’m older than you ,aren’t I? 3、我想你知道发生了什么事,是吧? I think you know what has happened, don’t you? 4、别忘了给我打电话,好吗? Don’t forget to phone me, would you? 5、你不介意我用一下你的字典,是吧? You don’t mind if I borrow your dictionary, do you? 6、你的书还没还,是吧? You didn’t return the book, did you? 7、冬天这里很少下雨,是吧? It seldom rains in winter, does it? 8、我们自己动手,好吗? Let’s do it ourselves, shall we? 9、他说他会来的,是吧? He said he would come, didn’t he? 10、你认为他通过考试没问题,是不是? You think that he will sure pass the examination, don’t you? LESSON5 损伤关系 to impair the relationship between…   减缓痛苦  to reduce pain 减轻负疚(感) bo lessen one’s guilt   施加压力  to put pressure 作出贡献 to make one’s contribution   重新做人 to turn over a new leaf 作出决定 to make decisions 拒绝要求  to refuse one’s request 发现原因 to find reasons 兼职工作  part-time job 全职工作  full-time job 周围世界 surrounding world 世纪之交  the torn or the century  成就感 a sense of achievement 责任感  a sense of responsibility 幽默感  a sense of homour use the “useful expressions” 1.随着劳动市场的竞争日趋激烈,许多人不再把他们的工作看成是理所当然的了. With the labor market being increasingly competitive, many people do not take their present jobs for granted. 2.保尔有四口之家要养活,他很清楚他必须尽最大的努力保住他的职位. Paul has a family of four people to support, so he knows clearly that he has to try his best to hold down his job. 3.经过一场旷日持久的、残酷的部落战争,本地区的百姓都渴望和平与安全. After the brutal long-drawn-out tribal war, the common people living in the area are all yearning for peace and security. 4.母亲顶住来自医生和亲戚的巨大压力,坚持教我读书写字. Standing up to the great pressure from the doctor and relatives, my mother insisted on teaching me reading and writing. 5.由于双方拒不妥协,仗一直打了十几年. Since neither side gave in to the other, the war had been going on for more than a decade. 6.只要你坚持写下去,你最终一定会成功. As long as you keep at it, finally you will sure be successful in writing. 7.假如你相信钱能为你的生活解除万难,你一定会大失所望. If you believe in that money can help you clear away all the difficulties in your life, you are bound to be greatly disappointed. 8.出版这本书可能会给出版社的声誉带来损害. If the book is published , it would be harmful to the fame of the publishing house. 9.对书法如此无知,我十分惭愧. I felt very guilty about my such ignorance of the Chinese calligraphy. 10.别人说你一生将好运不断时,你可别当真. When others say that you will be constantly showered with good fortunes, don’t take it seriously. Use give, feel, begin, and expect. 1.我们邀请李教授来给我们上音乐课. We invited professor Li to give us music lessons. 2.音乐会7点开始,我们最好快点. The concert begins at 7 o’clock. We’d better hurry up. 3.蜡烛灭了,那人在衣兜里摸索着想找根火柴. The candle went out, and the man felt in his pocket to search for a match. 4.他们都期盼系主任在中秋节举办一个晚会. They all expect the dean to hold a party on the occasion of the Moon Festival. 5.孩子总是盼望家长对他们要什么给什么. Children always expect parents to give them whatever they want. 6.我感到要求一个3随的孩子背熟这首长诗是不合理的. I feel that it is not reasonable to require a three-years-old child to learn such a long poem by heart. 7.会见这些精力旺盛的年轻人给那位老人很大的乐趣. Meeting these energetic young people five this old man great joy. 8.她觉得有人在跟踪她,开始担心起来. When she felt someone following her, she began to worry. 9.老板解雇她的时候,她没有感到惊讶,因为她从为指望他会发善心. She was not surprised when her boss dismissed her, for she never expected her boss to be kind to her. 10.你预料我会感激你的所谓帮助,告诉你,我不领情. You expected me to be grateful for you so-called help. Listen, I don’t appreciate your kindness at all. 11.敬请所有客人在招待会开始前半小时到场. Dear honored guests, please arrive at the reception party half an hour before the time when the party begins. 12.你不能指望一两个星期内就能大大提高英语口语水平. You can not expect great improvement in oral English within one or two weeks. 13.我有这么多事情要做,不知从哪件开始. I have so many things to do that I even don’t know which one to begin with. 14.请给我一个试一试的机会. Please give me a chance to try. 15.我们预料韩磊会在演讲比赛中得第一名. We expected Hanlei to be the first in the speech contest. Translate the following into English, using imperative sentences. 1.我们今天下午把教室打扫一下吧. Let’s clean the classroom this afternoon. 2.请你告诉你妹妹晚上给我来电话. Please tell your sister to give me a phone call this evening 3.千万不要相信那家报纸的报道. Be sure not to believe what re reported in that local newspaper. 4.”置于儿童不能拿到之处.” “Keep it out of the reach of children.” 5.汤里别放太多盐. Don’t put too much salt in the soup. 6.他很忙,我们别去打扰他了. Let’s not bother him. He is very busy. 7.别再批评他了,他对此事已经够难受的了. Don’t criticize him any more. He has been feeling awfully bad about it. 8.请离柜台一米远. Please stay one metre away from the counter. 9.下周五晚上你一定要来参加我的生日晚会. Don come to my birthday party next Friday evening. 10.碰到这样的情况,你一定要冷静. Do keep clam when you find yourself in such a situation. LESSON 6 Translate the following passage into English. 留学对年轻人来说具有很大的吸引力。留学确实是一种崭新的经历,给我们提供了发现新事物的机会。但是我们也必须对可能会面临的问题有所思想准备。由于社会 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 、信仰、价值观以及生活方式的不同,我们可能会受到文化震荡的困绕,难以适应新的环境。 我们通常要经历四个阶段才能习惯新的地方。这四个阶段是:蜜月阶段,危机阶段,调整阶段以及适应阶段。刚到国外的时候,我们会感到很兴奋,一切事情看起来都很奇妙。可是进入第二阶段以后,开始觉得事情并非原来想的那样好,我们就开始想家,并且有想放弃的危险。不过,只要我们坚持下去,就会克服这种震荡,适应并最终得益于这种新的文化。 Studying abroad greatly appeals to young people. It is really a brand-new experience which provides us with the opportunities to discover new things. But we have to be mentally prepared for the problems with which we may be confronted. Owing to the differences in social system, belief, values and way of life, we may suffer from culture shock and it is hard for us to be adapted to the new environment. Usually, we need to go through four stages to get accustomed to a new place. The four stages are honeymoon, crisis, recovery and adjustment. On arriving in a foreign country, we may feel very excited, and everything appears wonderful. But when we enter the second stage, we feel that things are not so good as we have expected. We begin to miss our homes and tend to give it up. However, as long as we stick with it, we can overcome this culture shock, be adapted to and finally get benefit from this new culture. Lesson 6 Translate the following sentences into English Use the verb+ noun or adj. + noun collocation 移植器官 to transplant organs 接受邀请 to accept an invitation拒绝邀请 to refuse an invitation认真看待 to take something seriously建立关系 to establish relationship坚持原则  to stick to the principle更换恋人 to change romantic partners兑换钱币 to convert moeny社交约会 social engagements良好看法 positive regard面部表情 facial expressions职业病 occupational diseases违约 to violate one’s contract use the  “useful expressions”. 1 医生说病人的病源于孤独和压抑。 The doctor said that the patient’s illness was caused by solitude and depression 2 自从中国实施改革开放政策以来,这个城市的面貌焕然一新。 Since China adopted the reform and opening-up to the outside world policy, this city has taken on a entirely newlook. 3 萨拉对18世纪的西班牙音乐并不熟悉。 Sarah is not familiar with the Spanish music of the 18th century. 4 感受文化震荡的外国人常常采取与世隔绝的态度。 The foreigners who are suffering from culture shock often cut themselves off from the rest of the world 5 在头几个月,许多新生难以适应大学生活。 For the first few months, may freshmen are hardly adapted themselves to the college life. 6 芳芳上个月才到达澳大利亚,已经很快适应了新的环境。 Although Fangfang got to Australia only last month, she had already adjusted to the new environment. 7 在实验中,马丁严格遵守导师定下的 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf
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