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语言与文化串讲- Chapter 1.  Language, Culture and Thought. (Language, culture and thought interact, each influencing and shaping the others.) 1.       Properties of Language(systematic[it is rule governed ]+arbitrary[no logical relationship between words and the objects...

- Chapter 1.  Language, Culture and Thought. (Language, culture and thought interact, each influencing and shaping the others.) 1.       Properties of Language(systematic[it is rule governed ]+arbitrary[no logical relationship between words and the objects, actions and concepts these words are used to refer to; onomatopoeic words and compounds are not arbitrary ]+symbolic[language express are symbols]+vocal+ uniquely human +for communication[it is the primary function of language]+ understand and describe the world+ carrier and container of cultural information) 2.       Definitions and properties of culture             Definitions of culture(can be defined as attributes of man or lifeway of a population)  Culture in its broad sense(it is the attributes of man. 1.marterials man has got to satisfy his needs; 2. social institutions and organizations man has established; 3. knowledge about nature and man himself and artistic development; language and other communication systes; 5. customs, habits and behavioural patterns; 6. value systems, world views, national traits, aesthetic standards and thinking patterns. Culture in its broad sense is also called “large C culture” or “academic culture”)             Culture in its narrow sense( is called “small c culture” or “”anthropological culture, includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of a society)             Properties of culture(culture is human specific; culture is a social phenomenon; culture is a national phenomenon; culture is also a historical phenomenon. Culture is general and abstract. )             odels for the analysis of culture(key question; [it is import to have key questions in mind when observing and studying culture. It help promote systematic observation.]; the thematic model; [he emphasizes three cultural elements: values, traits and world views.]; seven facets [a patterned activity; the appropriateness of such an activity; the particular subject, the doer, the object toward which the behaviour is directed, the recipient of the behavior; of the behavior; some means external to both the subject and object of the behaviour; the purpose of the activity; the result of the activity.] (一系列活动;活动的适当性;活动的详细主题,实行者;活动实行的外部手段;指导主体与客体,活动的目的;活动的结果。)) 3.       Relationship between language, culture and thought.             Relationship between language and thought (language is part of culture(knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and other capabilities and habits.), language is the carrier and container of the culture.[human knowledge and experience are described and stored in language.]; as a mirror of culture language is strongly influenced and shaped by culture. Such as Eskimo’s snow world and camel to the Arab; language also exerts its influence on culture; language and culture is closely related, each influencing and shaping the other. A language can never be learned in a cultural vacuum and culture is learned through language)             Thought(thought is the function and product of the human brain; thought also refers to patterns of ideas characteristic of a social group.)             Relationship between language and thought(language is an instrument used in the communication of thought.[without language thought would have no form. And others believe that ideas can exist without language]; language is closely related to thinking; language represents thought, it is influenced and shaped by thought; language is used for conveying ideas, so its structure and function must reflect these ideas; language also exerts strong influence on thought.)    Concluding remarks on the relationship between language, thought and culture. (1) relationship between language and culture   language is part of culture   language is the carrier and container of culture, as a mirror of culture, language is strongly influenced and shaped by culture.   Language also exerts its influence on culture, language and culture is closely related, each influencing and shaping the other. (2) relationship between language and thought language is on instrument used in the communication of thought. Language is closely related to thinking Since language represents thought, it is influenced and shaped by thought. Language is used for conveying ideas, so its structure and function must reflect there ideas, language also exerts strong influence on thought. 4.       intercultural communication(it is a branch of communication, it draws theories, concepts, and methods, cultural anthropology, journalism, philosophy, history, ethnography, and international relations. It is concerned with communication among the people from different cultural background.) 5.       Exercise Chapter 2. Words and Meaning    1. What are words and meaning? Word(it is intuitively recognizable are basic units of meaning. ) Meaning (words represent meaning. It is included conceptual meaning and associative meaning.) Conceptual Meaning(概念)(is the basic meaning presented by meaningful linguistic units.) Associative meaning included the contents as follow: Connotative meaning(内涵意义): (is the communicative value an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning. Such as “women”) Social meaning(社会意义): it is what a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use. Such as “residence” and “domicile”) Affective meaning(情感意义): is communicated when the feelings or attitudes are expressed in language Reflected meaning(影射含义): it is arises in words of multiple conceptual meaning. When one sense of a word forms part of our response to another sense. Such as “the Comforter” and “the Holy Ghost” are all refer to the God. Collocative meaning(配置意义): it is consists of associations a word gets from those words that are often used together with it. Thematic meaning(专题意义): it is what is communicated by the way in which a speaker or writer organizes a message, in terms of ordering, focus, or emphasis. Such as active sentences and passive meaning.    2. Words and conceptual meaning 2.1 Words and culture-specific conceptual meaning   2.1.1 Words and geography   The United States of America    美利坚合众国   The Mississippi               蜜西西河   Superior                     苏必利尔湖   Niagara Falls                 尼亚加拉大瀑布   Rocky Mountains             落矶水脉   Washington                  华盛顿   Poke                        美洲商陆(植物名)   Terrapin                     北美泥龟   The United Kingdom of Great    大不列颠及北爱尔兰   Britain and Northern Ireland      联合王国   The Thames                  泰晤士河   The Channel                  英吉利海峡   England                     英格兰   London                      伦敦   The Commonwealth of Australia  澳大利亚联邦   New South Wales              新南威尔士   Great Barrier Reef             大保礁   Great Victoria Desert           大维多利亚沙漠   Canberra                    勘培拉   Koala                       考拉熊   Kangaroo                    袋鼠   2.1.2 Words and history   The May Flower(五月花)   The Revolutionary War or War of Independence(独立战争)   Continental Congress(大陆会议)   Emancipation Proclamation(解放宣言)   Homestead Act(宅地法案)   Scalp(剥带发头皮)   Lynch(私刑)   Cowboy(牛仔)   Hippie(嬉皮士)   Duke(公爵)   Knight(骑士)   Glorious Revolution(光荣革命)   Castle(城堡)   Fort(要塞或堡垒式的贸易站)   2.1.3 Words and Politics   United States   President(总统)   Congress(国会)   Supreme Court(高级法院)   Democratic Party(美国民主党)   Republican Party(美国共和党)   Britain Queen(女王)   Prime Minister(首相)   Parliament(议会)   Labour Party(工党)   Conservative Party(保守党)   Governor-General(总督)   2.1.4 Words and Christianity   Trinity(三位一体)   Bible(圣经)   Catholic(天主教)   Orthodox Eastern Church(东正教)   Reformation(宗教改革)   Protestant(新教徒)   Puritan(清教徒)   Mass(弥撒)   2.1.5 Words and Holidays Christmas box(圣诞节礼)   Christmas Card(圣诞贺卡)   Christmas tree(圣诞树)   Christmas pudding(圣诞布丁)   Christmas rose(圣诞玫瑰)   Christmastide(圣诞节节期)   Thanksgiving Day(感恩节)   Boxing Day(节礼日)   Easter(复活节)   St. Valentine’s Day(情人节)   April Fool’s Day(愚人节)   Anzac Day(新澳军团日)   2.1.6 Words and living styles   Hot dog(热狗)   Hamburger(汉堡包)   Sandwich(三明治)   Pudding(布丁)   Salad(沙拉)   Whisky(威士忌)   Cocktail(鸡尾酒)   Drive-ins 汽车的   Diners (用餐) Baseball (垒球) Rugby(橄榄球) Hockey(曲棍球) Water skiing(滑水) Polo(马球) Golf(高尔夫球) Striptease(脱衣舞) Love store(色情商店) X-rated sexploitation movies() Late-late TV shows 2.2 English words that correspond partially in conceptual meaning with their translation equivalents in Chinese. Intellectuals (知识分子) Social sciences (社会科学) A Yard(院子) Quadrangle Courtyards (四合院) Drugstore(AE) Chemist’s shop (BE)(药店) Grandfather Grandmother Father Father-in-law Mother-in-law Brother Sister Son Daughter Grandson Granddaughter Uncle Aunt Nephew Niece Cousin Chauvinist pig: 大男子主义 Dude, athlete, macho, stud, hunk, Don Juan, playboy, egotist fatty bagger: 装酷,受女性欢迎的, 自我中心主义者. Turkey, nerd, jerk, prick, bastard, pimp, skinhead, redneck dog: 令人讨厌的,古怪的 Wimp, sissy, homosexual, queer, gay, hippie: 奇怪的, 同性恋者. Couchwarmer: Ladies’ man Man, boy, guy, fellow, gentleman, boyfriend, fiancé, lover, sweet heart: 指男性的 2.3 English words and what may be mistaken for their equivalents in Chinese. Greenhouse(温室) Busywork(耗时而无价值的工作) Busman’s holiday(消磨于与日常工作类似这活动的假日) Busybody(爱管闲事的人) Housewarming(乔迁之喜) Donkeywork(单调的日常工作) Police action(维和行动) Lowboy(矮脚抽屉柜) Free love(公开同居) First Lady(第一夫人) High school(中学) Rest room(公共建筑物内的洗水间,厕所) Equalitarianism or egalitarianism(平均主义) Lover(情人) Disinterested(公正的,不偏不倚的) Cooker(炊事用具) Wester(西风) 2.4 Words, conceptual meaning and word formation General terms Terms of male Terms of female Terms for young 鸡chicken 公鸡 cock 母鸡hen 小鸡chick 鸭duck 公鸭drake 母鸭duck 小鸭duckling 鹅goose 公鹅gander 母鹅goose 小鹅gosling 马horse 公马stallion 母马mare 小马foal 牛cattle, cow 公牛bull 母牛cow 小牛calf 羊sheep 公羊ram 母羊ewe 小羊lamb 猪pig 公猪boar 母猪sow 小猪shoat 狗dog 公狗dog 母狗bitch 小狗puppy 猫cat 公猫tomcat 母猫cat 小猫kitten 鹿deer 公鹿stag 母鹿doe 小鹿fawn 3. Words and associative meaning 3.1 Words and connotative meaning book: C: contain knowledge and wisdom for people, youth must learn      E: it express ideas for people to consider, to agree or disagree, and to comment Sexy: C: connotes loose sex morality      E: it is a positive human quality Old, young: C: young means inexperienced, and inconsistent. Old means mature, skilled and experienced.           E: young means flexible, vigorous, and creative. Old means traditional, senile, and useless. Dog: C: is very pejorative.      E: it can even be considered as a family member. Peasant: C: doesn’t have derogatory connotations.        E: it has derogatory Landlord, capitalist, boss:  C: are pejorative in Chinese                        E: not Comrade: C: connotes warmth, friendliness and equality        E: means spies of the Soviet Union Ambitious, aggressive: C: it is pejorative                    E: it is considered good qualities and both positive in meaning. Self-made man: C:              E: it is positive term. Connoting lack of financial foundation and influential connections. Individualism: C: it is means selfishness             E: it is positive term Propaganda:  C: it is a neutral term.             E: it is a pejorative term in English Do-gooder:  C: it is means unselfish and helpful            E: it is a pejorative term in English Spiritual:   C: it hasn’t this means in Chinese.            E: it has religious connotation. 3.2 Words and social meaning British English: spoken in the U.K, Australia, New Zealand, West Indian Isles American English: spoken in the North America. BrE AmE Chinese Brooch Breastpin 胸针 Mackintosh Raincoat 雨衣 Sweet Candy 糖果 Flat Apartment 公寓 Pail Bucket 水桶 Cellar Basement 地下室 Tap Faucet 水龙头 Timetable Schedule 时间 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf Booking office Ticket office 售票处 Autumn Fall 秋天 torch flashlight 手电筒   BrE AmE Chinese Scone biscuit 软饼 Biscuit Cracker 饼干 Cracker Firecracker 爆竹 Corn Grain 谷物 Maize Corn 玉米 Jumper Sweater 毛线衣 Blouse Jumper 短套衫 Vest Undershirt 汗衫 Waistcoat Vest 背心 Purse Change purse 钱包 Handbag Purse 手提包 Truck Flatcar 铁路平板车 Lorry Truck 卡车 Shop Store 商店 store Warehouse 货栈    From English From French Meaning in Chinese Answer reply 回答 Rest Repose 休息 Room Chamber 房间 Bear Endure 忍受 Woods Forest 树林 Gift Present 礼物 Love Affection 爱情 House Mansion 房子 King Sovereign 国王 Wish Desire 愿望 make Create 创造    There are also many triples of synonyms in Englsih. From English From French From Latin Meaning in Chinese Weak feeble Fragile 软弱 Size Caliber Magnitude 大小 Empty Devoid Vacuous 空的 End Finish Complete 结束 Rise Mount Ascend 上升 Ask Question Interrogate 问 Belly Stomach Abdomen 胃、腹 Fire Flame Conflagration 火 Time Age Epoch 时代 Die Pass Decease 死 count Calculate compute 算 English has been closely related to Latin as well. They borrowed dozens of words from Latin words entered English. Of course, sets of synonyms in English are not limited to the pairs and triples discussed above. 3.3 Words and affective meaning sexy, young, dog, ambitious, aggressive, self-made man, individualism, equalitarianism or egalitarianism are positive in English, but pejorative in Chinese Landlord, capitalist, boss, free love are pejorative in Chinese, but neutral in English Old, peasant, comrade, do-gooder, propaganda are pejorative in English, but neutral in Chinese. 3.4 Words and reflected meaning Green house: (E: emphasize its function, while Chinese view its from its physical characteristic.) Black tea: (E: named it after the colour of tea(leave),  C: named it after the colour of tea(water colour) Ferrous metal: (E: according its ingredients. C: according their colours) Snakehead: (E: its head is its distinctive feature, C: it is its colour ) Sun spot: (a spot black in colour) Wall clock: (E: where clocks can be found is the distinctive feature, C: emphasize the ways in which they are used.) Stop watch: (E: emphasize its mechanic quality, C: lay stress on the purpose for which it is used) Contact Lenses: (English speaker views the way they used, but Chinese attracted to their invisibility) Business Card:  (it is used stand out in E, and its content is foregrounded in C) Marble-hearted: (it is a specific term in Englsih, but a general term in Chinese) Wood pulp:纸浆(english reminds us of the raw material, Chinese term the product) 3.5 Words and collocative meaning. English terms Their collocates(配置) Vice President, chairman, chancellor, consul, governor, etc Associate Professor, editor, director, etc Depute Chairman, command-in-chief, mayor, head, etc. Lieutenant(陆军中尉) Governor, general, colonel, etc under Secretary of States, secretary, etc. 副 总统、主席、市长、总督、国务卿、领事、校长、教授、主编、指挥等 中 将、校等 Vice: one that takes the place of Associate: having secondary or subordinate status or closely connected(as in function of office) with Deputy: a second-in-command or assistant who usually takes charge when his superior is absent Lieutenant: an official empowered for a higher official or an aid or representative of another in the performance of duty. Under: lower in authority of rand. Make a road  筑路 Make progress  取得进步 Make efforts 作出努力 Make a poem 作诗 Make one’s position known 表明立场 Make a fire 生火 Make tea  沏茶 Make money 挣钱 Make enemies 树敌 Make peace 讲和 Take a book 拿一本 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf Take a city 占领一座城 Take an umbrella 带一把伞 Take the first place 获得第一名 Take one’s leave  告辞 Take cold 感冒 Take a seat  就坐 Take harbour 避入港湾 Take the floor 发言 Take the blame 承担过错 Take a cup of tea 喝一杯茶 Take action 采取行动 Take a photograph 照相 Take a bath 洗澡 Look at the blackboard 看黑板 See a film  看电影 Watch TV 看电视 Read a book 看书 Visit a friend 看朋友 Go to a doctor 看医生 Depend on circumstances 看情况 Trim one’s sails看风使舵 Open a tin 开罐头 Turn on light 开灯 Switch on TV  开电视 Serve a meal 开饭 Show mercy 开恩 Drive a car 开车 Sail a ship 开船 Fly a plane 开飞机 Exploit a mine 开矿 Reclaim wasteland  开荒 Straighten out one’s ideas 开窍 Feel happy 开心 Stimulate the appetite 开胃 Begin to speak 开腔 Fire a gun 开炮 Make war 开战 Crack a joke 开玩笑 4. Conclusion 面 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知                                            Topics for consideration Chapter 3.  Grammar and Culture   1. Grammatical explicitness in English VS grammatical implicitness in Chinese Grammatical morphemes(smallest units of meaning. Can classified into two categories:  inflectional morpheme(such as –s, -es, ed, er, ing) and derivational(the other prefix and suffixes).) Subjects and objects subjective I you He she It we You they objective Me You Him Her It Us You Them determinative My Your His Her Its Ours Your Their Genitive independent mine Yours his Hers its Ours your Their For example: 下雨了       it is raining 已经九点了   it is 9:00 already 很冷         it is very cold In Chinese subjects and objects are equal in importance in that they are both deletable, as shown in the examples in the preceding paragraphs. We don’t’ mean to say that the subjects and objects are not important in Chinese, They are only “implicit” in some situations which is not synonymous to “less important.” English speakers refer to convey meaning explicitly, while the Chinese people, when having no problem identifying the subjects or objects in sentences, allow them to become implicit. Paratactic and hypotactic relations In many languages these linguistic units are related in meaningful ways. The ways in which the relationship beteen linguistic units are represented in speech or writing vary from language to language. It is often said that English is a hypotactic language and Chinese a paratactic one.  For examples:  Strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁  We will not attack unless we are attacked 人不犯我,我不犯人。 It has been claimed that the English speaking people use more conjunctions more frequently because they are good at analytic thinking and thus understanding the relationship between linguistic units better, while the Chinese people who are inclined to think holistically may not like to indicate explicitly the logical relationship between the linguistic components in Sentences. Recipients and modifiers For example: John hit the pocket on the head   约翰打中小偷的脑袋            He caught me by the arm        他抓住我的胳膊            He was deprived of the right t participate in the Olympic Games他被剥夺了参加奥运会的权力            He was robbed of all his money   他的钱被抢光了 These sentences show clearly in Chinese we simply use a noun phrase to convey the meaning expressed in English by a noun or pronoun and a prepositional phrase. In the Chinese noun phrase the equivalent to the recipient in English becomes a modifier. Chinese is structurally simpler than English in this connection.   2. Branching and linear sentence patterns English sentences in adult speech or writing are like trees with a trunk, one or more branches and twists. In contrast, many Chinese sentences are like a flowing river without tributaries(从属) or a piece of bamboo without branches. And English allows for branching sentence patterns, the adverbial clauses in complex sentences are in many cases found at the sentence final position as branches. This is true for the adverbial clause of time, cause, condition, etc. in contrast, the adverbial clauses in Chinese are normally found at the sentence initial position. The subordinate clause precedes the main clause just as the modifier goes before the modified. This order is more “natural” to Chinese speakers. Liner sentences pattern in Chinese and the branching sentence pattern in English presented previously. Analytic thinking interacts with English, thus the branching sentence pattern dominates in English. Holistic thinking interacts
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