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最新高考英语专题解析课件-完形填空[说明文]nullnullnull(26) Long ago in Egypt, workmen stopped working on the Great Pyramid when they did not get enough garlic(大蒜)to eat. The food the Egyptians liked so much 1 to the lily family(百合科). 1. A. belongs B. contributes C. sticks D. leads 1....

nullnullnull(26) Long ago in Egypt, workmen stopped working on the Great Pyramid when they did not get enough garlic(大蒜)to eat. The food the Egyptians liked so much 1 to the lily family(百合科). 1. A. belongs B. contributes C. sticks D. leads 1.A根据句意及空后的the lily family可知这里填belongs。nullIt is a ball made up of small cloves(丁香). It has one of the 2 flavors known to man. The Romans hung bags of garlic around their 3 . They hoped it would keep away the evil eye. 2. A. ugliest B. smelliest C. dirtiest D. strongest 2.D根据常识及空后的flavor(味道)可推出填strongest。 3. A. feet B. necks C. waists D. ears 3.B根据常识及句中的动词hung(悬挂)可知。其他选项不合常理。nullThey also thought it would prevent them getting 4 . A similar idea is still held. Many people take garlic, thinking it will 5 or cure disease. Most 6 say it does no such thing. 4. A. angry B. upset C. ill C. hungry C由下句中的cure disease可知这里选C。ill与disease是词语同现。 5. A. prevent B. suffer C. find D. stop A根据空后的并列动词cure可推出填prevent。prevent与cure是词语同现。 6. A. physicists B. Doctors C. chemists D. historians B由上句中的disease可推出。doctors与disease是词语同现。nullThey say it may help in one way, though. Its 7 may force people to stay far away. At least then they can’t 8 germs(细菌)on to each other. But keeping your distance can be 9 at times. 7. A. shape B. size C. smell D. color 7.C根据常识,大蒜的气味(smell)难闻, 故选C。 8. A. give B. hand C. take D. pass 8.D根据句意及搭配可知, pass on to“传递”。 9. A. easy B. hard C. simple D. complex 9.B根据下句的举例可推出填hard。nullWhat if you’re in a play, for instance? 10 have been known to forget their lines because they couldn’t 11 the garlic smell from a fellow actor’s breath. 10. A. Actors B. Teachers C. Drivers D. Players 10.A由句中的fellow actor’s 可知。与actor是原词复现。 11. A. smell B. hold C. stand D. see 11.C根据句意尤其是句中的forget their lines可推出这里填stand(忍受)。nullThrough the years man has tried to 12 with the smell of garlic. But no medicine, mouthwash, chewing gum, or toothpaste seems to 13 much. We now know why. It’s been found that the oils of the garlic do not stick to the teeth or 14 . 12. A. agree B. combine C. cope D. connect C根据句意及下句 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 可推出。cope with“处理; 对付”。 13. A. matter B. improve C. develop D. help D由句意可知选D, help“起作用”。 14. A. tongue B. lips C. eyes D. nose A根据句意,尤其是空前的teeth可知。其他选项不合常理。nullThey go into the lung(肺), from where they are breathed out. They pass out through the skin too. Garlic is being used in more and more foods. It can now be bought in 15 form. This makes it easier to use. But most good cooks still say fresh garlic is better.15. A. baked B. packed C. cooked D. dried15.D根据下句内容, 尤其是fresh garlic可推出。dried与fresh是词语同现。nullcouldn’t stand不能忍受 fellow同事的, 搭档的 prevent... from doing sth.阻止……做某事null(27) A Californian woman divorced her husband because he played computer games at night and slept during the day, which affected her sleep greatly. Another was arrested after 1 her husband with a knife because of his snoring(打鼾). Both examples involve a serious but rarely discussed field for 2 :sleep disharmony.1. A. providing B. presenting C. meeting D. hurting 1.D由句中的was arrested及with a knife可推出填hurting。hurt与knife是词语同现。 2. A. wives B. husbands C. families D. couples 2.D根据前面的两个例子及关键词sleep可推出填couples。nullResearch by the Sleep Council has found that half of us are regularly 3 about six times a night by our partners, 4 if they snore or fidget(动个不停). 3. A. eared B. hurt C. woken D. shaken 3.C根据句中的if they snore or fidget可推出填woken。woken与sleep是词语同现。 4. A. generally B. Particularly C. occasionally D. actually 4.B有句意可知这里需填表递进关系的副词(particularly), 故选B。nullA psychologist says that it often results in relationship 5 . The problem is so great that more people seem to be taking single 6 . 5. A. disharmony B. disappearance C. agreement D. disagreement 5.A第一段最后一句中的sleep disharmony有提示。与disharmony是原词复现。 6. A. beds B. rooms C. quilts D. meals 6.A根据句意及本文的关键词sleep可推出。bed与sleep是词语同现。null The Sleep Council says that one in four of us regularly retreats to a 7 room or a sofa for a comfortable night’s sleep, and the National Association of Home Builders 8 that by 2015 more than 60 percent of traditional houses will have double master 9 .7. A. lonely B. spare C. big D. small 7.B由空后的与之并列or a sofa可推出填spare(多余的;闲置的)。 8. A. predicts B. insists C. means D. realizes 8.A根据句中的by 2015可推出填predicts。 9. A. kitchens B. toilets C. studies D. bedrooms 9.D根据句中的houses及本文的关键词sleep可推出填bedrooms。bedrooms与houses是词语同现。null This is the right approach, say all increasing number of psychologists and 10 experts. In a world where sleep is increasingly 11 , single beds may represent the future.10. A. rest B. sleep C. marriage D. family 10.B根据语境及本文主题可知。与sleep是原词复现。 11. A. expensive B. Valuable C. precious D. worthy 11.C由句意及常识可推出填precious(宝贵的)。null 12 is the most obvious cause of bedtime tensions. About a quarter of us - 15 million people - are snorers, according to the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association, and may be depriving(剥夺)their 13 of two hours’ sleep a night.12. A. Snoring B. Sleeping C. Sneezing D. Dreaming 12.A根据下句中的snorers可知填snoring。snoring与snorer是同根词复现。 13. A. friends B. enemies C. partners D. children 13.C根据第二段第一句中的by our partners可知。与partner是原词复现。null Besides the bed, 14 sleep cycles can be just as disruptive(扰乱的). Every one of us has a different body clock with some of us preferring the 15 hours (known by sleep experts as larks) and some late nights (known by sleep experts as owls).14. A. similar B. regular C. different D. strict 14.C下句中的has a different body clock给了提示。与different是原词复现。 15. A. morning B. afternoon C. late D. early 15.D由句中的与之形成对比的late nights可推出填early。early与late是词语同现。 nulldisharmony 不和谐的 regularly 经常地 spare room 备用室null(28) Just as a tree is beautiful in all its stages from its full leafy green in the summer to its naked(裸露的)skeleton during winter, everything in between human beings are beautiful throughout their life spans. The early 1 of our lives tend to be about learning. 1. A. years B. hours C. weeks D. months1.A根据空后的of our lives及常识(人生是用年来计算的)可知填years。nullWe move through the world like sponges(海绵), 2 the ideas. Like a tree in 3 , we are waking up to the 4 . 2. A. surrounding B. Finding C. pursuing D. absorbing 2.D由句意及空前的sponges(海绵)可推出填absorbing。absorbing与sponges是词语同现。 3. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 3.A根据本段第一句的The early 1 of our lives可推出选A。 4. A. country B. world C. bed D. family 4.B根据上句中的We move through the world可知。与world是原词复现。nullOur physical strength, youth, and beauty help 5 doors and attract attention. Gradually, we begin to use the information we have gathered to form ideas and 6 of our own. 5. A. close B. make C. open D. repair 5.C由空后的and attract attention可推出填open。 6. A. conclusions B. decisions C. ambitions D. opinions 6.D根据与之并列的ideas可知。opinion与idea是 近义词复现。nullAs we develop our philosophy about 7 , our beauty becomes as much about our appearance. Like a 8 in summer, we become full, expressive, beautiful, and productive. 7. A. work B. life C. study D. rest 7.B根据本段第一句的our lives可知。life与lives是同根词复现。 8. A. day B. tree C. flower D. night 8.B由本段第三句中的Like a tree in 3 可知。与tree是原词复现。nullWhen the time comes for us to let go of the creations of our 9 lives, we are like a tree in autumn dropping 10 . The children move away, and careers shift or end. 9. A. colorful B. central C. middle D. original 9.C根据语境,此处承接上文内容,应该是指人的中年时期,故填middle。 10. A. branches B. leaves C. flowers D. fruit 10.B根据句中的tree可推出填leaves。leaves与tree是上下义复现。null The lines on our faces, the stretch marks, and the grey 11 all prove the fullness of our experience very clearly. In the winter of our lives, we become 12 except our essence(精华)like a tree. 11. A. ears B. eyes C. hands D. hairs 11.D根据常识, 人老了, 其身体部位变成grey的自然是hair。 12. A. naked B. poor C. rich D. tired 12.A根据本文第一句的naked skeleton during winter及本句中的In the winter...like a tree可知。与naked是原词复现。nullWe may become 13 than ever at this stage. Beauty at this age 14 from the very core of our essence. This essence is a reminder that there is a kind of 15 that comes only after one has spent many years on earth. 13. A. smarter B. lazier C. wiser D. angrier 13.C根据语境及常识课推出填wiser。人进入老年一般都很明智了。 14. A. hears B. learns C. results D. comes 14.D由下句的comes only after...可知填comes。与comes是原词复现。 15. A. beauty B. kindness C. love D. spirit 15.A由上文的Beauty at this age...可知。beauty是本文的关键词。nullskeleton树枝, 骨架 life spans寿命 philosophy人生观哲学 core精髓, 核心null(29) Research has shown that motivation is very important in learning a language; you need to be enthusiastic at it and to be 1 in it. Different people have different motives(动机)—the desire for promotion, the 2 of being able to study abroad, and the pure intellectual enjoyment are only some of the possible motives. 1. A. occupied B. interested C. engaged D. active 1.B由句中的enthusiastic可推出填interested。interested与enthusiastic是近义词复现。 2. A. chance B. hope C. purpose D. way 2.B根据句中与之并列的the desire for promotion可推出。hope与desire是近义词复现。 nullBut 3 wanting to learn is the most 4 motive of all. Courage is an essential attribute in learning a language. 3. A. gradually B. seriously C. frequently D. actually 3.D根据句意,尤其是But可知选D。 4. A. difficult B. Necessary C. possible D. important 4.D根据句意及常识可得出答案。本句意为:但实际上,想学才是最重要的动机。nullIt takes a lot of 5 to speak a foreign language either in front of your friends or to native speakers, but don’t be afraid of making 6 — that is the way we learn. 5. A. courage B. time C. energy D. power 5.A上句中的Courage is an essential attribute...给了明确提示。与courage是原词复现。 6. A. mistakes B. trouble C. sense D. friends 6.A根据语境, 再从句中的don’t be afraid of可以推出填mistakes。nullNowadays there are many different forms of English, each with its own construction and accent, and so long as you can make yourself 7 and can understand what is said to you, you have 8 in communicating, which is the 9 of any language.7. A. heard B. introduced C. understood D. known 7.C由句中的and can understand...可知。understood与understand是同根词复现。 8. A. believed B. persisted C. succeeded D. brought 8.C从本句中的条件so long as you...可以推出填succeed。 9. A. feature B. standard C. meaning D. purpose D本题完全可以根据常识选出。因为学外语的目的就是为了交流。null Curiosity is not only a possible motivation, it is also of great help in your 10 . Remember that a 11 is not just a grammatical system. It is the outcome of a certain 12 or different cultures. 10. A. learning B. work C. life D. speaking 10.A根据前面两次出现的in learning a language可知。与learning是原词复现。 11. A. sentence B. language C. text D. motivation 11.B同样可以根据前面的in learning a language得出答案。与language是原词复现。 12. A. habit B. society C. culture D. communication 12.C根据空后的different cultures可知。与culture是原词复现。nullIt is no good learning strings of 13 and lists of grammatical rules unless you 14 about the background of the language. 13. A. sentences B. letters C. phrases D. words 13.D根据空后的grammatical rules以及语言常识可知。因为学外语的三要素是语音、单词和语法规则(本文没提到语音)。而phrase和sentence都是由word构成的子概念。 14. A. know B. learn C. think D. see 14.A根据句意可知填know, 表状态。注意: learn只表示动作, 所以不能选。nullSo learn as much as you can about the different cultures which influence English—watch television programs, listen to the 15 , try to obtain newspapers written by native speakers. They will show you how a language is really used.15. A. teacher B. radio C. news D. report 15.B由句意及常识可知本题选radio。listen to the radio意为“听收音机”。nullenthusiastic热情的 attribute特征, 属性 construction句法结构 outcome结果 strings of一连串的null(30) About 70% of the Earth is covered by water, but there are many voices saying that, in future, drinking water will be worth the same as 1 today, or even more. This is a huge problem and we need to 2 every idea to deal with it. 1. A. soil B. oil C. air D. rice 1.B根据常识,将来的水将和油(oil)一样贵, 甚至更贵。 2. A. suspect B. hesitate C. value D. question 2.C因为有了问题, 所以我们需要重视(value)每一个能解决的想法。 null The Water Building Resort is a very interesting 3 . It is a building designed by Orlando De Uruttia. This building will be able to convert(转变) 4 into water and that’s why it’s beautifully 5 in the shape of a falling drop of water. 3. A. solution B. combination C. navigation D. operation A根据上句中的This is a huge problem可知。solution与problem是词语同现。 4. A. cloud B. fire C. air D. fog C根据本段最后一句的Converting air into water可知。与air是原词复现。 5. A. consisted B. departed C. assigned D. designed D上句中的It is a building designed有提示。与design是原词复现。null The building also uses 6 energy sources. The facade(外墙)of the building, which is covered with photovoltaic(光电的)glass, 7 the sun’s rays into solar power. 6. A. enjoyable B. responsible C. renewable D. reasonable 6.C因renewable energy sources(可再生资源)与后面的photovoltaic glass(光电玻璃)是上下义复现。 7. A. converts B. concerns C. confirms D. inverts 7.A由前面的convert 4 into water可知。与convert 和converting是原词复现。nullConverting air into water is 8 thanks to its special 9 . 8. A. useful B. possible C. important D. necessary 8.B多亏(thanks to)有了专门的设备, 才使得把空气转化成水成为了可能(possible)。(因果推断) 9. A. settlement B. Government C. accomplishment D. equipment 9.D根据最后一段第一句中的Its special equipment可知。与equipment是原词复现。null The Water Building Resort can also 10 sea and rain water and it is designed for construction along warm and 11 coasts. 10. A. purify B. modify C. simplify D. beautify 10.A最后一句中的by purifying sea and rain water有提示。与purifying是同源词复现。 11. A. lonely B. humid C. hot D. dry 11.B根据空前的warm可知。humid(潮湿的, 湿润的)与warm是词语同现。nullThere are restaurants, gyms, hotel and conference rooms, exhibition halls on the upper floors and an underwater aquarium(水族馆)at the 12 of the Water Building Resort. Its special equipment can 13 up to 5, 000 liters of pure drinking water a day, a volume of 2, 117m3 supporting about 48 people using an average of 105 liters per person. 12. A. top B. middle C. center D. base 12.D根据句中的exhibition halls on the upper floors可推出an underwater aquarium 应该是在底部(base)。base与upper floors是词语同现。 13. A. prevent B. promote C. produce D. conflict 13.C根据搭配,produce(生产)与后面的水的产量搭配。nullDrinking water 14 from air and obtained by purifying sea and rain water is 15 for the entire building.14. A. created B. discovered C. invented D. obtained 14.D由空后的and obtained可知。与obtained是原词复现。 15. A. enough B. Present C. dependent D. convenient 15.A根据前面说的supporting about 48 people using an average of 105 liters per person, 因此可以推断出是“足够的”。 null
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