首页 最新高考英语专题解析课件-完形填空[解题密招]



最新高考英语专题解析课件-完形填空[解题密招]nullnullnull 因为答案信息点有的在空格前, 有的在空格后, 有的在前文和后文都有出现, 需要综合考虑或起相互印证的作用。有时, 还要根据上、下文提供的信息, 结合常识, 进行适当的逻辑推理, 才可得出正确答案。 根据上述对广东高考完形填空的命题研究, 我们归纳了以下一些解题方法:1. 上下求索——寻信息null[例1] The school decided that when the driver opened both the front and back doors, 27...

nullnullnull 因为 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 信息点有的在空格前, 有的在空格后, 有的在前文和后文都有出现, 需要综合考虑或起相互印证的作用。有时, 还要根据上、下文提供的信息, 结合常识, 进行适当的逻辑推理, 才可得出正确答案。 根据上述对广东 高考 地理事物空间分布特征语文高考下定义高考日语答题卡模板高考688高频词汇高考文言文120个实词 完形填空的命题研究, 我们归纳了以下一些解题方法:1. 上下求索——寻信息null[例1] The school decided that when the driver opened both the front and back doors, 27 who were getting off the bus should get off first, and students who were getting on should get on 28 .(2010广东) 27. A. parents B. students C. teachers D. drivers 28. A. sooner B. later C. faster D. earlier解析:27题的答案信息点在空格后的and students who...中, 关键词是students, 故选B。28题的答案信息点在空格前, 关键词是first, 故选B。null[例2] One afternoon, I was out exploring... and saw a new kind of cactus (仙人掌). I crouched (蹲) down for a closer look. “You’d better not 47 that.” I turned around to see an old woman... “Would you like to come to my home tomorrow? Someone should teach you which plant you should and shouldn’t touch.”(湖南) A. break B. pick C. pull D. touch 解析: 此题若不读到文章最后一句的最后一个单词, 很难确定填touch, 选D。null 答题时, 眼睛不能只盯在空格上或只盯在空格所在的这一个句子上, 一定要“左顾右盼”, 弄清前后的习惯搭配或句式结构。注意, 常常不止一个选项前后可以构成搭配关系, 这时需要根据上下文的意思来定夺。2. 左顾右盼——找搭配null[例3] On April 12, 1888, Alfred’s brother Ludwig died of heart attack. A major French newspaper 21 his brother for him and...(2009广东) A. found B. misunderstood C. mistook D. judged 解析:四个选项中, 能与后面for搭配的, 只有mistook, 即mistake A for B (将A误以为B), 故选C。null[例4] Nobel arranged in his will to give the largest part of his money to 28 the Nobel prizes, which would be awarded to people who...(2009广东) A. establish B. form C. develop D. promote 解析:根据动宾搭配, 在四个选项中, 能与名词the Nobel prizes(诺贝尔奖)搭配的, 只有establish (设立), 即“设立诺贝尔奖”。用他的大部分钱去“构成/开发/促进”诺贝尔奖, 是讲不通的。null 有时, 若单独看空格处或空格所在句,其中两个、三个甚至四个选项填入格中都不错, 句子也通顺, 但结合全文内容来理解, 就只有一个是最佳答案了。因此, 选择答案时, 一定要考虑到此选项不但在本句中合符语境, 而且要在全文中也讲得通, 即贯通全文。3. 思前想后—通全文null[例5] Nobel arranged in his will to give the largest part of his money to establish the Nobel prizes, which would be awarded to people who made great 29 to the causes of peace, literature, and the sciences. A. additions B. sacrifices C. changes D. contributionsnull解析:若单独看空格处, 选项B、C、D都可以填, make great sacrifices“作出巨大牺牲”, make great changes“发生巨大变化”, make great contributions“作出巨大贡献”; 从文章内容或常识来看, 诺贝尔奖金应当是奖给那些为世界和平、文学和科学事业“作出过巨大贡献”的人,故只能选D。null[例6] Alfred Nobel became a millionaire and changed the ways of mining, construction, and warfare as the inventor of dynamite (炸药)...the article read. “Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became 23 by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.” ...Nobel arranged in his will to give the largest part of his money to... A. famous B. sick C. rich D. popularnull解析:若单独看空前的became, 填四个选项都没有语法错误, 但是由前文中的became a millionaire和后文give the largest part of his money可知, rich为最佳答案, 故选C。null 重视首句信息, 跳过空格, 浏览全文, 从整体上感知全文, 理解短文大意, 这是解题的基础。这一步非常重要, 万万不可忽视。1. 通读全文, 理解大意null 在理解短文大意的情况下, 结合各选项的意义和用法, 特别是与前后词语的搭配, 上下文的意义关系等, 先解决那些自己有把握的问题。对少数难题, 暂时跳过, 或许在上文中难以判断的题在下文中就有暗示或者明显的提示了, 或许一个在前面不能解答的题在填出了另一空后会令你豁然开朗。2. 瞻前顾后, 避难就易null 借助已经补全的空格, 我们已对全文有了更清楚的理解, 可以集中解决所遗留的个别难题。 全部做好后, 考生务必要结合自己选择的答案重新阅读短文内容, 确保全文文意连贯。3. 复读全文, 解决残敌4. 再次复读, 弥补疏漏null 根据广东高考完形填空题的特点, 只要了解上述三个原则, 遵循四个步骤 ,灵活运用以下五个技巧, 任何完形难题都可得到顺利解决。望同学们一定要理解、掌握以下五个技巧。null 某些语义相关联的词语在语篇中共同出现的倾向性, 叫词语同现, 也有人称之为“词场”。同现词之间有反义或相对关系, 或者同类互补关系等, 如 different与 same; cruel与friendly; death (死亡)与destruction(毁灭); ill与pale, patient, nurse, doctor, operation等。1. 词语同现null 一个语篇往往会围绕着某一主题或话题, 与此相关的词就可能会共同出现, 以实现语篇衔接。如2011年广东高考完形填空的短文, 是围绕把优生从普通班里分离出去会带来严重问题这一主题展开的, 涉及这一主题的可能有“普通班” “特殊班” “优生” “普通生”, 以及“学校” “老师” “学习”等等, 因此, special, gifted, intelligent, top, regular, average, school, classes, teachers, children, learning这些相互关联的词语就很可能会同时出现在语篇之中。null 了解词语同现, 对正确解答完形填空题很有帮助。请运用词语同现的技巧, 解答以下高考 真题 北京中考数学真题pdf四级真题及答案下载历年四级真题下载证券交易真题下载资料分析真题下载 , 并说明正确选项与哪些词同现。null1. (2011广东)The argument has been on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by 2 situation that has designed for the average children. A. designing B. grouping C. learning D. living1.C与classes, children, intellectual同现的单词, 很可能是learning。C. learningnull2. (2010广东)You have to push the door with the word “PUSH” to go out of the building and to pull the door with the word “PULL” to 24 the building. A. enter B. leave C. open D. close2.A因有push(推)就有pull(拉), 有go out of(出去)就会有enter(进入), 这就是词语同现。A. enternull3.(2010广东)When I first came to America, I noticed that a public building had two different doors and they had distinct functions...This was new to me, because we use the 25 door in South Korea... A. main B. same C. front D. back3. B美国的门与韩国的门进行对比, 因same与different是词语同现。B. samenull4. (2010广东)The school decided that when the driver opened both the front and back doors, students who were getting off the bus should get off first, and students who were getting on should get on 28 . A. sooner B. later C. faster D. earlier4. B 因与first同现的应是later。B. laternull5. (2009广东)To make sure that he was remembered with love and respect. Nobel arranged in his 27 to give the largest part of his money to establish the Nobel prizes, ...Nobel had to die before he realized what his life was really about. A. book B. article C. will D. contract5.C与die(死), arrange(安排后事)具有相关性的词同现的应当是will(遗嘱)。C. willnull6. (2008广东)These tell the story of a mother whose baby grows 23 and pale... A. sick B. slim C. short D. small6. A与pale同现的单词, 应是sick。A. sicknull7. (2007广东)All you need is a webcam and your pretty face to access your PC. No more 24 , confusing passwords to remember or change every few months. A. simple B. complicated C. special D. useful7. B 与confusing(易混的)同现的单词, 应当是complicated(复杂的), 共同修饰passwords。B. complicatednull8. (2009山东)Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plans. ...Weeks passed and the excitement over the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of 46 before the holiday break. A. school B. year C. education D. program 8. A因school与前面的students属词语同现。A. school null9. (2011辽宁)This year I decided to do something to regain my good name as a kindly uncle. My 36 Tony, had never forgiven me for the dictionary I had bought him as a birthday present last year. A. cousin B. daughter C. grandson D. nephew9. D 因nephew与前面的uncle属词语同现。D. nephewnull10.(2004江苏)On 39 days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves. A. sunny B. rainy C. cloudy D. snowy10.D与heavy clothes和woolen gloves同现的, 应是snowy days。D. snowynull 词语复现是指某一个词以原词或同义词等方式在同一语篇中重复出现 。语篇中的句子通过复现关系达到相互衔接的目的。2. 词语复现null 词语复现又可分为原词复现、同源词复现(又叫同根词复现)、同义或近义词复现(包括与近义词的同根词复现, 如ill与sickness)、上下义词复现(即总括与分述, 如animal 是sheep, tiger, wolf等的上义词; rose 是flower 的下义词)等。 了解词语复现这种衔接手段, 有助于快速准确地解答完形填空题。请运用词语复现的技巧, 解答以下高考真题, 并指出正确选项与哪个词是何种类别的复现。null1. (2011广东) It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes...There can be little doubt that 4 classes can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner. However,... A. regular B. special C. small D. creative1. B 与前段第一句中special classes的special是原词复现。B. specialnull2. (2008广东)There were many ways to prevent this from happening: hanging a knife over the baby’s head while he slept or covering him with some of his father’s clothes were just two of the recommended 27 . A. cases B. tools C. steps D. methods2.D因methods与前文中的ways同义词复现。 D. methodsnull3. (2011广东)Many are concerned that gifted children become bored and lose interest in learning. However, this 11 is more often from parents and teachers than from students... A. concern B. conclusion C. reflection D. interest3. A因concern (n.担心)与上文的concerned (adj.担心的)是同源词复现或同根词复现。A. concern null4. (2011广东) However, this concern is more often from parents and teachers than from students, and some of these 12 simply conclude that special classes should be set up for those who are talented. A. students B. adults C. scholars D. teachers4.B因adults是上文parents and teachers的上义词, 即这是上下义词复现, 故选B。B. adultsnull5. (2011陕西)The first could not stand seeing the poverty, so he took all the gold and jewels from his wagons and shared them out among the villagers. He wished them all the best of luck, and he left. The second rich man, seeing the worrying situation, stopped for a short time and gave the 32 all his food and drink, since he could see that money would be of little use to them. A. villagers B. servants C. others D. rest5.A与前段中的villagers属于原词重现。A. villagersnull6. (2011辽宁)We went into a big shop, but Tony was very particular about 42 . Although I tried to show him toy after toy, he was not to be pleased. A. sweets B. toys C. clothes D. books6. B 与后面的toy属于原词重现。B. toysnull7. (2011北京) When I first started attending the practice sessions, I didn’t even know the rules of the game, much less what I was doing... I practiced and practiced. Soon I knew the 49 and the “moves”. Being part of a team was fun and motivating. A. steps B. orders C. rules D. games7.C与前面的rules属于原词重现。C. rulesnull8.(2011浙江)Although I love my life, it hasn’t been a lot of fun as I’ve been ill for 28 years. Music has always been a great love of mine and, in my 20s, when my 21 was more manageable, I enjoyed ten years as a professional singer in restaurants, playing and singing folk songs. A. loneliness B. sadness C. tiredness D. sickness8.D因sickness与ill(ness)属近义词复现。D. sicknessnull9. (2011·安徽卷)When I began planning to move to Auckland to study, my mother was worried about a lack of jobs and cultural differences. Ignoring these 36 , I got there in July 2010. A. doubts B. concerns C. instructions D. reasons9. B因concerns与worried属于近义词复现。B. concernsnull10. (2011山东) I can’t recall any of the songs that the band played. I just 48 that I really enjoyed the show and didn’t want it to finish. A. realize B. understand C. believe D. remember10.D因remember与recall属近义词复现。D. remembernull11. (2011四川)We fell in love. In the beginning, I didn’t want to discuss 32 , because the sadness of losing Mum still felt great. Paul understood that and never pushed me. But, by summer, we got married. A. travel B. business C. children D. marriage11.D因marriage与married属于同词根复现。D. marriagenull12. (2011重庆) My father brought home a sailboat when I was ten, and almost each Sunday in summers we would go sailing. Dad was quite skilled in sailing, but not good at 36 . As for me, I learned both before twelve because of living close to Lake Ontario.null...I swam to Dad quickly and assisted him in climbing onto the hull(船壳)of the boat. A. boating B. running C. swimming D. teaching12.C因swimming与swam属同词根重现。C. swimming null13. (2010全国Ⅰ) 55 isn’t about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain. A. Adventure B. Beauty C. Trust D. Life13.D因Life与live属同词根复现。D. Lifenull14. (2011辽宁) His 37 had no reason to be thankful to me either, because the year before, I had presented their dear son with a pot of paste (浆糊)and some funny pictures. A. friends B. parents C. classmates D. brothers14. B因parents与后面的son属上下义重现。B. parentsnull15.(2010上海)Have I given my readers all of the 63 , that is, facts, opinions, inferences — that they need in order to understand my main idea? A. angles B. evidence C. information D. hints15.C因information与后面的facts, opinions, inferences属上下义复现。 C. information null16. (2010全国Ⅰ)The gentleman said no and told me that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his 43 ... Now I realize that in marriages, true love is acceptance of all that. The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything... A. daughter B. wife C. mother D. sister16.B因后面的marriages与wife属上下义复现。 B. wifenull17. (2010陕西)I stopped and dropped all the coins into his hat, and he smiled at me, I watched for a while... But nothing happened. Disappointedly, I walked off. “It proved to be a waste of 39 , ” I thought. A. words B. effort C. space D. money17.D因money与前面的coins属上下义复现。D. moneynull18.(2009重庆)A sudden change in 39 is another factor. In hot summer, people turn on the air-conditioner upon returning home. They will catch a cold easily. A. temperature B. season C. place D. condition18.A因temperature与后面的hot, cold属于上下义复现。 A. temperature null19. (2010湖北) For two weeks, Mark accompanied Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to rely on her other 40 , specifically her hearing, to determine where she was... A. feeling B. organs C. skills D. senses19.D因senses与后面的hearing属于上下义复现。D. sensesnull20. (2009天津) To the first he waved and smiled in just the same way he had done to me over the last few days. The kids already had the window down and were happily waving their reply. The second car got the same 28 from the crossing guard... A. idea B. reply C. notice D. greeting20.D因greeting与waved属近义词复现。 D. greetingnull3. 逻辑推理 根据上下文的逻辑关系来推断正确答案, 逻辑关系包括因果关系、对比关系、并列关系、转折关系、让步关系、递进关系、条件与结果的关系等。从五年来的广东高考完形填空题来看, 最多的是利用因果关系来推断正确答案。 请运用逻辑推断, 解答以下 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 , 并指出正确选项是根据什么逻辑关系推断出来的。null1.(2011广东)In the regular class, having no worry about keeping up, they (intelligent children) began to reflect 9 on many problems, some of which were not on the school program. A. directly B. cleverly C. voluntarily D. quickly1. C因为having no worry about keeping up(因为不担心跟不上), 所以“自动地(voluntarily)”考虑许多问题, 因果推断。(现在分词短语表示原因)。C. voluntarily null2. (2011广东) Many are concerned that gifted children become 10 and lose interest in learning. A. doubted B. bored C. worried D. tired2.B由与之并列的lose interest,可知是become bored。也可这样理解, 因为厌烦, 所以才失去兴趣。(此处的and表示结果, 前面是原因)B. borednull3. (2008广东) These tell the story of a mother whose baby grows sick and pale and has changed so much that it is almost 24 to the parents. A. uncomfortable B. unbelievable C. unacceptable D. unrecognizable3.D因changed so much, 结果父母“认不出来”了。(that 引导结果状语从句)D. unrecognizablenull4. (2009广东)Nobel was 24 to find out not that he had died, but that, when his time was up, he would be thought of only as one who profited from death and destruction. A. upset B. anxious C. excited D. pleased4. A因他发现当自己死后被认为是靠制造死亡获取利润的人, 所以他感到“伤心难过”。(在表示情感变化的形容词后的不定式表示原因)A. upset null5. (2008潮州二模) The team met at the bridge. The canoeing was easier now, but there were other ___. Bandits(强盗) shot at them once, but they were moving too fast. A. excitements B. lucks C. problems D. things5.C由表示转折的but可知, 虽然划独木舟容易(easier),但是有其他一些“难题(problems)”。C. problemsnull6. (2009重庆)My latest victim is an energetic student. After school, he played football hard for two hours. Though ____, he still went to the cinema. A. Excited B. hurt C. late D. tired 6.D由让步关系可知, 尽管很“累”, 他还是去了电影院。若根据前文和常识适当推理, 就可进一步确认答案了:因为使劲地踢了两个小时的足球, 所以他累了。D. tirednull7. I have sought love; first, because it brings so much joy, I would often have ___ all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. A. spent B. wasted C. lived D. sacrificed7.D由因果关系可知, 因为爱可以带来无限欢乐, 所以我愿意“牺牲”我的余生去换取几个小时欢乐,故选D。D. sacrificednull8. Bill loves to talk, and his wife is similarly ____. A. conversable B. capable C. unpredictable D. acceptable8.A根据表示比较关系的similarly(同样地)可知, Bill的夫人同样也很“健谈(conversable)”,故选A。顺便提提, is conversable与love to talk是同义复现。A. conversablenull9. The king and other aristocrats held all the power and were very ____, while the rest of the population had no power and very little money. A. Cruel B. Wealthy C. Indifferent D. powerful9.B由表示对比关系的while可知, held all the power与had no power相对, 与had very little money形成对比的应是were very wealthy, 故选B。顺便提提, wealthy与money是词语复现或上下义复现。B. Wealthynull10. He was regarded to be one of the five greatest football players in the world. However, ten years ago, he was only an ____ young player. A. experienced B. ordinary C. ambitious D. imaginable10. B由表示转折的副词however可知, 选ordinary(普通的)与前面的greatest(伟大的)相对。B. ordinarynull11. Thoughts can imprison us in fear and doubt or ____ us from pain and suffering. A. imprison B. punish C. liberate D. involve11.C由表明前后是选择关系的or可知, 选liberate(解放)与imprison(束缚)相对。C. liberatenull12. We must help people to find houses outside the city, but equally, we must remember that some city people want to ____ where they are. A. Find B. hide C. remain D. leave12.C由表转折关系的but可知, 句意为:我们必须帮助人们在城外找到住房, 但是同样地,我们还得记住有些城里人想“留”在原处。C. remainnull 将文段意思和我们原有的生活经验、文化背景知识, 以及科普常识等结合起来, 进行简单推理, 从而得出正确答案。事实上, 该技巧与“逻辑推断”常常交织在一起的, 因为虽有背景常识, 仍需简单推理; 逻辑推理离不开背景常识。4.背景常识null请运用背景常识, 进行适当推理, 解答以下高考试题。 1.(2010广东) In South Korea, we do not need to wait for people to get off. One morning, I hurried to the bus, and when the bus doors opened, I 29 tried to get on the school bus through the front door. A. politely B. patiently C. unconsciously D. slowlyC. unconsciously1.C由前文可知, 因韩国不必等别人下了车再上, 作者当时是初来美国的韩国人, 在韩国土生土长, 由常识“习惯成自然”可知, 作者早已习惯不等别人先下了再上车, 所以看到校车将门打开后, 就“无意识地, 不知不觉地”上车了。null2. (2008广东) ...the Nobel prizes, which would be awarded to people who made great 29 to the causes of peace, literature, and the sciences. A. additions B. sacrifices C. changes D. contributions2. D 根据常识, 奖金应当是颁发给那些为世界和平、文学和科学事业作出过巨大“贡献”的人, make contributions to...对……作出贡献。D. contributionsnull3. (2007广东)After doing a little research, I found this type of technology already available in English to consumers via a relatively 26 application called FaceCode. A. independent B. infrequent C. inexpensive D. instant3. C 根据常识“天下没有免费的午餐”, 要得到某物就可能需要花钱, 花钱就涉及物品的贵还是便宜。C. inexpensivenull4. (2010广东) All the students around looked at me, I was totally 30 , and my face went red. A. embarrassed B. annoyed C. unsatisfied D. excited4. A根据常识, 周围所有的人都看着作者,作者一定会“感到尴尬”。A. embarrassednull 主要指动词与介词的搭配、动宾搭配及句式搭配等。广东高考完形填空中主要考查动宾搭配。能不能搭配, 除涉及词语的用法外, 还需结合常识来判断。5. 前后搭配null请运用前后搭配习惯, 解答以下高考试题。 1.(2009广东)On April 12, 1888, Alfred’s brother Ludwig died of heart attack. A major French newspaper 21 his brother for him and... A. found B. misunderstood C. mistook D. judged1.C根据动介搭配, 能与后面的介词for搭配的, 只有mistook。(注:这类题是极少考查的, 五年仅此一题)C. mistook null2. (2009广东) ...Nobel arranged in his will to give the largest part of his money to 28 the Nobel prizes, ... A. Establish B. form C. Develop D. promote2.A根据动宾搭配, 应是“设立诺贝尔奖”,即establish the Nobel prizes。A. Establish null 完形填空中, 有的题既可以用这种技巧解答, 又可用那种技巧来解答, 也有的可能要结合两种或多种技巧才能解答。 完全可以这样说, 只要你熟练掌握并能灵活运用这五个技巧, 广东高考完形填空题, 不再有难题。 但是, 所有的方法或技巧都是一种辅助作用, 都必须建立在扎实的语言基础之上。如果词汇不过关, 句子理不顺, 篇章意义不理解, 任何方法或技巧都将无济于事。null 我们说词语复现对解答完形填空非常有用,但并不意味着与文章中出现的词语复现的选项就是正确答案。我们必须明确, 作者运用词语复现的手段, 其目的是使语义衔接、语篇连贯。我们使用此技巧解题时, 一定要注意上下文意义的关联或衔接, 否则, 就会出错。因为命题人往往会设置一些与文中词语复现的错误选项, 我们千万不要掉入陷阱。null
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