首页 吸血鬼日记第一季19(英汉双语).



吸血鬼日记第一季19(英汉双语).吸血鬼日记第一季19 Previously on "The Vampire Diaries..." 吸血鬼日记 前情提要... For over a century, 一个世纪以来 I have lived in secret... until now. 我都秘密地活着... 直到现在 I know the risk, but I have to know her. 我知道有危险 但我必须认识她 As a founding family member, I find it's my duty to...

吸血鬼日记第一季19 Previously on "The Vampire Diaries..." 吸血鬼日记 前情提要... For over a century, 一个世纪以来 I have lived in secret... until now. 我都秘密地活着... 直到现在 I know the risk, but I have to know her. 我知道有危险 但我必须认识她 As a founding family member, I find it's my duty to report 作为创始家族成员 公布一些令人痛苦的消息 some very distressing news. 是我的责任 - He's a Gilbert? - Elena's uncle. - 他就是Gilbert? - Elena的叔叔 Mayor Lockwood, is it? My name is Pearl. 你是Lockwood市长 对吗? 我叫Pearl Hi. This is my daughter Anna. 你好 这是我女儿Anna Maybe there is such a thing as vampires which exists. 说不定吸血鬼真的存在 They're just different from the way we always thought they were. 他们只是和我们想的很不一样 Ahh! You got a problem with blood, Anna? 啊! 你害怕见到血吗 Anna? The coroner's office has officially ruled 验尸处最终正式宣布 Vicki Donovan's death a drug overdose. Vicki Donovan是嗑药过多致死 I don't think it was an overdose. 我觉得死因不是嗑药过多 Jer, just let it go, ok? Jer 别想那么多 好么? Is there something you're not telling me? 你是不是瞒着我什么? Take my wrist, you need more blood. 咬我的手腕 你需要更多的血 I have this hunger inside of me that I've never... 我内心的那种饥饿感 我从未... I've never felt before in my entire life. 我从未有过这种感觉 But I don't want you to see me like this. 但我不想你见到我这样 I don't want you to know that this side of me exists. 我不想你知道 还存在着这样的一个我 Nice car. 好车 I thought it was a waste 我觉得一直让它停在车库 to leave it sitting in the garage. 是种浪费 I didn't know you were coming back today. 我不知道你今天会回来 You know, I woke up this morning 知道吗 我今早起床 and I was feeling great, 感觉非常舒服 and I figured it was time for me to get back into things. 我觉得我可以回到以前的生活了 Does this mean you're ok now? 这说明你现在已经恢复了吗? With all the cravings? 不再渴望吸血了吗? Yeah. I mean, the worst part is over. 嗯 最艰难的时候已经过去了 So... now all I want to do 所以... 现在我想做的 is just spend as much time with you as possible. 就是尽可能多的和你在一起 I'm ok with that. 我同意啦 Hey, thank you. 嘿 谢谢你 For helping me get through the... 谢谢你帮我度过了... the rough patch. 痛苦的时刻 You're welcome. 不客气 We're going to be late. 我们要迟到了 Ok, um, you know what, 那好 I'll catch up with you. I'm gonna grab my stuff. 我就来追你 我拿上自己的东西 I'll be right behind you. 随后就到 Ok. 好的 吸血鬼日记 第一季 第集 There was a disturbance at the hospital blood bank last night. 昨天有人闯进了医院的血库 Some of the supply was compromised. 有些血袋妥协了 Compromised? You mean stolen. 妥协? 你是说被偷了吧 We almost missed it. 我们差点都不知道那些血袋丢了 The inventory records were altered, 血供清单被篡改了 but when the night manager was questioned, 但我们询问夜间管理员的时候 he had no recollection of changing them. 他说他没记得自己改过 Meaning the vampire who stole the blood 这说明偷血的吸血鬼 used mind control to hide the theft. 使用了思维强制能力隐瞒盗窃真相 I know what she meant. 我知道了 We wouldn't have noticed if John not alerted us 要是John不提醒我们去比较 to recent discrepancies 其他医院血库的情况 at other hospital blood banks in the county. 我们还真发现不了 How lucky for us, we have John. 有John在 我们多幸运啊 We're stepping up security at the hospital, 我们要加强医院的安全管理 giving it guards vervain 为防止此类事情再次发生 to prevent this from happening again. 我们要用马鞭草来做保护 Sheriff, might I offer a suggestion? 警长 我能提个建议吗? Why don't Damon and I put our heads together? 何不让我和Damon合作? We can track down whoever's doing this. 不管这小偷是谁 我们都能查到 Truthfully, I could use the extra hands. 其实我可以另雇帮手 Is that something you'd be willing to do? 你想帮忙吗? Well, of course, I mean, if it'll help. 嗯 当然了 如果我能帮到你的话 I think we'll make a good team. 我们肯定能合作得很好 Don't you, Damon? 是不是啊 Damon? John, whatever I can do to help keep this town safe, John 只要能保护这个小镇的安全 我什么都可以做 even if it means spending time with you. 即使我必须得和你合作 Ok. 好了 This week we're going to set aside our 这周我们不按正常进度上课 regular curriculum for a lesson in local history 我们要开始学习当地的历史 As we approach Founder's Day. 因为创始人纪念日就要来了 Apparently the community leaders 很显然 镇委领导们觉得 feel that's more important than world war II, 当地的历史比二战还重要 But hey, what do I know? 但 我知道什么? Sorry I'm late. 对不起我迟到了 Looks like we will be at full occupancy today. 看起来今天人都坐满了 Welcome home, Bonnie. 欢迎回来 Bonnie Right, Founder's Day. 好了 创始人纪念日 What does it mean to have a Founder's Day? 创始人纪念日有什么意义? Well, if you'll turn your attention to this 嗯 如果你注意一下 exquisite diorama over here 这边精美的模型 rhat I spent all night... 那是我花了一晚上... I suppose I should be grateful 我是不是该感到欣慰 you learned how tose the bell. 你终于学会按门铃了 I'm here on behalf of my mother. 我是代我妈妈来的 On behalf of or in spite of? 是代她来还是偷溜出来? I'm sorry about what the other vampires did to Stefan. 其他吸血鬼折磨Stefan的事 我很抱歉 Abducting him, torturing him. 绑架了他 折磨他 It wasn't supposed to go down like that. 事情不该是这样的 You were playing house with half of a tomb 你们和墓穴里一半的 of really pissed off vampires. 愤怒的吸血鬼玩过家家 What did you think was going to happen? 你觉得那会发生什么? My mom is devastated. They tried to overthrow her. 我妈妈现在很憔悴 他们不听她的指挥 Why isn't she here telling me this? 她为什么不自己来告诉我? She doesn't really do apologies. 她基本上从来不道歉 Well, that's a coincidence, 好吧 真凑巧 'cause I don't do forgiveness, 我也从来不会原谅别人 So just run along. 赶紧走吧 And if you're going to continue 你们要是还敢 playing house with your little vampire pets, 和小吸血鬼们玩过家家的话 you might want to stop robbing the blood bank dry, 你们就再也别想到血库偷血了 because they're onto it. 因为他们在调查这事 I haven't been to the local blood bank in at least a week. 我至少有一周没去这里的血库了 Then it's one of your others. 那是你们之中的其他人干的 The other ones are gone, Damon. 其他人都已经走了 Damon Well, where'd they go? 嗯 那他们去哪了? They weren't cut out for this town. 他们才不会离开这个小镇 After what happened with your brother, 经历了你弟弟的事之后 my mom kicked them out and they took off. 我妈妈就把他们赶走了 It's just us and Harper now. 现在就只剩下我俩和Harper了 Bonnie. 嘿 Bonnie Hey. 嘿 Hey, I, um, I tried to grab you after class 嘿 我 下课的时候我想叫住你来着 but you'd ready taken off. 但你马上就走了 How are you? How'your family? 你怎么样? 家里怎么样? We're dealing. It's been hard. 我们在处理这些事 很艰难 Everyone here really missed you. 这里大家都很想念你 Yeah, I just had so much to deal with 我知道 奶奶下葬之后 after grams' funeral, 我还有很多事要做 and honestly after you told me that the tomb's spell failed, 而且 说实话 自从你告诉我墓穴的咒语不管用了 I just don't really want to come back. 我真不想回来了 I hope you understand why I called. 希望你理解我为什么打电话给你 I wanted you to know before you came home. 我想让你回家之前就知道这件事 Yeah, I understand why. I just wish I didn't know. 嗯 我知道 真想不知道这事啊 I know it's been really hard... 我知道这真的很艰难... Bonnie! 嘿 Bonnie! Bonnie! Thank god you're home! Bonnie! 谢天谢地 你回来了! I know we talked every day, but I missed you! 虽然我们每天都煲电话 但我还是很想你 How are you doing? 你怎么样了? Better. Just better. You know, 好点了 只是好点了 just glad to be back, 很高兴回来 and try keep myself busy. 尽量不让自己闲下来 Well, I can help with that. 嗯 我可以帮你啊 Major wardrobe confab needed ASAP. 现在紧急需要你帮我挑衣服 You need to help me pick the perfect dress 你需要帮我选一条合适的裙子 - for the Founder's Court. - Oh. - 去创始人舞会 - 哦 The founder's court? Did I miss something? 创始人舞会? 我错过什么了吗? The founder's court. 创始人舞会 You know, Miss Mystic Falls. Mystic Falls小姐大赛 They announced it today, and, um, 他们今天刚刚宣布的 You and are both on it. 我们俩都被邀请了 Oh, my God, we signed up for that so long ago. 哦 我的天 很久以前我们是报过名的 I completely forgot. 我完全忘记了 Yeah. 是啊 So are you dropping out, then? 那你会退出吗? I can't. 我不能 No? 不能? Her mom is the one who wanted her to enter. 是她妈妈想让她参加 How was school? 学校那边如何? Fine. 很好 Yeah? Same old, same old? 是吗? 还是和以前一样? Nothing new? 没什么新闻吗? No stories to bring home? 没有可以在家里说的趣事吗? You're making small talk, why? 你想和我聊天啊 为什么? You seem awfully chipper lately. 那之后你看起来超级高兴 Less doom and gloom, a little more pep in your step. 不像以前那么消沉了 脚步轻快了些许 And you think it's because I drank human blood again. 你认为那是因为我又喝了人血? I mean, I don't want to brag, 我是说 我并不想自吹自擂 but I would definitely take responsibility 但我绝对会对这个 for this new and improved you. 焕然一新的你负责 Right, right. Well, I hate to burst your bubble, 好了 好了 嗯 我不想打破你的幻想 But I'm clean. 但我没吸血 Yeah, not possible. 嗯 才不可能呢 Not only is it possible, but it is quite true. 不仅仅是可能 这是真的 Stefan, let's be serious for a second. Stefan 我们认真起来 You spent the last century and a half 过去的一个半世纪 being a poster child for prozac, 你一直是自制的乖乖仔 and now you expect me to believe that this new you 而现在你要让我相信这个全新的你 has nothing to do with human blood, nothing. 不是因为喝人血导致的 完全不是 I'm clean. 我真的不吸血了 You're lying! 你骗人! Believe what you want. 你爱信不信 I'm sorry for the short notice. 抱歉打扰了 I didn't even know that the contest was coming up, 我都不知道比赛开始了 much less that I would be in it. 更不知道自己能入围 Well, I'll be happy to escort you anywhere. 没关系 很乐意护送你去任何地方 My mom was really into this Founder's Day stuff. 我妈妈真的很看重创始人纪念日这些东西 She was even Miss Mystic in her day. 她当时甚至还是Mystic小姐 I kinda wanted to do it for her. 我有点想替她做这些 Well, it'll be great. 嗯 很好啊 We'll have fun. 我们会玩得很开心 Ok. I'll see tomorrow. I love you. 好 明天见 我爱你 Love you, too. 我也爱你 Well, well. 好吧 好吧 He's a liar and a thief. 他骗人 还是个贼 So... 所以... When were you going to share? 什么时候能分享分享? Go ahead. 来吧 - Help yourself. - No, no, I'm talking about - 随便喝 - 不 不 我是在说 the fact that you're a closet blood junkie. 你是个隐秘的嗜血成瘾的吸血鬼这件事 So I'm drinking blood again. 我又在喝血了 You're the one that shoved it on me. 是你怂恿我喝的 What's your problem? 这又怎样? - I have it under control. - Under control? - 我可以控制自己的 - 控制自己? You robbed the hospital. 你抢了医院里的血啊 So what's your point? 你想说什么? Fine. Whatever, man. Drink up. 好吧 无所谓 哥们 尽量喝吧 Just remember we're trying to keep a low profile. 只是要记住 我们要尽量低调 Why don't you just walk up 你干嘛不直接去找Forbes警长 to Sheriff Forbes, ask her to tap a vein. 让她给你静脉注射 Have my actions negatively impacted you? 我的行为给你带来消极影响了吗? Ooh. I can't imagine what that must feel like. 呜 我都不知道那会是何感受 Yeah, what's Elena think about the new... you? 对 那Elena对全新的你... 作何感想? Nothing's changed. I'm still the same person. 一切都没改变 我还是原来的我 Clearly. 很明显嘛 Elena doesn't need to know anything yet. Elena还不需要知道任何事 You've been off the human stuff for years, Stefan. Stefan 你早就不是人类了 If you're having trouble controlling... 如果你难以控制... I'm not having any trouble. 我什么事都没有 Who do you think you're talking to? 你以为你在跟谁说话? I know what it's like. 我知道是什么感觉 That Jekyll and Hyde feeling. 那种双重人格的感觉 There's that switch, sometimes it goes off and you snap. 阴晴不定 有时候会消失 你就崩溃了 Right now is not a good time for me 现在对我来说 to be worried about you snapping. 无暇顾及你 I know that it pains you to see this. 我知道你看到这些很痛苦 Hmm. 嗯 But I'm fine, ok? 但是我没事 好吗? I'm fine. 我很好 So please, 所以 do me a favor. 请帮我个忙 And back off. 然后滚开 This year's queen will have 今年的冠军将会有幸 the special honor of taking center stage 站在周年创立日 at the th founder'day gala. 的舞台中心 Before we crown our winner, 在我们为胜利者加冕之前 we'd like to get to know 我们想要更多了解 a bit more about each of you. 你们每一个人 I'm on the m.f. Beautification Committee. 我周一到周五在装饰协会 I volunteer at the Rec Center Soup kitchen. 我还在Rec Center Soup厨房做义工 I recognize that I haven't been as involved this year 我意识到今年没有像以往一样 as I used to be. 投入那么多 I implemented this year's go green campaign at school. 我承办了今年的校"拥抱绿色"活动 I've been distracted, and I let a lot of things slide. 我一直心神不宁 错失了很多东西 I don't think it's wrong for me to win years in a row. 我觉得我可以蝉联两届冠军 I was surprised to have been selected. 能够入围我倍感意外 Since I'm not from one of the founding families. 因为我并不是创始家族的一员 But I'm aware of what an honor this is, 但是我知道这是何等荣耀 and I want you to know that I take it seriously. 我希望你们能知道 我对此很看重 Worked with the county's recycling program 参与镇回收计划 and was in charge of the policemen's yearly raffle. 并负责警察的年度抽奖活动 Just because my DUI made my community service mandatory, 因为酒后驾车我必须做社区服务 doesn't mean I was any less committed. 但不 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示我不尽心尽力 This was really important to my mother. 这对我母亲来说很重要 She believed in community, 她信仰社区 family, honor and loyalty. 家庭 荣誉和忠诚 It's the legacy she left for me. 这是她留给我的遗产 Hey, partner. 嘿 拍档 What do you want? 你想干嘛? You haven't returned any of my calls. 你都不回我电话 Most people take that as a hint. 大多数人都会明白其中的含义 Why don't we start looking for vampires? 我们开始寻找吸血鬼吧? Why the act, John? John 你的目的是什么呢? I mean, you obviously don't care about catching vampires. 我意思是 你显然不在意抓吸血鬼的事 You're here talking to me. 因为你都来这找我了 Actually, I care very much. 其实 我很在意 What did Isobel say about that? Isobel对此说过什么吗? I mean, considering that she is one. 比如 说她自己是一个吸血鬼 Isobel and I share a mutual interest. Isobel和我有同样的目的 The original Johnathan Gilbert had an invention 最早的Johnathan Gilbert that was stolen by a vampire. 有一个发明被吸血鬼偷走了 That vampire was then burned alive 之后 在Fell的教堂里 那个吸血鬼被活活烧死 in Fell's church, or so Johnathan thought. 或者说 是Johnathan这样以为 And the invention was lost forever. 而那个发明却再也不见了 Hmm. 嗯 But then the vampires weren't killed, were they? 但是那些吸血鬼并没有死 对吗? They were trapped. 他们中了圈套 And now they're free, thanks to you, 而今 因为你 他们自由了 which means the invention is retrievable. 也就是说 那个发明是可以找回来 Well, what is it? 那又怎么样? The only thing that matters is that I want it back, 唯一重要的就是我想找回这个东西 and you're going to help me if you want your secret safe. 而你要想保住你的秘密 就得帮我 I mean, why bring me into it, John? John 你干嘛非要把我拉下水呢? I mean, I don't even know what you're talking about, 我都不知道你在说什么 much less who has it. 也不知道谁有这东西 Oh, come on, Damon. 哦 Damon 少来了 You were around back then. 你那时就在后面躲着 You know who these people are, what they look like. 你知道这些人是谁 长什么样 He was friendly with a woman 他和一个女人很要好 who turned out to be a vampire. 而这个女人就是个吸血鬼 Her name was Pearl. 她的名字叫Pearl Does that ring a bell? 是不是让你想起什么了? I'm not playing anymore. 我不玩了 Get out. 出去 Get out. 出去 I beg your pardon? 你再说一遍? You know, I only entertain 我之所以原意 this whole blackmail scheme thing of yours 被你们要挟 because I thought that you and Isobel could lead me to Katherine. 只是因为我以为你和Isobel能让我找到Katherine But see, now I know you have no idea where Katherine is, 但是现在 我看你根本不清楚Katherine在哪 because if you did, you would know 因为如果你清楚 你就会知道 that Katherine and Pearl Katherine和Pearl were best friends. 是最好的朋友 See, you don't know everything, 瞧 你不是全部都知道 do you, John? 对吗 John? I'll tell the entire council what you are. 我要告诉整个理事会你的身份 Go for it. I'll kill every last one of them. 去吧 我会把他们都杀了 Then I'll sever your hand, pull your ring off, 然后我要剁掉你的手 取下你的戒指 and I'll kill you, too. 再把你也杀了 Do you understand that? 你明白了吗? Honor your partner. 对搭档行礼 Let's focus. Right hand around. 注意力集中 右手环绕 Flirt with your eyes. 眉目传情 Left hand around. 左手环绕 This is ridiculous. 这太荒谬了 - Both hands. - You're only saying it - 双手 - 因为你不会 because you don'know how to do it. 所以你才这么说 Sorry only one of us was around 很遗憾在这个舞蹈发明的时候 when the dance was invented. 我们之中只有一个人在场 Ouch! Oooh! 噢! 哦! Oh, no, no, no, no. 哦 不 不 不 不 不 There's no touching during this part. 这个部分没有身体接触 It's about the simple intimacy of the near-touch. 这是简单的似触非触的亲密 Very nice, Amber. 做得好 Amber Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood! 谢谢你 Lockwood太太! If you ask me, the near-touch is overrated. 要我说 似触非触的东西被高估了 You seem to be in a good mood. 你看来心情很好 Is that a bad thing? 这是坏事吗? Would you prefer me to be brooding and tortured? 你想要我很幽怨 饱受折磨? Hey, I'm not complaining. 嘿 我可没那个意思 Oh, no touching. 哦 不能触碰 The Fell cousins don't have a shot. Fell表姐妹不值一提 And Amber Bradley is only on the court, 只有Amber Bradley还有点实力 so the pageant doesn't look like it's founding families only. 这样选美比赛才不会显得像是非创始家族莫属 Which, of course, it is. 但其实就是这样 So that leaves Elena. 所以就剩下Elena了 She totally has the sympathy vote since her parents died. 她父母的死 可以让她得到很多同情票 How can I compete with that? 我要怎么与之竞争呢? Very nice. 很好 Very sensitive. 很细致 Oh, I'm sorry. This must sound 哦 对不起 这听起来一定 really unimportant in light of everything. 无足轻重 It's ok. I get it. 没事 我理解 You want to win. 你想赢 Well, my grandmother was Miss Mystic. 我外婆是Mystic小姐 And both of my aunts. 我的两个阿姨也是 My mom's the only one who didn't get the gene, 我妈妈是唯一一个没能夺冠的 and I want this. 而我想要赢得这次的比赛 I mean, I actually deserve this. 我其实理应夺冠 Bonnie. 嘿 Bonnie - Hey. - Hey. - 嘿 - 嘿 How are you? 你好吗? I begged Bonnie to fill in for Matt. 我请Bonnie来代替Matt He had to work today. 他今天要工作 Bonnie, do you have a minute? Bonnie 你有空吗? We only have minutes for rehearsal. 我们只有分钟排练 It'll only take a minute. 只要一会就好 Please? 好吗? Bonnie, you have to tell me what's wrong. Bonnie 你得告诉我怎么了 It's not worth talking about. 没必要说 What do you mean, not worth it? 你什么意思 什么叫没必要? You've barely said words to me, 你跟我说的话连个字都不到 and you won't even look at Stefan. 你甚至连看都不看Stefan Is that what it is, is it Stefan? 是因为Stefan 是吗? Listen. 听着 Elena, I can't just pretend Elena 我没 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 假装 like everything is ok. 什么事都没发生 Everything my grams did was to protect us 我外婆所做的一切都是为了 from those vampires in the tomb. 防止墓穴里的吸血鬼伤害我们 And now they're out, which means she died for nothing. 而现在 他们出来了 也就是说 她死得毫无意义 I'm so sorry, Bonnie. 对不起 Bonnie What can I do to make it better? 我能做什么来弥补呢? That's just it. 只能这样了 There's nothing you can do. 你无能为力 I blame him, Elena. Elena 都怪他 Him and Damon. 他和Damon And I'm not going to put you in a situation 我不想让你 where you have to choose sides. 左右为难 I'm just having a hard time with it. 这件事对我来说很难过去 Ok? 好吗? Dude, are you ok? You're bleeding. 哥们 你还好吗? 你在流血 Ahh, Stefan! 啊 Stefan! Are you ok? 你还好吗? Yes. I'm sorry. 没事 对不起 I was just... 我只是... I was feeling a little sick. 我感觉有点不舒服 I'll be fine. 我会没事的 - Hey. - Hi. - 嘿 - 嗨 - I heard you're driving. - Yeah, I am. - 我听说你开车来的 - 没错 我开车来的 Let me get that for you. 我来帮你拿 Thanks. 谢谢 Yeah. 不客气 Um, how, uh... 嗯 Stefan 呃... how is Stefan? Stefan怎么样了? What do you mean? 你什么意思? You know, he seems on edge. 他好像很焦躁 He went through a lot, 他经历了很多 he was in bad shape for a while. 之前一段时间很痛苦 But he's bouncing back now. 但是现在都恢复了 Alaric. 嘿 Alaric Hey, buddy. What are you doing here? 嘿 兄弟 你在这干嘛? Well, I'm the chauffer. 我是司机 Oh, I thought I was driving. 哦 我以为我来开车呢 Oh, no need. 哦 没必要 We're going with Ric 我们和Ric一起去 Are we ready? 准备好了? Jeremy can ride with you. Jeremy和你一起去 In the running for Miss Mystic Falls? 参加Mystic Falls小姐大赛? Sometimes you have to wear uncomfortable heels to blend in. 有时为了融入环境 必须穿难受的高跟鞋 I remember this event from . 我记得年就有这比赛了 I was supposed to enter, 本来我是要参加的 before everything happened. 在那一切发生之前 Ahh, ostalgia's a bitch. 唔 这该死的往事 If you're just going to mock me, 如果你想嘲笑我 then you move along, please. 那么请继续 John Gilbert thinks your mom stole an artifact John Gilbert认为你妈妈在年的时候 from Johnathan senior, senior back in . 偷了老Johnathan的东西 What are you, his errand boy? 你是谁 供他差遣的奴仆? I don't know what it is, 我不知道那是什么 but I don't want him to have it. 但我不希望他找到 I could ask her. 我问问我妈 But, you know, you've made it pretty clear 但是 你明显 that you don't trust us, 不信任我们 so why should I even bother? 我又何必自找麻烦? Because you want to stay in Mystic Falls, 因为你想留在Mystic Falls and John Gilbert's in town, making that impossible. 而John Gilbert在镇上 这就不可能实现 Find out where it is. 找到那东西在哪 He leaves, you can buy a welcome mat. 一旦他离开 你日子就好过了 Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮我 Don't thank me 等你确定你的头发 until you're sure your hair isn't going to burn off. 没烧焦再谢我吧 You know, I remember 我还记得 when my mom and I were first applying for this. 我和我妈妈第一次申请参加比赛时 She was so excited. 她特别兴奋 So were you, if I recall. 我记得你也是啊 I was. 没错 She just made it sound like so much fun. 被她说得很美好 Lots has changed since then. 自那时起 很多事情都改变了 Well, I hate to break it to you, 我不想拆穿你 but it's a little late for cold feet. 但是现在怯场有点晚了 I don't have cold feet. I just... 我并不怯场 我只是... I think I'd be enjoying it a lot more if she was here. 如果她在我想我会更开心 I'll tell you one thing, 我来告诉你 your hair would have a better chance if she was. 如果她在 你的发型也会更好看 Ok, I should go put my dress on. 好吧 我该换衣服了 Be careful with that thing. 用这东西漂亮了很多 Don't hurt anybody. 别伤到别人了 You look miserable. 你看起来不大好 Are there really a whole month of these events 是不是我一个月内真得 that I'm supposed to show up at? 参加这么多活动? You can fight it if you want, 要是不想来拒绝就是了
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