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六级词汇综合课件null四六级词汇综合题型四六级词汇综合题型 汉译英 (核心语法&词组词汇) 改错 (十大错误归类) 完形填空 (高频词&形近意近词)汉译英汉译英考点 1 语法考点- 虚拟语气 倒装 其他基础语法 2 词组词汇考点 - 高频词组 虚拟语气虚拟语气四级:06-6-89,06-12-89/90 六级:大纲样题72,06-12-新72, 07-6-84,07-12-82, 08-6-83 注:六级在新题型中,每次5题翻译中必考一次虚拟语气。倒装倒装四级:大纲样题88,06-...

null四六级词汇综合题型四六级词汇综合题型 汉译英 (核心语法&词组词汇) 改错 (十大错误归类) 完形填空 (高频词&形近意近词)汉译英汉译英考点 1 语法考点- 虚拟语气 倒装 其他基础语法 2 词组词汇考点 - 高频词组 虚拟语气虚拟语气四级:06-6-89,06-12-89/90 六级:大纲样题72,06-12-新72, 07-6-84,07-12-82, 08-6-83 注:六级在新题型中,每次5题翻译中必考一次虚拟语气。倒装倒装四级:大纲样题88,06-6-90,08-6-91 六级:大纲样题76,06-12-新76, 07-6-83,07-12-86, 08-6-85 注:同样地,六级在新题型中,每次5题翻译中必考一次倒装。 虚拟语气3大考点虚拟语气3大考点1. 建议句型 2. 对过去的虚拟 3. 含蓄条件句 (仅六级考察,四级不做要求)虚拟语气虚拟语气 1. 建议句型 a) Sb. suggest that one (should) do sth. 建议 suggest advise, propose 要求 require, request, desire 命令 demand, order, command 其他 recommend, insist, prefer 注:不用背,只要看到知道后面用虚拟。虚拟语气虚拟语气1. 建议句型 b) It is + adj. /Ved+ that sb. should do sth Ved: 就是前面罗列的四类动词的过去式也用虚拟。 adj: 好 reasonable, rational, wise, desirable, fair, natural 重要 important, vital, crucial, urgent, essential 虚拟语气虚拟语气2 对过去的虚拟 If one had done sth. , one should/could/would have done sth. 虚拟语气虚拟语气对过去的虚拟 与现在相反 If Ved, 主语 would eg: 如果上天再给我一次机会的话,我一定会对那女孩说三个字:我爱你 与将来相反 If should/were to,主语 would 与过去相反 If had done,主语 would have done (这是考察重点) eg: 假如我再认真点的话,我就通过考试了。虚拟语气虚拟语气3 含蓄条件句 假设的情况不用从句if,而用介词/介词短语表示,如:otherwise, without, but for, in case of 例:要不是你帮助我的话,我就没有机会上大学了。 If you hadn’t helped me, (But for your help), I would not have had a chance to go to college.虚拟语气虚拟语气4. It is … time that one did (过去式) 是时候你该睡觉了。 是时候该采取些措施来解决这个问题了。 注:历史上没考过,所以没有正式归类。真题-虚拟语气真题-虚拟语气四级06-6-89 The professor required that __________________(我们交研究报告)。 语法:虚拟1.建议句型 词汇:hand in; research 真题-虚拟语气真题-虚拟语气四级06-12-89 The victim___________ (本来有机会活下来) if he had been taken to hospital in time. 语法:虚拟2.对过去的虚拟 词汇:实意动词“有”和助动词have的重复真题-虚拟语气真题-虚拟语气六级大纲样题72 It was essential that ____________(我们在月底前签订 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 ). 语法:虚拟 1建议句型b形容词表重要 词汇:签订合同真题-虚拟语气真题-虚拟语气六级06-12-新72 If you had _______________________________(听从了我的忠告,你就不会陷入麻烦). 语法:虚拟 2对过去的虚拟 词汇:听从;陷入麻烦真题-虚拟语气真题-虚拟语气六级07-6-84 It is absolutely unfair that these children _____________ (被剥夺了受教育的权利). 语法:虚拟 1建议句型 b形容词“好”如fair, natural, reasonable, rational, desirable, wise 词汇:剥夺权利真题-虚拟语气真题-虚拟语气六级07-12-89 But for mobile phones, ______________________(我们的通信就不可能如此迅速和方便). 语法:虚拟 3含蓄条件句 but for=与现在相反。 词汇:通信;迅速和方便真题-虚拟语气真题-虚拟语气六级08-6-83 Mary couldn’t have received my letter,______________________.(否则她上周就该回信了)。 语法:虚拟 3含蓄条件句 otherwise=与过去相反。 词汇:回信 六级最新真题:虚拟语气六级最新真题:虚拟语气2008年12月20日的六级考试第84题 I don't think it advisable that parents deprive their children of freedom (剥夺孩子们的自由)to spend their spare time as they wish. 语法:虚拟 1b) 形容词advisable引导的虚拟 词汇:剥夺 倒装倒装倒装分为: 完全倒装&部分倒装 在完全倒装(不做考点)中,动词完全提前 地点状语提前 Hawaii School Motto 当句首为副词 out ,in ,up ,down ,off ,here ,there 等,如:In came the doctor. 某些表示祝愿的句子也可用完全倒装(或部分倒装)。如:   Long live the Chinese Communist Party of China!(万岁)-国人的翻译   May the force be with you! (电影) 部分倒装部分倒装句首为否定或半否定的词语,如never, seldom, little, scarcely, hardly, not only… but also.. (前倒后不倒) no sooner… than, hardly/scarcely… when… (前倒后不倒;前过完,后过) not until… (前不倒后倒;前过完,后过)注:hardly/scarcely/no sooner had I… when/than I became excited. 比较:not until I had… did I bec0me excited. Only在句首 写作经典句子:Only in this way can we solve this problem and build up an orderly and harmonious society. 倒装真题倒装真题四级大纲样题88 Not only _______________(他向我收费过高),but he didn’t do a good repair job either. 语法:部分倒装1.否定词提前,助动词提前。Not only前倒,but also后不倒。 词汇:要价。 倒装真题倒装真题四级08-6-91 91.__________________(直到他完成使命)did he realize that he was seriously ill. 语法:部分倒装1.否定词提前中not until前不倒后倒;语法前过完后过。 词汇:使命。倒装真题六级倒装真题六级和虚拟语气一样,新题型中每次考试,倒装一题。可以预计,这次考试的翻译部分,虚拟语气(含蓄条件)和倒装(not until) 各一题。 六级大纲样题76 The customer complained that no sooner ________________(他刚试着使用这台机器, 它就不运转了). 语法:部分倒装1.no sooner前倒,than后不倒;no sooner前过完,than后过。倒装真题六级倒装真题六级六级06-12-新76 76.________________________ (直到截止日他才寄出)his application form. 语法:部分倒装1.not until…前不倒前过完;后倒后过去 词汇:截止日(due to Wednesday)倒装真题六级倒装真题六级六级07-6-83 83. Only in the small town __________________ (他才感到安全和放松). 语法:部分倒装2. only句首,助动词提前。 词汇:放松。倒装真题六级倒装真题六级六级07-12-86 The witness was told that under no circumstances ____________________(他都不应该对法庭说谎). 语法:部分倒装1.否定词提前,助动词提前。 陷阱:中文翻译部分出现“不”倒装真题六级倒装真题六级六级08-6-85 Never once ______________(老两口互相争吵) since they were married 40 years ago. 语法:部分倒装1. 否定词提前,助动词提前;since现在完成时态 词汇: 老两口;争吵。四六级真题中翻译部分的词汇词组考点四六级真题中翻译部分的词汇词组考点词汇考点是针对六级大纲词汇表中的核心词汇的考查。比如说名词与动词搭配,形容词与名词搭配,、名词与介词搭配,更为重要的是常见的固定词组以及固定表达。 有趣的是:有些单词和词组在翻译部分反复被考察,比如“方便”,“归因于”,“本能”等等。四六级考试中词组的考点四六级考试中词组的考点四级大纲样题91 By contrast, American mothers were more likely____________________ (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent. 词组:attribute/ascribe… to… 引申:六级词综书p80/51; p111/65单词“方便”单词“方便”四级07-6-91 Please come here at ten tomorrow morning ______________(如果你方便的话). 四级07-12-90 I would prefer shopping online to shopping in a department store because ____________(它更方便和省时). 词组“遵守”词组“遵守”六级大纲样题75 The workmen think ________________________(遵守安全规则很重要). 词组:遵守 comply with; abide by; 引申:六级词综书p112/69 词组“nothing is –er/more than…”词组“nothing is –er/more than…”四级06-12-88 Since my childhood I have found that ___________(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力) 六级07-12-83 In handling an embarrassing situation, ____________(没有什么比幽默更有帮助的了). 词组“ adapt (oneself) to …”词组“ adapt (oneself) to …”四级06-12-87 Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to___(适应不同文化中的生活) 六级大纲样题73 To our delight, she________________ (进大学一个月就适应了校园生活). 单词“本能”和词组“依靠“单词“本能”和词组“依靠“2007年12月的六级考试85题 Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, _____________(而动物的行为主要依靠本能). 本题的考点为behavior, depend on/upon, instinct等基础词汇和固定词组的基本用法。单词“本能”和词组“依靠“单词“本能”和词组“依靠“巧合的是, 这里的“依赖、依靠”在紧接的后一次 2008年的6月的六级考试的第86题又出现了: _________________________(一个国家未来的繁荣在很大程度上有赖于)the quality of education of its people. 单词“本能”单词“本能”2007年的12月六级考试的第85题Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, while animal behavior depends mainly upon their instincts (而动物的行为主要依靠本能). 2008年12月20日的六级考试第83题 It was very dark, but Mary seemed to know which way to take by instinct.(本能地知道该走哪条路)词组“剥夺”;语法“虚拟语气第一种” 词组“剥夺”;语法“虚拟语气第一种” 2007年6月的六级考试的第84题 It is absolutely unfair that these children be deprived of the right to receive education(被剥夺了受教育的权利). 2008年12月20日的六级考试第84题 I don't think it advisable that parents deprive their children of freedom (剥夺孩子们的自由)to spend their spare time as they wish.非谓语动词非谓语动词 1 to do vs. to + doing Spend time/money in doing; have troubles in doing sth. nullaccuse sb. of doing sth. object to; contribute to; attribute tonullprefer A to B; preferable to sth. prior to; posterior to; superior to, inferior to; junior to; senior to nulladapt … to; adapt oneself to sth. entitle sb. to sth. ; access to sth. 非谓语动词非谓语动词doing vs. done -- 主动分词和被动分词基础语法-单复数问题基础语法-单复数问题单数可数名词 必须有冠词或者复数 冠词 a vs the There’s a Mary waiting for you outside. The Mary who is pretty is waiting for you outside.nullComputer, compete, complete Combine common, comment Connect, content, consent, contentPut in inputPut in inputAmbition ancient Imprison, innocent relief, grief, brief, believe, conceive, perceivewww. shnosbbs. comwww. shnosbbs. com句型固定搭配 Either … or…; Neither … nor… No sooner … than; Hardly… when Not only … but also…nullNot that…, but that… The more …, the more… …rather than … … in case (that) …Warm-upWarm-upSpecialists in intercultural studies says that it is not easy to _______(适应不同文化中的生活)。 adapt oneself to the life in different cultures.nullThe victim _____(本来有机会活下来)if he had been taken to hospital in time. could have a chance to survive/ could have survivednullSome psychologists claim that people _________(出门在外时可能会感到孤独). who are not home/ traveling out/ out of their hometown may feel lonely. null——————(为了挣钱供我上学),mother is working more than is good for her. In order to make money to send me to school/ finance my educationWarm-upWarm-upThe nation’s population continues to rise ______(以每年1200万人的速度). at the speed of 12 million per year. nullThe professor required that_____(我们交研究报告) by Wednesday. we hand in/ turn in/ submit a/the research report (s).nullNot only________(他向我收费太高), but he didn’t do a good repair job either. did he charge me to muchnull Even number 10 - 11 odd number Were I you, …; Had he finished the job, …null 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf :倒装 否定前置引起倒装;表语前置引起倒装; 虚拟语气引起倒装 nullThe more you explain, _________(我愈糊涂). the more confused I am. nullSince my childhood I have found that _____(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力). Nothing is –er /more … than… nothing is more attractive to me than reading nullSing dance pay have dinner/a cup of tea His body is very healthy. He is physically/mentally healthy. He is no longer dangerous.null72 If you had __________( 听从了我的忠告,你就不会陷入麻烦). followed my advice, you would not have been in trouble (put yourself into trouble)null73 With tears on her face, the lady________(看着她受伤的儿子被送进手术室). watched her injured son being sent into the surgery null74 After the terrorist attack, tourists ________(被劝告暂时不要去该国旅游). were/ have been suggested not to go to that country for now/ for the momentnullIt being Sunday, the library is closed. Knowing that he was sick, the teacher didn’t blame him for being latenull75 I prefer to communicate with my customers _______(通过写电子邮件而不是打电话). via/through/with emails instead of / rather than phone callsnull76 ____________(直到截止日期他才寄出) his application form. It was not until the deadline did he错误类型错误类型第一类 必须掌握的 1 主谓一致 they – do (are) it/he - does (is)null2 名词问题 A. 冠词和复数 B. a 和the C. 复数 D. 可数和不可数错误类型错误类型第一类 必须掌握的 3 代词一致 He hated failure, he has conquered it all his life, has risen above it, and despise it of the others. it; they 4 时态一致错误类型错误类型第二类 尽量改出来 5 固定搭配 More… than; one… another/the other No sooner …than; hardly … when; either or, neither nornull6 非谓语动词 doing vs. done; to do vs. doing 7 定语从句 what (the thing that), which, that null8 形容词和副词 形容词和名词的混淆;形容词和副词混淆 原级、比较级和最高级混淆 错误类型错误类型9 平行结构 and/or 10 熟悉的词组 even- even though/if; as- as though/if; used to do- be/get used to doingnull11 反义词 no; left/right, right/wrong; direct/ indirect; successful/ unsuccessful 12 关联词 null完形填空 语法考点: 定语从句 It is … that Prep. + ? …, ? What 从句 what = the thing that连接词和关联词连接词和关联词Since;As While, although, though Until; OncenullEven … more… than Nonetheless, nevertheless, whereas Therefore, besides, anyhow, somehow otherwise, unless nullServe, serve for room service observe, reserve, deserve, preserve Serve for; room service Observation, observatorynullI want to reserve a table for five. I am calling to make a reservation. Being reserved Natural Conserve(强调节约)/Preserve (强调保持)nullensure, assure, insure effective, efficient; effect, affect, affection adapt, adoptnullurgent, emergent; purpose, target; persist, insist; sign, signal; abolish, cancel, postpone decline, refuse, rejectnullconsiderable, considerate; continual, continuous; constant, consistent, incessant nulltransform, transmit, transact, transplant, transfer impress, express, compress, depress depression nullabide, adhere; conform, comply; consist, compose, constitute rise, arise, raise, arouse, rouse nullrequire, request; accident, incident; contribute, attribute anyhow, somehow超纲词超纲词大写专有名词 Himalayas;Alps; El Nino; Sri Lanka General Eisenhower; Churchillnullmad cow disease; the South Pole; foot and mouth disease; bird flu nullNative Americans; the Old Continent (continental, the Continent) the New WorldnullTsunami Big Bang BSE Bovine Spongiform; Encephalopathy nullTaikonaut cosmonaut, astronaut astrology, astronomy cosmos, cosmic
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