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新标准大学综合4 复习资料 新标准大学英语 综合教程 4 期末复习资料 摘要:1-7 unit test 词汇部分;active reading 2 的中文翻译。 爱德华 阿尔 2011/7/2 2011 新标准大学英语 综合 4 期末复习资料 by lez 2 Unit test 1 1.My little brother tends to the truth, so you can't believe everything he says at face value...

新标准大学综合4 复习资料
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His question came of the blue and caught me by surprise.---out Unit test 2 1.Can we the formalities and get right down to business? ---forego 2.The actress spoke in such a heavy northern that I could barely understand her. ---dialect 3.There's nothing left to do now but the results. ---await 4.I love going on vacation, but I always in a sea of work when I return. ---drown 5.After three huge successes, George became one of the most people in Hollywood. ---influential 6.There have been far too many disappearances in this town for my taste. ---mysterious 7.It drives me crazy that Steve can sit around and be when there's so much work to do! ---idle 8.His shifty eyes and smarmy personality do little to a trustworthy character. ---foster 9.She brings her lunch to work, but today she decided to eat out. ---normally 10.The of alcohol as an illegal drug will only make the problem worse. ---classification 11."Don't your little brother! Take him with you." ---exclude 12.It's difficult for someone of his to go out in public unrecognized. ---stature 13.My interview with a panel of professors is the only left before I earn my degree. ---obstacle 14.After years of , the old house on the corner was finally torn down. ---neglect 15.If you want to write a book about traveling in Europe, it's to have actually been there before. ---advantageous 16.I'm going to invest my money in Microsoft, and I strongly suggest you do . ---likewise 17.It is critical to your sources when you make an argument. ---cite 18.This month's bestselling novel has a(n) that is rarely seen in literature. ---originality 19.It's difficult to with people if you don't speak the same language. ---interact 20.It's common for politicians to use almost anything as against their opponents. ---ammunition 21.The toughest thing about moving away was when I had to part my book collection. ---with 22.The spring season, it were, doesn't really exist here since we go straight from winter into summer. ---as 23.Please leave me alone; I'm simply looking some peace and quiet. --- for 24.After looking at his old pictures, James longed go back to China. ---to 25.Just tell me the truth and don't toy my emotions! --- with 26.Mona decided to seek her biological parents after she found out she was adopted. ---out 27. the most part, I think the kids enjoyed our vacation this year. ---For 28.She picks up some extra money by being a tour guide the side. --- on 2011 新标准大学英语 综合 4 期末复习资料 by lez 4 29.I think the reason we're such good friends is because we have so much common. ---in 30.If you learn to look this class as an opportunity, you might not be so miserable. ---upon Unit test 3 ACBDA CBDBA ACBDA BCADC 1. Throughout history, many people have attempted to find the _____ secret to success, but relatively few have actually done it. a. elusive b. evasive c. illusory d. eloquent 2. It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved with the controversy since she is such a _____ part of the company. a. visibility b. risible c. visible d. visibly 3. "Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please consider absolutely everything to be at your _____." a. dispose b. disposal c. disposing d. disposed 4. The mountain climbers demonstrated a(n) _____ feat of selflessness when they turned around to help an injured stranger. a. advantageous b. gorgeous c. outrageous d. courageous 5. Many movie stars are notorious for wearing excessive amounts of expensive _____. a. jewellery b. jewels c. jewelers d. jewelling 6. Her novel successfully _____ an entire generation of young women to believe they could be whatever they wanted. a. emboldened b. embittered c. empowered d. embroidered 7. I'm not really a _____ of pop culture trends, so can you explain that reference to me? a. flower b. follower c. fellow d. fallowing 8. We just moved into town so we're still a little _____. a. unsettling b. settlers c. settled d. unsettled 9. The movie is fantastic, but you'll need to _____ your disbelief toward the end. a. upend b. suspend c. depend d. misspend 10. Don't _____ Jack's determination to do whatever it takes to win. a. underestimate b. overestimate c. estimate d. misestimate 11. As judge, I _____ over this courtroom and have the final say on all matters. a. preside b. reside c. presume d. resume 12. Please stay back! This is a _____ area! a. constricted b. districted c. restricted d. unrestricted 2011 新标准大学英语 综合 4 期末复习资料 by lez 5 13. The moon shone down and cast a _____ glow over the entire field. a. luminosity b. luminous c. luminal d. luminously 14. The state dinner is a _____ affair, so please dress appropriately. a. distinctive b. respectable c. dramatic d. formal 15. Stock prices rose _____ after the company publically announced its new product. a. dramatically b. magically c. loosely d. exclusively 16. The colonists began to form a _____ in response to the unfair taxes. a. rebel b. rebellion c. rebellious d. rebelling 17. After striking the iceberg, the ship quickly sank into the _____ depths. a. skinny b. preppy c. murky d. baggy 18. I'm not a good typist, so I find it easier to _____ all of my emails. a. dictate b. elucidate c. explicate d. exacerbate 19. To accommodate increased traffic, city planners are going to expand the _____of the highway. a. length b. height c. depth d. width 20. Let's be proactive and do something instead of just watching the situation _____. a. ameliorate b. collaborate c. deteriorate d. elaborate 21.Things didn't quite turn the way I expected, but I'm still happy with the result. ---out 22.You can't fool me; I'm wise the way things work around here. ---to 23.My question sparked much discussion in the group about right versus wrong. ---off 24.They didn't know it, but they were playing right our hands the whole time. ---into 25.Leslie broke her argument into three main points. ---down 26.It was pure luck that we chanced the fossilized remains of the dinosaur. ---upon 27.Our town was named the explorer who first discovered the nearby waterfall. ---after 28.After the ship sank, wreckage washed on shore for weeks. ---up 29.Some of the oldest headstones in the graveyard were completely worn so we couldn't tell whom they belonged to. ---away 30.The novel revolves a protagonist who is searching for a lost city of gold. ---around Unit test 4 1.We've been living in bliss ever since our wedding. ---marital 2.Sandra is going to study in Asia next semester. ---overseas 2011 新标准大学英语 综合 4 期末复习资料 by lez 6 3.It's critical that tests with material students are learning in the classroom. ---align 4.The lawyer spent all week trying to evidence against the suspect. ---compile 5.We can't afford to lose Thomas—he's our most employee. ---indispensable 6.Even though it was only a(n) wound, the cut was incredibly painful. ---superficial 7.Lori is an expert at using lies and flattery to the people around her and get what she wants. ---deceive 8.My puppy is notorious for the looks he gives when he's hungry. ---pathetic 9.Please the police if you see anything suspicious. ---notify 10.Unfortunately, the new regulations aren't with the law, so they'll need to change. ---compatible DBDBA BCAAB 11. Don't trust my brother, he's _____ to do or say anything. a. libel b. unreliable c. reliable d. liable 12. If you become a member, you'll have access to _____ deals and offers. a. inclusive b. exclusive c. reclusive d. elusive 13. I can teach any type of math, but I _____ in geometry. a. special b. specialty c. especially d. specialize 14. Winning the lottery is possible, but it's certainly not _____. a. probably b. probable c. probability d. probabilistic 15. We've been with the same bank for years, and I've never had a _____ about their service. a. complaint b. publicity c. restraint d. vanity 16. I want to wait until the stock market begins to _____ before I invest; it's just too volatile right now. a. decline b. stabilize c. increase d. neutralize 17. That actress is best known for her _____ laugh—it's like no other. a. familiar b. ordinary c. distinctive d. renowned 18. Schoolchildren are usually taught the importance of their national _____ very early. a. weather b. downturn c. savings d. heritage 19. It simply makes good _____ sense to save money for retirement. a. economical b. economics c. economist d. economy 20. After discussing the situation, Carlos and I came to a(n) _____ agreement with which we were both satisfied. a. communal b. independent c. mutual d. dual 21.Please put the gun, and we can talk about this calmly.---down 2011 新标准大学英语 综合 4 期末复习资料 by lez 7 22.She laid the paperwork on the table so she could finally get organized. ---out 23.Unfortunately, the new owner simply helped the situation go bad to worse.---from 24.Nicholas managed to carve a unique niche, and he got lots of customers because of what he could offer. ---out 25.After my husband lost his job, we were forced to cut back many things we didn't really need. ---on 26.Rent must be paid full by the 1st of the month. ---in 27.In the end, it all boils to who you know, not what you know. ---down 28.The sad truth is that far too many people simply scrape and live from day to day. ---by 29.After many profitable years, the economic downturn ultimately forced the company the red. ---into 30.I want everyone to pair with a classmate and act out this scene of the play. ---up Unit test 5 1.The poet gave an incredibly speech and brought many people to tears.---eloquent 2.What's the proper required for eating dinner with a prince? ---etiquette 3.My daughter shows a(n) curiosity not usual for someone so young. ---intellectual 4.I like the debate team at school because we always have such conversations. ---animated 5.What's your to go fishing next weekend? ---availability 6.Her brother was with their father's fortune after he passed away. ---entrusted 7.Sadly, my grandmother went through much of her life feeling like there was a(n) connected to her skin color. ---stigma 8.Don't question my decisions and my authority in front of the other employees! ---undermine 9.It's obvious that Kevin has amazing abilities since he's fluent in six languages! ---linguistic 10.The final score of the game was 20-3, making it a(n) unfair competition. ---decidedly CDABC ADBDC 11. Even if I don't win the award, it's still an honor to be a(n) _____. a. applicant b. champion c. nominee d. spectator 12. I see parents of twins and triplets and I can't imagine having _____ children at once. a. multiply b. double c. individual d. multiple 13. I'm one of two vice-presidents, and my _____ at the other office will be your main point of contact. a. counterpart b. supervisor c. subordinate d. employee 14. "Always be kind" is the _____ rule I expect my employees to live by. a. principle b. principal c. standard d. irrelevant 2011 新标准大学英语 综合 4 期末复习资料 by lez 8 15. His time in office was marked by _____ affairs and controversy. a. highbrow b. unemotional c. scandalous d. unintended 16. I became a partner in the law firm, _____ increasing my salary considerably. a. thereby b. hereby c. standby d. passerby 17. Choosing not to hire someone based on their race or sex is a textbook example of _____. a. discriminate b. discrimination c. discriminatory d. discriminator 18. Tony gets _____ if he drinks too much, and he's liable to hurt someone. a. peaceful b. hostile c. ambivalent d. apathetic 19. What was the suspect's _____ to kill Gene? a. motivate b. motivator c. motivation d. motive 20. After all these years, I still _____ that it wasn't my fault. a. portend b. attend c. contend d. pretend 21.She entrusted me managing the entire staff this week. ---with 22.They managed to catch the opposing player guard and score a goal. ---off 23.Tony has been described both a lover and a hater. ---as 24.Other the occasional cup of tea, I never drink caffeine. ---than 25.I think it goes saying that I want to go to college. ---without 26.Diane wrote an article to the effect men and women were equal in all respects. ---that 27.Let's rake the suspect's answers and see if we can find some clues. ---over 28.Please fill these forms and have a seat; someone will be with you shortly. ---out 29.Remember to take yard work account when you figure how much free time you have this weekend. ---into 30.It's not a good idea to make sarcastic comments your previous boss during a job interview. ---about Unit test 6 1.Our office building luckily had a(n) power supply to use when the electricity went out. ---auxiliary 2.There's not much of a(n) for the year's best movie, but there are a few good ones. ---selection 3.Unfortunately, she's had a(n) and her cancer has reappeared. ---relapse 4.Soldiers in the military quickly learn that their superior officers are often not very of differing opinions. ---tolerant 5.During wartime, there's usually a surge in as people rally together to support a common cause. ---nationalism 6.I've never had a friend quite so as my dog Rex. ---loyal 7.Mr. Sanford, I love your daughter and I'd like to ask for your permission to to her. ---propose 2011 新标准大学英语 综合 4 期末复习资料 by lez 9 8.We hired a company to come in and the mice from our basement. ---eradicate 9.The teacher slowly lost control of her students and let the class into a chaos of voices. ---degenerate 10.If you see anything suspicious, please report it immediately to one of the police officers. ---uniformed 11.I tend to live by the "Work hard, play hard." ---motto 12.The law states that people younger than 21 cannot drink beer, wine, or . ---liquor 13.Celebrities are often subject to the of public opinion, increasing and decreasing in popularity every day. ---tyranny 14.Last Saturday, we stood in line for an hour to get a cone from the ice cream . ---vendor 15.College students usually begin their first year with activities so they are familiar with their new environment. ---orientation 16. usually disagree about who they think the greatest world leader of all time is. ---Historians 17.If you'd like to the charges, please call the phone number for complaints. ---dispute 18.The physicist earned even more recognition when he won the Nobel Prize. ---renowned 19.Do you have any into why your employees are behaving so poorly? ---insight 20.After ten long years of holding a grudge against him, I think it's finally time to make . ---amends 21.Why did you interview for that job the first place?---in 22.Oh my goodness, these photos date to my college days. ---back 23.After our dog destroyed the living room couch, we packed him to obedience school. ---off 24.As soon as five o'clock rolled around, Maria took and went home. ---off 25.The book can be summed in one word: boring.---up 26.Can you get me of this assignment? ---out 27.The researchers were the brink of a major discovery. ---on 28.My ankle is still sore, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sit this game. ---out 29.The spare bedroom doubles my home office. ---as 30.The presidents talked about, other things, the peace treaty between their countries. ---among Unit test 7 CBDCA BDADC ACCDB ACDAC 1. I find jazz music _____ to rock and roll. a. prefer b. refer c. preferable d. referee 2. The city was closed off because of the _____, with people fighting in the streets and breaking into stores. a. disagreement b. riot c. complaint d. harmony 2011 新标准大学英语 综合 4 期末复习资料 by lez 10 3. Ballet dancers are characterized by their _____ movements.
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