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美国口语教程41-50 爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 1 Lesson Forty-One Aariculture and Industry What are the principal farm products in this region?这个地区主要的农产品是什么? pricipal 中学校长;主要的 rice 大米 wheat小麦 patato 马铃薯 Thanks to the warm and sunny weather, oranges grow very we...

爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 1 Lesson Forty-One Aariculture and Industry What are the principal farm products in this region?这个地区主要的农产品是什么? pricipal 中学校长;主要的 rice 大米 wheat小麦 patato 马铃薯 Thanks to the warm and sunny weather, oranges grow very well here.由于气候温和而多阳光,这里的柑橘 生长得非常好。 thanks to =because of 因为 orange 橙子 tangerine 桔子 apple 苹果 pine apple 菠萝 pear 梨 peach 桃 strawberry 草莓 blueberry 蓝莓 grape 葡萄 lemon 柠檬,次品 lichee 荔枝 longan 龙眼 coconut 椰子 peanut 花生 banana 香蕉 apricot 杏 plum 李子 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 cherry 樱桃 kiwi 奇异果 This car is a lemon. 这辆汽车是次品 This walkman is a lemon. 这个随身听是次品。 Go bananas。 疯狂。 In this flat country,people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle. 在这平坦的乡间,人们种植小麦和玉米, 并且养牛。 grow 种植 raise 养殖 crops 农作物 grow rice 种稻米 raise sheep 养牛 raise pigs 养猪 raise a dog as your pet,养狗做宠物 We’ve cut down a lot of trees to make room for farms. 我们砍伐了许多树木来给农场腾出空地。 cut down砍倒 cut off 切断 cut off the electricity 切断电源 cut off the water 切断水源 cut off the gas 切断煤气 make room of 给…让地方 I stood up to make room for this old man. 我站起来给老人腾出地方。 Milk,butter and cheese are shipped here from the dairy farms. 牛奶、黄油及乳酪是从榨乳农场运来这里 的。 milk 鲜牛奶 爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 2 yoghurt 酸奶 Let’s eat some yoghurt. soybeam milk 豆浆 butter 黄油 butterfly 蝴蝶 cheese 奶酪 ship 运输 These cars are shipped here from Japan.这些汽车是从日本运来的。 These fruits are shipped here from America.这些水果是从美国运来的。 At this time of the year ,farmers harvest their crops. 每年在这个时节,农民们收割庄稼。 No pains and no gains. 不劳无获。 Work hard and smart. 苦干加巧干。 New technologies have revolutionized agriculture. 新科技彻底改变了农业。 Internet has revolutionlized our life on line-shopping,email, on line-chatting.因特网通过网上购物、电子邮件和 网上聊天彻底改变了我们的生活。 This chemical plant hires both domestic and overseas professionals. 这个化工厂雇佣了国内和海外的专业 人员。 factory 工厂(所有) plant 工厂 chemical plant 化工厂 power plant 电厂 works 联合企业 steal works 钢铁厂 hill 作坊 paper hill 造纸厂 professionals 内行,专家 very capable 专业 devoted 敬业 New works must receive three months of training before going to work.新工厂在开始工作之前必须接受三 个月的 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 。 If you work in a factory,you ususlly have to punch a clock.。如果你在工厂上班,通常得打考勤卡。 usually通常 If you work in a government ,you usually have to go to a lot of meetings.参加很多会议。 If you work in a foreign company ,you usually have to work very hard. These who work extra hours will get on overtime pay.加班的人能得到加班工资。 Is it true that the paper mill has gone bankrupt?那家造纸厂真的已经破产了吗? Is it true that you are leaving?你真的要走了? Is it true that you quit? go public=be listed 上市 go bankrupt 破产 Biotechnology is widely,regarded as a booming industry. 生物技术被广泛认为是一个蒸蒸日上的产业。 Wish you a booming business. 祝你生意兴隆! Carmaker are introducing the most advanced technologies into their day-to-day operations.汽车生产正把 最先进的技术应用到他们的日常生产中去。 carmaker 汽车生产商 day-to-day 日常的 The government must adopt effective measure to control all kind of pollution. 政府必须采取有效措施来控 制各种污染。 adopt 采取,领养 adopt a child 领养孩子 affective 有效的 爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 3 efficient 生效的 measure 测量 pollution 污染 Lesson Forty-Two Likes and Dislikes What do you think of the winter weather here? 你认为这里冬天的天气如何? I+like/don’t like/dislike/love/hate/can’t stand+sb./sth/to do sth./doing sth. What do you think of your boss? What do you think of beijing? What do you think of your job? I don’t like driving. 我不喜欢开车。 What is it you don’t like about driving?你为何不喜欢开车? I don’t like its pullution. I don’t like its traffic. What is it you like Beijing?你为何喜欢北京? I like its culture environment. 文化环境 I like its culture atmosphere. 文化氛围 I like its plenty of work opportunities. 我喜欢它是因为有很多工作机会。 The thing I don’t like about driving is all the traffic on the road.我之所以不喜欢开车是交通太拥挤的缘故。 driving 开车,驾驶 driver’s licence 驾驶执照 traffic 交通 traffic jam 交通堵塞 traffic light 红绿灯 rush hour 高峰期 For me ,I can’t stand the heat in the summer. 就我而言,我受不了夏天的炎热。 For me , I can’t stand my boss,he is so bossy.就我而言,我受不了我的老板,他总是趾高气扬的。 For me , I can’t stand the noise,can you be quiet? I like Beijing. I don’t like Beijing. I love ping-pang. I love swimming. I hate other people’s being late. 我讨厌别人迟到。 I hate being late.我自己不想迟到。 I hate you.我讨厌你。 I can’t stand noise. For me , I can’t stand the coldness in winter. 对我而言,我受不了冬天的寒冷。 Do you enjoy playing sports in your free time.你喜欢在业余时间运动吗? free time =spare time I like to play tennis ,but I’m not good at it. 我喜欢打乒乓球,但不是很擅长。 I am(not) good at sth. I am good at math. I am good at english I am good at writing. I don’t like spinach even if it’s good for me. 我不喜欢菠菜,虽然它对我有益处。 I don’t like yoghourt even if it’s good for me. I’m afraid you’re being too particular about your food.我想你对食物也未免太挑剔了。 I’m afraid you’re dismissed. I’m afraid you’re late. I’m afraid you have no change.可怕你已经没有机会了。 picky 挑剔的 You are too picky about clothes. 你对穿的太挑剔。 爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 4 You are too picky about your food.你对吃的太挑剔。 cocky 骄傲的,自大的 My boss is very cocky. 我的老板很自大。 Cock your ears. 请注意听。 I am all ears.我洗耳恭听。 One ear in and one ear out 左耳进右耳出。 Jessie always finds fault with everything,and she doesn’t like anything I do or say. Jessie总是遇事吹毛求 疵,我所做的或所说的任何事情她都不喜欢。 Sahe finds fault with my work. She finds fault with me. I like american movies and I love science fictions in particular.我喜欢美国电影,尤其是科幻片。 I like english 900 in particular.我尤其喜欢英语 900句。 I like this teacher in particular. I like Shanghai in particular. I hate the taste of the medicine,but I took it anyway. 我不喜欢这药的味道,但我还是把它服了下去。 taste味道 sour酸 sweet 甜 bitter 苦 hot/spicy辣 salty 咸 sour and sweet 酸甜 sour and sweet chops 酸辣汤 taste 品味 You have a very good taste。 I have pool taste in classcal music.我对古典音乐不是太了解。 tasteful 有品味的 tasteless没品味的 tasteful book tasteful movie a tasteless job a tasteless person color 色 fragrance香 smell/taste 味 You have a wonderful taste in clothes. 你在衣着方面很有品味。 I feel like taking a walk this evening. 我想今晚去散步。 I feel like learning english in New Oriental School.我特别想去新东方学英语。 Ladies in general fancy fashionable clothes. 一般而言,女士都喜欢时髦的衣服。 in general 大体上,总的来说 In general this book is pretty good. 总的来说,这本 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 不错。 In general ,we are satisfied with your work. In general,this movie is just so-so.总的来说,这部电影不怎么样。 fancy 酷爱,喜欢 I fancy hot food.我喜欢吃辣的。 What’s your favorite pastime?你的业余爱好是什么? Lesson Forty-Three Job &Career job工作 part-time job 兼职 full-time job全职 爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 5 apply for a job 求职 take a job 得到一个工作 quit the job 辞掉这个工作 change my jobs 换了工作 tranfer 公司内部调动工作 Good job zhang! 张,干得真棒! It’s my job.这是我应该做的,这是我职责所在。 career 职业,事业 Do you have an opening for secretary? 你们这里有秘书的职位空缺吗? Do you have an opening for driver? for chaufeur司机 for lawyer律师 for engineer 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 师 for teacher教师 secretary 秘书 necessary 需要 often I’ve worked as an english translator for two years.我做英语 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 已经有二年了。 Have you got any work experience?你有工作经验吗? I’ve worked as a teacher for five years. I’ve worked as a secretary for three years. I’ve worked as a lawyer for a decade. What kind od work do you do?Are you a salesman?你是做什么工作的?你是推销员吗? salesman 销售人员,推销员 salesclerk 营业员,店员 piracy 盗版 Are you a teacher? professor engineer manager Are you a white collar?你是白领吗? white collar blue collar gold collar I’m a federal employee,I work for the state department. 我是联邦政府的职员,我在国务院工作。 department 部门 State Department (美国)国务院 Secratary of State 国务卿 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (中国)外交部 minister 部长 What do you want to do when you graduate? Have you decided yet? 你毕业后想做什么?决定了没有? As soon as I graduate,I’ll be a software engineer. 我一毕业,我会去当一名软件工程师。 software软件 hardware硬件 As soon as t graduate,I’ll be a bank clerk. As soon as I graduate,I’ll go abroad. Have you ever thought about a corner in the advertisement?你是否考虑过从事广告方面的职业? Have you ever thought about working in beijing? Have you ever thought about going abroad? Have you ever thought about buying another TV? I like writing,but I wouldn’t want it to be my life’s work.我喜欢写作,但不愿把它当终身的工作。 I like sports,but I wouldn’t want it to be my life’s work. I like music,but I wouldn’t want it to be my life’s work. 爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 6 Dave was just promoted to vice president of that multinational. 戴夫刚被晋升为那家跨国公司的副总裁。 promote v.晋升 promotion n. 晋升 chairman 董事长 board 董事会 director 董事 president 总裁 CEO= chief executive officer 首席执行官 director 总监 manager 经理 clerk职员 vice-副 vice-president/vice-manager 副总裁/副经理 assitant 助理 assistant manager/assistant president 助理经理/助理总裁 Dave was just promoted to assistant president. Dave was just promoted to diretor. Dave was just promoted to sales director.销售总监 My dad is a pilot with the airlines,he just retired.我爸爸是航空公司的飞行员,他刚刚退休。 pilot飞行员 air-hostess 空姐 airline 航空公司 retire 退休 He just retired He will retire next year, She is retired now。 Laowang is retired. Mary was transferred to the head office downtown. 玛丽被调到了市中心的公司总部。 head office=headquarters 总部 I work in the head office of HP. I work in the head office of Petroleum China. I have a good-paying job with excellent hours. 我有一份待遇优厚且时段好的工作。 salary 薪水(书面语) pay 薪水(口语) wage 周薪 working conditions 工作条件 benefits 公司福利 welfare 社会福利 training 培训 Mr Wilson has built up his own business, now he owns a tree agency. 威尔逊先生建立起了自己的事业,现 在他拥有了一家旅行社。 build up one’s own business own拥有 run经营 agency机构 travel agency 旅行社。 After a successful sareer in business,he was appointed ambassador to China.在商业上有所成就后,他被任 命为驻中国大使。 multinational 跨国公司 private enterprise/company 私营公司 state owned enterprise=SOE 国有公司 Joint-stock company 股份公司 爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 7 firm 事务所 law firm 律师事务所 auditing firm 审计师事务所 accountant firm 会计师事务所 accounting 会计 accountant 会计师 foreign company 外企 joint venture=JV 合资 Lesson Forty-Four Sports and Recreation Baseball is my favorite sports,what’s your favorite? 棒球师我喜欢的运动,你的爱好是什么? baseball棒球 basketball篮球 ice-hockey 冰球 american football 美式足球 soccer 英式足球 table tennis/pingpang 乒乓球 badminton 羽毛球 hockey 曲棍球 volleyball 排球 What do you like? I like fishing and hunting, but I don’t like swimming.我喜欢钓鱼何打猎,但我不喜欢游泳。 I like volleyball , but I don’t like basketball. I like walking,but I don’t like jogging. I like ping-pang,but I don’t like badminton. When you played football,what position did you play?你玩足球时打什么位置? position 位置 striker 前锋 mid-field 中场 defender 后卫 goal keeper 守门员 referee 裁判 coach 教练 head coach 主教练 My coousin is a soccer player,he is a striker. When I was on the track team,I used to run the quarter mile. 我过去在田径队时通常跑 1/4英里。 We played a soccer game yeasterday,the score was tied three-to-three.昨晚我们打了一场比赛,比分是三比三 平。 game比赛 Olympic Games 奥运会 Beijing 2008 Olympic Games北京 2008奥运会 logo 会徽 CI=corporate image 企业标示 China Seal中国印 calligraphy/handwriting 书法 opening ceremony开幕式 closing ceremony闭幕式 master of ceremony 司仪,主持 march-in入场式 greece 希腊 host country 东道主国家 爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 8 host city 东道主城市 IOC= international Olympic Games 国际奥委会 I want to a boxing match last night,it was a goood night. 昨晚我去看了一场拳击比赛,打得很精彩。 boxing拳击 judo柔道 sumo 相扑 karate 空手道 taewondo 跆拳道 martrial art/wushu 武术 tai ji 太极 surfing 冲浪 wrestle 摔跤 tug of war 拔河 fencing 击剑 yoga 瑜伽 mah-jong 麻将 cricket 板球 score 比分 tie 平局 The score was two to two The score was two to 0=two to nothing=two to nil 比分是二比零。 My favorite winter sports is skiing, 我爱好的冬季运动是滑雪,我属于一个滑雪俱乐部。 I belong to a ski club. skiing化学 skating 滑冰 snowball flight 打雪仗 make snowman堆雪人 belong 属于(没有被动语态) I belong to New Oriental School. This book belongs to me. This camera belngs to us. Swimming is one of the best all-round exercise,it keeps me in good shape.游泳是最好的全身锻炼,它能让我 们保持良好的体形。 shaping club舍宾俱乐部 Would you like to go to the horse race this aftenoon?今天下午你有兴趣去看赛马吗? horse race 赛马 moto race 赛车 motorbile race 赛摩托车 Would you like to go to the basketball game? Would you like to go to the ping-pang game? This morning ,we went to the gym for a workout ,we lifted weights.今天早上,我们去体育馆锻炼身体,我 们练习了举重。 gym=gymnasium 体育馆 capital gym 首都体育馆 stadium 室外体育场 workers stadium 个人体育场 Our family went camping last summer,so we had to buy a new tent. 今年夏天,我们全家去露营,所以我们 不得不买了一个新帐篷。 go camping 去野营 hiking 徒步旅行 tent 帐篷 The hardest thing to learn is be a good loser. 最难的莫过于学会做一个好的输家。 爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 9 My muscles are sore from bowling.我的肌肉由于打保龄球而酸疼。 bowling 保龄球 pool 台球 golf高尔夫球 green + oxyen+leisure+foot=golf 绿色+有氧+休闲+步行 muscle man 健美先生 muscle woman 健美小姐 The Olympic Games takes place every four years.奥运会每四年举行一次。 summer Olympic Games夏奥会 winter Olympic Games.冬奥会 Lesson Forty-Five Giving Advice Could you give me some advice for this interview ?能就这次面试给我一些建议吗? interview 采访,面试 job interview 求职面试 If I were you, I’d dress up and be well-mannered. 如果我是你,我会穿正装并表现得彬彬有礼。 If I were you ,I would … If I were you ,I’d stay in Beijing. If I were you,I’d give up this chance.如果我是你,我就放弃这次机会 提建议: 上级对下级:You’d better do sth. You’d better not do sth 各种情况均可:I suggest 好朋友之间:Why don’t you why not 下级对上级:You might as well do sth 你不妨做什么 You’d better get up early You’d better leave here. You’d better stay home. You’d better not stay up.别熬夜。 You’d better not believe his words.别信他的话。 I suggest you speak English everyday. I suggest you read this article carefully. Why don’t you take a plane? Why don’t you take a vacation? Why not taday? You might as well tell me your decision. You might as well listen to my advice. You might as well take a trip there. 回答: 接受:Thank you,I’ll take your advice. 不接受:Thank you ,but that’s not my style. Thank you ,but I have no time. Thank you ,but I’m not intrested in this. 需要考虑:I need to think about it. It’s only a suggestion,and you can do what you please.那只是个建议而已,你可以照你的乐意的去做。 advice建议(不可数名词) a piece of advice. 一条建议 If you want my advice ,I don’t think you should go. Thank you and I need to think about it. My feeling is that you ought to stay home tonight. Why don’t you take a plane? 爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 10 It’s none of my business,but I think you should work harder. 这不管我的事,不过我认为你应该更加努力才是。 do business 做生意 businessman/business person生意人。 Mind your own business。少管闲事。 Business is business.公事公办。 In general,my reaction is favorable. 大体说来,我的反馈是正面的。 In general,we do like this city. 总体说来,我们都喜欢这个城市。 Thanks for the advice,but I have to figure it out myself. 谢谢你的忠告,不过我得自己来考虑这件事。 Let me give you a litte fatherly advice.让我给你一些慈父般的忠告。 Let me give you a little motherly advice.慈母般的 brotherly 兄弟般的 sisterly 姐妹般的 friendly 朋友般的 If you don’t like it ,I wish you would say so.如果你不喜欢它,我希望你就直说好了。 If you don’t take my advice,you’ll be sorry.如果你不接受我的建议,你会后悔的。 sorry=feel regretful 后悔 Please don’t take offense,I just want to tell you what I think. 请别动怒,我只是想告诉你我所想的而已。 take offense=get very angry 动怒 He won’t pay attention to anybady,you’re just wasting your breath.他对谁都不加理会,你不过是白费口舌。 Please pay atttention to this sentence,because it’s a key point.请注意这句话,它是重点。 Lesson Forty-Six Country and Nationality What’s your nationality?are you American?你是什么国籍?你是美国籍吗? Are you English? Brithish/French/Japanese/German/two Germans 英国人/法国人/日本人/德国人/2个德国人 I’m an American by birth,I’m from Florida.我是土生土长的美国人,我来自佛罗里达。 by birth 土生土长 birthday 生日 birthplace 出生地 overseas Chinese 华侨 I’m a Chinese by birth. He is an Indian by birth. I’m not a Chinese by birth,I’m an overseas Chinese.我不是土生土长的中国人,我是华侨。 What’s your nationality?你是什么民族? I’m Han people.我是汉族 I’m Bai people.我是白族 I am Muslim.我是穆斯林。 I am Tibetan.我是藏族。 people 可数名词 民族 Where do you come from?你来自哪里?I am from beijing.我来自北京。 You are Beijing local.你是北京人呀。 You are cantonese.你是广东人呀。 cantonese广东话 mandayin 普通话 dialect方言 Let’s speak Shanghai dialect. accent口音 I speak mandrin with Chongqing accent. 读音:slow snow need leed lock knock 爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 11 very well victory vegetable vanilla I was born in Spain,but I’m a citizien of France.我在西班牙出生,但我是法国公民。 I was born in China. I was born in American. Spain西班牙 Spanish西班牙人 citizen 公民 netizen 网民 newbie 菜鸟(指计算机上网能力) netbug 网虫 Britain 英国 the common wealth 英联邦 Canada加拿大 Canadian加拿大人 Australia澳大利亚 New Zealand新西兰 Holland荷兰 tulip 郁金香 wooden shoes 木鞋 wind mill 风车 gay男同性恋 lesbian 女同性恋 drug 毒品 pot 大麻 window girl 橱窗女郎 Italy 意大利 Rome罗马 Rome wasn’t built in a day.冰冻三尺非一日之寒。 When in Rome,do as rome’s do.入乡随俗。 All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。 Vatican梵蒂冈 Singapore新加坡 Malaysia.马来西亚 Thailand泰国 Ladyman 人妖 Buddhism 佛教 monk和尚 Wbat’s the population of Japan?日本的人口有多少? What’s the population of the world? What’s the population of China. 1.3billion one point five According to the latest census ,our population has increased.根据最近一次人口普查,我们的人口已经增加 了。 Our population keeps the same.我们的人口保持不变。 Our population has decreased.我们的人口减少了。 What’s the area of canada in square kilometer?加拿大的面积有多少平方公里? What’s area of china? nine point six five million square kilometers. Politically this country is divided into fifty states .政治上这个国家被划分为五十个州。 China is divided into 32 provinces,qutonomic region and municiplity. 爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 12 province省 autonomic region自治区 municipality直辖市 Beijing municipality Beijing is divided into 18 districts. Who’s the governor of this state?这个州的州长是谁? rose 玫瑰花 bald eagle 白头鹰 national anthem 国歌 national flag 国旗 Today they celebrate their independence day.it’s a national holiday. 今天他们庆祝独立纪念日,这是全国性 节日。 New york city is the world financial center.纽约是世界金融中心。 Wall Street华尔街 Hongkong is the asian financial center.亚洲金融中心 Shanghai is the economic center of china. 中国经济中心 Our country is rich in natural resource,we have many mineral deposits.我们国家拥有丰富的自然资源,有 很多矿藏分布。 human resource 人力资源 HR manager 人力资源经理 HR department 人力资源部 mineral water 矿泉水 be rich in 富有 Oranges are rich in Vitamin C China is rich in human resoures/mineral deposits be short of短缺 Beijing is short of water. This nation is noted for its rapid economic growth.这个国家以经济快速增长而闻名。 be noted for=be famouse for 以…闻名 China is noted for its old culture. 中国以她的古老文化闻名。 My hometown is noted for its good weather. Lesson Forty-Seven Newspaper and Magazine read newspaper read a magazine read a book watch TV watch a game watch movie see sb. visit sb If you subscribe to the morning paper,it’ll be delivered to your door.如果你订阅晨报,会送报上门。 subscribe (to) 订阅 It’ll be delivered to your door. 送货上门 If you buy this TV set , it’ll be delivered to your door. If you buy this fridge,it’ll be delivered to your door. I don’t read the whole paper; I just glanced at the headlines. read读 glance at 快速浏览 newspaper=paper 报纸 爱思英语 - http://www.24en.com 13 I just glanced at the contests of the book. I just glanced at the contests of the report. headlines标 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 front page 头版 The headlines appear on the first page. A4 A4版 paper A 4 A 4 版面 page 页(版) The newspaper has 20 pages.这份报纸有 20版(页)。 This magazine was put out every week. 这本杂志是每周出版的。 week wake醒来 put out=publish 出版 weekly 周刊 The newspaper was put out every day. daily每日刊 semimonthly 半月刊 quarterly 季刊 special edition 专刊 boxnews 花边新闻 花絮 press conference记者招待会(大) news briefing记者招待会(简单的) I often read this paper because it’s very informative. 我经常读这份报纸,因为它的信息量很大。 informative 信息量大的 information信息 IT=information technology 信息技术 I often read this paper because it’s very interesting. There are around 8000 daily newspaper worldwide.全世界大约有 8000种日报。 There are 50 employees in our company. There are 3 people in this street. around=about 大约 worldwide全世界 What’s the total circulation of this journal? 这份期刊的总发行量是多少? circulation 循环,发行量 blood circulation 血液循环 The circulation determines the price of adversement.发行量决定广告的价格。 The report on this scandal appeared on the front-page of the Washington Post. 这桩丑闻的报道出现在 《华盛顿邮报》的头版。 I’m looking for the classified section.Have you seen it?我正在找分类栏,你看到了吗? section 栏 classified section分类小广告栏 I’m looking for my gloves.Have you seen it? I’m l
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