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翻译——再创作艺术nullnull翻译---再创作艺术Reproduction & TranslationSee Textbook Chapter 18ContentsContentsnull学生课后作业展示 Students’ Presentation(For 30minutes)null Students’ Presentation 3-6 students For 30 MinutesnullAnalysis of Homework After Presentationnull你知道中国最有名的人是谁? 提起此人,人人...

nullnull翻译---再创作艺术Reproduction & TranslationSee Textbook Chapter 18ContentsContentsnull学生课后作业展示 Students’ Presentation(For 30minutes)null Students’ Presentation 3-6 students For 30 MinutesnullAnalysis of Homework After Presentationnull你知道中国最有名的人是谁? 提起此人,人人皆晓,处处闻名。他姓差,名不多,是各省各县各村人氏。你一定见过他,一定听过别人谈起他。差不多先生的名字天天挂在大家的口头,因为他是中国全国人的代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 。 Do you know who is the most well-known person in China? The Name of this person is a household word all over the country. His surname is Cha and his given name is Buduo, which altogether mean “About the Same.” He is a native of every province, every county and every village in this country. You must have seen or heard about this person. His name is always on the lips of everybody because he is supposed to be representative of the whole Chinese nation.【译文A】null你知道中国最有名的人是谁? 提起此人,人人皆晓,处处闻名。他姓差,名不多,是各省各县各村人氏。你一定见过他,一定听过别人谈起他。差不多先生的名字天天挂在大家的口头,因为他是中国全国人的代表。Do you know who is the most famous person in China? Talking about this person, he is known to all. He is surnamed Al and named Most, born in every province, every county and every village. You certainly have seen him and surely heard of others mentioning him. The name of Mr. Almost is on everyone’s tongue every day, for he is the representative of all Chinese people.【译文B】null差不多先生的相貌和你和我都差不多。他有一双眼睛,但看得不很清楚;有两只耳朵,但听得不很分明;有鼻子和嘴,但他对于气味和口味都不很讲究。他的脑子也不小,但他的记性却不很精明,他的思想也不很细密。 Mr. Cha Buduo has the same physiognomy as you and I. He has a pair of eyes, but doesn’t see clearly. He has a pair of ears, but doesn’t hear well. He has a nose and a mouth, but lack of a keen sense of smell and taste. His brain is none too small, but he is weak in memory and sloppy in thinking.【译文A】null差不多先生的相貌和你和我都差不多。他有一双眼睛,但看得不很清楚;有两只耳朵,但听得不很分明;有鼻子和嘴,但他对于气味和口味都不很讲究。他的脑子也不小,但他的记性却不很精明,他的思想也不很细密。 Mr. Almost looks like you and me. He has a pair of eyes, but he can’t see clearly; he has two ears, but he can’t hear distinctly; he has a nose and a mouth, but he doesn’t mind the smell or the taste. He has a rather big brain, but his memory is not so shrewd and not precise, either. 【译文B】null【译文A】他常常说:“凡事只要差不多,就好了。何必太精明呢?” 他小的时候,他妈教他去买红糖,他买了白糖回来。他妈骂他,他摇摇头说:“红糖白糖不是差不多吗?” He often says, “Whatever you do, it’s OK to be just about right. What’s the good of being precise or accurate?” One day, when he was a child, his mother sent him out to buy her some brown sugar, but he returned with some white sugar instead. As his mother scolded him about it, he shook his head and said, “brown sugar or white sugar, aren’t they about the same?”null【译文B】他常常说:“凡事只要差不多,就好了。何必太精明呢?” 他小的时候,他妈教他去买红糖,他买了白糖回来。他妈骂他,他摇摇头说:“红糖白糖不是差不多吗?” He often says, “In doing anything, it’s better to be almost; why should we be so shrewd? When he was young, his mother told him to buy brown sugar, but he bought white sugar instead. His mother cursed him, but he shook his head and said, “Aren’t brown sugar and white sugar almost the same?”null【译文A】他在学堂的时候,先生问他:“直隶省的西边是哪一省?”他说是陕西。先生说:“错了。是山西,不是陕西。”他说:“陕西同山西,不是差不多吗?” One day in school, the teacher asked him, “Which province borders Hebei on the West?” He answered Shaanxi. The teacher corrected him, “You are wrong. It’s Shanxi, not Shaanxi.” He retorted, “Shaanxi or Shanxi, aren’t they about the same?”null【译文B】When he was in school, his teacher asked him, “What province lies to the west of Zhili province?” He said that it was Shaanxi. The teacher said, “You are wrong. It’s Shanxi, not Shaanxi.” But he said, “Aren’t Shaanxi and Shanxi almost the same?”他在学堂的时候,先生问他:“直隶省的西边是哪一省?”他说是陕西。先生说:“错了。是山西,不是陕西。”他说:“陕西同山西,不是差不多吗?” null【译文A】 差不多先生差不多要死的时候,一口气断断续续地说道:“活人同死人也差……差……差不多,凡事只要……差……差……不多……就……好了,何……何……必……太……太认真呢?”他说完了这句格言,方才绝气了。When Mr. Cha Buduo was about to breathe his last, he uttered intermittently in one breath, “Live or die, it’s about … about …the same… . Whatever we do …it’s OK … to be …just …just about right… .Why… why…take it … so seriously?” As soon as he finished this pet phrase of his, he died.null【译文B】 差不多先生差不多要死的时候,一口气断断续续地说道:“活人同死人也差……差……差不多,凡事只要……差……差……不多……就……好了,何……何……必……太……太认真呢?”他说完了这句格言,方才绝气了。When Mr. Almost was dying, he said at his last gasp discontinuously, “Living man and dead man are al……mo……st the same. In……doing……every……thing it’s better to ……be almost ……the ……same. Why sh……should we be so……so……strict?” After he said this proverb, he took his last breath. 翻译--再创作艺术 Reproduction Art翻译--再创作艺术 Reproduction Artnull1. 誊录或抄写 2. 再创作CONTENTSnull誊录或抄写Transcription or Copynull 很多外行(layman)对翻译都存在着误解,总认为学好了外语, 只是把源语言转换成目标语,写出来就可以了。 堂吉诃德说翻译“好比誊录和抄写”。我想这是因为他对欧系语言以外的其他语言并不是真正的了解所致罢了。在同一欧系语言之间翻译时,的确存在“好比誊录和抄写”的现象。null1. We haven’t gone out because of rain. (英) Nous n’avons pas pu sortir à cause de la pluie. (法) 因为下雨,我们没有出去。(√) 2. We haven’t gone out because it rains. (英) Nous n’avons pas pu sortir parce qu’il pleuvait. (法) 因为下雨,我们没有出去。(√) 我们没有出去, 因为(它)下雨。 (X) (汉语因果关系,都是先有因后有果)比较下列英、法、汉语句子 null3. you have received my letter, haven’t you? (英) Vous avez reçu ma lettre, n’est-ce pas? (法) 您收到我的信了吧。(√) 您收到我的信,不是吗?(X) 4. Have you received my letter? (英) Est-ce que vous avez reçu ma lettre? (法) 您收到我的信了吗? (√) null5. It was three o’clock of the morning when people woke me up. (英) Il était trois heures du matin quand on me réveilla. (法) 清晨三点,人们把我叫醒。 6. It was so hot that all the people should open the windows. (英) Il faisait une telle chaleur que l’on dut ouvrir toutes les fenêtres. (法) 天气很热,人们得打开窗子。(√) 天气如此地热,以致于人们得把窗子打开。(X) null7. The vacation terminated, we are back to the university. (英) (分词短语) Les vacances terminées, nous sommes revenus à l’université. (法) (分词短语) 过完假期,我们回到学校。 8. He accomplished his task to the general satisfaction. (英) Il accomplit sa tâche à la satisfaction générale. (法) 他完成了他的任务,大家都满意。(√) 他任务完成得使大家够很满意。(X) null 9C. 【法语】La plupart des gens, à Paris, habitent des apartments, mais nous, nous habitons en banlieue, dans une petite maison. Elle n’est ni grande ni très petite. Elle comprend quartre pièces. Il y a un jardin devant la maison. Nous y cultivons des fleurs: des roses, des pivoines, et des tulipes. (法语) 9B. 【英语】 Most of the people in Paris live in apartments, but we live in the suburb in a small house. It is neither big nor too small. It has four rooms. There is a garden before the house. There we cultivate some flowers: roses, peonies, and tulips 9A. 【汉语】巴黎的大多数人都住公寓,但是我们住在郊区的一栋小房子里。这套房子既不大也不太小,有四个房间。房屋的前面有一个花园,我们在花园里种了一些花:有玫瑰花、有牡丹花,还有郁金香 。null 10A. 初冬的天,灰黯而且低垂,简直把人压得吁不出一口气。前天一场雪还给居民一些明朗,但雪后的景象可不堪了!峭寒的北风将屋檐瓦角的雪屑一起卷到空中,舞过一个圈子以后都极友善地向路人脖颈里钻。街道为恶作剧的阳光弄成泥淖,残雪上面画着片片践踏的痕迹。It was early winter. The gloomy and low sky made one feel suffocating. A fall of snow a couple of days before had brought to the city dwellers a touch of brightness, but now what an ugly scene reigned! The raw wind sent the snow on the tile along the eaves whirling in the air in tiny bits and adroitly making its way down the necks of the pedestrians步行者by way of their collars. The streets had become slushy by exposure to the prankish戏弄的, 恶作剧的sun, and the thawing融化snow was dotted with traces of footsteps. (Translated by Zhang Peiji) null 10B. 初冬的天,灰黯而且低垂,简直把人压得吁不出一口气。前天一场雪还给居民一些明朗,但雪后的景象可不堪了!峭寒的北风将屋檐瓦角的雪屑一起卷到空中,舞过一个圈子以后都极友善地向路人脖颈里钻。街道为恶作剧的阳光弄成泥淖,残雪上面画着片片践踏的痕迹。Early winter day, gloomy and low, made people feel out of breath. The day before yesterday’s snow had brought to the dwellers some brightness, but the scenery after snow was unbearable! The northern wind roll the snow crumbs on the tile and the eaves into sky and enter into the necks of the pedestrians after a circle dance. The streets had become slushy by the mischievous sun, and the thawing 融化 snow was painted with traces of footsteps. (good or not good) null 11A. 飞机由一个熟悉的方向飞来了,洪大的震响惊动了当地的居民。他们脸上各画着一些恐怖的回忆。爬在车辙中玩着泥球的孩子们也住了手,仰天望着这只奇怪的蜻蜒,像是意识出一些严重。及至蜻蜓为树梢掩住,他们又重新低下头去玩那肮脏的游戏了。 (萧乾《古城》) A plane appeared out of the blue from a direction only too familiar to the local inhabitants, roaring to the alarm of everybody, on whose face was written memories of some previous horrors. Kids, who had been crawling about over ruts 车辙 playing a game of small clay balls, now stopped to look up at the strange dragonfly in the sky, subconsciously feeling that something ominous恶兆的, 不吉利的was going to happen. However, they soon lowered their heads again to bury themselves in the messy game as soon as the dragonfly disappeared from view behind the treetops. (Translated by Zhang Peiji)null 11B. 飞机由一个熟悉的方向飞来了,洪大的震响惊动了当地的居民。他们脸上各画着一些恐怖的回忆。爬在车辙中玩着泥球的孩子们也住了手,仰天望着这只奇怪的蜻蜒,像是意识出一些严重。及至蜻蜓为树梢掩住,他们又重新低下头去玩那肮脏的游戏了。 (萧乾《古城》) A plane flew from a familiar direction, the roaring sound frightened the local people. On their face was drawn with the recall of some terrors. Kids, who had been crawling about over tracks playing clay balls, stopped to look up at the strange dragonfly in the sky, aware of something serious. Until the dragonfly disappeared from the treetop, they lowered their heads again to play the messy game.(good or not good)null 通过上面的示例,我们可以很清楚地看出,欧系语言之间的翻译有时是可以誊录和抄写,但当做英语和汉语之间的翻译时,已不能简单地进行誊录和抄写了。null 翻译是一种心智活动,翻译过程中,无法完全免于创作。当你在翻译时,遇到一个摸棱两可的字和词时,有素养的译者常常会想到多种不同的译法,面对这样的选择时,译者就必须根据上下文的需要字斟句酌,且依赖自己敏锐的直觉,这种直觉就带着译者进入创作的境地。null翻译是再创作Reproduction Processnull 余光中老先生在《变通的艺术》一文中这样写到:“如果说,原作者是神灵,则译者就是巫师,任务是把神的话传给人。翻译的妙旨,就在这里:那句话虽然是神谕,要传给凡人时,多多少少,还是要用人的方式委婉点出,否则那神谕仍留在云里雾里,高不可攀。译者介于神人之间,既要通天意,又得说人话,真是 ‘左右为巫难’ ”。null“Keep clear of the dupes that talk democracy And the dogs that bark revolution, Drunk with talk, liars and believers, I believe in my tusks. Long live freedom and damn the ideologies,” Said the gamey black-maned wild boar Tusking the turf on Mal Paso Mountain 摘自“The Old Wolf’s Lair(窝)” Robertson Jeffers, the Californian poet 【例 1】英译汉null余光中译: “管他什么高谈民主的笨蛋, 什么狂吠革命的恶狗, 谈昏了头啦,这些骗子和信徒. 我只信自己的长牙。 自由万岁,他娘的意识形态,” 黑鬣的野猪真有种,他这么说, 一面用长牙挑毛巴索山的草皮。 “Keep clear of the dupes that talk democracy And the dogs that bark revolution, Drunk with talk, liars and believers, I believe in my tusks. Long live freedom and damn the ideologies,” Said the gamey black-maned wild boar Tusking the turf on Mal Paso Mountainnull张干周译: “甭管他,扯谈民主的傻瓜, 吠叫着,闹革命的狗帮, 一群惑众的骗子和走狗, 叫昏了他们的脑瓜。 我只坚信自己的尖牙。 自由万岁, 让他们的意识形态去死吧,” 黑鬣的野猪一边高歌, 一边用尖牙翻起巴索山的草坡。 “Keep clear of the dupes that talk democracy And the dogs that bark revolution, Drunk with talk, liars and believers, I believe in my tusks. Long live freedom and damn the ideologies,” Said the gamey black-maned wild boar Tusking the turf on Mal Paso Mountainnull江雪 柳宗元 千山鸟非绝, 万径人踪灭。 孤舟蓑笠翁, 独钓寒江雪。【例 2】汉译英null许渊冲译: Fishing in Snow From hill to hill no bird in flight; From path to path no man in sight. A lonely fisherman afloat Is fishing in lonely boat. null美国著名诗人Gary Snyder译: River Snow These thousand peaks cut off the flight or birds On all the trails, human tracks are gone. A single boat — coat — hat — an old man! Alone fishing chill river snow. nullWitter Bynner 译: River Snow A hundred mountains and no bird, A thousand paths without footprint; A little boat, a bamboo cloak, An old man fishing in the cold river-snow. null吴钧陶先生 译: The Snow-bound river O’er mountains and mountains no bird is on the wing; On thousand lines of the path-ways there’s no footprint. In a lone boat on the snowbound river, an old man, In palm-bark cape and straw hat, drops his angle string. null 张干周 译: River in Snow Peaks over peaks with no flying birds, Paths after paths with no human footprints. An old man in palm-woven rain coat, Fishing in snow on a lone boat. null中国古诗有节奏。其节奏主要是通过汉字特有的声调表现出来的。传统汉语中的声调有四:平、上、去、入。平声称“平声”,上、去、入三声统称仄声。平声与仄(zè)声结合起来反复出现,就是中国诗歌的节奏。如一首五言绝句,其最常见的节奏是: 仄仄平平仄,平平仄仄平。 平平平仄仄,仄仄仄平平。 null 英文没有平声、仄声之分,但有重读轻读音节之分,其节奏是通过重读音节与轻读音节表现出来的。一个重读音节与一个或两个轻读音节按一定的模式搭配起来,有规律地反复出现就是英文诗歌的节奏。 null 但翻译中的创作,不是抛弃原作所进行的自我改写、妄造甚或漏译。见下面艾克尔所译李白《月下独酌》。 null月下独酌 李白 天若不爱酒,酒星不在天。 地若不爱酒,地应无酒泉。 天地既爱酒,爱酒不愧天。 已闻清比圣,复道浊如贤。 圣贤既已饮,何必求神仙? 三杯通大道,一斗合自然: 但得醉中趣,勿为醒者传。 这首诗,是李白称颂饮酒的一篇热情奔放的宣言书,是其一生中对酒的最高礼赞。酒为天地而设,酒为圣贤而存,酒是“通大道”,“合自然”的不二法门。这种李白独悟的“酒中趣”,就是他所孜孜追求的率情任真,不累世俗,自由解放的理想境界,就是他借酒而造设的心灵天国。nullIf Heaven itself did not love wine, Then no Wine Star would shine in the sky. And if Earth also did not love wine, Earth would have no such place as Wine Fountain. Have I not heard that pure wine makes a sage, And even muddy wine can make a man wise? If wise men and sages are already drinkers, What is the use of seeking gods and fairies? With three cups I understand the great Way, With one jar I am at one with nature. Only, the perceptions that one has while drunk Cannot be transmitted after one is sober. 艾克尔译null 对照原诗,可以发现该译稿中存在“天地既爱酒,爱酒不愧天”两句漏译。 最后两句的英文意思是“只是一个人醉时的种种感觉,无法在醒后向人述说”,则完全不符合李白的原意。 所以,我试着翻译如下:nullIf Heaven itself liked no wine, No Wine Star would glitter in the sky. If Earth itself liked no wine, On Earth the place of Wine Fountain should not lie. Now that both Heaven and Sky like wine, No shame should be mine for love of wine. I have heard of sage out of clear wine, And thick wine can make a man wise and fine. If wise men and sages have been drinkers, What would be the reasons to beg the Lord and Heaven? Three cups lead right to the Babel, One jar merges me into nature well. The delight I enjoyed while drunk, Those who are sober can never tell. 张干周译nullIf Heaven itself liked wine little, No Wine Star in the sky would twinkle. To wine if Earth would say no, On Earth the Wine Fountain should not be named so. Now both Heaven and Sky like wine, No shame for love of wine should be mine. I have heard clear wine could make a great sage, And thick wine can make a man wise and fine. If wise men and sages have been drinkers, What would be the reasons to beg the Lord and Heaven again? Three cups lead me right to the highway, One jar merges me into nature in a sway. The delight and joy in drunk state, Whoever are sober can never say. 张干周译nullI want to give you a promise, but I'm afraid this promise would hold you back, and not give you freedom. So I decided to give you myself. You are always in my heart, so if you want to fly, you can fly. If you want a dream, go and get your dream, but I wish you remember whenever you come back, you have a home. and I’ll be waiting for you.英译汉 举例null 想要给你个承诺,又怕牵绊了你的自由。 所以我想决定,把自己给你。 唯你永在我心中, 你若想飞,便放你去飞, 你若有梦,便大胆寻梦, 但想请你记住,无论何日是归期, 这里有个家,家里有个人,等你……  借用他人翻译 (直译)null想给你承诺, 却怕你受到羁绊而从此失落。 于是,决定给你全部的我, 并在心中给你留下一个永远冰封的王座。 想飞,你就飞吧, 可别跌的血流头破; 有梦,你去寻吧, 但别寻得失魂落寞。 我希望你记住,无论何时想回头, 这里总有个温暖的窝, 窝里有一个永远等你的的我。张干周改译null课堂作业 Exercises in Classnull【练习1】诗人歌颂理想,不出于理智的判别,不出于刹那的幻想而为由人性的深奥处所开掘者。诗人是人类的灵魂的探险家。他不能满足有不能被他透视的隐蔽的真实。 光明藏在黑暗的下面。诗人是光明的嗜好者,也是黑暗的嗜好者。诗人对于一切,不取躲避的态度。诗的自身便是最高的勇敢。 诗人读别人的作品,只是要从别人中看见自己,不含有下级的研究的意味,研究的懒惰者偷窃的勾当。 行为的本身是创造的,人不能够偷窃别人的行为。诗人站在人类的上面,同时又站在人类的下面。但他决不与庸众妥协,委蛇而行。 诗人是敏感的,社会是跛脚的,真的诗人必不为社会所了解。诗人所明见的未来时代的真实,在社会是疯狂者的呓语。 (高长虹《诗人》)null【练习1--分析】诗人歌颂理想,不出于理智的判别,不出于刹那的幻想而为由人性的深奥处所开掘者。诗人是人类的灵魂的探险家。他不能满足有不能被他透视的隐蔽的真实。 The poets sings praises of ideals, ideals not judged by rationality or whimsicality 异想天开, 随心所欲, but by what is explored at the depth of human nature. He is an explorer of the human soul. He never rests contended until he uncovers the truth that has been obscured from him. null光明藏在黑暗的下面。诗人是光明的嗜好者,也是黑暗的嗜好者。诗人对于一切,不取躲避的态度。诗的自身便是最高的勇敢。 诗人读别人的作品,只是要从别人中看见自己,不含有下级的研究的意味,研究的懒惰者偷窃的勾当。 Light hides underneath the dark. The poet has preference for the dark as well as for light. The poet dodges躲避 nothing in the world. Poetry itself is the highest from of heroism. He reads others’ works, in order to see himself in better light. It is not that he is in any sense an inferior researcher or a shameful plagiarist 剽窃者, 文抄公.null 行为的本身是创造的,人不能够偷窃别人的行为。诗人站在人类的上面,同时又站在人类的下面。但他决不与庸众妥协,委蛇而行。 Doing is creating. One cannot steal what others are doing. The poet stands above mankind and, at the same time, he stands below mankind, but he can never come to term or get along with the mob 暴徒. null 诗人是敏感的,社会是跛脚的,真的诗人必不为社会所了解。诗人所明见的未来时代的真实,在社会是疯狂者的呓语。 The poet is sensitive, but society is awkward. A true poet is never understood by society. The truth that lies ahead as predicted by the poet is regarded by society as crazy talk.null月下獨酌 李白 花間一壺酒 獨酌無相親 舉杯邀明月 對影成三人 月既不解飲 影徒隨我身 暫伴月將影 行樂須及春 我歌月徘徊 我舞影零亂 醒時同交歡 醉後各分散 永結無情遊 相期邈雲漢 月下独酌 李白  花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。 月既不解饮,影徒随我身。 暂伴月将影,行乐须及春。 我歌月徘徊,我舞影零乱。 醒时同交欢,醉后各分散。 永结无情游,相期邈云汉。  【练习2】nullA pot of wine among flowers. I alone, drinking, without a companion. I lift the cup and invite the bright moon. My shadow opposite certainly makes us three. But the moon cannot drink, And my shadow follows the motions of my body in vain. For the briefest time are the moon and my shadow my companions. Oh, be joyful! One must make the most of Spring. I sing–the moon walks forward rhythmically; I dance, and my shadow shatters and becomes confused. In my waking moments we are happily blended. When I am drunk, we are divided from one another and scattered. For a long time I shall be obligated to wander without intention. But we will keep our appointment by the far-off Cloudy River.    Florence Ayscough & Amy Lowell 译 1921Drinking Alone in the MoonlightnullWith a jar of wine I sit by the flowering trees. I drink alone, and where are my friends? Ah, the moon above looks down on me; I call and lift my cup to his brightness. And see, there goes my shadow before me. Ho! We’re a party of three, I say,– Though the poor moon can’t drink, And my shadow but dances around me, We’re all friends to-night, The drinker, the moon and the shadow. Let our revelry be suited to the spring! I sing, the wild moon wanders the sky. I dance, my shadow goes tumbling about. While we’re awake, let us join in carousal; Only sweet drunkenness shall ever part us. Let us pledge a friendship no mortals know, And often hail each other at evening Far across the vast and vaporous space! Three with the Moon and his Shadow Shigeyoshi Obata小畑薰良译, 1922 nullFrom a pot of wine among the flowers I drank alone. There was no one with me– Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon To bring me my shadow and make us three. Alas, the moon was unable to drink And my shadow tagged me vacantly; But still for a while I had these friends. To cheer me through the end of spring . . . I sang. The moon encouraged me. I danced. My shadow tumbled after. As long as I knew, we were boon companions. And then I was drunk, and we lost one another. . . . Shall goodwill ever be secure? I watch the long road of the River of Stars. Drinking Alone with the Moon              Witter Bynner 译, 1929(?) nullHolding a jug of wine among the flowers, And drinking alone, not a soul keeping me company, I raise my cup and invite the moon to drink with me, And together with my shadow we are three. But the moon does not know the joy of drinking, And my shadow only follows me about. Nevertheless I shall have them as my companions, For one should enjoy life at such a time. The moon loiters as I sing my songs, My shadow looks confused as I dance. I drink with them when I am awake And part with them when I am drunk. Henceforward may we always be feasting, And may we meet in the Cloudy River of Heaven. Drinking Alone under Moonlight              Robert Payne, 1958 nullAmidst the flowers a jug of wine– I pour alone lacking companionship, So raising the cup I invite the moon, Then turn to my shadow which makes three of us. Because the moon does not know how to drink My shadow merely follows my body. The moon has brought the shadow to keep me company a while, The practice of mirth should keep pace with spring. I start a song and the moon begins to reel, I rise and dance and the shadow moves grotesquely. While I'm still conscious let’s rejoice with one another, After I'm drunk let each one go his way. Let us bind ourselves fo
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