首页 剑桥少儿英语一级课堂笔记



剑桥少儿英语一级课堂笔记 Unit 1 What's your name? 1. What's your name (please)? My name is Andy / Liu / Dehua. I am Andy / Liu / Dehua. 英文名首字母大写;汉语名姓首字母大写,名首字母大写。 2. 介绍朋友:I am → I'm be 动词 am are is (是,在) he is → he's she is → she's ...

Unit 1 What's your name? 1. What's your name (please)? My name is Andy / Liu / Dehua. I am Andy / Liu / Dehua. 英文名首字母大写;汉语名姓首字母大写,名首字母大写。 2. 介绍朋友:I am → I'm be 动词 am are is (是,在) he is → he's she is → she's 记忆歌:我用am it is → it's 你用are we are → we're is跟着他、她、它 they are → they're 复数一律用长are 3. How old are you? I am 7(Yours old). 4. Boy's name: Ted Jeff… Girl's name: Kelly Meg… 5. ① come [kʌm] 来 →(反) go [ɡo] 去 ② Let's play. 让我们玩。 △ Let's = Let us + do (动词原形). ③ It's time to get up. △ time [tɑim] 时间 get up 起床 It's time to do. 6.* Mr. [mistə] 先生 + 姓氏 (在学校中有“老师”的意思。) Miss [mis] 小姐 + 姓氏 (在学校中有“老师”的意思。) You are… 你是……。 7. 标点符号不同 汉语 英语 省略号 …… … 书名号 《 》 无书名号,或用斜体字 顿号 、 无顿号,用逗号“,” 句号 。 . 8. Come in, please. 请进。 close →(反) open Go to school. 上学。 don't = do not 不要 be late [leit] 晚的,迟到 learn [lə:n] 学习,学会 again and again [ə'ɡein] 一次又一次地 9. What's your name? (你的) My name is… I am… What's his name? (他的) His name is… He is… What's her name? (她的) Her name is… She is… 10. 语音 a [æ]: Dan bag mat cap e [e]: Ben pen leg neck Unit 2 What's this? 1. What's this? this →(反) that What's that? =>It's a …(当该句用于询问字母时,答句中无“a”,即It's “B”.) What's this in(△用) English? It's a … 2. ① letter ['letə] 字母,信 letter“A” ② jump [ʤʌmp] v. 跳 ③ A a B b C c D d E e F f G g [ei] [bi:] [si] [di:] [i:] [ef] [ʤi:] H h I i J j K k L l M m N n [eiʧ] [ɑi] [ʤei] [kei] [el] [em] [en] O o P p Q q R r S s T t [əu] [pi:] [kju:] [ɑ:] [es] [ti:] U u V v W w X x Y y Z z [ju:] [vi:] ['dʌblju:] [eks] [wɑi] [zi:][zed] △ have [hæv] do [du:] who [hu:] to [tu:] 3. which [wiʧ] 哪一个 right [rɑit] 右边;正确的,对的 too [tu:] 也(句末) (与to, two是同音异形词) handbag 手提包 schoolbag 书包 4. 句子 陈述句 This is a bag. 变疑问句把脖子提到前面去 Is this a bag? Yes, it is. That is a book. Is that a book? No, it isn't. 一般疑问句用yes或no来回答:Yes, it is.或No, it isn't.。答句的最后一个词用问句的第一个词。 课文 What's this? It's letter “A”. Who’s jumping? Boy A is jumping. Hello Lucy, Which is letter “Bb”? This is letter “Bb”. Which is letter “Mm”? This is letter “Mm”. Yes, you’re right. Hello, Nick. Is this a bag? Yes, it is. Is that a bag too? No, it isn't. It’s a handbag. Yes, you’re right. Unit 3 What colour do you like? 1. colour (color) ① v.(动词) 涂颜色 Colour the book blue. ② n.(名词) 颜色 orange yellow black red pink green white brown blue purple indigo grey(gray) △ dark [dɑ:k] 深色的 light [lɑit] 浅色的 I like (颜色) black. I don't like white. look vi.(不及物动词) 看 + at e.g.: Look at Miss Yang. what about 怎么样 2. 对话 A: What's this (in English)? B: It's a/an book. A: What colour is it? B: It's blue. A: Do you like blue? B: No, I don't. A: What colour do you like? B: I like… 3. they → them 他们 发出动作:they 承受动作:them I've got… = I have got… lots [lɔts] of 许多 a lot of 许多 4. 颜色的用法:① be ~: It's pink. ② ~ n.: It's a pink shirt. 5. shoes pencil umbrella banana book apples bike flowers cat clock tree bee pen dog mouse umbrella ['ʌmbrelə] 雨伞 an clock [klɔk] 钟 6. A and B make C. (A, B, C = colour) Red and green make black. 红和绿形成黑。 7. and用最后两者之间。 Unit 4 How many ducks are there? 1. how many ① (多少),可数名词的数量 ② + 可数名词 (pl.) 复数 2. 可数名词单数→复数 ⑴ 在词尾加s。 pen → pens ⑵ 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词加es。 bus → buses box → boxes watch → watches brush → brushes ⑶ 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i,再加es。 (y → ies) baby → babies boy → boys ⑷ 以f, fe结尾的词,变f, fe为v,再加es。 (f →ves) (fe → ves) leaf → leaves knife → knives ⑸ 以辅音加o结尾的词(外来词、缩写词除外)加es。 negro ['neɡrəu] → negroes hero ['hiərəu] → heroes potato → potatoes tomato → tomatoes mango → mangoes 一个黑人英雄坐在土豆地里,手里拿着西红柿吃芒果,多有意思。(es) 下列词除外, photo → photos kilo → kilos ⑹ 特殊变化: ① oo → ee foot → feet tooth → teeth goose → geese ② a → e man → men woman → women ['wimin] ③ mouse → mice louse → lice ④ sheep → 不变 deer → 不变 people → +s peoples 民族 不变 people 人 fish → 不变或加es fish 或 fishes ⑤ child → children ox → oxen 3. 有 have 某人有某物 there be 某处有某物 there is (are) + 存在物 + [存在的地点] There is a pen on the desk. 桌子上有笔。 There are two boys in the classroom. 教室里有两个男孩。 4. be →is 可数单数/不可数 →are 可数复数 △ 如果存在物是多种东西时,按“就近”原则选be。 5. 复数一定是可数名词,不可数名词没有单复数之分。 6. butterfly ['bʌtəflɑi] 蝴蝶 bear [bɛə] 熊 hippo ['hɑipəu] 河马 ……的…… 加“'s” e.g.: Miss Yang's… beautiful ['bju:təfəl] 美丽的 homework 家庭作业 7. sh [ʃ] she shoe ch [ʧ] chick chair ① look vi + at + 物 look! ② here [hiə] 在这里 →(反) there [ðeə(r)] 在那里 ③ I don't know. 我不知道。 know → no (同音异形) ④ count [kɑunt] 数数 ⑤ 数字:one → ten eleven twelve 13 → 19 ~ teen (thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen) Unit 5 Have you got any fish? 1. ① have [hæv] 有 I have a book. have got 有 I have got a book. ② some [sʌm] 一些 I have got some books. any ['eni] 一些 Have you got any books? some 用于肯定句;any用于疑问句,否定句。 ③ fish [fiʃ] 鱼 可数名词 条数:复数不变 fish → fish 种类:复数变 fish → fishes 不可数名词:鱼肉 2. riding go bike riding. (ride →riding) go v. –ing go fish →go fishing 在go后面把动词变成 –ing 形式,表示去做……。 3. radio ['reidiəu] 收音机 picture ['pikʧə] 图片,照片 camera ['kæmərə] 照相机 bookcase [bukeis] 书柜,书架 colour ①颜色 ②深颜色 colour + sth + 颜色 oo [u] ① foot [fut] [u:] ② food [fu:d] 4. Are you boy? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. Is this a pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Can you sing? Yes, I can. No, I can't. Do you like green? Yes, I do. No, I don't. Have you got a fish? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. 一般疑问句需要用yes或no来回答。 在回答一般疑问句时,答句的最后落脚点与问句的开头词是同一类词。 Unit 6 Has he got a teddy bear? 1. 单三形式:单数的第三人称或第三人称单数形式 第一人称→我,我们 第二人称→你,你们 第三人称→他,他们 人名和物名(我的书) 单三主语有:she, he, it, Rose(单独的人名) the book(物名)等。 如果句子中出现单三形式,have → 变has She has got a book. 她有一本书。 She has a book. 例如(e.g.):第一人称 I have got a chair. →变问句 Have you got a chair? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. →变否定句 I haven't got a chair. 第三人称 She has got a book. 她有一本书。 →变问句 Has she got a book? 她有一本书吗? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't. →变否定句 She hasn't got a book. 2. teddy bear ['tedi] [bɛə] 泰迪熊(玩具) I have got a teddy bear. He has got a teddy bear. Has he got a teddy bear? ↗ Yes, he has. No, he hasn't. but [bʌt] 但是 —and coconut ['kəukənʌt] 椰子 computer ['kəmpju:tə] 电脑 too 用于句末,表示“也”。 e.g.: I'm a boy, he's a boy too. 3. 助动词 do Does who's got = who has got bat [bæt] 蝙蝠,球棒 肯定式 I have a book. = I have got a book. 否定式 I don't have a book. = I haven't got a book. 助动词(否定式) do not = don't does not = doesn't 肯定式 She has a book. = She has got a book. 否定式 She doesn't has a book. = She hasn't got a book. ↓(还原)只能一个词表示单三 She doesn't have a book. = She hasn't got a book. 用于单三否定时,doesn't和has都表示单三,所以has应还原为have,即:has变have,使句子中只有一个词表示单三。 ① We have got some flowers. We have some flowers. 否 We haven't got any flowers. We don't have any flowers. ② She has got a bike. She has a bike. 否 She hasn't got a bike. She doesn't have a bike. 4. an apple a red apple u [ʌ] cupboard ['kʌbəd] 壁橱 number [nʌmbə] Unit 7 Our family 1. our [ɑuə] 我们的 (同音异形 hour [ɑuə] 小时 an hour 因为h不发音,所以用an) family ['fæmili] 家庭 families (pl.) 家人(多) family (pl.) father ['fɑ:ðə] mother ['mʌðə] brother ['brʌðə] sister ['sistə] uncle [ʌnkl] aunt [ɑ:nt] This is my family. This is my father, he is…years old. 2. 数字:eleven twelve 13~19 -teen [ti:n] 20, 30…90 -ty hundred ['hʌndrəd] 一百(前加one或a) 11~19 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 20~90 twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 3. family photo ['fəutəu] 全家福 (photo → photograph) look + at + 物 4. grand [ɡrænd] (隔一辈) grandmother = grandma grandfather = grandpa 5. be for 是给……的 The book is for Fed. 6. hip [hip] (欢呼声) hooray ['hu:rei] (欢呼声) go away 出去 ① holidy ['hɔlədei] 假日 ② song [sɔη] 歌曲 ③ lovely ['lʌvli] 可爱的 ④ guitar [ɡi'tɑ:] 吉它 ⑤ help [help] 帮助 help sb. do sth I help Miss Tang learn English. help sb. to do sth I help Miss Tang to learn English. 7. o [ɔ] box sock dog [əu] nose those close 8. 人名后 + 's 表示:……的 e.g.: Tom's family. Unit 8 Who is the winner? 1. revision: ⑴ What's your name? My name is… I'm… ⑵ How old are you? I'm…years old. ⑶ How many pencils are there in the pencil-box. There's 1. There are 2. ⑷ What's this? It's a… ⑸ How old is your father? He's 36. ⑹ What colour is it? It's… What colour(s) are they? They are… ⑺ How many people are there in your family? ⑻ What are these? They're… ⑼ Which is the pen? This is the pen. ⑽ Have you got a…? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Has he got a…? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't. ⑾ This is a pen. → (变复数形式) These are some pens. 2. turtle [tə:tl] 乌龟 present ['preznt] 礼物 park [pɑ:k] 公园 telephone ['telifəun] 电话 doctor [dɔktə] 医生 watermelon ['wɔ:təmelən] 西瓜 cherry ['ʧeri] 樱桃 grape [ɡreip] 葡萄 3. i —开 [ɑi] bike five —闭 [i] big wh —[w] white —[h] + o who whose row [rəu] n. 横排 What row are you in? I am in Row One. v. 划(船) Row a boat. merry ['meri] 快乐的 Merry Christmas 圣诞节快乐 Unit 9 What's your favourite fruit? 1. ① favourite [fei'vəreit] adj. 最喜爱的 My favourite food. n. 最喜欢的(人或物) My favourite is my mother. 我最喜欢的人是妈妈。 前面用“某人的” e.g.: your favourite book ② fruit [fru:t] 水果 ③ food [fu:d] 食物 ④ drink [ʤiηk] n. 饮料 drink some drink 喝点饮料 v. 喝 drink some milk 喝点牛奶 2. fruit:(可数):watermelon apple pear pineapple coconut banana grape lemon orange mango plum peach cherry kiwi [ki'wi:] 弥猴桃 strawberry food:(可数):hamburger sandwich hotdog cake sausage ['sɔseiʤ] egg biscuit pie (不可数):beef rice bread pizza noodles ice cream fish meat drink:(不可数): tea milk water coffee  juice [ʤu:s]果汁 7-up 饮料 coke 可口可乐 lemonade [lemə'neid] 柠檬汁 3. 句型: ① What's your favourite food? (代表类别) ② My favorites food is beef.(不可数) My favorites food is burgers.(可数名词复数)(pl.) ③ I like… (pl.) ④ Apples are my favourite fruit. 4. let's = let us let's + do go out 出去 come in 进来 there be: 有 there are / is 有 lots of = a lot of 许多 beautiful ['bju:təfəl] 漂亮的 5. fruit un (不可数名词) fruits (种类) 6. long [lɔη] 长的 →(反) short [ʃɔ:rt] 短的 like + n.(形式) I like Miss Yang. + to(do) (原形) I like to run. + doing I like running. go to school 上学 at 7:00(时刻) at 12:30 have = eat = drink for lunch [lʌnʧ] 午餐 also ['ɔ:lsəu] 也 (用于句中,放在be后) too [tu:] 也 (用于句末) 7. 物主代词:my your his her our their ……的 物主代词 + n 8. a [ei] cake game face snake Unit 10 Do you want an orange or a pear? 1. want [wɔnt] 想要 + n. I want a book. + to do I want to play. or [ɔ] 或者,还是 Do you like red or green? Do you want an apple? ↗ Yes, I do. No, I don't. Do you want an apple or a pear? ↘ I want a pear. It is a pencil-box. → Is it a pencil-box? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Is it a pencil-box or a pencil-bag? It's a pencil-box. I can see a bird. → Can you see a bird? Yes, I can. No, I can't. Can you see a bird or a mouse? I can see a bird. 2. ⑴ juice lemonade 不可数 果汁 柠檬汁 ⑵ 一些 some (陈述句) any (疑问句,否定句) Do you want some bread? 用some希望得到肯定回答。 ⑶ too 也 There's an egg, too. (句末) also 也 They also love me. (句中 be ~ ~ v.) too用于句末;also用于句中,用在be动词后面,实动词前面,一句当中动词最重要。 I am a teacher, too. I am also a teacher. I also like English. ⑷ a, an 一个 a 用在辅音音标开头词前 an 用在元音音标开头词前 a pear a university [ֽju:ni'vɜ:səti] 大学 an apple an hour [əuə] 小时 ⑸ ar [ɑ] car farm garden 3. 把陈述句转换成一般疑问句,再变成选择疑问句。 I like red. Do you like red? Do you like red or green? Unit 11 Look at this tall man. 1. look at Look at Miss Yang. tall [tɔ:l] adj. 高的 →short [ʃɔ:t] adj. 短的,矮的 short adj. 短的 →long [lɔη] adj. 长的 big [biɡ] adj. 大的 →small [smɔ:l] adj. 小的 adj. (形容词) ……的 用法:① be + adj. 形容词放在be动词后面。 The pen is long. My mother is tall. ② adj. + n. (名词) 形容词放在名动词前面,修饰名词。 I have a small nose. These are big trees. 2. this [ðis] 这 →(复数)these [ði:z] 这些 that [ðæt] 那 →(复数)those [ðəuz] 那些 This is a book.(变成复数形式的句子)Those are some books. 3. see(同音异形词)sea Touch your nose. touch your + 身体器官(hair, head, ear, eye, nose, mouth, face, neck, arm, hand, lag, foot, toe, heel) I have a (adj.) … (介绍自己有一个……) I have got a (adj.) … 缩写:I've got… tail [teil] 尾巴 round [rɑund] 圆的 clock [klɑk] 钟表 snake [sneik] 蛇 4. What is she? (询问某人的职业)她是干什么的? She is a… (回答用职业) What are you? 你是干什么的? I'm a student. 5. ee [i:] bee sheep tree 6. hair 整体:不可数 My hair is black. 个体:可数 There are some hairs on Miss Yong's head. pretty ['priti] adj. 漂亮的  [多修饰人(女)] beautiful (主要修饰物 此两词同意) Unit 12 Whose bike is it? 1. whose [hu:z] 谁的 whose + n. 单 Book is it? 复 Books are they? they're ① They're Lily's. ② They're Lily's book. ③ They're my + n.. 物主代词:my your his her its our their (代)的 2. Whose book is it? ① It's Rose's. ② It's Fred's book. ③ It's his book. Whose tables are they? 物主代词:① my your his her its our your their + n. ② mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 不能加名词 ① 形容词性物主代词 ② 名词性物主代词 e.g.: This is our teacher. (我们的) This teacher is ours . 3. new →(反)old I'm sorry = sorry → It doesn't matter. maybe ['meibi:] 也许 (句首) trousers ['trəuzəz] 裤子 (永远处理成复数) trousers = pants pl. My trousers are blue (be). This pair of trousers is blue. a pair of trousers 一条 Unit 13 What's for breakfast? 1. meal [mi:l] 餐 breakfast ['brekfəst] 早餐 lunch [lʌnʧ] 午餐 supper ['sʌpə] 晚餐 → 晚 ← dinner ['dinə] snack [snæk] 间食,小吃,夜宵,零食 注:一日三餐前无冠词,均用for。 2. What's for breakfast? I have/eat… What's for lunch? What's for supper? … I have/eat…for breakfast. I have bread for breakfast. We're got…for breakfast. We're got bread for breakfast. 3. ⑴ mother: Mum, Mom, Mummy ⑵ That's great. 太好了,太棒了 great [greit] 好的,棒的,伟大的 the Great Wall 长城 ⑶ they I →发出动作用 them me →承受动作 ⑷ goodness ['ɡudnis] 天地 goodness (口语) my goodness ! = my god! = my! 我的天啊! Thank goodness. 谢天谢地 ⑸ What's your favourite food? My favourite food is 可数(复) 不可数 可数(复)数are my favourite food 不可 is I like to do (to eat) doing (eating) ⑹ best [best] 最 like…best 最喜欢…… ⑺ French fries [frenʧ, frɑiz] 薯条 ⑻ chicken ['ʧikən] 鸡肉 ⑼ carrot ['kærət] 胡萝卜 凡是肉类都不可数 4. What's in the box? 注:① what's + 地点? 这个地方有什么? ↓ ② be → is look(不及物动词)= have a look 看一看 thank you = thanks 谢谢 you're welcome 不客气 5. time [təim] 时间 读法:① 5:00 five five o'clock 整点 ② 3:30 three thirty 5:05 five five What's the time? 几点了? What time is it? 6. look 强调动作:看 see 强调结果:看见 What's the time? = What time is it? => It's 5:45. is having (have) 正在吃 is drinking (drink) 正在喝 a glass of milk 一杯牛奶 be doing 动作正在发生 e.g.: I am playing… 我正在玩……。 We are eating… 我们正在吃……。 glass [ɡlɑ:s] 杯子 => 不可数名词可数化 a glass of milk 一杯牛奶 after ['ɑ:ftə] 在……后(时间) go to school 上学 a lot of = lots of — many — much 7. kind [kɑind] n. 种类 a kind of 一种 kinds of 多种 all kinds of 各种各样的 jam [ʤæm] 果酱 would like ( = want like ) 想要 (用法一样) ① + n. I want milk. I would like milk. ② + to do I want to play. I would like to play. 8. What's for breakfast on…? Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日 => ① 首字母大写 ② 无冠词the ③ on ~ 在…… ④ What day is it today? 今天星期几? It's Sunday. 今天星期日 => What's for breakfast on Monday? I have burger for breakfast on Monday. Unit 14 By bus or by bike? 1. traffic tools: bus bike = bicycle car taxi train plane motorbike [‚məutə'bəik] ship [ʃip] boat [bəut] helicopter ['helikɔptə] subway = under ground => ① by bus = ② on a bus = ③ on the bus = ④ on buses (用于句尾) 2. 同意句转换 I go to Beijing by… I go to the zoo by… I go to shool (go home) by… I take (搭乘) a bus to + 地点 I ride (骑) a bike to +地点 I walk (走) to +地点 by bus ※ on foot 步行 e.g.: I go to school by bus. I take a bus to school. I walk to the park. I go to the park on foot. I go home by bike. I ride a bike home. 口语:① Do you go to school on foot? 你是走着上学? Yes, I do. No, I don't. ② Do you go to school by bus or by bike? I go to school by bus. ③ How do you go to school? I go to school by bus. 3. ① still [stil] 依然,仍旧 ② wait [weit] v. 等待 wait for… 等待…… ③ how do you go to ④ bookstore ['bukstɔ:] 书店 ⑤ want to do e.g.: I want to be a… ⑥ ay [ei] play day may 4. 疑问句 一般疑问句 用升调提问的问句,需要用yes或no回答 选择疑问句 特殊疑问句 反意疑问句(附加) 5. 一般疑问句,需要用yes或no来回答,用升调提问。 陈述句变成一般疑问句 ① 含有be (am, is, are) 动词的句子,将be提前,第一人称变第二人称,第三人称不变。 e.g.: I am a girl. → Are you a girl? There is a book on the table. → Is there a book on the table? They are friends. → Are they friends? ② 含有情态动词can的句子,将情态动词提前。 e.g.: We can see a bird. → Can you see a bird? She can sing a song. → Can you sing a song? ③ 含有实义动词(行为动词)的句子,找与实义动词对应的助动词,将
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