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暮光之城 Twilight (2008) 英汉字幕台词


暮光之城 Twilight (2008) 英汉字幕台词暮光之城 Twilight (2008) 英汉字幕台词 I'd never given much thought to how I would die. 我从没多想过我会怎样死去 But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. 但为心爱的人而死,似乎是个不错的方式 So I can't bring myself to regret the decision to leave home. 所以我不能后悔我做了离家的决定 ...

暮光之城 Twilight (2008) 英汉字幕台词
暮光之城 Twilight (2008) 英汉字幕台词 I'd never given much thought to how I would die. 我从没多想过我会怎样死去 But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. 但为心爱的人而死,似乎是个不错的方式 So I can't bring myself to regret the decision to leave home. 所以我不能后悔我做了离家的决定 I would miss Phoenix. 我会想念凤凰城的 I'd miss the heat. 我会想念那里的热浪 I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother. 我会想念我那善变而又粗心大意的妈妈 Okay. 好吧 - Renee, come on. - And her new husband. 和他的新丈夫 Guys, come on. I love you both. We got a plane to catch. 拜托,我爱你们,但我们要赶飞机呢 But they want to go on the road, so I'm gonna spend some time with my dad, 但他们要出行 所以我要跟我爸住上一段时间 and this will be a good thing. 这是件好事 I think. 我认为 When the thorn bush turns white That's when I'll come home I am going out to see what I can sow And I don't know where I'll go In the state of Washington, 在华盛顿州 under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, 在乌云骤雨下 there's a small town named Forks. 有一个叫福克斯的小镇 Population, 3120 people. 人口3120 This is where I'm moving. 我要搬去这个地方 My dad's Charlie. 我爸叫查理 He's the chief of police. 他是位警官 Curse the powers that be Cause all I want is... Your hair's longer. 你头发长了 I cut it since the last time I saw you. 上一次见你后就没剪过了 Guess it grew out again. 长得挺快 I used to spend two weeks here almost every summer, 我以前每个夏天都在这里住上两个星期 but it's been years. 但那是很多年前的事了 I've cleared some shelves off in the bathroom. 我把架子从浴室里拿走了 Right. One bathroom. 是,只有一个浴室 It's a pretty good work lamp. 这个台灯挺不错的 The sales lady picked out the bed stuff. 销售小姐帮我挑了个好的 You like purple, right? 你喜欢紫色,对吗? Purple's cool. 紫色挺好的 Thanks. 谢谢 Okay. 好 One of the best things about Charlie, 查理的其中一个优点是 he doesn't hover. 他不缠人 Heard you guys coming all the way down the road. 听到你车的声音了 Good to see you. 见到你真好 - Bella, you remember Billy Black. - Yeah. - 贝拉,你记得比利布莱克吧? - 记得 - Wow, you're looking good. - Well, I'm still dancing. - 你精神很好啊 - 我还能跳舞呢 I'm glad you're finally here. 真高兴你过来了 Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming. 查理知道你要过来后,嘴就没停过 All right, keep exaggerating. I'll roll you into the mud. 你再这么扯我把你推进泥浆里 After I ram you in the ankles. 那我先撞断你的腿 - You want to go? - Yeah. - 你来真的吗? - 对 Bring it. 放马过来 - Hi, I'm Jacob. - Hey. - 嗨,我叫雅各布 - 嗨 We used to make mud pies when we were little. 我们小时候一起玩过家家的 Right. No, I remember. 对,我记得 Are they always like this? 他们总是那么好玩吗? - It's getting worse with old age. - Good. - 老了就没那么能玩了 - 嗯 So, what do you think? 怎么样? Of what? 什么? - Your homecoming present. - This? - 你的回家礼物 - 这个? - Just bought it off Billy here. - Yep. - 刚从比利那里买的 - 对 - I totally rebuilt the engine for you. - Come on. - 我把引擎重新装好了 - 拜托 Oh, my gosh! 天啊 This is perfect. Are you joking me? 太棒了,不是在开玩笑吧? Sorry. 对不起 I told you she'd love it. 我说过她会喜欢的 I'm down with the kids. 我最了解小孩的了 Oh, yeah, dude. You're the bomb. 对,对,你最棒 Okay. 好 Listen, you gotta double-pump the clutch when you shift, 换档时要多扭一下 but besides that, you should be good. 其他应该没什么问题 - That's this one? - Yeah. Yeah, right there. - 这里吗? - 对,就这里 All right. 好的 Do you want a ride to school or something? 要去学校看看吗? I go to school on the reservation. 我在保留区的学校上学 - Right, right. - Yeah. - 好 - 嗯 That's too bad. It would've been nice to know one person. 那太遭了,一个认识的人都没有 My first day at a new school. 我第一天去新学校上学 It's March, middle of the semester. 那是三月,学期中 Great. 还好 - Nice ride. - Thanks. - 靓车啊 - 谢谢 Good one. You're Isabella Swan, the new girl. 伊莎贝拉斯旺,新同学 Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. 你好,我叫埃里克,这里的地头虫 Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on? 你有什么需要吗?导游,午餐约会,男朋友? I'm really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type. 其实我是个沉默寡言的人 Good headline for your feature. 那你可以做报纸专题啊 I'm on the paper, and you're news, baby, front page. 我是报社的,你很有新闻价值,可以上头版 No, I'm not. 不,我不要 You... Please don't have any sort of... 你…请不要有任何… Chillax. No feature. 放松点,那就不上报纸了 - Okay, thanks. - Cool? - 好,谢谢 - 那没事啦? All right. Okay. Yeah. 好,好 Get it! Get it! Get it! 接住,接住 To you! 给你 Whoa! 噢! I'm sorry. 对不起 I told them not to let me play. 我叫他们别让我上场的了 No way. No, no, no. That's... That's... Don't... 不,不…那…没什么 You're Isabella, right? 你是伊莎贝拉,是吗? Just Bella. 叫我贝拉就可以了 Yeah. Hey, I'm Mike Newton. 好,我叫麦克纽顿 - Nice to meet you. - Yeah, yeah. - 很高兴认识你 - 对 - She's got a great spike, huh? - Yeah, it's... - 她挺大力的,是吗? - 是啊,只是… I'm Jessica, by the way. 我叫杰西卡 Hey, you're from Arizona, right? 你从亚利桑那州来的,是吗? Yeah. 是 Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be, like, really tan? 亚利桑那州的人皮肤不是棕褐色的吗? Yeah. 是 Maybe that's why they kicked me out. 所以他们踢我出校 You're good. 你真幽默 That's so funny. 很搞笑 - Back in, Jess. - Down here. 杰西,回来 Like a masterpiece, you know, 是一件惊世巨作 we'll have, like, this crazy pyramid fall from the sky, 金字塔重天而降 - and then you guys can... - It's my pleasure, Madame. - 你们可以… - 我很荣幸,女士 - You guys can give each other high fives. - Burrito, my friend? - 你们到时就可以互相拍掌庆贺了 - 老友,要玉米卷吗? - Hey, Mikey! You met my home girl, Bella? - Hey. - 嘿,麦克,你见过我的小妞贝拉了? - 嘿 Your home girl? 你的小妞? - Yeah. - Yeah? - 是啊 - 你的? - That's... - My girl. - 那是… - 我的小妞… Sorry I had to mess up your game, Mike! 不好意思抢了你头彩,麦克 Tyler. 是泰勒 Yes! Oh, my God. 天啊 It's like first grade all over again. You're the shiny new toy. 好像又回到一年级了,你是他们的新宠 Smile. 笑一笑 - Okay. - Sorry. - 好 - 不好意思 I needed a candid for the feature. 要找个好学生做报纸专题 The feature's dead, Angela. 安吉拉,不做专题了 Don't bring it up again. 别再提这个了 It's okay, I just... 没关系,我只是… I got your back, baby. 宝贝,我挺你 Guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking. 大概这一期我又要写青少年嗜酒了 You know, you can always go for eating disorders. 其实你可以写饮食障碍症啊 Speedo padding on the swim team. 或者游泳队里的皇牌 Actually, that's a good one. 这主意很好 - Kirk. Right? That's exactly what I thought. - Yeah. - 是吗,柯克?我也这么想 - 是啊 We're talking Olympic-size. 我们说得是奥运级人马 There's no way. He's so skinny. It doesn't make sense. 不可能,他太瘦了,不会的 - Totally. - Yeah. - 绝对不可能 - 嗯 Who are they? 他们是谁? The Cullens. 库伦家族 They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. 他们都是库伦医生和他妻子收养的孩子 They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago. 几年前,他们从阿拉斯加搬过来 They kind of keep to themselves. 他们都独来独往 Yeah, 'cause they're all together. 对,他们整天在一起 Like, together, together. 形影不离,朝见口晚见面 The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, 那个金发女郎叫罗莎莉 and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're, like, a thing. 那个黑发大个子叫艾米特 他们简直是连体婴 I'm not even sure that's legal. 我不确定这样子有没有犯法 Jess, they're not actually related. 杰西,因为他们不是亲生兄妹 Yeah, but they live together. It's weird. 但他们住在一起啊,感觉很奇怪 And, okay, the little dark-haired girl's Alice. 那个深色头发的女孩叫爱丽丝 She's really weird, 她是个十足的怪人 and she's with Jasper, the blond one who looks like he's in pain. 她跟贾斯珀在一起 那个样子好像很痛苦的金发男 Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad/matchmaker. 库伦医生这个养父像开婚姻介绍所似的 Maybe he'll adopt me. 或许他会收养我呢 Who's he? 那个是谁? That's Edward Cullen. 那是爱德华库伦 He's totally gorgeous, obviously, 很明显,他就一大帅哥 but apparently nobody here's good enough for him. 但明显这里没人配得上他 Like I care, you know? 我才不管呢 So, yeah. 嗯 Seriously, like, don't waste your time. 说真的,你别浪费时间了 I wasn't planning on it. 我没这个打算 - Mr. Molina. - Hey, Mike. - 莫列那老师 - 嘿,麦克 Oh, yes. Miss Swan. 斯旺小姐 Hi. Can I have the pass? Thank you. 给我看看听课证,谢谢 Welcome to the class. Here. Here's your stuff, okay? 欢迎你来上课,这是你的课本 And I got a seat for you right here, so come over. 我留了个位给你,这边来 The last one. Just follow along till you catch up. 空着那个,专心听课很快就能跟上 All right, guys, today we are gonna be observing the behavior of planaria, 好的,今天我们观察涡虫 aka flatworms. 它又叫扁虫 So what we're gonna do... 我们要… ...regenerate. 让它再生 Zombie worms. 僵尸虫 No cell phones. Guys, let's get to it. 别玩手机,同学们,开始动手吧 Gentle, gentle, certain areas. 在某些部位要轻点,轻点 Please just don't cut here. We don't cut here. 别切这里,不是切这里的 You won't believe this. 你们不会相信… Let's try to focus while we check those out, huh, guys? 做的时候要专心,好吗? There must be something open. 应该还有开别的课的 - Physics? Biochem? - No, every class is full. - 物理?生物化学? - 没了,课程全都满了 Just a minute, dear. 我看看 I'm afraid you'll have to stay in biology. 恐怕你还是要继续上生物课了 Fine. Just... I'll just have to endure it. 那好,那我只能忍受 I just can't get over how grown up you are. And so gorgeous. 你长那么大了,还那么漂亮 Hey, Bella. 嘿,贝拉 You remember me? 记得我吗? I played Santa one year. 有一年我扮圣诞老人的 Yeah, Waylon, she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four. 伟伦,她四岁开始就没在这里过圣诞了 I bet I made an impression, though, didn't I? 我以为我会给她留下印象的,没有吗? - You always do. - Butt-crack Santa? - 你一直都有 - 股沟圣诞老人? Hey, kids love those little bottles, though. 孩子们都喜欢这些小瓶子 All right, let the girl eat her garden burger, Waylon. 好吧,别阻着她吃田园汉堡,伟伦 As soon as you're done, I will bring you your favorite. 吃完后还有你最爱吃的 Berry cobbler, remember? 浆果馅饼,记得吗? Your dad still has it. Every Thursday. 你爸爸还经常吃,每个星期四都来 Thank you. That'd be great. 谢谢,那太好了 Here. 这里 Thanks. 谢谢 Hey, baby. So, listen, if spring training goes well, 宝贝,如果春季训练进行顺利的话 we could be moving to Florida. 我们会搬去佛州 Please insert $1.25 for an additional three minutes. 请投币1.25美元,延长3分钟通话时间 Mom, where's your cell? 妈妈,你的手机呢 Okay, don't laugh. 别笑我啊 I didn't lose my power cord. It ran away. 不是我弄掉充电器的,它自己跑了 Screaming. I literally repel technology now. 笑吧,我现在正式抵制高科技 - I miss you. - Oh, baby, I miss you, too. - 我想你 - 宝贝,我也想你 But tell me more about your school. Now, what are the kids like? 告诉我学校的事情 那里的小孩是怎么样的? Are there any cute guys? 有没有帅哥? Are they being nice to you? 他们对你好吗? Well, 嗯 they're all very welcoming. 他们都很友好 Tell me all about it. 那告诉我 It doesn't even matter. 这有什么关系? Yes, it does, honey. 有的,宝贝 I have homework to do. I'll talk to you later. 我要做作业,下次再聊 Okay. I love you. 好,我爱你 Love you, too. 我也爱你 I planned to confront him and demand to know what his problem was. 我打算与他对质,问他到底有什么问题 But he never showed. 但他没出现 Bella! 贝拉! And the next day, another no-show. 第二天,也没出现 More days passed. 日子一天天过去 Things were getting a little strange. 事情变得有点怪异 - You all right? - Yeah, I'm good. - 你没事吧? - 没事 Ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated. 结了冰地面更滑了 Yeah. That's why I had some new tires put on the truck. 对,所以我帮你的车换了新轮胎 Old ones were getting pretty bald. 旧得都快磨平了 Well, probably be late for dinner. I gotta head down to Mason County. 今晚可能要晚点回家吃饭,我要去梅森郡 Security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal. 格里森姆工厂的保安被野兽咬死了 An animal? 野兽? You're not in Phoenix anymore, Bells. 贝拉,这里不是凤凰城 Anyway, I figured I'd lend a hand. 我应该去帮帮忙 - Be careful. - Always am. - 小心 - 我一直都很小心 - And thanks for the tires. - Yeah. - 谢谢你帮我换轮胎 - 嗯 Prom Committee is a chick thing, 舞协都是些琐碎事 but I gotta cover it for the paper anyway, 但我总得在校报上给他们写个报道 and they need a guy to help choose the music, 他们需要人帮忙挑选音乐 so I need your play list. 所以我要你的音乐名单 Hey, listen, I was wondering, did you have a date to... 听着,我在想你有没有约… What's up, Arizona? Huh? 怎么样,亚利桑那? How you liking the rain, girl? 喜欢下雨天吗,小妞? Better get used to it, girl. 最好适应它 Yeah, Mike, hey, you're real cute, man. 嘿,麦克,你真可爱 - Oh, I know... - That was really awesome. - 哦,我知道… - 你真棒 Why you shooting down my game? Let a playa play. 你为啥扫我兴了?也让我玩玩嘛 Yeah, okay. What you playing at, T-Ball? 好啊,你要玩什么?儿童棒球吗? Hello. 你好 I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself last week. 不好意思,上星期没机会自我介绍 I'm Edward Cullen. 我叫爱德华库伦 You're Bella? 你是贝拉? Yes. 是 Onion root tip cells, 洋葱根尖细胞 that's what's on your slides right now. 在你们的玻璃片上 Okay? So, separate and label them into the phases of mitosis, 明白?分别标上各个分裂阶段 and the first partners that get it right are gonna win the Golden Onion. 最快完成的小组就能赢得这个金洋葱 All right, good. Ladies first. 女士优先 You were gone. 你没来上课 Yeah. 是 I was out of town for a couple of days. 那几天我出城了 Personal reasons. 办些私事 Prophase. 前期 Do you mind if I look? 我可以看看吗? It's prophase. 是分裂前期 Like I said. 正如我所说 So are you enjoying the rain? 你喜欢下雨天吗? What? 什么? You're asking me about the weather? 你问我天气的事? Yeah, I... 嗯,我… I guess I am. 我是 Well, I don't really like the rain. 我不喜欢下雨天 Any cold, wet thing, I don't really... 不喜欢任何潮湿,阴冷的东西 我真的不… - What? - Nothing. - 什么? - 没什么 It's anaphase. 是后期了 - You mind if I check? - Sure. - 我能看看吗? - 好 Anaphase. 后期 Like I said. 正如我所说 If you hate the cold and the rain so much, 既然你那么讨厌寒冷的下雨 why'd you move to the wettest place in the continental US? 为什么要搬到美国最潮湿的地方? It's complicated. 很难说清 I'm sure I can keep up. 我能跟得上 My mom remarried, and... 我妈妈再婚了 So you don't like the guy, or... 所以你不喜欢她的男人? No, that's not... 不,不是… Phil's really nice. 菲尔对我很好 It's metaphase. You want to check it? 是中期,你要看看吗? I believe you. 我信你 Why didn't you move with your mother and Phil? 为什么不跟你妈妈和菲尔一起住? Well, Phil's a minor league baseball player, 菲尔是二级联盟棒球队队员 and he travels a lot, 他要经常到处走 and my mom stayed home with me, but I knew it made her unhappy, 而我妈妈要留在家陪我 但那样子她不开心 so I figured I'd stay with my dad for a while. 所以我觉得我要来跟我爸住一阵子 And now you're unhappy. 但现在轮到你不开心了 - No. - I'm sorry, I'm just... - 不 - 对不起,我只是… I'm just trying to figure you out. 我只是想了解你 You're very difficult for me to read. 你真的很难读懂 Hey, did you get contacts? 你戴隐形眼镜了吗? No. 没有 Your eyes were black the last time I saw you, 上次见你,你眼睛是黑色的 and now they're, like, golden brown. 现在变成了金褐色 Yeah, I know, it's the... 是,我知道,是因为… It's the fluorescents. 那些荧光灯 - Bella! - Bella! - 贝拉 - 贝拉 Dial 911! 报警 I already called. They're gonna send somebody over soon. 已经报了,他们很快就派人过来 Bella, I'm so sorry. I panicked. 贝拉,对不起,我吓呆了 Bella, I've got 911 on the phone now. 贝拉,我报警了 Bella. You okay? 贝拉,你没事吧? You and I are gonna talk. You all right? 等一下再找你,你没事吧? I'm fine, Dad. Calm down. 爸爸,没事,别紧张 I'm sorry, Bella. I tried to stop. 对不起,贝拉,我试过刹车 I know. It's okay. 我知道,没事 No. It sure as hell is not okay. 不,肯定有事 Dad, it wasn't his fault. 爸,不是他的错 You could've been killed. You understand that? 你差点没命了,知道吗? Yes. But I wasn't, so... 知道,但我还在,所以… You can kiss your license goodbye. 跟你的驾照说再见吧 - I heard the chief's daughter was here. - Dr. Cullen. - 我听说警长的女儿在这里 - 库伦医生 Charlie. 查理 I've got this one, Jackie. 杰姬,交给我 Isabella. 伊莎贝拉 Bella. 贝拉 Well, Bella, looks like you took quite a spill. How do you feel? 贝拉,看来你受惊了,感觉怎样? Good. 很好 Look here. 看这里 You might experience some post-traumatic stress or disorientation, 你或许会有些创伤后遗症 或者方向感失调 but your vitals look good. 但你各方面都良好 No signs of any head trauma. 没有任何头部创伤迹象 I think you'll be just fine. 我认为你会没事的 I'm so sorry, Bella. I'm really... 真的很对不起,贝拉,真的… You know, it would've been a whole lot worse 如果爱德华不在现场的话 if Edward wasn't there. He knocked me out of the way. 那就糟糕了,是他把我推开了 Edward? Your boy? 爱德华?你的孩子? Yeah, it was amazing. 对,很神奇 I mean, he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me. 他一下子就来到我面前 他本来离我很远的 Sounds like you were very lucky. 这么说你很幸运 Charlie. 查理 I gotta go sign some paperwork. You should... 我要签些文件,你… You should probably call your mom. 你该给你妈打个电话 Did you tell her? 你告诉她了吗? She's probably just 很有可能会… freaking out. …吓坏她的 fifteen kids that saw what happened. 至少15个人看到了 What was I supposed to do, then? Let her die? 那我应该怎么做?看着她被撞死? This isn't just about you. It's about all of us. 这不是你一个人的事 这关系到我们所有人 I think we should take this in my office. 回我办公室说吧 - Can I talk to you for a minute? - Rosalie. - 能跟你谈谈吗? - 罗莎莉 What? 什么事? How did you get over to me so fast? 你怎么能一下子就来我到面前的? I was standing right next to you, Bella. 贝拉,我就站在你旁边啊 No. You were next to your car, across the lot. 不,你站在你的车旁边,在停车场对面 No, I wasn't. 不,不是 Yes, you were. 是,你是 Bella, you're... You hit your head. 贝拉,你…你撞到头了 I think you're confused. 你搞混了 I know what I saw. 我很清楚我看到什么 And what exactly was that? 那究竟看到什么? You... 你… You stopped the van. 把车顶住了 You pushed it away with your hand. 你一手把车推开了 Well, nobody's gonna believe you, so... 没人会相信你,所以… I wasn't gonna tell anybody. 我没打算告诉任何人 I just need to know the truth. 我只想知道真相 Can't you just thank me and get over it? 你就不能感谢我,然后把它抛诸脑后? Thank you. 谢谢你 - You're not gonna let this go, are you? - No. - 你就要弄个究竟,是吗? - 对 Well, then I hope you enjoy disappointment. 那我希望你能享受这失败感 And that was the first night I dreamt of Edward Cullen. 这是我第一次梦见爱德华库伦 I need everybody's permission slips, okay? 大家都出示乘车证,好吗? - Sammy, please collect them. - Yeah. - 萨米,帮我收起来 - 好 Guys, let's go. 同学们,我们走吧 Come on, get in. In. Let's go! 来吧,上车 Look at you, huh? You're alive. 看看你,还活生生的 - I know, yeah. False alarm, I guess. - Yeah. - 我知道,只是虚惊一场吧 - 嗯 Now, I wanted to ask you, you know, if, you know, 我想问问你,你知道 it's like a month away, but... 还有一个月就到了… Do you wanna go to prom with me? 你要不要跟我一起去舞会? So, what do you think? 怎么样? - About what? - Do you want to go? - 什么? - 你会去吗? To prom? 舞会? With me? 跟我一起? I... 我… Prom. 舞会 Dancing. 跳舞 Not such a good idea for me. 对我来说不是个好主意 I have something that weekend anyway. 那个周末我有别的事 I'm going to Jacksonville that weekend. 我要去杰克逊维尔 You can't go another weekend? 不能在别的周末去吗? Non-refundable ticket. 车票不能退 You should ask Jessica. 你去问问杰西卡吧 I know she wants to go with you. 我知道她想跟你去 All right. All right. 好的,好的 Yo, yo, yo. Hey, guys, come on. 来吧,同学们,快点 We gotta go. We gotta go. Green is what? Good. 我们要走了,绿色代表什么? 美好的东西 Let's go. Guys, come on. 我们要走了,同学们,来吧 Other bus, other bus. Let's go. 那边的车,我们走吧 Egg shells, carrot tops. 蛋壳,萝卜头 Compost is cool. Now, stuff that in there, Eric. 混合肥料可是好东西,埃里克 塞进里面 - Yes, sir. Yes, sir. - Very good, very good. - 好的,先生 - 很好,很好 Now, I am gonna make a steaming cup of compost tea. 现在,我要冲一杯热气腾腾的混合肥料茶 - Okay. - Give me that. - 好了 - 给我 Yeah. This is recycling in its most basic form, guys. 同学们,这是最基本的循环再用 Don't drink it! It's for the plants. 别喝啊,是给植物喝的 What's in Jacksonville? 去杰克逊维尔干什么? How did you know about that? 你怎么知道的? You didn't answer my question. 你没回答我的问题 You don't answer any of mine, so... 你也没回答我的问题,所以… I mean, you don't even say hi to me. 我是说你都不跟我打个招呼 Hi. 你好 Are you gonna tell me how you stopped the van? 你愿意告诉我 你是怎样顶住那台车了吗? Yeah. I had an adrenaline rush. 好,我肾上腺素狂飙 It's very common. You can Google it. 很正常的,你上谷歌搜索一下 Floridians. 弗罗里达人 That's what's in Jacksonville. 他们在杰克逊维尔 Can you at least watch where you walk? 你能走路带带眼吗? Look, I'm sorry I'm being rude all the time. I just think it's the best way. 对不起,我知道我一直很粗鲁 我以为这是最好的方式 Bella! Guess who just asked me to prom. 贝拉,猜猜谁邀请我去舞会了? Who? 谁? Yeah, I actually totally thought that Mike was gonna ask you. 我一直以为麦克会邀请你 - It's not gonna be weird, though, right? - No. Zero weirdness. - 这样子不会尴尬吗? - 不,尴尬值为零 - You guys are great together. - I know, right? - 你们在一起很配 - 真的?我就知道 - Tyler... - Gross. - 泰勒 - 恶心 Bella, look. It's a worm. 贝拉,看,是条虫 It's a worm. 是条虫 Bella, we shouldn't be friends. 贝拉,我们不能做朋友 You really should've figured that out a little earlier. 你应该早就意识到 I mean, why didn't you just let the van crush me 为什么你就不让那台车撞死我 and save yourself all this regret? 那样你就不用后悔了 What, you think I regret saving you? 你觉得我后悔救了你? I can see that you do. I just... I don't know why. 我看得出,我只是…不知道为什么 You don't know anything. 你一无所知 Hi. 嗨 Are you gonna be riding with us? 你要跟我们一起坐吗? No, our bus is full. 不,我们的车满座了 Your mom called. Again. 你妈妈又打过来了 Well, that's your fault. 那是你的错 You shouldn't have told her about the "almost" accident. You finished? 你不应该告诉她那场“还差一点”的意外 吃完了吗? Yeah. 吃完了 Yeah, I suppose you're right. She always did know how to worry. 这次你对了,她总是过分担心 She seems different. 她跟以前不同了 She seems happy. 她开心了很多 Phil sounds like an all right guy. 菲尔应该是个挺好的男人 Yeah, he is. 对,他是 All right. 那好 No, you need the mitts. You need them. 不,你要戴手套,你要 No, why do you keep arguing with me? You just need them. 不,为什么要跟我吵,你就是要戴 - You're gonna get frostbite! - I don't even know. - 你会得冻疮的 - 我也不知道 Yeah. Hey! 嘿 - La Push, baby. You in? - Should I know what that means? - 拉普什啊,宝贝,你加入吗? - 能告诉我什么意思吗? La Push Beach down at the Quileute Rez. We're all going tomorrow. 奎鲁特保留区的拉普什海滩 我们打算明天去 - Yeah, there's a big swell coming in. - And I don't just surf the Internet. - 刚好有大浪来 - 我会的不只是上网冲浪哦 Eric, you stood up once, and it was a foam board. 埃里克,你只能站起来一次 而且用的还是泡沫冲浪板 But there's whale watching, too. Come with us. 还能看鲸鱼啊,一齐去吧 La Push, baby. It's La Push. 拉普什啊,宝贝,拉普什 Okay, I'll go if you stop saying that, okay? 好吧,你闭嘴我就去,好吗? Seriously, dude. It's creepy, man. 说真的,很恶心 - What? That's
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