首页 《歌剧院的幽灵》



《歌剧院的幽灵》简 介     你相信有鬼吗?当然不会相信。我们喜欢谈论鬼,喜欢讲述关于鬼的故事,但我们并非真的相信有鬼……是不是?   1880年,在巴黎歌剧院发生了一件不可思议的事情:一个舞蹈演员在黑暗的走廊里遇见了鬼。它穿越墙壁来到她的面前,它的脸上没有眼睛;一个舞台工人看见一个穿黑色晚礼服的男人,但他却有一个死人般的头颅,黄色的面孔,并且没有鼻子;人们听到另一个房间里有声音,而那个房间却是空的。   这就是歌剧院的幽灵……   一个名叫盖斯顿·勒罗克斯的法国人最早创作了这个关于歌剧院的幽灵的故事。他的书很受欢迎,1925...

简 介     你相信有鬼吗?当然不会相信。我们喜欢谈论鬼,喜欢讲述关于鬼的故事,但我们并非真的相信有鬼……是不是?   1880年,在巴黎歌剧院发生了一件不可思议的事情:一个舞蹈演员在黑暗的走廊里遇见了鬼。它穿越墙壁来到她的面前,它的脸上没有眼睛;一个舞台工人看见一个穿黑色晚礼服的男人,但他却有一个死人般的头颅,黄色的面孔,并且没有鼻子;人们听到另一个房间里有声音,而那个房间却是空的。   这就是歌剧院的幽灵……   一个名叫盖斯顿·勒罗克斯的法国人最早创作了这个关于歌剧院的幽灵的故事。他的书很受欢迎,1925年它被拍成一部美国无声电影,由著名演员朗·钱尼扮演幽灵。从那以后,已经出现了许多其他的电影和戏剧,以及最近由安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯创作的著名的英国音乐片。   本书作者詹妮弗·巴塞特是一位经验丰富的 教师 教师简历教师简历教师简历教师简历教师简历 和作家。她生活和工作在英国西南部的德文郡。 1 The dancers     'Quick!Quick!Close the door!It's him!'Annie Sorelli ran into the dressing-room, her face white.   One of the girls ran and closed the door, and then they all turned to Annie Sorelli.   'Who?Where?What's the matter?' they cried.   'It's the ghost!'Annie said.'In the passage.I saw him.He came through the wall in front of me! And…and I saw his face!'   Most of the girls were afraid, but one of them, a tall girl with black hair,laughed.   'Pooh!'she said.'Everybody says they see the Opera ghost, but there isn't really a ghost.You saw a shadow on the wall.'But she did not open the door,or look into the passage.   'Lots of people see him,' a second girl said.'Joseph Buquet saw him two days ago. Don't you remember?'   Then all the girls began to talk at once.   'Joseph says the ghost is tall and he wears a black evening coat.'   'He has the head of a dead man, with a yellow face and no nose…'   '…And no eyes-only black holes!'   Then little Meg Giry spoke for the first time.'Don't talk about him.He doesn't like it.My mother told me.'   'Your mother?' the girl with black hair said.'What does your mother know about the ghost?'   'She says that Joseph Buquet is a fool. The ghost doesn't like people talking about him,and one day Joseph Buquet is go ing to be sorry, very sorry.'   'But what does your mother know? Tell us,tell us!' all the girls cried.   'Oh dear!'said Meg.'But please don't say a word to any one.You know my mother is the doorkeeper for some of the boxes in the Opera House.Well,Box 5 is the ghost's box!He watches the operas from that box,and sometimes he leaves flowers for my mother!   'The ghost has a box! And leaves flowers in it!'   'Oh, Meg,your mother's telling you stories!How can the ghost have a box?'   'It's true, it's true,I tell you!'Meg said.'Nobody buys tickets for Box 5, but the ghost always comes to it on opera nights.'   'So somebody does come there?'   'Why,no!… The ghost comes, but there is nobody there.'   The dancers looked at Meg.'But how does your mother know?' one of them asked.   'There's no man in a black evening coat, with a yellow face.That's all wrong.My mother never sees the ghost in Box 5,but she hears him! He talks to her,but there is nobody there!And he doesn't like people talking about him!'   But that evening the dancers could not stop talking about the Opera ghost.They talked before the opera, all through the opera, and after the opera. But they talked very quietly, and they looked behind them before they spoke.   When the opera finished,the girls went back to their dress ing-room.Suddenly,they heard somebody in the passage,and Madame Giry, Meg's mother, ran into the room. She was a fat,motherly woman,with a red,happy face.But tonight her face was white.   'Oh girls,'she cried'.'Joseph Buquet is dead! You know he walks a long way down,on the fourth floor under the stage.The other stage workers found his dead body there an hour ago -with a rope around his neck!'   'It's the ghost!'cried Meg Giry.'The ghost killed him!' 2 The directors of the Opera House     The Opera House was famous, and the directors of the Opera House were very important men.It was the first week of work for the two new directors, Monsieur Ar mand Moncharmin and Monsieur Firmin Richard.In the direc tors' office the next day,the two men talked about Joseph Bu quet.   'It was an accident,' Monsieur Armand said angrily.'Or Buquet killed himself.'   'An accident?…Killed himself?' Monsieur Firmin said.'Which story do you want,my friend? Or do you want the sto ry of the ghost?'   'Don't talk to me about ghosts!'Monsieur Armand said.'We have 1,500 people working for us in this Opera House,and everybody is talking about the ghost. They're all mad! I don't want to hear about the ghost, OK?'   Monsieur Firmin looked at a letter on the table next to him.   And what are we going to do about this letter,Armand?'   'Do?' cried Monsieur Armand.'Why, do nothing, of course! What can we do?'   The two men read the letter again.It wasn't very long.   To the new directors   Because you are new in the Opera House,I am writing to tell you some important things.Never sell tickets for Box 5;that is my box for every opera night. Madame Giry, the door keeper, knows all about it. Also,I need money for my work in the Opera House.I am not expensive,and I am happy to take only20,000 francs a month. That is all. But please remem ber, I can be a good friend, but a bad enemy.   O.G.   'Don't sell tickets for Box 5! 20,000 francs a month!'Monsieur Armand was very angry again.'That's the best box in the Opera House, and we need the money, Firmin! And who is this O.G,eh?Tell me that!'   'Opera Ghost,of course,'Monsieur tirmin said.'But you're right, Armand. We can do nothing about this letter. It's a joke, a bad joke. Somebody thinks we are fools, because we are new here.There are no ghosts in the Opera House!'   The two men then talked about the opera for that night. It was Faust,and usually La Carlotta sang Margarita.La Carlotta was Spanish,and the best singer in Paris.But today,La Carlot ta was ill.   'Everybody in Paris is going to be at the opera tonight,'said Monsieur Armand,'and cur best singer is ill.Suddenly! She writes a letter to us just this morning-she is ill, she cannot sing tonight!'   'Don't get angry again, Armand,' Monsieur Firmin said quickly.'We have Christine Daaé, that young singer from Nor way.She can sing Margarita tonight.She has a good voice.'   'But she's so young, and nobody knows her!Nobody wants to listen to a new singer.'   'Wait and see.Perhaps Daaé can sing better than La Carlot ta.Who knows?' 3 Christine Daaé     Monsieur Firmin was right.All Paris talked about the new Margarita in Faust,the girl with the beautiful voice,the girl with the voice of an angel.People loved her.They laughed and cried and called for more.Daaé was wonder ful,the best singer in the world!   Behind the stage Meg Giry looked at Annie Sorelli.'Chris tine Daaé never sang like that before.'she said to Annie.'Why was she so good tonight?'   'Perhaps she's got a new music teacher,'Annie said.   The noise in the Opera House went on for a long time. In Box 14,Philippe,the Comte de Chagny,turned to his younger brother and smiled.   'Well, Raoul, what did you think of Daaé tonight?'   Raoul,the Vicomte de Chagny,was twenty-one years old.He had blue eyes and black hair,and a wonderful smile.The Chagny family was old and rich,and many girls in Paris were in love with the young Vicomte.But Raoul was not interested in them.   He smiled back at his brother.'What can I say? Christine is an angel, that's all. I'm going to her dressing-room to see her tonight.'   Philippe laughed. He was twenty years older than Raoul, and was more like a father than a brother.   'Ah, I understand,'he said.'You are in love! But this is your first night in Paris, your first visit to the opera. How do you know Christine Daaé?'   'You remember four years ago,when I was on holiday by the sea,in Brittany?'Raoul said.'Well, I met Christine there. Iwas in love with her then,and I'm still in love with her today!'   The Comte de Chagny looked at his brother.'Mmm, I see,'he said slowly.'Well, Raoul, remember she is only an opera singer.We know nothing about her family.'   But Raoul did not listen.To him,good families were not im portant,and young men never listen to their older brothers.   There were many people in Christine Daaé's dressing-room that night.But there was a doctor with Christine,and her beautiful face Looked white and ill.Raoul went quickly across the room and took her hand.   'Christine! What's the matter? Are you ill?' He went down on the floor by her chair.'Don't you remember me Raoul de Chagny,in Brittany?'   Christine looked at him,and her blue eyes were afraid.She took her hand away.'No, I don't know you.Please go away.I'm not well.'   Raoul stood up, his face red. Before he could speak, the doc tor said quickly,' Yes, yes, please go away. Everybody, please leave the room.Mademoiselle Daaé needs to be quiet.She is very tired.'   He moved to the door,and soon everybody left the room.Christine Daaé was alone in her dressing-room.   Outside in the passage the young Vicomte was angry and unhappy.How could Christine forget him?How could she say that to him? He waited for some minutes, then,very quietly and carefully,he went back to the door of her dressing-room.But he did not open the door, because just then he heard a man's voice in the room!   'Christine,you must love me!' the voice said.   Then Raoul heard Christine's voice.'How can you talk like that? When I sing only for you…? Tonight, I gave everything to you, everything. And now I'm so tired. 'Her voice was un happy and afraid.   'You sang like an angel,' the man's voice said.   Raoul walked away.So that was the answer! Christine Daaéhad a lover.But why was her voice so unhappy? He waited in the shadows near her room. He wanted to see her lover-his enemy!   After about ten minutes Christine came out of her room,alone, and walked away down the passage. Raoul waited, but no man came out after her. There was nobody in the passage,so Raoul went quickly up to the door of the dressing-room,opened it and went in.He closed the door quietly behind him,then called out:   'Where are you? I know you're in here!Come out!'   There was no answer.Raoul looked everywhere-under the chairs, behind all the clothes,in all the dark corners of the room.There was nobody there. 4 The Phantom is angry     That was Tuesday night.On Wednesday morning Mon sieur Armand and Monsieur Firmin were happy men.Paris liked the new Margarita-everything in life was good.The next opera night was Friday. It was Faust again, but this time with La Carlotta singing Margarita.   By Wednesday afternoon they were not so happy.A second letter arrived for them-from O.G.       Why don't you listen to me? I am getting angry. Leave Box 5 free for me. And where are my 20, 000 francs? On Friday Daaé must sing Margarita again.She is now the best singer in Paris. La Carlotta cannot sing-she has a very ugly voice,like a toad.   Remember, I am a bad enemy. O. G.       'So,Firmin,is this still a joke?'Monsieur Armand shouted.   'What are we going to do now, eh? Is O. G. the director here,or are we?'   'Don't shout,Armand,'said Monsieur Firmin tiredly.'I don't know the answers.Let's talk to Madame Giry, the door keeper of Box 5.Perhaps she can help us.'   But Madame Giry was not helpful.Madame Giry was not afraid of ghosts, and she was not afraid of directors of Opera Houses.   'People say that you're a friend of the Opera ghost,Madame Giry,' Monsieur Armand began.'Tell us about him.Some people say he has no head.'   'And some people say he has no body,' said Monsieur Firmin.'What do you say, Madame Giry?'   Madame Giry looked at the two men and laughed.'I say that the directors of the Opera House are fools!'   'What!'Monsieur Armand shouted. He stood up,and his face was red and angry.'Listen to me,woman-'   'Oh, sit down, Armand,and listen,' said Monsieur Firmin.'why do you say that,Madame Giry?'   'Because,Monsieur,the Opera ghost is angry with you.When the ghost wants something, he must have it. He is clever and dangerous,this ghost.The old directors before you, they knew that,oh yes. At first they tried to stop him. Then there were many accidents in the Opera House,many strange acci dents.And when did these accidents happen? When the ghost was angry!So,the old directors learnt very quickly.The ghost wants Box 5? He can have it every night.The ghost wants money?Let's give the money to him at once.Oh yes,the old directors understood very well.'   'But we are the directors, not the Opera ghost!' Monsieur Armand shouted.He turned to Monsieur Firmin.'This woman is mad.Why do we listen to her? On Friday night La Carlotta is going to sing Margarita. And you and I, Firmin,are going to watch the opera from Box 5.' 'Well, we can try that, Armand. But we don't want any ac cidents.'   Madame Giry came nearer to the two men.'Listen to me,'she said quietly.'Remember Joseph Buquet? I tell you,the Opera ghost is a good friend, but a bad enemy.'   The two men stared at her.'Those words,Monsieur Firmin said slowly,'why did you say those words, Madame Giry?'   'Because the ghost says them to me. I never see him, but I often hear him.He has a very nice voice and he doesn't shout at people.' 5 A letter for Raoul     That Wednesday a letter also arrived for the young Vi comte de Chagny.He opened the letter,saw the name at the bottom, and smiled for the first time that day.   Dear Raoul   Of course I remember you!How could I forget you?   Meet me on Thursday at three o'clock in the Tuileries Gar dens.Don't be angry with me,Raoul,please.   Christine Daaé   Raoul put the letter carefully into his pocket. Angry? How could he be angry with an angel? On Thursday he was in the Tuileries Gardens by two o'clock.   At ten past three he began to feel unhappy.At half past three he wanted to die, or to kill somebody.   And then… she came. She ran through the gardens to him,and in a second she was in his arms.   'Oh,Christine!'he said,again and again.'Oh, Christine!'They walked through the gardens together and talked for a long time. They remembered their happy weeks in Brittany,four years ago.   'But why did you go away,Christine?' Raoul asked.'Why didn't you write to me?'   For a minute or two Christine said nothing.Then she said slowly,'We were so young, you and I.I was just a poor singer from Norway,and you…you were the Vicomte de Chagny.I knew I could never be your wife.'   'But I love you,Christine-'   'No,shh.Listen to me,Raoul,please.I went home to Nor way,and a year later,my father died.I was very unhappy,but I came back to France,to Paris.I worked and worked at my singing,because I wanted to be an opera singer. Not just a good singer, but the best opera singer in Paris.'   'And now you are,' Raoul said.He smiled.'All Paris is at your feet.'   Christine turned her face away and said nothing.   'Christine,' Raoul said quietly.'I want to ask you a ques tion.Who was the man in your dressing-room on Tuesday night? Tell me,please!'   Christine stopped and stared at him. Her face went white.'What man?'she whispered.'There was no man in my dress ing-room on Tuesday night.'   Raoul put his hand on her arm.'I heard him,' he said.'I listened outside the door and heard a man's voice. Who was he?'   'Don't ask me,Raoul!There was a man's voice,yes,but there was no man in my room! It's true!Oh,Raoul,I'm so afraid.Sometimes I want to die.'   'Who is he? Tell me, Christine,please.I'm your friend,I can help you.Tell me his name!'   'I cannot tell you his name. It's a secret,' whispered Chris tine.'I never see him, I only hear his voice.But he is everywhere! He sees everything,hears everything.That's why I didn't speak to you on Tuesday night.He is my music teacher, Raoul.He's a wonderful singer.I sang so well on Tuesday night because of him. I am famous because of him.He is my angel of music!And he says he loves me.How can I leave him?' 6 La Carlotta sings Margarita     On Friday morning La Carlotta had her break fast in bed.She drank her coffee and opened her morning let ters.One letter had no name on it. It was very short.       You are ill. You cannot sing Margarita tonight.Stay at home and don't go to the Opera House. Accidents can hap pen.Do you want to lose your voice-for ever?       La Carlotta was very, very angry. She got out of bed at once and did not finish her breakfast.   'This is from Christine Daaé' s friends,' she thought.'They want her to sing again tonight.That Daaé girl is going to be sorry for this! I,La Carlotta, I am the best opera singer in Paris.And nothing is going to stop me singing Margarita tonight!'   At six o'clock that evening the dancers were in their dress ing-room.They talked and laughed and put on their red and black dresses for Faust.But Meg Giry was very quiet.   'What's the matter,Meg?'Annie Sorelli asked.   'It's the Opera ghost,Meg said.'My mother says he's angry.She's afraid that something's going to happen tonight.'   'Oh,pooh!'the girl with black hair said.'Who's afraid of an old ghost?'   An hour later Monsieur Armand and Monsieur Firmin went into Box 5 and sat down.They were not afraid of ghosts.Of course not.There were no ghosts in the Opera House.   Then Monsieur Armand saw some flowers on the floor by the door of the box.'Firmin,'he whispered,'did you put those flowers there?'   Monsieur Firmin looked.'No,I didn't,'he whispered back'Did you?'   'Of course not, you fool!Shh,the music's beginning.'   La Carlotta did not sing for the first hour.There were no strange voices in Box 5,and the two directors began to feel happier. Then La Carlotta came out onto the stage, and Mon sieur Firmin looked at Monsieur Armand.   'Did you hear a voice just then?' he asked quietly.   'No!'Monsieur Armand said,but he looked behind him twice, then three times, and suddenly felt cold.   La Carlotta sang and sang, and nothing happened. Then she began a beautiful love song.   'My love begins to-Co-ack!'   Everybody stared.What was the matter with Carlotta's voice? What was that strange noise-Co-ack?   Carlotta stopped and began the song again.   'My love begins to-Co-ack!   I cannot forget my-Co-ack!'   It was the noise of a toad! People began to talk and laugh.Monsieur Firmin put his head in his bands.Then he felt Mon sieur Armand's hand on his arm.There was a voice in the box with them! A man's voice,laughing   Poor Carlotta tried again,and again.   'I cannot forget my-Co-ack!'   Then the two directors heard the voice again, behind them,in front of them, everywhere.'Her singing tonight is going to bring down the chandelier!'   The two directors looked up at the top of the Opera House.Their faces were white.The famous chandelier, with its thou sand lights,broke away from its ropes and crashed down on to the people below.   That was a terrible night for the Paris Opera House.One woman was killed by the chandelier, and many people were hurt.The Opera House closed for two weeks.And La Carlotta never sang again.   7 My angel of music     For a week Raoul saw Christine every day.Some days Christine was quiet and unhappy,some days she laughed and sang. She never wanted to talk about the Opera House, or her singing, or Raoul's love for her. Raoul was very afraid for her.Who, or what,was this strange teacher,this man's voice,her'angel of music'?   Then one day there was no Christine.She was not at her home, not at the Opera House,not at their meeting places Raoul looked everywhere and asked everybody.Where was Christine Daaé?But nobody knew.   Two days before the Opera House opened again,a letter ar rived for Raoul.It was from Christine.       Meet me in an hour at the top of the Opera House,on the tenth floor.       The tenth floor of the Opera House was a dangerous place.There were hundreds of ropes going down to the stage below it was a long,long way down.   Raoul and Christine sat in a dark corner,and Raoul took Christine's hands. Her face was white and tired.   'Listen,Raoul,'she said quiety.'I'm going to tell you ev erything.But this is our last meeting. I can never see you again.'   'No,Christine!'Raoul cried.' I love you,and we-'   'Shh! Quietly! Perhaps he can hear us.He's everywhere in the Opera House, Raoul!'   'Who?What are you talking about,Christine?'   'My angel of music.I couldn't meet you last Satuday be cause he came for me,and took me away.I was in my dressing room in the Opera House and s
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