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USP1116(中-英文版)1116MICROBIOLOGICAL CONTROL AND MONITORING OF ASEPTIC PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTS Microbiologically controlled environments are used for a variety of purposes within the healthcare industry. This general information chapter provides information and recommendati...

1116MICROBIOLOGICAL CONTROL AND MONITORING OF ASEPTIC PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTS Microbiologically controlled environments are used for a variety of purposes within the healthcare industry. This general information chapter provides information and recommendations for environments where the risk of microbial contamination is controlled through aseptic processing. Products manufactured in such environments include pharmaceutical sterile products, bulk sterile drug substances, sterile intermediates, excipients, and, in certain cases, medical devices. Aseptic processing environments are far more critical in terms of patient risk than controlled environments used for other manufacturing operations—for example, equipment and component preparation, limited bioburden control of nonsterile products, and processing of terminally sterilized products. In this chapter, the type of aseptic processing is differentiated by the presence or absence of human operators. An advanced aseptic process is one in which direct intervention with open product containers or exposed product contact surfaces by operators wearing conventional cleanroom garments is not required and never permitted. [NOTE—A description of terms used in this chapter can be found in the Appendix at the end of the chapter.] The guidance provided in this chapter and the monitoring parameters given for microbiological evaluation should be applied only to clean rooms, restricted-access barrier systems (RABS), and isolators used for aseptic processing. ISO-classified environments used for other purposes are not required to meet the levels of contamination control required for aseptically produced sterile products. The environments used for nonsterile applications require different microbial control strategies A large proportion of products labeled as sterile are manufactured by aseptic processing rather than terminal sterilization. Because aseptic processing relies on the exclusion of microorganisms from the process stream and the prevention of microorganisms from entering open containers during processing, product bioburden as well as the bioburden of the manufacturing environment are important factors governing the risk of unacceptable microbial contamination. The terms aseptic and sterile are not synonymous. Sterile means having a complete absence of viable microorganisms or organisms that have the potential to reproduce. In the purest microbiological sense, an aseptic process is one that prevents contamination by the exclusion of microorganisms. In contemporary aseptic healthcare-product manufacturing, aseptic describes the process for handling sterilized materials in a controlled environment designed to maintain microbial contamination at levels known to present minimal risk. In any environment where human operators are present, microbial contamination at some level is inevitable. Even the most cautious clean-room environment design and operation will not eliminate the shedding of microorganisms if human operators are present. Thus, an expectation of zero contamination at all locations during every aseptic processing operation is technically not possible and thus is unrealistic. There are no means to demonstrate that an aseptic processing environment and the product-contact surfaces within that environment are sterile. Monitoring locations should be determined based upon a assessment of risk. Although manufacturers should review environmental monitoring results frequently to ensure that the facility operates in a validated state of control, monitoring results can neither prove nor disprove sterility. Because of the limitations of monitoring, manufacturers cannot rely directly on monitoring, statistics, or periodic aseptic-processing simulations to ensure a sterility assurance level. Environmental monitoring is usually performed by personnel and thus requires operator intervention. As a result, environmental monitoring can both increase the risk of contamination and also give false-positive results. Thus, intensive monitoring is unwarranted, particularly in the ISO 5 environments that are used in the most critical zones of aseptic processing. A number of sampling methods can be used to assess and control the microbiological status of controlled environments for aseptic processing. At present, nearly all of these methods rely on the growth and recovery of microorganisms, many of which can be in a damaged state caused by environmental stress and therefore may be difficult to recover. The numerical values for air, surface, and personnel monitoring included in this chapter are not intended to represent limits or specifications but are strictly informational. Because of the variety of microbiological sampling equipment and methods, it is not scientifically reasonable to suggest that the attainment of these values guarantees microbial control or that excursions beyond values in this chapter indicate a loss of control. The assessment of risks associated with manufacturing environments must be made over a significant period; and in each case, the contamination recovery rate metric should be established on the basis of a review of actual findings within the facility. The objective of each user should be to use contamination recovery rates to track ongoing performance and to refine the microbiological control program to foster improvements. When optimum operational conditions are achieved within a facility, contamination recovery rate levels typically become relatively stable within a normal range of variability. There are no standard methods for air sampling, and available literature indicates that air-sampling methods are highly variable. It should not be assumed that similar sample volumes taken by different methods will produce similar rates of recovery. Many factors can affect microbial recovery and survival, and different air sampler suppliers may have designed their systems to meet different requirements. Also, sample-to-sample variation in microbial sampling can be extensive. Limited data are available regarding the accuracy, precision, sensitivity, and limits of detection of monitoring methods used in the aseptic processing of healthcare products. Surface sampling methods are also not standardized. Different media are employed, and in the case of swabs, different results have been reported for wet and dry swab methods and contact plates. Replicate sample contact plates should be expected to give similar results under identical conditions, but rates of recovery have been reported to be both lower than expected and highly variable. In general, surface monitoring has been found to recover <50%, even when used with relatively high inoculum levels on standardized coupons. In actual production environments where organisms are stressed to varying degrees, recovery rates may be lower. ADVANCED ASEPTIC TECHNOLOGIES Advanced aseptic technologies can be defined as those that do not rely on the direct intervention of human operators during processing. At present, technologies such as isolators, blow/fill/seal, and closed RABS (designs that are never opened during setup or operation) may be considered advanced aseptic technologies, provided that direct intervention by gowned personnel is disallowed during processing. In recent years, isolator technology has found a broad acceptance in healthcare manufacturing. Isolators and closed RABS effectively separate the operator from the critical aseptic processing environment. Because these systems substantially reduce contamination risk, their microbiological control levels are higher than those of conventional clean rooms that have comparable particulate air classification level, for example, ISO 5. CLEAN ROOM CLASSIFICATION FOR ASEPTIC PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTS The design and construction of clean rooms and controlled environments are covered in ISO 14644 series. This standard defines the performance of a clean environment with respect to the concentration of total particulates per unit volume. ISO 14644-1 stipulates the total particulate counts allowed for a clean environment to meet the defined air quality classifications. The reader is referred to this standard regarding the design characteristics and certification of clean environments. Pharmaceutical manufacturers are concerned with nonviable particulate contamination in injectable products (see Particulate Matter in Injections á788.). Unlike microbial contamination in which experimental data suggest that humans are the only significant source, nonviable particulates can arise both from humans and from processing equipment. Studies indicate that gowned humans slough particulate and microbial contamination at a rather consistent rate. However, the relationship between microbial (viable) and nonviable contamination does not hold for particulates shed by processing equipment. Where equipment is the primary source of particulate matter, the resulting particulates are essentially all nonviable. The argument that if fewer total particulates are present in a clean room, it is less likely that airborne microorganisms will be present is true only if human operators are the source of particulate matter. It is not possible to clearly distinguish between background total particulate contamination generated largely by mechanical operations and the total particulates contributed by personnel. Thus, it is both commonplace and proper for clean-room environmental monitoring programs to consist of both a total particulate component and a microbiological component. Table 1 describes the clean room classifications commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry. In aseptic processing, clean environments of ISO 14644-1 Classes 5–8 are typically used. Table 1. Airborne Total Particulate Cleanliness Classesa ISO Classb Particles ≥0.5 m/m3 ISO 5 3520 ISO 6 35,200 ISO 7 352,000 ISO 8 3,520,000 a Taken from ISO International Standard 14644 Part 1, published by the International Organization for Standardization, May 1999. b The four ISO 14644-1 classes correspond closely to former U.S. Federal Standard 209E classifications. The relationships are ISO 5/Class 100, ISO 6/Class 1000, ISO 7/Class 10,000, and ISO 8/Class 100,000. Isolators and closed RABS present a different picture, because personnel are excluded from the aseptic processing environment and manipulations are made using glove-andsleeve assemblies and half-suits made of thick, flexible plastic (such as polyvinyl chloride or synthetic rubber). Personnel have far less effect on the microbial quality of the environment within an isolator enclosure than in clean room environments. Some users have chosen to operate RABS in a manner that allows open, direct human intervention. In an open operational state, these systems are more similar in operation to conventional clean rooms and therefore cannot be considered advanced aseptic processing systems. In an open RABS, the ability of operators to adversely affect microbial contamination risk is higher than with closed RABS or isolators. Specifications for air changes per hour and air velocities are not included in ISO 14644, nor were they included in Federal Standard 209E. Typically, ISO Class 8/Class 100,000 rooms are designed to provide a minimum of 20 air changes per hour; ISO Class 7/Class 10,000 rooms are designed to provide more than 50 air changes per hour; and ISO Class 5/Class 100 clean rooms provide more than 100 air changes per hour. The design of some facility criteria may differ. By diluting and removing contaminants, large volumes of air are likely to reduce airborne contamination in aseptic production. Optimum conditions vary considerably, depending on process characteristics, particularly the amount of contamination derived from personnel. These specifications should be used only as a guide in the design and operation of clean rooms, because the precise correlations among air changes per hour, air velocity, and microbial control have not been satisfactorily established experimentally. Manufacturers should maintain a predominantly unidirectional flow of air (either vertical or horizontal) in a staffed Class 5 clean room environment, particularly when products, product containers, and closures are exposed. In the evaluation of air movement within a clean room, studying airflow visually by smoke studies or other suitable means is probably more useful than using absolute measures of airflow velocity and change rates. Risk assessment models are another useful way of reducing contamination risk and should be considered. Air velocity and change rates are far less important in isolators or closed RABS than in clean rooms because personnel are more carefully separated from the product, product containers, and closures. Air velocities substantially lower than those used in human-scale clean rooms have proved adequate in isolator systems and may be appropriate in RABS as well. In zones within isolators where particulate matter poses a hazard to product quality, predominantly vertical or horizontal unidirectional airflow can be maintained. Experience has shown that well-controlled mixing or turbulent airflow is satisfactory for many aseptic processes and for sterility testing within isolators (see Sterility Testing—Validation of Isolator Systems á1208.). IMPORTANCE OF A MICROBIOLOGICAL EVALUATION PROGRAM FOR CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENTS Monitoring of total particulate count in controlled environments, even with the use of electronic instrumentation on a continuous basis, does not provide information on the microbiological content of the environment. The basic limitation of particulate counters is that they measure particles of 0.5 mm or larger. While airborne microorganisms are not free-floating or single cells, they frequently associate with particles of 10–20 mm. Particulate counts as well as microbial counts within controlled environments vary with the sampling location and the activities being conducted during sampling. Monitoring the environment for nonviable particulates and microorganisms is an important control function because they both are important in achieving product compendial requirements for Foreign and Particulate Matter and Sterility in Injections 1.. Total particulate monitoring may provide a better means of evaluating the overall quality of the environment in isolators and closed RABS than in most conventional clean rooms. The superior exclusion of human-borne contamination provided by an isolator results in an increased proportion of nonviable particulates. Total particulate counting in an isolator is likely to provide an immediate indicator of changes in contamination level. Microbial monitoring programs should assess the effectiveness of cleaning and sanitization practices by and of personnel who could have an impact on the bioburden. Because isolators are typically decontaminated using an automatic vapor or gas generation system, microbial monitoring is much less important in establishing their efficiency in eliminating bioburden. These automatic decontamination systems are validated directly, using an appropriate biological indicator challenge, and are controlled to defined exposure parameters during routine use to ensure consistent decontamination. Microbial monitoring cannot and need not identify and quantify all microbial contaminants in these controlled environments. Microbiological monitoring of a clean room is technically a semiquantitative exercise, because a truly quantitative evaluation of the environment is not possible, given the limitations in sampling equipment. Both the lack of precision of enumeration methods and the restricted sample volumes that can be effectively analyzed suggest that environmental monitoring is incapable of providing direct quantitative information about sterility assurance. Analysts should remember that no microbiological sampling plan can prove the absence of microbial contamination, even when no viable contamination is recovered. The absence of growth on a microbiological sample means only that growth was not discovered; it does not mean that the environment is free of contamination. Routine microbial monitoring should provide sufficient information to demonstrate that the aseptic processing environment is operating in an adequate state of control. The real value of a microbiological monitoring program lies in its ability to confirm consistent, high-quality environmental conditions at all times. Monitoring programs can detect changes in the contamination recovery rate that may be indicative of changes in the state of control within the environment. Environmental microbial monitoring and analysis of data by qualified personnel can assist in ensuring that a suitable state of control is maintained. The environment should be sampled during normal operations to allow the collection of meaningful, process-related data. Microbial sampling should occur when materials are in the area, processing activities are ongoing, and a full complement of personnel is working within the aseptic processing environment. Microbial monitoring of manufacturing clean rooms, RABS, and isolators should include compressed gases, surfaces, room or enclosure air, and any other materials and equipment that might produce a risk of contamination. The analysis of contamination trends in an aseptic environment has long been a component of the environmental control program. In aseptic processing environments and particularly in ISO Class 5 environments, contamination is infrequently observed. In isolator enclosures, contamination is rarer still because of superior exclusion of human-borne contamination. Because of the criticality of these environments, even minor changes in the contamination incident rates may be significant, and manufacturers should frequently and carefully review monitoring data. In less critical environments, microbial contamination may be higher, but changes in recovery rates should be noted, investigated, and corrected. Isolated recoveries of microorganisms should be considered a normal phenomenon in conventional clean rooms, and these incidents generally do not require specific corrective action, because it is almost certain that investigations will fail to yield a scientifically verifiable cause. Because sampling itself requires an aseptic intervention in conventional clean rooms, any single uncorrelated contamination event could be a false positive. When contamination recovery rates increase from an established norm, process and operational investigation should take place. Investigations will differ depending on the type and processing of the product manufactured in the clean room, RABS, or isolator. Investigation should include a review of area maintenance documentation; sanitization/decontamination documentation; the occurrence of nonroutine events; the inherent physical or operational parameters, such as changes in environmental temperature and relative humidity; and the training status of personnel. In closed RABS and isolator systems, the loss of glove integrity or the accidental introduction of material that has not been decontaminated are among the most probable causes of detectable microbial contamination. Following the investigation, actions should be taken to correct or eliminate the most probable causes of contamination. Because of the relative rarity of contamination events in modern facilities, the investigation often proves inconclusive. When corrective actions are undertaken, they may include reinforcement of personnel training to emphasize acceptable gowning and aseptic techniques and microbial control of the environment. Some additional microbiological sampling at an increased frequency may be implemented, but this may not be appropriate during aseptic processing because intrusive or overly intensive sampling may entail an increased contamination risk. When additional monitoring is desirable, it may be m
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