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工艺品 茶 是的,我爱喝茶。 Yes, I prefer tea. 大多数中国人都喜欢喝茶,中国人是世界上最早饮用茶的人。 Most Chinese people like tea and Chinese people are the first people in the world who have tea. 茶在中国有记载的历史已经有三千多年了。 And we have a recorded history of tea of three thousand years. 大约一千两百年以前,有一个叫陆羽的人...

茶 是的,我爱喝茶。 Yes, I prefer tea. 大多数中国人都喜欢喝茶,中国人是世界上最早饮用茶的人。 Most Chinese people like tea and Chinese people are the first people in the world who have tea. 茶在中国有记载的历史已经有三千多年了。 And we have a recorded history of tea of three thousand years. 大约一千两百年以前,有一个叫陆羽的人,专门写了一本《茶经》。 And one thousand and two hundred years ago, a man named Lu Yu wrote a book which is called “Cha Jing”, means the bible of tea. 这是世界上第一本关于茶的书。 And this is the very first book on tea in the world. 这本书详细介绍了茶的起源,采茶、制茶的工具,茶的种类和鉴定,煮茶、饮茶的器皿,饮茶风俗的历史演变,茶叶的产地和品质等等。 The book offered a detailed explanation of the original tea, tools for picking and manufacturing tea, types and verification of tea, tea wares for brewing and drinking, history and method of tea drinking, as well as tea producing districts and their rankings. 中国的茶文化非常复杂,比茶本身还要复杂。 China now boosts a sophisticated tea culture, which goes far beyond tea itself. 茶的种类很多。 Tea comes in various types. 现在最常见的分类是按照茶的加工方法来分。 It is most commonly classified according to its processing method. 经过全发酵的茶是红茶,但是西方人却把它叫做black tea(黑茶) Fully fermented tea is called red tea, although it is known as black tea among westerners. 不经过发酵的,仍保持原色的是绿茶。 Unfermented tea is called green tea and the leaves remain all of green. 半发酵的是乌龙茶。 Half fermented tea is called Wulong tea. 把花瓣同茶叶混合在一起薰制的茶叫花茶、 And the scented tea, which smells like flowers, is made by mixing green tea with flower petals through an elaborate process. 以绿茶为例,沏茶用的水最佳温度是摄氏八十度左右。 Take green tea for instance, the ideal temperature of the water should be around 80 degree Celsius. 如果水温过高,茶中的营养物质就会被破坏,茶水也很难喝。 If the water is too hot, nutrients in the tea will be destroyed and the tea will taste badly. 相反如果水温不够,茶叶泡不开,茶中的营养物质解析不出来,就喝不到茶的香味。 On the other hand, if the water is tempered, the tea leaves wouldn’t open up and you will miss brisk flavor. 此外,水的来源也非常重要,泉水、河水、湖水、井水等等,不同的水质都会影响茶的口感。 In addition, water is another important element. Water from springs, rivers, lakes and wells will result in different flavors. 中国人喝茶习惯要喝热的。 Chinese people are most accustomed to drinking hot tea. 一些专家认为,茶凉了以后,不但茶的精华消失了,而且对人的身体也不利。 Many tea experts say that once tea cools off, its nutrients disappear and it’s no longer good for your health. 因此如果你到中国朋友家做客,他们一定会用热茶来招待你。 So when you go visit a Chinese friend’s house, you will most likely to see a cup of hot tea. 而且在聊天的过程中,他们还会不断地为你喝空了的杯子添热水。 And you will find when you stay in talk, your friend will continuously add hot water to your emptying cup of tea. 或者把凉了的茶倒掉,再为你加上新的热茶。 Or else, they will just throw up the cold tea and give you some new tea. 说起倒茶,中国有句俗话,叫做“酒满茶半”,意思是倒酒时要把杯子倒满,而倒茶时不要倒太满。 Talking about adding water to the tea cup, we have a saying in Chinese which is “Jiu Man Cha Ban”: Liquor or wine full, full cup. Tea half, half cup. 两种方式都 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示好意。 Well, they mean something good. 酒倒满杯表示全心全意。 For liquor, full cup symbolizes whole heartiness, very sincere. 茶倒半杯表示虚心诚恳。 For tea, half, it means modest. 我们给朋友倒茶和倒酒时,礼节是不同的。 So we have different ways of giving water to the cup of tea or giving one a liquor to friends. 茶 tea 红茶 black tea 绿茶 green tea 剪纸  剪纸是中国最普及的民间装饰艺术之一。 Paper cut is one of the most popular Chinese decorative folk arts. 传统的剪纸也叫做“窗花”,因为它最初就是贴在窗户上作为装饰用的。 Traditional paper cut is also called “Window blossoms” because they were first put on windows for decoration. 其他的剪纸形式都是在窗花的基础上发展演变而来。 Other forms of paper cut are derived from the “window blossoms”. 中国各地在春节期间都要在窗子上贴上寓意吉祥的窗花。 Window blossoms are put on windows in all parts of China during Spring Festival. 这个习俗历史悠久,美丽的窗花不仅能妆点节日的气氛,还寄托了人们辞旧迎新,接福纳祥的美好愿望。 This custom has a long history which not only brings festivity to the holiday, but is also a symbol for people to express their wishes for welcoming the new year, blessings, and fortunes. 中国各地的剪纸风格各异。 There are different styles of paper cut in different parts of China. 一般来说,北方广大农村劳动妇女注重剪纸所表达的观念,想到哪儿剪到哪儿。 Generally speaking, farming women from North China pay special attention to concept, so the design flows with their thoughts. 而南方剪纸玲珑剔透 严整优雅,以写实风格著称。 Paper cut in South China is well known for its exquisite, elegant, realistic style. 于是形成了北方剪纸粗犷随意,南方水乡剪纸精致明快的“北犷南秀”的鲜明特色。 Therefore, northern and southern paper cut can be distinguished as free and rugged or elegant and exquisite, respectively. 反映了北方大陆与南方水乡劳动群众的性格气质。 This reflects the difference in disposition and personality between the northern and southern parts of China. 河北蔚县的剪纸是北方彩色剪纸的代表。 Paper cut in Yu county, Hebei province represents northern style with its bright colors. 这里的剪纸不是用剪刀剪出来的,而是用各种不同的刻刀。 The paper was carved using a carving knife instead of using scissors. 这种剪纸色泽明艳贴在窗子上光影效果极佳。 In the windows, the bright colors combined with light to form lovely patterns and shadows. 首先要“设计”一个用作雕刻的模版,用笔仔细勾画出图案的线条。 At first, a carving mold should be designed, and then the lines of the pattern will be drawn. 然后把模版放在一叠纸的上面,再用各种不同的刻刀,沿着线条把图案刻出来。 After that, the mold is put on a stack of paper and different kinds of knives are used to carve along the lines. 最后一步是“染色”。 The last step is to color the paper. 用白酒调配好颜料,再用毛笔均匀地涂在刻好的白纸上。 Dyes are mixed with liquor and are brushed onto white paper. 这个步骤叫“熏样”。 This procedure is called “smoking sample”. 把剪好的模版用水蘸湿贴在白纸上,再用蜡烛的烟熏黑。 The wetted carved mold is put on white paper and smoked with a candle. 在复印机还没有发明出来时,剪纸艺人们就用这种方式来复制他们的模版。 Before the copying machine was invented, the paper cut artists copied their carving mold using this technique. 这幅“九龙剪纸”有五米长、两米高,是用一整张纸雕刻而成的。 This five-meter-long and two-meter-high “Nine-dragon Paper cut” is carved on one piece of paper. 八位剪纸艺人用了四年时间雕刻而成。 It took eight artists four years to complete it. 不仅九条神龙活灵活现,而且每一处线条都是连接在一起的。 The nine dragons are not only vivid, but also each of the fine lines is connected. 如今的剪纸,早已走出了中国人家的小院,走入了现代设计的广阔天地。 The paper cuts have walked out from the domestic decoration to modern interior design. 在产品包装设计、商标广告、室内装潢、服装设计、书籍装帧、邮票设计、连环画等处都有它的影子。 The art form is reflected on trade marks, advertisement, interior decoration, fashion design, book binding, stamp design and cartoon books. 主题也不再局限于中国人的传统生活,而开始表现各种不同的文化内容。 The theme is not limited to traditional Chinese life, but encompasses different cultural artifacts. 纸 paper 剪纸 Paper cut 剪刀 scissor 教剪纸 How to cut window blossoms 我来为大家介绍一下剪普通窗花的基本步骤。 Let me show the basic steps of how to cut window blossoms. 第一步是“折”。 The first step is to fold. 把一张正方形的纸沿着对角线折成三角形,然后再对折一次。 Fold a piece of squared paper along the diagonal into a triangle, and fold into another triangle. 现在就可以开始“剪”了。 Now we can start to cut. 窗花可以不用很规则的设计。 Window blossoms can be designed with irregular patterns. 首先剪出一个弧形,作为花瓣的轮廓。 First cut an arch which will be the outline of the petals. 之后用剪刀随意剪出各种曲线或锯齿。 After that use a pair of scissors to cut different kinds of curved lines and saw tooth. 也可以剪出半个“心型”。 A half heart shape can also be cut. 最后一步是展开,这个时候要轻一点,免得撕破较细的连接处。 The last step is to open up with light touch to avoid tear the fine connections. 然后轻轻展平,你会发现,所有随意的形状都变成了美丽的对称图案。 景泰蓝 Lightly flat it, you will find a beautiful symmetrical pattern from a random cut. 镜头前这些造型优美,色彩华丽的工艺品叫做“景泰蓝”。 These beautiful and colorful art crafts in front of the camera are named Jing Tai Lan. 它是中国传统的青铜、陶瓷、绘画和雕刻艺术与国外掐丝珐琅工艺有机结合的产物。 It is a combination of Chinese traditional bronze and china arts, paintings, carving arts and foreign enamel techniques. 13世纪下半叶,一种在金属胎上装饰瓷釉的手艺从阿拉伯传入中国。 A kind of handicraft of decorating enamel on the metal was introduced from Arab into China in the late half of the 13th century. 这种民间工艺在中国工匠的手中经历了数百年反复锤炼、雕琢、磨合。 Such folk art craft has experienced repeated practices and compromise for several hundred years in the hands of Chinese craftsmen. 到15世纪中叶明朝景泰年间。已经独具特色且十分成熟。 In the mid 15th century -- the “Jing Tai” period in the Ming Dynasty, this art craft had its own features and were pretty mature. 因初创时只有蓝色,人们习惯地把这种精湛的工艺称为“景泰蓝”。 It used to be named “Jing Tai Lan” because such articles were solely made in blue at the beginning. “蓝”就是Blue。 “Lan” means blue. 后来虽然又发展出了各种颜色的珐琅彩,但“景泰蓝”已经作为一种工艺品名称一代代沿袭下来,而不再是指一种颜色了。 Although there are various colors of enamel developed later on, the name “Jing Tai Lan” is still used to refer to this kind of art craft, but not only a color any more. 景泰蓝制品富丽华美、光彩耀人。极具观赏和收藏价值。 Articles of Jing Tai Lan are magnificent, colorful, shinning, and are worthy of appreciating and collecting. 但是它的制作工艺精湛繁复、造价昂贵,不是一般人所能承受的。 However, its production procedure can be very complicated and thus it is priced so high that the common people usually cannot afford it. 因此在明清两朝,“景泰蓝”都是皇家专用的器物饰品,是尊贵与财富的象征。 During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, “Jing Tai Lan” was the decorative articles owned only by royal families, a symbol of nobility and wealth. 清朝皇宫内设有“珐琅作”,专门制造精美的景泰蓝。 “Workshop of Enamel” was set up in the Forbidden City during the Qing Dynasty, specializing in producing elegant Jing Tai Lan. 后来这项工艺渐渐传入民间,才得以年复一年传承至今。 Later on, this craft was introduced to the folk communities, so that it could be passed on over generations and last till now. 制作景泰蓝的工艺是个环环相连、丝丝入扣的复杂过程。 Making Jing Tai Lan is a very complicated process which each step closely connected to the previous one. 须经过“制胎”、“掐丝”、“点蓝”、“烧蓝”、“磨光”、“镀金”等大大小小十多道工序才能完成。 It can only be finished through more than ten steps including making copper mold, welding copper wire, coloring, polishing, gold-plating and so on. 全部工序的基础是从制胎开始的。 All steps begin with mold-making. 工匠们要先选取厚薄均匀的紫铜片。 Firstly, craftsmen choose pieces of copper of exactly the same thickness. 剪裁切割之后,通过这样耐心地反复捶打做成各种器物的毛坯。 Then they cut and hammer them into the molds for different kinds of articles by repeatedly beating and molding with patience. 而一件精美绝伦的艺术品,也将在这不起眼的铜胎上一步步完成。 And a magnificent and elegant art craft is to be created from the not-eye-absorbing copper mold. 工匠们先把这种细长扁平的铜丝弯曲掐制成各种复杂的形状和山水花鸟等各种图案,再一个一个粘到铜胎上。 Craftsmen first weld thin and flat wires into all kinds of complex shapes and patterns, such as mountains, rivers, flowers and birds, and then paste them onto the copper mold one by one. 这样一个简单的花瓶就需要500米的铜丝。 Such a plain vase needs 500-meter-long copper wires. 至于景泰蓝上绚丽丰富的色彩,就是这样用颜料在铜丝弯成的小格子中。 The brilliant colors on Jing Tai Lan are inlayed into the empty spaces formed by copper wires like this. 一小块一小块堆填出来的,这个关键的环节叫做“点蓝”。 This key step is called “coloring blue”. 决定景泰蓝颜色的还有“烧蓝”。 Another key step which is critical to the colors of Jing Tai Lan is enamel-firing. 烧蓝的炉温一般在600度以上。 Temperature for enamel-firing is usually above 600 centigrade. 火候或温度上的丝毫偏差,都可能造成颜色偏差或釉质脱落而前功尽弃。 Any mistake in temperature will cause wrong colors or sheds of glaze which lead to failure. 进炉一烧颜料的体积就会缩小。 After burning, the size of the colors will shrink. 因此“点蓝”和“烧蓝”的环节需要重复许多次。 Therefore, steps of enamel-coloring and enamel-firing must be repeated several times. 一次次地填色,一次次地烧制,这只牡丹花瓶才呈现出如此丰富饱满的色泽。 This vase of peony can be so brilliant and dazzling in colors only after repeated coloring and firing. “打磨”虽然是最后一道工序,却也要经历砂石、黄石、木炭抛光等多次加工,才能成就景泰蓝均匀华丽的夺目光泽。 Although “polishing” is the last step, it is not the least one. Jing Tai Lan can be brilliant and dazzling in colors only after being polished by sandstones, yellow stones and charcoal. 从明清时候起,景泰蓝就随着远洋的商船走向海外,并影响着数百年来各国珐琅制作的工艺和风格。 From the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Jing Tai Lan was introduced overseas with trade ships, and has influenced the production and style of enamel-making in all countries for several hundred years. 如今,日本的七宝烧和西洋画珐琅中都能找到景泰蓝艺术的影迹。 Even now, you can find traces of Jing Tai Lan in Japanese pottery making crafts and enamel in western paintings. 这三种珐琅工艺相互借鉴,各有千秋。 These three techniques of enamel have their own advantages and learn from each other. 2006年5月20日,景泰蓝制作技艺经中国国务院批准列入中国第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。 On May 20th, 2006, the production technique of Jing Tai Lan was approved to be put in the list of the first national non-material cultural heritage by the Chinese Government. 景泰蓝 Jing Tai Lan 漂亮! Beautiful! 文房四宝 现在我们来谈谈中国画作画时常用的工具。 Now let’s talk about the things, or the tools we are gonna use to paint Chinese painting. 我们把这些工具称作“文房四宝”,意思就是书房里的四件宝物。 In Chinese we called those tools as “Wen Fang Si Bao”, literally means the four treasures in your study. 这些是毛笔,我们叫做“笔”。 These are the brush, we call it “Bi”. 这是“墨”。 And this is ink. 这是“纸”。 And this is of course papers, you can see that. 这块石头是“砚”,叫做砚石或砚台。 And this piece of stone we call it ink stone or ink slap. 这件我们叫做“笔”的东西,在英语中叫做“刷子”。 The thing is that, this is called “Bi” in Chinese. But of course I see that in English it’s called brush. 在西方绘画中,你们用扁平的刷子,但在中国绘画和书法中,我们用圆形的刷子。 In western painting, you use a kind of a flat brush, but in Chinese painting or Chinese calligraphy,we use a round one. 在中文中我们说的笔,听起来与英文中的,“钢笔”是一样的。 And in Chinese we call it “Bi”, which sounds very much like or exactly the same as we would call it pen in English. 所以这是很传统的“中国笔”。 So this is the traditional Chinese pen. 握笔的姿势应该像这样。 And also holding this kind of pen, just like that. “墨” 就是墨水,在英语里它是液体的。 And “Mo”, the ink,I know the ink in English is something liquid. 但是在中国,写毛笔字时,墨是一块像石头一样的东西,它是一根墨棒或墨块。 But in Chinese, painting a Chinese calligraphy, ink is a piece of something like a rock, it’s a stick, it’s an ink stick. 这种墨必须和砚一起使用。 And the ink has to be used together with this piece of stone. 就是这种砚台。 This ink stone, or ink slap. 我们往砚台中倒一些水,在它上面磨墨,然后我们就可以得到用来写字作画的墨汁。 And we pour some water into it, and we rub the ink stick, and then we can get the liquid ink we are gonna use in painting and writing. 再用毛笔蘸上墨汁,就准备得当了。 And then can use the brush and dig it into the ink and you get everything ready. 我们还需要纸。 And then we need to have paper. 这种纸叫做“宣纸”。 This kind of paper we call it “Xuan Zhi” in Chinese. 它非常有韧性但又很软。 It’s very very strong but soft. 这种纸能很快地吸收液体和墨汁。 And they can absorb liquid of water or ink very quickly. 这样艺术家们就可以轻而易举地在这种纸上制造他们想要的特殊效果了。 It’s very easy for the artist to use ink to have some special effect they want on this kind of paper. 以上这些就是画传统中国画时需要用到的东西。 Well, these are the things we are gonna use when we do Chinese traditional painting. 文房四宝 the four treasure of the study 笔 writing brush 墨 INK
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