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75个雅思口语考试题目雅思口语900句 话题 25. 电影 考试常见提问: 1. What kind of films do you like to watch? 2. Are these kinds of films popular in your country? 3. Which was the best film you ever saw? 4. What are the features of the type of film that you like most? 5. Who is your fa...

雅思口语900句 话 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 25. 电影 考试常见提问: 1. What kind of films do you like to watch? 2. Are these kinds of films popular in your country? 3. Which was the best film you ever saw? 4. What are the features of the type of film that you like most? 5. Who is your favorite actor / actress? 考试必备句子: 1. I watch a good old film every weekend. 2. That movie is a real tear-jerker. 3. It is a movie that shouldn’t be missed. 4. A great movie can sometimes be a big flop at the box office. 5. A good movie should cater to public taste. 6. Many young people worship heroes in films as idols. 7. Parents should not let their children watch films with raw language. 8. Adventure films are my favorite. 9. Hong Kong kung fu films enjoy international reputation. 10. I like those films with an adventurous plot and beautiful actresses. 11. A good movie should be educative. 12. A good movie often provides us a better way to pamper ourselves. 注释: 1. tear-jerker 赚人热泪的影片 2. a big flop at the box office 票房惨败 3. raw language 污言秽语,脏话 话题 26 爱好 考试常见提问: 1. What are your hobbies? 2. What do you gain from your hobbies? 3. Why do you have such a hobby? 4. When did you begin to pick up this hobby? 5. Do you have friends who have the same hobby? 考试常见提问: 1. In my spare time, I like to hang out with my friends. 2. He is keen on gardening. 3. Surfing is not my cup of tea. 4. A healthy hobby relaxes people and provides fun. 5. I spend a lot of time and energy on my hobby. 6. Too much absorbed in one’s hobby and neglecting work are not good. 7. I have a strong passion of collecting stamps. 8. I began to pick up this hobby when I was in grade six in primary school. 9. This hobby has given me an opportunity to make more friends. 10. Friends with common interests would have a lot to exchange. 11. I’ve devoted much of my spare time to it. 12. How much you are interested in will decide how much you can get from it. 注释: 1. hang out 闲逛 2. not my cup of tea 不符合我的胃口 3. have a strong passion 有强烈的感情 话题 27 音乐 考试常见提问: 1. What kind of music do you like? 2. Can you play a musical instrument? 3. Do your friends and your family have different musical tastes to you? 4. Who is your favorite musician or singer? 5. Have you ever been to one of their performances or seen one on TV? 考试必备句子: 1. I prefer classical music. 2. I am tone deaf. 3. Mozart is my favorite musician. 4. I can’t stand rock music. 5. I am simply crazy about rap music. 6. R&B is popular among young people. 7. I often go to KTV with my friends. 8. I listen to the Vienna New Year concert on TV every year. 9. Rock and Roll is rich in passion. 10. I started playing the piano at the age of six. 11. The Phantom of Opera is very touching. 12. The singer has an excellent voice. 注释: 1. classical music 古典音乐 2. tone deaf 不通音律 3. The Phantom of Opera 《歌剧魅影》 话题 28 照相 考试常见提问: 1. Do you like to take photographs? 2. Do Chinese people like to take photographs? 3. Which kind of photos do you like to take? 4. How do you arrange your photos? 5. Are there some photos on your home’s wall? 考试必备句子: 1. I am not very photogenic. 2. These photographs do not do me justice. 3. The photo album is full of memories. 4. Photographs catch the happy moments spent with friends and family. 5. Photography is an amazing art form. 6. I enjoy seeing others’ photos. 7. I take pictures at memorable events, such as birthdays and festivals. 8. Taking photos is way of saving and sharing memories. 9. Digital camera is one of the greatest inventions of the twenty-first century. 10. Many people use Photoshop to better their image. 11. Taking false pictures is against the working ethics of the journalists. 12. I took picture when I was on vacation. 注释: 1. photogenic 上相的 2. digital camera 数码相机 3. working ethics 工作原则 话题29 购物 考试常见提问: 1. Do you enjoy shopping / window shopping? 2. Do you usually do your shopping at one place or several different places? 3. What kinds of shops are there near your home? 4. Do you pay more attention to quality or to price? 5. Have prices increased a lot recently? 考试必备句子: 1. Girls today are fascinated with shopping. 2. I go window shopping as way of recreation. 3. For many Westerners, Christmas is the shopping season. 4. The modern shopping malls integrate many functions, such as catering and recreation. 5. I go shopping in small stores because things there are much cheaper. 6. An ordinary university student could not afford shopping in department stores often. 7. Luxury is beyond my buying ability. 8. The purchasing power of the rural regions has increased. 9. My mother is a comparison shopper. 10. I always go bargain hunting in small markets. 11. With the sharp rising of CPI, life becomes harder. 12. My roommate is an impulse shopper. 注释: 1. purchasing power 购买力 2. comparison shopper 货比三家者 3. go bargain hunting 拣便宜货 话题 30 运动 考试常见提问: 1. Do you like sports? 2. Which kind of sports do you like? Why? 3. Which kind of people like sports? Which dislike? 4. Do Chinese like sports? 5. Which kind of sports do people in your hometown like? 考试必备句子: 1. I play badminton from 4 to six o’clock every afternoon. 2. I am a sports enthusiast. 3. I see lots of people jogging in the park every day. 4. Among all the sports activities, badminton is my favorite. 5. Athletes should respect sportsmanship. 6. There are scores of sport events in the Olympics. 7. A successful Olympic Game will demonstrate China’s rapid development in sports. 8. Football is a national sport. 9. Table tennis is the most popular sport in my hometown. 10. Chinese people are paying more and more attention to body exercising. 11. Sports like basketball, football could train our team spirit. 12. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 注释: 1. a sports enthusiast 一个运动爱好者 2. sportsmanship 体育精神 3. body exercising 健身 话题 31 旅游 考试常见提问: 1. Do you like traveling? 2. Where have you been to? 3. Have you been abroad? 4. What do you gain from traveling? 5. What preparation should you do before traveling? 考试必备句子: 1. If I had enough time and money, I would like to travel around the world. 2. I like to travel alone in the countryside. 3. I spend my holidays on traveling. 4. Traveling makes a person more mature. 5. You may run into different people while traveling. 6. I have been to many places of interest. 7. Remember to bring some medicine with you while traveling. 8. The scenery there is breathtaking. 9. Do not go to dangerous places while traveling alone. 10. Ghost haunted places can be tourist attractions. 11. The tourism is flourishing in China. 12. A five-day tour of Thailand is a first choice for many families to spend their spring festival. 注释: 1. places of interest 旅游胜地 2. breathtaking 惊人的 3. first choice 最佳选择 话题 32 网站和网上购物 考试常见提问: 1. Which website do you like? 2. What do you think of e-shopping? 3. What are the advantages of e-shopping? 4. What are the disadvantages of e-shopping? 5. What kind of things can be bought online? 考试必备句子: 1. E-shopping is fast and convenient. 2. We can buy all kinds of things online. 3. E-bay is a large shopping website. 4. When e-shopping, pay particular attention to safekeeping your account information. 5. Before e-shopping, be sure that you know all the details of the article. 6. You should check your goods carefully after receiving it. 7. Shop on reliable websites. 8. Shopping online is a bargain because you can always get a discount. 9. I am not particularly keen on shopping. 10. E-shopping has the potential danger of being cheated. 11. One of the disadvantages of e-shopping is that you are not able to see the commodity until you receive it. 12. I prefer shopping in a traditional way to e-shopping. 注释: 1. account information 帐户信息 2. details of the article 商品细节信息 3. discount 打折 话题 33 艺术技能 考试常见提问: 1. What kind of artistic skill do you have? 2. Do you think learning an artistic skill help develop people’s characters? 3. Do you think learning art is popular? 4. What are the advantages of learning an artistic skill for children? 5. What are the similarities and differences between learning an artistic skill and other subjects? 考试必备句子: 1. Some parents force their children to learn one or more than one artistic skills. 2. A lot of young people are crazy about art courses instead of other subjects. 3. Art is of great importance to everyone. 4. I like hip-pop dance and I once won a first prize in a competition. 5. Art can be regarded as another way to express our feelings. 6. Art colleges are becoming more and more popular in China. 7. Learning an artistic skill is good for one’s imagination. 8. I am good at playing the Chinese violin. 9. Some art crash training course is of no use at all. 10. No matter what artistic skill you want to learn, you have to be ready to learn it for a long time. 11. It is not that easy to master an artistic skill within a short period of time. 12. Practice makes perfect. 注释: 1. hip-pop dance 街舞 2. Chinese violin 二胡 3. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 话题 34 最喜欢的歌 考试常见提问: 1. What is your favorite song? 2. Why do you like that song? 3. Who is the original singer of that song? 4. What kinds of songs do Chinese people like? 5. Is there any difference between the songs that young people like and that the old people like? 考试必备句子: 1. Some people say singing can lose your weight to some extent. 2. I often go to KTV with my friends for relaxation. 3. Singing in KTV is a way to communicate with your friends. 4. This melody brightens your mood. 5. I like those shopping centers where you can enjoy background music. 6. My favorite song is named when you believe by Mariah Carey. 7. I like this song because the lyrics are unforgettable. 8. The songs of this band are all encouraging. 9. In a sense, music is a language. 10. Folk songs have strong local color. 11. Classical music sounds elegant. 12. The choir sang like angels. 注释: 1. brighten one’s mood 使某人情绪高涨 2. lyrics 歌词 3. choir 合唱团 话题 35 游戏 考试常见提问: 1. What game did you often play with your friends in your childhood? 2. How did you play the game? 3. Do you like playing PC games? Why or why not? 4. What can you get from a game? 5. Do you think games are playing a positive or negative role in our life? 考试必备句子: 1. Game is a way to relax and kill time. 2. Do not waste too much of your time playing PC games. 3. I am not addicted to PC games at all. 4. Some games can practice our logical and creative thinking. 5. Every coin has two sides. 6. Some games from America can help me learn English while playing. 7. The figures in the game are quite the same as those in Greek fairy tales. 8. Some games contain too much violence, which is no good for young people at all. 9. Playing online games can let us make more friends. 10. I am interested in RPG games rather than shooting games. 11. When I was a child, I played games like hide-and-seek, police and thief etc. 12. I didn’t have many games to play when I was a child. 注释: 1. kill time 消磨时间 2. Every coin has two sides. 凡事具有两面性。 3. Greek fairy tales 希腊神话 4. RPG 角色扮演游戏 5. hide-and-seek 捉迷藏 话题 36 将来的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 考试常见提问: 1. What job would you like to do in the future? 2. What do you plan to major in? 3. What do you plan to do after graduating from university? 4. What’s your ideal job in the future? 5. What’s your ideal future like? 考试必备句子: 1. I hope I will make a decent pay in the future. 2. Five years from now I would be in a managerial position of a medium-sized company. 3. I plan to have a double major in English and economics in college. 4. I think I’d find some short-time workplace attachment opportunities this summer. 5. After graduating from university, I would like to go on studying for a master’s degree. 6. Job-hopping is common among young people. 7. My dream is to become a college teacher. 8. In order to have a good job in the future, I shall develop my personal skills. 9. I’d like to challenge myself in different fields. 10. I want to attend a speed-up course to improve my computer skills. 11. Apart from the compulsory course, I’ll choose two or three subjects depending on my interests, future plans and ability. 12. I’ll make full use of our library to arm myself with much more knowledge next semester. 注释: 1. a decent pay 可观的薪水 2. double major 双学位 3. work attachment practice 实习机会 话题 37 长期出国 考试常见提问: 1. Why are you planning to spend a period of time abroad? 2. How exactly will you benefit from this experience? 3. What problems do you think you may have abroad? 4. What should you pay attention to when you are abroad? 5. What’s the benefit of studying abroad? 考试必备句子: 1. I will go to the UK for a year to study English. 2. It is good for English learners to go abroad to study and have an English environment. 3. In foreign countries, you should pay attention to the local customs. 4. Make enough preparation before you go abroad. 5. Make sure that you have learned some customs about the country you are going to. 6. If you’re picky about food, you’d better learn some cooking skills before you go abroad. 7. In recent years, tens of thousands of students go to foreign countries to study. 8. You will be at a loss when there’s nobody to rely on in a foreign country. 9. When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do. 10. More communication with the native speakers would be a good way to improve English. 11. Studying abroad would broaden my horizon and enrich my knowledge. 12. I know I have to try my best to adapt to a new environment if I go abroad. 注释: 1. picky 挑剔的 2. at a loss 不知所措 3. enrich my knowledge 丰富我的知识 话题 38 一个重要的决定 考试常见提问: 1. Tell me about an important decision that you have made. 2. What was the decision? 3. In what way will it influence your life? 4. Why do you make the decision? 考试必备句子: 1. When I was a little girl, I relied on my parents to guide my decisions about everything. 2. To get married is one of the most important decisions you can make in life. 3. This is a decision of life and death. 4. You should consult your supervisor before you decide which topic to write about. 5. When making decisions concerning migration, investment etc., we’d better ask help from expert. 6. This decision symbolizes a turning point of my life. 7. We can’t follow blindly all of our parents’ advice. 8. Making decisions is a tough job. 9. My decision to become a teacher is largely due to my parents’ encouragement. 10. The decision of furthering my study in US opens a new window for me. 11. Once a wrong decision is made, rarely is there an opportunity to amend for it. 注释: 1. supervisor 导师 2. a tough job 困难的工作 话题 39 快乐的事件 考试常见提问: 1. Tell me something about a happy event that has happened to you. 2. When did the even happen? 3. Why do you feel happy about the event? 4. What do you think happiness is? 5. What should you do to achieve success? 考试必备句子: 1. I will remember this happy event as long as I live. 2. Happiness means different things to different people. 3. Happiness could not be bought with money. 4. For me, my happiness is closely tied to my family. 5. I will never forget the day that event happened. 6. As the saying goes, extreme joy begets sorrow. 7. Those who are easily content are always happy. 8. Happiness should not be achieved at the expense of others’ interests. 9. For me working is the source of happiness. 10. I was having the time of my life. 11. We had a whale of a time at that party. 12. When I heard the news I was as happy as a lark. 注释: 1. beget 产生 2. I was having the time of my life. 这是我一生中最快乐的时刻。 3. a whale of time 玩得很开心 话题 40 成功 考试常见提问: 1. How do you define success? 2. Is success important to you? 3. How can people achieve success? 4. Describe a success in your life. 考试必备句子: 1. A successful man always has a goal and strives to realize the goal. 2. Money is not equal to success. 3. I’m proud of the success that he has achieved. 4. To be successful you have to keep one step ahead other people. 5. For me winning is everything. 6. When seeing an opportunity for success, don’t hesitate to go for it. 7. To achieve success requires perseverance. 8. We should not step on others in order to achieve our own success. 9. To have a harmonious family is another form of success. 10. Before you succeed, you may encounter with many failures. 11. I am grateful to my parents for their support, which is essential to my success. 12. We learn from other people’s success. 注释: 1. keep one step ahead 超前一步 2. go for it 努力去争取 3. harmonious family 和谐家庭 话题 41 艺术活动 考试常见提问: 1. Describe an art activity you have joined on campus. 2. Do you think art activities are important to a country? 3. Do you think we should protect traditional art in China? 4. What are young people’s attitudes towards traditional art in China? 5. What measures can we take to protect traditional Chinese art? 考试必备句子: 1. The students actively applied for the Drama club. 2. The Drama club presents the play of the year in spring. 3. As an art lover, I always go to art exhibitions whenever I have the chance. 4. Beijing opera is a traditional form of art in China. 5. Young people nowadays cannot appreciate traditional art. 6. To protect the traditional Chinese art, we should nurture children’s interest in them. 7. Traditional art is a national treasure. 8. We should pass on the cultural heritage to the coming generation. 9. Now young people have no interest in the traditional art at all. 10. The government should give much support to the protection of the traditional arts. 11. More schools, galleries and museums should be set up to let people know what art is. 12. International cultural exchange is a good way to contact with people in the world. 注释: 1. Drama club 话剧社 2. traditional form of art 传统艺术形式 3. international cultural exchange 国际文化交流 话题 42 开公司 1. 考试常见提问: 2. If you are running your won business, what kinds of products and services would you offer? 3. What would be the best way to advertise your company or products? 4. On what basis would you choose your employees? 5. What are the characteristics of a good boss? 6. Why do you want to have your own company? What can you get from it? 考试必备句子: 1. The biggest advantage of starting your own business is that you are your own boss. 2. A good boss shall learn to handle the labor problems correctly. 3. Don’t hire employees who are always goofing off. 4. Good employers allow employees to talk freely with one another. 5. A good boss will try his best to reduce personal conflict on the job. 6. A good boss gives employees adequate control over how they do their work. 7. If I run a company of my own, I’ll have some control over how I perform my work. 8. I will employ those who have an ability to verbalize an idea easily. 9. Employees who work with flexibility develop an incredible sense of loyalty. 10. I only employ those loyal and faithful employees. 11. Being smart and intelligent doesn’t mean that he is a good worker. 12. Running a company of my own will bring me a great sens
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