首页 精心整理的十部经典英文电影台词(强烈推荐!)



精心整理的十部经典英文电影台词(强烈推荐!)《冰河世纪1,2》(Ice Age 1,2)台词 ice age 1 Give me a break! 你算了吧!(饶了我吧) Go ahead. 继续(说、做)。 Where is everybody? 大家都去哪里了? Sick! 恶心! I can't belive it. 我真不敢相信。 Go ahead! 开始(吃、说)吧! Dig in. 吃吧。 You know what I'm saying, buddy? 你明白我的说的吗,哥们? What a mess! 真是一团糟! Did you know...

《冰河世纪1,2》(Ice Age 1,2)台词 ice age 1 Give me a break! 你算了吧!(饶了我吧) Go ahead. 继续(说、做)。 Where is everybody? 大家都去哪里了? Sick! 恶心! I can't belive it. 我真不敢相信。 Go ahead! 开始(吃、说)吧! Dig in. 吃吧。 You know what I'm saying, buddy? 你明白我的说的吗,哥们? What a mess! 真是一团糟! Did you know that? 你知道吗? No offense. 无意冒犯。 You probably didn't know what I'm talking about.你也许听不懂我刚才在说什么。 Easy! 冷静! That was my mistake.那是我的错。 Oh,my goodness.噢,我的天! They're my favorite. 它们是我的最爱! Delicious! 恩,味道好极了! That's ok. 没事。 I wanna live. 我想活命(我可不想死)。 Get off me. 走开(离我远点)! Wait a minute. 等一下。 An excellent point. 说得真精辟! That's right. 没错。 You losers. 你输了。 We did it. 我们成功了! We make a great team. 我们配合得很默契。 I guess not! 不行! Thanks for the help. 多谢帮忙。 Stop following me. 别再跟着我。 An eye for an eye. 以牙还牙。 Don't you think? 难道你不觉得吗? So what about you? 那么你呢? You'd better. 你最好这样。 Let's go. 我们走。 Get away from me. 离我远点。 Are you forgetting something? 你是不是忘了什么? Let's get something straight here.我们把话说明白吧。 Listen very carefully. 仔细听好! Fine! 好吧! Be a jerk. 做你的混球吧! I'll take care of him. 我会照顾他的。 That's good. 那太好了。 You can't even take care of yourself. 你连自己都照顾不了。 This,I gotta see. 这个我得瞧瞧。 This is cake.小菜一碟。 I'm gonna die. 我会送命的。 Thanks for the advice. 谢谢你的建议。 Beat it. 走开。(注:记得MJ的那首经典歌的名字吗?) Ok,deal. 好吧,说定了! Good idea. 好主意! Wait wait wait! 等等,等一下! This is a problem. 这是个问题(这下麻烦了)。 Now what? 又怎么了? Oh,that's perfect. 哦,那可真是完美啊。 I didn't say that. 我没这么说。 You were thinking it. 你就是这么想的。 He reads minds. 他能猜透人心思。 When you're ready to talk,I'm here. 当你想找人聊天时,我随时在。 It's your choice. 由你自己选择。 Can I talk to you for a second? 我能跟你谈谈吗? You gotta make it stop. 你得让它停下。 I can't take it anymore. 我再也受不了了。 Will you cut it out? 你别胡闹了行吗? Do that again. 再来。 Bedtime. 该睡了。 What the? 搞什么?(What the hell is going on等的简略形式) Tell me about it. 可不是嘛(你算说对了)。 You say that,but you don't mean it. 你这么说却不这么认为。 Wait a minute. 等一下。 Thanks for waiting.谢谢等我。 You're lost. 你迷路了。 Great news! 好消息! I found a shortcut. 我找到了个捷径。 Hey guys,check this out. 伙计们,瞧这个。 Shut up. 闭嘴。 You ok? 你没事吧? Come on come on. 求你了。 Say something, anything. 说点什么,什么都行。 I can't hear you. 我听不见你说什么。 Why did you do that? 你为什么那么干? Look out for each other. 互相照顾。 Well,thanks. 噢,谢谢! I don't know about you guys. 我不知道你们怎么想。 Knock it off. 别说了!(快停下!) I'm starving. 我饿死了! Save your energy. 省点力气吧! There's only one way to do it. 只有一种办法。 What are you doing? 你在干什么? I'm a genius. 我真是个天才。 Look at this. 瞧这个。 I don't believe it. 我真不敢相信。 This way. 这边。 Good job. 干的好! Sleep time. 睡觉时间到了。 He is a good guy. 他是个好人。 Good night. 晚安。 What's your problem? 你怎么了? Nothing. 没事。 Let's go.我们走吧。 It was my job. 那是我的任务。 I'am sorry. 真对不起! You have to trust me. 你得信任我。(注:have to 经常发音成"havede") No need to worry. 用不着担心。 Very nice! 非常好! We did it. 我们成功了! What do you say? 你说呢(你觉得怎么样)? You didn't have to do that. 你不用那样做的。 Don't forget about us,ok? 别忘了我们,好吗? We won't forget about you. 我们不会忘记你的。 Save your breath! 省口气吧! We gotta go. 我们得走了。 You calling me a liar 你说我在撒谎?(注:日常使用中现在进行时的BE动词经常被省略) ice age 2 What would it take to make you happy? 要怎样才能让你高兴啊? This,I like. 这个我喜欢! Congratulations. 恭喜! I can see that. 我看得出来。 Good job. 干得好! Question! 我有个问题要问! It's not believable! 这不可信! They lived happily ever after. 他们从此过着幸福快乐的日子。 You can't get more satisfying than that! 没有比这更完美的啦! That's the way it's supposed to be! 本来就该这样。 Where's everybody going? 大家要去哪儿? What are you talking about? 你说什么? What are you doing? 你在干嘛? What are you talking about? 你说什么呢? What are you doing? 你在干嘛?! No way! 决不! But I've been wrong before. 不过我也不一定对!(不过我之前也错过。) This is exactly what I'm talking about! 这就是我所说的! Wait a minute! 等一下! What are we gonna do? 我们该怎么办? Let's go! 我们走! What if you're right? 万一你真说对了怎么办? Look on the bright side. 往好处想想。 Sorry, my stomach hates me! 对不起,我的肚子在跟我捣蛋! I need to be alone for a while. 我需要一个人静一会。 Over here. 这里。 Surrender? 投降吗? What are you looking at me for? 你看着我干嘛? I don't know. 我不知道。 Don't be ridiculous! 别胡说八道! This guy give you trouble? 这家伙找你麻烦吗? Are you insane? 你疯了吗? No way! 不行! What do you say? 你觉得如何呢? He has a point! 他说的对! Like it or not... 不管你高兴(喜欢)与否…… What are you doing? 你在干嘛? Playing dead. 装死。 I really feel for you. 我对你深 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 同情。 You wish. 别做梦了。 Knock it off. 别再说(闹)了!(停下!) Have some fun! (玩得)开心点! That was the bravest thing I've ever seen. 那是我见过最勇敢的事情。 It was nothing really. 其实没什么啦。 Good point. 说得对。 Thanks for the advice. 谢谢你的建议。 Happy to help。 小意思(乐意帮忙)。 Your secret is safe with me. 我会替你保密的。 That's ridiculous! 真荒谬! You're gonna have to face your fear, sooner or later. 你总得面对自己的恐惧的,迟早的事。 She completes you. 她让你变得完整。 So, what do you want me to do? 那么,你要我干什么? Have you done this before? 你以前这么干过吗? Only a million times! 我都试过一百万次了! What happened? 怎么啦? What's wrong with you? 你是怎么回事啊? Can I help in anyway here? 我能帮上什么忙吗? You've done enough! 你做的够多了! Are you happy now? 现在你高兴了吧? It's a miracle! 真是奇迹啊! What can I say? 我还能说什么呢? So what's holding you back? 那你还犹豫什么? Need help? 需要帮忙吗? Really? 真的吗? Sure! 当然! Oww, you're just saying that! 哦,你只是随便说说罢了! I mean it. 我说真的。 That is really sweet! 你的嘴真甜啊。(说得我美滋滋的。) What a crazy day! 真是疯狂的一天啊! As impossible as it seems... 虽然似乎不可能... I wonder why. 我想知道为什么。 How are we gonna do that? 我们要怎么做? I got some news for you! 我跟你说白了吧! How did it go? 进展如何? Let's go! 我们走吧! Pervert! 变态! Everywhere you go,just making friends! 不管你到哪儿,都该广结善缘啊。 What do you want? 你想要什么?(你想干嘛?) We should get some sleep. 我们该休息了。 Wait a minute! 等一下! Can I help you? 需要帮忙吗?(什么事?) Nice! 好极了! This is fablulous! 简直太棒了! This is either really good or really bad. 这不是极好就是极坏! Together we can look for a solution! 我们一起肯定能想出解决的好办法的! Worth a shot! 值得一试! I told you not to drink before bed! 告诉过你,睡前别喝水! What's happening? 怎么回事? We overslept. 我们睡过头了。 We need to move. 我们得快走了。 You'll never guess what happened to me. 你们一定猜不出来发生了什么事。 You were dreaming! 你在做梦! I'm telling you! 我告诉你! Can we slow down a little? 我们能慢点吗? I'm dying here. 我都快死了。 It was just a figure of speech! 这只是一种比喻说法! I wish I knew what they were thinking. 真希望我能知道他们在想什么。 It's catchy! 真顺口啊! How bad could it be? 有什么了不起的?(坏能坏到什么程度?) There's only one way to go. 只有一条路可走了! There's no time. 没时间了。 Can I say something? 我能说句话吗? We're not leaving you! 我们不能丢下你! Stay here! 别走开! You can do this,you can do this,you can dou this! 你能行的,你能行的,你能行的! You did it, buddy. 你成功了,哥们。 Nothing to it! 不算什么啦! We'd be nothing without him. 没有他,我们只是一盘散沙。 You mean it? 你说真的? You're not coming? 你不来吗? Don't you think? 你说呢? I just wanna say... 我只想说... I need to tell you... 我得告诉你... I hope you find everything you're looking for. 希望你能找到你所追求的。 You too. 你也是。 You need to let go of the past,so you could have a future. 你得放下过去,追求未来! It's okay...We'll always be here for you... 别担心,我们永远支持你。 I'll keep in touch. 我会保持联络。 You're a good friend. 你是好哥们儿。 I wanna be with you. 我想要和你在一起。 What do you say? 你说呢? 《超人总动员》(The Incredibles)台词 That's all right with me. 我无所谓。 I'm good. 我很好。 Settle down. 成家。 Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗? I don't think so. 我不这样认为。 I've got time. 我还有时间。 What the... 搞什么? Who are you supposed to be? 你是谁呢? Are you doing anything later? 你等会有事吗? Wait a minute. 等一下。 Can we talk? 我们能谈谈吗? Just give me one chance. 给我一次机会就好。 Eventually. 迟早的事。 How do I look? 我看起来如何? I don't knwo what I'll do. 我不知道该怎么办了。 Listen closely. 仔细听好了。 I appreciate you coming down here. 感谢您能过来这里。 The last thing you need is temptation. 你最抵挡不住诱惑了。 Everyone's special. 每个人都是特别的。 Where you headed? 你要去哪? What,what for? 什么,为什么? Nothing! 没什么! You started it. 是你先挑起的。 Tell you the truth. 老实说。 Freeze! 别动! I'm thirsty. 我很口渴。 We are not doing that again. 我们再也别做那种事了。 Trust me. 相信我。 I'm not happy. 我很不爽。 Be specific. 详细些。 Yes.Precisely. 对,十分正确! From now on, you're on your own. 从现在开始,你要靠你自己(没人帮你了)。 Take care of yourself. 自己多保重。 What are you waiting for? 你在等什么呢? Dinner's ready. 晚饭好了。 Think about it. 好好考虑下。 Something's happened. 出了点事情。 Showtime. 好戏上演。 Surprising! 令人惊讶啊! Hurry,honey,or you'll be late for work. 快点亲爱的,要不你该迟到了。 Have a great day. 祝你有美好的一天! All that jazz... 诸如此类的东西…… What is it,who are you,what do you want? 什么事,你是谁,要点什么? Things are going quite well. 一切都很好。 No complaints. 没什么好抱怨的。 What do you mean? 你的意思是什么? I never look back. 我从不往回看。 You're the best of the best. 你是最最棒的! How soon can you get here? 你什么时候能到这里? Have a great trip. 祝你一路顺风! I'll call you when I get there. 我到了以后给你电话。 Nice suit. 衣服很亮。 Nice to be back. 很高兴又回来了。 I am your biggest fan. 我是你的超级崇拜者。 It tore me apart.But I learned an important lesson. 我难过死了,但我也学到了重要的一课。 You can't count on anyone. 任何人都靠不住。 Brilliant! 太好了! It's great to see you. 很高兴见到你。 I gotta tell you I have no idea what you're talking about. 我得告诉你我不明白你在说什么。 Words are useless. 无法用言语表达。 Come,sit. 来,请坐。 Luck favors the prepared. 幸运钟情于有准备的人。 What are you saying? 你在说什么? What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢? What do you need? 你需要什么? Let me think. 让我想想。 You're overreacting. Everything's fine. 你反应过度了,一切都很正常。 What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢? It's not my fault. 那不是我的错。 Too late. 太迟了。 Everybody calm down. 大家都冷静下来。 I'll tell you what we're not gonna do. 我会告诉你们不该做什么。 You'll get over it. 你能熬过去的。 Show me! 你做给让我看看! I'm so pround of you. 我真为你骄傲。 Be strong. 坚强起来。 Things are different now. 现在情况不同了。 You have more power than you realize. 你有比你知道的还更强大的本领。 Don't think, and don't worry. 别顾虑太多,也别担心。 If the time comes, you'll know what to do. 当重要时刻来临,你会懂得怎么做的。 What do you think is going on here? 你认为现在是怎么回事? You think we're on vacation or someting? 你以为我们在度假还是什么? There isn't much time. 时间不多了。 There's no time at all. 完全没时间了。 You're refering to me now? 你是在说我吗? You better get going. 你最好马上走。 Time out. 暂停。 Don't interrupt. 别插嘴。 Why do you need to know? 你干嘛想知道? Are we there yet? 我们到了吗? We get there when we get there. 我们要到的时候自然就到了。 Here we go. 我们出发了。 I'm telling you not a chance. 我告诉你,门都没有! I'm with you for better or worse. 我要和你一起,同甘共苦! That's the way to do it. 那才像个样子。 《功夫熊猫》(Kung Fu Panda)台词 Enough talk! 少废话! Let's fight! 动手吧! We should hang out. 我们该一起出去玩。 Agreed! 同意! There's only one thing that matters. 只有一件事情是重要的! Get up! 起床! You'll be late for work. 你上班要迟到啦! What? 什么? What are you doing up there?  你在那上面干什么呢? Nothing! 没事! Let's go! 我们走吧。 Coming! 我来了! Careful! 小心点! Happy day! 真是个好日子! You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment. 你不知道我等这一刻已经等了多久了。 This is a sign. 这是个预兆。 You will fulfill your destiny. 你将承担你的使命。 That was just a dream. 那只是个梦而已。 So why didn't you? 那你为什么没有呢? We all have our place in this world. 在这世界上,我们每个人都有自己的归属。 Well done! 干得不错! If you were trying to disappoint me. 如果你们想让我失望。 He wants to see you. 他想见你。 Is something wrong?  有什么问题? Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?为什么必须得出事了我才会想见见老朋友? I didn't say that. 我可没这么说。 You were saying? 你想说? I've had a vision. 我有个预感。 That is impossible! 那是不可能的! Nothing is impossible. 没有什么是不可能的。 We have to do someting. 我们必须做点什么。 The answer becomes clear. 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 变得清晰起来。 It is time. 是时候了。 I don't know. 我不知道。 Where are you going? 你要去哪儿? I was kind of thinking   maybe I... 我其实想也许我... Almost there. 就快到了。 Open the door! 开门啊! Let me in! 让我进去! It is my great honor to present to you...很荣幸为你们介绍... Get out of the way! 别挡道啊! What are you doing? 你这是做什么? What does it look like I'm doing? 你看我这像在做什么? I lied. 我撒谎了。 Come on. 算了吧。 Let's get back to work. 我们回去工作吧。 How interesting. 真有意思啊! That was just an accident! 那只是个偶然! There are no accidents.  一切都不是偶然。 Absolutely not! 绝对不是! I'm just the messenger. 我只是传话的。 I'm just gonna wait right here. 我就在这里等就行了。 It's nothing to worry about. 没什么好担心的。 It's perfectly safe. 非常安全。 Did you hear? 你听到了吗? What are you doing? 你干什么啊? Don't get him mad! 别挑衅他啊! What's he gonna do about it?他又能怎么样? I'm good. 好吧。 I've seen enough. 我看够了。 Wait a second. 等一下。 I think there's been a slight mistake.  我想有点小误会了('s为has)。 My patience is wearing thin. 我快沒耐心了。 Would you turn around? 你能转过去吗? Sure. 当然。 How's it going? 你好吗? I guess so. 我想是吧。 Wrong! 不对! Take it easy. 不要激动。 Now listen closely. 你仔细听好。 Are we clear? 清楚了吗? I can't wait to get started. 我等不及要开始了。 Let's begin. 我们开始吧。 Wait wait wait. 等等等。 If we don't try, we'll never know, will we? 如果我们不试试怎么会知道呢,不是吗? Let's just start at zero. 让我们从零开始吧。 There is no such thing. 没有这种事情。 Maybe I can start with that. 或许我可以从这个开始。 But if you insist... 如果你坚持话 Go ahead. 开始吧。 Show us what you can do. 让我们看看你本事如何。 All right. All right. 好的好的。 Why don't you try again? 何不再来一次? A little harder. 再用点力。 This will be easier than I thought. 这比我想象的容易多了。 No denying that. 无可否认。 He is so mighty! 他实在太神奇了! You're up. 你还没睡。 Sorry about that. 真对不起。 You don't belong here. 你不属于这里。 I know I know. 我知道我知道。 You are right. 你说的对。 You're awesome. 你太棒了! I didn't say anything. 我什么都没说。 Good night. Sleep well.  晚安,睡好。 You don't belong here. 你不属于这里。 You are too concerned with what was and what will be. 你太在意过去,又太担心将来。 There's a saying. 俗话说。 Yesterday is history. 昨天已成历史。 Tomorrow is a mystery. 明天还是个谜团。 Today is a gift. 今天就是一份礼物。 That is why it is called the present. 这就是为什么我们把现在称作“礼物”的原因。 You are too concerned with what was and what will be. (注:经典句子,完整的过一遍)     There's a saying.     Yesterday is history.     Tomorrow is a mystery.     But today is a gift.     That is why it is called the present. What's happening? 发生什么事? What are you doing here? 你在这里做什么? Thank you. 谢谢! Don't mention it. 别客气! Put that down!  把它放下来! Excellent. 太棒了! Let's get started. 我们开始吧。 Are you ready? 准备好了吗? That was awesome! 那真是太棒了! I've been taking it easy on you.  我一直对你手下留情。 All right! Yeah! Let's go! 好!哈!来吧! I will never quit!  我绝不会放弃! He has a chance to make things right. 他有机会将功补过。 It was an accident. 只是场巧合。 There are no accidents. 不存在巧合。 But there are things we can control. 但有些事情我们可以控制。 If you are willing to guide it,to nurture it,to believe in it.如果你愿意指导它、培育它、相信它。 How? 如何做? You just need to believe. 你只需要相信。 I will try. 我会尽力。 You must continue your journey without me. 没有我,你必须继续你的旅程。 You can't leave me! 你不能离开我! You must believe. 你一定要相信。 This is really good! 这个味道真不错! What are you talking about? 说什么呢? This is amazing! 这个真是太棒啦! You're a really good cook. 你的厨艺真是很不错! You've got to try this. 你一定得试试这个。 Nothing. 没事。 What do you think I'm doing? 你以为我在干什么? You think this is funny? 你认为这很好笑? You are the only one who can stop him. 你是唯一可以阻止他的人。 What? you're serious? 什么,你认真的? He did it before, he'll do it again. 他以前做过,这次也可以。 Where did he go? 他去哪了? You don't believe that. 你并不相信那。 I don't know. 我不知道。 That's what I thought. 我就知道是这样。 Don't try and stop me. 别想阻止我。 We're not trying to stop you. 我们不是来阻止你。 We're coming with you! 我们和你一起去! No need to explain. 不需要解释。 Come with me. 跟我来。 Enjoy! 尽兴(吃吧,玩吧)! I'm not hungry. 我不饿! You think I'm a fool? 你当我是傻子? That's cool. 太棒了! Focus. 专心些。 Fulfill your destiny. 完成你的使命。 I don't understand. 我不明白。 It is time for you to continue your journey without me. 该是你们独自走以后路的时候了。 Good to have you back. 很高兴你回来。 Good to be back. 回来真好。 You like that 你喜欢吗? I'm sorry things didn't work out. 很遗憾很多事情不能如人愿。 It just wasn't meant to be. 只是事情注定不是这样的。 Forget everything else. 忘掉其他所有事情吧。 Your destiny still awaits. 你的使命一直都在向你召唤。 I think it's time I told you something I should have told you a long time ago. 有些事情我早该跟你说了,我想现在是时 候了。 Don't have to. 不需要。 To make something special,you just have to believe it's special. 要想让它特别,你只要相信它是特别的就可以了。 This battle is between you and me. 这是你和我之间的战斗。 It was never my decision to make! 这从来不是我所能做的决定。 I would rather die. 我宁愿死! I don't want your apology. 我不要你的道歉! What are you gonna do? 你想做什么? Don't tempt me. 别惹我。 I'm gonna use this. 我要用这个。 You want it? 你想要它吗? Come get it. 过来拿啊。 Finally! 期盼已久啊(终于啊)。 It's nothing! 什么都没有! It's OK. 没事的。 I didn't get it the first time either. 一开始我也不明白。 What? 什么? There is No Secret Ingredient. 从来就没有什么秘诀。 I figured it out. 我自己想出来的。 Are you OK? 你没事吧? You idiot! 你个笨蛋! Finally! 终于啊! I should stop talking? 那我应该别说了? You wanna get something to eat? 你想吃点儿东西吗? 《怪物史莱克1,2》(Shrek 1,2)台词 shrek1 Incredible! 了不起! Really? 真的吗? I got a great idea. 我有个好主意。 I'll tell you why. 我告诉你为什么。 Really really! 真真切切! What's your name? 你叫什么名字? Oh,and it is lovely,just beautiful 哦,很好,很漂亮! I like my privacy. 我喜欢一个人呆着。 Of course! 当然! Ok,ok! 好吧好吧! Please please! 求求你,求求你! Oh,this is gonna be fun. 哦,这将很有趣。 How did you know? 你怎么知道? Enough! 够了! What? 什么? All right. 好吧。 I know I know. 我知道我知道。 Ok,fine. 好吧,好吧。 I love it. 我超喜欢。 That's enough! 够了! Ok,I'll tell you. 好吧,我告诉你。 You were saying? 你是说? What I mean is... 我的意思是说…… All you have to do is... 你所要做的就是…… Go on. 接着说。 Silence! 安静! Wait a second. 等一等。 It's quiet. 很安静。 Let's do that again. 我们再来一遍。 Sorry about that. 对不起。 And so on and so forth. 如此类推。 What is that? 那是什么? Come on! 来吧! Thank you,thank you very much! 谢谢,非常感谢! I have a better idea. 我有个更好的主意。 Indeed. 确实。 I make you a deal. 我们做个交易。 Let me get this straight. 让我讲清楚。 Is that about right? 没错吧? I don't get it. 我不明白。 For your information. 告诉你。 Example? 例如? End of stroy. 说完了。 Byebye. 再见。 See you later. 回头见。 Well,I have a bit of a confession to make. 哦,我有点事情要坦白。 You konw what I mean! 你明白我的意思的! I'm right here beside you. 我就在你的身边。 Where is everybody? 人都到哪去了? Hey,look this.嘿,看看这个。 That makes me feel so much better. 这样我感觉好多了。 I don't have time for this. 我没有时间搞这个。 Cool. 酷。 Me neither. 我也不。 Got ya. 抓住你了。 Wake up. 醒醒。 What! 什么! That's nice. 很好。 Now,let's go. 我们现在走吧。 There's no time. 没时间了。 What are you doing? 你在干什么? I don't think so. 我并不这样认为。 Thanks. 谢谢。 That's not the point. 这不是问题所在。(注:point指关键点) One of a kind. 独一无二。 Hey,what are you doing? 嘿,你在干什么? You did it! 你成功了! You are amazing! 你真太棒了! You're wonderful. 你好伟大! What not? 为什么不呢? It's destiny. 命中注定。 What is so funny? 这有什么好笑的? I really dont't think this is a good idea. 我真的认为这不是个好主意。 Look. 听着。 Now! 马上! Easy! 别发火! As you command,your highness. 听从你的命令,阁下。 Well,yes,actually. 嗯,对,事实上。 No,this is all wrong. 不,全都搞错了。 Good question. 好问题(问得好)。 You wouldn't dare. 我想你也不敢! You will suffer the consequences. 你将自食其果! You're gonna love it there, it's beautiful! 你会喜欢那里的,那里很漂亮! Let me put it this way. 我这样来说吧! Stop it! 停下! Stop it, both of you! 你俩都停下(闭嘴)! Well,maybe you're right. 哦,也许你是对的。 It'll take that long? 要等那么久啊? It's perfect! 太完美了! Like what? 像(比如)什么? Sometimes things are more than they appear. 有时候事情不像表面上看起来那么简单。 Forget it. 算了吧。 You cut me real deep just now. 你刚才真的深深伤害了我。 You know what I think?  你知道我在想什么吗? Never mind. 没关系。 I'm warning you. 我警告你! You know what?  你知道吗? Yeah,I konw. 是的,我知道。 Perfect. 完美。 Wake up. 起来了。 Good morning. 早上好。 I wanted to make it up to you. 我想补偿补偿你。 We got a big day ahead of us. 我们今天可有重要事情。 What are you doing? 你干什么? Look, pal, I don't know who you think you are! 听着,伙计,你以为你是谁啊! Hold the phone! 等一下! Where did that come from?  那是从哪而来的? That was amazing! 真令人惊奇! Where did you learn that? 你从哪学到的? This is all my fault. 这都怪我。 I am so sorry. 我太抱歉了。 What's wrong? 怎么了? Ok,I'm on it. 好的,我来。 What do you propose we do? 你建议我们怎么做? Come on! 别傻了! That's the last thing on my mind. 那是我最不希望的事。 What are you talking about? 你在说什么? He doesn't look so good. 他看起来很不好。 You look awful.你看起来气色很差。 Do you want to sit down? 你想坐下来休息一下吗? I'll make you some tea.我给你来点茶。 Mmm,this is good,this is really good. 嗯,这真不错,真的很不错。 No kidding. 别开玩笑了。 This is delicious. 味道不错。 I'll cook all kinds of stuff for you. 我会做各种美味给你吃。 You name it. 任何你能想到(叫得出名字)的。 It's late. It's very late. 现在晚了,非常晚了。 Wait a minute,I see what's going on here.等一下,我明白这是怎么回事了。 Don't feel bad. 别感觉不好意思(这没什么的)。 Good night,good night 晚安,晚安。 I know you two were digging on each other. 我知道你们互相爱慕对方。 I could feel it. 我能感觉到。 There's nothing to tell.没什么好说的。 Can you hear me? 你能听到我吗? What happened to you? 你怎么了? What do you mean? 你说的什么意思? Twenty four seven. 时时刻刻。(每天二十四小时,每周七天) I have to. 我必须这样。 I'm okay. 我很好。 I'm in trouble. 我遇到麻烦了。 Here we go. 我们开始吧。 Are you all right? 你还好吗? Perfect! 非常好! Never been better. 从来没这么好过。 There's something I have to tell you. 有些事我得告诉你。 That's so sweet. 真是个好人。 The sooner,the better. 越快越好。 There's so much to do! 有很多事情要做呢! So what? 那又怎么样呢? Understand? 明白吗? You konw what. 你知道吗? What are you doing? 你在干什么? Guess what? 你知道吗? Now,it's my turn. 现在该轮到我了! You just shut up and pay attention. 请你闭上嘴,认真听我说! Because that's what friends do! 因为是朋友才会这样做! Go away. 走开。 There you are. 又来了! I'm sorry. 我抱歉。 Can you forgive me? 你能原谅我吗? Never fear,for there is a will,there is a way. 别担心,因为有志者事竟成! I have a way. 我有个办法。 Wait,wait. 等等。 I don't have time for this. 我没有时间弄这个! Listen to me.听我说。 Cut it out. 停下。 We
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