首页 从跨文化交际的角度浅析中英文化的差异



从跨文化交际的角度浅析中英文化的差异 四川外语学院继续教育学院四川外语学院继续教育学院四川外语学院继续教育学院四川外语学院继续教育学院 本科毕业论文本科毕业论文本科毕业论文本科毕业论文 中文题目中文题目中文题目中文题目 从跨文化交际的角度浅析中英文化的差异从跨文化交际的角度浅析中英文化的差异从跨文化交际的角度浅析中英文化的差异从跨文化交际的角度浅析中英文化的差异 外文题目外文题目外文题目外文题目 OnOnOnOn thethethethe DifferencesDifferencesDifferencesDifferences betweenb...

四川外语学院继续教育学院四川外语学院继续教育学院四川外语学院继续教育学院四川外语学院继续教育学院 本科毕业论文本科毕业论文本科毕业论文本科毕业论文 中文题目中文题目中文题目中文题目 从跨文化交际的角度浅析中英文化的差异从跨文化交际的角度浅析中英文化的差异从跨文化交际的角度浅析中英文化的差异从跨文化交际的角度浅析中英文化的差异 外文题目外文题目外文题目外文题目 OnOnOnOn thethethethe DifferencesDifferencesDifferencesDifferences betweenbetweenbetweenbetween ChineseChineseChineseChinese andandandand BritishBritishBritishBritish CulturesCulturesCulturesCultures inininin InterculturalInterculturalInterculturalIntercultural CommunicationCommunicationCommunicationCommunication 指导教师指导教师指导教师指导教师 汪汪汪汪 顺顺顺顺 强强强强 学生姓名学生姓名学生姓名学生姓名 陈陈陈陈 雪雪雪雪 莲莲莲莲 专专专专 业业业业 英英英英 语语语语 (国(国(国(国 际际际际 经经经经 贸)贸)贸)贸) 年年年年 级级级级 2222 0000 0000 6666 级级级级 2010201020102010 年年年年 6666 月月月月 18181818 日日日日 OnOnOnOn thethethethe DifferencesDifferencesDifferencesDifferences bbbbetweenetweenetweenetween ChineseChineseChineseChinese andandandand BritishBritishBritishBritishCulturesCulturesCulturesCultures iiiinnnn InterculturalInterculturalInterculturalIntercultural CommunicationCommunicationCommunicationCommunication AbstractAbstractAbstractAbstract Along with the deepening of reform and opening up, the rapid developments of economy, science and technology and the tendency of globa lization have brought China into direct and indirect contact with other countries. While because of the diversity of world culture, people from different countries often behave in such different ways which makes us do not understand. This may result in communication failure. In intercultural communication, people should study the differences between cultures, in case of communication failure. Great Britain, an island country, is located in Europe, while China is an Asian country. Cultural differences are quite different. Beginning with the introduction, this thesis describes the role of intercultural communication plays in internationa l communication. In order to describe the intercultural communication, the second part of this thesis defines the communication and intercultural communication, and represents the development of intercultural communication. In the third part, this thesis describes something about culture, including the definition, classifica tion, character ist ics and differences of culture. The forth part is the core of this thesis, it analyses the differences between Chinese and British cultures in verba l communication and nonverba l communication. And the last part is a conclusion. KeyKeyKeyKey words:words:words:words: communication failure; intercultural communication; verbal communication; nonverba l communication OnOnOnOn thethethethe DifferencesDifferencesDifferencesDifferences betweenbetweenbetweenbetween ChineseChineseChineseChinese andandandand BritishBritishBritishBritishCulturesCulturesCulturesCultures inininin InterculturalInterculturalInterculturalIntercultural CommunicationCommunicationCommunicationCommunication OutlineOutlineOutlineOutline ThesisThesisThesisThesis Statement:Statement:Statement:Statement: The differences between Chinese and British cultures are reflected in verba l communication and nonverba l communication. I. Introduction: The preva lence of intercultural communication II. Intercultural Communica tion A. Communica tion B. Intercultural Communica tion 1. Definition of Intercultural Communica tion 2. The Development of Intercultural Communica tion III. Culture A. Definition & Classifica tion of Culture B. The Character ist ics of Culture C. Cultural Differences IV. The Cultural Differences between Chinese and British in Intercultural Communica tion A. Cultural Differences in Verbal Communica tion B. Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communica tion V. Conclusion Endnotes Bibliography OnOnOnOn thethethethe DifferencesDifferencesDifferencesDifferences betweenbetweenbetweenbetween ChineseChineseChineseChinese andandandand BritishBritishBritishBritishCulturesCulturesCulturesCultures inininin InterculturalInterculturalInterculturalIntercultural CommunicationCommunicationCommunicationCommunication Ⅰ.IIIIntroductionntroductionntroductionntroduction In modern society, with the rapid development of economy, science and technology, transportation and communication are progressing with each passing day. More and more people live, study and work in different populations, people of different cultural backgrounds contact with each other more and more frequently. In the process of being “Global Village”, we are directly and indirect ly contacting with other people, because of the cultural diversity, they often behave in such different ways that we do not understand them. Various cultures interact, infiltrate, absorb and fuse each other in the contacting and collision, this will affect intercultural communication. It not only needs the ability of language, but also the culture of English countries, when communicate cross cultures in English successfully. Otherwise, in the process of communication, improper or inappropriate pragmatic failure will appear, causing misunderstanding because of cultural difference. In order to avoid more culture conflicts between different countries, understanding the cultural differences in cross-cultura l communication is a required course. This paper analyses the differences of verba l communication and non-verbal communication between Chinese and British Cultures in intercultural communication. 2 Ⅱ.InterculturalInterculturalInterculturalIntercultural CommunicationCommunicationCommunicationCommunication A. Communication The history of communication is as long as that of human beings. Communication appeared since the emergence of human. And communication, which is everywhere, develops along with the development of human society. However, because of its diversity, communication is difficult to define accurately. There are 3 definitions in OALD1: 1. [U] the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information. 2. [U] methods of sending information, especia lly telephones, radio, computers, etc. 3. [C] (forma l) a message, letter or telephone call. In Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, communication is defined as: “the process by which people exchange information or express their thoughts and feelings. ”2 The most universa l definition is that communication is “the exchange of information and the transmission of meaning”. (Katz & Kahn, 1996) A Chinese scholar Mr. Zhang Guoliang defines communication as: “communication is the process in which one party gives the message that is received by the other party”. (Hu Wenzhong, 1999)Actua lly, almost all communication scholars agree to communication is a process. Thus it can be seen that communication is the process of people contacting and exchanging information with each other. Throughout history, lots of scholars have different opinions about communication, as a matter of fact, the definition of which could be divided into two schools. One is “persuasion”, regarding communication as the process of expressing information so as to influence the action of receiver. The other one is “sharing”, thinking communication is the process of sharing, that is, the process of turning the information of minor ity 3 sharing into the information of majority. B. Intercultural Communication 1. Definition of Intercultural Communication Intercultural communication, also called cross-cultural communication, is the communication between native speaker and non-na tive speaker, also the communication of people in different language and culture. Genera lly speaking, intercultural communication is what you should pay attention to, and how to communicate properly, when you communicate with foreigners. 2. The Development of Intercultural Communication Wherever the people of different cultural backgrounds contact, cross- cultural communication will happen, and even can be said that the history of cross-cultural communication is the history of human. Intercultural communication occurs whenever there is communication between people from different cultural backgrounds, for example, what happened on the Silk Road, Marco Polo ’s stay in China, Monk Jianzhen’s mission to Japan, and Zheng He’s seven voyages to the Western Seas—they tell us that intercultural communication is as old as history. Nevertheless, as a discipline, its history is short. Intercultural communication as a field of study first emerged in the United States in the 1950s. United States is a nation of immigration, where culture conflict occurs at any time. Immigrants from world highlight and preserve their own culture, thus create the multi-cultura l pattern of United States. Therefore intercultural communication raised the attention of American scholars and public. Edward Hall3 is considered the father of intercultural communication with his population of The Silent Language in 1959 and his many other works. The 1960s was the period of conceptualization of the field by communication scholars. The 1970s showed a rapid development, reflected in the publica tion of numerous studies. During the 1980s the field moved toward integration and a 4 clearer identity. The 1990s stressed diversification of methods, displayed increased concern with domestic co-cultures, and also witnessed efforts to redress histor ica l and colonial imbalances. By the end of the 20th century, there was as many as nineteen specific intercultural communication theor ies put forward. (Gudykunst, 2003) And Japan was unwilling to be left behind, in 1972, the first Internationa l Conference on intercultural communication held in Tokyo, which has more than 2000 people attend ing. In 1974, SIETAR (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research) was found in America. The study of intercultural communication in China started late. Professor Hu Wenzhong, the famous linguist of Beijing Foreign Studies University, engaged in the research of cross- cultural communication in early 1980s, now has published Introduction to Intercultural Communica tion, Cross Culture and Language Communica tion, and many others books. At present cross-cultural communication has become a comprehensive branch of anthropology, linguist ics, psychology, communication, sociology and other disciplines which are valued by internationa l scholars. 5 Ⅲ.CCCCultureultureultureulture A. Definition & Classification of Culture The word “Culture” is widely used in daily life and academic works, people seem to know the meaning of it. However, the understanding and applica tion of all kinds of people under all kinds of circumstances are differing in thousands of ways. “Culture” in culturology is the most basic concept and terminology, before studying the cultural difference, first ly, define “culture”. According to The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary, there are three definitions of culture: A. the sum of materia l wealth and spiritual wealth created by people in the process of socia l history, especia lly the spiritual wealth, such as literature, art, education, science and so on. B. Archaeologica l terms, refers to a complex of relics and legacy which are not transferred according to distribution. The same tools, equipment, manufacturing technology are the features of same culture, such as Yangshao Culture, Longshan Culture. C. the ability of using language and genera l knowledge: learning culture, cultural level. 4 While in OALD, the definitions of culture are: 1[U] (a) refined understanding and apprecia tion of art, literature, etc. (b) (often derog) art, literature, etc. collect ively. 2[U] is the state of intellectual development in a society. 3[U, C] is particular form of intellectual expression, e.g. in art and literature. 4[U, C] culture is customs, arts, socia l inst itutions, etc. of a particular group or people. 5 [U]is developments through training, exercise, treatment, etc. 6 6[U]culture is the growing of plants or rearing of certain types for anima ls (e.g. bees, silkworms, etc.) to obtain a crop or improve the species. 7 [C] (biology) groups of bacteria grown for med ical or scientific study.5 Therefore, it’s not difficult to find that the understanding of culture between Chinese and westerners is not totally same. While views in cultural differences exits not only between Chinese and westerners, but also among scholars in different countries even the same country. Because of the differences of perspective, scope or theory, the definition of culture is not the same . It’s said that there are over a hundred definitions, thus culture is a complex object. For a long time, anthropologist believe that culture is the living style of a nation, that is, the patterns of behavior , attitude and achievement learned by the members of the nation. With the passage of time, the concept of culture has gradua lly changed. A famous British anthropologist Tylor6 defines culture as: “The so-called culture or civiliza tion, to its broad ethnographic sense, is an overa ll composite which knowledge, belief, art, mora ls, law, custom, and any of the members of the society as acquired all ability and habits.”(1871) this is the earlier and more comprehensive definition put forward by anthropologists, still used by people. Herskovits holds that, culture is the creation of artificia l environment, that is to say, except nature; all the things added by people could be called culture. The things people create include two kinds: one is objective culture, the hardware product, the other one is subjective culture, the software product. Hardware is the tangible articles, such as housing, transportation, computer, TV and other mechanical devices. While software is intangible, which exists in everywhere, such as belief, idea l, value and socia l norms? They are affecting people like air and sunshine . (1955) This definition is very comprehensive, but not used by many scholars. With more widely used is the subjective culture, that is, culture is a shared value system. Geert Hofstede once refers to culture as “the software of mind”, and points out culture affects people, what concerns, how to act and how to judge people and things. 7 To sum up, culture can be defined as “the materia l wealth and spiritual wealth created by people, through the inspect ion of history.” Culture almost includes every aspect of human society, so the classification is numerous. Professor Xing Fuyi divided culture into materia l culture, inst itutiona l culture and mental culture. Among them, materia l culture refers to materia l civiliza tion created by people, all visible and tangible materia l and spiritual product, including diet culture, costume culture, architectura l culture, drama culture, etc. Inst itutiona l culture is the socia l norms, involving the human socia l system, religious system, producing system, educationa l system, labor management system, family system, relationship system, custom system, behavior system, and various theor ies associa ted with them. Mental culture is defined as human thinking mode, thinking habits, value, aesthetic temperament, belief and mentality. B. The Characteristics of Culture All theses definitions are not mutually exclusive that culture is a reflect ion of human life, record of activities, deposit of history, which also the people’s needs and requirements of life, idea ls and wishes. People acquaint with nature, think about themselves on culture which includes some thoughts and theor ies. Culture is the method and standard of human’s survival, meanwhile thoughts and theor ies are the soul of culture, there are no thoughts and theor ies without culture . Although there may not be a standard definition of culture, there are lots of character ist ics of culture which describe its essence. Firstly, culture is something shared by a group. Secondly, these things can be objective dominant, and subjective implicit. Moreover, the objective dominant and subjective implicit culture affects every aspects of the group. Last but not least, culture, from generation to generation, is organic. Although it is advancing with times extremely slow. And there are differences between different cultures. C. Cultural Differences 8 Cultural differences are reflected in all aspects of culture, such as religious beliefs, values , mode of thinking, lifestyle, philosophy, language, history, diet, time, space, interpersona l relationships and so on. Samovar, American semiologist, once pointed out that when a message left the culture of encoder, it carried the meaning which coder expressed. When arrived in the receiver, it would affected by the code culture. In the encoding process of intercultural communication, the connotations of the origina l information will be modified, the greater the difference in communication between the two parties, the greater the degree of tampering, which shows that the greater the cultural differences, the greater possibility intercultural communication occurs. Therefore, it’s beneficia l to reduce misunderstanding and improve communication that has knowledge of both the degree and point of cultural differences. 9 Ⅳ.TTTThehehehe CulturalCulturalCulturalCultural DifferencesDifferencesDifferencesDifferencesBetweenBetweenBetweenBetween ChineseChineseChineseChinese andandandand BritishBritishBritishBritish inininin InterculturalInterculturalInterculturalIntercultural CommunicationCommunicationCommunicationCommunication The full name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is a complicated name for what is in many ways a complicated country. Most people know something about it because its huge overseas empire. The British state is a group of islands situated off the continent of Europe, which is made up of Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and Northern Ireland. British always regard their country as “four nations, one kingdom”. One kingdom is the United Kingdom; four nations are English, Scot, Welsh and Irish. People from Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland would like to be called British, instead of English. China is located in eastern Asia, the west bank of Pacific, which is a country with land and sea. A. Cultural Differences in Verbal Communication Language, the carrier of culture, is an inseparable part of culture. It not only reflects culture, but also influenced by culture. In addition to the structure rules, includes voice, vocabulary, grammar, the use of language also constrained by the use rules. The use rules prefer to the socia l culture which language belongs to, while socia l culture measures the appropriateness of using language. Due to the cultural transfer, foreign language learners often put their own culture model into a new culture, and “culture has unity, continuity, communism, but also differences and variability.”(HuWenzhong, 1985) The form and applica tion of language are restricted, affected, determined by cultural content. The form of different language applica tion display different cultural character ist ics. Because of different education, people of different backgrounds have different ideology, beliefs, style and customs system. Therefore, owing to the great cultural differences, people often suffer from the barrier of communication. In the practica l communication, the factors of cultural differences mainly 10 manifested as follows: vocabulary, customs, values and way of thinking. They affect the principles and expression of language directly and fundamenta lly, affect the cognition and mastery of language learners, affect the success or failure of verba l communication. Vocabulary, an important component of language, is the carrier of language information. “The learning of vocabulary is related to the relationship between words and the outside world, as well as the relation
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