首页 第三届海峡两岸口译大赛两岸总决赛样题



第三届海峡两岸口译大赛两岸总决赛样题 第三届海峡两岸口译大赛两岸总决赛样题(文本) 第一环节:主旨口译(注:不得记笔记) 请先听一段约 1分钟的现场中文讲话,然后立即在 45秒内用英文概述其主要信息。 冬奥会上中国运动员表现突出,也激发了国人对滑冰运动的激情。滑冰不仅能够增强人 体的协调性,也可以增加人的心肺功能:一项研究表明,坚持滑冰运动的人患心脏病的几率 可以减少 50%到 70%。此外,滑冰还能有效锻炼下肢力量,使腿部赘肉减少,肌肉更加结实, 它属于大运动量运动,因此有很好的减肥效果。 人们从事传统的运动项目如跑步、游泳时危险性...

第三届海峡两岸口译大赛两岸总决赛样题(文本) 第一环节:主旨口译(注:不得记笔记) 请先听一段约 1分钟的现场中文讲话,然后立即在 45秒内用英文概述其主要信息。 冬奥会上中国运动员 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现突出,也激发了国人对滑冰运动的激情。滑冰不仅能够增强人 体的协调性,也可以增加人的心肺功能:一项研究表明,坚持滑冰运动的人患心脏病的几率 可以减少 50%到 70%。此外,滑冰还能有效锻炼下肢力量,使腿部赘肉减少,肌肉更加结实, 它属于大运动量运动,因此有很好的减肥效果。 人们从事传统的运动项目如跑步、游泳时危险性相对较低,不需要专门的防护装备。但 我们滑冰时要注意安全,要穿好冰鞋,这对于初次尝试的人来说,可能会有些不适应,因为 冰鞋比较硬,穿着感觉被紧紧地裹着,这是为了防止脚踝左右移动造成受伤。在滑行时注意 俯身、弯腿,重心向前,这样即时滑倒了也不会受伤。 第二环节:对话口译 译员为两位对话嘉宾的迷你对话做双向口译。 A:在现在金融危机的大背景环境下,快要毕业的大学生们的就业形势非常严峻,因此,部分 女大学生产生了一个想法,那就是通过婚姻来摆脱就业的困境,于是出现了“急嫁族”这一 称谓。大部分女大学生都觉得“干得好不如嫁得好”,“抓住一个‘长期饭票’更可靠”。我不知 道,在澳大利亚有这样的情况吗? // B: Well, first it should be noted that Australia’s unemployment rate has just scored up to 5.5 percent, so it’s slightly higher than China’s. Yet this “hurry to marriage” is not a phenomenon that has yet reached our shores, thankfully. Back to your question, if a woman chooses to marry for money, for financial security, is she morally bankrupt? I think not. Maybe some women are just doing the best they can in hard times. It is not something I will do, certainly not something I recommend others to do. // A:我觉得女大学生的“曲线就业”是一种非常消极的应对压力的方式,不仅不能从根本上解除 就业压力,长远来讲,对未来的婚姻生活是有一定的隐患的。我劝大家应该要为爱而婚。 其实,不单单是女大学生,在职的白领也面临着随时被裁员的危险。中国《劳动法》第 42 条规定,妇女在怀孕、生育和哺乳期的时候不能被解雇和裁员。因此,生一个宝宝,等于 有了一张“免裁金牌”。这就是“金融危机宝宝”。不知道你们怎样制定你们的“宝贝计划”? // B: Wow, Financial Crisis babies? As far as I know, we don’t have this law In Australia, so it’s not really an issue. Personally speaking, it is a terrible idea to have a baby for job security. Firstly, a mother should consider that the burdens a child places on a family both emotionally and financially will far outweigh any job security it may provide. Secondly, raising a child is incredibly expensive. A recent survey in UK found that on average to raise a child from birth to the age of 21 costs 200, 000 pounds. If newly weds have not made adequate preparations for this, they would undergo serve financial hardship. // 第三环节:会议口译 1) 汉译英: 席卷全球的金融危机给我国的经济带来了严重的冲击,比如出口下滑、工业减速,企业 比较困难,财政收入也呈下降的趋势。应该说,今年我们面临着进入新世纪以来困难最大、 形势最严峻的一年,经济增长的下行压力比较大。我们的首要目标是要千方百计地保持经济 平稳较快地增长。温家宝总理在谈到这样一个目标的时候,说到我们有信心、有能力、有条 件。从长期来看,我们的经济的向好趋势没有改变。为了保持今年 8%的增长速度,我们要全 面实施一揽子计划。// 第一,扩大内需。这是我们应对当前危机所要采取的刺激消费需求、刺激投资需求的措 施,也是一个可以尽快见效的措施。第二,振兴产业。已经通过的十个重点产业调整和振兴 规划,是一个中长期结合的规划,是既要为应对当前的危机发挥作用,同时要为未来的发展 奠定基础的规划。第三,科技支撑。从长期来看,真正要保持经济又好又快的发展,还得要 提高我们的自主创新能力、我们的技术水平、开发能力。第四,大力提高社会保障水平。要 解决人民群众生活上的一些困难,解决教育的问题,解决医疗卫生的问题,解决就业的问题。 所以这个一揽子计划的实施,我相信对于今年保 8%可以发挥决定性的作用,对于未来的发展, 也能够奠定比较坚实的基础。// 2) 英译汉: It is hard to imagine a world without biodiversity. Many species depend on their symbiotic relationships with other species. Biodiversity underpins the functioning of the ecosystems on which we depend for such services as food and fresh water, health and recreation, and protection from natural disasters. When elements of biodiversity are lost, ecosystems become less resilient and their services threatened. More homogeneous, less varied landscapes or aquatic environments are often more vulnerable to sudden external pressures such as disease and climatic extremes. In 2002, the world’s leaders agreed to achieve by 2010 a significant reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on Earth. However, all available evidence suggests that despite an increase in conservation efforts, the state of biodiversity continues to decline. // One of the main reasons for the failure to meet the 2010 Biodiversity Target at the global level is that actions have tended to focus on the direct drivers of biodiversity loss such as alien species control and habitat protection and restoration. In contrast, the indirect drivers or underlying causes of biodiversity decline have not been addressed in a meaningful manner. Indirect drivers primarily act on biodiversity by influencing the quantity of resources used by human society. For example, increased world trade has been a key indirect driver of the introduction of invasive alien species. In the future, in order to ensure that biodiversity is effectively conserved, restored and wisely used, direct drivers must continue to be addressed. More importantly, actions must be developed to tackle the underlying causes of biodiversity loss. Ladies and gentlemen, The action taken over the next decade or two will determine whether the relatively stable environmental conditions on which human civilization has depended for the past 10,000 years will continue beyond this century. If we fail to seize this opportunity, many ecosystems will move into new, unprecedented states in which the capacity to provide for the needs of present and future generations is highly uncertain. //
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