首页 田村实造:明代的鄂尔多斯——天顺、成化时期



田村实造:明代的鄂尔多斯——天顺、成化时期 Title明代のオルドス : 天順・成化時代 Author(s)田村, 實造 Citation東洋史研究 (1960), 19(2): 127-140 Issue Date1960-10-31 URL http://hdl.handle.net/2433/148183 Right Type Journal Article Textversionpublisher KURENAI : Kyoto University Research Information Repository Kyoto Un...

Title明代のオルドス : 天順・成化時代 Author(s)田村, 實造 Citation東洋史研究 (1960), 19(2): 127-140 Issue Date1960-10-31 URL http://hdl.handle.net/2433/148183 Right Type Journal Article Textversionpublisher KURENAI : Kyoto University Research Information Repository Kyoto University ????? ? ? 明 代 ノレ の ド オ ス ーー ?ー??????? 田 村 賞 造 - 1一 ???????????、?????????????、???????、?????????????、????? ?????????????????。?????????????、?????????????、????????????、????????、????っ??、????????????????、????????????????、???????っ?????????????????。???????、??????????????????????????、????????、??????????????????????、????????、????????????????????????????。??????????、?????? ? ? ? ????????? ??????????????????????????????。 127 128 ???????????、??????????????、?? ? ? ??????????? ? ???????? ?????????????ーー??? 。 ?????????、?? ? ??????? 、 ?????????????? ?????、???????? 「 ? ???????」???? ? ??? ? 。 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? 。 ???っ?、???? ??、????????? ? 、???????????、?????????? ? ? ? ??????????????? ?????????? 。 ?????? ????????、??? ? ????????????、??? ? ??????????? 、 ????? 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Regarding the last point it is pointed out that the Ming built up a strong defence system under Wan Yiteh王越and Yii Tsu-chiin 余子俊with Yiilin楡林as headquarters against the invasion of the Mongols under Molikhai, and the present Ordos Long Wall extending from YiJlin to Humach'ieh 花馬池was ‘constructed by Yu Tsuchiin who set up the colonial militia inside Ordos. Mongolia in the Early Period of the Ming         lunpeiHasiwara    With the fall of the Yiian元dynasty the Mongols in China fled to their homeland. Most of them did not resume nomadic life and lived in towns and villages, while the rest surrendered to the Ming and were allowed to return to China. The latter were mostly enlisted in the Ming army and had good treatment as the result of the lχ.ling'sappeasement policy toward the Mongols, but, when the Mongols ceased to be a menace, the Ming began to maltreat them, sometimes enforcing them become peasants. Their discontent led them to take part in Ch'engtsu's 成組rebellion. After Ch'engtsu's success they were rewarded with improvirrg their status. Inciden- tally, the author refers to causes of the fall of the Yuan-Mongols, problems of returning from a nomadic to sedentary life, and the nature of garrison soldiers under the Ming。                    -1-
本文档为【田村实造:明代的鄂尔多斯——天顺、成化时期】,请使用软件OFFICE或WPS软件打开。作品中的文字与图均可以修改和编辑, 图片更改请在作品中右键图片并更换,文字修改请直接点击文字进行修改,也可以新增和删除文档中的内容。
[版权声明] 本站所有资料为用户分享产生,若发现您的权利被侵害,请联系客服邮件isharekefu@iask.cn,我们尽快处理。
下载需要: 免费 已有0 人下载