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TourismnullChapter Five Section one TourismChapter Five Section one TourismBy WentyUnit Objectives Unit Objectives After studying this unit, you should Understand the importance and features of note taking in interpreting Find ways to improve your interpreting skil...

nullChapter Five Section one TourismChapter Five Section one TourismBy WentyUnit Objectives Unit Objectives After studying this unit, you should Understand the importance and features of note taking in interpreting Find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance Master the basic words and expressions about tourism Know some cultural background knowledge about tourismPeriod one Make a speech according to the following questionsPeriod one Make a speech according to the following questionsWhere are you from? Do you like travel in your spare time? Where have you been? Do you have any special experience during your travel? Could you introduce some famous scenic spots and historical sites in your hometown? What will you do if you want to be a qualified tourist guide? Period 2Period 2Skill-based training Note-taking Lead-inLead-inYou are going to hear a short passage about tourism. Listen to the passage carefully and try to note down what you hear. Then reproduce the passage with the aids of your notes. PresentationPresentationNote taking Two features of note taking 1.The Purpose of Note Taking is to Supplement Memory Efficiency 2.The Notes are Essentially Individual in Character.Period 3Period 3Topic based training TourismPhrases Interpreting :C-EPhrases Interpreting :C-E1.长城 2.紫禁城 3.故宫 4.故宫博物院 5.颐和园 6.万寿山 7.天坛 8.清漪园 9.天安门广场 10.八达岭 11.卢沟桥1.the Great Wall 2. the Forbidden City 3. the Imperial Palace 4. the Palace Museum 5. the Summer Palace 6. the Longevity Hill 7. the Temple of Heaven 8. the Clear Ripples Garden 9. the Tian An Men Square 10. the Badaling Hill/Pass 11.the Marco Polo Bridgethe Summer Palace the Summer Palace 中国现存规模最大、保存最完整的皇家园林,中国四大名园(另三座为承德避暑山庄、苏州拙政园、苏州留园)之一。位于北京市海淀区,距北京城区十五公里,占地约二百九十公顷。利用昆明湖、万寿山为基址,以杭州西湖风景为蓝本,汲取江南园林的某些设计手法和意境而建成的一座大型天然山水园,也是保存得最完整的一座皇家行宫御苑,被誉为皇家园林博物馆。nullThe great wall nullThe Forbidden City nullThe Imperial PalacePhrases Interpreting :C-EPhrases Interpreting :C-E1.园 圆明园 2.公园 北海公园 香山公园 3.动物园 北京动物园 4.植物园 北京植物园 5.博物院 故宫博物院 6.展览馆 北京展览馆1.garden the Yuanmingyuan Garden 2.park the Beihai Park the Fragrance Hill Park 3.zoo the Beijing Zoo 4.botanical garden the Beijing Botanical Garden 5. museum the Palace Museum 6.exhibition centre the Beijing Exhibition CentrePhrases Interpreting :C-EPhrases Interpreting :C-E1.美术馆 中国美术馆 2宫 雍和宫 3殿 养心殿 4堂 乐寿堂 5馆 珍宝馆 6门 午门 7亭 铜亭1.art gallery the National Art Gallery 2.palace /temple the Yonghe Temple 3.hall the Hall of Mental Cultivation 4.hall the Hall of Happiness and Longevity 5.hall the Hall of Treasures 6.gate the Meridian Gate 7.pavilian the Copper Pavilion 3.hall 3.hall ①古代泛指高大的房屋,后专指供奉神佛或帝王受朝理事的大厅:宫殿|佛殿|太和殿。 堂,正房,高大的房子,可以用来表示同祖父的亲属关系。旧时官吏审案办事的地方也被称作堂,还可以用作量词。 a place for cultural or sports activities; accommodation for guests; embassy; shop; Phrases Interpreting :C-EPhrases Interpreting :C-E1.台 雨花台 2.楼 钟楼 红楼 3.阁 佛香阁 4.塔 琉璃塔 5.坛 日坛1.terrace the Terrace of the Raining Flowers 2.tower/mansion the Bell Tower the Red Mansion 3.pavilion the Pavilion of the Fragrance of Buddha 4.pagoda the Glazed Tile Pagoda 5.altar the Altar to the Earth altaraltar坛最初的祭祀活动在林中空地的土丘上进行,逐渐发展为用土筑坛。坛早期除用于祭祀外,也用于举行会盟、誓师、封禅、拜相、拜帅等重大仪式;后来逐渐成为中国封建社会最高统治者专用的祭祀建筑,规模由简而繁,体型随天、地等祭祀对象的特征而有圆有方,做法由土台演变为砖石包砌。 Altar: a usually raised structure or place on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship —often used figuratively to describe a thing given great or undue precedence or value especially at the cost of something else /a table on which the Eucharistic elements are consecrated or which serves as a center of worship or ritual nullPavilion nullTower/mansionnullterracenullPavilion Phrases Interpreting :C-EPhrases Interpreting :C-E1.庙 龙王庙 2.寺 碧云寺 3.庵 三山庵 4.观 白云观 5.陵 中山陵1.temple The Temple of the Dragon King 2.temple The Temple of the Azure Clouds 3.Buddhist nunnery/convent The Three-mountain Nunnery 4.Taoist temple The White Clouds Temple 5.tomb/mausoleum The Sun Yat- sen MausoleumPhrases Interpreting :C-EPhrases Interpreting :C-E1.避 九龙避 2.山 西山 3.岭 八大岭 4.峰 明月峰 5.关 山海关 6.岩 千佛岩 1.wall The Nine-Dragon Wall 2.hill The western Hills 3.hill The Badaling Hill 4.peak The Bright Moon Peak 5.pass The Shanhaiguan Pass 6.crag/cliff The Cliff of Thousand Buddhas Phrases Interpreting :C-EPhrases Interpreting :C-E1.洞 黄龙洞 2.石窟 云冈石窟 3.岩洞 七星岩 4.江 漓江 5.河 金水河 6.湖 西湖1.cave The Yellow Dragon Cave 2.cave The Yungang Caves 3.cave The Seven-star cave 4.river The Lijiang River 5.river The Golden Water River 6.lake The West LakePhrases Interpreting :C-EPhrases Interpreting :C-E1.潭 黑龙潭 2.泉 玉泉 3.桥 玉带桥 4.堤 白堤 5.舫 石舫1.pool The Black Dragon Pool 2.spring The Jade Spring 3.bridge The Jade Belt Bridge 4.causeway The Bai causeway 5.boat The Marble BoatPhrases Interpreting :C-EPhrases Interpreting :C-E沙滩 亚龙湾 大东海 三亚湾 南山寺 兴隆热带植物园 天涯海角 蜈支洲岛  南山文化旅游区 鹿回头半岛 Seashore Yalong Bay/the Asian Dragon Bay Dadong Sea Sanya Bay Nanshan Temple Xinglong tropical botanical garden Tianya Haijiao Wuzhizhou Island Nanshan Culture Tourism Zone Luhuitou Peninsula Phrases Interpreting :C-EPhrases Interpreting :C-E五公祠 海瑞墓 秀英古炮台 热带海洋公园 琼台书院 东郊椰林 假日海滩 东寨港红树林自然保护区 The Wugong Temple (The Five Official's Temple The tomb of Hai Rui Xiuying Emplacement tropical and oceanic theme park Qiongtai Academy Dongjiao Coconut Plantation Holiday Beach Dongzhai Harbor Mangrove Natural Reserve Area Sentences interpreting Sentences interpreting A. Chinese to English 1.午门高35.6米,是故宫的正门,俗成五凤楼。 The Meridian Gate is thirty-five point six meters high. It serves as the main entrance to the Imperial Place, which is commonly called the Five Phoenix Tower. 2北海公园里的五龙亭由五座亭子组成,是明清两代皇帝垂钓和观看焰火的地方。 The Five-Dragon Pavilions located in the Beihai Park is made up of pavilions, where the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties went fishing and watching fireworks. 3.海南是一颗让中国乃至全世界人民赏心悦目的明珠。 Hainan was like a pretty pearl glittering for Chinese people and the world as well. 4. 天涯海角的意思是天与海的尽头。 Tianya Haijiao means the end of sky and the margin of seas. Wenchang Chicken, Dongshan Mutton, Jiaji Duck and Hele Crab Text interpreting (Note taking)Text interpreting (Note taking)Students take some notes by themselves Texts interpreting (Retelling)Texts interpreting (Retelling)Listen to the tape again. Try to catch more details and improve your notes. Then retell the speech in your own words with the help of your notes. At last, one group will try to interpret.Performance and assessment Performance and assessment 1.Delivery 1.1.Is the Intonation unnatural? 1.2. Are there unfinished sentences? 1.3.Is the voice unpleasant? 2.Language 1.1.Wrong Pronunciation 1.2.Grammatical mistakes 1.3.unidiom expressions 3.Coherence 1.1Abrupt beginnings and endings 1.2.Is the performance incoherent ? 1.3. Is the message illogical? 4.Loyalty 1.1.Are there serious omission? 1.2.Are there unjustified additions?PerformancePerformanceWorks in groups, Role-play the following situations with your partners, acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. Situation ASituation AYou are a tour guide. Your good friend John who is from England will visit to Sanya at this weekend. You will be a tour guide for him during his travel. Now tell something about Tianya Haijiao for him. You can have a reference the following passage.Tianya Haijiao (literally 'edge of the sky, rim of the sea'), which is 24 kilometers (about 15 miles) away from the downtown center, just as its name means that it will take you to the end of heaven and earth. Ancient history recalls a beautiful love story that relates to this particular beauty spot that is enhanced by a blue sky and pure, clear seawater of Tianya Haijiao. There are three famous huge rocks here that attract lots of visitors, and many who take photos in front of them, as the Chinese characters of Tianya, Haijiao and Nantian Yizhu are respectively engraved on them. null天涯海角风景区位于三亚市区约23公里的天涯镇下马岭山脚下,前海后山,风景独特。海南岛在中国的陆地最南端,三亚在海南岛的南端,天涯海角在三亚南面的海边,古人认为这就是天海相接的地方,遂以谓之。   传说一对热恋的男女分别来自两个有世仇的家族,他们的爱情遭到各自族人的反对,于是被迫逃到此地双双跳进大海,化成两块巨石,永远相对。清代雍正年间,当地官员程哲于命人在此镌刻了“天涯”二字,后又有文人在另一块巨石上题刻"海角"二字,“天涯海角”就是由此得名。后来男女恋爱常以“天涯海角永远相随”来表明自己的心迹。 Text interpreting (Note taking)Text interpreting (Note taking)Texts interpreting (Retelling)Texts interpreting (Retelling)Listen to the tape again. Try to catch more details and improve your notes. Then retell the speech in your own words with the help of your notes. At last, one group will try to interpret. Performance and assessmentPerformance and assessment1.Delivery 1.1.Is the Intonation unnatural? 1.2. Are there unfinished sentences? 1.3.Is the voice unpleasant? 2.Language 1.1.Wrong Pronunciation 1.2.Grammatical mistakes 1.3.unidiom expressions 3.Coherence 1.1Abrupt Beginnings and endings 1.2.Is the performance incoherent ? 1.3. Is the message illogical? 4.Loyalty 1.1.Are there serious omission? 1.2.Are there unjustified additions? PerformancePerformanceWorks in groups, Role-play the following situations with your partners, acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. Situation ASituation AYou are a tour guide. You will accompany your friend to Hawaii. You will be also an interpreter for him. You can have a reference the following passage. Welcome to Hawaii, the Aloha state. Hawaii is comprised of a chain of 132 islands. We usually think of the eight main islands when we think of Hawaii. This is not surprising as the other 124 islands only total about 3 square miles in land area. Hawaii is home of the world's most active volcano .nullHawaii is the most ethnically and racially diverse state of any state in the union, a mix that includes Americans of Japanese descent, and Polynesians, among others. Native Hawaiians have held on to many of their customs and traditions despite the influx of non-natives over the years. Hawaii is the only state that has an official native language. Statehood had been proposed many times throughout Hawaii's history, but it was not until 1959 that Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States. Conclusion Conclusion Students try to speak their feelings about the two lessons.
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